Comment 040 November 1989

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King's College London newsletter



r Tom King, the ecretaryof tate for Defence, announced on 18 October in the Hou e of ommons debate on defence pending that, following a nationwide competition, the new Centre for Defence tudie is to be et up at King' College London. Thi pre tigiou new Centre will be led by Profes or Lawrence Freedman, Head of the Departmem of War Studie at King's. Such is the importance attached to this Centre that the University of London i actively con idering the possibility of the Centre becoming, in time, an In titute within the Univer ity. The purpose of the Centre will be to help stimulate and co-ordinate new thinking on East-West strategy, addressing the implications for Western defence of the recent developments in Eastern Europe and generally drawing together academic research on defence issues.

'The Centre is being set up at a time when the international environment is pa ing through a period of remarkable change. This provides both challenges and opportunities for policy-makers over the coming year. It i important for the academic community to help both policymakers and the wider public make sense of these changes, explore the implications for this country, and more generally Europe and the West, and idemify the range of option available by way of a policy re ponse,' he concluded. The Centre will provide a national focus for defence studies in a number of ways:... by maintaining a range of expertise

within the Centre on the core i ue of Briti h defence and ecurity policy and undertaking research on particular issues. ... by keeping in touch with the defen e community and commi sioning research from peciali ts. ... by accepting where appropriate, commi ions from Government, indu try, international organisations and any other intere ted bodie for research projects. Applications will be made to grant giving bodie for additional projects, where nece sary in conjunction with other members of the University or outside bodie . continued on page 16

Commenting on the Secretary of State's decision, Profes or Freedman said, 'London provides an ideal location. Outside the Univer ity and the Polyt~h足 nic ,there are the International In titute of Strategic Studies, the Royal In titute for Defence Studies, plus specialist journalists and commentators. It is possible to maintain close relations with Whitehall, Westmin ter and the media.' 'However: Professor Freedman continued, 'the University recognises that it is part of the Centre's task to provide a national focus for academic work in this area. When commissioning studies the Centre will not be confined to London. Indeed it will seek to maintain excellent international as well as national contacts.' :.:..... :.;.:

The Baroness Platt of Writtle. CBE, DL. FEng is pictured here giving The Chelsea Lecture in memory ofDr Malcolm Gavin. The Baroness gave a lively and stimulating lecture on why the science and engineering industries need to attract more women. 1

STAFF NEWS W RD Profe or Edward H Grant ha been appointed by the Joint Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Health to be a member of the ational Ractiological Protection Board (NRPB). The Board, which ha 13 members, employ 300 staff and is re ponsible for setting radiation expo ure level for the protection of working personnel and the general public. IRPB also advi e on the variou re:carch programme which are carried out in univer itie and re earch centres. The Chairman of the Board i Sir Richard Southwood FRS, Vice-Chancellor of Oxford Univer ity.

Emeritus Professor Step hen F Mason FRS of the Department of Chemistry, and Honorary Research Fellow in the Department of History and Philo ophy of Science, ha been elected an Extraorctinary Fellow of Wolf on College, Cambridge, and awarded a Leverhulme Emeritus Fellowship for re earch on the hi tory of science and on contemporary theories of chemical evolution. The Council of the Royal Society have nominated Professor Mason to give the next Wilkin Lecture of the Society with the title; 'Bi hop John Wilkins FRS (1614-1672): Isomorphisms of thoughtstyle between the Scientific Revolution and the Protestant Reformation.' John Wilkins wa a principal founder and the first Sccretary of the Royal Society which was founded in 1660. He gathered together, whilst he was warden of Wadham College Oxford in the 1650s, a group of students, including the future architect of St Paul's Chri topher Wren, and associates, like the sceptical chymist, Robert Boyle, who were concerned with the promotion of the new science.

GEO 10RHOLOGICAL AWARD 1r Simon Lowden a student from the Department of Geography last year, ha been av.arded jointly The Dis ertation


Prize 19 9 of the British Geomorphological RC! earch Group. Thi prize is the only award given to tudents for geomorphology and i announced jointly in the journals of the Institute of Briti h Geographer and the Geological Society of London. Many congratulation to Simon Lowden for hi excellent achievement and al 0 to hi upervisor Dr Rita Gardner from the Department of Geography.



Dr Grace M Jantzen, Lccturer in Philo 0phy of Religion in the Department of Theology and Religiou Studie, has ju t been appointed to serve as one of even Commi sioners on a Canadian Royal Commission on Reproductive Technologies. In making the announcement the Canactian Prime Minister stated that the Commi sion was to inquire and report on current and potential medical and scientific developments related to new reproductive technologie , and to consider social, ethical, health, research, legal and economic implications of the e technologies. Dr Jantzen is a Canadian citizen. The fact that despite her residence in London she should be appointed to serve on thi Canadian Royal Commis ion reflects great distinction on her and is an indication of her standing in the fields of Philo ophy of Religion and Ethics.



David Cult ridge K D (David) Cutteridge who for nearly thirty years wa Radiation Protection Officer of the College died suddenly on 5 July. He was an Oxford graduate who had pent several year at Harwell before being appointed to a lecture hip in the Phy ic Department in 1954. A radioactive material were tarting to be u ed in many re earch department at the time of his appointment the College was very fortunate in having a person of his experience to set up a monitoring service to ensure the protection of workers exposed to thi hazard. He put his experti e to the ervice of many ctiffcrcnt departments and no doubt a erted the pos ibility of what might have become tragic events. He wa a leading figure in the Univer ity of London Radiation Protection Services and had a national reputation in this field. As a lecturer and demonstrator he was highly regarded by his students for the clarity of his teaching and hi dedication to their welfare. He died from a heart attack after returning from a visit to Australia where his son now lives. We wish to express our sincere ympathy to his wife Joan and her family. Professor W C Price Department of Physics

SCHOOL OF HUMA ITIES HO OUR FOR RICHARD HARRIES On ovember 2 at a reception at Lambeth Palace the Archbi hop of Canterbury presented the 11 Annual Sir Sigmund Sternberg Award to the Bishop of Oxford, the Rt Revd Richard Harries. This award i given to someone who has made a distinguished contribution to inter-faith mallers and its recipient is determined by the Joint President of the Council of Christians and Jews. Our congratulation go to him on thi pre tigiou award.

Progress Report Since its inception during the long vacation the School of Humanities has been looking at its future and assessing its priorities for the next decade. The Academic Policy Committee met several times during the summer and has now produced a first draft of its Academic Plan. This has bcen widely circulated for comment and criticism within the School. We hope that the plan will form the first tage of a dialogue with the College and with other School in King' about our future shape and academic profile.

