Comment 046 September 1990

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King's College London newsletter

OPE I G OF SE SIO This special edition of Comment outlines some major events taking place at the start of the new se ion and provides information on certain of the major College offices, services and facilities, introducing these to new College members and updating them and reminding current staff and students. Welcome to the new session. The flIst full edition of Comment will be publi hed in the week of October 8 and the copy date is Friday September 28.


MO DAY 8 OCTOBER Principal's reception for new postgraduate based at the Strand, Cornwall House and Chelsea Strand Great Hall 5.30




MO DAY 1 OCTOBER Principal's address to staff Chelsea Assembly Hall, College House, Manresa Road 4.00

1 OCTOBER 1O.00am-4.00pm - Tours of Manresa Road Library, Chel ea (every hOllI on the hour). Meet in the Library

WED ESDA Y 3 OCTOBER Principal's address to staff Strand ew Theatre 4.30


Principal's reception for new undergraduates in the School of Physical and Engineering Sciences and new overseas tudents Strand Great Hall 6.00 TH R DAY 4 OCTOBER Principal's addre s to staff Ken ington AJlen Theatre


Principal's reception for new undergraduates in the Schools of Humanities, Laws, Life Sciences based at the Strand and Basic Medical Sciences Strand Great Hall 5.30 FRIOAY 5 OCTOBER Principal's reception for new undergraduates based at Kensington and Chelsea and postgraduates based at Kensington Ken ington Old Refectory 5.30

I 1.30am, 2.3Opm - Tours of the Queen Elizabeth Library, Kensington. Meet in the Library

8-12 OCTOBER Every afternoon - Tours of the Strand Building Library. Mcet in the Library 9 OCTOBER I 1.30am, 2.3Opm - Tours of the Queen Elizabeth Library, Kensington. Meet in the Library 10 OCTOBER 3.00pm - Tour of the Old Library. Meet in the Library Afternoon - Tours of the Embankment Library. Meet in the Library 11 OCTOBER 11.30am, 2.3Opm - Tours of the Queen Elizabeth Library, Kensington. Meet in the Library

Diary of E ents Engli h Language Tuition dministTalive er ices Academic Registrar Accommodation Office Student Counselling Careers Advisory Medical Service Audio Visual Chaplain Computing Centre Language & Communication Centre Vacation Bureau External Relations Library Finance & Personnel Catering Services Domestic Services Access to College Fax Machines Keys Lost Property Parking Postal Services Repairs and Maintenance Reprographic Unit Room Bookings Security Stationery Switchboard Information Safety Information First Aiders Social Facilities Trade Unions

Page 1-4 Page 2 Page 4 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 7 Page 7 Page 8 Page 8 Page 10 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Page 16 Page 16 Page 16 Page 17 Page 17 Page 17 Page 18 Page 18 Page 18 Page 18 Page 18 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Page 21 Page 22

17 OCTOBER 3.00pm - Tour of the Old Library. Meet in the Library

World Famous Kensington Di co Kensington 8.00 - 11.00

Afternoon - Tours of the Embankment Library. Meet in the Library

THURSDAY 11 OCTOBER Bar Entertainments Strand elson Mandela Hall 8.00 - 11.30

STUDE TS' UNIO MO DAY 1 OCTOBER Freshers' Fair Strand elson Mandela Hall 10.00 - 4.00 Union General Meeting Strand Nel on Mandela Hall 5.30 First Night Party Strand Nelson Mandela Hall 8.00 - 12.00 TUESDAY 2 OCTOBER Freshers' Fair Strand Nelson Mandela Hall 10.00 - 4.00 Intro Disco Strand Nelson Mandela Hall 8.00 - 11.30 WEDNESDA Y 3 OCTOBER World Famous Kensington Disco Kensington 8.00 - 12.00 THURSDAY 4 OCTOBER Union General Meeting Strand Nelson Mandela Hall 5.30 FRIDA Y 5 OCTOBER Kaleidoscope Strand Nelson Mandela Hall 8.00 - 12.00 MO DAY 8 OCTOBER Cacophony Chelsea 8.00 - 11.00 TUESDAY 9 OCTOBER Quiz Night Chelsea Evening WEDNESDAY 10 OCTOBER

FRIDA Y 12 OCTOBER Disco Frenzy Strand eison Mandela Hall 9.00 - 11.30 SATURDAY 13 OCTOBER Freshers' BaU Strand 8.00 - 2.00

DEA 'S OFFICE TUESDAY 2 OCTOBER Dean and Chaplains' lunch for new undergraduates and introduction to the Chaplaincy Strand Chapel & Council Room 1.00 WEDNESDAY 3 OCTOBER Beginning of Session Service with the new Principal. Preacher: Dean of the College, the Canon Reginald Askew. The Chairman of the College Council, Sir James Spooner, together with College Officers and Student Sabbatical Officers will attend in state. The Rev Bernard Thorogood, General Secretary of the United Reformed Church will also attend. Strand

Chapel 10.00 - 11.00

After the Service a reception will be held for the entire congregation in the Great Hall. MO DAY 9 OCTOBER AKC course enrolment of students and first lecture Kensington Room Pll 5.00 AKC course enrolment of students and first lecture Strand Chapel 12.00 THURSDAY 12 OCTOBER AKC course enrolment of students and fLrstlecture Chelsea Room 19 5.15

OTHER DATE FOR YOUR DIARY E GLISH LA GAGE TUI路 TIO FOR OVERSEAS ST . DE TS 1990/91 Every year the College offers tuition in English to all overseas students, undergraduate and postgraduate, who consider that their studies would benefit from a beller command of the English language. Classes are held on all three campuses and the tuition is free to students of King's College. The course includes tuition in both wrillen and spoken aspects of the language and lays particular emphasis on academic English, eg study skills, note-taking and wrillen essays and reports. Initial meetings for all interested students will be held on each of the main campuses on the following dates: Strand:

Monday 8 October, 5.30 - 6.30 - Room 28A

Kensington: Tuesday 9 October, 5.30 - 6.30 - Old Refcctory Chelsea:

Wednesday 10 October, 5.30 - 6.30 - Room 56, Manresa Road

Thereafter classes will be held on Wednesday afternoons and weekday evenings at times to be mutually agreed by the Course Director, Ms Susanne Ellioll, and the participating students. If you would like to allend these classes, it is very important that you come to the initial meetings listed above and if for any reason you are unable to do so, please contact Mrs Jennifer Jackson, External Liaison Officer, tel 071-873 2291, so that she can arrange for you to receive details of the programme for the Michaelmas Term.

Postgraduate students requiring stylistic advice on the writing up of their thesis can be given individual help: please contact Susanne Ellioll for further information on internal telephone no. 2291.









Prores or C Taylor

10nda 29 Octob r OCCUPIED GREECE, 1941--42 LIFE

Monda 22 October 1990 MAK GLIGHTWORK


Thur day 18 October 1990 G TISM BIOLOGICAL SYSTE S

Dr C E Webb, Clarendon Laboratory, Oxford

Richard Cammack, Profe sor of Plant Biochemi try


5.30pm, The Alien Theatre, Kensington campus

CE TRE FOR EDUCA 110 AL T DIES Monday 15 October 1990 EDUCATION, INEQUALITY D SCHOOL REFORM: VALUES I CRISIS Stephen J. Ball, Professor of Education 5.30pm, The campus

ew Theatre, Strand



5.30pm, The campus

ew Theatre, Strand

Wednesday 17 October 1990 I PROCESS SCIE CE, PHYSICALISM AND THE CONTINU UM Professor C J S Clarke, Univer ity of Southampton




lames Hopkins, King's College London

2.15pm, Room 1806, trand campus

4.30pm-6.00pm, Great Hall, Strand campus. I



Professor Sir Andrew Huxley, Cambridge

Dr David Oldroyd, Univcr ity of ew South Wales

Tuesday 23 October 1990 EUROPEAN PRISO RIGHTS AND STANDARDS IN BRITISH AND OTHER EUROPEA COUNTRIES Mr Ekkehart Muller-Rappard, Deputy Director of Social and Economic Affairs, Council of Europe, and Mr Stephen Shaw, Director of the Prison Reform Trust. Chair, Anthony LesLCr Q.c.





Tuesday 30 October 1990 CO TRACTILITY 1890-1990


Lectures will be gi en in Room 2C, Strand Building, from 2.00pm to 3.00pm.


azower, Prin CLOn

5.00pm, Room 86 (Cia ics Department)

Dr R J Cohen, lodrell Bank

Anthony Rudolf, writer, translater and publisher 5.30pm, Great Hall, Strand campus

Jon El ncr, Cambridge and London

Monday 15 October 1990 PLACE, TIME AND MEANI G OF ETHOGRAPHIA: GREEK FICTIO 1880-1910 Dr Peter Mackridge, Oxford Monday 22 October 1990 '::;: ,"."

LO DO CE TRE FOR HISTORY OF SCIE CE, MEDICI EA D TECH OLOGY in conjunction with the Department of History and Philosophy of Science, King's College London REVOLUTIONS I SCIE CE


Chairman: Professor David Papineau, King's College London 10.00am-11.30am TU I G ARO THE SCIE IFIC REVOLUTIO OF THE 17TH CE TURY Or Stephen Pumfrey, University of Lanca ter 11.30am-1.00pm IMAGERY AND MEANlNG: A COGITIVE APPROACH TO THE 50CALLED QU TUM REVOLUTIO S I PHYSICS Professor Arthur I. Miller, University of Cambridge 1.00pm-2.15pm LU CH BREAK 2.15pm-4.00pm THE GRADUAL REVOLUTIO OF DARWI IAN BIOLOGY THE 20TH CE TURY

Wednesday 31 October 1990 A PROOF ASSISTANT FOR IMPERATIVE PROGRAMS Malcolm Bird

1.15pm in room 425. Plea e note that this programme is provisional


24 October 1990 Strand campu 2.00pm-S.00pm LI. FORTR 77 (pART 1) (VAX COURSE) B3. INTRODUCTIO TO DOS (IB 1MB US COURSE) 26 October 1990 trand campu 2.30pm-S.30pm W2. WORD (pART I) (APPLE MAC COURSE) Details from Strand Advisory (23AB) ext 2505 Kensington Advisory (A209) ext 4261

Mark Antony Turnage, London




John Milsom, Christ Church, Oxford

Gue t Speaker: Douglas Hurd Further Information: Tory Reform Group, Students' Union

