Comment 016.2 September 1986

Page 1

King's College London (KQC) newsletter



A guide to ome of the event taking place throughout the College at the beginning of se ion. Monday 29 September FRESHERS' FAIR lO.OOam - 4.00pm, campus

elson Mandela Hall and 5th Floor Macadam Building, Strand

THE PRI CIPAL'S DDRESS TO TH STAFF 1.15pm, embly Hall, Manresa Road, Chelsea campus Tue day 30 September FRESHER' FAIR lO.OOam - 4.00pm, The Bar, Ken ington campus THE PRI ,IP L'S ADDRES TO TH路 ST FF 1.30pm, The Old Refectory, Kensington campus Wednesday 1 October THE OPE I G OF TERM SER lE: Pre<J{;her - The Dean of the College lO.OOam, The College Chapel,Strand c.ampus FRESHERS' F IR lO.OOam - 4.00pm, The Main Hall, Manresa Road, Chelsea campus THEPRI IPAL'SRECEPTIO FORN WST DE TSATTHESTRANDCAMPUS 12.00pm - 1.OOpm, The Great Hall, Strand campus I TRODUCTORY CONFERE E FOR EW OVERSEAS ST DE TS 2.30pm - 5.30pm. The Great Hall, Strand campus THE PRI ClPAL'S ADDRESS TO THE 3TAFF 4.30pm, The ew Theatre, Strand campus

This issue of Comment has been produced to in form both new and existing students and memhers of staff of the facilities and services available to them throughout the College. The next edition will be thc first full issue of the new session, and wilJ be published in the week of 6 October (copy-date 22 September). Any items for inclusion should be sent to the Information Office on the Strand campus.

TH PRI II' L'S RE EPTIO FOR l::.W 0 RS AS ST DE TS 6.00pm - 7.30pm The Great Hall, Strand campus Thursday 2 October TH PRI 'IPAL'S RE EPTIO FOR EW ST DE TS AT THE K A D CHELSE CAMP SE 6,OOpm, The Old Refectory, Kensington campus


King's comment ....

Saturday 4th October FRESHERS' BALL Kensington campus There will also be bands, cabaret acts, quizzes and other entertainments in the evenings all week on all three sites, with late bars and cheap drinks. Further details and information will he available in Halls and around College at the start of term.

SPORTS TRIALS Sports Trials will take place at the Merton and Milcham Sportsgrounds on Wednesday I October and Saturday 4 October.

THE ACADEMIC REGISTRAR'S DEPARTME T The cademic Regi trar' Department deal with the admini tration of academ ic matter within the College and is divided into three main ections: the Regi try, the Information Office and Student Services. The department i al 0 repre ented on the Chelsea and Kensington campuse . brief summary of the type of work for which each of these sections is responsible is given below, together with that of the Academic R e~i trar's office itself. However, if you are unsure a to whom you should address with a particular problem, the Academic Registrar' ecretary will be happy to help in the first instance or either of the Registry offices at Chelsea or Kensington, whichever is the most convenient. Strand Campu THE ACADEMI<: REGISTRAR'S OFFICE: Rooms 4B and 5B Academic Registrar - Brian Salter Private Secretary to the Academic Registrar - Lesley Batchelor Assistant to the Academic Registrar Liz Auden-Davies

This office deals with all matters of academic policy, including the servicing of the Academic Board and Standing Committee. B rian Salter is al 0 Honorary Secretary of the old students' association KCLA. If you have any general enquiries about University or ollege Regulations, Student Loads, Academic Planning, Visiting Professors etc, or, as mentioned above, you are in allY doubt about which section of the department you should seek advice from, plea se contact this office. THE REGISTRY Deputy Academic Registrar路 Alastair Pettigrew (Room 27B) Ala stair Pettigrew is Head of the Regi try section which includes the Admi ions, Examination and Student Records Offices, and is re ponsible for the mooth and effiCient running of thi major part of the Academic Registrar's department. Any problems concerning AK certificates or Prizes and Scholarships should be referred to Alastair as. well as other mon: individual tudent enquiries. THE ADMISSIONS OFFICE: Room 3B A sistant Registrar (Admis ions) - lennifer Jackson Senior Admi sions Assistant - Morris Berg Admissions Assistant (Postgraduate )Adrienne Chant

Admi ions A istants (Undergraduates) Steven Sacchetti, Marc Benjamin, Helen Jone Secretary路 Madeleine Munden The dmis ion Office deals with alJ admission to the ollegeat botb degree and non-degree levels. At undergraduate level this i done in liai on with CCA to whom the College is linked by computer and 0 the progress of any application to the College or other universities can be determined at any tage. Details of application statistics to particular courses can also be prepared by the Admission Office. At postgraduate and non-degree level, application forms should be obtained from and returned to departments in the first instance; subsequently, succes ful applications are forwarded to the Admissions Office in order that a formal letter of acceptance by the ollege can be despatched and the neces ary student records created. Applications for Re earch Council grants are also channelled through the Admis ions Office together with those for special award chemes~ application forms arc available on request. The dmission Office is also initially responsible for determining the fees status of students and for the administration of the pre-sessional English Language course, designed to help students from overseas to improve their knowledge of the language before commencing their studies here. Copies of the various College, Faculty and departmental prospectuses are also available from this office.

In addition student statistics are prepared by the Student Record Office and queries regarding these should be directed here. THE EXAMI ATIO S OFFICE: Room 16BB Administrative Assistant (Examination) hri tina Devereux Examination Assistants - ick Ken way, David Davie , Ian Shaw Secretary - J ane Young The Examination Office of the departmen is respon ible for the organisation of all examination within the ollege which includes the production of examination question papers, the booking of examination rooms, the preparation of examination timetable and the provision of seating plans and. tationery within examination rooms 'on the day'. All registration for examination j done through this office both for the Arts and Theology based Univer ity examinations and the Science, Medical and Laws based College examination . If you have any problems assaciated with your examinations, please contact this office a oon as possible. Chelsea Campus RtGISTRY : 2125/2126 Clark Building, 552 King's Road Registry Administrator - eil McArthur Registry Assistant - Coral ewman Kensington Campus



Assistant Registrar (Student Records) Peter Anning Administrative A sistant (Undergraduates)路 Janet Yolk Administrative A sistant (Postgraduates) Fiona Cameron Records Assistants - Su an O'[).vyer, Stuart Burley Secretary - A manda Rces The Student Records Office, as its name suggests, keeps a record of all students registered with the ollege for either degree or non-degree ourses. It is the responsibility of alJ tudents to ensure that the office is informed of any inaccuracies contained in their record, particularly their home and term-time addresses and any change in name or status. Enrolment is organised by this office and all problems regarding registration with the College or Univer ity should be directed here. At the beginning of each term periods of time are allocated for the collection of grant cheques and the officejs in contact with all Local Education Authoritie , so if you have problems with your grant, the Records staff will be happy to try and help out.

