King's College London newsletter
KING'S CONNECTS TO BT On Thursday 7 February the University of London and British Telecom launched a new MSc degree course in Electrical Engineering. The course is the first in the Univer ity to be designed specifically for a particular employer and to be taught entirely at the employer's premises (in this case, at BT's Research Laboratories near Ipswich). The launch, at Senate House, was attended by 1r Alan Ilowarth, MP, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the Department of Lducation and Science tOgether with repre entative of the University of London and British Telecom. The University was awarded the contract to develop the course after BT invited selected universities to tender. The course is based on the University's existing part-time intercollegiate MSc in Electrical Engineering. A consortium of the University's four departments of Electronic and Electrical Engineering (King's, Imperial College, Queen Mary
and Westfield and Univer ity College) are taking part. King's involvement in the project has been significant. At the request of the University, King's put tOgether and presented the University's submis ion to BT. Re ponsibility for the negotiation and discussions of the contract were also undertaken by King's on behalf of the University. The con iderable amount of hard work and effort paid off when the Univer ity won the contract, beating several other strong contender. King's will take charge of the administration for the M c and Profe or Edward Deeley, Head of the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at King's i one of the joint DirectOrs of Studies along with Or Chris T odd, who is about to take up an appointment at University College. The Principal, Or John Beynon, himself an electrical engineer, signed the contract on behalf of the University of London. (continued on page 2, column 1)
COLLEGE'S ESTATE FoLWwmg the Pnndpal's initiaLlve announced in last month's Comment, we presenc the second in the series ofarLlcles provldmg an update on College activities. Here, Bill Slade, the College Secretary writes ~bout the College's estate. In his article in last month's issue of Comment, David Ball described the financial position of the College, drawing particular attention to the stresses and strains of the ambitious capital programme to which we are committed. ot unnaturally, therefore, this second article is devoted to describing in more detail the changing face of the College' estate. The merger back in 1985 made little sense unless the geographically scattered estate could be consolidated to form a single working campus. And so it was that the concept of the Thameside campu wa born. The acquisition of the long lease of Cornwall House in 1989 was the first crucial step towards the eventual achievement of the single campus goal. Built as a warehouse shortly before the Fir t World War, Cornwall I louse is a huge building, marginally larger than the whole of the existing Strand complex; larger in capacity term than many unitary universities. The adaptation and refurbishment of the building, not surprisingly, will take between two and three years to complete and willl:.e extremely costly.
The signing ofthe contracts, from left to right, Professor Stewart Sutherland, Vice-Chancelwr, Dr John Beynon, Prindpal, Dr Alan Rudge, Managing Director, Development and Procurement Division, BT, and Mr Alan Howarth, MP.
The timing of the programme is dictated by two factors: firstly, Cornwall House is still occupied in part by government offices, and the College will not therefore be in a position to start the developments before the premises are vacated in June 1993. The second factor is finance. The former, being (continued on page 2, column 2)
(, ew MSc course launch continued) Covering all aspects of modern telecommunications the course, run over three years tarting in the autuIllIl, will be for some 6 BT research staff based at artlesham Heath, near Ipswich. It will al 0 be taught there by members of staff from the consortium. A first degree is not a prerequisite to join the scheme, thus making it available to engineers who have come through the technician training programme. The course comprises 14 modules from which any ten can be chosen by the student, plus a project. The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Stewart Sutherland, welcomed guests to the launch and in a short speech highlighted the strength of the federal nature of the University which had been able to respond so effectively to BT's requirements. The Minister in his reply warmly welcomed 'trus joint venture between Britain's largest university and one of its ten largest companies.' I le described the MSc as 'an excellent example of how partnerships between higher education and business should develop.' Dr Alan Rudge, Managing DirectOr, Development and Procurement Division of British Telecom, spoke of BT's satisfaction with its partnership with the University, which had developed along business-like lines, BT was not a charity and trus was by no means a donation; a proper custOmer! supplier relationship existed. The deciding factOr for BT in choosing London, he said, had been the University's enthusiasm, its willingness to be flexible and its capacity to deliver at an acceptable cost.
College's Estate (continlled from front page) contractual, is at lea t determinate. The latter, on the other hand, depends upon indeterminate market considerations since the necessary funds derive exclusively from the sale of the outlying, and eventually redundant, premises in Chelsea and Kensington. The King's Road (Marjon) complex ha already been vacated by relocating the Centre for Educational Studies and ursing Studies to newly refurbished accommodation in the Annexe to Cornwall House. When the market improves sufficiently, the King's Road property will be sold. Ultimately, the remaining properties in Manresa Road, Chelsea and in KensingtOn will also be sold. At the peak of the recent boom in property values, the sum expected to be realised from the sale of 552 King's Road would have been sufficient to finance the reconstruction of Cornwall House, or nearly so. Since then property values have fallen by more than 50% whilst building costs have risen significantly. When, and to what extent, the property market will recover is uncertain. Meanwhile, the College has little choice but to wait and see. Although the refurbishment programme could theoretically still start in the summer of 1993, when Cornwall House is vacated, funding considerations make a start then look doubtful. A delay of a year, or possibly two, would appear more realistic. There is a further anxiety. Whereas,
originally, the refurbishment of the whole building was envisaged to be carried out in a single continuous programme over a span of two years or so, financial confidence has been dented. The proceed of sale of 552 King's Road will almost certainl be insufficient on their own for the Colle e to be able to contemplate an expenditure commitment on the cale of the inflationenhanced cost of a single work programme. Instead, a phased programme is now being planned. The first phase will, of cour e, be financed by the proceeds of sale of 552 King's Road whlch is already practically vacant. An important consideration in the planning process is to ensure that Cornwall I louse is reconstructed in such a way that departments moving there are relocated to a final destination rather than to a temporary home involving a subsequent move within the building. Thls approach suggests that the refurbishment programme should comprise three or four phases, each relating to a vertical 'slice' of the building. Obviously the programme will take longer to complete and the inevitable conflicts between operational use of some part whilst works are being carried out in adjacent parts will need to be carefully managed. The first phase, which will be likely to accommodate the activities now based at either Manresa Road or the Main building at Kensington, is not likely to be completed before 1996 or 1997, with subsequent phases possibly being scheduled up to 2000. Clearly, a programme which extends over
Dr Beynon concluded by noting that although continuing education had been adly neglected for many years, universities were now waking up to its importance. The MSc cour e would be taken by people in employment, a particularly appropriate way of implementing continuing education. Universities had expertise they could offer industry and it was right that they should do so, but it was not a one-way process, and the University would undoubtedly benefit from being involved with BT. The contracts were then duly signed by the Principal for the University and Dr Rudge for BT.
