King's News INSIDE THE MARCH EDITION Opinions on Consumerism and Sustainability with Tips from Marie Kondo Interviews with Nicholas Fry on celebrating 50 Years of the King's Group ...and an interview with Mr Hayes on "How to survive exams"
Celebrating International Women's Day with a focus on incredible women from history, such as Frida Kahlo ...and an unraveling of the link between fashion and literature
Editor ial
We are proud to present the first edition of many that will be released during our school year. As the students of our school, we wish to celebrate accomplishments, hear opinions and create a versatile and accessible platform for the student body of King?s College to use for widening its horizons and steering down a path that hopes to shine a light on the activities in and out of the classroom. As an international school and as part of King?s Group, we hope to share the varied and unique thoughts and achievements of pupils as well as addressing worldwide phenomenons, thus broadening our school community, building awareness and creating informed and mature students who are able to form strong opinions. Taking part in this project is as easy as can be, so feel free to bring any subject to the table. Give back to the school by writing about your interests or issues you care about or offer your skills, such as design or photography, that could be utilised into making this newspaper a great one.
After reading an article on the Guardian by Marie Kondo I felt like consumerism was an important subject to address. How much is enough? Kondo urges people to discard anything which does not ?spark joy?. In an overwhelming world, where we are encouraged to measure ourselves by belongings and projects, letting go can be liberating. For some, however, once space becomes available, it is immediately filled with fresh purchases. And for others, de-cluttering can mean that once, say, your sock drawer is carefully folded, you may not feel the need to tackle deeper-rooted confusion somewhere else in your life. But Kondo?s central message is of mindful possession and appreciation: focusing on what truly matters to us. Another interesting viewpoint was that of Graham Hill who did a TedTalk centred around the fact that less stuff means more happiness. Nowadays we have tripled the amount of space we possessed 50 years ago, but
All the best, Dulcie (Editor)
now that we have triple the space, we have more than tripled our environmental footprint. Is this acceptable?
Being able to let go and stem the flow as well as thinking: ?will this make me happier. Truly? before we buy is important for our wellbeing. But, by all means, we should be buying stuff - but it should be great stuff that we will keep for years. It's in your interest to build a world that is more sustainable and you can directly help by consuming less and thinking more for the good of yourself, the planet and the future generations. By Dulcie
To mark 50 years since the creation of the Kings Group, Nicholas Fry, the son of Sir Roger Fry, came to review the school and its most recent renovations, as well as interact with the student and teacher school body. As Vice Chairman, Nicholas Fry is the man behind the development of the group, enriching the non-academic side and expanding all sectors of the school system with a focus on areas such as cleaning, catering, maintenance and school expansion. As we walked through the school and the quad, the sunny, bright day enhanced fittingly the optimism and small splendor of our school and its attitude towards learning. Such sights as these are the driving force behind Mr.Fry?s job. The identity of each school, although unique, all exemplify how strong the British system is in Spain, and that the importance of maintaining high standards is the key ingredient in offering quality education. This thriving system, established by Sir Roger Fry, his father, has demanded hard work and dedication. This is given freely by Nicholas Fry who faces the challenges of any job and has attained the fixed and persevering awareness of how difficult it is to create a good reputation and how very easy it is to lose it. Therefore every decision he makes is based directly on what is best for us as pupils, for the teachers and for the entire school community. As we stepped into the science corridor we were yet reminded of the colossal changes and improvements that happened during the previous summer. This was the work of Nicholas Fry who effectively turned dead space into a series of laboratories, and thus allowed a plethora of opportunities to now exist for all science students. Mr, Fry immediately proclaimed how glad he was at its reception and enthusiastically pointed out the benefits of the new solar panels and stressed how lucky we are to live in a part of the world where we have 330 days a year of sun! As we walked down the stairs to the English and Maths floor, Mr.Fry explained how the safety and welfare of students and staff is of utmost importance. It is something that he obsesses over day to day, he said, and everything else is secondary. Arriving from the King?s Group?s school in Panama, he was astounded at the variety of pupils he sees and how he is ?always surprised that even with the three year olds, their minds are set, they are focused, they ask the right questions.? Having had a broad education, Mr. Fry reflects how having been taught all his primary years in the King?s School in Madrid, he learnt quickly that through the excellent experiences offered to us we achieve a sense of family in each school. ?There's a sense of belonging?, he said. I feel like this is something each of us feel too. Mr.Fry came and saw some of our musicals too, notably Mamma Mia where he had a ?great time? and commended the effort each person had put into achieving such a brilliant outcome. As a man of the stage, being in a rugby team and joining the air-force, much of his life in the UK circulated around ?extra-curricular ? jobs. Thus, the value of these extracurricular activities are of utmost importance to him and through them, he hopes to ?unlock the potential of every student?. As we exited the main building into the quad we were again pulled into sunlight where Mr. Fry expressed what he loved best about his involvement in Kings Group: ?To talk to you. I couldn't ever sit in an office all day looking at a computer screen. My job enables me to meet interesting people and share ideas?.