Progre has al 0 been made in the e tnbli hment of the S h I offi e. Trudi Darby has been appointed School admini traLOr and Christine Saunder dmmilr.ltive A i tanL


Or Trudi Darb read Engli h at King' rom 1975 to 197 and i proud of being n KC. She.... awarded her doctorate for r~ carch in la obean Drama und r Profe' 'or Richard Proudfoot' uperviion and ha occ ionall taught in the Engli h DepartmenL After working at Bedford College he returned to King' in 19 3 as Clerk to the Faculty of atural S ience, a job which she held throughout the period of the merger with Queen Elizabeth and Chel ea College. For the last four year she ha worked in the Department of C1as ics where he ha taken a 'pecial intere t in school liai on. Trudi ill ha eo erall re pon ibility for admini tration for the School of Humanitie and will be particularly involved in planning and academic policy. She takes up her new po ton 16 ovember and from then until the end of term can be found in room 225 Strand Building. Chri tine Saunders joined the staff of the Art Faculty Office in December 1979 and became Faculty Clerk in August 1980. She ha a BMu from the Royal Academy of Music and an MMus in Hi torical Musicology gained here at King' in 1985 by part-time study.



The dmini trati e organi tion of the La School is now as folio The He d of S hool and Dean i Pror • or K nned . Three A Late Head ha e been e tabti hed. A iate Head Finance i Pror or Hayton, A iate Head - Academic ffair i r or and A ociate Head - Admi ion and Student Affair i 1r Price. The po iLion of Sub-Dean i ub umed under Mc Price' respon ibilitie .



Hazardou Chemical Training Cour e A part of the College' re ponsc to the legal obligations imposed by the COSHH Regulation a half day training course for those working with hazardous chemicals will be e tabli hed on a regular basis at the various campuse . The cour e will

co er: hazard and ri , the pr vention of expo ure, source of information, e and will be open to aB taff and po tgraduat tudents although the num r of the COUI ill be limited. The initial OUI will be held in the Commiuee Room, Strand campu on onday 11 December. Further details and application form for thi and ub quent cour will be circulated to departments. Laboratory Wa te Problem continue to arise over the di posal of laboratory waste such as chemical, solvents, clinical samples, ete and items contaminated by uch materials. Laboratory waste must be kept egregated from the normal dome tic refu e taken away by council refu e opcrati e and arrangements made for pccial collection , incineration or other approved methods of di po al. Detail and advice on pecial di posal requirements are available from the Safety Office. Or R Jade College afety Officer

She is a commilted campaigner for NALGO on i sues affecting staff and has recently been elected to the Council as a representative of the non-teaching staff. Her po t in the School of Humanities will mainly involve setting up the new School Office and over eeing its admini trative function on a day-to-day basis, as well as providing practical (and moral) upport to the School Admini trator. It i not clear yet where we hall be operating from and when we shall be able to open our doors to the public. But work proceeds behind the scene in putting together the admini trative infrastructure which the School will need to support its future work. Barry He Cervantes Professor of Spanish and Head of the chool of Humanities

Birthday celebrations were held at King's on Friday 3 November to mark the 80th Birthday ofChristopher Evans aformer Professor and Fellow of King's College. Many friends and colleagues came to the celebration which was organised by the Department of Theology and Religious Studies. Professor Evans is pictured here (on the right) with Professor Graham Stanton .





KIT Di tionary definition: Kilo n., a set of t I, upplie, con truction material et to u e for a purpose. College definition: KIT, acronym, King's In-service Training, ie, a set of training events for King's staff designed to provide nece sary skill and/or aid career development. KIT i organi ed by the Training Officer and includes seminars, courses, practical demon tration and extended course presented either in-house or by external agencie (such as the Federal London Univer ity Programme, the Southern Universities Regional Administrative Programme, Skills Centres and Further Education Colleges). KIT information detailing training events i generally sent to heads of department and sections, supervi ors and superintendent . Some training information is targeted at profes ional groups or trade union officer. All KIT information is publi hed in this column. How do individuals obtain their relevant share of KIT? It is received via College noticeboards or directly from managers. However, in some case discussions and course applications are initiated by staff wishing to participate in training events. Who pays for KIT? There is a eentraI fund set aside to pay for a large slice of staff training, managed by the Training Officer. What should be included in KIT? KIT should be a sembled according to training needs identified for staff throughout the College. Where supervisors and taff agree that a specific training assignment would enhance necessary skills then it can be included in a training plan organised locally or as part of KIT. The Training Officer will take all reasonable steps to arrange training to meet defined needs.

This IBM wordproce ing course for clerical taff will be repeated in the year to meet demand. B: The pccialised topics included in the recent WP urvey among secretarial staff is being collated. A ystem i to be introduced for beginners who prefer to use the computer learning course and indi idual tuition to upplement a self directed programme. Managing Stress Wedne day 29 ovember There are still places available on this very important one day course. Every member of staff should be aware of what tress i ,the ymptom and its potential to cause harm at work and home. Participants will learn how to keep stre sunder control. The cour e, led by Or Guy Claxton, i open to all non-teaching staff. Time Management at Work Tue day 5 December Most people feel that they could make better use of their time and talents especially when they feel under pressure at work so a half day programme has been designed to enable participants to achieve more in a well managed working day. The course is intended for ecretarial staff, supervisors and senior technical staff. Assertiveness Skills. Tuesday 5 Decem ber Assertiveness training is de igned to improve interpersonal skills and give participants greater confidence to deal with work colleagues and people in their personal lives. Individual styles and behaviour will be explored, as will the difference between assertiveness and aggressiveness. The course is open to staff in clerical, technical and junior administrative grade. Appearing on Camera Friday 8 December For senior academic and administrative staff, Details from Robert Poller, ext S1165.

I -HOU E COURSES Microsoft Word for Beginners Tue day 21 ovember 4

Rapid Reading and Memory Skills Wednesday and Thursday 13 & 14 December

For academic and admini trative kill . Detail from Robert Poller. (Further details of these cour e have been sent to heads of departments and upervisor ).

Computer As isted Learning A wide range of computer based package are available to co er training requirements.providing a very convenient and effective tyle of learning. If enough people are prepared to use them in their training chedule it would be worthwhile to purchase ome titles, eg, stress management, time management, people management, computer skill, under tancling preadshcets, introduction to database and typing in truction. If you are intere ted in any of the e course or would like further information contact the Training Officer, ext S2803. Ken Bromfield Training Officer non-academic staff

MORE EFFECTIVE TEACHING This is the year when academic staff in university institutions, including King's College, will undergo Appraisal. When the AUT agreed to Appraisal they, quite rightly, saw this as helpful, beneficial and u eful procedure for their member. Clearly, teaching skills will feature in the Apprai aI and student opinion will be included in the factors involved here. This will make many of us who teach more conscious than ever of the effectivene s of our teaching. With this in mind a one day course on 'More Effective Teaching' ha been arranged and all academic taff are invited to attend. The day will consist of four workshops on the following topics: 1 Supervising postgraduate and project students. 2 Modern visual pre entation. 3 More effective lecturing. 4 Tutorial and small group teaching.


