Comment 021 February 1987

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King's College London (KQC) newsletter

RESEARCH AND EXPERTISE IN KING'S COLLEGE - IS THERE ANY? Fir t anal i of nearly 350 return to the College' urvey of Re earch and Expertise carried out among t all members of the academic and re earch staff, both here and at the Medical School, during last term - uggests very trongly that the answer to that question' a re ounding 'Yes'!

Cynics and the world-weary might have argued that completing the survey form was a chore they could well do without. s many member of taff have not 0 far got round to the form, the picture emerging is thus far partial: but it i already repre entative, already u eful - and very revealing,

ing, from both governmental and non-governmental sources, depends upon the standard of current re earch and how far- ighted we how our elve to be in identifying future research potential. We mu t have readily available accurate and detailed information about what we are doing now and what we intend for the future.'

The urvey wa divided, like Gaul, into three parts: Biographical Data, Research Data, and Media Data. (On second thoughts, not much like Gaul.) Under Section 3, Media Data, respondents were asked uch impertinent questions as 'Have you ever appeared on radio or television-' 'Do you have any existing contacts with members of the press?' (never mind about the Official Secrets Act) and 'Are you willing to be in luded on the College List of expert ?'.

This Section was al 0 designed to reveal the extent of existing links with industry, government, and funding quango (such as the Re earch Council), 0 that future approache to these bodies can become more co-ordinated and less hapha.t.ard.

So: what have been the re ult 0 far? Has the Survey been 'a uccess'? Was your effort worthwhile? Wha t happens next? The Survey was a fairly lengthy and complex que tionnaire, and to notch up an initial respon e rate of around 50% must be accounted at least moderately suc e sful, especially in e the College Survey competed with a number of similar, parallel enterpri es for the time and attention of taff. The po se of que tionnaires from various ource now going the round wa indeed commented upon, wrily, by several responden ts' and consumer re Istance can be put down, in part at any rate, to 'que tionnaire fatigue'. However the relative success of the Survey has inevitably created relati e difficulty - the difficulty of handhng, organi ing and making proper sense of 0 large a body of information. This information can be roughly divided into two main categories: the factual and the speculative or opinioned (using the term neutrally). continued overleaf.

The reason behind these egregious enquirie is quite simple: informed pres and media coverage j a very important mean of keeping the College in the public eye. With the details provided by respondent to this part of the Survey. the Information Office is creating a 'U t of Expert' which will be made available to the relevant media for use a and when. Someone to talk cri ply and authoritively for _0 econd on arms control and defence strategie'? othing impler. quick over-view of the coming ecologi al crisis (there's always one of those)? Easy. eed a biochemist with song-writmg credits to pep 0 proup a popular science programme? blem! Section 2, Re earch Data, was designed to elicit some more systematic information about what research is being carried out by whom and where in the College. As the Principal put it in his covering letter to staff participating in the Survey: 'A substantial and growing part of our fund-

George Walden, the junior m inister responsible [or higher education, encounters an A UT demonstration on his way into the College to visit the Physics Department. See p.

Under these broad headings, further subdivision are visible: for in tance the factual information comprises both numerical and de criptive data. Extracting full value, drawing accurate conclu ions from this raw data will need a lot of subtle, ophi ticated analy i , probably be t done by computer d.p. - which is where the Survey goes from here in mechani tic terms. But we don't have to wait for the fine grains ground out by that modern miller, the computer programmer. The rough wheat already offers plentiful food for thought. Three raw and unprocessed numerical examples are the ISO or so specific contacts with UK private companies or public utilities (many of them, of course, duplicated) which can be identified from the returns; the 120 contacts with UK government departments or imilar authorities' and the 40-plus links with funding agencies mentioned by respond en ts. In the speculative, opinioned category fall some gratifyingly candid ob ervations about the College and its research activitie contributed by respondents to an 'optional' slot in the Survey, Part G of Section 2. Part G tempted bolder spirits to allow free reign to their powers of imaginative ratiocination. Respondents were invited to speculate on the direction they thought their own research might take over a 3-5 year period: and how the research profile of their department or faculty might be adjusted to take profitable account of changes of emphasis in research funding, including the chances for greater commercial liaison. In effect, respondents were given a soap box on which to express personal opinions and sketch out some potential academic research and development scenarios. Over 130 chose to use the opportunity and these responses in particular will repay careful study. Growth points indicated include computing (in a variety of forms, both science and arts-based); biotechnology; plant-related sciences; studies in gerontology' and, intriguingly, feminist studies. But perhaps the most important evidenc yet to emerge is the apparent unawareness which the left hand frequently display of the right. If the Survey performs no greater service than to be the channel through which staff discover more about the complementary and related research initiatives of their colleagues in other - sometime quite unsu pected, because unlikely - areas of the College, then that alone will have been sufficient justification for the exercise. S P Harrow, Assistant Secretary (Planning) ote: Members of staff who have not yet sent in Survey returns are urged to do so as soon as possible. If you have mislaid your copy of the Survey, please get in contact either with Stephen Harrow


(Strand ext. 2 30) or Sarah Leigh, Information and Publication Officer (Strand ext. 2179) both of whom will be very pleased to let you have new forms.

