King's College London newsletter
OPENING OF SESSION clcome to the new session. This special edition of Comment provides information about ome of the major College offices, services and facilities, and gives derails about events taking place at the start of the session. The first full edition of Comment will be published in the week beginning 14 October, and copy must reach us by 2 October.
START OF SESSION DIARY Principal'S engagements
Dean's Office
A is cu romary, the Principal will hold open meetings on our three main sites to talk ro staff at the beginning of term. The College is having to face up ro some important issues regarding future activities and the Principal will talk., inter alia, about these options for the future. The meetings will provide an opportunity for staff ro express their views and to ask questions.
Tuesday 8 October Dean and Chaplains' lunch for new undergraduates and introduction ro the Chaplaincy Chapel and Council Room, Strand 13.00
Tuesday 8 October Pri nci pal's add ress to staff Alien Lecture Theatre, Kensington Wednesday 9 October Principal's address to staff ew Theatre, Strand
Principal's reception for new overseas students Great I lall, Strand 18.00-20.00 Thul'sday 1 October Principal's address to staff Assembly I lall, Manresa Road
Thursday 17 October Students' 'Question Time' with the Principal ew Theatre, Strand 13.00-14.00
Wednesday 9 October Beginning of Session Service Preacher: Dean of the College, the Canon Reginald Askew, followed by coffee in the Council Room. Chapel, Strand 10.00-] 1.00
AKC Lectures Introduction to Philosph~al Theory is the theme of the next AKC course running from Ocrober 9] - March 92. The course will consist of nine lectures on Atheism and Belief delivered by the Vice-Chancellor of the University of London, Professor Stewart Sutherland. Enrolment for the course will be held on the following dates: Monday 14 October, ]2.00, Chapel, Strand Monday 14 October, ] 6.00, Room P1], Kensington Thursday 17 October, 13.00, Room 20], Manresa Road, Chelsea
CONfE S page Stan of session diary 1 Principal's engagements 1 Dean's Office 1 2 English language tuition Students' Union events 2 Academic Registrar's Department 2 3 Careers Advisory Centre Student Services Office 3 Accommodation Offue 3 Med~al Services 4 Student Counselling Service 4 Audio Vi ual Unit 5 Catering Services 5 Chaplaincy 5 Computer Centre 6 Domestic Services 7 7 Access to College Fax machines 7 Keys 7 8 Lost property Parking 8 Postal services 8 Repairs and maintenance 9 9 Reprographic Unit Room bookings 9 Security 9 Stationery 9 Switchboard 9 External Relations 9 Access 9 Alumnus Office 9 Continuing Education Unit 10 EngLi h Language Unit ]0 Europe 10 International Students' Office 10 Press and Publications Office 10 Schools and Colleges Liaison Office ]0 Finance and Personnel 11 Language and Communication Centre 11 Library 12 Archives 12 Map Room 13 Safety Information 13 First Aiders 14 Social Facilities 15 Kensington Social Club 15 Ladies Club ]5 Senior Common Room ]5 Senior Staff Association Kensington ] 5 ]6 Strand Social Club Trade Unions 16 Vacation Bureau 16
STUDENTS' UNION EVENTS londay 7 Octoixr freshers' bir 10. 0-16.00 'elson 1andela Hall ( MH), Strand 20.00
Tue da) October f-reshers' Fair MI I, Strand
Friday 11 October Book S:de MI I, Strand Warehouse 91 MII, trand Saturday 12 October r res hers' Ball Mac.ldam Buikling, Strand Monda)' 14 October Karaoke Waterfront Bar, Strand
Every year the College's English Language Unit offers tuition in English to all overseas students. Classes are held on all three campuses and the tuition is free to students of King's College. The course includes tuition in both written and spoken aspects of the language and lays particular emphasis on academic English, eg study skills, note-taking, written essays and reports. Initial meetings for all interested students will be held on each of the main campuses on the following dates: Monday 14 Octoixr Strand, Room 2C
Tuesday 15 October Kensington, Old Refectory
Thereafter classes will be held on Wednesday afternoons and weekday evenings at times to be mutually agreed by the Course Director, Ms Susanne Eiliott, and the participating students.
Thul'day 17 October frec Bar Lntertainments WatcrfrolH Bar, Strand
Easter 1992 The College will close at 16.00 on Wednesday 15 April and reopen on Wednesday 22 ApriL
Wednesday 16 October 17.30-18.30 Chelsea, Room 56, Manresa Road
Wednesday 16 October Party Chelsea Bar
Friday 1 October Kak'idoscope
Other Bank Holidays 1992 Monday 4 May (May Day Holiday) Monday 25 May (Spring Bank Holiday) Monday 31 August (Late Summer Holiday)
English language tuition
Thursday 10 October Debate on the future of Higher Education ew Theatre, Strand 13.00
Vicious I lumour Club MI I, Strand,
Christmas 1991 The College will close at 16.00 on Friday 20 December and reopen on Thursday 2 JaDuary 1992
Wedne day 9 October Party Kensington Bar
Holiday Dates
If you know of any students who would like to attend these classes, please ensure that they come to the initial meetings listed above and if for any reason they are unable to do so, please contact Sabine Schiglod at the English Language Unit on ext 3049, so that she can arrange for them to receive details of the programme for the Michaelmas Term. Postgraduate students requiring stylistic advice on the writing up of their thesis can be given individual help: please contact Susanne ELliott for further information on ext 3043.
ACADEMIC REGISTRAR'S DEPARTMENT The Academic Registrar's Department deals with the administration of academic matters within the College and works in tandem with the School Offices in providing support and guidance to students. The Department is made up of four sections: Academic Services, Central Registry, Management Information and Development and Student Services. A summary of their responsibilities is given below. Academic Registrar's Office Academic Registrar Brian Salter, Rm 4B, ext 230712454 Private Secretary to the Academic Registrar MarceLla Scanlan, Rm 5B, ext 230712454 Assistant Academic Registrar Christina Keen, Rm 27B, ext 3649 Secretary to the Assistant Academic Registrar Kelly Richardson, Rm 5B, ext 2689 The Office is responsible for all matters concerning academic policy and planning as well as the overall management of the Department. The Academic Registrar is also the Honorary Secretary of KCLA, the former students' association.
Academic Services Assistant Registrar (Academic Services) Elizabeth Auden-Davies, Rm 16B, ext 2686 Senior Academic Services Assistant Susan O'Dwyer, Rm 16BB, ext 3651
Academic ervices Assistant Darakshan Khan, Rm 16BB, ext 3655 The section services the Academic Board and the Standing Committee of which the Academic Registrar is the Secretary; and organises the annual Presentation Celebration ceremony.
Central Registry Assistant Registrar (Registry Operations) Lesley Din dale, Rm 28B, ext 2685 Senior Administrative Assistant (Re istry Operations), Janet Pollock, Rm 3BB, ext 2754 Senior Clerical Assistants, Room 3B Undergrads: Caroline Kirkcaldy, ext 3652 Postgrads: Martyn Annis, ext 3654 Clericall\ssistants Kim Emberson Michael Alien Roben I oward Secretary Claire ewman
Rm3B ext 2295 ext 3653 ext 3665
ext 3650
The Central Registry is responsible for the formulation of policy and procedures in support of student administration. It is the College's interface with UCCA, and receives and distributes undergraduate application forms, and despatches prospectuses in response to enquiries. All matters relating to postgraduate admissions and enrolments are the responsibility of the Office. The production of examination papers, the timetabling of examinations and the organisation of the examinations themselves are handled through the Office. Central Registry works with the School Offices to ensure the provision of support and advice for students and to maintain upto-date records. Loans and A wards Office Room 34 B Administrative Assistant - Loans and 1\ wards, Kathryn [ronside, ext 2274 Clerical Assi tants Alison Greene David Davies Edel Mahoney
ext 2276 ext 3664 ext 2275
This office administers the student loans scheme and the associated access funds and deals with matters related to the
Community Charge, College (as opposed to School) prizes and all student grants (from Local Education Authoritie Research Councils etc).