REGISTRY: Ground Floor, Registry Huts Registry Administrator - Ken hurchill Registry Assistant - Eva Harte The ampus Registry Officer will deal with any type of Registry enquiry, whether it concerns Admissions, Examinations or Student Records. They will either be able to olve the problem at once or can ontact the relevant section at the Strand campu . Grant cheques are available '<}t all campuses at pre-arranged times and registration is also conducted on all cam puses. Details are available from either the Campus recistries or the Record Office at the Strand campus.

STUDE T SERVICES Plea e also see 'Starting the Session', a guide to General and Student Services within the College, which is distributed to every stud'3nt and member of staff during the first week of term. Student Services has heen developing apace to meet it:; responsibility to advi c and a~sist student with any matters affecting tneir well-being at ollege.

The main tudent Servi es Centre is situated on the trand ampu. I t Floor, ~a adam Building. and is open from 9.30am - 12.30pm and from 1.30pm .30pm - .00pm in va ation throughout the year. Telephone: 36 4 4 ext. 2305 or non-a 'commodation enquirie . ext. 2334 2 - 9 for a ommodation enquirie ).






Strand Campus (Tel Ext. S2334/2759 10.00am - 5 .00pm (Term time) 10.00am - 4.45pm ( acation)

Strand and at lea t

ednesdays at Chelsea

istant Accommodation Officer Administration - ngela Cole Strand) istant ccommodation Officer DirectLeasing - BT)nda Gale Chel ea Senior ccommodation HeadLeasing - Vicki Haddo k Chel ea on ~10nda} s, Tuc d ys. Strand on days Thursdays and Frida} s) Senior ccommodation ngela Green trand)


Senior Hou ing ( helsea)

J ane M"orrimer


Accommodation SClcluna Strand)

istant - Maria

Housing Assi tant -

nne Waugh ( hel ea)

Chelsea Campus (Tel Ext C2338/2566/ 2220


9.00am 5.00pm (Term time) 9.00am - 4.30pm ( acation)

Coun ellor work within Student Services and the Medical Centre on all three campuses. Their aim is to enable students to make the most of the opportunities offered at College by helping them to cope with any problem or difficultie of a per onal or emotional nature which may arise. There are three full-time counsellors: nn onion, Mr lex oren and elia el on. Ann and lex are qualified psychotherapi t and Celia' work covers information and advice as well a counselling. In addition, there are two part-time medical counsellors, Or Patricia Hughes and Or Philip Boyd.

Both office clo e for lunch between 12.30pm and 1.30pm. The College ccommodation Office is situated on the I st Floor of the Macadam Building, Strand campu and on the I t Floor of Lightfoot Hall, Chelsea campu . The latter, however, is subject to an impending move. Both offices give information, advice and as istance with accommodation enquirie and problems. The staff a t the Strand deal with the allocation of the 1420 places in King's even Halls of Residen e, which range from the self-catering to those providing breakfast and those which provide breakfa t and an evening meal during the week with full board at weekends. A centralised waiting list for all college halls and student houses, extensive lists of rooms, Oats, houses, Oatshares, ho tels and accommodation agencies are maintained at the Strand. Staff at Chelsea, a well a dealing with general enquiries, manage the 'Short-Life' accommodation scheme (unfumi hed flat and hou es, usually obtained from local authorities and hou ing as ociations available for period of ix months and more while awaiting refurbishment by the owners). The Head-Lease Scheme (pnvately owned fumi hed properties managed by the College) is operated from Chelsea on Mondays and Tuesdays and from the Strand on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. The last year has seen many changes in the AccommodatiOh Office staff. The new team is: Accommodation Officer - Felicity Hopkin


Strand Campu There is someone available every day. Contact either the Medical Centre - 3rd Floor, Macadam Building, ext S2613/5 or Celia Nelson, Room SEA, Chesham Building, ext S2530 or Sue Camp bell, Room 108, 1st Floor Macadam Building, ext. S2305. Kensington Campus counsellor/psychotherpist will be available two days a week, on Tuesday and Thursday, all day. Contact the Counsellor's Room, Ground Floor. Main Building, ext K419 or ngela Ivor-Jones in the Registry. ext K242. Chelsea Campus A counsellor/psychotherapist will be available on two days a week, Monday and Friday, all day. ontact Student Services, 1st Floor, Lightfoot Hall, Room 119, ext C2394/2396 or the Medical Centre, Room 120, ext 2300. INFORMA



and how to transfer course or withdraw from College. She also pro ides information for over eas tudent in luding ocial facilitie in London. ariou andout on the e and other topi s are available from ue C mpbell. Student Servi es si tant, in the General Enquiry om e Room 10 ) on the I st Floor of the M cadam Building. COLLEGE MEDIC L SER ICE The College require all students to register with a local do tor upon arrival in London. This is the only method of guaranteeing medical treatment in the case of an emergen y. The College ha a Medical Officer, Or F Bavetta. He or hi partners Or Elizabeth Lee and Or Helen Murphy will be available a follow Strand Campus The main College Medical Centre is on the 3rd Floor, Macadam Building. Surgeries are held on Monday, Wedne day and Friday. ppointment can be made via Si ter 0' eill who i in attendance dally from 9.30am - 5.00pm. Tel ext.: S2613/ 2615. Kensington Campus The Medical entre is located in between the squa h courst and the Registry Huts. Surgerie are held on Tuesdays, 1.30pm 3.00pm and Thur days 1_.30pm - 2.00pm. Appointments can be made via Angela Ivor-Jones in the Registry Hut. Tel ext.: K242. Sister Harrison will be available following these surgeries until 4.00pm. Chelsea Campus The Medical Centre is on the I st Floor, Lightfoot Hall, Manresa Road, opposite Student Service. Surgeries are held Tue day I 1.00am - 1.00pm and Thur days 10.00 - 12.00pm. Appointments can be made via Sister Harrison. Tel ext.: K2300. Sister Harn on i available Monday, Wedne day and Friday 9.00am 4.30pm, Tuesday and Thur day 9.00am 12.00pm. Full details of the College Medical Services can be obtained from Student Service or the Students' nion on any campus. Student living in halls of re idence will be given in tructions on regi tering with a local doctor by the Hall Warden/Manager.