Part of the Westfield campus including The Old House
such a long times pan is bound to involve a fair measure of specuJation and it would not be surprising if the reality was very different - perhaps, even, the realit could be sooner rather than later! In the meantime, Professor Earles and the Estate Policy Committee are having to rapple with the medium-term management of space, having regard, in panicular, to changing demands brought about by the planned alterations in the academic profile of the College. Again, for financial reasons, the cope is extremely limited given that pressure i almost exclusively on space reallocation at the Strand. If we are to attract the additional student numbers in Laws and the Humanities, built into the College plan, space will have to be given over to those purposes, and to relieve the intolerable pressures on the Library, for example. Some office-based activities will therefore have to be moved from the Strand, by making use of accommodation in underused College premises elsewhere and possibly at Westfield from the summer of next year. There are two further related aspects to the consolidation of the College's estate; one is Westfield and the consolidation of the College's residential stock of buildings; the other is sports grounds. In disposing of the academic buildings in Chelsea and Kensington, some 300 residential places will be lost, to be replaced elsewhere. The evacuation of the Hampstead campus of West field College, destined for the Mile End campus of QMWC, presented an opportunity. The greater part of the former, including residential accommodation for 650 students, the library and administrative blocks, was purchased by King's in 1989. In addition to the reprovisioning of the residential places to be lost at Chelsea and Kensington, the acquisition will lead to the replacement of the outlying Halliday (Clapham) and Malcolm Gavin (Tooting) Halls. Moreover, there is scope, subject to planning consents, to add a further 200-300 places at Westfield to replace Lightfoot Hall in Chelsea. The cnd result will be a large student village in Hampstead, with on-site library, seminar provision, and a range of domestic, social and recreational facilities which students are denied in the smaller existing residences. Not unreasonably the question may be asked - why not retain the existing halls in
addition to estfield? Cost is, of course, the an wer: the £24m purchase price of e tfield is not affordable without the contributions deriving from the sale of the outlying halls. The College will take possession of estfield in September 1992. The rationalisation of sports grounds is the third and final aspect of estate management. Upon merger in 1985, the College inherited three sports grounds in addition the edical School facilities at Dog Kennel HiLI, and the later addition of the adjacent Dulwich Hamlet Football Club stadium The former QEC ground at Petersham was sold early on; the main ground at Mitcham (coincidentally the King's and Chelsea grounds were adjacent) was too large for the College'S continuing needs and it too was sold for development, raising just over £14m. In its place, a new ground in ew Maiden (formerly Pearl Assurance) was acquired at a cost of £2.1 m and negotiations are under way to acquire a further parcel of some ten acres of adjacent playing fields at a cost of about .1:0Am The latter will satisfy the College's main recreational needs. At the beginning of this month, the Medical School ground at Dog Kennel HiLI was sold for the development of a J Sainsbury superstore at a gross price of £17.19m. This complex transaction, involving a number of tenants, has taken two years to complete. After taking account of the costs of compensating lessees for the surrender of their interests and the rebuilding of the Dulwich Hamlet Football Club stadium, the net gain will be about £14.5m. The Griffin Sports ground in Dulwich has been acquired as a local facility for the School of Medicine and Dentistry. Lest colleagues should immediately feel a compelling urge to dash off a quick begging letter to the Principal, let me add that £25m has been expended to date. In addition, the College has outstanding commitments totalling a further £20m to be discharged over the next two years. The proceeds of sale of the spons grounds win bridge the present cash shortfall and go some way to meeting future commitments pending the sale of 552 King's Road and the outlying halls of residence. Clearly, the management of the College's capital programme is still by no means plain sailing, but then it would be more surprising if the execution of such an ambitious programme was straightforward. Bill Slade College Secretary
STAFF NEWS Appointment to Chairs lIVing Benjamin has been appointed to the Chair of Surgery from 1 December 199 . He joins the Medical School from the Royal Postgraduate Medical SchooL John Martin has been appointed to the British Heart Foundation Chair of CardiovascuJar Science from 1 October 1990. He joins the Medical School from the Wellcome Foundation. Colin Roberts has been appointed to the Chair of Medical Engineering and Physics from 1 January J 990.
Promotion to Professor Alexander Mowat has been promoted to Professor of Paediatric I Iepatology from 1 August 1990. John Moxham has been promoted from Senior Lecturer to Professor of Thoracic Medicine from I June 1990.
Promotion to Readership Jeremy Everard has been promoted to Reader in Electronics from 1 October 1990.
Professor Curtis Price Congratulations to Professor Curtis Price, Head of the Department of Music, who has been elected Vice-President of the Royal Musical Association.
King's Professor supervises special research A PhD has been awarded to David Holmes, Senior Lecturer in Statistics at Bristol Polytechnic for an unusual piece of research in the field of computational stylistics: Authorship Attribution and the Book of Mormon: A Case Study in Stylometric Techniques. This research, registered at King's, has been supervised by Professor Roy Wisbey, Head of Department of German. Earlier, Professor Wisbey also directed the work of Dr Roger Tallentire on methods and models in computational sty listics.
Nursery provision for the children of students and staff The provision of a workplace nursery is rapidly becoming an accepted feature in large firms, colleges, polytechnics and universities. As patterns of work and family life change, employers rightly feel that they must consider seriously the changing needs of taff, and some employers see nurseries as an e ential element in providing for and retaining valuable personnel. In places of higher education there is also the desire to try to find ways of helping students with children. [n the autumn of 1989, the Council of the College established a working party to look into the whole area of nursery provision and to make proposals. A number of exciting schemes were considered and the Working Party presented a report including a variety of proposals to the Council in July 1990. Unfortunately the capital cost of establishing a nursery in the College is bound to very substantial, and the Council felt that it was too great to be contemplated at the present time. The College would have liked to set up a nursery in converted school premises on the South Bank near Cornwall House, but the work which the building would have required to make it suitable for a nursery would have been extremely expensive. The College could not fund this itself, and to cover the cost by an addition to the fees paid by parents would have meant a weekly outlay far in excess of what most parents could afford. While the College Council was unable to approve the establishment of a nursery in the immediate future, it resolved that the College include provision for a nursery in the planning for the Thameside campu . It also agreed that the Working Party should continue in existence as an Advisory Group on the planning of nursery facilities.
Strand campus. The main items for discussion will be: outline of the present position, options for meeting the need, nur ery cOSt, possibilities for self help by parents. It would greatly assist us if any staff or students who are intending to come to the meeting, or are interested but unable to attend, could complete the form on the back page and return it to Mr Peter Gilbert, Room 2B, Strand campus.
Lady Jean Mayhew Chairman of the ursery Working Party
Visiting Professors The following is a list of newly appointed Visiting Professors and those whose appointment has been extended. School of Humanities Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies Professor R Browning Classics General Sir John Hackett Geography Professor T Chandler Music Professor Petrobelli Philosophy Professor M Mignucci and Professor M Tye Spanish and Spanish American Studies Professor Juan de Dios Yapita Mora Theology and Religious Studies Professor D Martin and Professor] D Zizioulas
School of Education Professor [ Goodson, Dr K Hart and Professor R Lewis choolofLaw Dr R Gillon, Professor J Herbot , Profes or B Hoggett, Professor F Jacobs QC, Mr A Shipwright and Sir [an Sinclair QC School of Life, Basic Medical and Health Sciences Biomedical Sciences Dr [ R Hart, Professor G G Pinter and Professor BJ Testa Biomolecular Sciences Professor] M Creighton-Gutteridge, Dr [ C M Dea, Dr G Felsenfeld, Dr T Galliard, Dr F Y Liew and Dr E Simpson Biosphere Sciences Dr D Wood Health Sciences Professor D Ganderton School of Physical Sciences and Engineering Chemistry Dr J Emsley, Professor R F ewton and Professsor KJ Packer Centre for Construction Law and Management Mr M Abrahamson and Mr I D Wallace Electronic and Electrical Engineering Dr D T Swift-Hook, Dr J E Thompson and Mr C W Trowbridge Management Centre Professor] Morris Mechanical Engineering Mr K L Walker Physics Dr W A Crossland and Dr M J Down
The Working Party together with the Students' Union, is actively seeking ways in which the needs of working parents with small children can be met. To begin with, we want to establish the extent of the need and try to bring together interested parent~ so that they and the College can explore possible ways forward. I\s a first step we are arranging a meeting of parents and all those interested, on Thursday 7 March, at 1.1 0 pm, in Room 341,
Richard Longhurst ofthe Vacation Bureau at the BTA General Travel workshop in his capacity as a member of BUA C (British Universltie~ Accommodation Consortium) Counczl, promoting the faalittes ofuniversities for conferences, holidays and so forth.