Management Information and Development Office Administrative Assistant (Management Information and Development), Allan Thomas, Rm 16BB, ext 2429 Management Information and Development Assistant Christopher Morton, ext 2753 This Office provides student-based management information to the College, prepares actual and planned student load data, co-ordinates developments to the srudentbased administrative computing system and responds to externally generated requests for statistical information.
CAREERS ADVISORY SERVICE The Careers Advisory Service aims to help students with their career decision-making by providing careers counselling, information on a wide range of careers and postgraduate courses, and fostering contacts with prospective employers. A vast range of information about careers, courses, employers, vacation work, job vacancies and many other subjects is available in the Careers Information rooms at the Strand campus (third floor Macadam Building) and the Registry Huts at Kensington.
Events Talks on relevant careers are given to second year classes in each department. Lunch time lecTUres are given throughout the Autumn term on many career options. Seminars are also held on 'Career Choice', 'Graduate Opportunities', 'How to Make an pplication' and 'Successful Interviews'. A Careers Week will be held on 4 to 7 ovember when employers will be present to discuss career possibilities in many different fields. A 'Life Sciences Fair', including employers from relevant firms, will be held at Kensington on 7 ovember. A programme of employers' recruitment visits will begin on 20 Jan uary 1992 which will provide the opportunity to gain an offer of employment and also to improve interviewing skills. Students from King's can also take part in the Graduate Recruitment Programme organised by the University of London Careers Advisory Service.
STUDENT SERVICES This section is made up of the Accommodation Office, Medical Centre and the Student Counselling Service.
Accommodation Office The Office is situated on the 1st floor of the Macadam Building. The opening hours are: Monday - Friday
10.00 - 12.30 13.30 - 16.00
Closed Thursdays except for appointments Careers Counselling Careers Advisers, Neil Harris, John Nicholles and Mary Baldwin, are available to be seen by appointment in the Careers Advisory Service at either the Strand or Kensington campuses. Appointments can be made through the Careers Information Assistants at the Strand (ext 2616) and Kensington (ext 4416). Careers Advisers are also available to answer 'quick questions' without appointment from 16.00 to 17.00, Monday to Thursday. The offices of the Careers Advisory Service are open from 09.30 to 17.30 in term time, closing at 17.00 in vacations.
Open Saturdays in September between 11.00 - 12.45 Telephone calls are accepted Monday to Friday between 09.30 - 17.00 The Accommodation Office deals with the allocation of places in all the King's residences (including those at Westfield College) and a centralised waiting list is maintained throughout the year (the midsessional waiting list opens on 15 October). Applications for places in Intercollegiate Halls for the start of session are also processed in the King's Accommodation Office.
A register of privately-let flats, houses and bedsit is updated each Friday, and lists of agencies and hostels are also available to personal callers at the Office. The Accommodation Office runs two property management schemes: the Head Lease staff manage privately owned, furnished property all over London for periods of 9-12 months; the Short Life staff manage unfurnished property awaiting refurbishmem by their local authority or housing association. Properties under this scheme arc Ict on one month's notice. Staff are always available to give advice and assistance on a wide range of housing enquiries including up-to-date information on issucs of topical imerest. Accommodation Office Staff Angela Cole, Accommodation Officer Rm 106 Macadam, cxt 2332 ]ulia Amokl, Dcputy Accommodation Officer (Administration and Halls) Rm 106 Macadam, ext 2332 lan 1aclochbinn, Assistant Accommodation Officer (Short Life) Rm ]08 Macadam, ext 2422 ]oanne Russell, Accommodation Assistant Rm105 Macadam, cxt2331 Angela Kccgan, I lead Lease Assistant (Administration and Housing), Rm 105 1acadam, ext 2305 Amanda Limon, Short Life Assistant (Ad ministration), Rm 108 Mac.adaJJl, ext 2723 Peter Bevan, Short Life Assistant (f jousing and Maintenance), Rill lOS Macadam, ext 2724 Maureen Highland, Accommodation Secretary, (llalls and Private Renting), Rm 105 hcadam, ext 2759 Fanny Criffin,Accomodation Secretary (pa rt - t i mc), Rm 105 1.lCadam, ext 2759
Medical Services
Student Counselling Service
The College requires all students to register with a local doctor upon arrival in London. This is the only method of guaranteeing medical treatment in the case of an emergency.
Counsellors work within Student Services and the Medical Centres on all three campuses. Their aim is to enable students to make the most of the opponunities offered at the College by helping them to cope with any problems or difficulties which may arise of a personal or emotional nature.
The College has a Medical Officer, Dr F Bavetta. He or his panners will be available as follows: Strand campus The main College Medical Centre is on the third floor, Macadam Building (quickest access via Surrey Street entrance). Surgeries are held every day, and appointments can be made via the Receptionist. A Nursing Sister is in attendance daily from 09.00 to 16.30, eX[ 2613. Kensington campus The Medical Centre is located between the squash courts and the Careers Huts. Surgeries are held every day, and appointments can be made via the Nursing Sister, eX[ 4250 or by walking in. Chelsea campus The Medical Centre is on the Ground Floor, Main Building, Manresa Road. The surgery is open for limited hours only, and the opening times will be posted outside the Medical Centre. Appointments can be made via the Nursing Sister, ext 4863/4250. In addition to a doctor's surgery, the Medical Centres also provide vaccinations, contraception, blood pressure checks, first aid, health information, cervical smears and many other services. Staff are welcome to regi ter with the College Doctor if they live in his catchment area. Students living in halls of residence will be given instructions on registering with a local doctor by their Hall Warden/Manager, others should contact the Medical Centre. Mobile Dental Unit A Mobile Dental Unit will visit the Strand campus on Mondays (the van will be parked in the Quad). The Dentist, Mr Henry Grunberg, offers a fully comprehensive NHS service to all staff and students. For appointments please telephone ext 2076 (Mondays only) or 0831-258 589 (mobile phone).
There are four counsellors: Ann Conlon (Head of Student Services), Christopher Gibson and Glenys J ames are all qualified psychotherapists; and Stephanie Griffiths, Student Adviser/Counsellor, is able to see students about a wide range of issues. In addition, there are two part-time psychiatrists, Dr Jane Milton and Dr PhiJip Boyd. Strand campus Ann Conlon, Christopher Gibson, and Glenys James can be seen in the Medical Centre, third floor, Macadam Building. Drs Milton and Boyd also attend on a part-time basis, appointments: ext 26] 3. Stephanie Griffiths works from Room 3E, Chesham Building, appointments and enquiries can be made via Celia Cockburn, Room SEA, Chesham Building, ext 2530/2536. Kensington campus A counsellor/psychotherapist will be available usually by appointment on approximately two days per week on the Ground Floor, Main Building. All appointments and enquiries for the Kensington campus can be made either via the Nursing Sister in the Kensington Medical Centre ext 4250 or from the Strand Medical Centre ext 2613. Chelsea campus A counsellor/psychotherapist will be available usually by appointment one day per week in the Medical Centre, Ground Floor, Room 53, Main Building, Manresa Road (beside the Careers Office). All appointments and enquiries for the Chelsea campus can be made by ringing ext 4863 or telephoning the Strand Medical Centre. Information and Advice The Student Services Welfare and Information Officer, Celia Cockburn, provides an information and welfare service across the three campuses. She has experience in helping students with general enquiries and with financial, grant, visa and many other matters.
