1 minute read
The King's Cavaliers
from The Dolphin - 2022
Nick Bunday
Blackford Housemaster
Many may be unaware that the School has, what is ostensibly, a staff cricket team - the King's Cavaliers. The Cavaliers comprises not just of staff, but also some parents. We occasionally back fill the team with a few pupils where necessary. The team play our feeder prep schools and we hope that by doing so we can encourage more prep school staff and parents to come and see King's for themselves. This has occasionally led to us picking up an additional pupil or two which is always welcome. We also play a brewery for obvious reasons! The Cavaliers cricket season is a great release for staff who spend many long hours coaching and umpiring matches for the pupils. However, it is also a wonderful opportunity to play alongside the pupils and to show them that fun cricket has a longevity that lasts way beyond their school years.

The pictures shown here are from the King's Cavaliers vs the Port Rejects.