The ollege Information Office handles all general College public relations, media Celia elson, Student Adviser, Room SEA, relations and publications. Staff are happy Chesham Building, ext S2530 offers advice to advise and assist any member of College and information on a variety of su bj ects in the publicity and promotion of aspects such as managing money, how to study of their work at an individual or departeffectively and manage time, grant problems mental level. Help can be given in the

f organisation of event such as seminars, lectures and conferences and assistance offered with the production of promotionalliterature. The office publishe a regular staff new letter, Comment, of which this Opening of Session edition is a special issue. We welcome contributions of news and views from all staff and would particularly like to receive photos and illustrations. Is anyone a budding journalist or cartoonist, or fiendishly good at constructing crosswords and puzzles? If so, we want to hear from you!

I ment visits of employers to campus 'The Milk Round' - are arranged. The Careers Service has ex tensive contacts with Personnel and Training Managers in Industry, ommerce and Public Service. A Careers I nformation Library is maintained on each of the three campuses and Careers Advisers are available for consultation throughout the year. Careers Staff

If you feel we could be of help to you, or you have news to give us, we are located in the East Wing in Room C22, 170 Strand, Strand campus. Tel ext. S2179/2796. Do get in touch.

The College Careers Advisers are Dr eil Harris, Miss Ann-Marie Martin and Mrs Wendy English. Careers Information Officers, Miss Dorothy Sarson, Mrs Avril Mortimer and Miss Angela Ivor-Jones, service the Information Rooms on all three campus sites:


Strand campus - 3rd Floor Macadam Building ext S2616

Copies of the Internal Telephone Directory will be circulated at the start of Session. A memo has been sent to all Departments asking them to specify the number they require, and the requested amount will be sent to Departments for circulation. Additional copies can be obtained on request from the Information Office on the Strand campus.

COLLEGE CALE OAR It has been decided that, in the current financial circumstances, it will not be possible to produce a College Calendar for the 1986/87 Session. Any inconvenience caused to staff by the absence of this document is much regretted. Amendments to copy that have been sent through will not, however, be wasted and all Departments who have not returned their Calendar copy to the Information Office are urged still to do so. The Information Office will then have a reasonably accurate picture of the staffing structure in 1986/87 and can refer to this for its own use and to answer both internal and external enquiries. It may also be feasible to incorporate some Calendar information into editions of the College newsletter.

The Career Advisory Service offers advice and information on all aspects of what a student can do after completing or leaving their degree or higher degree course. We try to help not only those who are successful but also students who, for whatever reason, fail or seek to change course. During the year a series of lunch-time lectures by invited speakers, evening presentation by employers and recruit-

Me sages for the Chaplains on the Kensington or Chelsea campu e can be left with the Main Building Reception, Kensington campus.

COLLEGE EUCHARIST Due to the pres ure on time-tabling, the time of the main College Euchari t has been changed. It is now at I.I0pm on Wednesdays. All are very welcome. The Euchari t i followed by a light lunch in the Dean's office. The choir are present at the Eucharist and the service ends by 1.45 pm. Mem bers of College staff take it in turns to preach a (very short) sermon.

Kensington campus - Registry Hut ext K416

There is also going to be a Eucharist on Fridays at 9.00am which will be Rite B. Choral Evensong will take place on Mondays at 5.30pm.

Chelsea campus - Main Building, Manresa Road ext C2396

For full details of the Chapel services, please see the hapel card.

CHAPLAINCY The Chaplains are generally involved in all aspects of Colleg'e life and are available to all members of College, students and staff, to discuss any matters of personal concern. So please do not hesitate to contact any one of us if you feel we can be of any assistance. There is a team of Chaplains working on all the College sites and Christian meetings and services take place throughout the College. The College Chaplain, Christopher Moody, works full-time on the Strand campus and can be contacted in his office (6B) or via the Dean's Office (7C). The other chaplains working on the Strand site are: Father Alexander Fostiropoulos - Orthodox Revd. Kevin Swaine - URC, representing other free churches. Father Bob Styles 8J - Roman Catholic Catherine Murphy - Roman Catholic lay chaplain The Chaplains on the Kensington campus are:


Jillie Greaves - Anglican pa toral assistant

Revd Paul Bayes - Anglican Francoise Griffin - Roman Catholic lay chaplain Father Alexander Fostiropoulos - Orthodox Revd Kevin Swaine - RC, representing other free churches On the Chelsea campus the Chaplains are: Miss Marie Miller - Roman Catholic Chaplain Francoise Griffin - Roman Catholic lay Chaplain



Staff are welcome at the Joint Christian Forum meetings which are held on Tuesday lunchtimes in Room 6C, Strand campus. This term the programme is called Christians on the Spot and the speakers will include Chris Patten, MP and Professor Ted Grant, Dept of Physics.

ADVENT CAROLS Those who like to plan ahead for this very popular event might like to know that due to the anniversary service for the University of London, there is one change in date from normal. The services will be at 5.30pI. on December 2nd, 4th and 5th, ie the Tuesday rather than the Wednesday.