.'\11 th ' help pro 'ide is confidentiaL. list ep 0 - Edu ational Trusts and Charities, some of 'hich may help students in unexpeet J Ji iculti s towards the end of their o r,' . Sh, al,o produces a ariety of h.1l1J t> a 'ailablc throughout the ear from uJent er.'ices or departmental seen: , rie . These cover subjects such as study kill te hniques, managing money, sociall cilitic , information for over eas srud n including Home Office and Employment Regulations, social security anJ me li al matters. Information is proVldeJ on London life and transport s)'stel1l\. The X'el arc anJ Information Officer is 10 atl'l in Room SEA Chesham Building ( ia the econd loor of the Macadam BuiIJinl;), ext 2530. She is available on altern.ue r ridays, 13. 0-15.00 in the Careers OHi c, Registry I Iuts, at the Kensington call1pm (term time). There is a self-service in orlllation room opposite the edical Celllre, GrounJ rloor, Main Building, 1anre,a Roal!. Celia Cockburn is available on olle I-riday per month, in the Information Room at Chelsea (term time), 13.0015.
projectors and video equipment needs to be booked in advance. A regular check on all equipment will be made but any shortages or breakdowns should be reported to the Unit on eXl 23 6 or eX[ 215 , The A price list was issued at the beginning of August, (copie can be obtained from ick Bugg), and customers should note that charges will be incurred for all services offered, Our computer graphics recorder i now in full operation, and can produce colour slides from IBM programme disk fJes, 'Harvard Graphics', 'Slidewrite' and other file formats, Please contact Rod Wilkinson for details. Details on how to output Uniras files to the film recorder are explained in the leaflet G6.7, available from the Computer Centre. We also offer design services on computer output to slides, OHPs or paper, at an hourly rate. ick Bugg, Unit Manager, ext 2356 Rod Wilkinson, Strand Supervisor, ext 2386 Alan Rowland, Kensington Supervisor, ext 4438.
The Unit has two sections - one at the Strand and the othcr at Kensington. Chclse,l and Cornwall House sites are servicel! irom the Strand with additional SUPPOI t irom Kensington where necessary. . ervices on offer: traml: .1L1dio. photography, video K.:nsington: graphics, photography, photo typeserting Thl' sin and complexity of King's necessitate, illlpo ing a booking system. Forms are avail. ble irom the Unit, Room 23B, Main Bl1iklill~ and telephone bookings are a TIHed 011 e 't 2386, For greater efficiency equipmenr bookings arc processed on the Colle~e Vax computer. The Unit is able to offer overhead projectors ill .111 centrally timetabled rooms, thercforc booking of OHPs is not esscntial, but :lny othcr equipment, including slide
Book earl for Christmas e will be plea ed to cater for your Christmas Lunch Party, but ask that bookings are made as early as possible to avoid disappointment as the Department is always heavily committed during the festive season.
CHAPLAINCY The Chaplains are generally involved in all aspects of College life and are available to all members of College, students and staff, to discuss any matters of personal concern. So please do not hesitate to contact anyone of us if you feel we can be of any assistance. There is a team of Chaplains working on all the College campuses and Christian meetings and services take place throughout the College. The College Chaplain, Philip Che ter, works full-time on the Strand campus and can be contacted in his office (6B) or via the Dean's Office (7C). The other Chaplains working at the Strand are: Father Alexander Fostiropoulos - Orthodox Rev Kevin Swaine - URC (representing other free churches) Father Derek ]ennings - Roman Catholic At Kensington they are: Rev Bill and Rev Gisela Raines - Anglican Francoise Griffin - RC Lay Chaplain.
A warm welcome to all new and returning staff and students. The Catering Department hopes you will enjoy using our facilities which are described in full in the Catering Services Leaflet, Graduate to the King's Table, an insert with this edition of Comment, and available throughout the College. At the Chelsea and Kensington campuses a number of management changes have been made. David Pilchei, who has worked both as Bars Manager and Assistant Manager at the Chelsea campus, has been promoted to Campus Deputy Catering Manager; Genny ]ohnson has been promoted to Assistant Catering Manager, Chelsea campus; Gordon Allen, who has worked both at Chelsea and Kensington campuses, has been promoted to Campus Deputy Catering Manager, Kensington; Val Kaye has been promoted to Assistant Catering Manager, Kensington campus.
Francoise Griffin also works at Chelsea. Messages for the Chaplains on the Chelsea or Kensington campuses can be left with the Main Building Reception, Kensington.
Chapel services College Eucharists are at 13.10-13.55 on Wednesdays (with the choir), followed by a light lunch in the Dean's Office, and at 09.00 on Fridays, followed by breakfast in the Chaplain's Office. Choral Evensong is on Mondays at 17.30. Everyone is very welcome. For full details of the Chapel services, please see the Chapel card.
The Computer Centre provides computing anJ data communication facilities, and a comprehensive advisory and support service to all members of the College. Links to the national computing centres facilitate access to computing resources not available locally. Users of the King's computing service are able to communicate by electronic mail, with colleagues in other universities and polytechnics in the UK, and in many over~ea univer~ities and research centres, as well J~ with other King's computer users. It is al~o po~sible to access remote databases, such as library catalogues and the recently introJuced Bath I I Data Service which proviJe~ access to three multi-disciplinary citJtion indexes drJwn from over 7,000 journals. Multi-Access Computers I\t the StrJnd a V I\X cluster provides a bJtch and multi-access computing service, capJblc of supporting up to 290 simultaneous interJctive users. The peripheral devices Jttached to it include magnetic tape drives, line printers, graph plotters, a high speed Postscript laser-printer, and full colour electrostatic and ink-jet plotters. The V I\X 8350 at Kensington also offers a batch service while simultaneously supporting up to 40 interactive users. Its peripherJls include a mJgnetic tape drive, a graph plotter, J line printer and laser primers (one with Postscript cJpabilities). At KCSMD a Micro V X [I provides batch and interactive services to members of the Medical and Dental School. The VI\X computers run under version 5.4 of the VI\X/VMS operating system. Most of the mJjor computing languages are available and there are specialised packages for statistics, database management, numerical computation, graphics, computer algcbra, gene sequencing etc. Full details :lrC given in the Centre's various publications or may be obtained from the advisory offices (sce below). At KCSMD the range of Jv.lilJble software includes SPSSX which is of pJrticular relevance to the needs of users there.