Professor John Durant, Science Museum, London

To be held in Room 2B23, Strand campus, on Wednesday 31 October 1990




24-28 September 1990 Strand campus 10.00am-1.00pm 2.00pm-5.00pm Ll. FORTRAN 77 (V AX COURSE) 9-10 October 1990 Strand campus 2.00pm-5.00pm B1. INTRODUCTIO TO THE VAX

Saced Muthmi

10 October 1990 trand campus 2.00pm-S.00pm Wl. WORD (pART 1) (IBM/NTMBUS COURSE)


16-17 October 1990 Kensington campus 2.00pm-5.00pm B1. I TRODUCTIO TO THE VAX

Simon Croft

17 October 1990 Strand campus 2.00pm-S.OOpm Cl. ELECTRO lC MAIL (VAX COURSE) Wl.WORD (pART 2) (IBM/NIMBUS COURSE)

Wednesday 24 October 1990 STRUCTUREOFLANGUAGESAND META-LANGUAGES Alan Hutchinson 4


ACADEMIC REGISTRAR'S DEPARTME T The Academic Registrar's Department deals with the administration of academic matters within the College and works in tandem with the School Offices in providing support and guidance to students. The Department is made up of four sections: Academic Services, Central Registry, Management Information and Development, and Student Services. Academic Services provide upport to the Academic Board and its Standing Committee, organise the annual Pre cntation Celebration at the Royal Festival Hall and deal with such other activities a ERASMUS scheme and research tudentships. The Central Registry is responsible for the formulation of policy and procedure in

upport of tudent admini tration and organi all College-based examination. The regi tration of po tgraduate tudents, all maller relating to the Community Charge. the admini tration of tudent loan and acce funds all form part of the tion' re pon ibilitie . iated with the Central Regi try is the anagemcnt Information and Development Office which provides tudent-based management information to the College and through which are channelled developments to the tudent-based admini Lrative computing y tern. The Student Service Section i made up of the Accommodation Office, the Career Advi ory Services, the Medical Centre and the Student Counselling Service. A brief ummary of Lhe type of work for which Lhe ections/office are respon ible i given below:

THE ACADEMIC REGISTRAR'S OFFICE Academic Registrar (room 48) Brian Salter ext2307/2454 Private Secretary to the Academic Registrar (room 5B) Deanne Eastwood ext2307/2454 Assistant Academic Registrar (room 27B) Chri tina Keen ext3649

cademic en-ice A i tant Darakshan Khan ext 3655 The section service the ademic Board and the Standing Committee of hich Lhe Academic Regi trar i the Se retary. It organises the annual Presentation Celebration, admini ter the College' heme for re earch studen hip and 0 er e the contra LUaI arrangements for ERAS US students.

CE TRAL REGI TRY A istant Registrar (Registry Operations) (room 288) Lesley Dinsdale ext 2685 enior Administrative A istant (Registry Operations) (room 3BB) Janet Pollock ext 2754

Kathryn Iron ide Clerical . tan15 A1i on Greene Edel Mahoney Da id Da ie Thi office. which is a section within Central Regi try, admini ter the tud nt loan scheme and the as iated a e funds as well as dealing ith matters related to the Community Charge and College (as oppo ed to Sch I) priz and all tudent grants (from Local Education Authorities, Research Councils ete).

MA AGEME FORMATIO A D DEVELOPME T OFFICE (ROOM 16BB) dministrative A istant (Management Information and Development Allan Thomas ext 2429

Senior Clerical Assistant Undergraduates - Caroline Kirkcaldy ext 3652 Postgraduate - Elizabeth Tardrew ext 3654

Management Information and Development Assistant Chri topher Morton ext 2753

Clerical Assistants Kim Emberson Michael Alien Martyn Annis Robert Howard

ext2295 ext3653 ext3661 ext3665

This office provide student-based management information to the College, prepares actual and planned student load data, co-ordinates developments to the student-based administrative computing system and responds to externally generated requests for statistical information.

Secretary To be appointed




The Central Registry provides the College's interface with UCCA, it receives and distributes undergraduate application forms and despatches prospectuses in response to enquiries. All mauers relating to postgraduate admissions and enrolments are the responsibility of the Office. The production of examination papers, the timetabling of examinations and the organisation of the examinations themselves are handled Lhrough the Office. The Office works with the School Offices to ensure the provision of support and advice to students and that records are accurate and up to date.

A i tant Regi trar (Academic Services) Elizabeth Auden-Davies ext 2686


Open Saturdays in September between 11.00am - 12.45pm.

Senior Academic Services Assistant Susan O'Dwyer ext 3651

Administrative Assistant (Loans and Awards)

Telephone calls are accepted between 9.30am - 5.00pm Monday - Friday.

ecretary to the A istant Academic Registrar (room 5B) Kelly Richard on ext 2689 The Academic Registrar's office i responsible for all mallers concerning academic policy and planning as well as the overall management of the department. The Academic Registrar is also the Honorary Secretary of KCLA, the former studen ts' association.

The main Office is situated on the 1st (loor of the Macadam Building for halls, Head Lease and general enquiries, and the Short Life Office can be found on the 3rd Floor of the Che ham Building. Opening hour : Monday - Friday 1O.OOam - 12.30pm 1.30pm - 4.00pm Closed Thursdays except for appointments

The Accommodation Office deal with the allocation of places in all the King' residence (including those at Westfield College) and a centrali ed waiting Ii t i maintained throughout the year (the midse ional waiting li t open on 15.10.90). Application for places in Intercollegiate hall for the start of ses ion are also proce ed in the King's Accommodation Office. A regi ter of privately-lct flats, house and bedsits is up-dated each Friday and li t of agencie and hostels are also available to personal callers at the Office. The Accommodation Office runs two property management schemes: the Head Lease staff manage privately owncd, fumi hed property all over London for periods of 9 - 12 month ; the Short Life taff manage unfurnished property awaiting rcfurbishment by their local authority or housing association. Properties under thi cheme are let on one month's notice. Staff are always available to give advice and assi tance on a wide range of housing enquirie including up-to-date information on i sue of topical interest. Accommodation Office Staff Angela Cole

Accommodation Officer Room 106 Macadam

Julia Arnold

Deputy Accommodation Officer (Halls and Head Lease) Room 108 Macadam

lan Maclochlainn

Joanne Ru ell

Angela Keegan

Carol Radley


Assistant Accommo dation Officer (Short Life) Room 2FB Che ham Accommodation Assistant (Halls) Room 108 Macadam Head Lease Assistant Room 108 Macadam Short Life Assistant (Housing)

Room 2FB Che ham Short Life A i tant (Admini tration) Room IF Che ham

Carol Trea ure

aureeo Highland Accommodation Secretary Room 105 Macadam Fanny Griffin Secretary

Accomodation Room 105 Macadam




Ground Floor, Main Building. All appointments and enquirie for the Ken ington campu can be made either via ister in the Kensington edical Centre (ext 4250) or from the Strand edical Centre (ext2613). Chelsea campu A coun ellor/p ychotherapi t will be available u ually by appointment one day per week in the Medical Centre, Ground Floor, Main Building, Manresa Road (be ide the Careers Office). All appointments and enquiries for the Chel ca campu can be made by ringing ext C2300 or telephoning the Strand Medical Centre. Information and Advice

Coun ellors work within Student Services and the Medical Centre on all three campuses. Their aim is to enable students to make the most of the opportunities offered at the College by helping them to cope with any problems or difficulties which may arise of a per onal or emotional nature. There are four counsellors: Ann Conlon Alex Coren Glenys James Stephanie Griffiths Ann Conlon, Alcx Coren and Glcnys lames are qualified psychotherapists. In addition there are two part-time psychiatrists, Or Ouncan McLean and Or Philip Boyd. Stephanie Griffiths, as Student Adviser/ Counsellor is able to see students about a wide range of issues. Strand campus Ann Conlon, Alex Coren and Glenys lames can be een in the Medical Centre, third floor, Macadam Building. Drs McLean and Boyd also attend on a parttime basis. Appointments: ext S2613. Stephanie Griffiths works from Room 3E, Chesham Building. Appointments and enquiries can be made via Stephanie, Room 5EA, Chesham Building, ext S2536/2530 Kensington campus A counsellor/psychotherapist will be available usually by appointment on approximately two days per week on the

The Student Services Welfare and Information Officer, provide an information and welfare service acros the three campu es. She has experience in helping students with general enquirie and with financial, grant, vi a and many other matters. All the help provided is confidential. A list is kept of Educational Trusts and Charities, most of which help student in unexpected difficultie towards the end of their course. She aI 0 produce a variety of handouts available throughout the year from Student Services or Departmental Secretaries. They cover subjects such as study skills tcchniques, managing money, social facilities, information for overseas students including Home Office and Employment Regulations, social security and medical matters. Information i provided on London life and tran port systems.

Information and Welfare across the three campuses The Welfare and Information Officer is

I located in Room 5EA Che ham Building (via the second floor of the Macadam building), ext S2530, and is available on Fridays, 1.00 - 2.00 pm in the Career Office, Registry Huts, at the Kensington campus. There is a elf-service information room opposite the Medical Centre, Ground Floor, Main Building, Manresa Road.

The College requir all tud n to regi ler with a local doctor upon arri 'al in London. Thi i the only method of guaranteeing m dicaltreatment In the case of an emergen y.

The Career help tud n ith their career d i ion m ing b pro iding career coun elling, Information on a ide range of careers andlgraduale cour and fo tenng nta t '" ith pro pccti e employer. A '~ t range of information about areer, our , employer, vacation work, job a ancie and many other ubjec is a ailable in the Careers Information room atlhe Srrand campus, third Ooor acadam Building and the Regi try Huts at Ken ington.

The College ha a 1 dical Ofi er, Dr F ill Ba eua. He or hi partner available as follow: trand campus The main College Medical Centre i on the third Ooor, Macadam building. Quickest acces i via the Surrey Street entrance (turn left out of Temple tube). Surgeries are held every day. Appointur ing Si ter ments can be made via lh who is in allendan e daily from 9.0016.30, ext S2613.

