The College's proposals for the a qui Ition of the lease of Cornwall House were pu t to Mr Kenneth Baker on Friday 20 Mar h and, a the Principal reported to ouncil the following Tue day, he wa learly Interested by the College's radical approach. The College is proposing that the Lea e be purchased without committing public fund. The Secretary of State has invited the College to produce fuller written proposal as he obviou Iy wishes to be atisfied that the development is realistic. He ha also properly pointed out that even should the purchase of the Lease go ahead, that of itself places no legal or moral obligation on the DES to provide fund or guarantee the transfer of money from ale of property. The College however has put forward an imaginative and innovative proposal for bringing College nd University policy to fruition and will be meeting in the very near future with Mr hristopher Chope, the Minister responsible In the Department of the Environment.
MARCH 25th 1987
The March I Senate meeting approved re ommendatlons for the re tructuring of engrnecring outlined in the last edition of COMME T. tIer thiS year Kmg's will no longer offer a single honours degree option in ivil Engineering. proportIOn of resources currently devoted to eivil engineering at King's will be redeployed ~ 1thin the Faculty to strengthcn the pre em Departments of lectronic and Elcctrical I:.ngineering and Mechanil.all:.nglnccrlng, and to investigate new areas ot teachmg and research, including the proposed establishment of a new entre in Engineering Law and Pro)t:ct Management, close to the heart of the comulting engineering profe!>slon Ln London. Other re ourt:es will be tramferred to Queen Mary College to !>trengthen civil engineering there. Precise details of the actual allocation arc to be workcd out between thc two Print:lpals. Thi!> agreement brings to an cnd the long di cus ion on the place of King' engineering within the University and cnsun:s that the Kmg's Faculty can n w make !>ecure futurc plans.
The last edition of COMME T contaim:d an error in the financial reporting on page 2. Item (ill) of the Cost Reduction Programme indicated the closure of Pulton Place and Hortensia Road by the summer of 1988. These buildings must in fact be closed by the summer of this year, 19 7. Investigation has to be made into further closure, of 552 King's Road and the Library at Manresa Ro d, by the ummer of 1988. The last meeting of Council received thc gloomy financial predictions, outlined in the last issue, and had no option but to give full endorsement to the cost reduction programme the College must now undertake.
NEXT EDITION: Copy date Wednesday 15 April for pu bHcation in the week of '27 April.
Professor Tyrrell will be retiring at the cnd of thi session. The post of full-time i 'cPrin 'ipal will be repla ed by two parttime appointments and the Principal has announced that the!>e po!>t!> wLll be filled by Profe!>sor orma Rinsler (Head of the French Department) and Profe!>sor Ron Burge (Head of the Physic Department), for an initial three-year period.
WESTFIELD GOES EAST Tht: Coun iI of West field College, at its mt:eting on Tuesday 17 March, overturned the decision of its Academic Board by accepting a future in the a t End as part of the proposed "Unitt:d olleges of Queen Mary and Westfield". Profes~or Varcy ha!> written formally to a quaint King's with this decision and the proposals will be put to the next meeting of the University Joint Planning Committee.
E lL P RKl SO TO HE D EW COLLEGE DEVELOPME T TR ST The King' College Development Trust, estabh hed In 19 0, is to be reconstituted IQ spearhead a new development programme, induding capital development, maintenance of student re iden e pro ision, endowment of Chairs and funded reearch. r ollowing dIscussions with the hairman of Council, Sir J mes Spooner, the Principal, and Mr Myles Tempany, the Vlce-Pnncipal ( xternal Affairs), Mr e LI Park mson ha!> Indicated that he would be willing to accept the appointment of halfman of the Development Trust. Mr P:lrkinson's record in fundrai ing and his bu ines!> connection pia e him in a very strong position to help the College and King'!> IS most fortunate to have the benefit of his service. It is the intention to create a mall team of influential people 10 \ ork with Mr Parkinson as soon as tht: amendment of the Trust Deed ill approved. The Principal and Chairman of Council are ex officio Trustees and the Council have appointed Mr Myles Tempany as a College Trustee for a period of three years. The former Development Trust has been largely in abeyance for the pa t few years and the tinlC is now right to re-establisl. such a body on a firm basis.
COLLEGE FELLOWS ELECTED The tollowing have been ele ted of King's ollege:
Dr Robin Ernest AULD QC PhD LLB The Very Reverend Trevor BEESO Profe!>!>or Averil CAMERa PhD:
Or Michael CLARK MP BSc PhD Rt Hon Sir Frank COOPER PC GCB CMG: Professor Mervyn SMITH BPhann MPharm PhD FRIC Sir lames SPOON ER