Microcomputers and Workstations At the Strand, on the mezzanine floor off A-corridor, there are networks of nine IBM PSl2s in room 24AA and eight Macintosh lIs in room 24AF, and rooms dedicated to humanities computing (24AD) and computer graphics (24AB). On the second floor, in rooms 22DA and 22DB, there are networks of 40 IBM-compatible Research Machines PC-386s with VGA colour displays and 16 Macintosh SE/30s respectively. The IBM and Macintosh networks support spreadsheet and database applications and may be used for document production, ranging from simple word processing to full-scale desk-top publishing, including charts and diagrams. The humanities computing room contains both IBM and Macintosh microcomputers with software of particular importance to staff and postgraduates in the humanities departments; the room also houses text scanners for converting printed texts into electronic form for subsequent computer processing. In the graphics computing laboratory a cluster of VAX workstations provides facilities for running highly interactive graphical programs such as CAD/CAM packages. At Kensington, there is a network of 14 Nimbus PC-186s, which may be used for word processing, spread sheets and the production of charts and diagrams. We hope to increase the provision of microcomputers at Kensington during the course of the coming academic year. At Manresa Road we intend to install a local area network of about six new PCs and attach these to the eight stand-alone Opus PCs currently in room 11 A. They will be housed in newly converted accommodation in rooms 155/6/7. Terminal Rooms The Centre has rooms on most of the sites housing either terminals or microcompute~s capable of emulating terminals. They are open to all-corners at the following times on Monday to Fridays during term-time, except when booked for class teaching: Strand 4A (Chesham) 12B (Chesham) 22DA (Main) 22DB (Main)
Always open 09.00 - 20.45 09.00 - 20.45 09.00 - 20.45
Kensington 21S (Atkins) A201 (Main)
09.30 - 21.00 09.30 - 20.30
Cornwall House 2/18
Always open
Chelsea l1A (Manresa Rd)
08.00 - 19.00
Most rooms close about an hour earlier during vacations. Room Bookings Terminal and microcomputer rooms may be booked by academic staff for teaching purposes, subject to availability. Contact Jane Sleightholme ext 2815 for rooms at the Strand, and the site secretary, ext 4432 for rooms at Kensington. Data Communications On payment of a connection fee, the Centre will arrange for terminals or microcomputers in departments to be attached to the College's data communications network. This, in turn, is connected to the national academic network OANET). Hence, a terminal or a microcomputer may be connected to the Centre's computers or to those in other academic institutions and research centres. For information on how to arrange for a connection to be provided, contact John Packer (ext 2419). Registration All members of the College are entitled to use the computing facilities described here. However, registration is necessary prior to using the multi-access systems. Applications for registration should be made to the Strand reception desk in 23A, ext 2505, or the Kensington advisory office, room A209, ext 4261. Advisory and Consultancy Services The Centre provides both general and specialised advice to computer users. Advisory offices are open during term-time as follows (reduced hours during vacations): Strand 2JAB, ext 2505 10.30-16.30 Kensington A209, ext 4261
10.00-13.00 14.00-17.00
At KCSMD (071-326 3022) there is no formal advisory service but queries are dealt with on an informal basis by the locally based staff.
Con u!tancy ~ervi es are provided in many peciali ed areas including the purchasing of microcomputers, statistics, graphics, numerical analysis, text processing, database management. ppointments with the pecialists may be made via the advisory office. . cws!cttcr A newlolener i published nine times a year. Tt i sent automatically to all academic staff and some categories of academic related and secretarial staff. The first issue of each academic year i also Sent to a number of other staff, with an invitation to those who wish to continue to receive it to apply to have their name added to the mailing list. Computing Centre Courses The Centre offers a wide range of courses to help staff and students to use its facilities. Some are taught formally, while others are self-paced and use a mixture of printed and computer based training materials and/or audio/video tapes. The formally taught courses vary in length from a single afternoon to a week and provide an introduction to the computer systems and the most widely used applications products and programming languages. The season be~ins with Introduction to the V AX; this is a basic introduction for new users and the only prerequisite for attendance i to be registered to use one of the VAXs. The course lasts for a half-day (14.00 - 17.00) and is repeated several times during the year. The first course to be given at the Strand will be on Wednesday 16 October; the first at Kensington is on Tuesday 15 October. During the Autumn term there will be VAX-based courses at the Strand on electronic mail, Fortran 77, interactive graphics using UNIGRAPH, and statistics using SPSSx; and at Kensington on electronic mail, statistics and the use of Minitab. At both the Strand and Kensington there will be microcomputer based courses on word processing with Microsoft Word; and at the Strand there will introductory and advanced courses on DOS on the mM PS/2, and courses on the database package Ingres, the desk-top publishing program Page maker anJ the spreadsheet Excel. Later in the year some of the courses will be repeated and others will be given on the U lRAS graphics subroutines, the NAG
numeric21 subroutine library, 2dvanced Fortran and Pascal. A booklet which describes the courses and contains the timetable for the Autumn term is available from the advisory offices at the Strand, Rm 23AB, en 25 5 and Kensington Rrn A209, en 4261. Details of forthcoming courses are also printed in Comment. Places on the courses are booked, on a firstcome first-served basis, by applying in person or by telephone to one of the advisory offices. Booking for the AutwnD term courses opens for staff and postgraduates on 9 September and for undergraduates on 10 October. A comprehensive description of the computing service is contained in a bulletin entitled Computing Services. Other bulletins and information sheets published by the Centre are provided to help users of the computing facilities. Copies of these may be obtained from the Strand reception area and the Kensington advisory office.
superintendent or the Campus General Services Office, and must sign the book in the Porter's Lodge. Cornwall House Annexe onday to Friday Saturday
07.0 - 21.00 09.00 - 13.00
Chelsea campus Manresa Road Monday to Thursday Friday
07.00 - 21. 07.00 - 19.00
552 King's Road (Academic are2 and Administration) Monday to Thursday 07.00 - 21.00 Friday 07.00 - 19.00 There is 24 hour access to Ingram Court, 552 King's Road. King's College School of Medicine and Dentistry (KCSMD) Main School buildings Monday to Friday 08.00 - 21.00 Saturday 08.00 - 13.00 Rayne Institute Monday to Friday
08.00 - 18.00
Staff wishing to enter the Rayne Institute outside these hours, should sign in and out at the Rayne Institute Reception desk.
Access to College
Fax machines
Strand campus Term Time Monday to Friday Saturday
09.00 - 21.00 09.00 - 13.00
Vacations Monday to Friday Saturday
09.00 - 21.00 09.00 - 13.00
The Macadam Building closes at 17.00 during vacations. Staff wishing to enter the buildings outside these hours are required to sign in and out at the Porter's Lodge, Strand Main Gate Entrance. Kensington campus Main Building: Atkins Building:
06.00 - 23.00 06.00 - 21.00
These hours apply to term time and vacations. Staff requiring access to the Atkins Building after 21.00, or at weekends, must obtain a key via their departmental
Strand 071-836 1799 Computer Centre, Rm 23A Reception Area Kensington, 071-9377783 Services Secretary Office, Main Building Chelsea 071-3527376 Campus Administrator's Office, Rm 2.305, Clark Building KCSMD Secretary's Office
071-274 7246
Keys Strand Building All office and door keys are obtainable from: Mr Bob Redmond, Rm 130B, ext 2037 Miss Janice Savage, Rm 130A, ext 2552 Mrs Kathy Dawdry, Rm 130A, ext 3692 Telephone enquiries should be made in the following order: 3692, 2552, 2037. All duplicate keys will be charged for at cost price.