Thi year' May Ball will be held at the Savoy Hotel on Saturday May 2nd 19 7. Several other venue were considered, including the Dorche ter Hotel and Grosvenor House, but having established a good relationship with the Savoy's banqueting staff after last year' resounding success, it was decided that their services should be retained. It is also envisaged that the Ball will remain at the Savoy for the forseeable future. The evening will commence at 6.30 pm with a full reception, including entertainment, in the Abraham Lincoln Room. This year the reception will have a oliege theme and a pecial guest appearance is promised. This will be followed by a four-course Dinner-dance in the ornate Lancaster Ballroom with music provided by the superb Johnny Howard Dance Band who return by popular request. This excellent and versatile band will be in full fourteen piece format, playing a wide repertoire of popular music, until carriages at 1 am. The May Ball promises to be the most outstanding social event of the College calendar and it provide an excellent opportunity for members of College to mingle in the elegant surroundings of one of the finest hotels in the world. The Ball is organised on a strict non-profit making budget. To increa e the quality of the evening to an even higher standard than last year, and to cover rising costs, the committee regret the necessity of charging £70 per double ticket. However, the Ball Committee are sure that the evening still represents outstanding value for money. Andrew Cox (physics Department)

staff find that they can often obtain useful preliminary result which can form the ba is for future grant application. The decision by the College to award £4000 to the Faculty for these projects was, therefore, warmly welcomed, and the six project - chosen from different department - have all proved very ucce sful. In two departments, Biophy ic , Cell & Molecular Biology and Pharmacology. the students concerned are continuing the work they ommenced. In the latter case the student had completed her degree course, and the vacation work was an extension of her third year project. Prof ssor J Littleton, her supervisor, has described her findings as "of considerable theoretical and practical importance in cellular pharmacology and its therapeutic applications. " A student in the Department of Food & utritional Sciences was assessing drugs for human use in weight control. This work is continuing, and has obvious commercial application . A Physiology project has potential, after much further work, for use in the treatment of diabete , and an application has been made to the MRC for a research assistant to undertake full-scale trial of the product. The results of the remaining two studentships are also being u ed as a ba is for further grant applications. The Pharmacy studentship involved collaboration with Smith, Klein and French, a pharmaceutical company, and it is hoped to obtain two SERC CASE awards from the work. The project in the Anatomy and Human Biology Department has already resulted in a successful application for a grant of £ 16,200 from the British Heart Foundation. As Professor Webster puts it, " .. a return of more than sixteen-fold on the College outlay! Need I say more?" DiJys Carter, Faculty Clerk


FACULTY OF LIFE SCIE CESSTUDE TSHIP SUCCESS Summer studentships are not new to some of the academic staff of the Faculty of Life Sciences. Projects have been funded by organisations such as the Wellcome Trust for anum ber of years. Allowing a student, usually at the end of their second year, to receive a small grant for a summer project, they have been popular with staff and students alike. Students can gain some experience of research work, and many decide to go on to take a PhD while

This will be the third lunch-time chools liaison meeting, and will be held on the Chelsea campus. The purpose of these lunches is to enable those involved in Schools Liaison work to meet each other, discuss problems, and identify and consider topics of concern for this important work of promoting awareness and interest in King's College. rf you are interested in attending, please fill in and return the form on the back page.


Mark Baile was a laboratory techni ian in the Pharmacy Department. When he was _7 it was onfmned that he had ontracted Multiple clerosis. ince then his health has deteriorated rapidly and considerabJ . He has lost the use of his legs and has only limited use of his arms. Sadly, he finds it impo sible to write and very difficult to ustain reading because he tires qUickly.

The rurning period 0 my life during whi h the ign 0 MS began re emerge eem . looking back, 0 brief. The gathering hadow began to ca t a more permanenr gloom around me. The om bre question whi h on ronted me were finally an wered hen my on ultant neurologi t LOok on the LOne vhi h I can onl remember a that of the acele public announ er. 11 fears were confirmed. My thoughts were numbed a my youthful aspiration faded away. In rho e moments I felt as if I was pau ing in some dreary tunnel during a 10ngJoumey. I feel that echo in my m ind"We regret re announce that we are unabte to proceed."

Last year the College launched an appeal to raise ÂŁ1500 for an electric wheelchair. In two months over ÂŁ3000 w~. collected.

The light go out and 1 earch for any sign of a glO\\ ahead. If it is there, for the moment at lea t. it i ob cured. I mu t tay still and take stock.

Mark has struggled to find the right words to convey his thanks. The fact that he has done so in such a thought provoking way and against the background of his debilitating illness, has made this an effort of monumental proportions.

"We regret to announce, The progno is i not good. I regret you announced, Yet 1 a umed you would."

31 I, 7

16, Mount Plea ant, Di , orfolk.