"Fast Fashi on" Over the last decade, we have experienced a rise in capitalism. Accordingly, our relationship with clothes has also dramatically changed. The primary motive as to why our approach to clothing has transformed is due to the obscene amount of clothing being produced and then disposed of. According to Greenpeace, ?the average person buys 60% more items of clothing every year and keeps them for about half as long as 15 years ago, producing immense volumes of textile waste?. In the 1950s we spent 12% to 15% of our annual income on clothes. Today, we spend around 3% whilst owning up to at least five times more clothing. Meanwhile, the world is churning out 150 billion garments of clothing per year. Furthermore, the cost of human wellbeing is extensive, with clothes produced in ?sweatshops? across the world. In Bangladesh, for example, it has been proven that companies pay 33 dollars a month, far below the living wage of 60 dollars per month. Workers have also been proven to work 14-16 hours, 7 days a week. Additionally, these factories are unsafe and since 1990 more than 400 workers have died with several thousand wounded due to hazardous conditions.
So w h at can w e do t o bet t er t h is sit u at ion ? Firstly, we can heighten our level of awareness regarding where we are purchasing our clothing, and vote with our feet by buying clothes from fair trade companies such as ?Natura?. Additionally, there are brands that can be found on the internet that are shown to be ?fair trade?. These companies pay their workers fairly, allowing them to create small businesses and better their quality of life and economy of their country. We can also donate our unwanted clothing to charities in order to provide people in need rather than hurting our environment with our excesses. As the youngest generation we need to take a step in the right direction and be conscious of the negative
consequences to our "fast fashion" material purchases. By Daniela
The Spring Music Concert is gearing up to be King's College Alicante's (and King's Group's) biggest music concert ever. It's location at the Auditorio de la Diputaciรณn de Alicante (ADDA) with its hundreds of seats and giant stage is a huge opportunity for musicians in the student body to perform in a venue usually reserved for professionals. The repertoire for the concert ranges from pop to jazz to classic rock in an event that extends even beyond the limits of the hugely successful musicals at KCA. The concert is set for April 11th - almost a month before the start of exams - that way Carnival won't be the last musically cultural event you'll have attended before the end of the year. Make sure you go and see it, it's free!
Hor oscopes
Libr a- You are running in different directions this month trying to keep your world in balance. If you only focus on keeping others happy, you may miss the gifts of personal growth. Scor pio- A recent break gives way to movement and relief. Important communications take place. Remember to tell the truth with integrity and compassion. This leads to greater emotional and mental well-being. Sagit t ar ius-Problems revealed in November ? January 2018 are finally resolving. The powerful trend of transformation is re-making you from the inside out. Truly, you are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Take some time to retreat into the inner sanctuary of your spiritual home.
Ar ies-Your ability to take the lead and push through obstacles is prevented this month by numerous responsibilities. This can cause frustration and irritability. Taur us- This March will bring you new adventures
Capr icor n- Everyone deserves a break now and then. The only problem, Capricorn, is you may continue to return to your habitual overworked self. Avoid the temptation to be negative as it may lead to a slump which you will find hard to get out of.
you've been keen to embark on for an extended
Aquar ius- You are on a roll Aquarius. Despite
period of time. Communication with family members
conservative trends, you are in the right place at the
takes on a new light ? it is essential to be honest and
right time. Your global perspective is enhanced by
resist the temptation to save people from their own
strong intuitive energies. But, resist the temptation to
save others. Peace really does begin with you.