Career Coun elling Career Advi ers eil Harri , John icholl and Mary Baldwin are available to be n by appointment in the Career Advi ory Service at either the Strand or Ken mgton campu s. Appointments can be made through the Career Information As i tants at the Strand (ext S2616) and Ken ington (ext K4416). Career Ad i ers are al 0 available to an wer 'quick que tion ' without appointment from 4.00 to 5.00 pm Monday to Thursday. The office of the Career Advisory Servi e are open from 9.30 am to 5.30 pm in term time, closing at 5.00 pm in vacation .

Ken ington campu The Mcdical Centre is locatcd betwccn the qua h courts and the Regi try Huts. Surgeries are held every day. Appointments can be made via the ur ing Si ter ext K4250 or walk in. Chelsea campus The Medical Centre i on the Ground Floor, Main Building, Manrc'a Road. Surgery times will be postcd outside the medical centre: open limited times only. Appointments can be made via the Nursing Sister, ext C2300, or Kensington extension 4250.

Event Talks on relevant careers are given to econd year c1asse in each depanmenL Lunch time lectures are given throughout the Autumn term on many career option . Seminars are al 0 held on 'Career Choice', 'Graduate Opportunitie " 'How to Make an Application' and 'Succe ful Interviews'. A Careers Week will be held on 5 lO 8 ovember when employers will be pre ent to discu s career pos ibilities in many different fields. A food and pharmaceutical fair including employers from relevant finns will be held at Ken ington on 8 ovember. A programme of employers' recruitment vi its will begin on 15 January 1991 which provide the opportunity to gain an offer ~f em~loy~ent and also to improve InterviewIng skills. Students from King' can al 0 lake part in the Graduate Recruitment Programme organised by the University of London Careers Advisory Services.

In addition to a doctors surgery the Medical Centres also provide vaccinations, contraception, blood pres ure checks, first aid, health information cervical smears and many othcr ser~ices. Full detail of the College Medical Service can be obtained from Student Services or the Students' Union on any campu. Students living in halls of re idence will be given instruction on registering with a local doctor by the Hall Warden(Manager.


The Audio Visual Service Unit is situated at two location : in the bascment of the

in Building at Ken ington and on the rust Ooor in the Strand ain Building. Chelsea and Cornwall House ite are servi ed from the Strand ",ith dditional upport from Ken ington '" here n esary.

Service on offer: GR PHl PHOTOGR PH

K n ingLOn Strand and Ken ingLOn A DIO Strand PHOTOTYPE ETTI G Kensington Strand VIDEO

At all ite thcre i a pool of audio i ual equipment. Over the ummer the Unit ha been selling up a film recorder service which involve writing graphic matcrial with certain programme on both IBM and Apple Mac y tem . The film recorder produce final 35m colour lide . The co t of final glas mounted lide i ÂŁ2.00 and from October we will be offering a 24hr turnaround for work which has alrcady been prepared. This time will obviously be extended if the work ha to be prepared by the Unit's staff. Any enquiries about the system hould at the moment go to Rod Wilkin on ext 2386. already bccn prepared. This time will obviously be extended if the work has to be prepared by the Unit's staff. Any enquiries about the system should at the moment go to Rod Wilkin on ext2386.

trand Booking Procedures The ize and complexity of the Strand campus necessitates impo ing a booking sy tem. Form are available in the nit, Room 23B and telephone booking will al 0 be accepted on ext 2386. The Unit i able to offer overhead projectors in all centrally timetabled room, therefore booking of OHP i no longer needed. Any other equipment, including lide projector and video equipment will still nccd to be booked in advance. A regular check on all equipment will be made but any shortages or breakdown should be notified on ext 2386 or ext 2158. .




From October the Unit's booking y tem i being tran ferred to the main VAX lu ter. Thi hould enable greater efficiency on bookings being handled.

Me sage for the Chaplain on the Chelsea or Ken ington campuse can be left with the Main Building Reception, Ken ington.

Booking for Chelsea and Cornwall Hou hould also be addressed to the Strand nit. ick Bugg is the Manager of the Unit ext 2356.

COLLEGE E CHARI T The College Euchari t is at 1.10 pm on Wednesdays. All are very welcome. The Eucharist is followed by a Jightlunch in the Dean's Office. The choir are present at the Eucharist and the service ends by 1.45 pm. There is al 0 a Euchari ton Fridays at 9.00 am, followed by breakfast in the Chaplain's Office. Choral Evensong will take place on Mondays at 5.30 pm. For full details of the Chapel ervice , please sce the Chapel card.

Rod Wilkin on - Strand Supervisor ext 2386 Alan Rowland - Kensington Supervisor ext 4438


The Chaplains are generally involved in all aspects of College life and are available to all members of College, students and staff, to discuss any mallers of personal concern. So please do not hesitate to contact anyone of us if you fccl we can be of any assistance. There is a Leam of Chaplains working on all the College campuses and Christian meetings and services take place throughout the College. The College Chaplain, Philip Chester, works full-time on the Strand campus and can be contacted in his office (6B) or via the Dean's Office (7C). The other Chaplains working at the Strand are: Father Alexander Fostiropoulos Orthodox Rev Kevin Swaine路 ORC, representing other free churches Father Derek J noing Roman Catholic Chaplain Mr Graham Baldwin Independent Evangelical


----------, 1




The Computing Centre provides a full range of computing and data communication facilities, and a comprehensive advisory and support service, to all members of the College. For those who need access to computing power greater than that which can be provided locally, the Centre's computers may be used to prepare jobs for submission for processing at the national computing centres, including the University of London Computing Centre (ULCC), with their results returned to King's for further processing, printing or plolling. Registered users of our multi-acces computer are able to communicate by electronic mail, not only with other King's computer user, but also with colleagues in all Briti h universities and polytechnics, and in universities and research centre throughout the world.

The Chaplains at Kensington are: Multi-Access Computers Rev Bill & Rev Gisela Raines Anglican Francoise Grimn Roman Catholic Lay Chaplain On the Chelsea campus the Chaplains are: Francoise Griffin - Roman Catholic Lay Chaplain


At the Strand a VAXClu ter of one VAX 8800, two VAX 8700s and a VAXScrver 3602, which share a common file tore, provides a batch and multi-access computing service, capable of upporting up to 290 simultancous inremctive users. Its peripherals include magnetic tape drives, line printers, graph plollers, a high peed Postscript laser-primer, and full colour

electro tatic and ink-jet ploller . The VAX 8350 at Ken ington al 0 offer a batch ervi e while imultancou ly supporting up to 40 interactive user, and has peripheral which include a magneti tape drive, a graph ploller, a line print r and la er printers (one with Po lSCript capabilitie ). At KCS D a icro AX 11 provides batch and interacti e ervice to member of the medical and dental hool. All the VAX computers run under version 5.3 of the VAX/yMS operating sy tem. On tho e at the Strand and Kensington, most of the major computing language are available and there are spcciali ed packages for statistics, database management, numerical computation, graphic , computer algebra, gene scquencing etc. Full details are given in the Centre's variou publications or may be obtained from the advi ory office (cc below). At KCSMD there is a maller range of software, including SPSSX, of particular relevance to the work of users there. Microcomputers and Works tat ion At the Strand, on the mezzanine floor off A-corridor, there are networks of 9 IBM PS/2s (in room 24AA) and 8 Macintosh lIs (24AF), and rooms dedicated to humanities computing (24AD) and computer gmphics (24AB). The IBM and Macinto h network support spread hcct and database applications and they may be used for document production, ranging from simple word processing to full-scale desk-top publishing, including the production of charts and diagrams. The humanities computing room contains both IBM and Macinto h mi rocomput r equipped with software of particular importance to staff and postgraduates in the humanities departments; and text scanners are available for converting printed texts into electronic form for subsequent computer processing. In the graphic computing laboratory a clu ter of VAX workstations provides facilities for running highly interactive graphical programs such as CAD/CAM packages. At Ken ington, there is a network of 12 imbus PC-186s ; it may be used for word processing, spreadshccts and the production of charts and diagrams. This year two new Computing Centre rooms have been opened at the Strand;


th Yare 22DA and 22DB and are on the second n r CD corridor) of the main building. They are capable of housing 35 and 55 microcomputer respecti ely, hi h in pan represents a replacement for the former Computing Centre accommodauon in room 16A, but which also ill make it po ible, when finance permit., to 10 rease the pro . ion of micr omputer by a ut 40-50 machine.

The network of 40 IB -compatible Resear h a hine PC-386 with GA colour di play, which was formerly in 16A, has been moved to room 22DB. The oftware available on the network include icrosoft Word and Excel and the Tektronix terminal emulator EMU-TEK 42 +, together with some more specialised products of relevance to students Laking management and busine studies coursc . In room 22DA, there is a new network of 16 Macintosh SE/30s. It is intended that they be used for the more routine Macintosh applications, such as the preparation of reports and theses, and hence there is a less exten ive range of software available (Micro oft Word, MacDraw II, and CricketGraph) than in the other Macinto h room (24AF). It is hoped that it will be possible to increase the provi ion of microcomputers at Kensington and Manresa Road during the course of the coming academic year.

At Kensington, a room in the Atkins Building has been identified as suitable for conversion to Computing Centre requirements, and a sum of money has been earmarked for equipping it. Discu sions with the departments of Pharmacy and Pharmacology are underway with a view to ajoint initiative with the Centre to upgrade and add to the existing microcomputer facilities at Manresa Road. ews of the progress of both these projects will be given in Comment. Terminal Rooms The Centre has rooms on most of the sites, housing either terminals or microcomputers with the capability of running terminal emulation programs. They are open to all-comers at the following times, on Monday to Fridays during term-time, except when booked for class teaching:

Strand: 4A (Ch ham) 12B (Che ham) 22DB (Main)

AlVvay open 9.00 - 20. 9.00 - 20.30

Kensington: 21S(Atkin ) A201 in)

9.30 - 20.30 9.30 - 20.45

Chelsea: 11A (Manresa Rd)

9.00 - 19.

In some case, the opening hours may differ from these during vacation .

Room Bookings Subject to availability, terminal and microcomputer room may be book by academic staff for teaching purpo e . For room at the Strand, contact Jane Slcightholme (ext 2815) and for those at Kenington, Peter Milligan (ext 4432). ommunications Terminals and microcomputer throughout the College may be attached to the Centre's data communication network, which in turn is connected to the national academic network (JANET). By this means a terminal or a microcomputer, may be connected to the Centre's computers or to those in other academic in titutions and research centres. On payment of a connection fee, the Centre will arrange for terminals or microcomputers in departments to be aLl.ached to the network; for further detail ,contact John Packer (ext 2419).