:.:' .:~::.. Kensington Office keys can be obtained from the relevant departmental Technical Staff. Cornwall House Annexe All key can be obtained from Mr Keith Hill, ext 3232. Chelsea Keys are obtainable from Mr John Worn ham, ext 4875
Lost property Enquiries about lost property should be directed to: Strand Mr Bob Redmond, ext 2037 Miss Janet Savage, ext 2552 Kensington Mr Bill Colwell, ext 4499 Cornwall House Annexe Mr Keith Hill, ext 3232 Chelsea Mr John Wornham, ext 4875
Parking Strand campus Parking at the Strand campus is extremely limited. Some places are reserved for members of staff whose full-time duties require them to be on site throughout the working year and/or to have their vehicles available. A further limited number are available for visitors, College vehicles and disabled drivers. Parking provision for full-time academic staff based at the Strand is on a once a week basis (Monday to Friday). Applications for permits should be made in writing to Mr Bob Redmond, General Services Manager, giving details of your name, and make and registration number of your vehicle. All vehicles should be removed by 21.00 unless other arrangements have been agreed with the Services Manager or the Main Gate portering staff. In very exceptional circumstances a parking space may be reserved by arrangement with the General Services Manager. Kensington campus Parking is by permit only. Anyone wishing to obtain a permit should apply to the Administrative Secretary, ext 4209. In addition there are six visitors' spaces in the 1ain Building and four visitors' spaces in
the Atkins Building car park. Reservations for these spaces are advised but not essential. Contact ext 4245 for Main Building car park, and ext 4295 for Atkins Building car park reservations. Chelsea campus At Manresa Road there are 30 staff places, allocated by departments; and at 552 King's Road there are 40 staff places allocated on 'a first come' basis. In addition, a limited number of spaces are available for visitors to each of the Chelsea sites by prior arrangement with Mr John Wornharn, ext 4875 or with the Campus Administrator's Office, 071-3513026.
centrally, larger parcels must be dealt with by the department concerned. Cornwall House Annexe Letters and parcels are col1ected twice a day for transfer to the Strand Post Room for franking and despatch. Inter-site collections are timed to coincide with postal arrangements at the Strand. (See details of collection times under 'Inter campus service' below.) Chelsea Letters and parcels are collected from 552 King's Road at 14.30, for transfer to Manresa Road for franking. All outgoing mail should arrive at the Manresa Road Post Room by 16.00.
Postal services GPO Post All mail for GPO post must bear a departmental number stamp, otherwise it will be opened and returned to the sender. Al1 post wil1 be sent second class unless otherwise requested (please do not do so unless absolutely necessary). First class mail will not be sent out on Fridays as this is not normally delivered until the following Monday when second class mail posted at the same time is distributed. Strand campus Letters are collected from the official boxes at 11.00, 15.00 and 16.00. Post delivered personally to the Post Room (19BB Main Building) should not arrive later than 17.00 in term time and 16.45 in vacations. If possible it should be brought earlier so that Post Room staff are not faced with a last minute rush. There is a separate post box for pre-stamped mail which is cleared by the Royal Mail at 17.30, Monday to Friday. This is situated in the lobby between the Strand Building and the Main Building on the Ground Floor. Pre-stamped mail unsuitable for the Post Box may be deposited with the Post Room staff. Parcels are despatched once a week and should arrive at the Post Room no later than Thursday. Registered and recorded delivery mail should reach the Post Room by 13.00 or 15.30. Kensington campus Letters are collected at 17.30 from the Main Building Entrance Hall. Only letters and small packets are accepted for franking .......•
KCSMD Outgoing mail should reach the Reception Desk before 16.30. Mail will be collected from the Rayne Institute at 16.15 each day. Inter-campus service The College operates an inter campus van service. Individual letters and other items should be clearly marked in the following way. 1. Name of addressee. 2. Department. 3. Campus. Items for the Chelsea campus should indicate the relevant site. Departure times 09.10 Manresa Road 09.30 552 King's Road 10.10 Kensington 10.50/12.00 Strand Cornwall House 11.10 11.25 Drury Lane
14.40 14.30 14.00 15.30 15.15/15.40
KCMSD There is presently no direct delivery service between this site and other parts of the College and internal mail has to be sent via Senate House. As this can lead to delays it is advisable to post urgent mail via the GPO service. Intercol1egiateMail Service There is a daily University of London intercol1egiatemail service, which collects from each main site. Items for onward despatch should be clearly marked 'Intercollegiate Mail Service'.
Repairs and maintenance Strand campus All building work and electrica~ plumbing and healing repairs are dealt with by the Site Service Engineer, I' Jim Fox, eX(s 26081 23 3. Requests for any work must be ubmitted in writing. All removals of furnishings within the College must be dealt with through the E tates Officer, ext 2293. Kensington and Chelsea campuses All requests for electrical, plumbing and heating repairs should be referred to Mr Jack Kersey, Sites Services Engineer, eX( 4168. Requests for any work must be submitted in writing.
Reprographic Unit The College Reprographic Unit is situated on the Strand campus, Room 131 East Wing and offers a full range of printing services, and large volume photocopying facilities. Advice and assistance can be obtained from Mr Ray Mason, the Unit Manager, or his staff on exts 3683/3682.
Ms Linsey Elliot, ext 4255 Mr Bill Colwel~ eX( 4499 Mr John Wornham, ext 4875
Cornwall Mr Keith Hill, eX( 3232 Hse Annexe Mr Bob Redmond, ext 2037 Completed forms should be returned to the above offices where records wiU be kept, and, if necessary, advice on reponing the incidence to the Police can be given.
Stationery Strand campus The Stationery Store, Rm 2413, Main Building is open throughout the year from 10.00-14.30. A large range of stationery and sundries are available from contracted suppliers and a stock list is available. Requests for bulk stationery should be submitted in advance, although odd items may be collected during opening hours but staff are requested to keep these requests to a minimum For futher information please consult Mrs Carmel Khan, Stationery Stores Supervisor, ext 1218.
Room bookings Room bookings for lectures, seminars etc not being held in departmental rooms should be booked with the following: Strand: Central Services, ext 1217 Kensington: Administrative Secretary, ext 4209 Chelsea: Campus Administrator's Office, 071-352 2528 Cornwall House Annexe: Central Services, ext 1217
Kensington campus Orders for all items of stationery should be submitted in writing to Rosemarie Irving, Services Secretary ext 4384. Cornwall House Annexe Stationery can be ordered from the Strand Stationery Store for delivery by the College inter-site van delivery service. Chelsea campus At present all stationery is ordered through departments.
Take care of your personal property. Thefts of personal propeny are unfortunately quite frequent on all College premises. Purses, brief cases, coats and other personal effects should never be left unattended. The College cannot be responsible for the theft of unattended property and members of staff are asked to insure any personal valuables against loss or theft. Rooms should be locked even if left unattended for a short time.
The Strand switchboard handles all calls for the Strand, Kensington, Chelsea (Manresa Road) and Cornwall House Annexe via a common number, 071-836 5454. Operator assistance is availabie between 09.00 and 18.00 during term time and 09.00 and 17.30 during vacations. After these hours a night service comes into operation.
Any incidence of theft or loss of propeny, must be recorded on a standard form, available from the following offices:
At 552 King's Road only direct line service is available, please refer to the telephone directory.
At KCSMD the switchboard provides a 24 hour service at all times.
I lead PoneI', ext 2540 11' Bob Redmond, ext 2037
A special plea from the switchboard. Please could you let them know if you: -move offices -are new to the College -are leaving tbe College -are working on a specific project which you may receive calls about.
Most of the External Relations Department has moved to Cornwall House. Vice Principal, Head of External Relations Mr John Muir, ext 3002 Assistant Principal Dr Abe Lue, ext 3005 Secretary Mrs Christine Peaks, ext 3004 External Liaison Officer Mrs Jennifer Jackson, ext 3027
Access Mr Francis Darwin is responsible for plans to broaden access to degree courses at King's College, especially by setting up links with Colleges of Further Education For more information please contact Mr Darwin in Room 126AS Atkins Building, Kensington, or on ext 4336.