THE LIBRARY The Library supports the academic activity of the College with a book stock of some 800,000 volumes, most of which are available for loan, and with the provision of services to readers ranging from instruction in Library use to on-line searching of bibliographic and information databases. Material not in stock can either be located in other libraries whose catalogues are accessible via computer terminals or borrowed through the Inter-Library Loan service. A full service is provided at each of the major campuses, and the bookstock on given subjects is held at the campus at which that subject is taught. Any member of the College is entitled to use and i

borrow from any part of the College library. Opening hour va:y lightly at the different campu e.; Strand Campus

36 5454 ext 2132

Strand Levels 1 - 4 (Ba ic Medical Sciences, Humanitie , Science Periodicals Term: Monday - Friday 9.00am - 9.00pm Saturday 9.30am . 12.45pm Law Library/Old Library (Law, Medical Ethics, Theology, Cia ics, Philosophy, Modem Greek)


Term: Monday - Thursday 9.00am Friday 9.00am - 7.00pm Saturday 9.30am - 12.45 pm


Strand LevelS (Mathenutical and Phy ical Sciences) Embankment Library (Engineering, Management, Computer Science, Earth Science) Music Library Term: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9.30am 5.30pm Tuesday, Thursday 9.30am - 7.00pm

a ation: Manresa Road Christmas/Easter 9.30am - 6.00pm Summer 9.30am - - .00pm Coleridge Library 9.30am - 1.00pm 2.00pm - 5.00pm

King College School of Medicine and Dentistry 2 4 6222 e t 202 /9) The Library is not large enough to a 001modate many vi itor from other campu e. Reader from other part of the College hould u e this Library only for material not held elsewhere and mu t telephone beforehand.

OUTLYING BRANCH LIBRARIES Biophysics Library, 26 Drury Lane WC2 (8368851) Open at aJJ time the Department of Biophysic i open (approximately 9.00am - 6.00pm) Pulton Place Library, SW6 (7362344 ext 223)

French Library

Term: Monday - Friday 9.30am - 5.30pm acation: 9.00a01 - 1.00pm 2.00pm - 5.00pm

Term: Monday - Friday 9.30am - 5.00pm

Rogate Field Centre, (073080621)


Support material for field courses.

Christmas/Easter Facilities are available Monday - Friday 9.30am - 5.45pm


Summer Facilities are available 9.30am - 4.30pm. Smaller reading rooms are closed in rotation. Ken ington Campus (937 5411 ext 378) Term: Monday - Friday 9.30am - 9.00pm Some Saturdays 9.30am - 1.00pm Vacation: Monday - Friday 9.30am - 5.00pm Chel ea Campu Manresa Road (351 2488 ext 2358) (Pharmacy, Pharmacology, History and Philosophy of Science) Coleridge Library (3512488 ext 3759) 552 King's Road (Education, Nursing, Human and Environmental Studies) Term: Monday - Thursday 9.00am - 8.00pm Friday 9.00am - 6.00pm

r Petersfield, Hants

College Archivist - Miss Patricia Methven (Room 302, Strand campus, tel ex t S 2187) The College Archives offer secure and confidential storage for the records of the Collrge which are of enduring intere t and use. Records held include the signed minutes and/or copy minutes of the governing bodies and major board and committees of King's, Queen li78beth and hel ea Colleges together with those of thflir predece or bodie . These are upplemented by calendars. report, account, pro pectuse and publications and photographs reflecting the life and research of the College. The Archive al 0 include records of student from I 3 I to 19 5, excepting tho e of Queen Eli/abeth College, u b equent to 196 , past personnel record, policy files, account books, deeds of title and the records of a number of Faculli's and Department. and individuals connected with the College. Conditions of access to these ma terials are ex plained in a , ote for Readers' available from the College A rchivist. Certain of the records are closed for an ex tended period of years to protect the privacy of named individuals.

Staff of the Arctl~ve will alway be pleased to be on ulted about the dlpo ition of record in luding photograph and t pe and ill provide guidan e about the ele tion of m terial suitable or pre ervation in the archi e . They will make the ne e r arr ngement or the tran fer to and hou ing of material in the rchive and where ne e ary. the dispo al of 'onfldential \ a te paper. _an introduction to the. e procedure two leaflet. have been prepared entitled 'How to depo it record in the archt e and how to get them back' and 'Fa ulty and Departmental Checkli t'.

LIDDELL H RT CE TRE FOR MILIT RY RCHIVES The Centre for Military Archi es erves as a repo itory for private paper bearing on Britain' defence policy ince 1900 and it trategy in the two world war. The collection is described in a Consolidated List of Accessions, 1986 (available from the Centre at ÂŁ3.50). Staff of the entre al 0 admini ter the Library Manu cript collection which reflect the work and research of mem bers of the ollege and compri cs a wide variety of material of literary historic and scientific intere t. It i de ribed in Manuscripts and Private Papers; a Se/ecl Guide, 19 2 (ÂŁ 1.00). onsultation of material i by prior appointment in the Liddell Hart reading room, Strand, level 3. The Centre i open between 9.30am - 5.30pm, Monday - Friday in term and 9.30am - 4.30pm, Monday Friday in vacation.

THE COLLEGE MAP ROOM The Map Room, with a stock of over 75,000 map, provides the ollege with a full cartographic reference service. Some maps are also available for loans and for teaching requirements. M ps are available for most parts of the world and to uit most requirements. dditional re ource are al 0 available through co-operative arrangement. with other map collections within the niversity. A dvice can al 0 be given on map purchasing and on other map-related cnquirie .

The College Map Room i located in Room 4B8, Che ham Building, Str;Jnd campus (tel. exl: 52599). It is normally open during the following hour (although a prior phone call i advisable): Term Monday - Friday 9.30am - 5.30pm Vacation Monday - Friday 9.30am - 5.00pm

THE COMPUTER CE TRE The Centre provides a full range of computing and data communication facilities and a comprehen ive advi ory and upport service. Computing equipment range from microcomputer through to entral mainframe and mini systems on all three campus ite. The ollege data communications network ha a high peed link to the upercomputing facilitie at the University of London Computing Centre and connection can also be made to many other facilitie on national and international networks. The computing equip~ ment on the Chelsea campus is not at present compatible with that on the other two campuses, but this problem will be remedied in the Summer of 1987 when the Centre will undergo a major computing and communications enhancement. Hardware (Mainframe and Mini) Strand DEC 20 (20 simultaneous u ers) ; operating system, TOPS 20 VAX 11/785 (40 simultaneous users); operating system, VMS

King' Road: 09.00 - 19.00 Manre a Rd: 09.00 - 20.00

devolves re ponsibility to Sub-committees a appropriate.

