Comment 025.1 September 1987

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King's College London (KQC) newsletter

Opening of Session issue



guide to ome of the event taking place throughout the College during the fir t t"'o week of tbe new e ion.

Monday 5 October THE PRl CIPAL S ADDRESS TO THE ST FF I.OOpm, Alien Theatre, Ken ington campu THE PRI CIPAL'S RECEPTIO FOR S.30pm, The Great Hall, Strand campu


THE ASSISTA T PRINCIPALS' RE EPTIO FOR KE SI GTO A D CHELSEA C MP SES 5.30pm, The Old Refectory, Ken ington campus





This i ue 01 Comment has been prouu cd ro mform both new and eXl ring :tudent and member of t ff of the fa ilities anu ervice aV3ilable to them lhroughou t the College. The nex t edition will be the first fu II b ue of the ne\\ e ion, and \\ ill be publtsheu In the week of 12 October (copy-date 2 Septem ber). ny item for inclu ion hould be ent to the Information Ollice on the Strand campu .

Admi ion to the reception for new tudents will be by ticket only. which will be available at registration.

ue day 6 October The 26th Wiltshire Memorial Lecture "THE CO TRIBUTIO OF PLA T S lE CES TO MEDICI E" Professor E A Bell, PhD, FLS, C Chem, FRSC (Director of the Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew) 4.30pm, Medical School Lecture Theatre, Denmark HiIJ campu Admission free

Wedne day 7 October THE OPE I G OF SESSIO SERVICE: Preacher - The Revd Canon Leslie Houlden, the Acting Dean of the College IO.OOam, The College Chapel, Strand campu Coffee will be served after the ervice in the Dean's Room. THE PRl CIPAL'S ADDRESS TO THE STAFF 1.30pm, The As embly Hall, Manresa Road Chelsea campu 4.30pm, ew Theatre, Strand campus THE PRl ClPAL'S RECEPTIO FOR EW STUDE TS AT THE STRA D CAMPUS 12 noon, The Great Hall Strand campus THE PRl ClPAL S RECEPTIO FOR 5.30pm, The Great Hall, Strand campu


Tuesday 13 October Joint Christian Forum Introductory Meeting "THE SEVEN AGES OF M : CLOSET CHRlSTlA S" Arranged by Clare Sealy, London Regional Secretary for SCM 1.10pm in 6C, Main Building, Strand campus



It is planned to issue a Staff Manual to all

members of the academic teaching staff and senior non-teaching staff early in Michaelmas Term. Copies will al 0 be available in departmental offices. The Manual will be in a loose leaf form and will contain information on committee mem bership, the administrative and financial tructure of the College, services available to staff and tudent, standard contracts of employment and similar reference material. A amendments become necessary, individual sections will be reprinted and circulated to the holder of manuals so that they can insert the new sections in place of the old. In thi way the Manual can be kept up-to-date without the need for a total reprint.

\\>edne day 14 October


Department of Mechanical Engineering Re earch Seminar 'PREDJCTIO A D MEAS REME T OF D AMIC STRUCT RAL RESPO, 'SE OF A LIGHT COMMER IAL VEHICLE TO SIMULATED ROAD I T" Dr B R Aurora, ICL Ltd 3.30 - 4.30pm, Room 280 . Strand campus A ervice of Thanksgiving for the life of IR PETER SCOTT OBLE. MA, LLD, October I 99 - May 19 7 S.30pm, The College Chapel, Strand campus There will be a reception after the ervice in the Council Room.


you \\,iJl know, the position of Dean of the ollege is to be- taken over b} Canon A kew a from I t January 19 . L nlll then, the re pon ibility for the formal dutie of the Dean, and for the Dean' Office. wlll be a umed by Revd Canon J L Houlden, from the Department 0 BIblical Studie .



Thur day 19 November The 2nd Rosenheim Lecture "I OSITOL LlPlDS I MEMBRA E SIG ALLI G" Professor R H Michell, FRS. Plea e contact the Dept of Biochemistry, Ext.2400 for further information.

U 10

Tue day 8 December The Music Department is presenting a Concert, which will be held in the Great Hall and will include Stravinsky's Symphony of Psalms. Students and staff are warmly invited to join the chorus or the orchestra. Plea e write to icola LeFanu in the Music Dept for a copy of the rehearsal schedule.






Sunday 4 October



Monday 5



Tuesday 6



KENSI GTO Wedne day 7



Thur day 8



The Chaplain are generally involved in all aspects of College life and are availa ble to all members of College, tudent and staff, to discuss any matters of p rsonal concern. So please do not he itat to contact any one of us if you feel we can be of any a i tance. There i a team of Chaplain working on all the College sites and Chri tian meetings and services take place throughout the ollege. The College Chaplain, Chri topher Moody, works full-time on the Strand campus and can be contacted in his office (68) or via the Dean' Office (7C). The other chaplain working on the Strand site are: Father Alexander Fo tiropoulo -.Orthodox Revd Kevin Swaine - URC, representing other free churches Father Bob Style SJ - Roman atholic Catherine Murphy - Roman Catholic lay chaplain The Chaplains on the Kensington campus are: Revd Bill & Revd Gi ela Raine - Anglican Francoise Griffin - Roman Catholic lay chaplain Father Alexander Fostiropoulos - Orthodox Revd Kevin Swaine - URC, representing other free churche On the Chelsea campu the Chaplains are:

Friday 9







Francoise Griffin - Roman Catholic lay chaplain Mes ages for the Chaplain on the Kensington or Chelsea campuse can be left with the Main Building Reception, Kensington campu . COLLEGE EUCHARIST Due to the pre sure on time-tabling, the time of the main College Eucharist ha been changed. It is now at I.IOpm on Wednesdays. All are very welcome. The Eucharist is followed by a light lunch in the Dean's office. The choir are present

at the Eu hari t and the ervi e end by 1..1': pm. ~lember 01 ollege tall take it in urn 0 preach a (very hort) ermon. al 0 gomg 0 be.l u han on a .00am .hi h Will be RI e B horal ven ong vdllta -e plal..e on ~10n颅 da, at ':,30pm. ror lull detaIl 01 he hapel enl e . plea e he hapel .. anJ.



. tant Regi trar (Admi ion) - lennifer on Senior dOli ion i tant - 10rri Berg i tant (Po tgraduate ) dOli ion dnenne Chant Admi ion i tant ( ndergraduate)'S teven Sa chem, Helen J one, GeorgJna Harn on Secretary - Da\'id Mortlock




The A.:ademic Regi trar' Department deal with the admlOl tration of academic maller WllhlO the College and I dIvided IOto three malO eCllon ; the Regl tr)-. the [nformatlOn Office and tudent Service. The department i al 0 repre nted on the Chel ea and K n IOgton campuse . A bnet ummary of the type of work for whIch each of the e ection i re pon Ible I gIven below, together with that of the cademlc Regi trar olfice it elf. Howver. if you are un ure a to whom you hould addres with a parll ular problem. the cademlc Regi trar's ecretary will be happy to help in the first in tance or either 01 the Registry office at Ch I ea or Ken IOgton, whichever IS the most convement.

Strand Campu THE ACADEMIC REGISTRAR'S OFFICE: Rooms 4B and 5B Academic Regi trar - Brian Salter Private Secretary to the Academic Regi trar - J ane Parry A i tant to the Academic Registrar Liz uden-Davie Thi office deal with all matter 01 academic policy. including the ervicing of the Academic Board and Standing ommittee. Brian Salter i al 0 Honorary Secretary 0 th old tudents' a sociation K L . If you have any general enquuie about Univer ity or College Regulation, Student Load, AcademIc Planning, Vi iting Profes or etc, or, a mentioned above, you are 10 any doubt about which section of the department you hould seek advice from, plea e contact thi office.