Dear Mark Bailey,


I feel that I have waIted too long to re pond to tho e many people at King' College who have hown so much kindnes to me during the last year. I could easily find simple words to explain my appreciation to 0 many people who may never have known Mark Bailey and yet who 0 freely contributed to what wa , by any standards, a conSIderable gift to allow me to purcha e my electric wheelchair, and more. I could add, maybe, a few words expressing my utter amazement at the size of the appeal. Such a response would, no doubt, be registered With intere t and ensitivity by mem bers of the College. However, so few un. upported word would undervalue the fundamental significance of what to me wa a communal act of tenderness as well as charity. I would prefer all to under tand what I scc, and 0 place the King's kindne s in the context of my situation. To do that I would have to reveal how MS has affected my body and mind. 1 yearn to do just that, uninhibited and from the depths of my being; to sadden and at the same time to uplift. I daresay (hope) that all those who reached out to me would realise why I would want to detail my thought. And yet, I fear that it i only to you, Mark, that r can directly disclose my feeling. I can have no qualm about overburdening you with explanations of my troubles because you fully comprehend how I ee and feel. nd 0 through you r reflect.

The dark shadows which occasionally loomed during my 'well' life were as vague and brief as passing dreams. In those healthy days, 1 could take in my stride all the gifts of freedom which had been be towed upon me. To love, to move, to give, to change, to be part of the com pany or to be independent: in hort, to have boundle s choice. Then it was hard to imagine anything which could poil my bright vista. This is what I uspect to be the normality of healthy being when the grinding problems which urround us are matters for others to uffer whil t we discour e about them or, if 0 moved, extend a firm hand of support to the unfortunate. Our involvement. no matter how deeply felt, IS an optional matter. There is a world of difference between being de titute and living as a destitute. When all is well only tho e rare aint bind themselves irrevocably to their optional burdens. I have learned how easy it has been to take my gift for granted. 'I turn away and shut the door, and on the stair Wonder how many times I could have proved my worth In something that all others understand or share." (Yeats)

I must try to think. Where wa I gOIng? What was the pOlnt of my Journey? Am I till travelling? Suddenly it eem th3t I am overburdened by the price of a ticket for what is ajoyless expedition. Doe the grey announcement mean that I have been reroured? If 0, must I make my own way? If I know the an wer to that tor sure, then at lea -t I can find a ne\\ purpo e, even If it i only to search for a guide. "There was a man whom sorrow named his friend nd he, of his high comrade orTOW dreaming Went walking with slow teps along the gleaming And humming sands, where windy urges wend And he called loudly to the stars to bend From their pale throne and comfort him, but they Among themselves laugh on and sing alway. And then the man whom sorrow named his friend Cried out, dim ea, hear my piteous story! The sea swept on and cried her old cry still, Rolling along in dreams from hill to hill. He fled the persecutions of her glory And, in a far-off gentle valley stopping, Cried all his story to the dew drops glistening. But naught they heard for they are always listening, The dewdrops, for the sound of their own dropping. And then the man whom sorrow named his friend Sought once more again rhe hore, and found a hell, And thought, 1 will my heavy story tell Till my own words reechoing shall send Their sadness through a hollow, pearly heart; And my own tale again for me shall sing And my own whi pering words be comforting And lo! my ancient burden may depart.- - -" (Yeats) ow that I have learned to bypass the question 'Why me?' and in tead substitute -Why anybody?', I am able to apply the maxim that everything i relative. By this we knO\\, ark, that there is a sort of com fort which accept that there arc many who would envy my own good fortune. Small comfort, for sure; but it is a start. I begin to look for hope. To tart with I must accept that I may be re trieted to a carch for what may lay under a desperately heavy stone. The attempt has at least given me something to do when I would otherwi e be only aware of the bu iness of feeling unwell. It was Emile Zola who remarked that 'When the future hold. no hope, the pre ent takes on a vile and bitter flavour." In my low depres ed moments I feel that acrid taste. It has to make me peer more urgently out of the gloom for that precious ray. Once again everything is relative. In the bright pre-MS days only the merest hint of dark adversity would


cause me to turn my head. Down here in my dim world the mallest flicker of relief, however instant, stirs my awareness, edges away the droning boredom which ometimes make me want to scream. Boredom weighs me down. 1 now know what impelled Voltaire's old woman to remark "1 should like to know which is worst, to be ravished a hundred time by pirates, to run the gauntlet of a Bulgar regiment to be whipped and hanged at an auto-da-fe, to be dissected, to row in the galleys - in fact, to experience all of the miserie through which we have passed or just to stay here with nothing to do?" It was concluded from this that "- man was born to suffer the restlessness of anxiety or the lethargy of boredom." In my downcast moments I feel that somehow I have neatly contrived to combine the two mi fortunes. But wait! I must beware that vile and bitter flavour and return to the theme of hope and pleasure. What can I how? I have a lovely home and a devoted sister who is the embodiment of patience and love. I have my poets and music. They help me to contemplate. I have the though ts and concern of other, more than I could ever have imagined. The communtty of King's College has been and, I feel, still is my blessing here. Tho e caring, gentle individuals have kindled a bright and steady glow which has been with me ever ince news of my appeal was revealed. They should all know that not only have I been given increa ed freedom of movement with my wheelchair, but also much of my angui h, which has at times threatened to overwhelm me, has been eased. I have been thrilled to know that I have been at the centre of a great wave of sympathy from which the goodnes of 0 many heart has warmed mine. This is a great gift for which I need the olemn aid of borrowed words to adequately express my deepe t thanks.