Advisory Services

Membership of the ommittee include one student representative from each campus and students wishing to draw any amenity matter to the committee's attention should do so through the respective tudent member or a sabbatical officer. Likewi e, mem bers of staff are invited to approach, as appropriate one of the following:

on ultancy ervice in many specialist areas, for example, stati tic, graphics numerical analy is text proees ing and databa e management, are available by appointment. General advisory services are available on all sites as follows:

Strand Term and Vacation, Monday to Friday: 10.00 - 13.00 14.路00 - 17.00 Kensington

Chelsea Pulton Place:

VAX 11/750 (20 simultaneous u ers) ; operating system VMS

10.00 - 13.00 14.00 - 17.00 Vacation, Monday to Friday:


10.00 - 13.00

HARRIS 500 (25 simultaneous users) operating system, vas

King's Road Term: 17.00 (Monday) 10.00 - 13.00 (Wednesday)


Perkin Elmer 3205 (5 simultaneous users); operating system, U IX

The li t of available software is too large to give here. Details are available from the Advisory Offices on each campus. Microeom pu ters Reference collections of recommended microcomputers and associated oftware and peripheral arc kept on all three campuses,

Terminal Rooms Open access terminal rooms are available on all sites at the following times Monday to Friday: Strand 09.00 - 19.00 Kensington 09.00 - 21.00 Chelsea Pullon Place: 09.00 - 20.00

Chelsea campus Mr J V Muir, Assistant Principal Mr J A H Harden, Assistant College Secretary

10.00 - 12.30 14.00 - 16.30

Term, Monday to Friday:

Software (Mainframe and Mini)

Kensington c.ampus Professor P B Gahan, Assistant Principal Mrs J Staight, Assistant College Secretary

Term and Vacation, Monday to Friday:


HARRIS 100 (25 simultaneous users) operating system, vas

Strand campus Profe sor H J V Tyrrell, Vice-Principal Mr G T Hughes, Senior Assistant Secretary

MANAGEME T OF RESIDE TIAL, SOCIAL AND RECREATIO AL FACILITIES The Management of Halls of Residence, Student House, Refectorie , "Bars and other social facilities, including pu bUc areas and recreation facilities, is the responsibility of the Amenities ommittee. The Chairman of the Committee is Professor H Baum, Biochemistry Department, Kensington campus and the Committee Officer i Mr G T Hughes, Senior Assistant Secretary, Strand campus. The Amenities Committee is responsible to the Finance, Staff and General Purposes Committee for determining all prices, fees and charges as may be appropriate to the use of the above-mentioned facilities, having regard to the amenities budget settled by the Finance, Staff and General Purposes ommittee and exercises control over all income and expenditure related thereto. The COol mittee deals with all other matters relating to the above-mentioned facilities r ferred to it by the ounci! or the Principal and

UNION STAFF Administrators Rosemary Birch, Senior Administrator (based at Strand) Marie-Anne Wyne-LilIey, Strand Site Administrator lan Smith, Chelsea and Kensington Site Administrator Secretaries Eunice Wilkins, Strand campus Kate J enkins, Chelsea campus Frank Pavy, Kensington campus Bars John O'Brian, Strand Bar Steward Oliver MacDonald, Strand Bar ellarman (Kensington Bar Steward - to be appointed) Entertainments Officer David McLean Union Accountant Mauriee Lewis (based at Strand) SABBATICALS Cross-Campus General Secretary - Frances Taylor (based at Strand) Finance & Trading Secretary - John Thomas (based at Strand) Internal Secretary - Stephanie Smith (based at Chelsea) Sports and Societies Secretary - Fiona Bull (based at Kensington) Site Secretaries John Waters (Strand) Marcus Woods (Chelsea) Paul Foster (Kensington) There are also numerous non-sabbatical officers at each site.

Hon. Secretary: Dr J A E B Hubbard


Hon. Treasurer: Mr S P Harrow Tod~.y'

The acation Bureau wa et up at the time of the merger in order to form a central unit to take and co-ordinate all booking for residential conferences, holiday accommodation, day meeting and reception, whether internally or externally organised. The Bureau is located at the Chelsea campus, 55_ King' Road (Tel: 351 6011 - Direct line and an aphone). The office is open from 9.30am - 5.00pm. The following staff may be contacted with specific inquiries: Joan Fennell - Residential conferences and large group accommodation Elspeth Young - Small residential groups and individual holidays and student accommodation during vacation Richard Longhurst - Day meetings, functions and non-residential booking including those for the Hamilton Suite.

cientific and technological advances are mutually reinforcing and largely dependent upon applied electroni for measurement control, communications data manipulation etc. omprehensive in-hou e electronic support for the Life Sciences, in particular, is therefore de irable and the Electronics nit exists to fulfil thi requirement. I ts staff of 3 qualified engineers are available to provide information and to design and develop pecialised instrumentation, primarily for the Life Science Departments throughout the College but work for other departments is also undertaken. Frequencies from d.c. to microwaves can be catered for. Further information can be obtained from Reg Webb (in charge of the unit), George Melas, or Peter Gilyard-Beer on exten ion K306.

Joan Hirons - Office Manager A brochure giving detailed information can be obtained from the Bureau.



AUDIO VISUAL SERVICE U ITS There is an AVSU at each major campus. They provide lecture support in terms of both equipment and lecture materials. Each unit differs slightly in the services it offers:

Chelsea Campus, Manresa Road The Unit was founded in 1964 as an academic research service for all laboratory based departments in the then Chelsea College. The U nit was originally based at the College's 'Annexe in Hammersmith but moved to its present site at Manresa Road in 1982. Over the years the unit has grown considerably in terms of equipment and staff expertise and is now able to offer a wide range of electron microcopical services, both biological and materials science, to all College staff and student. Contract work is..also accepted, College workload permitting. The Unit has both transmission and scanning electron microscopes (with cryo and X-ray analysis systems as options) and preparative equipment for both routine (eg. sectioning, critical point drying) and more advanced procedure (eg. freezefracture image analysis). Lunchtime seminars and an annual one day meeting on relevant topics are organi ed by the staff of the Unit. For further information, please contact M Wineberg or Dr A Brain, ext C2489. Kensington Campus There is also an Electron Microscope Unit at Kensington. For further details of the services offered there, please contact Mr Pacey, ext K445.