Alumnus Office The Office is located in Room MB10 at Cornwall House. It deals with alumnus affairs of all kinds and maintains close Links with the King's College London Association (KCLA), membership of which is open not only to former students but also to past and present members of staff. The Office produces the In TOIKh magazine and is always pleased to add new names to its mailing list. The Office also stocks a range of College memorabilia (including the Dartington Crystal and Wellington Cartoons which are displayed near the main entrance opposite the Great Hall) and organises various events and reunions. Members of staff and their guests are always welcome on these occasions.
For ·unher information conta t CaroLine l3artholom w or Pat Gray on exts 3 52/ 3 53.
Continuing Education Unit The Unit exists to foster the development of Continuing Education in the College and it does so by giving practical help, in areas such as market research, publicity materia~ clerical and administrative suppon; and by dis eminating information on external aid front, for e. ample, the government or industry. It also co-ordinates cross-College initiativc~ and acts as a focal point for outside inquiries. The Unit is situated in Cornwall House. 1rs Valeric Davies, the Director of the Unit is in Room M1319, ext 3055 and Mrs Christina olloth, the Unit secretary, is in Room 113 5, ext 3056.
English Language Unit The Unit ofiers pre-sessional courses in English and provides free in-sessional tuition to overseas students studying at King's College. Students from other colleges may also join the in-sessional c()ur~c ior a fee. The Unit provides other English courses including a full-time diploma course and preparation for the Cambridge Proficiency examination. One-to-one tuition for research students can also be arranged. See detaib of tuition arrangements on page 2. The Unit can be contacted at Cornwall I lousc, ext 3 49.
Press and Publications Office From the beginning of this session, the Information Office is changing its name to Press and Publications Office, reflecting more accurately itS role within the College. The Office deals with College public relations, media relations and publications under the Director of Public Relations, Christine Kenyon Jones. Staff are available to advise and assist any member of College on publicity and the promotion of their work at individual, departmental or School leveL The Office is responsible for all aspects of the production of Comment and the major College publications, including the prospectuses, and is happy to help and advise on any individual publications, such as separate course leafletS or departmental promotional Literature. Any department intending to produce publicity literature for external circulation is asked to contact the Press and Publications Office as it can not only offer advice and expertise but has a central co-ordinating role in implementing the College's policy on publication standards and corporate style.
Comprehensive media data is held and regular contact with the press is maintained by the Office and any department seeking press coverage or planning to launch a project which might be of interest to the media is asked to discuss it with the Office well in advance.
Profcssor 13arry Cox is responsible for the College's relationships :with Europe - these include obtaining research grants and the operation of the student exchange programmes ERASMUS and LINGUA. He can be contacted on the Kensington campus, ext 4316.
Staff are available to organise press releases, press conferences, interviews, promotional launches and meetings and are always pleased to receive information from individuals on press opportunities or new contacts.
International Students' Office The International Students' Office, located in Room M1305, Cornwall House, is concerned with all aspects of international student .lffairs, including recruitment, under the direction of Or l3arrie Morgan. Please contact the Secretary to the Office, Ms Karen Beel, in Room MB05 or on eX[ 3009.
The staff of the Office are: Christine Kenyon Jones, Director of Public Relations Christine Jamiesort, Publications Officer Melanie Gardner, Press and Information Officer Iona Lee, Assistant Publications Officer Pat Gray, Press and Publications Office Assistant The Office is located at Cornwall House, eX[ 3202.
Schools and Colleges Liaison Office The Office, on the fust floor of Cornwall House, provides visitors with prospectuses, King's ews, and the College Accommodation leafle~ Living in London, an up-to-date leaflet about costs of transport and different types of accommodation for students in London. School and departmental publicity material supplied to the Schools Liaison Assistant, Ms Susanne French is also available. Office telephone: 071-872 3003.
Or John
icholas and Or Venetia France, the Schools Liaison Officers, are normally available for discussions about schools Liaison with any members of King's and would welcome discussion with colleagues about activities proposed for the coming sessIOn. As well as workshops and conferences organised by schools and departments, activities include: • Wednesday afternoon campus tours for visitors to the Strand and Kensington campuses. • Conference for Directors of FE Colleges in the London area, 22 October 1991 • Academic Update Day for home counties teachers, 25 November 1991 • Careers Teachers and Advisers Conference, 20 December 1991
• King's College Open Day, 28 April 1992 The termly Departmental and School's Liaison Officers meetings will be held at 14.00 at Kensington on Wednesday 6 November, and at the Strand onWednesday 26 February and Wednesday 13 May. The Office welcomes contributions for its two publications; Lectures for Schools and
King's News.
Lectures for Schools liStS lecturers willing to go out to schools to give talks, with a short synopsis of their talks. It has provoked interest from schools and many College staff . King's News is aimed at sixth form students, their teachers and careers teachers. Two issues are produced each year and sent
to school. Short articles (2-300 words), good graphics and photographs are required to cominue the successful promotion of King', by the e publications. The copy date for thc Lurope 1992 is ue is 1 December 1991. A pack for interviewees, consisting of a King's College 'Reggie bag', a copy of Kl17g's ews, the accommodation leaflet and Llvl1Ig in London, is available from the School, Liai on Office at cost price. Anyone may purchase items individually.
FINANCE AND PERSONNEL The Finance and Personnel Division, which is comprised of five main sections, is headed by the Director of Finance and Staff, Mr Da id Ball. The five sections are as follows:Personncl, Financial Accounting, Financial Service, including Research Grants and ContraG>, Management Accounting, and Internal Au lit.
Personnel This section is managed by the Personnel Officer, Miss Marjorie Young, ext 2048. The cenml office is primarily located in the orfolk Building, Surrey Street, Strand campu , and there are also Assistant Pcrsonnel Officers for each School and Admin Centre. The Per,onnel staff are pleased to give advice, guidance or clarification to members of taff with regard to their employment with the College. ew members of staff will be contacted by the School Administrative Officer or appropriate representative of the Personnel Office (Ii,ted below) prior to taking up their appointment, so as to provide all necessary detail to ensure the payment of salaries. Appropriate staff may be contacted to answer any initial queries: Strand campus Academic, Academic Related Administrative, Library and Computer Staff: Mr Geofirey Cuthbert, Deputy Personnel Officer, ext 2288
Central Administration, Library, Computing, Halls of Residence, and self-financing area staff: Ms Audrey Green, Assistant Personnel Officer, ext 2362 School of Physical Sciences and Engineering: Mr Nic Beech, Assistant Personnel Officer, ext 2765 School of Humanities: Ms Savita Kumra, Assistant Personnel Officer, ext 2427 School of Education: Mr Mike Moore, Personnel Administrator, ext 2354 School of Law: Mr David Llewellyn, School Administrative Officer, ext 2289 Kensington campus School of Life, Basic Medical and Health Sciences: Ms Chris Crewe, Assistant Personnel Officer, ext 4200 Details of Induction Courses are available from the Training Officer for NonAcademic Staff, Mr Ken Bromfield (ext 2803 or ext 2760) who will also be pleased to give advice on training opportunities and career development.