Ea h work hop ill be free- tanding and led by a recognised authority in that field. Thu ,e en if you are nOl prepared to parti ipaLC for an enl..ire day, you will be able LO lect the workshop( ) of most imere L The course ill held at KensingLOn carnpu on Thur day 1 December and repeated at the Strand on Friday 15 December 19 9. Full detail will be circulated later. Rob rt Poller Academic taffTraining and Development Co-ordinator



Cambridge Univer ity Library, in as ociation with Lambeth Palace Library and The British Library, is organi ing a Cranmer Exhibition to celebrate the 500th anniverary of the birth of Thomas Cranmer (14 9-1556), who wa the first reformed Archbishop of Canterbury. The Exhibition will be held at The Briti h Library, London larting on October 27 and running through to January 21 1990. 'ational Westminster Bank is spon oring the event. Extensive research has been carried out to obtain original articles and exhibits. These include four portraits from His Grace the Archbi hop of Canterbury and The National Portrait Gallery. A sixteenth century oak pulpit from the Church of St Edward, King and Martyr, in Cambridge forms the centrepiece of the display. Twenty nine books from the Thomas Cranmer' own library have been reassembled for the Exhibition. Since they were dispersed after the Archbishop's death in 1556, this is the ftrsttime that they have been together in one place. The Archbi hop's library reveals him to be a typical Renai sance figure. He po ses ed a real, informed interest in botany, geography, law, history and the vernacular languages as well as theology. The Exhibition Galleries of the Library in Great Russell Street, London W1, are open Monday LO Saturday 10.00 am LO 5.00 pm and Sunday 2.30 pm to 6.00 pm. Entry is free.

BE PREPARED! Clearly an ex-boy seout ha provided the coffin in preparation for a tragedy. The notice reads 'FIRE OTICE Thi area must be kept clear of all ob truction .' Please remember fire exists and fire fighting equipment mu t be kept clear AT ALL TIMES, they mu t not be blocked even for a moment.

COU CIL VIEW Christine Sa under ,newly-elected to the College Council, offers some initial personal impressions. On the first Tuesday of this term I attended my flfst meeting of King's College Council as a newly-elected representative of the non-teaching staff. The meeting took place in the almost-but-not-quite refurbished Council Room: the chandeliers and the new blue chairs were very elegant, but seemed a little desultory in a room without curtains or CarpeL The acoustics were lousy; fortunately I chose a place to sit from which it wa possible LO lip-read the Chairman and the Principal, who were the main speakers. Other Council members may well have left the meeting little the wi er. When I arrived people were having pre-meeting tea. I have an impression of a clu ter of taJl, pin-striped figures sociali ing with each other at a height of about six foot ix from the ground. The Student Union repre entative ,all, like me, attending their flf t meeting, seemed LO exude a combination of nervou ness and fury. They fell on me as a potential ally, presumably because I wasn't wearing a pin-striped uiL One of their number, however,was. 'Conformist!' I taunted. The academic staff members turned up next, fresh from teaching or whatever it is they get up LO. They ju tlooked generally worried, which is hardly surprising under the circum tances. The meeting itself was low-key, mainly consi Ling of reports from the Principal, most of which he repeated in his address to staff the next day, on the research ratings (depending on whom you're speaking LO, the College either did very well or very badly), the UFC's funding policy and its implications, the current position about Cornwall House and the College's late t forays into property speculation. A working party under Lady Mayhew i being set up to look into nursery provi ion - amongst its members is my co-non-



teaching taff repre entalive, Derek Law, who looked somewhat bemused when the Principal announced his co-option. Ol a lot wa aid that was of direct relevance to the non-teaching tafr. What was far more intere ting to me was the attitud of certain other Council member to their - OUI - own rele ance. I was rather taken aback, for example, when a senior academic confided to me that 'we' don't say anything in Council, that it was mainly an opportunity for the lay members to be involved, and that after all, 'we' have other forums for getting our views across. I suppose thi academic meant the Academic Board, where I am told, iews are often forcefully expres ed and plans even occasionally overturned. Thi privilege i nOl extended to the non-teaching taff, who have no recognised channel for comment or complaint except through their trade unions. I think it is important for the College a a matter of principle, that the views of the non-teaching taff should be ought formally, when it is formulating any plan which will concern us. I don't believe that confining any o-called representation of non-teaching staff on the various committcc , ub-committes and working parties to College Officers or senior academic-related . taff i fair to that majority of clerical/secretarial, technical and ancillary staff in more junior and low-paid jobs. I will be interested to sce, for example, whether there is anyone apart from a student on the forthcoming working party looking into social facililie who eams less than £20K per annum. I want to thank all those who voted for me for giving me the chance to try to do something about all this. I have been invited to join the Amenitie Committee (not to be confu ed with the working party referred to above); it's a start. I hope that any member of the non-teaching staff will get in touch with me on matters which come under the aegis of the Council, and I am also particularly keen to develop links with all the trade union , 0 that I can be a channel for collective ideas. I hope you will contact me with your comment and suggestions and ensure that you make good use of your representative on the Council.

Christine Saunders School of Humanities

IVERSITIES AWAIT CHA CELLOR'S AUTUM TATEME T In May 1989 the CVCP sent to the Secretary of State for Education and Science its view as to the financial requirements of the univer ities for 1990/ 91. That submis ion was accompanied by a request for an extra £100 million for univer ity pay over and above the amount already announced for universities in 1990/91 in the January 1989 Public Expenditure While Paper and the sub equent 1989 salarie settlement. The main submission also asked for a first payment in 1990/91 towards the £250 million e timated by the former UGC to be needed for essential repairs, an extra £25m a year for three years for equipment and fund to help with restructuring.


Since that submission was made, the universities have admitted an extra 6,000 students this autumn. In doing so they have re ponded to the Government's intention described in the Consultation Paper, Shifting the Balance of Public Funding of Higher Education to Fees, to provide real incentives to exploit spare capacity by taking in additional students. Thi extra recruitment strengthens the case for additional funding for 1990/91. This has been empha ised by the Committee at recent meetings with the Secretary of State. The Government's re pon e to the CVCP's ubmission will be known when the Chancellor' Autumn Statement is published in early ovembcr. That response will be seen by the CVC? as an indication of the Government's concern both to maintain quality in the universities and to expand the number of tudents.


CATERING SERVICES TAFF E Gordon Alien, formerly As i tant Manager at the Chelsea campu ha taken up the post of A istant Manager at Ken ington following the recent re ignalion of Jane Martin. Diana Zaslavoglou, formerly Deputy Catering Manager at the Strand and more recently part-time Office Manager, leaves us on 10 ovember. We thank her for her excellent work during the last four years and wish the Zaslavoglou family (shortly to be extended!) the very be t for the future. adie Hall, known by most Strand staff for her cheerful di position and willing service celebrates 25 years at King' . Congratulations Sadie and thanks for your loyalty and hard work. Here's to your GOLDE anniversary. CROCKERY Colleagues may have read of the problems the House of Commons have with disappearing crockery. Kings has a similar problem and we are spending far too much on replacement crockery. Please check your cupboards, shelves etc and retum College crockery to the nearest Catering outlet. If you have too much to carry OUI site offices will arrange collection with no charge or recrim inations! BEVERAGE VE DJ G A review of Beverage Vending Operation is shortly to take place and I would be pleased to hear from members of the College who have views on this matter. At the Strand campus there is a lack of beverage provision in the Main and Strand Buildings, Vending might help to olve this, but there has alway been a problem in iting machines in suitable locations. If Colleague can identify available sites I will see what can be done, though it must be emphasised that whilst machines in Common Rooms, Department of Faculty rooms may be desirable they are not usually financially viable. P J Hoffman College Catering Officer