UFC appointment Pro e or Graeme Davles, ice-Chancellor o he Uni 'ersicy of li 'erpoo~ has been appointed Chief Executive 0 the Un.i er iies 'unding Council in succession to ir Peter winnerton-Dyer, who retire on 3 I ,1arch. Profe sor Davlcs ha ta 'en a prominent role In the Committee of iceChancellor and Principals and a reported in Comment Uanuary i ue), he wa Chairman-elect of the C CP, but will nOt now take up that po t.
Health Check Cervical smear tests are now available to all female members of staff and students at both the KensingtOn and Chelsea campus ledical Centre as well a at the Strand. j
It is currently advised that all women who are sexually active should have this test every 3-5 years and more often if any abnormality or infection shows up. We appreciate that it is often difficult to get to your own GP or Family Planning Clinic during the day, so the College Doctors are happy to do this simple investigation on all women, whether they are registered with us or not. We will then send a copy of the report to your own GP. Smears available by a female Doctor: Chelsea campus Walk in Clinic or appointment ext 2300 Monday 11 am-12 pm Wednesday 2 pm - 3 pm Friday 2 pm - 3 pm Kensington campus Walk in clinic or appointment ext K4250 Monday I pm - 3 pm Wednesday 11 am-l pm Friday 11 am-l pm Strand campus Every day by appointment ext S2613 Jackie Donegan Sister, Kensington campus
EASTER CLOSURE DATES Easter closure 1991 The College will close at 4 pm on Wednesday 27 March and will reopen on Wednesday 3 April.
Professor Ronald Graveson
,I'--__O_B_IT_U_A_R_I_E_S_ _ Sir Monty Finniston 15 August 1912 - 2 February 1991 Sir fonty Finni ton, FR ,former Chair路 man of the Briti h teel Corporation and past ice-ChaIrman of the College Council, ha died aged 7 . Harold 10ntague Finniston v. as one of Britain's most eminent engineers, who devoted his enormou energy and determination latterly to helping hi profession to adapt to the modern world in which the old 'smokestack' indu tries are no longer the country's power base. lIe began as a metallurgist; was a pioneer of the nuclear energy indu try; then, under a Labour government he organised the nationalisation of the steel industry; and in the private ector he held a formidable clutch of directorship over a range of busine e that demonstrated the speed with which he was prepared to assume re ponsibility. In 1967 Harold Wil on's Government was ready to move toward the mammoth feat of nationalising the steel industry and Finniston joined the planning team. Fourteen autonomous and competitive steel companies were to be merged into the British Steel Corporation. In 1971 (when there was now a Conservative Government in power), Finniston became the Corporation's chief executive, and in 1973 its Chairman. In 1974 Labour were back in office and it was decided that his contract should not be renewed when it expired in 1976. He was knighted in 1975. In 1969 he had been elected a Fellow of the Royal Society. Possibly his most important appointment was to chair a committee of enquiry into the engineering profession. The Finniston Report, completed in 1979, turned out to be a major blueprint for the future of British industry. From 1978-88 he was Chancellor of Stirling University and was Vice-Chairman of King's College Council from 1985 until 1990 and before that Chairman of Chelsea College Council. This obituary appeared in full on 5 February 1991 and has been reproduced in pan with the permi sion of The Times.
2 Occober 1911 - 5 January. 1991 Profe or Ronald Gra\'Cson ha died a ed 79. He wa not only one 0 the m<ljor le 'al academic i ure 0 hi eneration, but .11 0 an internationally respected jurit and pioneer in the tudy 0 comp<lrative law. From 1947 he was Profes or of Lav. at Kin ' , where he remained (with a chan 'e in title in 1974, when he became Prote or oi Private International Law) until hi retirement in 197 . He wa elected a f'ellow in 1962. Under Graveson's leader hip, King's became one of the best law chools in the country. I le firmly believed that teaching wa a primary function and taught widely at bOth undergraduate and po t raduate level. Graveson believed that a law school could derive great benefit from outside contracts, and to that end pioneered research project funded from outside sources. With admirable foresight he developed his faculty as a peciali t centre of studie in international and comparative law, particularly the emerging law of the European Communities: the Centre of European Law was founded at King' in 1974. He also saw the importance of clo e as ociation between academic lawyer and the profession they serve, and wa himself a notable barrister. He developed an extensive specialist paper practice in private international law and took Silk in 1966. After being admitted a solicitor in 1934, Graveson was called to the Bar in 1945 by Gray's Inn. He became a Bencher in 1965 and served as Treasurer in 1983. Graveson's skills in College and University politic were widely recognised and he ensured that the study of law was properly provided for in times of financial tringency; and he wa for many years Dean of the Faculty of Laws of the University. A Head of Department he wa somewhat autocratic but unfailingly paternal, gentle, courteous and fair in this dealings with colleague. Out ide the College he was active in bodie concerned with legal studies. He was a leading member of the Council of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law, and a joint editor of the Internalional and Comparalive Law Quarterly. For some years from 1970 he was consultant editor of the Law Reporls
and he was President of the Society of Public Teachers of Law in 1972. lie repre ented Britain on many legal bodies sponsored by the Council of Europe and wa for many years the British delegate at The I Iague Conference on Private International Law. Graveson wrote extensively. His textbook on the Conflicl of Laws ran to seven editions, and was widely acknowledged as ound and onhodox. His many writings on the comparative aspects of private internationallaw were widely regarded, albeit highly specialist. His lifelong interest in Status in the Common Law led to his highly-acclaimed book of that title (1953). Graveson's literary output was considerable and extended beyond the law to the fine arts, objels d'arl (particularly fine clocks). I le was appointed CBE in 1972. Thi obituary appeared in full on 22 January 1991 and has been reproduced in part with the permission of The Daily Telegraph.
Professor Roger lan Sharrock 23 AuguSl 1919 - 27 December 1990 Roger Sharrock, Emeritus Professor of English at King's has died aged 71. He exemplified the virtues of the Oxford tradition of historical scholarship, but that scholarship and his teaching were inspired and illuminated by an unquenchable love of poetry. Throughout his career he published his own poems, but his enthusiasm could and did manifest itself elsewhere, as in the memorable and impromptu recitations which used to enliven his classes. As a lecturer he was a commanding and authoritative figure, particularly when his subject was Milton or Puritanism or Wordswonh, and he was much in request, lecturing not only in Europe, but in the Middle East, India, Taiwan, Korea and Australia. Sharrock began his teaching career as a graduate student, tutoring in Old English at Magdalen College, Oxford (he had been an undergraduate at St John's), before spending two years as a sixth-form master at Rugby, In 1946 he was appointed lecturer at University College, Southampton, thus starting a long connection with London University. He left what had by then become Southampton University for the
Chair of English Literature at Durham in 1963. He moved to the Chair at King's in 1968, where he remained until his retire路 ment in 1981. Roger Sharrock was also an editor and his first and last concern was with John Bunyan, latterly as editor-in-chief of the Oxford Bunyan volumes. He himself contributed to the works on which Bunyan's reputation most depends, The Pilgn'm's Progress (1960) and Grace Abounding to lhe ChiefSinners (1962) and collaborated on the other two major works, The Holy War (I 980) and The Life and Dealh of Mr Badman (1988). Sharrock's other editions were anthologies: of Dryden, W ordswonh and Keats; of 20th century short stories; and of English prose, for the first volume of the Pelican Book of English Prose. But the most influential of his books were those on the life and works of Bunyan. rn 1984 he published a critical study of the novels of Graham Greene, Sainls, Sinners and Comedians. Sharrock's view that 'the critic could only bring all he is and all he knows and then respond to the text' was richly illustrated in his own writing. In panicular, his conversion to Catholicism lent a personal engagement to his work on the spiritual studies of Bunyan as well as of Greene's protagonists. He was adept in current critical theory (and more generally in French culture) and deployed it with skill in his book on Greene. His books give some sense of the range of Sharrock's interests. He was active at various times as editor of the Durham Universily Journal, 1964 -68, Chairman of the English Association, a trustee of Dove College, a member of the Fulbright Committee and a director of the Globe Theatre Trust. His intolerance of cant and bureaucracy made him a dependable source of wisdom in the troubled academic politics of the I970s and 1980s. He carried his great learning lightly and was a friendly and supponive colleague and teacher, at his best, perhaps, as a supervisor of graduate students. Richard Proud foot Professor of English Language and Literature This obituary appeared in The Independenl and is reproduced with their permission.