Gemini-Finances may be an area of delay and
Pisces- Happy Birthday Pisces! March is the month to
frustration, but you are in a position to resolve these
recognize your dreams and let them unfold in new
issues as the month unfolds. Slowing down to connect
directions. Be on your toes, and open to positive
with another person?s perspective brings out new
surprises. Universal guidance is very strong, and at your
direction for both of you.
fingertips. Magic is in the air, and because you believe,
Cancer -You are in the home stretch of a two year
miracles will happen.
challenge. Don?t quit! Assess your direction, implement decisions and find time for contemplation. Leo- Valuable insight comes as a result of looking beneath the surface of things. You are in a better position to determine the truth. Remember, ?All that glitters is not gold.? vir go- People come out of nowhere, requesting your services, and diverting attention to their needs. This month is a balancing act for you, there is much to learn in the reflection of another ?s life.
By Daniela
The Joe Rogan Exper ience If you look at almost every single pod-cast ranking list on the Internet, one thing soon stands out. Amongst the brilliantly scripted true crime classics, the serious current affairs reports and the organised self-help guides, an anomaly catches the eye: a comparably casual, unorganised and entirely unscripted production. And yet, it is the only podcast that is consistently ranked in the top 3 best/most popular shows across numerous sites, and it has been like this for years. The Joe Rogan Experience arguably the most popular pod-cast, since the rise of the platform, is quite possibly the most versatile entertainment program today. Averaging 3 hours per episode and at times best described as controlled chaos and at others a deeply philosophical experience, it is a huge contrast to almost all pod-casts anywhere near it on the list. The individual behind the pod-cast is almost as unique as the show itself. After almost 10 years of work, 1258 episodes and hundreds of millions of views, the Joe Rogan Experience is a huge success. The pod-cast itself explores many issues current and past, including politics, drugs, religion, philosophy, history, conspiracy theories, archeology, martial arts and psychology. However, the most compelling element of the platform is that every time you tune in, you don't know what to expect. There is a constant variation in guests, who each bring completely different life experiences and lessons. One minute the listener is confronted by conspiracy theorist Alex Jones intensely explaining how Hitler made a deal with inter-dimensional aliens, and the next episode Professor Brian Cox will be attempting to explain the theory of relativity and the complexities of dark matter. The takeaway from Rogan's work is that he offers a platform for all types of different views, personalities and ideas, which in today's polarised political society is not easy to find. Rogan not only uses his platform to express his own opinions but he allows others from all different walks of life to also share their views. This coupled with the fact that Rogan's interviews are raw and unedited, makes this pod-cast a huge success. Rogan is increasingly bringing more influential guests to his table, recently he spoke to Elon Musk owner of Space x and Tesla Motors, and Jordan Peterson, an author and one of the most influential men on the planet. He also plans to interview Kanye West in the future. What makes Joe Rogan inspirational to me is his ingenuity to create this unique platform, his love of life and his ability to manage and bring together all these contrasting subjects and ideas into a positive space to enrich not only his own knowledge but that of his viewers and listeners as well. By Benito
Poem of t he mont h
The Last Page Seldom do I now listen to the turquoise breeze, feel its tranquil palms wander along my naked skin, its morning freshness embrace my sunken soul. No longer do I now hear the birds of joy dribble honey into my clogged ears, sound or silence: The voice of humanity, muted; the thoughts of the owl, Slumped. Never again will I breathe the tender, mellow scent of a sunset, the seashore, a summer, the sun.
Poetry is as old as time. Great poets such as William Shakespeare and William Blake are enjoyed and analysed daily by students all over the world. So to continue their incredible feats, and possibly to find a budding Bronte of our own, we are starting a Poem of the Month column. Every month a new poem will be in the spotlight- whether written by a student or by a famous poet! This month we have a poem by Sara (Yr13), written for the COBIS competition with the theme ?The Last Page?. Do you want your poem to be in next month?s King?s, join the competition! Write a poem about your favourite aspects of spring and hand it in to Tess van Duijvenbode via email or personally. Good luck!