're ted ollege r tal for Christmas rf you are thinking about Chri tmas presenLS for that pecial per on, ou. need I k no further: e ha e ommis ioned DaningLan Cry Lalto produ e for u their fine cry tal Rachael rnnge engraved with the ne College Coat of Arm . A selection of item i. on di play in the main entrnnce and order can be placed with the Alumnu Office. PrIce of the more popular item are as follow: Red ine gla se ,£20.00 per pair White wine glas e ,£1 .50 per pair Pint beer tankard, £16.50 Spirit tumbler ,£15. per pair Ship's decanter, £35.00. Order are now being taken for Chri tma delivery. Please contact Anna Hughes, Room 2B Main Building, Strand campus, exten ion S20 4 to place your order. If you need omething La put in the glass, why not King's College port? We have made arrangemenLS for a 1983 Bottled Vintage Port La be available to us at a pecial rate, and thi will be bottled with our own distinctive label, price £9.50 per bottle, £95.00 per ase (12 bottle ). Our shipper will deliver to any address in the UK, AT 0 EXTRA CHARGE. Chri tmas cards will be available during the week beginning 13 ovember. These will show an elegant repre entation of the College crest and on the back, a brief description of the origin of the same. The ame card with no greeting will be available for u e throughout the year. The cards cost 35p each or £3.00 per pack of 10 from the Porters' Desk in the Main Foyer or from the Alumnus Office at the address above. Finally, for the discerning King' per on, we have reproduced the two Wellington cartoons which depict the famous duel between the Iron Duke and the Earl of Winchilsea. The e fine reproductions have been recreated by the company which specialises in fine art reproductions for the National Portrait Gallery, the Britis.h Mueum the V&A and the Courtauld Galleries. They are priced at £15.00 per paH, moun'ted and wrapped for easy transportation together with an account of the duel wrillen by Anthony Shadrake. The proceeds from the sale will go to the College Scholar hip Fund.




The Re earch Stralegy Committee ha agreed to fund the pilot tage of a project to con truct a computerised corpu of the Spani h Language. The principal objectives of the project are La con truct a large representative model of Spani h to reflect the variety of the language world-wide, and La de ign the computing infrastructure needed to enable the corpu to be consulted by holar for a variety of purpo es. In order to en ure that the material is reasonably up La dale, the corpu will be restricted to sample collected from 1990 onwards. It i intended that the corpus will reach a steady state over not more than five years and that, ubject to funding it will be maintained at the target size by addition of new material and di carding of old. The corpus will be designed to reflect the wide range of varil:ties of Spanish, both geographical and topical, and material will be collected in accordance with clearly established criteria. It is expected that the corpus will be published in both concorded and both free text form. The project will be under the overall direction of Professor B W !fe, and the team established for the pilot tage will consist of Dr J W Butt, Dr M J Woods, Harold Short (Assistant Director, KCL Computing Centre), Antonia MoreiraRodriguez and Leonor Zimman.

EWS FROM COR WALL HOU E Where are we no'y . update on the ever moving TCP Offke! The Thameside Campus Project has now moved La a suite of offices on the first floor of Cornwall House Main Building, overlooking the National Theatre. The entrance is in Doon Street, which is a mall service road parallel to Stamford Street, and at a right angle to Waterloo Bridge (though you can't reach it directly because of the Coin Street development in fact you have to go right around

: :.: 7-:::

Cornwall House to get to us). We will be here for about a year, while the Annex i being refurbished. We would, however, be grateful if you could continue to use the trand mailing add re . Thi i because the Post Office keep confusing u with the Government Chemi ts (who used to be in the Annex) and re-directing mo t of our letters to Teddington, or thinking we are a part of the Foreign Office here and sending our mail to them. So plea e avoid delay by writing to us clo the Secretariat at the Strand - we pick up our post every day. Please make sure we are on your mailing list (if you have one) so that we receive all College circulars. Pica e note, also, our separate telephone number. If there is nobody here, you can leave a message on the answerphones attached to Colin Sinnott's or Judy Staight's number (9288916 or 928 32]4).

Colin Sinnott, Project Director Thameside campus Judy Staight, Assistant Director

Dr Jeremy Metters (left), Deputy Chief Medical Officer of Health, Mr Robert Maxwell Secretary of the King's Fund talking tp Professor Jenijer Wilson-Barnett


LAUNCH OF A NEW MSc COURSE The reception held in the Council Room on 3 October to launch the new MSc in Research Methods for Remedial Therapi ts was a happy occasion. It brought together students, lecturers and friend of the Centre to celebrate the start of the new degree course. Dr Cecily Partridge, Director of the Centre for Physiotherapy Research which is running the course, introduced Sheila Kitchen, the new course co-ordinator, and thanked all those who had helped in different ways in the setting up of the course. The MSc, the rust specifically for physiotherapists and occupational therapists within London University, is possibly the forerunner of other postgraduate courses for therapists. Those particularly welcomed were Professor Jenifer Wilson-Bamett and staff of the Department of ursing Studies, Dr John Milton from the Department of


History and Philosophy of Science, Professor Keith Webster from the Department of Anatomy and Professor Simon Howells from the Department of Physiology. District physiotherapists from the seven affiliated ho pita] were there as were many external lecturers on the course.

Most important the funders came too; Dr Jeremy Metters, Deputy Chief Medical Officer from the Department of Health, and Mc Robert Maxwell, Secretary of the King's Fund, represented the institutions who are funding the course. Sir David Atkinson from the Chest Heart & Stroke Association and Dr Chris Henshall from the MRC were there and seemed interested in the possibility of funding students for the course. We are following this up with great enthusiasm.

Hosting for overseas students HOST is a national charity founded by the Foreign & Commc.nwealth Office, the British Council and the Victoria League to introduce overseas students to British family life. They are looking for families which will be able to invite one or more of these students to join them over the Christmas period. HOST will offer the host family a contribution of ÂŁ5.00 per night per guest, but the overseas visitors themselves pay nothing. The invitation would be from Christmas Eve for 3 or 4 nights. If you wish to know more, please contact Lisa Payne, Student Services Welfare and Information Officer on extension S2530. Or contact HOST directly: Miss J Caesar, 18 orthumbcrland Avenue, London WC2 5BJ. Tel 0] 9252595. Many thanks for your interest and hospitality!

Dr Cecily Partridge Director of the Centre for Physiotherapy Research.