THE REGISTRY Deputy Academic Regi trar - Alastair Pelligrew(Room 27B) lastair Pettigrcw i Head of the Regi try ection which include the Admi ions,

The Admi Ion Office deal with all ad011$ Ion to the College at both degree and non-degree level. At undergraduate level thiS i done in liai on With CCA to whom th College is !Jnked by computer and 0 the progre of any app!Jcation to the College or other U01ver~ltle can be determined at any stage. DetaJl of app!Jcation tati tiC to particular cour e. can al 0 be prepared by the dmis Ion Office. t po tgraduate and non-degree leveL appIJcallon forms hould b obtained lrom and returned to departm nt In the Ir t in tance. ub equently, succe . ful apphcatlon are forwarded to the Admi sion Office in order that a formal letter of acceptance by the ollege can be de patched and the nece sary student record created. Applications for Re earch Council grant are also channelled through the Admi sion Office together with those for pecial award schemes: application form are available on request. The Admis ion Office is also initially re pon ible for determining the fee tatus of tudent and for the admini tration of the pre- essional Engli h Language cour e, de Igned to help tudents from over ea to improve their knowledge of the language before commencing their tudle here. opie of the various College, Faculty and departmental pro pectu e are also available from thi office.

THE SruDE T RECORDS OFFICE; Room 8B A i tant Regi trar (Student Records) Chri tina Devereux Administrative Assi tant (Undergraduate Janet VoLk Admini trative As i tanl (Postgraduate)J anet Rodgers Record A si tant - Susan O'Dwyer, Stuart Burley, Pauline Lee Secretary - A manda Ree The Student Record Office. as its name

ugge t . 'eep a re "ord of all tudent regl tered with the College for either degree or non-degree 'our e. It I the re pon Ibilll, of all tudent to en ure that the Olli 'e I mlormed 01 any inac ura ie ,-ontamed 10 heir record. partlcularl~ their home and term-time addre e and ny hange 10 name or ta u. nrolment I organi d by hi 01 I"e and all problem regarding regJ tration with the College or niver I y hould be due ted here t the beginnlOg of ea h term penod. 01 llme are allocated lor the ollecllon of grant cheque and the ollice i In conta 路t with all Lo al dU'a Ion uthoritJe. 0 I1 you have problem with your grant, the Re 'ord. tat f wJll be happ} to try and help oul. In addition, tudent tau 1I are prepared by the Student Record OtlJce and quenes regarding the e hould be dire ted here.

THE EXAMINATIO S OFFICE: Room 16BB dmini trative A i tant (Examination) . Le ley Din dale Examination i tant - Marc BenJamm. David Davie , lan Shaw ecretar - Jane Young


The E amlnallon Office of the departml;nt i re pon,ible for the organIsatIon of all exammation Within the College which include the production of examination que tion paper, the booking of examlnatio~ room. the preparation of examination timeta ble and the provi ion of eating plan. and tationery within examinatIOn room 'on the day'. All regl tration for examinations is done through this office both for the Arts and Theology ba ed niver ity examinations and the SCIence, Medical and Laws based oLlege examinations. It you have any problems a ociated with your examinallons, please contact thi office as oon as pos ible.

REGISTRY: 2125/2126 Clark Building, 552 King' Road Regi try Admini trator - eil Me rthur (until end of October 19 7)

Ken ington Campus REGISTRY; Ground Floor, Registry Hut Regi try Administrator路 Ken Churchill Regi try Assistant - Eva Harte The Campus Regi try Office will deal with any type of Regi try enquiry, whether it concern dmission, xaminations or


S tuden t Records. They will either be able to solve the probl m at once or can conta t the relevant ection at the Strand campu. Grant cheque are available at all campue at pre-arranged time and regl tratlOn I al 0 conducted on all campu e . Detail are available from either the Campu r gl tne or the Record Office at the Strand campu .

STUDE T SERVICES Plea e al 0 ee 'S tarting the Se ion', a guide to General and Student Service within the College, which i di tributed to every student and member of staff during the fir t week of term. Student Service ha been developing apace to meet its responsibility to advise and assi t st':dent with any matter affecting their well-being at College. It i broadly divid d into three sections:Accommodation, Stud nt Coun elling and P ychotherapy Service and Generallnformation and Welfare. ACCOMMODATlO



and tho e whil.h provide breakfa t and an evening meal during the week with full board at weekend. A centralised waiting Ii t for all college hall and tudent hou e , exten ive II t of rooms. flat. hou e , f1athares, hostel and accommodation agencie are malntallled at the Strand. The Had-Lea e Scheme (pnvatel owned furl1Ished propertie~ managed by the College) i operated from the Strand. Staff at Ken ington, a well a dealing with general enquiries, manage the 'Short-Life' accommodation cheme unfurni hed flat and houses, u ually obtained from local authoritie and hou ing a sociations available for period of ix month and more while awaiting refurbishment by the owners). The Accommodation Office team is: Accommodation Officer - Felicity Hopkin (Strand and at lea t Thur days, Kensington) Assistant Accommodation Officer (Admini tration) - Angela Cole (Strand) A i tant Accommodation Officer (ShortLife) - Cate F olland (Ken ington) Senior Accommodation A i tant - Maria Scicluna Strand) Head-Lea ing A i tant - Clare Beddoe Housing Assistant - Olga Rowe (Kensington) Secretary - (Strand) Vacant Secretary路 Pam Grey (K n ington)

Strand Campu (Tel Exl. S2334/2759, & Ex!. 2305 for Head - Lea e enquirie ) I O.OOam - 4.30pm (Term time) I O.OOam - 4.30pm (Vacation) Kensington Campus (Tel Exl. K480/485) 9.00am - 5.00pm (Term time) 9.00am - 4.30pm (Vacation) The Ken ington Office is clo ed for lunch between I pm and 2pm. The Strand Office clo es for lunch from ovember onwards in th Michaelmas Term and the Lent Term from 12.30pm until 1.30pm, but is open throughout the office hours li ted above during the Summer Term and Vacation and during October. In addition. the Strand Office i open on Saturdays during September from lOam until 1_.45pm for per onal callers.

The olleg Accommodation Office i ituated on the I t Floor of the Macadam Building, Strand campu and in the Regi try Building, Kensington campu . Both offices give information, advice and as istanc with accommodation enquiries and problem. The staff at the Strand deal with the allocatiort of the 14~0 places in King's seven Hall of Re idence, which range from the elf-catering to those providing breakfa t


Chel ea Campus

coun llor psychotherapl t Will be available on two day a week, Monday and riday. all day. Contact the Medical entre. Ground Floor. Main BUlldlllg. Manre. a Road. ext. C~300.




elia el on, Student Adviser, Room 3E, he ham Building, ex~. S_530 offer advice and information on a variety of ubJects uch as managing money, how to study effectively and manage time, grant problem and how to transfer course or withdraw from College. She al 0 provides information for overseas students including social facilities in London. Various handout on these and other topics are available from Kathleen McCann, Room 5E , Chesham Building.

COLLEGE MEDICAL SERVICE The College requires all student to register with a local doctor upon arrival in London. Thi i the only method of guaranteeing medical treatment in the case of an emergency. The ollege has a Medical Officer, Dr F Bavetta. He or his partners Or Elizabeth Lee and Or Helen Murphy will be available as follows: Strand Campus

Counsellors work within Student Service and the Medical Centres on all three campuses. Their aim is to enable students to make the most of the opportunities offered at College by helping them to cope with any problems or difficultie of a personal or emotional nature which may ari e. There are three full-time counsellors: Ann Conlon, Mr Alex Coren and Celia elson. Ann and Alex are qualified psychotherapists and Celia's work covers information and advice a well a coun elling. I n addition, there are two part-time psychiatrists. Or Patricia Hughes and Or Philip Boyd. Strand Campu There is someone available every day. Contact either the Medical Centre - 3rd Floor, Macadam Building. exl. S2613/5 or Celia elson. Room 5EA, Chesham Building. ext. S2530. Kensington Campu A counsellor/psychotherapist will be available two days a week, Tuesday and Thursday. all day. Contact the Counsellor's Room. Ground Floor, Main Building, exl. K419 or Angela I or-J ones in the Registry, exl. K24~.