Memories become poison, experiences become regret, and the cherry blossom tree which once grew soft stars of carefree fortune now rots around my yell. So, in my humble room, my mind searches for the last page of daylight. I read it once, then left it, unthinking, on the edge of the window sill.
To encourage a more united school spirit, we have decided to introduce an advice column - you ask, we answer (as best as we can). We set up a Google form in which you can anonymously drop your questions and queries, and to which a selected amount of people will receive an answer to in each publication of the school magazine! By Andreea Stan
Lightning lavished, wind wailed and, when all ceased, I looked back at the naked window. The last page was long gone, letters scattered, words astray, and I now find myself reading a new, first page made of dread, grief, angst, death.
Tips& Tricks
Tidyin g w it h M ar ie Kon do Teenagers are always said to have the most disastrously messy bedrooms. For most of us this is probably true! If you want to get rid of the bomb-sight look of your room, you will be interested in Marie Kondo?s ?Konmari Method?. Firstly, a bit about this influential lady. The Japanese Kondo started a tidying consultant business at the age of 19 and has grown into a
true tidying guru who helps bring peace and joy to people?s lives. Her method consists of tidying by categories: 1) Clothes 2) Books and papers 3) Miscellaneous items and 4) Sentimental items. So firstly collect all your clothes and pile them on your bed. Keep items that ?spark joy? and discard the rest with a ?thank you? for their service. Store them using her special folding techniques and use boxes to keep things ordered. Repeat this for all four categories to make your room organised and simplified. It is no wonder Kondo is a #1 Best Seller and has her own series on Netflix. Her vision on mindfulness and sparking of joy is a source of tranquillity we all need in our fast moving, high demand 21st century life. By Tess
Is t he Romant ic Movement mak ing a comeback t hr ough fashion edit or ials? Romantics celebrated the love for nature, idealised the individual and personal freedom and admired the expression of emotions. Most importantly, they were the revolutionaries of their time, many expressed their compassion for the poor by denouncing social issues through their art. For example, William Blake?s poem ?London?draws attention to the suffering of chimney-sweeps, soldiers and prostitutes. Similarly, other poets like William Wordsworth wrote their poems in ?the language really spoken by men?(ie. simple, non archaic) and gave a voice to the marginalised and oppressed. This movement happened towards the end of the 18th century, it was a reaction to the Age of Enlightenment, which focused on human reason and the understanding of the universe. Nowadays, a similar artistic movement could be arising, possibly as a response to the hyper elevation of humanity that has taken place- the huge agglomerations in cities, continuous technological advances that have positioned man as the centre of the universe and an exploitation of superficial and narcissistic attitudes through social media. The artists are now, as were in the 18th century, driving a response to this social situation.
Th is is an issu e f or M ar ie Clair e in Ch in a Febr u ar y 2019 There is an uncomfortable separation between humanity and nature. The ?boxed? woman and the evidently fake scenarios highlight the artificiality of our current lifestyles. 'The Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog' is a well-known Romantic piece of art that portrays the subliminality of nature. Modern fashion shoots, such as the one pictured far left, in which a woman poses submerged by nature is strikingly similar to it, while the last photo (pictured bottom right) resembles the bohemian essence of The Lady of Shalott. So is this just a temporary ode to Romantic art and ideology, or are fashion editorials highlighting current social issues similar to how the Romantics did in the 18th century? By Judiit
Ski Trip
This mont h in hist or y
This year ?s ski trip to Panticosa was outstanding. It was the best trip I have ever been on! From the very first day, we not only got to know other students during the coach trip or in the hotel, but we were encouraged to also spend more time together skiing. We also got to experience independence for the first time. In the first few days, we were separated into different groups and were taught depending on our skills and knowledge of the sport. As the days went by, the beginners gained confidence and started to move from low-level tracks to intermediate ones, which was a big deal for those who had never skied before! Every group was assigned a teacher, which helped us through the process. Back at the hotel, the people in charge, as well as the monitors, were very friendly and outgoing and were key in making the trip run smoothly. The meals and rooms were very good and we even had a DJmachine, as well as a huge disco on the last day. The whole experience was simply amazing and I would happily go again. By Clara
From the 1st of March to the 31st Women?s History Month is celebrated to honor and appreciate women?s efforts and accomplishments in society. This holiday is commonly known in the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia and is correlated to International Women?s Day, on the 8th of March.