"When in di grace with fortune and men's eyes I all alone beweep my outcaste state nd trouble deaf heaven with my bootless crie . nd look upon myself and curse my fate, Wishing me like no one more rich in hope, Feature like him. like him with friend po se sed. De iring this man' art, and that man' 'cope, With what I mo t enjoy contented lea t; Yet in these thoughts myself almo t despising, Haply I think of thee and then my state, Like to the lark at break of day arising From sullen earth ing hymns at heaven' gate; For thy sweet love remembered such wealth brings, That then I scorn to change my state with King." (Shake peare onnet)


And now I'm dizzy from the climb. But I can rest and smile. Before I dream I'll think of Delius; and Fenby' pen awhile.

Mark Bailey


Last year, I said to you that we must maintain our unrelenting search for academic strength, economies and greater efficiency - especially in the relationship between the Centre and the Schools - in order to ensure that as much of our dwindling money as po sible is put to our prime academic purpose. Since then, the UGC has been putting increasing pressure on u to do ju t that; by its formula approach to funding, which pays scant attention to our historic structure as a federal university, and Which, by and large, we have had to pa s on to you; by its crude threats to the University's central activities, so-called; and by its emphasis on academic planning. As you know, we had ourselves already begun to address the question of a University strategic plan on a rolling basis, and you may have seen a num ber of papers sketching our approach to planning on the agenda of la t week's Joint Planning Committee. A strategic plan for the University as a whole is necessary so that the Court and

Senate may have an orderly approach to academic resource management in the circum tances we now fa e; but it annOT tand alone, it must mesh with the trategi plans of each of our School , Colleges and In titutions. which in turn it must influence. The two-way planning pro ess that we are attempting Will, I am sure, at first reveal inconsi tencie ,error and omis ions - objectives without poli ies to obtain them, policies with no stated objective, duplication of provision, ill-conceived rivalries and conflicts of interest likely to generate wa te. There will be much for all to do. Such issues need to be aired openly rather than nursed as secret agendas if a strategic planning proce s is to convince the UGC and, more to the point, if it is to have any acceptance within the Univer ity. There may be tho e who prefer to have no plans, to follow every gust of wind wherever it may blow, calling it flexibility and imagining that ob curity mean power. I know I can rely on you, with your unparalleled sense of how the University actually runs, to approach this enterprise, difficult though it is and time-consuming, in a constructive spirit. Heaven knows, there will be much else to occupy you this year: but it is clear that, for all of us, improving our planning process must have some priority.

REVIEW OF THE COLLEGE ADMINISTRATION The Planning and Resource Committee has recently decided that the College's academic activities should be subjected to

Graduates mingle with College staff at one ofJanuary's graduation receptions held in the Great Hall, Strand campus.

regular peer review. The fir t 'uch review to be undertaken will be concerned with the Department of Food and. 'utntional S ien e . There I ever} rea on to u bjt.>'t the College' non-a ademic a IV) le to imilar re·1<: ..... To thl end. 1:r Clive Pne tl> ha been ommi IOned to undt.>rtake a n~\ ie.... ot the College Adml.lll nation . . h Pr! I> ha~, until ret:ently, erved a a member ot the Coun il 0 Readmg Cnlver It> where he .... a actively involved m examIning and applying the re ommendatlon which emerged from the J arratt Report and Its a oClated tudie. Pre\'iou Iy Chiet of tatf to Su Derek Raynor in the Prime tiniter's offi e, 1r Prie tl> is urrentIy Director of Special Projects. Briti h Telecom t i propo cd that the review will cover uch ubJc t a the managerial needs of the College. the ta utory obligations of the Council and the AcademiC Board. and the objectives of the College C.harter. Mr Pne. tly will be as isted by Mr H Mu Iwhlte, Secretary of the School of Medline and Den ti try. He will need to ee enior members of the Collegt.>, arrangeent for which will be made in due our e. His report will be to the Chairman nd through him to the re t of the corn m·ttee. It will be completed by June 30 1987.



Tuesday 24 February The ir t Derek. bller lemorial Le.:.ture DI T-!. 'DCC D THER\'IOGE.· A.. 'D OBE ITY Profe or.1 J lO\.k .30pm, The lien Theatre, Ken ington campu

Thursday 26 February The dam Lecture 19 TOLER CE ir Yehudi Menuhin 5.30pm, The Great Hall, Strand campu

Friday 27 February A Public Lec.ture in the acuity of Life ciences - Immunology Spe\.lallntere t Group HL - B27 THRO GH THE E E OF I 1M . OLOGY Professor T E W eltkamp, etherland Ophthalmic Research In titute, msterdam 7 .00pm, The Hen Theatre. Kensington campus

Thursday 12 March The Chelsea Lt: ture EDLCATIO.· .D CO.fPETITlO.· Dr D H Hargrea\e ,Chle In pe.... tor. Inner London dUt:atlon uthonty 5 .OOpm. Main Lecture Theatre. Hud on Building, Chel ea campu



Monday 2 March Q L Ys (QU LlTY YE RS): A ALlD PPROACH I • LLOC Tl~G RE 0 RCE ? Prafe, or Alan \ illiam . In -titu f e tor Re car h 111 the oClal Scien e, ew York

Thur day 12 March I ATIO L OMMI SIO 0 MrDlC L ETH/CS? Profe or lex apron, niver ity of outhern California Law Center Both Lecture at 1.0Spm· 2.15pm in Room 3B20, Strand campu

THE F D M URICE LECTURES 19 7 Members of the Dean, the Revd been appointed take up his new

College will know that the Richard Harrie , has Bishop of Oxford and will post on I July.