The main College Medical Centre is on the 3rd Floor, Macadam Building. Surgerie are held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Appointments can be made via Sister 0' eill who is in attel1llance daily from 9.30am- 5.00pm. Tel exl. S2613/2615. Kensington Campus The Medical Centre is located in between the quash court and the Registry Hut. Surgeries are held on Tuesday, 1.30pm3.00pm and Thursday 12.30pm - 1.00pm. Appointments can be made via Angela Ivor-Jones in the Registry Hut, ext. K14_. Sister Harrison will be available following these surgeries until 4.00pm. Chel ea Campu The Medical Centre is on the Ground Floor, Main Building, Manresa Road. Surgeries are held on Tue day 11.00am - 1.00pm and Thursday I O.OOam - 12noon. Appointment can be made via Sister Harrison. exl. 2300. Sister Harrison is available Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9.00am 4.30pm, Tuesday and Thur day 9.00am 12noon. Full detail of the College Medical Service can he obtained from Student Service or the Students' Union on any campus.

Student living in halls of re iden e v. ill be given 111 tru tion on regi tenng with a 10al do tor by the Hall Warden .1anager.

The College Informallon Off! e over all g neral College public r lallon . media relallon and pubb ation. talf are avaIlable to ad i"e and a i t an member 01 College in the pubIJ ity and promotion of a pect of theIr work at individual or departmental level. The Office i re ponsible for all ape t of the productIOn of major College publications, uch as prospe tu e and annual report, and is happy to help and advi e on any individual publications, such as parate cour e leaflet or departmental promollonal bterature. Anyone wanting to produce publJcity literature for external circulation is a ked to ontact the Information Office a it not only can offer advice and Pl'!)erti e but ha a central coordinating role in mainc-atning allege publication tandards. Comprehen ive media data I held and regular contact with the press .nall1tall1ed by the Office. Staff are available to organi e pres relea e . interInformation Officer Sarah Leigh

CAREERS ADVISORY SERVICE The areers Advisory Service offers advice and information on all aspects of what a tudent can do after completing or leaving their degree course. We try to help not only those who are successful bu t also tudents who, for whatever reason, fail or eek to change course. During the year a series of lunch-time lecture by invited peakers, evening presentations by employers and recruitment vi it of employers to campus - 'The Milk Round' -are arranged. The Career Service ha extensive contacts with Peronnel and Training Manager in Industry. ommerce and Public Service. Careers I nformation Library i main tained on each of the three campu e and Careers dvisers are available for consultation throughout the year. areers S taff:The College Careers Advisers are Or eil Harris, Mr Bernard Philpot, Mr John ich¡ olles, Mrs Wendy English and Miss Patrice Ware. ar ers Information Officers. Mis Oorothy Sarson and Mi s Angela IvorJ ones service the Careers Information

vie\\ , promotional laun he and me ting and are alwav olea ed to re ...elve 111lOrmatlon from lI1dlVldual" on pre~ oppor UI1ltie or nev. con a L Help 'an be glv n m the orgal1l tlon ot eminar. le-.rure . 'onler n e and e hlblllon . regular aff nev. letter. O\I~I • T. 1 I ued by the Ollil:e three time a term. \\lth peclal editIOn 1 r qUlred. ontribution' from any memb r at College are warmly wel omed - pro ile at pecif!c people or areas of activity, new of event , viev. on College matter, photo, cartoons, item tor sale. puzzle- or quizze . OM~1E. 'T is sent IQ all talf and copy date and publi ation dates are in luded at the end of each edition. The OffJce al 0 handle all day-to-da administratIOn and enquiries relallng to the College's alumni. The College ha a thrivmg alumni a oClation, KCLA (King's ollege London s ociationl. and members 01 staff are encouraged to Join and become involved .... ith a growll1g range of ocial a tivity. The Offi e is located in the Ea t wing of the main Strand bulldwg, Room 22 170 Strand. ex!. 2179/2796. Do get In touch If you need any publicity ervlce or have ne.... to give. Deputy Information Officer Melanie Gardner

Librarie on all three campu site. On 3rd and 4th November a 'Career Fair' will be held when employers and graduates from King's are available to discuss a wide range of careers.

CAREERS '88 'Careers Fair' will be held in th Great Hall on ovember 3rd and 4th, organised by the Careers dvisory Service. Graduates of the College who are now establi hed in their careers are returning on 3rd ovember to di cu with undergraduate how their careers have progres ed. They represent both a wide range of career and also of degree disciplines. Several employers will be in the Great Hall on 4th ovember when they will discuss the opportunitie they are offering to graduates in 19 Both event commence at 12.00 noon and clo eat 6.00pm. Further detail are available from the Careers Office in the Macadam Building (3rd Floor). Or

eiJ Harri , Senior Careers Advi er

The 0 Ice 1 located in the. nol BUIldwg on he lrand ampu .1I1d pro Ide a range at servi e and advi 'e IQ all member 0 tall. Initial onta't ma\' b made a t ollov. . . 'ir G A Cuthben - e"t 2~6- (lor member 01 the'" ademi' and Re earch tall) ~i s L Hughe - ext 22 (tor mem er of the dmim trallve. Library. Computing, lencal and Manual tafn MJ s Crev.e - ex!. 2300 (for member 01 the Techm al stat f). _'e\ memb r of slaft are reminded thal they are required to conta t the appropriate Per onnel ectian on taking up theIr appointment to provide the adm1l1i trative details nece sary to en ure payment of alary.



The School' and olleges' Liaison Office is now Room 2B in the main bUJldlllg of the Strand. A reception area IS avaJlable by arrangement, for mall groups of ch001 teacher or pupil to meet member of academic staff. Prospectuses are on display: other publicity material from departments can be offered to visllor If it i sent to the secretary. Miss Wendy Pank. Or Venetia France, who has taken over from Mr Peter Lawrence as Schools' and Colleges' Liaison Officer ( LO), i available for discussions about schools' liaison with any member of King's on Thursdays and Fridays. The SLO would welcome discus ion with colleague about activitie-s propo ed for the coming se sion. The e include: Head Teacher' Conference A conference entitled 'The Idea of the niversity" will be held from 5 - 7.30pm on 1 October. Six hundred Head or their nominated Head of I Year have been invited. The keynote speech will be given by Mr Kenneth Boardman Headma ter of Bredbury Comprehen 'ive School, Sto kport. The Deans of Arts and Life Science. Professors Rinsler and Baum will reply: a panel discu ion wiJl follow. The Principal has agreed to chair the conference and he will attend the reception and faculty exhibition 111 the Great Hall afterward. King's College Open Day 16 December

1987 The aim of the fir t College Open Day will be to increase uptake of offers made to UCCA candidates for entry in 19 The Principal wishes departments who

are below target to have an opportunity to promote them elv'e vigorou Iy at thl open day.

take place dunng the coming wmter. The LO Ideo group would welcome idea about material for inclu ion in the video.


The Open Day will be held from I pm 5pm at the Strand. It is hoped that there wl1l be arol in the foyer to welcome the vi Itor . art event in the 'ey. Theatre. mu ic in the h<.lpel, "hand -on" computing, 'cience and engineering demon trations, library di play, a law Moot and tudent activitie~ in the Macadam building. Departments have been invited to nominate a school' liaison member of staff to coordinate their activities for thi and other event.

School' Event Calendar The School' Calendar for the Mi haelma Term i hown below. vent to be in luded in the 19 Calendar covering the Lent and ummer term should be nt to Or France by I December. The School' Liaison budget includes a urn for uppor! of departmental initiatives in organizing schools' event. Application, with detail of the event, hould be made to the Schools' Liaison Officer.

brochure li ting Diploma and Taught a ter' cour e which are available to over ea tudents has been prepared and copie may be obtained from the sistant Regi trar dmi ion).