Usa Payne Welfare and Information Officer



The Library is now able to use the LIBERTAS system to issue an increasing proportion of its stock. All items in heavy demand, in the Short Loans collections or restricted to two-day weekly loan, are now issued using the computer, which provides an instantly updated record of availability, and also allows an improved reservation system. The Library's resources for science and engineering are now all issued using LIBERTAS, on all four sites. Only the Strand's humanities stock remains to be prepared, and here the summer saw great progress being made. All Laws material, Geography and non-European History material is now issued using LIBERTAS. To simplify return dates for borrowers using the Old Library, all normal loan stock is now issued for 6 weeks, whether borrowed using paper vouchers or using LIBERTAS. In other areas, part of the Embankment collection and the Modem Greek material reclassified during the cooperative project with the University of Crete, have also moved to LIBERTAS circulation. It is hoped that progress will continue to be made, so that all users can benefit from LIBERTAS improved accuracy and currency of issue data. Introduction of PIN numbers ow that LIBERTAS controls so much of the Library's circulation, users may make use of the second option on the OPAC menus to check on what items they have on loan, what reservations they have made, and the addresses the Library is using to contact them. Since all this information is confidential, a system of personal identification numbers has been introduced to improve record security. When you wish to check your loan record,

LIBERTAS will ask for your library card number - this is the 10 digit number printed on the barcode on the reverse of your Library card, and after checking the number for mistyping and then against its records, will ask for your security number before displaying the information requested. If you do not yet know, or have forgotten your PIN, it may be collected from any issue desk 0 PRESENTAnON OF YOUR LIBRARY CARD. Numbers cannot be given out without your card in your absence.


The Science Citation Index from 1986 to the present is now available on CD-ROM in the Kensington Library. This allows individuals to carry out automated searching of the 3300 major scientific journals in all disciplines covered by this publication, as well as to make use of its unique features relating to cited authors. Because of its anticipated demand it would be wise to book a time slot if you wish to carry out a search. This can be done in person by filling in the book at the issue desk, or by phoning Kensington extension K378. Reserved slots are for approximately 50 minutes from 9.30 am to 6.30 pm(last appointment), Monday to Thursday and from 9.30 am to 5.30 pm on Friday. The work station is situated with the periodicals on the third floor of the Library, but the disks must be borrowed from the issue desk near the Library entrance. Training sessions on the use of the system will be held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons at 2.30 pm (please book a place on extension K378). Training sessions are compulsory for undergraduates wishing to use the system, and recommended for others. References retrieved may be printed or down loaded to a 3.5" floppy disk.

An innovative scheme exists in Dartmoor Prison organi ed by two wardens and involving volunteers from amongst the prisoners to sort and sell used stamps of all varieties, both domestic and foreign. All proceed go towards the Royal ational Lifeboat Institution and to date the scheme has raised a staggering total of £45,000. Stamps are the mainstay of the project but cigarettes cards, old postcards and trading stamps such as Green Shield or Co-op can also be used. If you have anything collectable and small enough to send, a use can be found for it! Please send your stamps to Senior Officer Les Blake, 'Stamps', HMP Dartmoor, Princetown, Yelverton, Devon PL20 6RH. David Green Department of Geography

Philomena D'souza would like to thank all who contributed towards 'The 1989 Amazing Great Children's Party' which was held on Friday 15 September at Bauersea Park. The party was a great success and was attended by Their Royal Highnesses Prince and Princess Michael of Kent who were guests of honour. It was organised on behalf of the Paul O'Gorman Foundation for Children with Leukaemia, to raise funds for the Centre for Children with Leukaemia, who forwarded a certificate of thanks to Philomena. So far, although donations are still coming in, £150,000 has been raised from this party alone, making 'the Guvnors' total to date over £650,000 towards the Centre.



DEPARTME T OF CLA SIC Tue day ovember BETWEE SCYLLA CHARYBDIS: REFLECTIO S 0 THE STUDY OF ClENT GREEK SCULPTURE Profes or Geoffrey Waywell, Profes or of CIa ical Archaeology and Head of the Deparunem of Clas ic 5.30 pm, The ew Theatre, trand campu


SCHOOL OF LA W Wedne day 13 December WORDS, PRI ClPLES D POV ER: INTERPRET G OUR CRIMINAL LAW Profes or Andrew A hworth, EdmundDavie Profes or of Criminal Law and Criminal Justice 5.30 pm The Inner Temple Hall


THE COMMEMORATION ORATION Monday 4 December HUM RESOURCES D THE HUMANITIES The Rt Hon Lord Brigg , MA, BSC(Econ), FBA 5.30 pm, The ew Theatre, trand campus

THE FOURTH ROSE HElM LECTURE Thursday 16 ovember PATHWAYS OF BIOMOLECULAR ASSEMBLEY: MOLECULAR RECOGTIO D PROTEI E GINEERI G Profes or Richard Perham, FRS, Department of Biochemistry, University of Cambridge 5.30 pm, Lecture Theatre 3820, Strand campus


DEPART fE 'T OF CHE"-fl TRY Thursday 23 ovem r THE BIBLE THROUGH DUTCH EYES Dr Alfred Bader, Chemi t and Art Collector 4.15 pm, Room 6C trand campu

CE TRE FOR HELLE IC STUDIES Friday 24 ovember THE GREEKS D THE SEA Profes or Spero Vryoni , Jr, Director of the Centre for Hellenic Studie, ew York Univer ity 6.00 pm Room 1827, Strand campu

DEPARTME T OF BYZA TINE A D MODER GREEK STUDIES Monday 4 December NEW RESEARCH D FIND GS 0 ALEX DROS PAPADIAM DIS Professor Photis Demetracopoulos, Univer ity of Athens 2.15 pm, The Committee Room, Strand campu

SCHOOL OF LA W Thursday 7 December THEEUROPEA COMMUNITY, 1992 AND BEYOND Stanley Clinton Davis 5.30 pm, Room 3820, Strand campus MAXWELL LECTURES Monday 20 ovember ULTRASOUND I MEDICINE - OLD HAT OR NEW SCIE CE? Profe sor C R Hill, Royal Marsden Hospital Monday 27 ovember REMOTE SE S G FROM SPACE Dr C J Elliott, Smith As ociates Monday 4 December SEEI G QUANTUM JUMPS WITH THE AKEDEYE Professor P Knight, Imperial College London Monday 11 December BLOWI G OUR OWN TRUMPET- AS WELL AS OUR BASSOO : SOME

PHYSICS OF D 'STR 1E S Dr A E Brown, King's College LondonAlI lectur to be giYen in Room 2C, trand Building from 2.00 pm-3.00 pm

DEPART lE T OF PHAR lACY onday 27 ovember SITE SPECIFIC DR G DELIVERY THE ART OF THE POSSIBLE Profes or A T Florence, Dean of the Schoolof Pharma y, niver ityof London 6.30 pm, College Hou e, Manre a Road, Chel ea campu

MEDIEVAL GERMA STUDY GROUP Tue day 21 ovember THE EARTHLY PARADISE: FROM ERIUGE A TO GOTIFRIED Profe or Peter Dronke, Univer ityof Cambridge 5.30 pm in Room m06, trans campu

CE TRE OF BRITISH CO STlTUTIO AL LA WAD HISTORY Tue day 28 ovember CROWN, PARLIAME T D THE LA W I MODER BRITISH HISTORY Professor JAG Griffith, Chancellor of the University of Manchester, Emeritus Professor of Public Law in the Univer ity of London 1.15 pm, The ew Theatre, Strand campus Wedne day 6 December CO SERVATIVE POLITICAL IDEOLOGY - PAST AND PRESE Dr John Ram den, Reader in Modem History, Queen Mary and Westfield College 1.15 pm Room LI01C, trand campu

COURTAULD I STITUTE OF ART Tue day 21 ovember THE GENESIS OF EASEL PAINTI G Professor Hans Belting, Univer ity of Munich Tuesday 28 ovembcr BORROMINI'S S. IVO AND THE NATURAL WORLD Professor Joseph Connors, Director, American Academy in Rome