This tradition first started in 1987 after the United States congress authorised a petition made by the National Women?s History Project that made March of 1987 Women?s History Month. This act was reinforced between 1988 and 1994 through several legislations and resolutions passed which eventually declared the annual celebration of Women?s History Month in March.
This event involves a wide spectrum of women from several different fields and backgrounds, some being science, politics, law, sports, the arts, and entertainment. The most famous women associated with Women?s History Month are Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Harriet Tubman, Amelia Earhart, Eleanor Roosevelt, Margaret Thatcher, Rosie the Riveter and Betty Friedan. For more reading on this topic, keep reading! By Manuela
Review Sect ion Historical Novel, unfiltered and true. Halina Birenbaum exposes the horrors and traumas in her book ?Hope is the last to die?. She describes her life in the Warsaw Ghetto and different concentration camps during the Nazi occupation in Poland. The book stands out for its simplicity and clarity of style, and is told with a first-person narrator that makes the stark terror of its content extremely realistic for the reader. This book is very insightful about the hardship families, such as Birenbaum?s, had to endure during wartime and puts much emphasis on faith and hope, and how without it, she would not have been able to survive what she went through. In fact, I could even say that the most amazing thing about Helena's perspective is how she still remained hopeful and saw the good in people and in the world, despite the horrible things she experienced. ?Hope is the last to die?stands to be a great piece of literature when it comes to World War Two and its?atrocities, and helps us understand the situations and circumstances of those who suffered under the Nazi tyranny.
4/5 The 1985 classic that is a must see.
By Paula
A film frequently described as ?timeless? and a ?must watch? that has lived up to its expectations in my eyes. Although ?The Breakfast Club? covers tough topics and explores the ups and downs of adolescence, there are funny and heartwarming moments that help to raise the movie to its ?cult? status. If you're a fan of classic 80s music, the soundtrack perfectly ties the film together and brings many people to tears. ?The Breakfast Club? follows the story of 5 high school students with very different personalities; as they try to make the best out of their Saturday, 9-hour detention. To me, this is the most accurate and most touching representation of teenagers going through High School as the movie covers everything from pressures of work, over demanding parents and the harm that stereotypes (both positive and negative) can have on young people. By far my favourite thing about this movie is the improvisation of the most iconic and moving scene; when the social ranks of high school are broken and we realise that every teenager goes through the same tough time, no matter how ?happy? they seem. The traditional ?a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess and a criminal? roles are explored in such a touching way that you really connect with the characters after a mere 97 minutes of film. This is a movie that everyone should see and learn from as it is relatable to everyone, has wonderful multi-sided characters and an iconic soundtrack.
4.5/5 By Aida
The Origin of International Women's Day After the Socialist Party of America organized a Women's Day on February 28, 1909, in New York, the 1910 International Socialist Women's Conference suggested a Women's Day be held annually. After women gained suffrage in Soviet Russia in 1917, March 8 became a national holiday there. The day was then predominantly celebrated by the socialist movement and communist countries until it was adopted in 1975 by the United Nations. The 8th of March is now a day celebrated to thank those women who advanced the plight of equality, however, it is also done in order to denounce the existing gender inequalities and to raise the voice of women around the world. Top 5 of t he most influent ial women from hist ory 1. M ar ie Cu r ie, 1867- 1934 - She was a scientist who founded the new science of radioactivity; her discoveries launched effective cures for cancer. She was also the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and the first PERSON to win a second Nobel Prize. 2. Rosa Par k s, 1913-2005 - In 1955, Rosa Parks, an African American living in Alabama, challenged race segregation by refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white person. Her protest was supported by many African Americans and sparked the civil rights movement. 3. Em m elin e Pan k h u r st , 1858-1928 - In 1903 she founded the Women?s Social and Political Union to campaign for the parliamentary vote for women in Edwardian Britain, their motto was ?deeds, not words?. A charismatic leader and powerful orator, Pankhurst roused thousands of women to demand for their democratic right in a mass movement that has been uncomparable in British history. 4. Fr ida Kah lo, 1907- 1954 - The Mexican artist is remembered for her self-portraits, pain and passion, and bold, vibrant colours. She is celebrated in Mexico for her attention to Mexican and indigenous culture and by feminists for her depiction of the female experience and form (pictured on the front cover).