King' College ew letter A ew letter for Schools, aimed primarily at Heads of VI form and Careers Adviser is propo~ed for distribution next May. The ewsletter will provide an opportunity for advertising exciting developments in research and teaching in the College. Short articles of about 400 words, good graphics and photographs, from a!l departments are required to make this a ucce s in promoting academic achievement in King' . Copy should be sent to the SLO by I February 19 8. Visits to School and LEA Career Convention We are e tablishing a li t of schools and colleges where departments have con tact and the SLO would like to have more information, plea e. Mrs Jennifer Jackson, Admi sions Officer, coordinates visits to careers conventions and schools on behalf of the College. She welcomes discussions with taff who have an interest in making visits to represent King's. Reports on such visits are useful to schools' liaison and Report Forms are available from Mrs Jackson or the School' Liaison Office. Promotional Video project A new promotional video i to be made for the College. Filming is expected to

E GUSH L GUAGE TEACHI G PROGRA ME FOR OVERSEAS STUDE TS The College' Engli h Language Teaching Programme i provided free of charge for all those student from overseas who would like some additional help with their Engli h.

V M France

All suggestions for updating and improving the material presented in the brochure are welcome and hould be sent to Dr SoT Lue, ssistant Principal. Dr Lue would al 0 appreciate receiving the name and addre ses of key contact persons abroad to whom this and future College publicity material may usefully be ent.

SCHOOLS' EVENTS CALENDAR Michaelmas Term, ] 987 October J t HEAD TEACH RS' CO FERE CE: "The Jdea of the niversity" Head Teacher /Vlth Year Advisers by invitation. Enquirie to the SLO. October 26th "THE STUDY OF RELlGIO : a serious option for the 1990s?" Conference for RE advisers, RE teachers and careers teachers. (Organiser: Dr Judith Champ, Dept. of Theology and Religious Studies, to whom enquiries should be addressed) Fee: ÂŁ I 0 to include registration, coffee, lunch and tea. December J 6th KI G'S COLLEGE OPE DAY For UCCA applicants to King's for entry in October 198 . Applicants will be invited to visit the Strand when their application form is received from UCCA. The visit will be from J pm - 5 pm and will include Christmas music, student events, 'hand -on' micros, arts and science demonstrations.

arate provision for undergraduate and postgraduate tudent and every effort will be made to cater for the specific requirement of individual students. An initial meeting for all those wishing to join c1as e will be held on Monday 12 October in the Council Room, Strand campus, at 5.30pm. Arrangements will be made at that meeting for c1asse in the Michaelma Term, taking into account the other commitments of those seeking tuition.

The course includes tuition in both spoken and written aspects of the language and lays particular emphasis on academic English, ego tudy skill, note taking and writing e say and reports.

If you have any querie on the Engli h

The CIa se will be held on the ollege's three main campuse for two hours during the Michaelmas Term. There will be ep-

language teaching programme and the availability of help for students from overseas in this area. please contact the Assistant Registrar (Admis ions), on ext.26 5.

ALL STAFF Anyenquirie or problems concerning Income Tax hould OT be directed to the Finance Office: member of taff are advi ed to end any querie directly to HM Inspector of Taxes, London Provincial ] 5 Di trict at the following addre Cloister Hou e ew Bailey Street Sal ford Greater Manchester M38AN Tel: 06] 83]7222 You hould also quote the following KCL ReÂŁ. O. with any correspondence 910/K725.

THE COLLEGE MAP ROOM The Map Room, with a stock of over" 75,000 maps, provides the College with a full cartographic reference ervice. Some map are also available for loan and for teaching requirements. Maps are available for most parts of the world and to suit most requirement. Additional resources are al 0 available through co-operative arrangements with other map collections within the University. Advice can also be given on map purcha ing and on other map-related enquiries. The College Map Room is located in Room 4BB, Chesham Building, Strand campus (ext. S2599). It is normally open during the following hour (although a prior phone call is advi able): Term Monday - Friday 9.30am - 5.30pm Vacation Monday - Friday 9.30am - 5.00pm



to he material are explained In a '. '0 I.' tor Reader' a\'ailable trom he College Ar hi\i t. Cer ain 01 he re ord are 10 ed t or an e tended penod 0 year to prote' the pri\'acy of named individual,

mban men Strand Levd 5 ,10n. Wed Fn 0930-1730 Tu .Thur OlJ30-1900 Iu IcLibrar} ~10n, Wed - Fn 0930-1-30 Tu dai 0930-1 00 french L! brar) \10n, Tue . Thur 0930-1730 edne day 0930-1330 The La\\> Library and Old Library are al open on Saturda}, 0930-124-. Ken ington (e

The allege Llorar} has a oook:.tore 01 00,000 volume. mo t of whi h are available for loan, and currently ub cnbe to ::!, '90 penodical title. full library erVI I.' IS provided at each campu , the booktock being allocat d to the campus" here there is likely to be mo t demand for It. Broadly speaking, Life Science material i hou 'cd at Ken Ington: Educallon and ursing Studies at Chel ea (55::! King's Road). Pharmacy. Pharmacology, and JI istory and Philo ophy of Science at Chelsea (Manre a Road): and the remalningubJect at the trand. Once regitered with the Library, any member of ollege may borrow from any part ot the LIbrary, although It may be ne<;c 'sary for hi Iher ticket to be amended. Reading list items which are in heavy demand are kept in the Re tricted Loan CollectIOns in each branch, and issued for short periods. Library taff always welcome uggestions for inclusion in these collection. On-line earche of bibliographic data bae can be performed for users at each campu. n explanatory leaOet and application form is availa ble from all branches. The re ource of the niver ity Library are avaJla ble to all mem bers of the College. We have al 0 set up reciprocal arrangement with certain other librarie and details of the are available on a~pli­ callon. I tem which are not in tock or readily available el ewhere may be requeted on Inter-library loan. ene ot information heets is produced to as I t readers in making best u e of the facilities offered by the Library. Library staff are always happy to give advice and to arrange cour es of instruction for students at all levels. Library opening hours during term for the se sion 19 7-8 will be as follows: Strand (ex!. 2132) Laws Library and Old Library Strand Building Library (levels 1-4) Monday - Friday 0900-1900



37 )



Chel ea Manresa Road Library (ex!. 1354) Monday 0900-1900 Tue day 0900-1 00 Wedne day 1200-1900 Thur day 0900-1 00 Friday 0900-1700 Colendge Library, 552 King' Rd (ext. 3759) Monday 0900-1700 Tuesday 1100-1930 Wednesday 1000-1900 Thur day 1200-1930 Fnda} 1200-1700 The outlying branch at the Biophysic Department ( 368 51) i open at all time the Department is open (approximately 0900-1800). There is a small library at the Rogate Field Centre which provides support material for field cour es.



tall ot the. will alwa b pleased 0 b on ulted about 'the dl po itlOn 01 re ord , mduding pho ograph and tape. and will prOVide guidance about the elel.:l1on 01 materials uitabh: for pre ervallon in the an.hlve . Thev "'dll ma e the nece r} arrangement ior the tran ler to and hou wg of material in the Archive and vhere ne<;es ar-y, the d! po al 01 <.;onfidentlal \\a te paper. .-'. an mtroduction to the e proc.edure t vo leaflet have been prepared entitled 'How to depo it re ord In the archive .md how to get them back' and 'Faculty and Departmental Checkli t'.

LlDDElL H RT CE TRE FOR MILlT RY RCHl ES The Centre for Iihtary Archive scrve as a repo itory for private paper bearing on Britain's defence policy In 'e 1900 and its strategy in the two world war. The collection is de cri bed in a COllsolidated List of Accessions, 19 6 (available from the Centre at £.3.50). Staff of the 'cntre al 0 admimster the Library Manu cripts collection which reflect the work and research of member of the College and compri es a wide variety of matenal of literary. hi toric and scientific interest. It is de cri bed in ,11anuscriflts and Private Papers:aSclectCuide, 19 2(£1.00). Consultation of material is by prior appointment in the Liddell Hart reading room Strand, level 3. The Centre i open between 9.30am - 5.30pm, Monday - Friday in term and 9.30am - 4.30pm, MondayFriday in vacation.