Regi tration All member of the College arc entitled to use the computing facilities de cribed here. However, before u ing the multiaccess systems it is neee sary to regi ter. Applications for regi tration should be made to the Strand reception desk in 23A, or the Kensington advi ory office, room A209.

follow (there are redu ed hour during v ation): Strand: 23AB (e t 2505) 10.30-16.30 Kensington: A209 (ext 261) 10.00-13. , I. -17.00 In addition, it i hoped to introdu e one advi ry ion a week at anre Road. At KCSMD (274 6222 ext 2675), there i no fonnal ad i ory ervice but querie arc dealt with by the locally-based taff a they arise. Con ultancy ervices are provided in many specialised area ,including tatitic, graphic ,numerical analy i , text processing, and database managem nt. Appointments with the peciali ts may be made via the advi ory offices.

Micro y tem Advice The icro y tem Di i ion pro id advice and support to member of the College who use, or are con idering using, microcomputers in their work. Reference collection of recommended microcomputers and associated oftware arc kept at the Strand and Ken ington. For further information, contact David Powell (ext 2818).

ewsletter A new leLLer i published 9 or 10 time a year. It is ent automatically to all nonundergraduate user of the VAX sy tem . The fir t copy of the academic year i al 0 sent to all academic and academi -related taff, with an invitation to tho e who do not receive it regularly to apply to have their name added to the mailing li L If you wi h to receive a regular copy, write to the editor, Liz ewell, giving your name and department.

Computing Centre Courses Advisory and Con ultancy ervices The Centre provides both general and specialised advice services. Advisory offices are open during term-time a

The Centre offers a wide range of course to help taff and students to use its facilities. Some are taught formally, while others are self-paced and consist of a mixture of printed and computer based


training materials, or po siblyaudio/video tape . The formally taught courses vary in length from a single afternoon to a week and provide introductions to the computer y tems and the mo t widely used applications products and programming language. The season begin with 'Introduction to the VAX'; this i designed as a basic introduction for new users and the only prerequisite for attendance is to be registered to use one of the VAXes. The cour e lasts for a half-day (14.00 - 17.(0) and is repeated several times during the year. The fir t course to be given at the Strand will be on Tuesday 9th October; the first at Kensington is on Tuesday 16th October. During the Autumn term there will be VAX based courses at the Strand on electronic mail, Fortran 77, interactive graphics u ing UNIGRAPH and SPSSx; and at Kensington on electronic mail, statistics and the use of Minitab. At both the Strand and Kensington there will be microcomputer based courses on word processing with Microsoft Word; and at the Strand there will be introductory and advanced courses on DOS on the IB M PS/2, and courses on the database package Ingres, the desk-top publishing program Pagemaker and the spreadshcct Excel. Later in the year courses will be given on the UNIRAS graphics subroutine , the AG numerical subroutine library, advanced Fortran, and Pascal. A booklet which describes the courses and contain the timetable for the Autumn term is available from the advisory offices at the Strand (room 23AB, ext 2505) and Kensington (room A209, ext4261). Place on the courses may be booked, on a flf t-come first-served basis, by applying in person or by telephone to one of the advisory offices. Booking for the Autumn term courses opens on October 3rd at 10.00.

Other bulletins and information heets published by the Centre provide introductions to computing language and applications packages. Copie of all of these may be obtained from the Strand reception area (23A) and the Kensington ad i ory office (A209).


For further information, please contact Dolores Ditner on exten ion 2890.

I VACATlO The Language and Communication Centre offers a range of language courses to undergraduates of all di ciplines. Half-Course


A one-year course, repre enting a twohour weekly lesson and up to 4 or 5 hours of individual work, leads to a half-course unit towards a degree. Students can enrol by completing a form available in the Language Centre (Room 2B 11), depending on their timetable restrictions, and on condition that their main department agrees to the selected language element in their degree. All courses begin week of 13 October and students can enrol at any time. Languages For Fun General service teaching is available to students wishing to learn a language for fun. Lessons are usually held in the lunch-hour for one hour twice a week. Enrolment costs ÂŁ10.00 for the year and tuition is free of charge, available on a 'fIfSt come first served' basis.

Further Information

The Language Centre can also be u ed by all students on an open-acce s basis any time between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm. Facilities include CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning) and Satellite TV in French, German, Spani h and Italian.

A comprehensive description of the computing service is contained in a bulletin entitled 'Computing Services'.

Anyone is welcome to come and watch news and TV broadcasts of interest from the European channels that we receive via


the Satellite dish installed on the roof of King's College in the Strand. Language taught in the Language and Communication Centre arc: French, German, Japane e, Italian, Mandarin, Modem Greek, Ponuguese and Spani h. Howe er, if a student comes in and a k for a 'self-acces ' course in another language, however remote(!), if we don't already have it, we make a point of obtaining it.


Holidays and conferences in the heart of London King's College has venues throughout London and can provide eight different locations with an impressive range of facilities for large and small organisations, being particularly able to meet individual requirements for business or holidays. Each campus is within easy reach of all the major tourist attractions of Central London, including theatres and concert halls. All sites are well served by public transport and some residencies have car parking available. The different character of each location and the unique gcography of each campus makes them convenient and attractive centres for individual visitor as well as for all types of meetings and conferences, all at moderate prices. Residential and non-residential meetings and day conferences are possible all year round, with full catering services, if required, and enquiries are welcome. Facilities include seven Halls of Residence - three of which have adjacent teaching and conference amenities. In addition to the above, the College is now able to offer function suites at the Strand, Kensington and Chelsea and these are available for weddings, receptions, banquets, book launches etc., and may be hired with College catering or selfcatering with kitchen facilities. They may

also be used in conjtmction ences and day meetings.

rent1y at 552 King' Road, but i mo ing homy to the Ken ington carnpu .

ith confer-


tarf of the acarion Bureau are happy to assi t all College personnel ith enquirie for conference or holiday, and a full colour brochure pack is available on reque t The following tarf may be contacted with pecitic enquiries: Joan Fennell Residential conferences and large group accommodation

ice Principal and Head of Relation MrJV uir


A i tant Principal Dr A S-T Lue Professor CB Cox ecretary MrsCA Peaks

Elspeth Young Small residential groups and individual holidays and tudent accommodation during vacation

External Liaison Officer Mrs J Jackson

Richard Longhur t Day meetings, functions and non-residential bookings including the Great Hall (Strand Campus), Hamilton Suile (Chelsea Campus, King's Road), Old Refectory Suite (Ken ington Campus), Upper Refectory Suite, Assembly Hall (Chelsea Campus, Manresa Road).

Mr. Francis Darwin i re ponsible for plans and schemes to broaden acce to degree courses at King's College, e pedally by setting up links wilh Colleges of Further Education extension 4336.

Joan Hirons Office Manager

The AJumnus Office i located in Room 2B in the Main Building on the Strand campus and is directed by Dr eville Marsh. It deals with alumnus affairs of all kinds and maintains close links with the King's College London Association (KCLA), membership of which is open not only to former students but also to past and present members of staff.

April Toner Secretarial As istant Dawn Newbrook Reception and Secretarial Assistant This office is open from 9.30 am - 5.00 pm. King's Campus Vacation Bureau King's College London 552 King's Road Chelsea London SW 10 OU A Tel: Fax:

071 3516011 071 352 7376


Alumnus Office

The Office produce lhe In Touch magazine and i always pleased to add new names to its mailing list. The Office also stocks a range of College memorabilia (including lhe Dartington Crystal and Wellington Cartoons which are displayed near the main entrance opposite the Great Hall) and organi es various events and reunions. Members of tarf and their guests are always welcome on lhese occasions. For further information contact Caroline Bartholomew or Pat Gray in Room 2B or on extensions 2083/2084.

Continuing Education Unit The Continuing Education Unit is cur....... :;.


The nit ex) ts to fo Ier lhe de elopmcnt of Conunuing Education in the collcge and it d so by gi ing pra ti al help, e.g. mar et research, publicity material, cleri al and administrati e upport, and by disseminating information regarding aid available from outsid ,e.g. gov rnment and industry. It also co-ordinatc cros -college initiatives and acts as a focal point for outside inquiries. The Director of the Unit, Mrs Valerie Davies, can be reached on the direct line 071-352 1408 and as soon as she i at Kensington and back on the internal switchboard, the new number will be publicised.

Engli h Language


The unit offers pre-sessional course in English to overseas tudents from a number of colleges, and provide free inses ion tuition in Engli h and advice to all overseas tudents, both undergraduates and postgraduates in the College. The Unit is also involved in some other kinds of English Language courses. Please contact Mrs. Jennifer Jackson on exten ion 2291 or Ms Sabine Schiglod on extension 2063.

Europe Professor Barry Cox is re ponsible for the College's relationships with Europe, uch as obtaining research grants and the operation of the student exchange programme ERASMUS and LI GUA. He can be contacted on the Ken ington campus, exten ion 4316.

Information and Publication Office The College Information Office cover College public relations, media relations and publications and is directed by the Information and Publications Officer, Sarah Leigh. Staff are available to advi e and assist any member of College in the publicity and promotion of aspects of their work at individual or departmental level.



The Office is re ponsible for all aspects of the production of major College publication ,such as prospectuses and annual reports, and is happy la help and advise on any individual publications, such as separate course leaflets or departmental promotional literature. Anyone wanting to produce publicity literature for external circulation is asked to contact the Information Office as it not only can offer advice and expertise but has a central co-ordinating role in implementing the College's policy on publication standards. Comprehensive media data is held and regular contact with the pres maintained by the Office. Staff are available la organise press releases, interviews, promotional launches and meetings and are always pleased la receive information from individuals on press opportunities or new contacts. Help can be given in the organisation of seminars, lectures, conferences and exhibitions.

Comment is produced by the Information Office each month in term time.on Aldus Pagemaker on an Apple Macinto h, so copy can now be accepted on Macintosh 1(2 inch discs, preferably in WORD. The next edition will be publi hed the week of 8 Oclaber with a copy date of 28 September. The Office is located at 170 Strand, adjacent to the Aldwych tube station, ext S2179/2796. Do get in touch if you need any publicity services or have news to give.