The Council ha set in motion the procedures for appointing a new Dean in accordance with College regulation. The Selection Committee has been et up consISting of:-

Monday 2 March A Puhlic Lecture in the Department of erman WHATTHEDEVIL!?-TWE TI THCE TURY FAUSTS (In American, English, French, llalian and Rus ian Litera tu re) Profe sor Eric A Blackall, Emeritus Profe sor of German, CorneLI University and Visiting Profe or of German, KCL 5.30pm, Room 3B20, Strand campu

The Principal The Bishop of London The Rt Revd and Rt Hon

ElIi on

Profe sor J anet Bately Dr Venetia France The Revd Dr P B

anon J L Houlden


The po t is being advertised in the press and, in addition. advice and ugge lions are being ought a widely a pas ihle. The Committee would particularly welcome sugge tions from mem ber of the College and these should be ent to the Principal. The closing date for applications is 20 March, and the ommittee propo e to interview short·Jj ted candidates early in May.

Tue day 3 March Public Lecture in the Department of Portugue e and French THE PORT GEE, MO T IG E Al TD fHE C IB LS OF BR ZIL: THE Q ESTIO OF TH OTHER Profe sor Luciana S tegagno Picchio, niver ity of Rome, •La Sapienza' 5.30pm, Room 2BO ,Strand campu

Tue day 3 March A Public Lecture in the Faculty of Laws TRACl G LA/MS I THE MODER WORLD Profe or Gareth Jone , Vice-Master of Trinity College, Cambndge 5.1 5pm, The ew Theatre. Strand campu




Tue day 10 March FROM GETH ·MA TOR/ M Thur day 12 March THE CR Cl 1 10~




The LC\.Iure will be given by Prole or Raymond Brown, nion Theological eminary, ew York, at 5.00pm. The Great Hall, Strand campu



DEPARTME T OF PALAEOGRAPHY LECTURES Wedne day 4 March FROM PARCHME TER TO SCRIBE: The manufacture and preparation of medieval parchment from the literary and phy ical evidence Mr Michael Gullick Wedne day II March PAUSE A D EFFECT MLl\1aJcolm Parkes Wednesday 18 March EVIDE CE FOR THE PROVE A CE OF MA USCRIPTS Professor Andrew Watson 12 noon, Room 28 II , Strand campus

POSTGRADUATE SEMI ARS IN MODERN GREEK LA GUAGE D LITERATURE Monday 23 February LA GUAGE, LITERATURE A D IDE TITY AMO G THE GREEKS OF PERTH (AUSTRALIA) Vasiliki Chrys anthopoulou, Wolf on College, Oxford Monday 2 March FICTIONAL BOU DARIES A D FRAMED ARRATIVES I GREEK PROSE Dimitris Tziovas, University of Birmingham Monday 9 March SEFERIS' LOGBOOK IJI AND THE CypRIOT CAUSE: 1953-1955 Kalerina K rikos-D avis, Trinity Hall, Cambridge 5.00pm, Burrows Library, Strand campus

THE MAXWELL SOCIETY Monday 23 February THE ORIGI S OF LIFE Profe sor SF Mason, FRS, KCL Monday 2 March MAKI G LIGHT WORK (Lecture/Demon tration) Dr M Kimmitt, Univer ity of Es ex Monuay 9 March SIR lOH RA DALL, FRS HIS LIFE AND WORK Profes or M H F Wilkins, FRS Nobel Laureate, KCL Monday 16 March CHAOLOGY, ILLUSTRATED BY A SIMPLE? TOY Professor M Berry, FRS, Bristol University 2.00pm, Room 2e, Strand campu


Heather Couper, President of the British Astronomical Association, in characteristic pose during her lecture to the Maxwell Society on 19 January, Centre of the Galaxy.