Tue day 5 December PHOTOGRAPHY AND TRUTH Mark Haworth- Booth, Curator of Photograph ,Victoria and Alben Museum

Dr Jeremy Brocks, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, University College 1.15 pm, Room IB04, trand campus

Tuesday 12 December THE CASE OF THE WOMAN W ARRIOR: GENDER, VIOLE CE D ALLEGORY, I THEARTOFTHE FRE CH REVOLUnO Profe sor Linda ochlin, City Univer ity, ew York 5.30 pm, Courtauld Institute of Art, Somerset Hou e, Strand, London


ROYAL HOLLOWAY AND BEDFORD NEW COLLEGE Monday 27 ovember A XIETY AND COGNITIVE FU CTIONI G Professor Michael Eysenck 5.30 pm Main Lecture Theatre, Founder's Building, Royal Holloway and Bedford ew College

THE ROYAL SOCIETY Tuesday 28 November RISK I THE NATURAL WORLD AND HUMAN SOCIETY Sir Richard Southwood, FRS 5.30 pm, The Royal Society, 6 Carlton House Terrace, London SWl Y SAG

SEMI ARS DEPARTMENT OF BIOPHYSICS Friday 17 November LO G TERM REGULATION OF Ca ++ CHANNEL NUMBERS I EXCITABLE CELLS Professor John Littleton, Department of Pharmacology, King's College London

Thursday 30 November REMOTE PLASMA ENHANCED CHEMICAL VAPOUR DEPOSITION OF SiNx AND SiOx Patrick Dainty, King' College London Thursday 7 December UNlVERSAL TRANSLA no OF REAL WORLD DATA Or Khalafalla, King's College London All research seminars to be held at 1.15 pm in Room HA, Strand campus


Friday 24 ovember MYOSI MOVEMENTS AND THE MECH ISM OF MUSCLE CO TRACTION Dr Malcolm Irving, Department of Biophysics, King's College London Seminars held at 1.15 pm, Basement Lecture Theatre, Drury Lane

Wednesday 13 December SOCIAL FACTORS IN RISK ASSESSMET Professor Mary Douglas, University College London All seminars to held at 2.15 pm in Room IB06, Strand campus


CENTRE FOR PHILOSOPHICAL STUDIES Philosophy of Animals and the

Environment (a serie of Seminars) Thursday 23 ovember THE USE OF ANIMALS IN MEDICAL RESEARCH Mr Peter Byme Thursday 30 ovember THE ANCIENT GREEK DEBATE 0 ANIMAL PSYCHOLOGY AND RIGHTS Professor Richard Sorabji Thursday 7 December I TER Ano AL ENVIRO MENTAL ISSUES Professor P J Peterson All seminars to be held at 6.00pm in Room 6C, Strand campus

Philosophy and Business (a series of Seminars) Thursday 16 November BUSINESS RESPO SIBILITY FOR THE ENVIRONMENT Professor Jack Mahoney 6.00 pm, Room 6C, Strand campus

DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Wednesday 22 November DIE LINE PHENOMENON DURING AA6063 EXTRUSIO (Research Seminar) Dr M P Clode, Lecturer 3.30 pm-4.30 pm Room 2B08, Strand campus

CENTRE FOR LATIN AMERICAN STUDIES (a series of seminars on Modernity and Methodologies for Cultural Studies) Tuesday 21 November PLOITING WOMEN Gianna Vega Tuesday 5 Decem ber ROBERTO SCHWARZ David Treece Both seminars to take place at 5.30 pm in Spanish Department, Strand campus


ednesday 22 '0 ember lE COCTEA: MAGICI FRIEND Miron Grindea, London edne day 6 December IRO Y D AFFlRMATIO : TIPPED 1 THE 19 0 Profe sor Amold Whittall, King' College London Colloquia to be held at 5.00 pm in Room GOl, trand campus

MEDIEVAL GERMA STUDY GROUP Friday 1 December THE TRISTAN LEGEND IN THE MIDDLE AGES (mini colloquium) LA LEGE DE DE TRIST AU MOYE AGE Peofe sor Danielle Buschinger, Universite de Picardie, Amiens DIE REVOLUTIO IERUNG DER MlNNEIDEE IM TRlST ANEPOS GOITFRIEDS Profe sor Wolfgang Spiewok, University of Greifswald, DDR 4.30 pm - 7.00 pm in Room G05, trand cam pus Saturday 2 December 1189-1989 RICHARD THE LIO HEART (one day colloquim) Organised in conjuction with the Centre for Late Antique and Medieval Studies Further details from Mr M H Jones, Department of German


Wednesday 22 and 29 ovember WORDeR CHER (pARTS 1 & 2) MICROSOFT WORD 0 THE APPLE MACINTOSH (pARTS 1 & 2) SPSSX (pARTS 1 & 2) Wednesday 6, 7 and 13 December EXCEL (pARTS 1 & 2) All cour 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm trand campu . Further detail from Advi or (Room 23AB) extension 2505. Wednesday IS and 22 ovember MlCROSOFf WORD 0 IMBUS NETWORK (pARTS 1 & 2) 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm Ken ington campus. Further details from Advi ory (Room A209) exten ion K261


Long-term fellow hip are normally held for one year, but may be extended to two following atisfactory review. Shon-term fellowships are available to allow more senior scienti ts to make hon working vi its of 3-6 months. Stipends according to age and experience, are within the range of £10,45 to £17,994 per annum. Requests forappllcation forms should include a brief curriculum vitae and an outline of the propo ed research and should be addres ed to: The Grants Section (Europe), The Wellcome Trust, 1 Park Square West, London W I


HELP FOR ACADEMICS Staff of the Age Concern Institute of Gerontology have raised some money from activities such as seminars and writing. They have decided that £500.00 this academic year shall be spent on help for academics in King's to go to conferences or meetings on any gerontological subject. It is hoped that a paper and a note of the conference would be given to the Institute. Applications for small sums towards travel are especiaUy welcomed. Applications to Professor Anthea Tinker, Age Concern Institute of Gerontology, 552 King's Road, London SWlO OUA. Tel 872 3035. Informal di cussion before applications also welcomed.

Professor Anthea Tinker Age Concern Institute of Gerontology


doctoral re earch worker who have been engaged in re earch in the UK or the Republic of Ireland for the past three years. Pre-doctoral candidat may apply, but may not take up an award until their doctorate i awarded. Tb objcct of the fellowship i to encourage working vi Its by inve tigators in any branch of the natural and clinical ien e which ha a bearing upon human or animal medi ine (except cancer).

WELLCOME TRA VELLING RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS TO EUROPE 1990-1991 Applications are invited from post-

Applications for long-term fellowships are considered in competition twice yearly. Completed forms must be returned by the 24 ovember 1989 and 1 May 1990. Applications for shon-term fellow hips are accepted at any time.