College Archivist - Mis Patricia Methven (Room 302. Strand campus. tel ext S21 7) The College rchive offer ecure and confidential torage for the records of the Collt'ge which are of enduring intere t and use. Records held include the signed minute and/or copy minute of the governing bodie and major board and committee of King's, Queen Elilabeth and hel ea Colleges together with tho e of thror predeces or bodie . The care upplemented by calendar, report , accounts. pro pectuse and publications and photographs reflecting the life and research of the College. The Archives also include records of tudents from 1831 to 19 5, excepting those of Queen Elizabeth College, ub equent to 1968, past personnel record, policy files, account book, deeds of title and the record of anum ber of Faculties and Department and individuals connected With the College. ond ition of acce


The Centre provide a full range of computing and data communication facilite and a comprehensive ad vi ory and upport service. omputing equipment range from microcomputers through to central mainframe and mini ystems on all three campus sites. The College data commumcations network has a high speed link to the supercomputing facilities at the University of London Computing Centre and connection can al 0 be made to many other facilities or< national and international networks. The Centre is at pre ent ignificantly under re ourced but thi

problem wilJ be remedied in the Spring of 19 wh n it will undergo a major computing and communications enhancement.

Chel ea (351 248 King' Road

ext. 3669)


Term: 14.00-17.00(Monday) 10.00 - 13.00 (Wed ne day)

D C 20 (20 simultaneous user ); op ratJng sy tern, TOPS 20

King' College School of Medicine & Denti try (2746222 ext. 2675)

11/7 5 (40 imultaneou u er ); operating y tern. MS

The local omputer entre ha a direct link to the niversity of London Computer entre. There 1 no formally timetabled advisory ervice, but queries are dealt with as they ari e.

Hard are (Mainframe and Mini)

Ken ington VA 11/750(20 imultaneou users); operating y tern, VMS

Microcomputer Reference collections of recommended microcomputer and associated software and peripherals are kept on all three campu e . Terminal Rooms Open acce s terminal rooms lire available on all ites at the following times, Monday to Friday: Strand 09.00 - 19.00 Kensington 09.30 - 21.00 Chelsea King's Road: 09.00 - 19.00 Manresa Rd: 09.00 - 20.00 Advisory Services Consultancy services in many specialist areas, for example, statistics, graphics numerical analysis, text processing and d ltaba e management, are available by appointment. General advisory ervices are available on all ite as follow Strand (836 5454 ext. 2505) Term and Vacation: 10.00 - 13.00 14.00 - 17.00 (M on days open 10.30 - staff training) Kensington (9375411 ext. 261) Term and Vacation: 10.00 - 13.00 14.00 - 17.00 (Mondays open 11.30 - staff training)


Each nit differ in the range of ervi e undertaken but work can be accepted at any of them. For the time-heing we are only offering a limited ervice at Kl'n ington. It is planned 10 rectif thL as oon a fund become availahle. Service on offer:

Software (Mainframe and Mini) The list of available software is too large to give here. Details are availabl from the Advi ory Offices on each campus.


In the Computing entre we run service course throughout th academic year. We start off with an afternoon Demon tration of the software and facilities which are available on our mainframe and micro computers. The Demonstration i on Monday 12 October (repeated on Tuesday 13 October for those who mis ed it) and is followed by a number of short courses on Wednesday afternoons. We also run oneweek intensive programming courses (Fortran and Pascal) after the end of each term. The Wednesday afternoon courses cover uch topics as Introduction to the Vax Computer, Introduction to Micro Computers, Word processing and Programming in Ba ic, plus Introductions to Programming in Fortran77, Statistical Packages (MI 1TAB, SPSS-X), Graphics (MAPICS, Gl 0) and Databases. Courses range from those for the complete beginner to those for the more sophisticated user. For further details and dates please pick up a course booklet from your nearest advi ory office. Strand:- Rm 16AA (SE Block) ext. 2505 Kensington:- Rm A209 (Main Building) ext. 261.

KI G'S CAMPUS VACATIO BUREAU The Vacation Bureau is the central booking agency for re ervations and co-ordination of all bookings for residential conferences, holiday accommodation, day meetings and receptions, whether internally or externally organised. The staff of the Bureau are always happy to help with initial enquiries, and give advice with regard to suitable locations for specific requirements allied to conferences, including halls of residence, teaching rooms, catering, audio-visual services, function SUites, etc. The Bureau is located on the Chelsea campus at 552 King's Road, on the top floor

Graphic Chel ea and Kensington Type etting Chelsea Photography Kensington and Chelsea Video Strand and

hel ea

Audio Strand At all sites there is a pool of A V equipment. Please contact: Chel ea Rod Wilkinson ext. C2502/1548 Strand ick Bugg ext. S2386/2356 Kensington Rod Wilkinson ex!. K438 (Tuesday and Thursday am) We are no longer concerned with repragraphy, and all enquiries should be directed to Roy Ma on, Reprographic Unit, ex!. S2538.

of the Clark Building (Tel: 35 I 60 I I direct line and an aphone). The office is open from 9.30am - 5.00pm. A full colour brochure pack is available on request. The following staff may be contacted with specific inquiries: Joan fennell - Residential conferences and large group accommodation Elspeth Young - Small residential groups and individuals holidays and student accommodation during vacation Richard Longhurst - Day meetings, functions and non-residential bookings including those for the Hamilton Suite. Joan Hirons - Office Manager

SOCI L F ACILITlES THE SE IOR COMMO Strand Campu Pre ident: The Principal

If you are eligible and wi h to apply for member hip, plea e complete the Application Form in thi newsletter and return it to the Membership Secretary as soon as possible: preferably before 30 ovember 19 7.

Chairman: Or R K Dixon Hon. Secretary: Mrs M M Brown



Hon. Trea urer: Mr S P Harrow

Kensington Campu

Hon. Social Secretary: Mrs S Gee

Chairman: Dr Bryan Winchester Secretary: Dr Peter Butterworth

Membership of the Strand campus Senior ommon Room is open to all members of staff (including those based on the Kensington or Chelsea campuses) in the following categories: academic staff academic related administrative taff clerical staff in grade 3 and above library taff in grade 3 and above technicians in grades 6,7 and certain post-doctoral research staff Members based on the Strand campu pay a ubscription of £ 14 per annum: those ba ed elsewhere pay a subscription of £7 per annum. Fully paid-up members of the Kensington Campus Senior Staff Association are automatically members of the Strand Campus Senior Common Room. ew member are requested to pay the appropriate fee for the year 1987/8 by cheque in the first instance. Payment may be made by deduction from salary at source from October 1988 if so requested on the Application Form. Member have the exclusive use of three plendid rooms at the southern end of the Main Building overlooking the river. A good selection of daily papers and periodicals i provided. Morning and lunchtime coffee, sandwich lunches and afternoon teas are erved. Prices are comparatively 10\ as part of the service co timet from the ub cription income. limited bar ervice is al 0 available. Social events are arranged from time to time. These include Senior Common Room Dinners, Joint Buffet Supper with the King's College Ladies Club, Wine Tasting evenings and Wine Auction. For thi Session, SCR functions have been arranged a follow : Tue day 13 October - Wine and heese party to welcome new Olem bers of staff. Tuesday 17 ovember - Dinner Monday _5 January - Burns ight Dinner Tuesday I March - Wine Ta ting Tue day 3 May - Dinner Formal notice of the e and other event will be sent to members.

Assistant Secretary: Or Peter Ellis Treasurer: Mr Judy Staight The Senior Staff Association exist in the College to provide amenitie centred on the the Senior ommon Room and to promote the interest of its mem bers. Mem ber hip of the Association Will, among other things entitle mem ber to u e the facHitie of the Common Room for tea, coffee and lunch where a wide election of new papers, periodical and journal i available for reading. The bar i also open to members on Friday evenings during term time and it is customary to hold a party both at Christmas time and at the end of the academic year. The subscription to the Senior Staff Association becomes due at the AGM and the normal method of payment is an annual deduction from salary. The present subscription i £ 12 per annum. Reciprocal arrangements between the Senior Staff Association at Kensington and the Strand gives paid-up members of either Association the right to use the Common Room facilities on both campuses.