Graphics Chelsea and Kensington Typesetting Chelsea Photography Strand, Kensington and Chelsea Audio Strand and Chelsea Video Strand, Kensington and Chelsea Offset Printing Reprographic Unit, Strand and Kensington Xerox Reprographic Unit, Strand, Kensington and Chelsea

Hon. Membership Secretary: Mr S J Whittaker Hon. Social Secretary: Mr


Membership of the Strand campus Senior Common Room i open to all members of staff (including those based on the Kensington or Chelsea campuses) in the following categories: academic staff academic related administrative staff clerical staff in grade 3 and above technicians in grades 6,7 ,and 8 certain post-doctoral research staff. Members based on the Strand campus pay a subscription of ÂŁ I 4 per annum; those based elsewhere pay a subscription of ÂŁ 7 per annum. The pos ibility of reciprocal arrangements with the Kensington SCR is under consideration. Mem bers have the exclusive use of three splendid rooms at the southern end of the Main Building overlooking the river. A good selection of daily papers and periodicals is provided. Morning and lunch-time coffee, sandwich lunches and afternoon tea are served. Prices are comparatively low as part of the service cost is met from the subscription income. A limited bar service is also available. Social events are arranged from time to time. These include Senior Common Room Dinners, Joint Buffet Suppers with the King's College Ladies Club, Wine Tasting evenings and Wine Auctions. For this Session, SCR Dinners have been arranged as follows: Tuesday 14 October 1986 Monday 26 January 1987 - Burns ight Dinner Thursday 30 April 1987 Formal notices of these and other events will be sent to mem bers. If you are eligible and wi h to apply for membership, please complete the Application Form in this newsletter and return it to the Membership Secretary as soon as possible.

Please contact: Chelsea Rod Wilkinson ext C2502/254


Kensington Brian McDaid ext K438

Kensington Campus

Strand ick Bugg ext S23 6

Chairman: Dr Bryan Winchester Secretary: Dr Peter Butterworth Assistant Secretary: Dr Peter Ellis

THE SENIOR COMMON ROOM Strand Campus President: The Principal Chairman: Dr R K Dixon

Treasurer: Mrs Judy Staight The Senior Staff Association exist in the College to provide amenities centred on the the Senior Common Room and to promote the interests of its mem bers. Mem bership of the Association will, among other things

Club wa formed over thirty years ago. ~1embershjp i open to all member of the ollege staff and, in addition to providing the fa ilitie mentioned above. member arrange both the College Outing and the ollege .. ew Year Dance on behalf of the ollege.

entitle member to use the facilitie of the Common Room for tea, coffee and lunch where a wide selection of newspaper, penodi als and journal is available for readmg. The bar is also open to member on Friday evening during term time and it is customary to hold a party both at Christma tune and at the end of the a ademl year. The sub cription to the Senior Staff As 0 iation be ome due at the AGM and the normal method of payment IS an annual deduction from alary. The present ubs ription i £ 12 per annum.


The Club is open to women members and wives of the academic and senior admini trative taff of the College, both pa t and pre ent. Its aim is to provide opportunities for meeting and keeping in touch with one another, to welcome new members of staff and their pouses in a ocial setting and to promote the well'being of the College. Day, evening and lunch meetings are held in an informal atmo phere and costs are kept to a minimum. The annual programme normally includes buffet lunches and uppers held in College followed by illu trated lectures, outS:,k meetings to places of interest, in addition to a Chri tma and a Mid ummer party (held jointly with the Senior Common Room). Member 'gue t are welcome at most meetings. You are Invited to a Pot-luck lunch on Wednesday 22 October 1986 at 12.30pm in the Committee Room, Strand campus (which will be followed by the Annual General Meeting). If you would like to attend the lunch and/or join the Club, please complete the back page form and return it to Mrs Margaret Brown, Dept. of Biblical Studies, Strand campus.

SOCIAL CLU BS Strand Campus Open to all...

* Would

you like to play competitive dart in a local league?

* Do you enjoy social evening ? * Would you care to 'pot black' on a newly re-covered nook er table? ould you help organi e imilar activitie for others?

The Club room are Ituated in 33 urre; treet on the Strand campu , and there i a con e ionary rate of mem ber hIp or those wor ing on other eampu e ,all of whom_are wekome to join the Club amI to make full use of the facilitie when vi iting the Strand. The current member hip i £~ per annum (£1 for those not based at the Strand). and this i deducted from the March salary by the Finance Department. s a pe ial bonus, tho e joining after 1st tober will not have to pay a penny until March!


If you wish to apply for membership of this thriving Club, please complete the back page form, and send it to the Treasurer, Brian Oldham, Finance Dept., trand campu .

Kensington Campu The Social Club is situated on the ground floor of the SJ Building and is approached via the South Entrance. Member hip i open to all employee of the College as well a postgraduate and the annual subscription is, at present, SOp. The bar is open between 1.00pm and 2.00pm and in the evenings from 5.30pm to 8.00pm as a minimum, with a longer evening opening being at the discretion of the person doing bar duty. During both lunchtime and evening sessions the bar is staffed by volunteer c1u b mem bers, working on a rota, which usually means a lunchtime duty once a month and/or an evening dtty Qnce every six w6eks. The bar is well stocked, offering a range of keg bitter lager spirits, oft drinks, fre h orange juice and coffee. Sandwiches and hot pies are available a well as crisps, and nuts etc. The bar has eating for approximately sixty people and has a darts board, a nooker table and a video machine. Several board games are available behind the bar.

* Or would

The Committee organises evening events at four to ix week interval. Over the past year there have been various discos and live band, cabarets, a fireworks display and a quiz evening. Dart and snooker matche have been organised and the clu b operates a snooker ladder.

If the answer to any of these is 'Yes', or even 'Possibly', then 'the Club' is for you. King' College Sport and Social

otice of the lub's GM, which is held in OctOber, will be mailed to members and posted in the Social Clu b bar. Most of the Club's ommittee are retiring from office at the end of thi year, so if anyone


* Do


you understand the rules of crib?

an you play cricket? you just like to join your colleagues for a relaxing lunch-time drink or chat?

i interested in helping to run the Club. 'e ,ould be mo t plea ed to hear from them. I 0 if anyone ha any VIew on the type o allvitie: the Club offers. we "ould be: very plea ed to hear them. 1l you ..... ould lIke to Join the Club. plea contact John. 'apier.. 1ember hIp e retaT. ' Department of Biolog;. Kemington campu ( xt K3 ).