Interviewing Skills This one-day course on 27 February has been arranged primarily as a follow up to the 'Recruitment and Selection Skills' course. The techniques included in the programme will be applicable to a number of different interviewing situations other than staff selection. The accent will be on practical work. The outcome for participants will be enhanced skills and confidence for taking part in interviews. The course is open to all staff who take part in interviews or who will benefit from the course as part of their career development. Introduction to Computer Software The introductory courses on databases, spreadsheets and desk top publishing have been very popular. We shall re-run courses for applicants who were unable to join the first group. If you wish to join any of these repeats please inform the Training Office as soon as possible. We intend to reach all staff who wish to gain some basic knowledge about these very imponant computer packages. Minute Taking Course A special course has been arranged for the afternoon of 13 March in the West Common Room on the Kensington campus. It will be led by Mary Ovenon of the Industrial Society. The course is suitable for all staff with little or no experience of taking minutes. Please send your applications as soon as possible. Data Protection Act A seminar has been arranged for 19 March (10 am - 12 pm) in the ew Committee Room at the Strand. It will deal with the practical as well as legal issues with respect to data protection. Anyone who keeps computer records about people will find this seminar valuable. It will be led by Peter Gilben. Development Course for Seeretaries There has been a large response from King's staff for this Federal Course which is scheduled for 25 and 26 April. Clearly we shall be granted only a limited number of places. Please continue with your applications and r will set up a repeat course if
there is enough demand. Skills for Job Training :and Instruction Information has been sent to depaItments about the four-day course designed to improve the ability of participants to train others. [t is intended for anyone who has a traming function as pan of his or her job. It ill also benefit those who e career is about to develop in that direction. Check your diary for 24 April and 1,8 and 15 May. Further details may be obtained fromJanine Ionon, telephone 52760. Reading and Memory Skills The twO modules: Memory Skills on 20 March and Rapid Reading Skills on 4 April will take place in the Cornwall House Annexe. The courses are open to all members of staff who wish to improve their learning, handling and communication of information. Induction Course The [nduction Course for new members of staff has been arranged for 22 April. This event enables staff to meet senior officers of the College including the Principal. Participants learn about the College, its administration, structure, finances, facilities and aims. John Bossino's excellent catering team add to the sense of occasion. Course absentees Occasionally staff who are emoled on courses fail to turn up or cancel at the last minute. Generally there is a very good reason. Sometimes, however, people simply forget or they bow to pressure of work in departments. When this happens, with little or no notice, other applicants are denied the opportunity to attend, money is wasted and there is also the risk that the course itself could suffer. Also the absentee and his/her department will have missed out on a training opportunity. Enrolment on a training course constitutes a commitment to attend. Ken Bromfield Non-Academic Training Officer
Microsoft Word I received several requests for Microsoft Word training prior to Christmas and the following courses have been scheduled. Subject to demand, further dates can be arranged.
IBM System - Basic Friday 1 iarcll, 9.3 am - 4.3 pm This is for tho e with little or no experience. IBM System - pecial Topics Friday 22 February, 9.3 am - 4.3 pm For tho e who have mastered the basics and wish to learn more complex tasks eg: mail merge, tabs and tables, tyle sheets. Mac System - Experienced Beginners Friday 22 February The course will offer an overview of Basic Word facilities followed by more complex ta ks eg: mail merge, tables and column , outlines, formatting, styles. Please put your application in writing, together with your supervisor's authorising signature. It is helpful to know of your previous experience with Word. Send applications to the Personnel Office, Strand campus. Janine Morton Training Assistant
Seminars for technicians A series of short courses for technical staff within the University of London has been running for 18 months, and has proved to be very popular. The series founs part of the Federal Training Programme and each course is organised by a School Training Officer in collaboration with a member of the technical staff. They give the opportunity not only to develop skills and learn new techniques but also to meet with other technicians doing similar jobs in other parts of the University. Those organised by Ken Bromfield at King's have included 'The Organisation of Teaching Laboratories,' 'The Care and Maintenance of Micro-pipettors,' and 'The Care and Maintenance of Oxygen and ph Electrodes.' Special thanks should go to Sue Holly and Gary Strickland who have provided most of the teaching input. All those involved are keen that the programme should continue to develop and would welcome any suggestions which individual members of staff might wish to make. Judith T:aylor Federal Training Coordinator, University of London
On 25 January a cererrumy was held In the new Committee Room to mark the unveiling ofHugh Paterson's portrait. lIugh was Secretary of Kmg's from 1977- 1983, and the Vice-Pnneipal, Professor Norma Rimier, paid tnbute to the invaluable contributwn he had made to the College In his time of office. Many ofhIS fnends and colleagues gathered ÂŁ0 weLcome him back and to admIre the exceLLent portrait by the artist Richard Stone. Hugh and his wife are pictured above with theIr personaL copy of the portrazt.
LETTERS My thanks It was very nice to see so many friends and colleagues at my leaving party before Christmas and to be able to express my sincere thanks for your support and help during my 22 years at Chelsea/King's. To those who were unable to attend but who also contributed so generously to my leaving presents let me say that the beautiful lamp I chose has pride of place in my home; the orange shade, when the lamp is on, gives out a warm and welcoming glow; that's how I will remember my friends - with a warm glow of affection. The remainder of the money collected has gone towards a new stereo system replacing my obsolete music centre. So here I am now - book in hand, soft light and music - long live retirement!
In spite of that I still miss you all. Dana Swinton Former Secretary to the College Secretary
r-------------------pomts: 1. Subscription rates Profes orial and related staff £24 (twelve times present subs) Other academic & academic-related staff, higher clerical & technical staff £ 16 (eight times present subs) £6 Lower paid staff (three times present subs) 2. Implied increased Bar price mark up 3. Possible loss of fixed assets 4. Loss of autonomy We have a profitable Social Club in spite of the many changes and problems we have faced over the years. Two or three years ago the proposals may have been more welcome, but we have come through some bad years successfully and don't feel that the proposed changes are now necessarily in the best interests of the club.
Dana Swinton receiving part ofher leaving present from Bill Slade, College Secretary, after 22 years seroice to King's and Chelsea CoLlege, at a party before Christmas.
Use Rogate
The social debate
I would like to alert members of the College to the services provided by our country residential facility at Rogate in West Sussex.
Mike Harrington, Treasurer of the Sports and Social Club, puts forward the Club's response to Professor Knibb's article in last month's Comment concerning the CoIlege's social amenities.