International Students' Office

Strand campus, provide VI Itor with prospectuses, King's News, the College Accommodation leaflet, Living in London an up-to-date leaflet about costs of transport and different types of accommodation for students in London, and any publicity material supplied by King's Schools and departments to the Schools Liaison Assistant, Mi Su anne French. Dr Venelia France, the Schools Liaison Officer, is normally available for di cussions about schools liaison with any members of King's in Room 19BB from 10 am - 1 pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and would welcome discu sion with colleagues about activities proposed for the coming session; Dr J E icholas will also be working with Dr France and will be glad la help.

A pack for interviewees con i ting of a King's College Reggie bag, copy of King's News, the accommodation leaflct and Living in London, is available from the Schools Liaison Office at cost price. Anyone may purchase items individually.

As well as Workshops and Conferences organised by Schools and departments, activities include:

Baker Day for Home Counties Teachers: 4 March 1991

Careers Teachers and Advisers Conference: 14 December 1990

I THELffiRARY College Librarian: Derek G Law

King's College Open Day: 23 April 1991

The Office issues three publications and welcomes contributions

Lectures/or Schools consists of departmental lists of lecturers, with a short synopsis of their talks, available to schools. It has provoked interest from schools and many College staff go out to schools to give talks.

The International Students' Office which is located in Room 2B in the Main building on the Strand campus is concerned with all aspects of international student affairs including recruitment under the direction of Dr Barrie Morgan. Please contact the Secretary la the Office, Mrs Karen Beal, in Room 2B or on Extension S2118.

Schools Calendar is publi hed in September for Michaelmas and in January for Lent and Summer and sent to all 4,410 UCCA schools and colleges including the International Schools. Departments are encouraged to make use of this to publicise open days public lectures and teachers workshops.

Schools and Colleges Liaison 1990/91

Copy date for the Lent/Summer 1991 issue is 1st December 1990.

The Schools and Colleges Liaison Office, in Room 2B in the Main Building of the

King's News is aimed at Sixth Form students, their teachers and careers


teacher. Two i sues have been produccd in 1990 and sent la school . Copies of the current i sue were given la visitor at the Univer ity of London Open Day on 25 September, and are also available to admissions tutor for interviewees. Short articles (2/300 words), good graphics and photographs are required to continue the successful promotion of King's by these publication . The next copy date i 1 t December 1990.

The Library's stock of over 800,000 volumes is divided between the College campuses according to subject. Broadly speaking, Life Sciences material is housed at Kensington, Education and Nursing Studies at Chelsea (552 King's Road), Pharmacy, Pharmacology and History and Philosophy of Science at Chelsea (Manresa Road) and the remaining subjects at the Strand. To get a Library ticket, members of staff should apply la the library at the campu at which they are based (Strand Level 1 or the Old Library in the case of Strand staff) with a photograph and, if they are not listed in the calendar or telephone directory, a note of introduction from the Department. Once registered, any member of College may use all sections of the Library. With the exception of journals and reference books, most of the bookstock may be borrowed. Multiple copies of textbooks in heavy demand are kept, and these are normally restricted la short loan periods to ensure that as many students as possible have aeces la them.

Every attempt is made to keep the booktock up to date and relevant to the current needs of teaching and research within the College. The Acquisitions Department (S2137) are delighted to receive recommendations for addition to stock, and should be most grateful if academic staff could provide copies of reading lists well in advance of their distribution to students. The Library was one of the fIrst in the University of London to install a UBERTAS automated system, providing College-wide access to its main catalogue. Using one of the Library's dedicated terminals, or any terminal connected to the College's computing network, readers may check the availability of items in any section of the Library. To access the catalogue from a terminal outside the Library, type CALL LffiRARY at the PAD or EPAD prompt and log in with the user name LIBRARY. Information sheets explaining how best to use UBERTAS and describing many other aspects of the Library's services are available at all issue desks. Readers are encouraged to ask Library staff for assistance at any time, and to make suggestions, either in person or through the various users' committees, Faculty Library Committees and through representatives elected to Library Committee, as to how the Library could improve its services. The Library provides self-service photocopiers, on-line searching of bibliographic databases, microform readers and reader printers, and records and compact discs with listening facilities. It holds several databases on CD-Rom, and training sessions on the use of these are held regularly.

before coming into College) Strand Building Library (physical Sciences, Engineering, Basic Medical Sciences, Languages and Literatures except as listed below) Monday - Thursday Friday

0930 -1900 0930 -1730

Old Library (Geography, History, Sociology, Law) Monday - Thursday 0900 - 2100 Friday Saturday

0900 - 1900 0930 - 1245

Embankment Library (philosophy, Theology, Fine ATls) Monday - Thursday Friday

0930 - 1900 0930 - 1730

French Library (French language and literature) Monday - Thursday Friday

0930 - 1730 Closed

Music Library (Books, scores, records, compact discs) Monday Tuesday - Friday


There is a smaJJ library at the Rogate Field Centre which provides support material for field courses.

The College Map Room The Map Room, with a stock of over 75,000 maps provides the College with a full cartographic reference service. Some maps are also available for loans and for teaching requirements. Maps are available for most parts of the world and to suit mo t requirements. Additional resources are also available through co-operative arrangements with other map collections within the University. Advice can also be given on map purchasing and on other map-related enquiries. The College Map Room is located in Room 13B, Chesham Building, Strand campus (S2599). It is normally open during the following hours (although a prior 'phone caU is advisable): Term Time Monday - Friday

0930 - 1730

Vacation Monday - Friday

0930 - 1700

0930 - 1900 0930 - 1730

Biophysics Library Open whenever the department is open

Kensington campus Staff and postgraduates in need of material not held by the College can make use of the inter-library loan service; for those who need an item urgently the Library is often able to arrange access to another library where the item is held.

0900 - 2000 0900 - 1730

0900 - 21 00 0900 - 1900

Strand Level 5 (Classical Languages and literatures, Modem Greek) Monday - Thursday Friday

Monday - Thursday Friday

Monday - Thursday Friday

0930 - 2000 0930 - 1900


Chelsea campus

Strand campus

Manresa Road Library Monday - Thursday Friday

(Vacation hours vary - please check

Coleridge Library

0930 - 2000 0930 - 1730

College Archivist: Miss Patricia Methven, (Room 302, ext S2187/2015) Opening Hours: 9.30am - 5.3Opm Mon - Fri term time 9.30am - 4.3Opm Mon - Fri Vacation time


The College Archives, Liddell Hart Centre for ilitary Archives and the Library Manuscripts are administered jointly by the College Archivi t and her taff. Consultation of all three collections is by prior appointment in the Archives reading room. College Archives The College Archives house the records of King's College London which are of historical interest and/or continuing administrative value. The records chronicle the sometimes stonny history of the College from its foundations to the present day and together with the archives of Chelsea and Queen Elizabeth Colleges and their predecessor bodies, King's College of Household and Social Science and the South Western and Chelsea Polytechnics, constitute an invaluable source for educational, scientific and social historians. Among the most significant records held are the minute books of the governing bodies and major committees of all three Colleges; an unbroken series of letters received by the Principal and Secretary of King's College during the 19th century; 20th century policy files and a substantial series of financial records. The membership of the College, past and present, is reflected in a regularly updated set of student records for the three Colleges from their respective foundations and a useful series of modem personnel files. These are supplemented by the archives of a number of faculties and departments and collections of private and research papers presented or left to the College by members of staff or fonner students. Much useful printed material is also held, including calendars, prospectuses and College magazines, and an ever growing collection of prints, engravings and photographs provides a useful pictorial record. Significant material relating to King's College Hospital, Belgrave Children's Hospital, King's College School and the Strand School is also included. A very important collection, is the archive for The League for Democracy in Greece and its successor organisation, The Friends of Democracy in Greece which fonns an invaluable source for the history of Greece after World War n. Advice on the use of the material can

always be obtained from the staff although it is advisable to make an appointment fu l. Conditions of a cess are set out in the leaflet otesfor Readers. obtainable from the reading room. Some classes of records, chiefly student and taff files are closed for an extended period of years to protect the priva yof named individuals. Staff of the Archives will always be pleased to be con ulted about the disposition of records including photographs and tapes, and will provide guidance about the establishment of filing systems, the selection of materials suitable for preservation in the Archives and, where nece sary, the di posal of confidential waste paper. Two guidance leaflets, How to Deposit Records in the Archives and How To Get Them Back and Faculty and Departmental Checklist. may be obtained from the Archives Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives The Centre holds the private papers of over 350 senior defence personnel who held office in this century and new collections are accruing at the raLe of 3040 a year. Individual collections range in size from a single file to the 1,000 boxes of Sir Basil Liddell Hart's papers and may include diaries, personal correspondence, copies of official papers, unpublished memoirs, photographs and press cULtings. Also available is a growing collection of microfilms of primarily American official documents relating to defence. The scope of the holdings is vasL, from high level defence policy and strategic planning as, for example, in the papers of FM Viscount Alanbrooke and General Lord Ismay down to the command of individual units in the field. The Boer War is strongly represenLed and thereafter almost every major campaign in which British troops were involved falls within the collection's parameters, up to and including the Cyprus crisis in the 1960s. Many significant collections reflccl the revolution in weapon technology this century and the re-evaluation of tactics and strategy which necessarily followed on from the invention of the tank and the developmenL of air power. In the postwar world debate is centred on the nuclear issue and in the papers of AVM SWB Menaul the clash of conflicting theories

and up urge of public altention can be explored. The full holding of the Centre are described in a Consolidated List of Accessions. 1986, and a Supplement, 19 (a ailable from the Centre at ÂŁ3.50 and ÂŁ1.50 respectively). A leaflet, Informationfor Readers. outline conditions of access. Work in preparation in the Centre includes a major guide to the locations and coment of the papers of senior defence personnel who served this century and the compilation of a nuclear history database. Library Manuscripts Collection Staff of the Centre also administer the Library Manuscripts Collection comprising research material gathered by scholars connected with the College and embracing such disparate subjects as Portuguese literature and Gennan jurisprudence. The collection is of literary, historical and scientific interest and is de cribed in Manuscripts and Private Papers: A Select Guide, 1982, available from the Cenlre. Two valuable subsequent additions are the archives of Adam International Review and Modern Poetry in Translation which together fonn an important source for the study of European literature and cultural history.



The Finance and Personnel Division, which is comprised of five main sections, is headed by the Director of Finance and Staff, Mr D 0 Ball. The five sections are as follows:Personnel Financial Accounting Financial Services including Research Grants and Contracts Management Accounting Internal Audit

0;::: .