5. Dian a Spen cer , Pr in cess of Wales 1961-1997 - In 1981 she became the first wife of the heir to the British throne, Charles, Prince of Wales. She became well known for her charity work for sick children, the banning of land mines and for raising awareness about those affected by cancer HIV and mental illness.
Top 5 f em in ist r ecom m en ded r eads: 1. Th e Aw ak en in g by Kat e Ch opin is a novel about protagonist Edna Pontellier who learns to think of herself as an autonomous woman and rebels against social norms by leaving her husband Leรณnce and having an affair. This book explores the difficulties and emotional impacts of becoming emancipated in the 19th century. 2. Th e Yellow Wallpaper by Ch ar lot t e Per k in s Gilm an tells how the narrator submerges into insanity due to receiving a wrong neurological treatment that insists on paralysing her mental and physical ability. The story also questions the role of motherhood and interestingly parallels some aspects of the
Int er nat ional Women?s Day
author ?s experiences. 3. A Room of On e?s Ow n by Vir gin ia Woolf is an extended essay based on lectures the author gave on the topic of Women and Fiction at Cambridge. The essay is noted in its argument for both a literal and figurative space for women writers within a literary tradition dominated by men.
4. Th e Secon d Sex by Sim on e de Beau voir accounts women's disadvantaged position in society. The text explains current theories that de Beauvoir disputes, summarizes her account of women's place in history, and portrays how women should be treated.Th e M adw om an In Th e At t ic by San dr a Gilber t an d Su san Gu bar is considered a landmark in the history of feminist criticism of 19th century women's writing. The work particularly analyzes the portrayal of women?s identity in female authors?works of fiction and poetry.
How t o be a f em in ist ! Top 5 su ggest ion s: 1. Educate yourself on feminism! Read about influential women. 2. Become inspired! You have the power to make a change in this world. 3. Continue your education; knowledge gives you power! 4. Follow your desires! If somebody says ?no? then you are speaking to the wrong person. Don?t take it. 5. Know that you can do anything with hard work and an ambitious mindset. We need more powerful and influential people in this world and that can be you.
By Judit
MUSIC IN THE QUAD Every fortnight on a Friday, music is played from 1:50-2:25 by students in order to provide an opportunity for pupils to perform and to create a peaceful, pleasant atmosphere where everyone can enjoy being outside for a while. Due to monitoring day, the last time it happened was on the 14th of February and thus, was a Valentine?s day edition. It opened with an acoustic guitar rendition of Queen?s classic ?Love of my life? by Alejandro Burg and I (María López) followed by Mr Walsh?s own stunning composition; which was a crowd pleaser. Then Gema Fuentes sang Malu?s beautiful ballad ?Blanco y negro? to add a Spanish standard. Aitana Cirauqui then sang a powerful but sweet version of ?I know I?m not the only one? by Sam Smith. This ballad heavy afternoon was brought to an end with the beautiful duet of Lucía Martínez and Aitana Moreno who sang ?New York? originally by Alicia Keys. The next concert will be this Friday the 15th of March. Any new performers would be greatly welcome so, if you?d like to display you singing abilities (or play an instrument) you can email me at with the song and a link to the backing track, or just find me around the school!