Friday 27 February THE DISCRETE CHARM OF THE TIRED STARLING Peter De Groot, KCL Friday 6 March MIMICRY: THE MUTUALISM A D PARASITISM OF COMMUNICATION Dr Dick Vane-Wright, Natural History Museum Friday 13 March PSOCIDS AND FOOD Dr Bryan Turner, KCL Friday 20 March U DERSTA Dl G THE CAUSES OF FOREST DECLI E Dr Keith Brown, CEGB Leatherhead 1.00pm, Room 228, Kensington campus

2.ISpm, Room IB06, Strand campus



Wednesday 2S February o E MA ' EXPERIE CE IN MA AGI G I DUSTRIAL RESEARCH Dr RA Jeffreys, Kodak Ltd

Wednesday 4 March SECO DAR Y COMPOU DS A D THEIR ROLE I PLA T/INSECT INTERRELATIO SHIPS Profe sor Arthur Bell, Royal Botanic Gardens Kew 4.30pm, Lower Ground Lecture Theatre, Ken ington campu

Wednesday II March MILK FOAMS Mr B E Brooker, Reading Food Research In titute S.30pm, Food Science Lecture Theatre, Kensington campus

INSTITUTE OF HUMAN RIGHTS LECTURES Monday 9 March HUMA RIGHTS A D THE EUROPEA COURT OF JUSTICE The Hon Sir Gordon Slynn, AdvocateGeneral, European Court of Justice; Visiting Profe sor of Law, KCL 1.00pm, The ew Theatre, Strand campus

Wednesday 11 March DESIG OF AMI OGL YCOSlDE A TIBIOTICS Dr A Canas-Rodriquez, KCL 4.1Spm, Lecture Theatre 19, Chel ea campus


CENTRE FOR EDUCATIONAL STUDIES SEM INARS Wednesday 25 February SYMMETRY A D OISE Professor H Post, KCL (Chaired by Arthur Lucas) Wednesday 4 March TOWARDS A TAXONOMY OF MULTIETHNIC EDUCATION: PROBLEMS A D CO TRADICTIO S R Bride, Luton College (Chaired by Brian Davies) Wednesday 11 March CONTRACT WORK A D DEVELOPME T WORK AS RESEARCH Professor D N Harris, BruneI University (Chaired by Brian Davies) Wednesday 18 March RESEARCH STYLES IN HEALTH EDUCATION Gill Williams and Tony Mansell,CES (Chaired by Joan Bliss)


Tue day 10 March WEISHEIT, KLUGHEIT U D DIE BEGRE ZTE ME SCHUCHE ERKE TISFAHIGKEIT BEl FREIDA K Profes or Wolfgang Harms, Munich. 6 pm, Room GOS, Strand campu (Re earch MA and advanced undergraduate students are welcome.)

STUDY SKILLS SEMINARS Two afternoon seminars are being planned by the Student Counselling Service, to help students improve their study techniques and prepare for end of year examinations. The first seminar will be on March 11 at the Strand campus, and the second on April 29 at the Kensington campus.


They will begin at 2 pm and last about two hours.

Tuesday 24 March SOURCES OF A GLO-SAXON LITERATURE: WRITI GS K OW BY AUTHORS IN ANGLO-SAXON ENGLA D 10.30am, continuing throughout the day, Council Room, Strand campus

They will topics such as revision, tackling exam papers and techniques of answering essay questions as well as coping with anxiety. Tutors, please make all students aware of these dates.

INSTITUTE OF ADY ANCED MUSICAL STUDIES COLLOQUIA Wednesday 18 February BEETHOVEN S COMPOSITIONAL MODELS FOR THE CHORAL FINALE OF THE NINTH SYMPHONY Professor William Kinderman, University of Victoria S.OOpm, Room 301, Strand campus Friday 6 March A WAGNER AFTER OON 3 Public Lectures on Wagner

4.30-6.30pm, Room 3.020, Hudson Building, Chelsea campus

2.1Spm THE VERSE FORMS OF THE RiNG Stewart Spencer Royal Holloway and Bedford New College


3.1Spm THE UMINOUS I . GOTTERDAMMERUNG Christopher WintJe, Goldsmith's College

Wednesday 25 February BIOCHEMICAL PROCESSES AS LEADS TO RATIONAL DRUG DESIG Dr K T Douglas, University of Essex

4.4Spm THE PROGRESS TO PERFECTIO Professor Arnold Whittall, KCL

The Principal being presented with the Brazilian flag by a delegate to the Brazilian Lawyers Group Congress which met at the College in mid-January.


S.30pm, Lecture Theatre 19, Chel ea campus


Wednesday 4 March ANTI-ACETYLCHOU ESTERASES TO ANALGESICS Dr B Robinson, University of Manchester

Tuesday 17 February THE THEME OF PE ANCE IN HARTMA'S 'GREGORlUS' J onathan Bartlett, St. Anne's College, Oxford.

Wednesday 4 March BIBLICAL CHRONOLOGY: LEGE D OR SCIE CE? Professor J ames Barr, FBA, Regius Professor of Hebrew, University of Oxford S.30pm, Chancellor's Hall, Senate House





(Durham), F. B.

. M.

. Oxford, D. Lin.

., F. S.


Prof or of Palaeography at King' College London from 1961 and FeIJow of the College from 19 9.