This section is managed by the Personnel Officer, Miss Marjorie Young, Ext S2048 and is primarily located in the orfolk Building, Surrey Street, Strand campu . The staff of the Personnel Office are pleased to give advice, guidance or clarification to members of staff with regard to their employment with the College. ew members of staff will be contacted by the School Administrative Officer or appropriate representative of the Personnel Office (listed below) prior to taking up their appointment, so as to provide all necessary details to ensure the payment of salaries. This also provides an opportunity for any initial queries to be answered. Initial contact with Personnel Staff may be made as follows:STRA D CAMPUS Academic Staff Academic Related Administrative, Library & Computer Staff Mr Geoffrey Cuthbert Deputy Personnel Officer ExtS2288 Central Administration, Library, Computing, Halls of Residence, Self-fmancing areas Ms Audrey Green Assistant Personnel Officer ExtS2362



School of Life, Basic Medical and Health Sciences s Chris Crewe Assistant Personnel Offi er ExtK4200 Details of Induction Courses are a ailable from the Academic Staff Development and Training Co-ordinator, Dr Robcrt Poller (ext S 1165) and from the Training Officer for Non-Academic Staff, Mr Ken Bromfield (ext S2803 OJ ext S2760) who will also be pleased to give advice on training opportunities and career development.

Ground Floor, Clark Building, 552 King's Road Opening Hours: 10.30-]2.30 14.00-15.30 (Wednesdays only) Initial enquiries for Financial Services should be directed as follows: Miss B Galbraith extS2884 Mrs A John on ext S256] MrR DHarvey extS2558 MrsJHunt extS3758 Mr C McCauley extS2788

Payroll Bought Ledger Sales Ledger Tuition Fees Cashiering

FI A CIAL ACCOU TI GAD FI A CIAL ERVICES These sections, which are managed by the Deputy Director of Finance, Mr B K Kirpalani, ext S2766, are principally responsible for maintaining the College's statutory financial records including Research Grants and Contracts, and the provision of support ervices for the College staff and students, such as Payroll, Bought Ledger, Sales Ledger, Tuition Fees and Cashiering. Most of the sections are housed in 33, 34 and 35 Surrey Street, which is approached through the East Wing of the Strand Building.

Initial enquiries as to Research Grants and Contracts should be directed to Mr H Simmons, ext S2353.

MA AGEME T ACCOU TI G This section which is primarily responsible for the production of management accounts, financial forecasts, budgets and all associated reports for internal and external use, is managed by the Management Accountant, Mr B Oldham, ext S2263.

I TERNAL AUDIT There are Cash Offices on the Strand, Kensington and Chelsea sites and Lheir locations and opening hours are shown below:-

School of Physical and Engineering Sciences School of Education Schoool of Law Mr ic Beech Assistant Personnel Officer Ext2765

Strand: Room H, 35 Surrey Street Opening Hours: 9.45-13.15 14.15-16.00 (closed Thursdays)

School of Humanities Ms Savita Kumra Assistant Personnel Officer ExtS2427

Kensington: Ground Floor, Main Building Opening Hours: 10.00-12.00 14.00-16.00

School of Law School of Education Mr Mike Moore Personnel Administrator ExtS2354

Chelsea: Ground Floor, Manresa Road Opening Hours: 10.00-12.00- 14.00-15.30 (closed Wednesdays)

This section is managed by Mr R Shonfeld, Head of Internal Audit and is responsible for all the College's internal control requirements and management auditing. Mr Shonfeld can be contacted on ext S2650.


A warm welcome to all new and returning staff and students. The Catering Department hopes you will enjoy using our facilities which are described in full in the

.::;: ..


Catering Service Leaflet, an in ert with Lttis ediLion of Comment, and available throughout the College.

tenn Lime selling be erages, sandwiches, pie and salads. BOOK EARLY FOR CHRl



552 King's Road (Academic area and Admini tration) onday to Thur day 07 路21 Friday 07 - 19

FOR 1990/91

Terrace Lounge G01 Campus

acadam, trand

Cu LOmers based at, or isiting the Strand are invited to vi it the Terrace Lounge in the Macadam Building. This facility has been completely refurbished during the Summer and the Catering provision has been improved. A wider range of snacks and beverages will be offered, and a con iderable investment has been made in new display equipment and beverage di pensers.

We will be pleased LO cater for your th:lt Chri tmas Lun h Party, but bookings are made as early as po ible LO avoid disappointment for the Department i always heavily commiucd during the festive season.


ACCESS TO COLLEGE In conjunction with the improvements new guideline for the use and booking of this facility have been produced. These guidelines are for the use of College based organisations and societies wishing to use this room at Limes when College Catering Services are not required. Copies are available from the Supervisor or Campus Catering Office. Club 552, Cornwall House Annexe

HO RS OF OPE I G STRAND CAMPUS Tenn Time: 09 - 2100 Monday to Friday 09 - 1300 Saturday Vacations: Friday

0900 - 1800 Monday to

552 King' Road (Tngram COurl 2 hour ace

Kl 'G'S COLLEGE SCHOOL OF MEDIC AND DENTISTRY Main School building 08 - 2100 Monday to Friday 08 - 1300 Saturday Rayne In titute 0800 - 1800 Monday to Friday Staff wishing LO enter the Rayne In titute outside these hours should ign in and out at the Rayne In titute Reception desk.

FAX MACHINE Fax machines for the facsimile tran mi sion of documents are available a follows: Strand:

In the Computer Centre, Room 23A Reception Area Tel 0071-8361799.


In the office of the Services Secretary, Main Building Tel 0071-9377783.


In the Campus Administra tor's Office, Room 2.305 Clark Building. Tel 0 071-3527376.

0900 - 1300 Saturday The Catering Department is pleased LO announce the opening of a brand new facility at the Annexe of Cornwall House.

The Macadam Building closes at 1700 daily during vacations.

Opening from 8.30 am to 8.00 pm Monday to Friday during Tenn Time, Club 552 has been furnished to a high standard and offers hot and cold beverages, hot and cold bar food, and a good selection of wines, beers and spirits. (BAR OPENING HOURS 12.00 - 2.00 pm and 5.30 - 8.00 pm).

Staff wishing to enter the buildings outside these hours are required to sign in and out at the Porter's Lodge, Strand Main Gate Entrance.

Queen Elizabeth Bar, Kensington Campus

These hours apply LO term Lime and vacations. Staff requiring acce s to the Atkins Building after 1800 mu t obtain a key from their Departmental Superintendent and sign the book in the Porter's Lodge.

KE SLNGTO CAMPUS Main Building: 0600 - 2300 Atkins Building: 0600 - 1800

CusLOmers using the Old RefecLOry in the Main Building of the KensingLOn Campus will know that for long periods of the year the Catering Department does not have the use of the facility for its Snack bar, the Catering Department has therefore ceased its cash sales operation from this room.

CORNWALL HOUSE ANNEXE 0700 - 2100 Monday to Friday 0900 - 1300 Saturday

To provide the continuity of service lacking in the past 'THE QUEEN ELIZABETH BAR' will now be open from lO.OO am - 3.00 pm on weekdays during

CHELSEA CAMPUS Manresa Road 0700 -2100 Monday to Thursday 0700 -1900 Friday


Medical School:

In the Secretary's Office. Tel. 0071-274

7246 KEYS STRAND CAMPUS All office and door keys are obtainable from Mr R C Redmond, General Service Manager (ext 52037) Room 130B Strand Building, Miss J Humm (ext 52552) or Mrs K Dawdry (ext 53692) located in Room l30A, Strand Building. Telephone enquiries should be made in the following order路 53692,52552,52037. All duplicate keys will be charged for at cost.

KE SINGTO CAMPUS Office keys should be obtained from the relevant departmental technical staff. CORNWALL HOUSE ANNEXE All keys can be obtained from Mr. Keith Hill, the caretaker. CHELSEA CAMPUS Keys are obtainable from Mr J Wornham, Security & Domestic Services Supervisor (ext C2322).

LOST PROPERTY E QUIRlES Enquiries about lost property should be directed to: STRAND CAMPUS Mr R. C Redmond, General Services Manager (ext S2037) or Miss J. Humm (Ext S2552). KENSINGTON CAMPUS Mr W A Colwell, Site Services Manager (ext S4499). CORNWALL HOUSE ANNEXE All enquiries concerning lost property should be made to the caretaker, Mr. Keith Hill. CHELSEA CAMPUS Mr J Wornham, Security and Domestic Supervisor (ext.C2322)

removed by 2100 unless arrangements have been made to the contrary with either the Services Manager or the Main Gate portering taff. In very exceptional circumstances a parking space may be reserved by arrangement with the General Service Manager. KE SINGTO CAMPUS Parking is by permit only. Anyone wishing to obtain a permit should apply to the Campus Services Manager (Ext S4499). In addition there are six visitor's spaces in the Main Building and four visitor's spaces in the Alkins Building car park. Reservations for these spaces are not essential, but are advised. Contact ext S4245 for Main Building car park and ext S4295 for Atkins Building car park reservations. CHELSEA CAMPUS Car parking spaces on the various sites are allocated in the following way: Manresa Road - 30 places for laff', allocated by departments 552 Kings Road - 40 places for SLaff, allocated on 'a first come basis'. In addition, a limited number of spaces may be available for visitors to each of the Chelsea sites by prior arrangement with Mr J Womham, ext C2322 or the Campus Administrator's Office, ext S3045.