SOCIAL CLUBS Strand Campu Open to all ...

* Would

you like to play competitive dart in a local league?

* Do you enjoy social evening ?

* Would

you care to 'pot black' on a newly re-covered snooker table? * Could you help organi e similar activities for others?

* Do you

under tand the rules of crib?

* Can you play cricket?

* Or

would you ju t like to join your colleague for a relaxing lunch-time drink or chat?

If the an wer to any of the e i-Ye " or even 'Pas ibly', then ·the Club' i for you. King College Sport and So ial Club wa formed over thirty year ago. MembershIp i open to all member of the ollege taff and, in addition to providing the facilitie mentioned above. member arrange both the College Outing and the College ew Year Dance on behalf of the ollege. The Club rooms are situated in 33 Surrey Street on the Strand campu and there i a conce ionary rate of mem bership for those working on other campu e , all of whom are welcome to join the Club and to make full u e of the facilities when vi iting the Strand. The current membership i £2 per annum (£ I for tho e not based at the Strand), and thi i deducted from the March alary by the Finance Department. A a pecial bonu , tho e joining after 1st tober will not have to pay a penny until March!


If you wish to apply for membership of this thriving Club, please complete the back page form, and send it to the Treasurer, Brian Oldham, Finance Dept., Strand campus.

Kensington Campus The Social Club is situated on the ground floor of the SJA Building and is approached via the South Entrance. Membership i open to all employees of the College as well as postgraduates and the annual su bscription i , at present, SOp. The bar is open between 1.00pm and 2.00pm and in the evenings from S.30pm to 8.00pm a a minimum, with a longer evening opening being at the discretion of the person doing bar duty. During both lunchtime and evening sessions the bar is staffed by volun teer club members, working on a rota, which usually means a lunchtime duty once a month and/or an evening dtty once every ix woeks. The bar is well stocked, offering a range of keg bitter, lager, spirits, soft drinks, fresh orange juice and coffee. Sandwiches and hot pies are available as well as crisps, and nuts etc. The bar has eating for approximately sixty people and ha a darts board, a nook er table and a video machine. Several board games are availabl behind the bar. The ommittee organises evening events at four to six week intervals. Over the pa t year there have been various discos and live bands, cabarets, a firework


display and a quIZ evemng. IJan and nooker mat 'he have been orgam ed and the lub operates a nooker ladder.

\'iltors la GO I M cadam sna k bar lounge \\ill find lhal a major turnlture repla ement and renev. al programme ha. been I,;ompleted hi h \ ill make thi buy oUllet more comfortable. Cu tamer are a ed LO treal the furn' htng in the room With re.pecl (PL A KE P FEET OF E T I. for lhi co tly returbi hment cannot be repealed yearly.

_'owe of the Club' .-\G~1. whl hi held in October. will be maikd to member and po-ted In the Social Club bar. ~Io 1 of the Club' ommitlee are retiring trom otfice at lhe end at thi year. 011 anyone i intere ted In helping to run lhe Club, v.e "ould be mo 1 plea ed to hear from lht:m. I 0 if anyone ha any \'Iew on lhe y pe of aCliyitie~ the lu b olfer , we would be very plea ed lO hear them.


If you v. ould like la Join the Clu b, plea c conta('l 10hn Sapier. ~1ember hip Secretary, Departmen t of Biology. Kenslflgton ampus(ExtK3 ).

LADIES CLUB The Club i open to women member and wives of the academic and admini trative staff of the College, both pa t and pre ent. Its aim is to provide opportunities for meeting and keeping in touch with one another, to welcome new mem bers of staff and their spouse in a social setting and to promote the well-being of the College. Day, evening and lunch meetings are held in an informal utmo phere and co ts are kept to a minimum. The annual programme normally includes buffet lunches and supper held in College followed by illustrated lecture, outside meetings to places of interest, in addition to a Christmas and a Midsummer party (held jointly with the Senior Common Room). Member' guests are welcome at most meetings. You are invited to a Pot-luck lunch on Wednesday 2 I October 1987 at 12.30pm in the Committee Room, Strand campus (which will be followed by the Annual General Meeting). If you would like to attend the lunch and/or join the Club, (the one is not dependent on the other), please complete the back page form and return it to Mrs Margaret Brown, Dept. of History and Philosophy of Religion, Strand campu .

EW SHOP FOR STUDE TS' U 10 Over the summer extensive work ha been carried out on the Students' Union Shop on the first floor of the Macadam Building. The old counter service system has been replaced with a walk-in self-selection tyle system.

A warm welcome to all new, and returning, taff and students. The Catering department hope you will enjoy u ing our facilitie which are described in full in the 'Catering Services' leanet available throughout the allege, and from the sile Catering 0 ffices.

I 1 i \\ Ith regrel thal we ay goodbye to Owen John on v. ha ha JU t retired from College. Owen wa appointed CaterIng Officer al Chel ea College in 1anuarr 19. and tollowing the merger remaIned m charge ot atering at the Chelea campu and undertook many additIOnal dutie for the College Catering department. HI experti e. professionali m and dedIcation will be much mi ed, and colleagues will I am sure join me in wishing him. hi wife and family happine sin th future. A number of other staff change have, or shortly will be, taking place in the department and will be fully detailed in a future issue.



Customers at 552 King's Road are inVited to visit the newly refurbished Thomas More Bar/Refectory offering:- Beverages, Hot and Cold nack, plus Hot and Cold lunch dishes, a alad bar and alcoholic beverages.

Christmas is alway a busy time for the Catering department: plea e book your Christma lunches, receptions, and give us your party requirements a soon as possible to avoid being disappoin ted. Peter Hoffman, College Catering Officer

There is a well-furni hed, twin-bedded Guest Room availa ble with private bathroom (previously part of the Principal's accommodation) on the Kensington campus. This is available for the u e of academic vi itors to the College. The charge for the use of the room i ÂŁ23

The interior -of the shop has been repainted, and all the old shelving has been removed to make way for styli h 'state of the art' units, displaying the shop's wares in their full glory - and tastefully lit LOO! This i all capped by a beautiful new carpet to match the new decor. The Shop frontage is now an eye-catching

per night per person. The maximum tay for anyone person is seven nigh t . The room is very pleasant and is much less expensive than putting up your visitor in an hotel. Breakfa t is not included in the charge, but IS available on the Campus on weekday. For further information and to make your booking, plea e contact Mis Lind ey Coules on ex!. 209 at Kensington campus.

ex panse of wood and glass which help create a fresh bright image for the first noor. This welcome refit makes the hop faster, more efficient and welcoming, and the friendly staff will be happy to sell you a vast range at products from stationery, sweatshirts, t- hirts, ties, jumpers and

carves, to toiletnes, food and drink all at competitive pnce . Why pay more!


The Shop will be open from JOam - 5pm, Monday to Fnday. For tho e at other ite, the tudent' nion al 0 provide shop at the hel ea (Manre a Road) and Ken ington campu e , both open from 12 - 2pm enquire at the Students' Union office. Further refreshment can be obtained at the Student' nion Bar, where improved product lines and, at the Kensington campus, long overdue refurbi hment will increase the pleasure of spending a lunchtime or evening e ion at the e e tablishmen ts. Opening hours are: Strand: 12 - 3pm and 5.30pm - 9.45pm Chel ea and Kensington: 12 - 3pm and 5.30pm - II pm. A good range of soft/alcohol free drinks are tocked at each site.


comes to Kings!



Get yours


• Worldwide flights. • Special fares for students and academics.