Financial Accounting and Financial Services These sections, which arc managed by the Deputy Director of Finance, Mr B K K.irpalani, ext 2766, are principally responsible for maintaining the College's statutory financial records including Research Grants and Contracts, and the provision of support services for the College staff and students, such as Payroll, Bought Ledger, Sales Ledger, Tuition Fees and Cashiering. Most of the sections are housed in 33, 34 and 35 Surrey Street, which is approached through the East Wing of the Strand Building. There are Cash Offices on the Strand, Kensington and Chelsea sites and their locations and opening hours arc shown below:Strand campus Room H, 35 Surrey Street 9.45-13.15 14.15-16.00 (closed Thursdays)
Kensington campus Ground Floor, Main Building Monday, Wednesday and Thursday 10.00-12.00 14.00-16.00 Chelsea campus Ground Floor, Manresa Road Tuesday and Friday 10.00-12.00 14.00-16.00 Initial enquiries for Financial Services should be directed as follows: Payroll, Miss B Galbraith Bought Ledger, Mrs A Johnson Sales Ledger, Mr R D Harvey Tuition Fees, Mrs J Hunt Cashiering, Mr C McCauley
ext 2884 ext 2561 ext 2558 ext 2311 ext 2788
Initial enquiries as to Research Grants and Contracts should be directed to Mr Norman Simmons, ext 2353.
Management Accounting This section, which is primarily responsible for the production of management accounts, financial forecasts, budgets and all associated reports for internal and external use, is managed by the Management Accountant, Mr Brian Oldharn, ext 2263.
Internal Audit Mr Robin Shonfeld, Head of Internal Audit, is responsible for all the College's internal control requirements and management auditing. He can be contacted on ext 2650.
The Language and Communication Centre offers a range of courses in major European languages and Japanese to all students and staff of the College and to external users. Most undergraduates participate in the course unit classes which contribute towards their degree. Postgraduates and staff may also join these courses by arrangement. As well as general language training, the course unit programme includes Languages for Musicians and Languages for Science and Technology. There is also an intensive evening programme directed at
tuJent, on. B cour~es, but which others ma: b milled lo.
provide details. e offer an information retrieval service accessing commercial hosts.
Inform.llln ua e classes are held at lunch ime~ and a range of computers and auJio i al equipment is available on a eUacce b i for indi id allearner.
Readers are encouraged to ask Library staff for assistance at any time, and lo make sugge tions in person, through the various Users' and School Library Committees or through representatives elected to the Library Committee.
1\ tI Centre is eLf- inancing, there i a char 'e lor participation in c1asse .
For lulll.letails 0 the wide ran e of langua'e I~arning opportunities available in the Centr', all in (or the appropriate leaflet at our n\:w oiiice in the Suand (former Information Office).
LIBRARY Colic '\: Librarian: Derek G Law The I Ibr.lrr \:xists to meet the College's information needs, present and future. It oiier, a bookstock of over 800,000 volumes, most 01 which (with the exception of journab and reference books) may be borrowed. A range of electronic information retriel'al systems facilitates access for Collq';l' members to the collections of librariel throughout the world. The LlBI RTAS aUlOmated system, provido College-wide access to the Library catalo\4ue and those of other librarie within the Univl'rsity. It also includes new screen., providing useful information and up-to-the minute information about the Library. Using a PI (personal identification number - available on request from any i 'ue de k) users can check their loans and pia e re.,ervations from any terminal, in Colle~e or attached lo the nation-wide academic network. By the beginning of se sion it is hoped it will be possible to accept inter-library loan requests this way. Readn.. 1\ h i~ers are as igned to each subject ar .:t, and offer a programme of user education as well as bibliographic services. They wcl olne recommendations for additions to stock, and would be most grateful if .,tJff could provide copies of readin~ Il\t~ well in advance of their d istribut ion to tudents. The Library holds a number of databases on CD Rom, Jnd the ISI Citation Indexes can be a cel.,ed free over JA ET using BIDS servi e. Readers Advisers will be happy lo
Opening Hours: NB Vacation hour may vary, please check before coming lo College. Strand Building Library (Sciences; Languages and Literatures except as listed below) 09.00 - 21.00 Monday - Thursday 09.00 - 19.00 Friday Strand Level 5 (Classical languages and literatures, Modern Greek) 09.30 -19.00 Monday - Thursday 09.30 -17.30 Friday Old Library (French, Geography, History, Sociology, Law) 09.00 - 21.00 Monday - Thursday 09.00 - 19.00 Friday 09.30 - 12.45 Saturday Embankment Library (Philosophy, Theology, Fine Arts) Monday - Thursday 09.30 - 19.00 Friday 09.30 - 17.30 Music Library Monday Tuesday - Friday
09.30 - 19.00 09.30 - 17.30
Biophysics Library Open whenever the Department is open Cornwall House Annexe (Education, ursing, Gerontology) Monday - Thursday 09.00 - 19.30 Friday 09.00 - 17.30 Kensington Campus (Life Sciences) Monday - Thursday 09.30 - 20.00 Friday 09.30 - 19.00 Some Saturdays in May/ June 09.30 - D.OO Chelsea campus (Pharmacy, Pharmacology) Monday - Thursday Friday
09.30 - 20.00 09.30 - 17.30
The College Archives and Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives CoUege Archivist and Archivist in the LiddeU Hart Centre for ilitary Archives: iss Patricia ethven., Rm 3 2, Strand Building, ext 21 7. ilitary Archivist: iss Kate O'Brien., Rm 3 3, ext 2 1S. Opening Hours: Term time Vacation time
onday to Friday 9.30 -17.30 09.30 -16.30
The College Archives house the archived records of King's College London., Chelsea and Queen Elizabeth CoUeges and their predecessor bodies, King's College of Household and Social Science and the South Western and Chelsea Polytechnics. Among the most significant records held are the minute books of the governing bodies and major committees of all three Colleges; an unbroken series of letters received by the Principal and Secretary of King's College during the 19th century; 20th century policy files; a substantial series of financial records; calendars; prospectuses; College magazines; prints; engravings; photographs; sets of student records and a series of modern personnel files up to 1991. These are supplemented by the archives of a number of faculties and departments and collections of private and research papers from members of staff or former students. Significant material relating to King's College Hospital, Belgrave Children's Hospital, King's College School and the Strand School is also included. A very important collection is the archive for The League for Democracy in Greece and its successor organisation., The Friends of Democracy in Greece. Consultation of all three collections is by prior appointment in the Archives reading room, and advice on the use of the material can always be obtained from the staff. Conditions of access to the material are set out in the leaflet Notes for Readers, obtainable from the reading room. Some classes of records, chiefly student and staff files, are closed for an extended period of years to protect the privacy of named individuals. Staff of the Archives are always pleased to be consulted about the disposition of records including photographs and tapes, and about the establishment of filing systems, the selection of materials suitable for preservation in the Archives and the
disposal of confidential waste paper. Two guidance leaflets, How to Deposit Records in the Archives and How To Get Them Back and Famlty and Deparcmental Checklist, may be obtained from the Archives. The Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives holds the private papers of over 350 20th century senior defence personnel. Individual collections include the papers of Sir Basil Liddell Hart, FM Viscount Alanbrooke and General Lord Ismay and include diaries, personal correspondence, copies of official papers, unpublished memoirs, photographs and press cuttings. 1\lso available is a growing collection of microfilms of primarily American official documents relating to defence. The Boer War is strongly represented and there is material from almost every major campaign in which British troops were involved, up to and including the Cyprus crisis in the 1960s. Many significant collections reflect the revolution in weapon technology this century an i the development of the nuclear issue, and in the papers of AVM SWB Menaul the clash of conflicting theories and upsurge oj public attention can be explored. The full holdings of the Centre are described in a Consolidated List ofAccessions, 19 6, and a supplement, 1990 (available from the Centre at £3.50 and £2.50 respectively). 1\ leaflet, Information for Readers, outlines conditions of access. Work in preparation in the Centre includes a major guide to the locations and content of the p.lpers of senior defence personnel who served this century and the compilation of a nuclear history database. Staff of the Centre also administer the Libral')' Manuscripts Collection comprising resl'arch material gathered by scholars connected with the College. The collection is of literary, historical and scientific interest and is described in Manuscripts and Private Papers: 1\ Select Guide, 1982, available from the Celllre. Two valuable subsequent additiollS arc the archives of A dam InternatIOnal Review and Modern Poetry in TranslatIOn.