PARKING STRAND CAMPUS Parking at the Strand campus is extremely limited. Some places are reserved for those mem bers of the College staff whose full time duties require them to be on site throughout the working year and/or to have their vehicles available for use in the performance of their duties. A further limited number are available for visitors, College vehicles and disabled drivers. Other staff parking is on the basis of once a week, Monday to Friday for member of the full time academic staff based at the Strand. Written applications for a permit, issued to eligible members of staff, should be made to Mr R C Redmond, General Services Manager, giving your name, make and registration number of your vehicle. All vehicles should be

POSTAL SERVICES GPO Post All mail handed in to College POSt rooms for despatch via the GPO must bear a departmental number stamp. Any mail not so marked will be opened and returned to sender. STRAND CAMPUS Letters are collected from the official boxes at 1100, 1500 and 1600. If brought personally to the Post Room (19BB Main Building) they should arrive 0 LATER THAN 1700 in term time and 1645 in vacations. If at all possible they should be brought earlier so that Post Room staff arc not faced with a last minute rush. Parcels are de patched once a week and

should arrive at the post room no later than Thur day. Registered and recorded delivery mail should reach the Po t Room by 1300 or 1530. There is also a Post Box for letters already tamped which is cleared at 1730 Monday to Friday. This is in the lobby between the Strand Building and the Main Building on the ground Ooor. Mail which is too large for the box should not be left on top but either posted outside the College or left with the Post Room staff. All post will be sent second class unless otherwise requested. Please do not do 0 unless it is absolutely necessary. 0 first class mail will be sent out on Fridays as this is not normally delivered until the following Monday when second class mail posted at the same time is distributed. KENSINGTON CAMPUS Letters are collected at 1730 from the Main Building Entrance Hall. Only letters and small packets are accepted for franking centrally. Larger parcels must be dealt with by the department concerned. All mail will be sent second class unless it is absolutely necessary that it goes first class. CORNWALL HOUSE ANNEXE Letters and parcels are collected twice a day for transfer to the Strand Post Room for franking and collection, the times are 11.10 am and 3.15 pm. CHELSEA CAMPLJS Letters and parcels are collected from Chelsea ites at the following times: 1545 552 King's Road Manresa Road 1645 KING'S COLLEGE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY Post should reach the Reception Desk no later than 1630. Post will be collected from the: Rayne Institute at 1615 each day. All post is sent second class unless otherwise marked. INTER CAMPUS MAIL Letters between each campus should be clearly marked in the following way. 1.

Name of person to whom letter is


being sent. Department. Campus name clearly marked


2. 3.


In the case of post for the Chelsea Campu ,please al 0 include the rele ant it.e of the department for ease of sorting hen the letter arrive at the Chelsea po t room. Departure tim 1anre Road 552 King' Road Kensington carnpu Strand and Cornwall House Annexe Drury Lane

A 0910 0930 1010 1050 12

1110 and

PM 1440 1430 14 1530 1515 1540

to the E tate \ or hop, (Ext C2551).


anresa Road


The College Reprographic nit i ituated on the Strand carnpu ,R m B 1 E t Wing and offer a full range of pnnting services. Large olume phot oP} ing facilities are also available to user. Ad ice and as i tance can be obtnined from the Unit anager, Mr Roy 1ason or his staff on exts S3683 or S36 2.

CORl ALL HO SE lEXE From fr. Keith Hill, the caretaker.

CHELSEA CAMPUS J Wornham, Domestic & Security Supervisor ( ext C2322). The completed form should be returned to the ite staff, from horn they were obtained, ho will maintain records of all detail and if nece sary advise on the procedure for reporting thefts to the Police.



KCMSD There is presently no direct delivery service between the Denmark Hill and other parts of the College. Internal mail has to be sent via Senate House. As this leads to delays it is advisable to post urgent mail via the GPO service.

I TERCOLLEGIATE MAIL ER VICE There i a daily Univer ity of London inter-collegiate mail service which collects from each main site.

REPAIRS A D MAl TE A CE STR DCAMPUS All building works and electrieal, plumbing and heating repairs are dealt with by the Site Service Engineer, Mr J Fox, exts S2608 or S2303. Requests for any work must be submitted in writing. All removals of furnishings within the College mu t be dealt with through the E tates Officer, ext S2293.

Rooms for lecture, seminar etc. other than departmental rooms hould b booked with the following: STRAND CAMPUS: Central Services, ext S 1217 KE SI GTO CAMPUS: Administrative Secretary, ext S4209 CHELSEA CAMPUS: The Office of the Campus Admini trator, 071-3522528.



Take care of your personal property Thefts of personal property are unfortunately quite frequent on all College premises. Purses, briefcases, coats and other personal effects should never be left unattended. The College cannot b responsible for the theft of unattended property and member of staff are asked to in ure any per onal valuable again t loss or theft. Rooms left unattended, even for a short time, should be locked. Theft and loss of per onal and College property. All theft or loss of property, on all sites, must be recorded on the standard form. These are available as follows:

KE SINGTO CAMPUS All requests for electrical repairs should be referred to Mr R. Vincent (Ext S4309). For plumbing and mechanical repairs contact Mr. D. Elcombe (Ext 4309) and for other building trades work contact Mr. J. Lcster (Exts S4308/4309).

STRAND CAMPUS From the Head Porter (ext S2540) or Mr R C Redmond. General Services Manager (ext S2037).

CHELSEA CAMPUS All requests for repairs should be referred

KE SI GTO CAMPUS From Mr W Col well, Site Services ...: ...


1anager (ext S 99) or L ElIiot Re iden e Manager (ext S425 ).

TATIO ERY STRAND CAMPUS The Stationery Store is open during term time from 1000 - 1430 - uninterrupted. Requests for bulk: taLionery hould be submitted in advance. Odd items of stationery may be collected during normal opening hour but all staff are reque ted to keep these reque ts to a minimum. A large range of stationery and sundrie are available from the contracted supplier and any specialised items that you may need could well be available. A tockli t is available from the Store. Please con ult the Stationery Store Supervi or (Mrs. Carmel Khan, Ext S1218), who will be pleased to give advice and help in re pect of tationery requirements. KE SI GTO CAMPUS Orders for all items of stationery should be ubmitted in writing to Rosemary lrving, Admini trative Secretary (ext S4384). CORNWALL HOUSE ANNEXE Stationery can be ordered from the Strand Stationery Store for delivery by the College inter-site van delivery service. CHELSEA CAMPUS At present all stationery is ordered through departments.

SWITCHBOARD OPENl G HO RS STRAND CAMPUS The switchboard operates between 0900 and 1800 during term time and 0900 and 1730 during vacations. The Ken ingLOn


and 552 Cornwall House Annexe site telecommunications are routed through the Strand campus switchboard at all time.

KE S GTO CAMPUS The same a for the Strand Campus. CO~ALLHOUSEANNEXE

The same as for the Strand Campu . CHELSEA CAMPUS - Manresa Road The Manresa Road switchboard provides telephone access only to existing Manresa Road departments. This switchboard is open between 0830 and 1730 Monday to Friday and then switches to a night service after 1730, at weekends and during College closure periods. CHELSEA CAMPUS - 552, King's Road ow that the academic departments have moved to the Cornwall House Annexe the telephone switch equipment is relocated there. All former extension numbers remain the same. Some activities will remain at 552, King's Road for some time and private circuits have been established to meet their needs. The essentialtelephone numbers are as follows: Campus Administration FAX 071-352737 Room 2.305 Office 071-351 3026Room 2.305 Campus Administrator 071-3522528 Room 2.302 Catering - Refectory Office 071-3523152 Room Ref. O. CATS Maths - FAX 071-3523124 Room 3.226 CATS Maths - General 071-3510143 Room 3.225 CATS Maths - General 071-3525113 Room 3.225 CATS Maths - Modem 071-3519497 Room 3.203 CATS Science - General 071-352 1601 Room 3.227 CATS Science - General 071-352 1263 Room 3.227 CES - Professor A. Lucas 071-3521006 Room 2.121 CES - D.G. Crowhurst 071-3521541 Room 5.101 College Solicitor 071 351 9480 Room 2.307 Conference Office Gr. Fl. Tufnell 071-351 3056 Continuing Education 071-3521408 Room 2.003

Estates Office - !an Blair 071-3520753 Room 2.005 Estates Office - J. Kersey 071-3519412 Room 2.004 Estates Office - Workshop 071-8233357 Room 3.B Re idences - Manager 071-351 6513 Ingram Court Security 071-3524822 Gate Lodge Security - EMERGE CY ONLY 071-8233359 Gate Lodge Vacation Leltings Bureau 071-3526011(2 Room 2.329

The CoUege is legaUy obliged to report certain accidents and incidents and a failure to do so i not only a criminal offence but it may have repercu ion if a compensation claim i ubsequently lodged against the College, or any other person or organisation.

KlNG'S COLLEGE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE AND DE TrSTRY The Swilchboard provides a 24 hour service at all times.

Strand cam pus





In the event of any emergency where you require assistance the following campu lelephone number should be dialled to give a priority extension:

Dial 2222 Kensington campus Dial 2222 Chelsea campus

SAFETY OFFICE Manresa Road: The CoUege Safety Office is localed in Room 2E, Chesham Building, Strand campus. The Office is responsible for advising on all aspects of health and safely and for coordinating safety activities and arrangements within the College. Any member of College is welcome lO seck advice or information or to discuss safely mallers.

Dial 888

King's College School of Medicine and Dentistry Fire: Cardiac Arrest:

Dial 2222 Dial 2333

MEDICAL EMERGENCIES College Safety Officer: Dr Roger Slade, extension S2837 Assistant Safety Officer: Ms Marion Murphy, extension S3667

REPORTING OF ACCIDE 'TS A D INJ RIES Members of the College are required to report accidents which result in per onal injury and which occur on College premises or in connection with College activities. Other incidents such as fLfes, spillages of harmful substances, etc, where injuries could have resulted should also be reported. Report forms are available from departmental offices or the Safety Office; forms must be completed as soon as possible after the incident and forwarded to the College Safety Office.

Medical emergencies may arisc through illness or injury al work which are of sufficient severity to require prompt treatment by medically qualified staff or trained first aiders. These notes deseribe the courses of action which are to be followed in such an eventuality. Option 1 Assistance can be obtained most quickly by contacting one of the traincd fir t aiders on site. Lists of first aiders, their location and telephone extension, are published in Comment, displayed on departmental notice boards and receptions. If a list is not immediatcly available contact a


College telephone exchange operator u ing the campus internal emergency number and request anendance by a fLI t aider giving the precise location of the casualty. The fir t aider will decide what further action i necessary and make the required arrangements. Option 2 As iSLance can be obtained by taking the casualty to the site Medical Centre subject to medical staff being available at the times advertised throughout CoIlege. Option 3 In the event of a serious accident or injury sufficient to be life threatening contact a College telephone exchange operator using the campus internal emergency number and request immediate attendance by a rLIst aider, Medical Centre staff and Ambulance. Give precise location of casualty and brief description of sympLOm(s). The operator will make the necessary telephone calls to emergency services. Option 4 At Halls of Residence; in the event of injury or ill-health, contact the duty staff who will arrange for treatment.




When the alarm bells are sounded the building must be evacuated without delay. Per ons should leave by the nearest available exit and not re-enter the building until the beIls have been silenced or permis ion granted by the Senior Fire Officer or CoIlege Officer present.