Ms R Birch - Senior Admini trator M M-A Kyne-Lilley - Admini tration Officer Mr D Mc artan - Service Officer Position Vacant - Finance Officer Po ilion Vacant - Events Officer Mrs E Wilkin - Strand Site Secretary Mrs R Briggs - Strand Site Shop Manageress Mis 1 Higgins - Strand Site A si tant Shop Manageress Position Vacant Strand Site Bar Steward Strand Site Bar CellMr 0 McDonald arman Mrs K Jenkins - Chel ea Site Secretary Position Vacant Kensingto.n Site Sec. Position Vacant - Kensington Site Bar Steward SABBAT1CALS Ali tair Steger-Lewis - Communications Sabbatical (Cross-Campu ) lan Soffe - Finance & Administration Sabbatical (ero -Campus) ick Hopkins - Strand Site Sabbatical Penny Chalton Chelsea Site Sabbatical Tim Mackley - Ken ington Site Sabbatical NO -SABBATICALS Rob Causey - Publications Editor Paul Boulton - External Affairs Officer - Chelsea Site Pu blicity Officer Jan Daw on - Election Officer - Strand Site Rag Officer Joanne Weymouth Wil on - Welfare Officer Tim Haile - Strand Site Repre entative - Secretary to Strand Site Committee Heather Magrill - Womens Officer Jonathan Ely hair of GMs

• Tours and short breaks. • Ski holidays. • European trains. • Group bookings. Macadam Building First Floor Kings College Surrey Street, WC2 The world's greatest student travel organisation

Travellers among you need look no further ... than the first floor of the Macadam Building where ULU Travel is opening its first on site office this term. UL Travel is a service division of STA Travel the worldwide specialist organisation f~r independent travellers. They've negotiated a range of pecial low cost deal on flights around the world - all of which are open to academics and students alike. And many of their deals are open to everyone so it doe n't matter who you are travelling with.

David Mc eaney hel ea Site Disco Officer Chris Burnham hel ea Site Sub-Editor Lynda King - Chel ea Site Sport Officer S S enkatranga - Strand Site Overseas Students Officer John Waters - Strand Site Sports Officer Susan Davies - Strand Site Student Community Action Officer Frances Pearson - Strand Site Sub-Editor Jenny Alcock - Strand Site Publicity Officer

A service of


The Wor1dbeaters ,40.

ULU Travel will fix you up with more than just flights alone: whether you want now and ski or an all inclu ive package in the sun; accommodation around the world or internal transport in far flung countries; European trains or a weekend break to one of the continental capitals they'll arrange it all for you. Ask about their special ra tes on insurance too. Alastair Lennox will be managing the new office from lOam - 5pm, Monday to Friday - caU in soon or give him a call on 3794 56.

Heather Innes - Strand Site Academic Affairs & Welfare Officer Devikka Majundar - Strand Site Disco Officer Ruth Morris - Strand Site Disco Officer Pierre Chang - Kensington Site SubEditor PaulOng - Kensington Site Overseas Officer








S 26 I

J 0 F MalO Buuding

In the event of any emergency the lollo\\ 109 numbert I should he dialled. The e \\ III give you an Internal priority xtenion whl\.h \\ll1lmmedlately onnect you \\ith qualified a i tance.

Anatomy & Human BIOlogy

o Farr


o Back



R Tye

S 226

Elect. Eng.

P Webb

S 2256

Q 54/54 Quad Lab.

Estates Office



S 2303

Room J 33 Surrey St.


Mi s M [ ling

S 2404

15 S W Block

MalO Building and atter -.OOpm in Atkin Building: Dial: 222 tkin BUilding until -.OOpm: Dial 444 After 1O.00pm: Dial: 24:


J Greenberg


9a MalO Building

Chel ea Campu

Phy ics

Or M Holwill

S 2 1-

Q 123 Main Building

Manre'a Road: Dial: 552 Kmg's Road: Dial: 7

Phy iology

B Taylor

S 2476

2 G MalO Building



Strand Campu 5I


Drury Lane nand Building


Dial: _222 Ken iogton Campu

King' College School of Medicine and Denti try KE SI GTO Biochemi try

CAMPUS A hcroft

K 337

413 Atkins Building

F Shanahan K 381

Atkins Building




G Strickland

K 417

413 Atkins Building


C Daw

K 331

, Atkins Building


P Saunders

K 334

230 S


W Gunn

K 341

B4 Main Building

Food Science & utrition

Mr R Calokatisa

K 434

17 Main Building

Food Science & utrition

R Eggett

K 475

Main Building

Food Science & utrition

C John ton

K 479

Main Building

Food Science & utrition


tkins Building

Fire: Dial: 2222 Cardiac arrest: Dial: 2333

REPORTING OF ACCIDENTS Mem bers of the College are required to report accidents which result in personal injury whether to tudents, staff or vi itors, and other incident such a fires, spillage of harmful ub tance . etc. Report forms are available from departmental office , the Per onnel Office or the Safety Office.



K 357

16 Main Building

The College Safety Office will shortly be relocated in Room 'lE, Chesham Building, Strand, Tel. ex!. S2654. Safety Officer Or Roger Slade Assistant Safety Officer Mr John Maynard.




Mrs P Adams

K 411



Ms S Holly

K 229



R Stoughton

K 467

A227 Main Building


R Homer

K 479

Basement Atkin Bldg.

K 37 tkins Building Main Building

The office i respon ible [or advising on all aspects of health and safety and for coordinating afety activitie and arrangements within the College. Any member of ollege is welcome to eek advice or di cuss afety problems.









C Hemming

LOCATIO Stores, 552 King's Rd

Pulton Place - 30 places for staff allocated on a fir t come ba i . In addition, a limited numer of pace may be available for vi itor to Manre a Road and 552 King's Road by prior arrangement with Mr J Wornham (ext. C2323) or Mrs Harper (ext. C3763).

M leffr y

C 369-

5.111 55_King'sRd

B Perry

C 3 2-

5.212552 King's Rd

omputer Centre

I Holtam

736 1244

DA Pulton Place


G Baker

PP 2 6

A 101/ 104

F Engli h

pp 293


D Fraser

pp 24



A Ginman

C 3822

305 Hortensia Rd

Main School Buildings 8.00am - 9.00pm Monday to Friday 8.00am - I .00pm Saturday

H . .S.

R Reed

C 3826

407 Hortensia Rd

Rayne Institute 8.00am - 6.00pm Monday to Friday


Miss A Monkcom

C 3695

Manresa Rd


W Dunne

C 2427

B 26 Manresa Rd


D Grant

C 2590

9A Manresa Rd


Miss P Vince

C 2442

230 Manre a Rd



Hortensia Road 7.00am - .00pm Monday to Friday King's College School of Medicine and Denti try

Staff wishing to come into the Institute outside these hours, should ign in and out at the Rayne Institute Re-ception.

SECURITY Take care of your per anal property!




Strand Campu

Strand Campus Term Time 9.00am - 9.00pm Monday to Friday 9.00am - 1.00pm Saturday Vacation 9.00am - 6.00pm Monday to Friday 9.00am - I .00pm Saturday The Macadam Building clo e at 5.00pm daily during vacation. Staff wi hing to come into the building out ide these hours are required to sign in at the Porter' Lodge, Strand Main Gate Entrance. Ken ington Campu Main Building: 6.00am - 11.00pm Atkin Building: 6.00am - 6.00pm The e hour apply to term time and vacation .

Parking is on the basi of once a week, Monday to Friday, for all members of the full-time academic staff. Written application for a permit should be made to Mr A Tofield, Clerk of Works, giving your name, and the make and registration number of your car. Some 20 places are availa ble for staff and a further limited number for visitors, College vehicles and disabled drivers. For single day parking, please contact the porter to make arrangements.

occur. Purses briefcases and coats should never be left lying around. The College cannot be re ponsible for the theft of unattended property and you are advised to insure any personal valuables against loss or theft. Please remember to LOCK UP when you leave rooms unattended even for a short time.