CE TRAL RESEARCH FU D The Central Research Fund has been instituted for the purpo e of making grants to members of the University (other than present undergraduate students and those registered for a taught Master's degree) engaged on specific projects of research, to assist with the provision of special materials, apparatus and travel costs. Applications are considered each term and the next closing date for applications is Friday, 8 December 1989. Forms of application and further particulars may be obtained from the Central Research Fund Section, Senate House, Room 21a, Malet Street, London WCIE 7HU. Tel636 8000 extension 3147.

MCTC89 On 25 and 26 of September The Communications Research Group ho Led the 1989 In titute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) Work hop on Mobile & Cordless Telephone Communication. The workshop was ponsored by the Joint Chapter Acou tic, Speech and Signal Processing and Communications, UK & Republic of Ireland Section of the IEEE. Over seventy delegates from more than ten countries came to attend the workshop held in the ew Theatre. Both Lhe workshop and its associated exhibition were deemed a great uccess by all. The Research Group would like to thank all those in the College services who helped the workshop run as smoothly a it did.

Dr K Pahlavan o/Worcester PI Massachusetts USA giving his tutorial on Wireless Indoor Communications

C W MAPLETHORPE POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIPS FOR PHARMACEUTICAL EDUCATIO AND RESEARCH Applications are invited for C W Maplethorpe Postdoctoral Fellowships tenable from October 1990 for a maximum period of up to three years. The Fellowship have been establi hed under the Will of the late Mr Cyril W Maplethorpe, for the promotion of pharmaceutical education and research at the School of Pharmacy and Department of Pharmacy at King's. Fellow mu t hold a PhD degree or be in a po session of other qualifications which in the opinion of the Committee of Management enable them to undertake a full programme of research at the required level. Preference will be given to Registered Pharmacist . The Stipend of each Fellowship will be related to the Lecturer Scale and will depend on the qualifications of the Fellow and the stage reached in his or her career. London Allowance will also be paid. Applications must be submitted at late t

Mr G J H Baker The Communications Research Group

by 31 January 1990 on the prescribed form which may be obtained together with further particulars of the Fellowships from the Scholarships Office, Senate House, Malet Street, London WCIE 7HU, Telephone 016368000, extension 3042.

;:S~L'LADS ::::

FLAT FOR SALE Penge, South London 1 bed purpose built 1st floor flat in popular block. Central heating, light and spacious, close to shops and trains to London mainline stations. Off street parking, no chain. Tel 778 7522 evenings and weekends.

FOR SALE For sale. Acorn A3000 micro computer, with colour monitor and stand, £850.00 ono. Also Integrex 132 colour ink-jet

printer and pare ink cartridges, £450.00 ono; Clares 'Pro-Artisan' graphic software for RISC-OS £120.00. All brand new in original boxes. Tel Richard Taylor, College Archives S2015.

For sale. A research group retooling with MS-DOS equipment has the following BBC equipment for sale. A discount of 20% off the listed price is offered to College taff. Ma ter, cartridges, dust cover, £300.00. BBC B+, ADFS, ATPL board, new 64K upgrade (not installed) £250.00. BBC B, 32K upgrade, ADFS, ATPL board £225.00. All with Interword. 6502 second processor £50.00. Cumana CD800S double drive with PSU, £130.00. AMS double 3" drive (uses Amstrad di c ) £100.00. Taxan & Fergu on 12" green monitors, £50.00 each. AMX Mouse & SuperArt £25.00. Interface equipment, ROMS and book : ask for list Profe sor F A E Pirani, Maths Department, extension S2235 or 01 8367039.

For sale. Canon AP300 electronic typewriter, with one daisy-wheel and two spare ribbons. £100.00. Contact exLCn sion S2193 War Studies Department.

For sale. Toshiba BD 4111 photocopier. Enlarges, reduces A4 copies. Three and a half years old, good condition. Offers accepted. Please contact the Information Office on the Strand campus. Tel S2179.

WA TED Accommodation. Flat or house in London, or within easy commuting di tance of King's, for visiting Japanese professor plus wife and 2 children (aged 5 and 2), from March/April 1990 for any period up to 2 years. Please contact either Dr A Porter (Head of Dept of Hi tory) or direct to Professor Katsuhiko Yokoi, Meiji University, School of Commerce, Kanda-Surugadai, Chiyoda-Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Accommodation. Flat wanted, at least 2 bedrooms, January to March 1990 for Professor Gareth Matthews of the University of Massachusetts at Aucherst. Responses please to Professor Richard Sorabji, Department of Philosophy. Home telephone 874 4142.




n information requ

t from the

lumnus Relations Officer, Or



ville Mar h.

Over the year King' has been ass iated with a long u e ion of Fellov. of the Royal Society beginning with WheaLStone and Daniell and continuing With many other notable ienti LS up to more recent Fellow uch as ictor Gold and Peter Baker. ~oday, e can .claim an ass iation with 43 FeUo out of a total of 103 including eighteen alumm and 25 member of taff, both past and present. The full li t is given below; no doubt there are some omi ion, for hich we apologi e, and the ine itable mi take . If you have any additions or correction, we shall be pleased to hear from you in the Alumnus Office. ( B Year of election is given in brackeLS, together with King' degree() and dates, or if tarf, depanments and dates.) AR OlT, Profe sor Struther (19 5) Biophy ic ,Phy ics 1960-70 BALDWI ,Professor Jack Edward (1978) Chemi try 1972 BLACK. Sir James Whyte (1976) Analytical Pharmacology 19 4 to pre ent BO OI, Sir Hermann (1959) Mathematic 1954-84 BOO ,William Robert (1974) BSc 19.. ,PhD 19.. BORN, Profe or Gustav Victor Rudolf (1972) Pharmacology 1978-86 BOWE ,Dr Edward George (1975) PhD 19.. BOYCOlT, Profe or Brian Blundell (1971) Biophy ics 1980 to present BUR STOCK, Profes or Geoffrey (1986) BSc 1953 CADOG , Profe sor John Ivan George (1976) BSc 1951; Chemi try 1956-63 CARTWRIGHT, DrDavid Edgar (1984) BSc 19.., DSc 19.. CATCHESIDE, Professor David Guthrie (1951) BSc 1928; Botany 1931-36 CROMBIE, Professor Leslie (1973) PhD 1958, DSc 1963? DAClE, Sir John Vivian (1967) ME BS 1935, MD 1952, Haematology KCSMD 19..-.. DE BIGH, Professor Kenneth George (1965) Principal QEC 1966-77 OIXO , Professor Richard ewland (1986) BSc 1951 DOMB, Professor Cyril (1977) Physics 1954-81 ELLIOlT, Dr Michael (1979) DSc 1984?, Chemi try 1946-48 FISHER, Professor Michael Ellis (1971) BSc 1951, PhD 1957; Phy ics 1956-66 FROHLICH, Professor Albrecht (1976) Mathematics 1955-81 GOWANS, Sir James Learmonth (1963) MB BS 1947 HARRIS, Professor Harry (1966) Biochemistry 1960-65 HART, Professor Michael (1982) Physics 1976-84 HIGGS, Professor Peter Ware (1983) BSc 1950?, MSc 1951?, PhD 1954 LO GUET-HIGGINS, Professor Hugh Chri topher (1958) Physics 1952-54 MARSDE ,Professor Charles David (1983) eurology KCSMD 1970-87 MASO ,Professor Stephen Finney (1982) Chemistry 1970-87 MIDWINTER, Professor John Edwin (1985) BSc 1961 OATLEY, Sir Charles William (1969) Phy ic 1927-39 PIKE, Professor Edward Roy (1981) Physic 1986 to present PRICE, Professor William Charles (1959) Physic 1955-76 REES, Professor Charles Wayne (1974) Chemistry 1957-65 REES, Dr David Alien (1981) Biophy ics 1980-82 REESE, Professor Colin Bemard (1981) Chemistry 1973 to present SCIAMA, Professor Denis William (1983) Physics 1958-60 SMITH, Sir Jame Eric (1958) BSc 19.. STIRLING, Professor Charles James Matthew (1986) PhD 19.. , DSc 19.. TEMPLE, Professor George Frederick J ame (1943) Mathematics 1932-53 WHATLEY, Professor Frederick Robert (1975) Botany 1964-71 WHITE, Sir Frederick William George (1966) Physics 1931-36 WIDDOWSO , Dr Elsie May (1976) Diploma KCHSS 1934 WILKINS, Professor Maurice Hugh Frederick (1959) Biophysics 1963-81 WOLPERT, Professor Lewis (1980) PhD 1951?; 1958-60 ..::.,