ICES GPO POST Strand Campus Letter are collected from t official boxe at 11.00am, 3.00pm and 4.00pm. If brourht personally to the Post Room ( 19BB, Main Building) they hould arrive 0 LATER TH 5.00pm in term time and 4.45pm in vacation. If at all possible they hould be brought earlier 0 that Post Room staff are not faced \\ith a last minute rush. Parcels are de patched once a week and hould arrive no later than Thur day. Regi tered and recorded mail should reach the Po t Room by 1.00pm or 3.30pm. There i also a Post 0 ffice box for letters already stamped which i cleared at 5.30pm Monday to Friday. Thi is in the lobby between the trand building and the Main Building on the ground floor. There i also a tamp machine there. Mail which i too large for the box hould not be left on top but either posted outside or left with the Post Room staff. All post will be sent econd c1as unles otherwise requested. Plea e do not do so unles it is absolutely nece ary. 0 first class mail will be sent out on Friday a this is not normally delivered until Monday when second class mail posted at the same time is distributed. Kensington Campus Letters are collected at 5.30pm from the Main Building Entrance Hall. Only letter and mall packets are accepted for frank ing centrally. Larger parcels mu t be dealt with by the department concerned. All mail will be ent second clas unless it is ab olutely necessary that it goe first cia s. Chelsea Campus Letters and parcels are collected from Chelsea cam pu at the following times: Hortensia Road 552 King's Road ManresaRoad Pulton Place

14.30 15.45 16.45 16.45



All mail is sent econd class. Any mail being sen t by first class, recorded or registered post must be organised by the individual department concerned. King' College School of Medicine and Dentistry Post should reach the Reception Desk no later than 4.30pm. Post will be collected from the Rayne In titute at 4.l5pm each day. All post i en t second class unless otherwise marked.

INTER-CAMPUS MAIL Letters between each campus should be clearly marked in the following way: I.

ame of person to whom letter is being sent

the switchboard supervisors of the relevant campus.

SWITCHBOARD OPENING HOURS'路 Strand Campus The switchboard operates between 9.00am and 6.00pm during term-time and 9.00am and 5.30pm during vacations.

Kensington Campus The main switchboard operates between 9.00am - 6.00pm. Calls are put through to Queen Elizabeth Hall extensions only between 6.00pm and 10.00pm on weekdays and from 9.00am at weekends. Chelsea Campus

2. Department 3. Campus name clearly marked In the case of post to Chelsea campus, please also include the relevant site of the department for ease of sorting when the letter arrives at helsea's post room.

The Manresa Road switchboard is open between 8.30am and 5.30pm Monday to Friday and then switches to a night service after 5.30pm, at weekends and during periods of College closure.

STATIONERY Strand Campus The stationery store is open during term time from 10.00am - l2.30pm and from 1.30pm - 5.00pm. During vacations the store closes half an hour earlier, at 4.30pm Requests for stationery should be submitted in advance. Odd items of stationery may be collected direct from the store during the normal opening times but all staff are requested to keep these items to a minimum. A large range of stationery and sundries is available from the contracted suppliers and any specialised items that you may need could well be readily available. Please consult Central Services who will be pleased to give advice and help in respect of any requests. Kensington Campus Orders for all items of tationery should be submitted, in writing, to Mrs Whitburn (ext K332/364) Chelsea Campus

Departure Times


Manresa Road King's Road Hortensia Road Pulton Place Kensington campus King's Road

9.10 9AO 9.50 10.00 IOAO 11.00

Manresa Road Strand/Drury Lane/ Strand


2.15 2.35 2A5 3.00 3.25 4.00(to Manresa Rd only) IUO 11AO

The Pulton Place switchboard provides a 24 hour service at all times. King's College School of Medicine and Dentistry The switchboard provides a 24 hour service at all times.

INTER-COLLEGIATE MAIL SERVICE There is also a daily University of London inter-collegiate mail service, which collects from each campus.


It is an unfortunate fact that thefts do

occur. Purses, briefcases and coats should never be left lying around. The College cannot be responsible for the theft of unattended property and you are advised to insure any personal valuables against loss or theft. Please remem ber to LOCK UP when you leave rooms unattended even for a short time.

TELEPHONES Staff are strongly requested not to make any all tside call, either toll or trunk, before 1.00pm. Only personal calls (for which staff are billed) or urgent calls authorised by a Head of Department, will be accepted by the switchboards in the peak period 9.00am - 1.00pm. Where memh~rs of staff have access to level 9 dialling the strictest self-discipline in telephone usage is urged at all times, particularly in the peak period. CALL BEFORE 9.00AM OR AFTER I.OOPM - BETTER STILL, LET THEM CALL YOUl Reporting of Faults Telephone faults should be reported to


Take care of your personal property! Post between KCSMD and the Strand campus is delivered by van every Tuesday and Friday morning.

All stationery is ordered through departments.

Term Time 9.00am - 9.00pm Monday to Friday 9.00am - 1.00pm Saturday Vacation 9.00am - 6.00pm Monday to Friday 9.00am - 1.00pm Saturday The Macadam Building closes at 5.00pm daily during vacations. Staff wishing to come into the building outside these hours are required to sign in at the Porters' Lodge, Strand Main Gate Entrance. Kensington Campus

LOST PROPERTY If you have left any personal property in the College by accident or find any accidentally left by other people, please contact:

Main Building: 6.00am - l1.00pm Atkins Building: 6.00am - 6.00pm These hours apply to term time and vacations.

Strand Campus - Mr A Tofield, Clerk of Works (ext S231 J)

Chelsea Campus

Kensington Campus - Mr S Whiting, Residences Manager (ext K255)

Manresa Road 7.00am - 9.00pm Monday toThur day 7.00am - 7.00pm Friday

Chelsea Campus Manresa Road - Mr J Wornham, Security and Domestic Services Supervisor (ext C2323) 552 King's Road - Mr Keith Hill, Caretaker (ext C3612) or Security Personnel (ext3635).