Ingredients: -
3 shallots 50g of ginger 12 lime leaves 3 birds eye chillies 4 cloves of garlic 6 stalks of lemongrass 300gr of tofu 300gr of mushrooms 2 cans of coconut milk Half a cup of water 1 tablespoon of sugar A fistful of cilantro (optional) Juice of 3 limes Fish sauce or salt to taste
1. Finely mince the sh allot s, gin ger , lim e leaves, gar lic and ch illies. Set aside. 2. With the back of a knife lightly pound the lem on gr ass. 3. Cut the t of u and m u sh r oom into pieces of similar size. 4. Over high heat add the ingredients from step 1 and 2 to the pan with a drizzle of oil for about a minute. 5. Add the cocon u t m ilk , w at er , lim e ju ice and the su gar to the pan. Cook for 15 minutes over medium-high heat. 6. In the last five minutes, add the cubed t of u and m u sh r oom s. 7. Finely mince the cilan t r o. 8. After the time has elapsed add the cilan t r o. Check for seasoning with either the f ish sau ce or the salt . 9. Serve and enjoy!
Exam t ips w/ Mr Hayes
?Revise because you want to do well. Take ownership of your own revision."
There are many obstacles a student encounters in their school career but one of the most significant yet recurring ones is dealing with exam stress. During this week I?ve had the amazing opportunity of interviewing Mr Hayes on the crucial topic of: ?How to survive exams?. During the interview, Mr Hayes describes dealing with exam stress as fighting a battle which can be won by being ?proactive, prepared and organised?. He says that ?if you know what you?re going to be faced with in the future, then at least you can prepare yourself as much as possible?. However, during the exams period, ?it's as important to revise as it is to take care on one?s well being?. Mr Hayes also claims that the ?worst thing you could do after an exam is ask another student what answer he got for a question? as it is important not to stress or compare yourself to someone else. This can be done through ?active revision? which involves completing past paper in timed conditions and answering exam style questions: ?Avoid procrastination, as tempting as it may be. Be disciplined with yourself and prioritise?. Mr Hayes?recommends prioritising harder topics or focusing on the subjects where you?re not performing as well, so that on the day of the exam, you?ll at least know the most difficult areas of the subject, with only the easier ones to figure out. After all the studying, procrastinating and stressing, then comes the exam period. When asked about the perfect routine before an exam, Mr Hayes proposes to set a moment when you stop revising and relax: ?One of the most important things to do is to get a good night sleep. If you?re not fully awake, you?re never going to perform as well as you could have done?. Laughing, he also advises to set ?at least three alarms? so you do not miss your exam. Furthermore, he emphasises how much damage, cramming right before an exam creates, as it can easily ?increase anxiety levels, when you come across something you don?t full know or understand?. Students might think that exam stress is something that will vanish once they graduate... but what they don?t realise is that this kind of stress is the same one you experience when in a job interview. Mr Hayes speaks from experience when he says this, as he perfectly recalls being ?extremely anxious and nervous? during his first interview. Mr Hayes, adds finally, ?the most important thing to remember is to be realistic and look at the bigger picture because if one exam goes badly, it?s not the end of the world?.
By Aitana
What 's on next mont h in Apr il... Dat e
Even t s
Monday 1st
April Fool?s Day! Play a prank on a friend.
Tuesday 2nd Wednesday 3rd Thursday 4th
TED talk in the library at lunchtime!
Friday 5th
Music in the Quad!
Saturday 6th Sunday 7th Monday 8th Tuesday 9th Wednesday 10th Thursday 11th
TED talk in the library at lunchtime! Th e Spr in g M u sic Con cer t !
Friday 12th
Music in the Quad!
Saturday 13th Sunday 14th
Palm Sunday
Monday 15th Tuesday 16th Wednesday 17th WORLD BOOK DAY! Dr ess u p! An d f in al day of Ter m 2! Thursday 18th
Maundy Thursday. Holiday begins.
Friday 19th Saturday 20th Sunday 21st Monday 22nd
Easter Monday.
Tuesday 23rd Wednesday 24th Thursday 25th Friday 26th Saturday 27th Sunday 28th
Spanish General Election. Holiday ends.
Monday 29th
St ar t of Ter m 3
Tuesday 30th
march 2019