The College has owned and operated Rogate since 1969 but during the last two years the facilities and standard of service have been significantly improved. The Amenities Committee is keen that all parts of College benefit from this unique asset and if you have not been to Rogate recently or considered using its conference, meetings or laboratory facilities I urge you to do so. The Director of Rogate Study Centre is Or Mike L1ewellyn and he would be most happy to send you details and costs. He is always available to visit departments and sections to discuss ways the Centre may e~a~~e your academic and managerial actlvltles. Initial enquiries should be made to the Centre Administrator, Mrs Anne Finlay by telephone (0730 821621) or by writing to Rogate Study Centre, The Red House, Rogate, Nr Petersfield GU31 5HN. Professor Michae1 A Knibb Chairman of the Amenities Committee
On behalf of the Sports and Social Club Strand I would like to thank Professor Knibb for attending our extraordinary meeting on 1 February, when he put his ideas to the members and answered all our questions most helpfully throughout a lively meeting. Many of us at the Social Club are concerned that the timetable for the plan has already been fixed. We feel that it is too fast. We would prefer that the interim committee be formed first, before any decision on the formation of a new Club is made. Furthermore, the 1 October 1991 date set for a common subscription rate would not fit in with our Club as it will be seven months into our financial year. We also disagree with the idea of different levels of subscription rates. Why should there be a means test to belong to the Club? We are concerned about the possible financial set up for the new Club, as suggested in a document circulated to us by the Amenities Committee, and are particularly worried about the following four
I would also like to point out that our links with the Club at Kensington are firm and go back to the pre-merger days. We have had many joint social evenings since then at both Clubs. Those of us who visit both sites have always been made welcome. Even though we have had no formal meetings at committee level to discuss forming a single club, we have considered that possibility and foresee no problems when a single site becomes a reality. We are sure of the need for Club facilities at Chelsea and CornwaIl House but feel they would be better to organise themselves to start with, forming a single club if ever a single site emerges. The rules of the King's College Sports and Social Club have no restrictions on full membership, only that you are employed by the College. All are therefore welcome. Could not the same apply to Senior Common Room membership? We are completely in favour of improving the College's social provision and would welcome new facilities. At times over the years the CoIlege has provided bars on the Strand site. Many years age we had the Discovery Bar in the sub-basement and some time later the DeSilva Bar; why can't the College provide a similar bar using the Committee Room mentioned in the article? In all then, we feel that the aims of the Report could be achieved just as well with the four existing associations retaining their independence and working closely together, possibly with an umbrella-type Steering Committee to identify common interests.
Our thanks
EC funded research
Once again through your columns in Comment. we would like to say thank you to all at King's for the cards, letters and cheque ark received at Christmas. eedless to say he was very pleased and rateful.
The European Comrrussion has announced details of some major research programmes for 1990-94. These are: Environment, Materials and Industrial Technologies, and Biomedical and Health Sciences.
e also had a very pleasant surprise a couple of weeks back when Ken Bromfield called to see us. This was a great tonic for Mark, Ken chatting over the past during Mark's time at Chelsea. It was good to see Ken again, his visit was much appreciated. All good wishes Alan and Amy Bailey
RESEARCH NEWS King's anti-AIDS research under threat The renewed interest in plants as a basis for the development of new drugs has been given a boost by the discovery of anti-HfV activity in a compound isolated from a West African plant. The plant has been investigated in the pharmacognosy laboratories of the Pharmacy Department by Dr Peter Houghton and an extract from it has shown activity against HIV in tests carried out by the ational Institute of Health in the USA and by the Medical Research Council in trus country. Dr Houghton has recently been awarded a Medical Research Council grant of over ÂŁ60,000 to continue the research. But the plant grows in the rain forest in a fairly lirruted area and is not easy to find. Rain forest destruction threatens the research, and the last time an attempted collection was made it was discovered that the forest reserve where it was previously gathered had been chopped down to make room for rubber plantations. Pharmacognosy Section Department of Pharmacy
Details have been ent to norrunated members of staff with research interests in these areas. If you would like details please get in touch with Ken Groves, KCL Research Enterprises, K4394.
Technology Transfer Cranfield Biotechnology Ltd are about to produce a new publication to promote worldwide opportunities in biotechnology which will be mailed to industrialists. University researchers will be able to publicise, at no cost to themselves, innovative technologies that they have developed. If you would like to take part apply to KCL Research Enterprises K4394/4649 for the forms.
VIEW FROM THE DESK I still have the original newspaper cutting advertising my job. It stated very simply, 'Receptionist required to receive visitors, take messages and deal with enquiries. Hours - Salary - Holiday etc. Experience of reception an advantage, although a helpful manner is more important.' Four and a half years and an age of experience later I began to speculate about possible additions to the original requirements. Diplomat. To greet visitors and to engage them in scintillating conversation, wrule others search frantically for their supposed host who has forgotten the appointment. General Counsellor. To give advice, marital and otherwise. To be discreet and to listen with sympathy and interest. Permanently raised eyebrows may be an occupational hazard. Memory Man. To memorise the lay-out of two ill-connected buildings, probably designed by Daedalus, and to direct those
who are lost, and without hope, to their destinations. Linguist. Fluency in foreign languages desirable, but not obligatory. A few sootrung words in several languages and the ability to decipher impos ible accents an advantage. Key Man. To manage 249 keys. (I've counted them). To hand the right key to the right person, having first ascertained that they are the right person and that they actually know which key they want - this is unusual. Current Affairs Expert. To be able to discuss current affairs with anyone who so desires, but without toucrung on politics, religion, College affairs or College personalities - difficult. Rescue Leader. Pot hole experience des;rable. To organise search parties to find visitors who disappear into the basement and who never reappear. I suspect that there is sometrung murky lurking in the basement. ( ot you Fred). Desk Fixture. To be constantly at your desk, five days a week, come rain, shine, hell or high water. To resist all requests to visit distant pans of the building to investigate natural and unnatural phenomena. Although I am certain that none of these suggestions will be incorporated, my job will shortly be advertised in the press. No, I have not been offered the editorship of Comment, I am being retired. Although I am completely active and alert, both physically and mentally, am literate, numerate and articulate, (these points are not open to discussion), the new 'ism,' 'ageism' has dealt me a foul blow and at Easter I cross the Rubicon. My next article may well be entitled, 'View from the Armchair' and from my armchair I may be tempted to write my memoirs. I can visualise the cover. It will portray a redfaced, bearded, Victorian-looking gentleman, obviously full of roast beef and good claret. He will be pointing down the road while before him stands a broken-down old fellow clutching to his bosom, (like the fruits of his sin) a battered typewriter. I have really enjoyed my stay at King's. have met many interesting people, have made many friends and have received goodhumoured cooperation from everyone. I
shall be sad to leave. y sojourn at King's has constituted my third career. My first was the arm ( andhurst and the Royal Armoured Corps), my second was business management and as I have no wish to hang up my saddle or sheath my pen, my fourth awaits me. 11 good things must come to an end and your valued source of mis-information, mi direction, mis-placed keys and mis-undertood humout wil~ with luck, be imposing his unique talents on some other unfortunate establishment in the near furure. Don Mindel Atkins Reception, Kensington campus
Commem's best wishes are warmly extended to Don on his retirement in whatl?'lJer form it takes, we thank him for his 'Vzews' and hope he wiLL remain in touch.
UNION NEWS COSHH one year on ... But any wiser?
signed by the person responsible for the work (normally an academic supervisor). In most ca es technical uff should not take responsibility for an a se sment. If you are asked to carry out an assessment and you feel unsure of how to go about it quote regulation 12(3) 'Every employer shall ensure that any person who carries out work in connection with the employer's duties under these regulations has the necessary information, instruction and training', in other words insist on instruction and training before carrying OUt any assessments.
tender. It will be welcome news to the four departments who submitted bids - ursing Studies, Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Education and the Language and Communication Centre. Valeric Oavies Director, Continuing Education Unit.