552 King's Road(Academic Area and Administration) 7.00am - 9.00pm Monday to Thursday 7.00am - 7.00pm Friday 552 King's Road (lngram Court) 24 Hour access :

Honen ia Road .00am - .00pm Monday to Friday King' College School of Dentistry

edicine and

.1ain S hool BuIldmgs .00am - 9.00pm Monday to Friday .00am - 1.00pm Saturday

Rayne In titute .00am - 6.00pm londay to Friday Staff wishing to come into the Institute outside the e hours, should ign in and out at the Rayne In titute Re' eption.


Chelsea Campu

allo ated in the following ways:

Manresa Road: Dial --2 King's Road: Dial King' College School of Medicine and Denti try Fire: Di 1_222 Cardi c Arrest: Dial 2333




Ken ington Campus

Strand Campus

Animal Floor and Laboratorie All office and door keys are obtainable from the Clerk of Works 0 ffice only Room 2 , South West Block, ext. S2311

All electrical and heating repairs are dealt with by the Services Engineer, Mr W L Clark. Other repairs should be referred to Mr A Tofield, Clerk of Works. Requeits for repair work should be made in writing. Kensington Campus All electrical repairs should be referred to Mr Watts on extensions K308 (answering machine), 309 or 455. Mr Lester (ext K308/309) should be contacted if any other kind of repair is required. Chelsea Campu All requests for repairs should be referred to the Estates Office, 552 King's Road (ext C371l).



In the event of any emergency the following numbers should be dialled. These will give you an internal priority extension which will immediately connect you with qualified assiitance. Strand Campus Dial 222 Ken ington Campus Main Building and After 5.30 in Atkins Building: Dial 222 Atkins Building until5.30pm: Dial 444 After 10.00pm: Dial220

Hortensia Road - 9 pia e for taff, allo ated by department


Any member of staff who is involved in an accident within the ollege is required to obtain a College accident form from their Head of Department, the Campus Administrator or the Secretary of the School of Medicine and Dentistry.

All roofs

Strand Campus

552 King' Road - 40 pIa es for staff. allo ated on a fir tome b is

Pulton Place - 30 pia -es lor taf, allocated on a first come basis.

Strand Campus


anresa Road - 30 pIa -es for st ff. allo ted by departments

Ken ington Campus Office keys should be obtained from the relevant departmental technician. Chelsea Campu Keys are obtained from Mr J Wornham, Security and Domestic Services Supervisor, ext C 2323.

PARKI G Strand Campus Parking is on the basis of once a week, Monday to Friday, for all members of the full-time academic staff. Written application for a permit should be made to Mr A Tofield, Clerk of Work, giving your name, and the make and registration number of your car. 11 cars hould be removed by 9.00pm. Some 20 places are available for staff and a further limited num ber for visitors, oLlege vehicles and disabled drivers. Kensington Campu Parking is by permit only. Anyone wishing to obtain a permit hould contact Lyndsay Coules (extension K209). In addition, there are four visitor's spaces in the Main Building car park and twelve spaces in the Atkins Building car park. Reservations for these spaces are not esser.lial, but are advised. Chel ea Campus Car parking spaces on the various sites are

In addition, a limited number of paces may be a ailable for visitors to Manresa Road and 55:! King's Road by prior arrangement with Mr J Wornham (ext 2323) or Mrs Harper (ext C3763).



The following cour e will be available in 19 6/ 7: Elementary ervice-teaching course of German for absolute beginners. Two hours a week, Tuesdays and Friday, 1.00pm - 2.00pm. Begins October 14th 1986 in Room G05, Strand Building, Strand campus. Intermediate/Advanced Level This course is intended for those with O'Level German, a Goethe Institute certificate or some other paper qualifications. Alternatively, for those who have spent some time in Germany. A preliminary meeting will take place on Monday 6th October in Room G05, Strand Building, Strand campus at 1.00pm to assess individual needs and to organise groups. lasses will be held regularly on Mondays 1.00pm - 2.00pm, from 13th October. Re tTicted to participants who know that they can allend regularly. For further information and individual as e sment of the language level you have achieved contact Dr Dietmar Rosier (Room G 16, ext. S 2127) between September 24th and October 2nd. Dr Rosier will not be available for coun elling bet ween October 3rd and the beginning of the course, since he will be directing an inten ive course for new students of German during that period.

MAXWELL SOCIETY LECTURE 6 October COMM lCATING by Professor D Pye, Royal In titution 1V'Christmas Lecturer, Queen Mary C liege Room 2c, Strand campus 2.00 - 3.00pm



Strand Campus I wi h to apply for full-fee/redu ed-fee* membership of the Senior Common Room (Strand ampus). I und rstand that the ub cription for the ession 19 6- 7 i revi ion at the Senior Common Room GM.

14.00 for full-fee and £7.00 for reduced-fee member hip, ubject to

* I agree that the subscription should be deducted from my salary this year and succeeding years until further notice: * I enclo e my cheque for the sum of L Room.

in payment of thi year

sub cription (payable to King's College Senior


* please delete as applicable Signed

_.. Date




APPOl TMENT (Full-time - Part-time) DEPARTM




Please return this form to: S J



hip Secretary), Faculty of Laws, Strand campu

LADIES CLUB I wish /do not wish to attend the lunch on October 22nd 1986 * I wish/do not wish to apply for mem bership of King's College London (KQ ) Ladies Club. I enclose a subscription of £ 1.00 for the session 1986-87.* * Delete as applicable Cheques should be made payable to KI G'S COLLEGE LADIES CLUB NAME









(If retired, please state year of retirement)


SPORTS A D SOCIAL CL B Strand Campus Please complete in BLO K CAPITALS, sign and sent to the Treasurer Mr Brian Oldham, Finance Department, Strand campus. I,

( full name) of

............................................................................................................................................................. Department ..............................................................................................................................................................Campus wish to apply for membership of the King's College Sports and Social Club. If elected, I agree to the annual subscription being deducted from my salary each year in March and to abide by the onstitution of the Club. Signed FOR CLUB USE 0

Date LY

~pplication Received

Member informed


Membership category

Committee approved

Added to Check

D -







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