LOST PROPERTY If you have left any personal property in the College by accident or find any accidentally left by other people, please contact:

Ken ington Campu

Strand Campus - Mr A Tofield. Clerk of Works (ext S23ll)

Parking is by permit only. Anyone wishing to obtain a permit should contact Lindsey Coules (ext. K209). In addition, there are four visitor's paces in the Main Building car park and twelve spaces in the tkins Building car park. Reservations <or these space are not essential but are ldvi ed. '

Kensington Campus路 Mr S Whiting, Residences Manager (ext K255)

Chelsea Campus

Chelsea Campus

Manresa Road 7.00am - 9.00pm Monday to Thur day 7.00am - 7.00pm Friday

Car parking spaces on the various sites are allocated in the following ways:

552 King' Road(Academic Area and Ad m i nistra tion) 7.00am - 9.00pm Monday to Thursday 7.00am - 7.00pm Friday

Manresa Road - 30 places for staff, allocated by department. 552 King's Road - 40 places for staff, allocated on a first come basis. Hortensia Road - 9 places for staff, allocated by department.

552 King's Road (Ingram Court) 24 Hour acces

It is an unfortunate fact that thefts do

Chelsea Campus Manresa Road - Mr 1 Wornham, Security and Domestic Services Supervisor (ext C2323) 552 King's Road - Mr Keith Hill, Caretaker (ex t C36l2) or Security Personnel (ext 3635).

REPAIRS AND MAINTE A CE Strand Campus All electrical and heating repairs are dealt with by the Services Engineer, Mr W L Clark. Other repairs should be referred to Mr A Tofield, Clerk of Works. Requ-

e t for repaJr work hould be made in writing. Kensington Campus II ele tri~al repau -hould be referred to ~1r Watt路 on ext. K30 (an wenng ma hine), 309 or 4 - 5 ~fr Le ter (ext. K30 / 30':} hould be onta ted it an~ other kind of repaJr i required.

Chel ea Campus II reque t for repau hould be referred to the E tate Oftice, S52 Kmg' Road (ext. C3 11).

KEYS Strand Campus All office and door key are obtainable from the Clerk of Work Office only Room 2 , outh We t Block, ext. S2311. Ken ington Campus Office keys should be obtained from the relevant departmental technician. Chel ea Campus Key are obtained from Mr J Wornham, Secunty and Dome tic Services Supervi or, ext. 2323.

SWITCHBOARD OPE ING HOURS Strand Campus The witchboard operates between 9.00am and 6.00pm during term-time and 9.00am and S.30pm during vacations. Ken ington Campus The O1Jin switchboard operates between 9.00am - 6.00pm. Calls are put through to Queen Elizabeth Hall extensions only between 6.00pm and 10.00pm on weekday and from 9.00am at weekends.





Letter betv.een e -h campu hould b learl} mar cd In the tollowm v.a}:

Strand Campus


Letter are olle ted from the 01 I i iaJ boxe at 11.00am. 2.30pm and 3 30pm. If brought per-onall} to the Po t Room I 19BB. Main Buildmg) they hould rrive . '0 LATER TH .'" .00pm in term tune. and 4.4 - pm In vacation. 11 at all po Ible they hould be brought earlier 0 that Po t Room staft are not fa ed with a la t minute ru h. Plea e en ure that Internal mail is not ac identally tamped for frankmg: department could be harged unnece sarily. Parcels are despatched once a week and hould arrive no later than 2.00pm on Thur day. Regi tered and recorded mail hould reach the Po t Room by J .00pm. There i also a Po t Office box for letter already tamped which I cleared at 5.30 pm, Monday to FrIday. Thb is in the lobby between the trand Building and the Main Building on the ground floor. There IS also a stamp machine there. Mail which i too large for the box hould not be left on top but either po ted out ide or left with the Post Room tan.

11 post will be ent econd class unles otherwise reque ted. Plea e do not do unles it i absolutely necessary.


'ame 01 per on to beIng 路cnt

~ hom

letter i


Dt.par ment


C.ampu nJme clearl.' marked

In he ae 01 po t to Chel ea "ampu . plea'", <11'0 in lude the rcle\ nt ite 01 the depJrtmcnt lor ea c 01 orting when he letter arrl\<:: at Lhd ea' po room. PM

Departure Time


".1anre a Road Kmg' Road HortcnsiJ Road Pulton PJa c Ken Ington campu Kwg's Road

2. I " ::'.3: 9."0 ::'.45 10.00 3.00 10.40 3.2: I 1.00 4 001 t() Manre a Rd onl,) 11.10

Manre a Road trand. Drury Lane/ Strand


9. 0


KCSMD There I pre 'enlly no direct delivery between Denmark Hill and the Strand campu. Internal mail now ha to be sent via Senate House. As thl leads to delays it is advi able to po t urgent mail with the GPO ervice.


Kensington Campus

There is also a daily Univer ity 01 London inter-collegIate mail service, which collel.:t from each main site.

Letters are collected at S.30pm from the Main Building Entrance Hall. Only letter and small packets are accepted for franking centrally. Larger parcels must he dealt with by the department concerned.

Strand Campu

All mail will be ent econd clas unles it is absolutely nece ary that it goes first class. Chel ea Campu

Chel ea Campu

Letters and parcels are collected from the Chelsea Campus S52 King' Road between 5pm and S.30pm. II mail should be left by Spm.

The Manresa Road switchboard is open between .30am and S.30pm Monday to Friday and then switche to a night service Jfter 5.30pm, at weekends and during period of College clo ure.

All mail is sent se ond class. Any mail being sent by fir t lass, recorded or registered post must be organi ed by the individual department concerned.

The Pulton Place switchboard provides a 24 hour service at all times.

King's College School of Medicine and Dentistry

The tationery store is open during term time from 10.00am - 12.30pm and I rom 1.30pm - S.OOpm. During vacations the store clo es half an hour earlier, at 4.30pm Requests for tationery should be Ubmit-, ted in advance. Odd items of tationery may be collected direct from the store during the normal opening times but all sta ff are requested to keep these items to a minimum. A large range of stationery and sundries is available from the contracted supplIer and any speciali ed items that you may need could well be readily available. Please consult Central Service who will be pleased to give advice and help in respect of any requests. Ken ington Campus

King's College School of Medicine and Denti try The switchboard provides a 24 hour ervice at all times.

Post should reach the Reception Desk no later than 4.30pm. Po t will be collected from the Rayne In titute at 4.1 Spm each day. All post is ent econd cia unless otherwise marked.

Orders or all item of stationery hould be ubmitted, in writing, to the Residence Office. Chelsea Campu All stationery is ordered through department.


SE IOR COM Strand Campu



I wi h to apply for ull-fee/reduced-fee* member hip of the enior I under tand that the ub ription for the se sion 19 7revision at the Senior Common Room GM. I en 10 e my cheque for the urn of £

ommon Room (Strand campu ).

£ 14.00 for full-fee and £ .00 for reduced-fee member hip, ubject to

in payment of thi year's ub ription (payable to King

I agree that the ub cription hould be deducted from my salary from 19

College Senior Common Room)

and ucceeding year until further notice.

* please delete a applicable Signed





PPOI TME T (Full-time - Part-time)





Plea e return this form to: Mrs M M Brown, Hon. Secretary Senior ommon Room, c/o Dept. of History & Philo ophy of Religion, Strand ampus, by 30th ovember 19 7.


I wish/do not wish to attend the lunch on October 21 st 1987* I wish/do not wish to apply for membership of King's College London (KQC) Ladies Club. I enclose a subscription of £ 1.00 for the session 19 7- 8.* * Delete as applicable Cheques should be made payable to KING'S COLLEGE LADIES CLUB NAME







OW /H SBA D'S DEPT A D CAMPUS (If retired, please state year of retirement)

.. .

SPORTS A D SOCIAL CLUB Strand Campus Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS, sign and sent to the Treasurer, Mr Brian Oldham, Finance Department, Strand campus. I,

( full name) of

............................................................................................................................................................. Department ..............................................................................................................................................................Campus wi h to apply for member hip of the King's College Sports and Social lub. If elected, I agree to the annual subscription being deducted from my alary each year in March and to abide by the Constitution of the Club. Signed



FOR CLUB pplication Received Member informed


Membership category

Committee approved

Added to Check








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