Law Journal
Glyn Baker MSF Health and Safety Committee
The first Journal of the School of Law, The Kmg's College Law Journal has been published. It is a collection of articles and research notes and in this first edition the articles are: Equitable and Inequitable Remedies, Creditors and Debtors - the Background to the Insolvency Legislation of 1986, Sentencing and the Constitution, The European Community's Company Law Directives - Changing the Balance of Power? and The 1988 Soviet Constitutional Reforms and sources of Law. The research notes are as follows; Parliamentary Questions and the European Convention on Human Rights 1988-89, Reforming Legal Education, The Journal of Legal IIistory 1980-90, and Constitutional Law and Telephone-Tapping in West Germany.
UFC funds for Continuing Education
The editor, Or Robert W Blackburn is always pleased to hear from intending contributors about items that may be suitable for publication. He welcomes requests for advice in advance of the submission of manuscripts. To submit your article and nOtes write to Or Blackburn School of Law, Strand campus. The jo~rnal is available from Or Blackburn and bookshops
Although COSHH is seen by some people as a bit of an administrative nightmare, the process of assessment should make you think about the chemicals and technique that have been used for years in your department, which may remain in use more through inertia than actual need. The College assessment Pro-Forma (SO/RA/ 01A) is relatively easy to fill out, and makes assessment simpler than it might be, 0 why not start a sessing or even reassessing right now, or preferably get the person responsible for the work to do it for you!
The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) have been in full operation for over a year now, but can you honestly say that all the work in your area has been adequately assessed and the assessments updated as the work changes? I can think of a number of places where the introduction of the regulations was greeted with somewhat less than 100% enthusiasm, after a flurry of activity to beat the January 1990 deadline for the writing of assessments. In my experience little work seems to have been done to update the assessments as work changes, as is required by the regulations. Surely COSHH cannot have been forgonen already. Although there were only about three prosecutions last year for breaking COSHH regulations, if there is a notifiable accident leading to a visit from HSE in your area, the inspector will almost certainly ask to see the COSHH assessment for the task being undertaken.
King's has been awarded ÂŁ161,000 for 1991/ 92 and smaller amounts for succeeding years to help fund the initial development costs of some new vocational continuing education courses. This is particularly pleasing, following the failure to attract any similar monies for 1990/91.
It is your employer's responsibility to ensure that assessments are made. Your department can delegate to you the job of making an assessment but it should be
The Continuing Education Unit developed the details of the schemes, discussed them with the PICKUP agent responsible for advising the UFC, and wrote the final
The Universities Funding Council (UFC) has recently announced its decision on the funding of continuing education for the period 1991/92 to 1994/95 in response to the tenders submitted last summer.
Rehearsed readings The Plays from Wales Theatre Company attempts to present the best of old Welsh Theatre with the most exciting of new plays. The plays are presented as rehearsed readings and provide an informal showcase for actors and writers. The first season of one act plays takes place at }.IO pm, New Theatre, Strand campus. The following is a list of plays to be shown: Monday 4 March, Monstrous Regiment and Gwen. Wednesday 6 March, Danger. Thursday 7 March, The Stinking Truth. Friday 8 March, Joyson and Black Book on the Welsh Theatre (extracts). Monday I I March, A Tilt at the Eisteddfod and Gwen. Tuesday 12 March, Dialogues with a
Woodman and Sci Fi. Wednesday 13 March, Dollops. Thursday 14 March, Fringe (or Oracle). For funher information contact Dee Jones, telephone (0234) 270175 or orman Evans, Manresa Road, Chelsea campus, ext 2430.
Computer thefts - the final comment Colleagues will remember that the College suffered a number of computer thefts during 1989 which led to the arrest and conviction of four men at Southwark Crown Coun on 27 June 1990. At the trial a 'restitution of property' order was granted to the College in respect of two motor cycles, a Yamaha OW01 and an Aprilia trials machine. Just before Christmas I went along with our agents to the Police Vehicle Pound at West Hendon and recovered the two machines which have since been disposed of. I could not resist taking a camera along to the Police Pound when collecting the vehicles and taking some photographs, one of which is shown over the page.
Professor Burge with the Wheatstone Clock in the College Council Room.
The Wheatstone Clock For many years an early 18th century long case clock stood in the Council Room This was the Astronomical clock that formed pan of the George III collection which had been presented to the Royal Museum of King's College by Queen Victoria in 1841, specifically into the charge of Charles Wheatstone, Professor of Physics. The clock had been previously acquired by George III in his younger days and used at Kew Observatory. The clock is a precision time piece, known as a regulator, with an accuracy expected to be within 1 second per week. The clock mechanism dates from about 1780 but the present hood and dial were added by Edward John Dent (1790-1853) within the revisions and updates of such clocks fashionable in the early 19th century. Dent was a celebrated London clockmaker who was also given the order to make the Westminster Great Clock ('Big Ben'), a task completed by his stepson. The pendulum is exceptionally heavy, of grid-iron construction with steel and brass rods for temperature compensation, and requires at least one hour to come up to normal beat when restarted. The present Wheatstone Professor, Ron Burge, recently arranged to have the clock fully restored and now, once again, it regally beats out the march of time in the Council Room J ulian Greenbcrg Department of Physics
Both machines were notable, so for the technically minded and the motor cycle buffs, the following brief details may be interesting. The Aprilia was a 250 cc Italian machine with a power rating that excluded its use by learner drivers, the only machine which falls into this category, purchased by, yes you've guessed correctly, a learner driver. If he had not been arrested for the computer thefts it would only have been a matter of time before an observant and knowledgeable traffic policeman would have arrested him for the illegal use of the motor cycle for which he was not licensed. The Yamaha OW01 is the Yamaha works road racing machine. It is a four cylinder 750 cc machine with 16 valves and develops almost 300 brake horse power, something equivalent to a two wheeled Porsche 911. The particular machine recovered had been modified for road use by the addition of a lighting system and number plates but was still capable of speeds in excess of 170 mph. Despite the rather cold day there was a brief moment of temptation to feel the wind in one's face astride such a magnificent piece of machinery. Almost certainly a life saver was the fact that the battery was flat and the machine would not start! Bob Redmond General Services Manager