Juhan Brown, born in Penrith on the 24th February 1923, first came to London a a King's Scholar of We tminster School. He went up to Chnst Church,Oxford, in 1941. where he took Classical Honours Mods in 1942 before the interruption of his undergraduate work by wartime service with The Border Regunent. In 1948 he graduated in Lit. Hum., and in 1950 he was appointed an Assi tant Keeper in the Department of Manu cripts In the Bntish Mu eum where he wa to remain until his app~intment, as ucce sor to Francis Worm aid to the Chair of Palaeography in 196 I. H~ was elected a Fellow of the College in 1975 and a Fellow of the Bntish A ademy in 1982. Despite taking early retirement in 1984 in order to pend more time on hiS own re earch, he contmued to teach lor King's, helping and encouraging all who took their querie and problems to him OutSide speakers still came to London, whether to give public lectures in King' or to pre ent papers to the Palaeography Seminar at Senate House. 'ot least a a member of the Comite Internationai de Paleographie Latine, he orgam ed the highly succe sful Colloque held in London in 1985. In 1986 he was awarded a D.Litt. hunoris causa by the niversity of Durham. He died on the 19th January 1987, and his memoflaI service will be held in the College Chapel on the 17th March. The distinctIOn of Julian Brown's scholarship was evident with the publication of


the volume of ommentary for the magnificent fa simile of the Lmdi farne Gospel ( 1960). There followed other studies of ,'orthumbrian boo s. of the Stonyhurst Gospel and the Durham Ritual both in 1969) and of the Durham Go pel (19 0). In these. as in many other pubhcatton . he made valuable ontribution to our undert nding of the written legac. of mediaeval Europe and of Its lnhentan e trom the cIa i al world. HIS clear- ighted interpretatton of the evidence to be found in manu c.;ripts, not narrowly palaeographl al ~ut using and developmg te hmque of COdl ologlcal de nptlOn, has much to 0 fer olleagues in many di ipline, and he was ought out and on ulted by lassicist historians, musi ologlSt , theolOgians and those of u working in the vernacular languages. His classes and lectures were attended by students and staff not ju t of Kmg's College but of UnIVersIty College, Birkbeck, Bedford and Royal Holloway. Westfield, the Imtttute 01 Hlstoncal Re earch the Institute for ClaSSIcal Studies and the Warburg, and a well by postgraduates of other univerSltle . Many eminent cholar on sabbati al in London were also to be met at them. Throughout his years in King's Julian Brown played a full role m the College's life, serving on a range of College committee and on the College Council. For six years he was a most dedicated, efficient and influential chairman of the LIbrary Committee. t the ame time, he gave unstintingly of hi time to other libranes, and hiS loss WIll be felt at such varleu places as Lam beth Palace and most obviously the Palaeography Room of Senate House Library. He took an active rolc in meetings of the SOUL committee and hi authority was greatly respected in many other learned associations, most recently In the earliest deliberations of the Council of the Fontes Anglo-Saxonici. Indeed, he was recognized as the nattonal arbiter in palaeographical matters and hi reputation was International. Perhaps Juhan Brown will in the short term be be t remem bered for his kindliness, generosity. patience and honesty a a scholar of excellence hi future reputation is secure. But to all who knew him there will remain a en e of the loss 01 the most intelligent and faIthful of friends. He was no dry a dust scholar, but a man filled with Wit, good sense, poetry and humour. The College's loss IS great. We must not lorget to extend our sympathy to hI wIdow, Sanchla. who has cared for and nur cd hlffio devotedly dunng the last few years, and to his daughters Charlotte and Rache!.

MEMORIAL SERVICE A service of thanksgiving for the life and work of Julian Brown will be held on Tuesday 17 March 1987, in the College Chapel at 5.30 pm.

PROMOTIO S Brian Jame Bond, B ,M ,to Profe or m the Department of War Studle. Prole or Bond was IOrmerly a Re der tn that D par ment David Ian Da~ie ,PhD, DSc. KC. to Profe or 01 Chem) ry In the Department of Chemlstr}. Prole sor Da\ie \\as formerly a Reader m that Department. George Le lie England, BSc (Eng ,PhD, DSc (Eng). C Eng, FICE, to Profe or of 'vleLhanic of Structure tn th Department of ivil Engineenng. Profe or England wa formerly a Reader tn that Department. Peter Chri topher We t, BSc, PhD, DIe, RCS, to Profe sor of Applied Mathematics. Professor West was formerly a Reader In that Department.


The Overseas Research Student ward.' cheme will be operatio~ agaIn thiS year when 00 award will be available to over ea po tgraduate tudent oloutstanding merit and re earch potential on a competitive ba. i . The closing dates for appJicatiom arc a follows;Byapplicant to Registrar; 1st May 1987 By Registrar to CVCP: Lst June 19 7 However, applicant . hould be encouraged to apply early and, In any ca e, well In advance of I t May 198", so as to give suffiCIent tIme for the Registry to obtain the necc sary academIC reference. Thi year the evcp ha indicated that King' College may ubmit a maximum 01 25 upported applications Once again, the Committee emphasises the Importance of a preliminary election of applicatIon wllhin each academIC in titutlOn and It i. very clearly. tated that only tudent of outstanding merit wtll be conSIdered for the e Awards. A in previou year, a committee con i ting of the Dean ot the Faculties WIll be responSible for making thi preliminary selectIOn and deciding on the 25 applications to be forwarded to CVCP. CopIes of the advertlsmg brochure and applIcation forms arc available from the Admis ions Office and all queries hould be referred to Jennlfer Jackson, the . i tant Regi trar ( dmi slons).

