2 minute read
from The Dolphin - 2021
With some of the most promising players we have seen in the senior squad, it has been devasting to be unable to fulfil their potential in the netball season. The girls were preparing well for the netball season with strong competition for top senior squad places. Jasmine Spilsbury, as captain, with Pip Venner-Coombes as club captain, led by example on their return to school, training hard and hoping they may get some competition in during their final year.
However, as a result we have experimented with some new fun, playing mixed senior netball. This has been running as a club after school and has grown in popularity over the Summer term. With some of the boys having never played netball, it has taken a while to develop the more controlled aspects of the game, but their flare and speed has been amazing to watch. This has inspired the girls to play with a similar enthusiasm and the combination of exuberance and speed of passing, inherited from rugby, with the control and athleticism from netball has been incredible to watch.
With very little opportunity to play matches, we finally managed to get a small mixed tournament with Wells Cathedral School, bringing two teams each. They played a round robin tournament, mixing positions and combinations to allow everyone to gain experience of the competitive game. Although we came out on the lower end of the results sheet, it was a fabulous morning of netball and hopefully this will become an annual event with Wells Cathedral during the Summer term.

The U14s managed to get one competitive game against Millfield Prep School. Having never played together and some girls being unsure which position their strengths lay, this was a fabulous opportunity to try lots of combinations under the pressure of competition. Saskia shone in defence and gained in confidence throughout the game. The centre court had numerous possible combinations with Minty, Harriet and Emily controlling the attacking end and Lucy flying for interceptions in WD. Sophie made outstanding progress, listening carefully to advice and having an exceptions final quarter. The shooting gained in confidence throughout with Emma, Ryanne, Emily and Harriet all having a quarter in the attacking circle. This was an amazing experience and is very exciting for the future of the junior netball.