I FIRST AlDERS To contact a first aider dial internal emergency 2222 or dial direct extension number.


ain Building ame, E ten ion



L. Ayling E taLC



Location Drury Lane

P. Brinck Anatomy

S2495 IF

7 -200

D. Ba k Biophy ics


D. Elgar Mech. Eng.

52434 275B

F. Engli h Elect. Eng.

53597 Q55

D. Farr Anatomy

S2671 10F

D. Fraser Elect. Eng.

52368 14A

J. Greenberg Physics

53746 Q26


M. Holwill Physics

52715 QI23

Main Building

B. Taylor Physiology

S2001 28G

Mrs. R. Calokatsia utrition

K4434 17

P. Webb Physics

S2570 21C

R. Eggett Food Sci.

K4475 FS9

Ms. S. HoIly Physiology

K4229 EG5

A. Mukherji utrition

K4357 A316

R. Stoughton Physiology

K4467 A227

Cornwall House Annexe

Strand Building R. Tye Chemistry

S1204 IBI9

East Wing S2896

G. Baker Elect. Eng.


K. Jessop Elect. Eng.

S2522 F4

Chesham &

orfolk Buildings

Ms. K. Bugg EM Unit

S1034 3A

Ms. L. Newell Computing Centre

S2817 5B

Ms. M.P. Murphy Safety Office

S3667 2E

M. Jeffery CES


Mrs. E. Miles CE5

S3087 5ec. Office 1st Floor


Atkins Building G. AIIan Refectory


R. Homer Workshop


R. Reed Biosphere Sci.


G. Strickland Biochemistry


Mrs. A. Hussain Biomolecular Sci.

K4312 429

.::::.. :.:

Queen Elizabeth Hall Mis

. Carslate

Miss A. Glynn

K4255 K4255

CHEL EA CAMPUS Manresa Road D. Grant Pharmacy Miss A. Monkcom Library

Technicians in grades 6,7 and 8 Certain post-doctoral research staff


9A C2358/2223



THE SE IOR COMMO ROOM Strand campus President: The Principal Chairman: Dr M L Dockrill Hon Secretary: Mrs MMBrown Hon Treasurer: MrS PHarrow

Members based on the Strand campus pay a subscription of £16.00 per annum; those based elsewhere pay a subscription of £8.00 per annum. Fully paid up members of the Kensington campu Senior Staff Association are automatically members of the Strand Campus Senior Common Room. ew members are requested to pay the appropriate fee for the year 1990/ 91 by cheque in the flfSt instance. Payment may be made by deduction from salary at source from October 1991, if so requested on the application form. Members have the use of three splendid rooms at the outhern end of the lain Building overlooking the river. A good selection of daily papers and periodical i provided. Morning and lunchtime coffee, sandwich lunches and afternoon teas are served. Prices are comparatively low as part of the service cost is met from the subscription income. A limited bar service is also available. The Upper and Lower Senior Common Rooms may be booked by members for private functions outside normal hours of use, and the Blackwell Room may be booked at any time, except between 12.30 and 2.00, by previous arrangement. All such bookings should be made in advance through the Hon Secretary. Social events are arranged from time to time. These include Senior Common Room Dinners, Joint Buffet Supperparties with the King's College Ladies' Club, Wine Tasting evenings and Wine Auctions. For the 1990/91 Session, SCR functions have been provisionally arranged as follows: 31 October

Hon Social Secretary: Mrs J.C. Bell Membership of the Strand Campus Senior Common Room is open to all members of staff (including those based on the Kensington or Chelsea campuses) in the following categories: Academic staff Academic related administrative staff Clerical staff in grade 3 and above Library staff in grade 3 and above

Halloween Buffet Supper

6 December Christmas Party with Ladies' Club 31 January

Bums' Night Dinner

5 March

Wine Auction

1 May

May Day Dinner

18 June

Midsummer Party with Ladies' Club Formal notice of these and other events

will be sent to members in advance. If you wish to join the Senior Common Room please see the form on the back page. .B. Colleagues are reminded that the facilities of the Senior Common Room are for the use of members only. Although guests from outside the College may be introduced from time to time, for obvious reasons it is not permitted that members of staff who are eligible for membership be brought in as guests.


The Senior Staff Association at Kensington provides amenities centred on the Senior Common Room. For further information about the As 0ciation contact the Secretary, Dr Peter Buuerworth.

SOCIAL CLUBS Kensington campus The Social Club is situated on the ground floor of the SJA Building and is approached via the South Entrance. Membership is open to all employees of the College as well as postgraduates and the annual subscription is, at present, £1. The bar is open between 1.00 pm and 2.00 pm and in the evenings from 5.30 pm to 8.00 pm as a minimum. Longer evening openings are available at the discretion of the person on bar duty. During both lunchtime and evening sessions the bar is staffed by volunteer club members, working on a rota, which usually means a lunchtime duty once a month and/or an evening duty once every four weeks. The bar is well stocked, offering a range of keg bitters, lager, spirits, cold drinks, fresh orange juice and coffee. Toasted sandwiches and hot pies are available as well as crisps and nuts, etc. The bar has seating for approximately 60 people and has a darts board and a snooker table. Several board games are available behind the bar.


The Committee occasionally organise e ening e ents. Over the past year there have been various discos and a fueworks di play. Darts and nooker matche ha e been organised. otice of the Club' AG , hich is held in October, ill be po ted in the S iaI Club bar. If anyone is intere ted in helping to run the Club, we would be mo t pleased to hear from them. Also if anyone has any iews on the type of activities the Club offers, we would like to hear from them also. If you would like to join the Club, please contact Paulet Hanson, on K4425 or Steve Parker on K4525.

trand campus Do you enjoy being sociable? Playing darts or snooker, crib or cricket? Or do you just like to join your colleagues for a relaxing lunchtime drink or chat? If the answer is 'ycs' or evcn 'possibly', then 'the Club' is for you. King's College Sports and S ial Club was formed over thirty years ago. Member hip is open to all members of the College staff and, in addition to providing the facilities mentioned above, members arrange both the College outing and the College Easter Dance. The Club rooms are situated in 33 Surrey Street on the Strand campus, and there is a concessionary rate of membership for those working on other campuses, all of whom are welcome to join the Club and make full use of the facilities when visiting the Strand.

LADIE CL B The Club is open to women m mber and wives of the taff of the College, both p t and present. Its aim i to pro ide opportllllities for meeting and keeping in tou h with one another, to .... el ome n member of taff and their spouse in a ial setting and to promote the wellbeing of the College. Day, evening and lun h meeting are held in an informal atmo phere and co ts are kept to a minimum. The annual programme normally includes buffet lunches held in College followed by illustrated lectures and outside meeting to places of intere t in addition to a Chri tmas and Midsummer party Uointly with the Senior Common Room) to be held next Se ion on 6 December 1990 and 18 June 1991 respectively. Members' guests are welcome at mo t mectings. You are invited to a Wine and Cheese lunch on Wedne day, 16 October at 12.30 pm in the Blackwell Room, Strand campus, which will be followed by the Annual General Meeting. If you would like to attend the lunch and/or join the Club, (one is not dependent on the other), please complete the form on the back page and return it to MIs Margaret Brown, Classics Dcpartment; Strand campus.

Mo t staff in King's are represented by one of four unions:

As a special bonus, those joining after 1 October will not have to pay a penny until March!

Manual Clerical & Secretarial Technical & Related Academic & Related


All the union offer their member aide range of services, including:- free legal ad ice; advi e and repre ntation on both grie ance and disciplinary matter; health & safety; pensions, and in ome cases a fmancial package of loan, insurance, credit card etc. at reduced prices. The four union branche in King' will be holding a Trade Union Promotion Week on 22-26 October. Full details will be publi hed in the next issue of Comment. Further information about the unions, including application forms, may be obtained from the local branch secretaries:-


Bill Causon Medical chool ext (76) 4201


Josephine Bell Dean's Office ext 2333


Alan Howard Biosphere Sciences ext 4291


Peter Emery utrition ext 4415


The current membership is ÂŁ2 per annum (ÂŁ 1 for those not based at the Strand), and thi is deducted from the March salary by the Finance Department

If you wi h to apply for membership of this thriving Club, please complete the form on the back page and send it to the Treasurer, Mike Harrington, Mechanical Engineering, Strand campus.

Individual taff members can influen e both national and local agreements by joining their appropriate union, attendmg union meeting and electing representati to represent their point of vie .



The unions are responsible for negotiating the terms and conditions of service for all members in their category. Some conditions of service, notably pay, are covered by national agreements between the CVCP and the relative union.

::;:?J . ;".:,..: -.:

LADIES CLUB *1 would like to attend the wine and cheese lunch and AGM on 16 OcLObcr 1990. *1 wi h to apply for membership of King's College London Ladies Club. I enclose a subscription of £3.00 for the session 1990/91. • delete as applicable Cheques should be made payable to Kl G' COLLEGE LADlE CL B.



OW IHUSBAND'S DEPT AND CAMP S Please return this form to: Mrs M M Brown, Classics DeparLmenL, Strand campus. SE JOR COMMON ROOM· Strand campus I wish to apply for full-fee/reduced fee· membership of the Senior Common Room (Strand campus). I understand that the subscription for the session 1990/91 is £16.00 for full-fee and £8.00 for reduced-fee membership, subject to revision at the Senior Common Room AGM. in payment of this year's subscription (payable to King's College Senior Common I enclose my cheque for the sum of £ Room) I agree that the subscription should be deducted from my salary from 1991 and succeeding years until funher notice. *please delete as applicable. Signed




Please return this form to: Mrs M M Brown, Hon Secretary, Senior Common Room, Strand campus, by 30 November 1990. New Members: If you wish to be invited as a guest to the Halloween Supper Party on 3 I October, please return this completed form by 22 October. SPORTS A D SOCIAL CLUB - Strand campus Please complete in BLOCK CAPITALS, sign, and send to Mr. Mike HarringLOn, Treasurer, Mechanical Engineering, Strand. I,

(full name)




wish to apply for membership of King's College London Sports & Social Club. I agree to the annual sub cription being deducted from my salary each year in March and to abide by the Constitution of the Club.





FOR CLUB USE ONLY Application 'ece;ved

Member.;hip Caleg0'Y

CommiLlee Approved

Added to Check

Mem ber informed









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