CE TRE FOR DEFE CE STUDIES Monday 25 February WARA DTHEJ ATIOJ'STATE: RETROSPECT A, 'D PROSPECT, A SOCIOLOGICAL VIEW Dr Chri topher Dandeker 10nday 4 arch ECONOMICS A 'DSECURITY: THE DISCIPLI 'ES A 'D THE REALITY Profes or Ron mith, Birkbeck Colle e London Monday 11 March CO 'FLlCT STUDIES liTHE 1990s Profes or Michael icholson, U ni ersity of Kent Motor bikes for computers. Pictured here are the two bikes awarded to King's by a 'restItutIon ofproperty' order. I
LECTURES MEETINGS AND SEMINARS PUBLIC LECTURES CENTRE OF BRITISH CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AND HISTORY Thursday 21 February THE PROCEDURES OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS Robin Maxwell-Hyslop, MP Thursday 7 March ADMINISTRATIVE LAW-IS THE SYSTEM NOW IN PLACE? Professor A W BradJey, Barrister, Emeritus Professor of Constitutional Law, University of Edinburgh The above lectures take place at 1.05 pm, Room 21 SWB, Strand campus
CENTRE OF MEDICAL LAW AND ETHICS Monday 25 February ISLAMIC ETHICS IN RELATION TO MEDICINE Or Abdul Haleem, School of Oriental and African Studies
Monday 4 March THE MEDICAL AND LEGAL RESPONSE TO POST TRAUMA TIC STRESS DISORDER Michael Napier, solicitor, Pannone Napier/ Irwin Mitchell The above lectures take place from 1 pm 2 pm, Room 1B23, Strand campus
CENTRE FOR LATE ANTIQUE AND MEDIEVAL STUDIES Monday 25 February SOME FAMOUS SIENESE FRESCOS IN THEIR CONTEXT: AN INTRODUCTION - THE VIRGIN, THE NOBLES, AND THE NINE Professor Patrick Boyde, University of Cambridge Monday 4 March SOME FAMOUS SIENESE FRESCOS I THEIR CONTEXT: AN INTRODUCTION -AMBROGIO LORENZETTI:GOODAND BAD GOVERNMENT Professor Pat rick Boyde, U Diversity of Cambridge The above lectures take place at 5.30 pm, Room 2e, Strand campus followed by a reception in the Council Room
Monday 18 March STRATEGIC STUDIES: MI DLESS ECLECTICISM OR CREA TIVE SYNTHESIS? Professor Lawrence Freedman The above lectures take place at 5.30 pm, Room 27C, Strand campus
BYZANTINE AND MODERN GREEK STUDIES Thursday 28 February HOW DO WE READ PAPADIAMANDIS? (in Greek) Georgia Farinou-Malamatari, Assistant Professor of Modern Greek Literature, University of Thessaloniki 5.30 pm, Room 8C, Strand campus
BRITISH IN~TITUTE OF HUMAN RIGHTS Tuesday 5 March RIGHTS OF MINORITIES IN INTERNA TIONAL LA W Mr Patrick Thornberry, Senior Lecturer in Law, University of Keele 1 pm - 2 pm, New Theatre, Strand campus
LAW Tuesday 12 March PROPORTIO ALITY, DESERT A D SE TE Cl G REFORM I E GLA D Andrew von Hirsch, Rutgers and UppsaJa Universities 5.30 pm, Room 3B20, Strand campus
CE TRE FOR LATI AMERICAN CULTURAL STUDIES Tuesday 12 March BETWEEN WORLDS: MODERNISM IN LA TIN AMERICAN ART Professor Dawn Ades, University of Essex 5 pm, Room IB06, Strand campus
CENTRE FOR HELLENIC STUDIES Thursday 21 March THE ACROPOLIS RESTORA TIONS Peter Calligas, Director of Acropolis Museum 6 pm, The Great Hall, Strand campus
Thursday 7 March OPTICAL FIBRE LASERS J T Lin, Physical Electronics Research Group Thursday 14 March THE LI KADVA CED SEMICONDUCTOR MA TERIALS PROGRAMME Dr G Jenkins, GEC Hirst, Coordinator of the LT K Programme Thursday 21 March REAL-TIME TEXTURE MAPPING SYSTEM FOR 3D FREE-FORM MODELLING OF VIDEO IMAGES John Richards, Sony Broadcast The above research seminars take place at 1 pm, Room l1A, Strand campus
Monday 11 March GREECE I ASIA MI OR 1919-1922 Or Victoria Solomonides, London All the above seminars take place at 5 pm, Room B6 (Classics Department), Strand campus
E GLISH Monday 25 February RE-READING KATE MILLET Stephen Clark, British Academy Fellow in English, QMW Monday 11 March THE NAKED AND THE CLOTHED: SOME A TTITUDES TO DRESS AND THE BODY IN 17TH CENTURY LITERATURE Christine Rees
Thursday 21 February TITLE TO BE ANNOUNCED Dr S Farr, Welsh School of Pharmacy, Cardiff
Monday 18 March ON VAMPIRES -IDENTITY AND FANTASY IN 19TH AND 20TH CENTURY FICTION Carolyn Brown, Lecturer in Humanities Thames Polytechnic '
Thursday 28 February CREA TIVITY IN DRUG DISCOVERY AND DEVELOPMENT Professor T Jones, Wellcome Foundation
The above seminars take place at 12 pm, Room 238, Strand campus
Thursday 7 March ANTIMICROBIAL TARGETING AND HYGIENE DELIVERY Dr S Bloomfield Thursday 14 March COMPUTER SIMULATION STUDIES OF POLYMORPHS Dr J Anwar The above seminars take place from 4.15 pm - 5 pm, Room 19, Chelsea campus, (Manresa Road)
GEOGRAPHY Tuesday 26 February TSUNAMI RISK IN EUROPE Andrew Dawson, Coventry Polytechnic Tuesday 12 March THE LONDON DOCKLANDS: THE EXCEPTIONAL PLACE? Roger Lee, QMW The above seminars take place at 5 pm, Room 102, orfolk Building, Strand campus
HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE Wednesday 27 February DISORDER IN SELF-KNOWLEDGE Or Oerek Bolton, Institute of Psychiatry Wednesday 6 March FOUNDA TIONS OF NONEQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL MECHANICS Or John Dougherty, University of Cambridge
....•. ~:~ ~::.
edne day 1J
ednesday 6 1arch
CHOPI 'S EARLY MUSIC John Rink, University 0 ewca tie
Professor Hilary Putnam, Harvard University • . edne day 2
edne day 1J 1arch
Or Peter Lipton, Universi.ty of Cambridge The above seminars uke place at 2.15 pm, Room lB 6, (except • which will be in 3B2 ), Strand campus
The above meetings uke place at 5 pm, Room GOI, Strand campus
Tuesday 26 February
ir G Ibrahirn, research student 3.30 pm - 4.30 pm, Room 1B23, Strand campus
Strand campus 10am-Ipm
DEVELOPMENT IN CHINA: FROM U DER-NUTRITlON TO OVER-NUTRITION Dr Catherine Geissler 6 pm, Council Room, Kensington campus
Strand campus 2 pm - 5 pm Wednesday 27 February
Gl. UNIRAS (PART 1) S3. SPSSx (PART 2) B2. UNIX (PART 3) B4. ADVANCED DOS W2. WORD (PART 2) Strand campus 2 pm - 5 pm Wednesday 6 March
COMPUTI G Wednesday 27 February
Ari Laakkonen
Strand campus 2pm-5pm
Wcdnesday 6 March
Wednesday I J March
Anthony Finkelstein, Imperial College
Strand campus 2 pm -5 pm
All the above cour es are open to members of Kmg's and the institution for which the Computing Centre ae a a coordinati centre. 1embers 0 other institutlons with the University of London may p!;lce their name on a waiting list and if any places are ree be ore the courses be in, they will be offered a place in booking order.
MAKI G PRESE TATIO S (USI G THEOHP) 27,28 February and 1 March
Wednesday 13 March
DEVELOP! G TEA CHI GAD LEAR I G I DEPARTME TS Monday 18 and Tuesday 19 March
RAPID READI G Friday 12 April
SPEAKI G IN PUBLIC Friday 26 April
If you would like to attend any of these cour es, or if you have other training and development requirements, please contact Robert Poller, Academic Staff Training and Development Co-ordinator, S1165.
Wednesday 13 March
A PROGRAM DERIVA TlON TOOL Dennis Culver The above meetings take place at 1.15 pm, Room 3D, Strand campus
21,22,25,26,27 March U. PROGRAMMING IN ISO PASCAL Strand campus 10am-5pm
Wednesday 17-Friday 19 April
GAS FLOW IN ENGINES Details from Strand Advisory (2JAB) 52505; Kensington Advisory (A209) K4261.
MECHA ICAL E GINEERING A D UMIST The course will concentrate on intake and
oX.::.. exhaust systems, flow in manifold junctions and ports and the flow within the cylinder. Both analytical and experimental technique ill be covered and a 'hands-on' computer workshop session will be included. The course is aimed at design and development engineers, researchers and academics who wish to see the current and most up-to-date techniques available in this specialised area. The course will be held at King's and the fee is £400. For more details about registration COntact Mrs P Shepherd, Department of Mechanical Engineering, UMIST. Telephone (061) 200 3711, or fax (061) 200 3723. For details regarding the course content, contact Dr M Yianneskis, Department of Mechanical Engineering. Telephone S2428.