THE SIR EDWARD STER STUDE TSHIPS Two studentships for postgraduate research in Modern Languages, Medicine or Science at a school or in titute of the niver ity are open for application. These are tenable for one or two year (po iblya third) and are currently valued at ÂŁ3 366p.a., plus payment of tuition fees.

If the idea proves feasible a range of other possibilities is opened up, both for measurement of other physical quantities and for application in a diversity of other industries.

Further details are obtainable from: SCHOLARSHIPS SECTlO ROOM 21A SENATE HOUSE

Admission is free and all are welcome.

MALET STREET WClE 7HU Closing date is I March 1987.



The grant is for one year of research on a novel type of distributed optical-fibre temperature sensor for use in aerospace applica tions.

The actors, Jill Balcon and Gabriel Woolf, will read selections from the poetry of T. S. Eliot, at Senate House, Malet Street, WCI, at 4.30 pm on Monday::;3 February. The readings will include a duet from "The Cocktail Party", and selections from "The Lovesong of J Alfred Prufrock", 'Little Gidding , and "Marina". The readings will follow the unveiling of a plaque by Mrs Valerie Eliot at 24 Russell Square, the former offices of Faber and Faber, commemorating T. S. Eliot's work there. Eliot was Literary Editor and a Director of Faber and Faber from 1925 to 1965.

Applicants must be graduates of the University of London, holding a 1st Cia s or Upper 2nd Honours degree, or a Master's degree passed with Distinction.

A grant of ÂŁ 73,000 has recently been awarded to Professor A J Rogers of the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering for opto-electronics research. The money has been provided by Systron-Donner, who are manufacturers of aircraft and spacecraft instrumentation systems in California.


EASTER BREAK The College will be shut on:Thursday 16 April Friday 17 April Monday 20 April Tuesday 21 April

The Central Research Fund has been instituted for the purpose of making grants to members of the University (other than pre ent undergraduate students and those registered for a taugh t Master's degree) engaged on specific projects of research, to assist with the provision of special materials, apparatus and travel costs. Application are considered each term and the next closing date for applications is Monday 23 March. Forms of application and further particulars may be obtained from the Central Research Fund Section, Senate House, Room 21 A, Malet Street, WC I E 7HU Tel. 6368000 Ext. 3147.

Optical fibres are finding increasing application in the field of industrial measurement sensing. They possess several significant advantages for such use; among these are their immunity from electromagnetic interference, their low weight and easy flexibility, their good electrical insulation and their low cost. In addition, an optical fibre essentially comprises a one-dimensional measurement medium, allowing the possibility of mea uring industrial quantities continuously as a function of position (and of time) along any chosen measurement path. It is towards this latter feature that the present research is directed. The aim is to demonstrate the feasibility of measuring a temperature field along the length of approx. lOOm of optical fibre with a spatial resolution of O.lm, and a temperature resolution of lK. Such knowledge is required continuously for in-flight monitoring of conditions within aircraft and space craft structures. The research will seek to implement a patented idea which involves acousto-optical polarization modulation of the light propagating in a fibre.

George Walden during his visit to the Physics Department, seen here with the Principal in one of the Departmental laboratories..


REQ EST FROM THE The r hives need opie of the followmg to complete the ene :Queen Elizabeth College Annual Report, 19 _ Queen lizabeth College Pro pecru , 19'9 0,19 0 1,19 I, ~. 19 ~ 3. 19 3 4. If anyone can help, plea e onta t Mi hael Page In the Archive. trand campu ext. 21 7).

TO LET charming cottage Blackheath, BR to Charing Cross) is available to let for 4 - 6 months. The cost i ÂŁ 150 per week exclusive of bills. It is furnished and equipped to a high standard, ha 4/5 bedrooms, and would suit a professional couple or sharers. For further details, please ring 7334324, evenings and week-ends.

n American Prof or wi he to rent a house or fiat for him elf, wife. and two daughter aged 9 and 1_ for u e during a abbati al 'i it to Imperial College. The pproxlmate date needed are lug. 19 I to I July 19 plea ant neighbourhood uitable or hildren i required. Please end in ormatlon to: Profes or David M Ro ke Graduate School of dmini tration niver ity of Califorma Davis California 9 - 6 16 SA

FOR SALE An EC Spinwriter 35 10 (piu bidirectional tractor, cables and ribbons) i offered for sale at ÂŁ450 o.n.o. It is virtually unused and in perfect condition. Please contact the Department of Philosophy, ext. 2769 or 2231.

A bove and left: scenes from the Burns Night dinner hosted by the Senior Common Room. Following a sherry reception in the Senior Common Room, diners were piped downstairs to the Waitress Dining Room. The haggis was piped around the room before being addressed by the Principal.




Friday 6 March 1987 12.30/12.45 - 1.45 at the Chel ea campus Sandwiches and coffee available Please return the slip to Peter Lawrence, Room 223 Strand Building as soon as possible so that we have an idea of numbers. COMM T is produced by the King' College London (KQC) Information Office on the Strand campus.





EXT EDITlO : Copy date Friday March 6 for pu blication in the week of March 16.

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