Friday 1 December fFORMAL LV CH Organised by Library member , all are welcome 12.30 pm in the Blackwell Room, Strand campu

THE ADVE T CAROL ERVICE The traditional Advent Carol Service will be held on Wedne day 6 December, Thursday 7 December and Friday 8 December at 5.30 pm. Thi is vi ually and mu ically an excellent event, with traditional mu ic in the candle-lit chapel. Free tickeLS are available now from the Dean' Secretary, Josephine Bell S2333, but please order quickly. Interest is higher than ever this year, and the chapel will be filled to capacity each night. CH RI TMAS CAROL SERVICE Th is is to be held on Tuesday 12 December al5.30 pm. It is a traditional Christmas Carol Service with well-known carols and readings. It is hoped that it will be upported by a wide section of the College, making it a King's 'family' occasion. There are no tickets, but you are advised to arrive early. Mulled wine and mince pie will be available after the Advent and Chri trnas Carol services. Revd Philip Chester College Chaplain.

ATIO AL BLOOD TRA SF 10 ER ICE The Blood Transfusion Service will be visiting King's on Monday 13, Tuesday 14 and Wednesday 15 ovembcr 1989. All those wishing to give blood should go to the elson Mandela Hall in the Macadam Building, Strand campus, between 10.45 am-U5 pm or 2.30 pm-3.30 pm on

any of the above days.

CO ELLI ER ICE A a re ult of the Workshop, arranged by the Counselling Service, for tutor last year on 'The Emotional and P ychological Health of Swdents', a Conference i to be held on Friday 24 ovember 1989 in the Council Room, entitled 'Per onal De elopment and Academic Succe - are they Compatible?'. A few place are till available for College Staff at the reduced rate of £15.00 to include lunch and refreshments. Interested taff should contact Lisa Payne, Student Services Welfare/Information Officer, Strand campus extension S2530 as soon as pos ible. The Conference programme is a follows:

9.30 am-l 0.00 am Registration 10.00 am-lO.15 am Introductory remark 10.15 am-IUS am 'The problem of adolescence? ' 11.15 am-ll.45 pm Coffee 11.45 am-12.45 pm 'Impositions, surrender and sacrifices: a therapist's experience of the unacceptable side of succe s.' 12.45 pm-2.00pm Lunch 2.00 pm-3.00 pm Being at university a time for growth or catastrophic change?' 3.00 pm-3.30 pm Tea 3.30 pm-4.15 pm Plenary session.

When I'm calling you! Mr fan Johnson of Ferranti and Mr Bill Slade. the College Secretary signing the contract for the installation of the new telephone system at Kensington.

THE MIDDLE AGES ALIVE On Monday 11 December at 7.00 pm in the ew Theatre,Strand campus there will be a lively programme of musical and poctic entertainment by Dr Eberhard Kummer from the Uni er ity of Vienna, introduced by Professor Ulrich Muller from the University of Salzburg. Tickets £3.00, Students £2.00 at the door. Further details from Mr M H lones, Department of German, Strand campus.

EARLY WAR I G The Chelsea Staff Christmas lunch will be held on 15 December at Manresa Road and the 21 December at552 King's Road.

Students enjoying themselves at the recent reception given by the Principal to welcome overseas students to King's.

Booking forms are being circulated and are also available from the catering Officer at Chelsea ex ten ion C2331.


continuedfromfront page

* by arranging minar, wor hops and conference to fa ilitate communicauon among the defence community, and to draw in specialists from other areas when their work rele ant to defence wdie .


by fa iliLating participation ~y peci~足 defen e tudie when thetr work 1 relevant to di us ion of policy ou ide the defence phere. 1 IS In


* by en uring publication of the re ult of re earch in the appropriate outlets. * by arranging seminar, conferences and lecture to provide fora for the open di cu ion and debate of defence and security i ues. Thi new Centre, although based at King's, i part of the Univer ityof London a a whole, reflecting the trength of the Univer ity in its wide-ranging capabilitie in defence and defencerelated studie . Other areas of the university involved in the work will be the Department of International Relation at the London School of Economics, the School of Slavonic and East European Studies and the School of Oriental and African Studie .

In titute of Education on Thursday 12 October 19 9. During the ceremony, The Chancellor conferred honorary degree from the niversity of London on the 01lowing: Hi Highn the ga Khan Doctor of Literature dmiral of tb Fl t ir John Fi Idhouse Doctor of Science and Engineering 1r Ralph 1errifield Doctor of Literature Rt Hon The Lord Rippon of Hexham Doctor of Law Profe or H chopper Doctor of Science Professor Dame heila herlock Doctor of Science in Medicine The Re\'erend Prebendary Eric Tinker Doctor of Divinity

WYE COLLEGE EW Sir Roy Griffith ,Kt wa elected, at the Annual General Meeting of the Governing Body, held at Wye, the new Provo t and Chairman of the Governing Body, following the retirement of Mr R M Older, CBE.

An Advi ory Board for the Centre will be established, compo ed of members of the relevant University Departments, other academics and researchers from outside the University as well as officials and officers from the Ministry of Defence and other Government Departments. Whil t being independent of the Mini try of Defence, the Centre will receive a grant from the Government toward its upkeep. Lord Flowers, Vice-Chancellor of the University of London, said "I am confident that the importance of intellectual and in titutional independence in academic defence studies is fully appreciated by the Ministry of Defence.'



The Chancellor, Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal, presided at the University Foundation Day Celebrations held at the


Comment is the College' regular taff newsletter, i sued by the Information Office (ext 2179) three times a term, with pecial editions if required. Contributions are warmly welcomed from any member of the College. For example, profile of specific people or areas of activity, new of events, views on College matters, phtos cartoon ,items for sale, puzzle of quizzes. Comment i sent to all staff and made freely available through the Student Union. Copy dates and publication dates are published at the end of each edition. The copy date for the next edition is 1 December for publication in the week of the 11 December.

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