Wednesday 13 March - Saturday 16 March SOPHOCLES' OEDIPUS TYRA US (in Greek) King's College Classical Society presents this play. For tickets and more information telephone 51020. 7.30 pm, New Theatre, Strand campus (Matinee performance at 2.30 pm on Wednesday and Friday only).
Wednesday 27 February A GEOGRAPHY FOR THE 21ST CE TURY: DEVELOPME T, E VIRO ME TA D ENVIRO ME TAL CHANGE Professor Jim Rose, Head of RHB C Geography Department
CONFERENCES I STITUTE FOR THE STUDY AND TREATMENT OF DELINQUENCY Monday 25 - Thursday 28 March DEATHS IN CUSTODY Policy-makers, medical and custodial staff, police and other practitioners in criminal justice systems will come together with victimologists, criminologists, academics and bereaved families for an in-depth review of this distressing phenomena of current custodial practice. This diamond jubilee conference will be held at Canterbury, Kent. Accommodation and conference fee for ISTD members £210 and non members £230. For more information contact Martin Farrell, Director of ISTD, Chelsea campus, (Manresa Road).
STATISTICAL MECHA IC Monday 23 May STATMECH-7 This one day conference at the Strand campus will consist of short contributed talks of about 20 minutes together with lectures by invited speakers. The deadline for those wishing to contribute a talk (title only required) is 15 April. For further details contact D A Lavis, Mathematics (S2240/2217; Email:D.LAVIS@UK.AC.KCL.CC.OAK) or G S Joyce, Physics (S2168; Email:G.JOYCE@UK.AC.KCL.CC.OAK).
Thursday 21 February BAROQUE TRIOS Philip Riordan and friends Tuesday 26 February ROMA TIC MUSIC 3rd-Year Performance Class • Thursday 28 February MUSIC FOR VIOLIN, GUITAR, VOICE AND PIANO 3rd-Year Performance Class
Monday 4 March THE WICKED STEPMOTHER Marina Warner, writer and critic Monday 11 March FUNDAME TAL/SM OR FAITH? THE USE OF THE BIBLE IN THE CHURCH The Revd Dr Arnold Browne, RHB C Anglican Chaplain The above lectures take place at 5.30 pm, Main Lecture Theatre, Founder's Building, RHB C, Egham Hill, Egham, Surrey TW20 oEX.
ROGATESTUDYCENTRE Monday 4 March VIOLIN RECITAL Tuesday 5 March MUSIC FOR PIANO, VIOLIN, VIOL AND VOICE 3rd-Year Performance Class Thursday 14 March MUSIC FOR PIANO Carolyn Metcalfe and Lik Ling Chua Monday 18 March MUSIC FOR PIANO Karen Fairweather All concerts are at 1.05 pm, Room G01, (except • which will be in the Great Hall), Strand campus
Saturday 6 April INTRODUCTION TO NATURAL HISTORY PHOTOGRAPHY Gordon Dickson The day will begin with a lecture on the basic requirements for natural history photography ie camera, apertures, film speeds etc. This wiJl be followed by the techniques required to photograph moving objects and still objects. The afternoon will be spent in fieldwork and finally a revision and question/answer session. Course takes place from lOam - 6 pm. Co t inclusi e of tuition, laboratory, coffee, lunch and tea is £23. Friday 19 - Sunday 21 April FRESHWA TER MOLLUSCS Dr June Chatfield, Vice-President of the Conchological Society of GB and Ireland and the Malacological Society of London An introduction to the molluscs living in a variety of still and running water habitats. Specimens will be collected and identified to species level, but the course will also consider the ways of life of these animals how they adapt to their environment and the factors affecting their distribution and
Flat share
abundance. Living specimens will be exunincd in the laboratOry and a display of books available to srudy. 'riday 26 - Sunday 2 April fiELD MAPP/ G A 'DSURVEY/ 'G FOR E V/Ra ME TALlSTS Peter Lawrence and Professor Clifford EmbletOn Environmentalists, conservationists, field workers and anyone interested in the landscape all need to be able to make and u e map. Those who have a knowledge of how maps are made are better able to get the most our of them, whoever made them. The c two themes will dictate the aims of this weekend course. The above weekend courses commence with dinncr at 7 pm on Friday and end after tea on Sunday. COSts: inclusive of accommodation, tuition, meals and laboratory £70, nonrc idents £48 and single room supplement £5. I'urther details of these courses are available from Anne Finlay on 0730 821621, Rogue Study Centre, The Red House, Rogate, near Pctcrsfield GU31 5HN.
TIlE GREEN/NG OF POLITICS This study-seminar on the growing importance of environmental issues in politics and public policies will be held at the University of Exeter. For further details contact Dario Castiglione, Department of Politics, Univcrsity of Exeter, Exeter EX4 4RJ.
Large room in a shared flat in Stockwell. Suitable for professional male/female or graduate. £55 pw exclusive. 4 minutes from the tube station. Telephone 71 73763 .
Flats for sale/to let
Holiday let
Kingsbury Elderly terraced house in Kingsbury, London 9. Three bedrooms, dining room, lounge, separate toilet and bathroom. Garden back and front, space for garage in back garden. Close to bus routes for Wembley Park (Metropolitan and Jubilee lines) and Kingsbury tube, or 25 minutes walking distance from both. For sale with or without furniture. Contact W Everett S2193.
Quiet Andalusian village house in the Granada Province with 3 bedrooms, garden, views and only 5 miles from the sea. Minimum let of 3 weeks. £65-1 5 weekly. Telephone 0718341670.
Maisonette to rent Luxury two bedroom maisonette with all facilities, large lounge, kitchen/diner, central heating and garden located in East London, near twO underground tations. Available from'March on a minimum contract of ix months. £450 per month. Families and academics welcome. Contact: Rev A R Duce, telephone 0522 529 468.
Greenwich From ApriUMay 1991 for up to one year: Delightfully situated two-bedroom ground floor flat in Greenwich. Tastefully furnished, CH and open fireplace, luxury fitted kitchen, separate WC, character bathroom, and shared walled garden (with friendly neighbours!). 10 minutes walk to station, 18 minutes to Charing Cross; nearest tubel0 minutes on bus to New Cross. £200 pw (shorter lets) or £800 pcm (longer lets), gas/electricity to a given amount inclusive, telephone charges exclusive. Ideally suit academics/professionals on sabbaticall temporary contract in London. Accommodation, area and schools suitable for (one/ two child) family. Telephone 081 692 5058 evenings/weekends, or 071 6361500 ext 771 or 373 (messages) weekdays.
~-------------------------I Comment is the College's regular staff
Working Party on Nursery Provision If you have an interest in contributing to the discussion voiced on page 4, we should be most grateful if you could complete and rerurn this short questionnaire. I,
How many children do you have?
0-4 yrs
5-10 yrs
10 - 15 yrs
2. Would you like the College to make provision for? Under 5 yrs School-age children during half-term
3. Are you able to attend a meeting at 1.10 pm on Thursday 3 March 1991 ? DYes Unable to attend but interested in furthering discussions
4. Name
Please return this slip to Peter Gilbert, Assistant Secretary, Strand campus.
::;: ..
I newsletter, issued by the Information I Office (telephone S2179) three times a term, I with special editions if required. ContribuI tions are warmly welcomed from any I member of the College. These may take the I form of profue of people or areas of news of events, views on College I interest, matters, photos, cartoons, items for sale, I puzzles or quizzes. You can send your I piece on a Mac SE formatted 3.5" Micro I Floppydisk, using the Microsoft Word I programme. Comment is sent to all staff I and made freely available through the I Student Union. The copy date for the next I issue is 7 March 1991 for publication in the I week beginning 18 March 1991.