Map Room The Map Room, with a stock of over 75,000 maps provides the College with a full cartographic reference service. Some maps arc also available for loan and for teaching
requirements. Maps are available for most parts of the world and to suit most requirements. Additional resources are also available through co-operative arrangements with other map collections within the University. Advice can also be given on map purchasing and on other map-related enquiries. The College Map Room is located in Room DB, Chesham Building, Strand campus ext 2599. It is normally open during the following hours (although a prior phone call is advisable): Term Time Vacation
Mon- Fri Mon- Fri
09.30-17.30 09.30-17.00
SAFETY INFORMATION The College Safety Office is located in Room 2E, Chesham Building, Strand campus. The Office is responsible for advising on all aspects of health and safety and for coordinating safety activities and arrangements within the College. Any member of College is welcome to seek advice or information or to discuss safety matters. College Safety Officer, Dr Roger Slade, ext 2837
Assi~tant Safety Officer, Ms Marion Murphy, ext 3667 Reporting of accidents and injuries Members of the College are required to report accidents which result in personal injury and which occur on College premises or in connection with College activities. Other incidents such as fires, spill ages of harmful substances, etc, where injuries could have resulted, should also be reported. Report forms are available from departmental offices or the Safety Office; forms must be completed as soon as possible after the incident and forwarded to the College Safety Office. The College is legally obliged to report certain accidents and incidents, and failure to do so is not only a criminal offence but may have repercussions for subsequent compensation claims lodged against the College, an individual or organisation.
Accidents and emergencies In the event of an emergency, dial the appropriate campus extension for priority assistance: Strand, Kensington, and Cornwall House campuses: Dial 2222 Chelsea campus, Manresa Road: Dial 4888 Chelsea Campus, 552 King's Road: Dial 071-3524822 KCSMD Dial 2222 (Fire) Dial 2333 (Cardiac Arrest) Halls of residence, contact the duty staff. Medical emergencies may arise through illness or injury at work, prompt treatment can be obtained by: • Contacting one of the trained first aiders on site. Lists detailing the location and telephone extensions of first aidel's are displayed in reception areas, on departmental notice boards, and published in this issue of Comment. If a list is not immediately available, dial the appropriate internal emergency number and request a first aider's assistance, giving the precise location of the casualty. The first aider will decide on necessary further action and make the required arrangements; • Taking the casualty to the site Medical Centre, (subject to the opening hours of medical centres); • In the event of a serious accident or life threatening injury, contact the appropriate internal emergency number and request immediate attendance from a first aider or Medical Centre staff and an ambulance. Give the precise location of the casualty and a brief description of the symptom(s); the operator will make the necessary calls to emergency services. Evacuation of the Buildings When the alarm bells are sounded the building must be evacuated without delay. Persons should leave by the nearest available exit and move well away from the building. You should not re-enter the building until the bells have been silenced or permission has been granted by the Senior Fire Officer or College Officer present. Safe places of assembly in an emergency are
Strand BuiJcling R Tye Chemistry M Holwell Physics
follow: Sue!Buildmg
Assembly Area
K n innton C:lmpus Duchess of Bedford , ain tkim Campden Hill
en 2 8 RrnlBI9 en 2715
Chels :I C:lmpus anre a Rd anresa RdlCarlyle Sq 552 Kin 's Rd Away from buildings tr:lnd ampus trand Surrey St, Somerset Hse or Quad car parks hin Temple Place via Strand Lane exits, Surrey St via Surrey Steps,Victoria Embankment via Embankment or Embankment Terrace (unhitch chain by cycle sheds) 1acadam Surrey St or Victoria Embankment Ea t \\ lllg Surrey Street or Main 169-172 Strand building via link bridge orfolk Surrey Street, Main Chesham building via link bridge or 33-35 ~urrcy St Macadam building 152-15 Strand Somerset House or Quad (Music & Law) car parks Drury Lane Away from building or Arne Street Cornwall I louse Doon Street or Stamford Street We would ask all permanent staff familiar with evacuation procedures to encourage other ~taff and students to move to a safe as~embly point.
ust ing G Baker Elect Eog
35 Surrey Street V Romanowski Finance and Suff
en 2896 RmF3
en 2376
Chesham and orfolk Builclings en 2817 L ewell Computing Centre Rm5B M Murphy Safety Office
en 3667 Rm2E
Cornwall House Annexe M J effery en 3092 CES Rm L910 LJarvis CES
en 3098 Rm L910
A Monkcom Library
en 3800
Kensington Campus Main Builcling R Calokatsia Nutrition
en 4434 RmA317
S Holly Physiology
en 4229 RmEG8
A Mukherji Nutrition
en 4357 Rm A316
RStoughton Physiology
en 4467 RmA227
JWilk Computer Unit
en 4432 Rm A211
First Aiders First aider can be contacted directly or via the campu emergency numbers. Str:lnd Campus M:lin Building o Elgar Mech Eng
en 3641 Rm 27SB
D Farr Anatomy
ext 2671 Rm 10F
o Fraser
ext 2368 Rm HA
Elect l:ng
JGreenberg Physic~
ext 2297 RmQ26
B Taylor Phy jology
ext 2001 Rm28G
ext 2570 Rm21C
Awns Builcling G Alien Refectory
en 4362/3
R Homer Workshop
en 4497
R Reed Biosphere Sciences
en 4335 Rm 229S
G StrickJand Biochemistry
en 4257 Rm236
AWhirle Biochemistry
en 4553/7 Rm 422/236
A Hussain Biomolecular Sciences
en 4312 Rm429
Queen EJjzabeth Hall N Carslake A Glynn
en 4255 en 4255
Chelsea Campus Manresa Road D Grant en 4843 Pharmacy 9A ilJiams Refectory 552 King's Road E Young acation Bureau
en 49
71-351 6 11
Rogate Field Centre CReed CDaws Sports Ground Y Grant
KCSMD Rayne Institute L Anscombe Reception Desk
en 4201
D RiJey CRC Trials Centre
en 3048 Rm G24
J Gallagher CRC Trials Centre
en 4205/6/7 Rm G20
Yu Liang Liu en 4232 Analytical Pharmacology Rm 211
K Paterson Oral Pathology
en 4249 Rm 309
L Vydelingum eurology
en 4235 Rm 201
New Building R Thatcher C Seymour
en 4170/2/3 en 41 70/2/3
J Davies Reception Desk
en 4138
K Davies Electron Microscopy
en 4160
R Senkus Electron Microscopy
en 4160
V Legister Morbid Anatomy
en 2692
J UnderhiU Liver Unit
en 2241
A Rayner Liver Unit
en 2241
Clinical Research Wing T Ford en 2083 Thoracic Medicine Old Medical School D Rippin ext 4010 Assistant Secretary's Office New Ward Block P Cheeseman Child Health
en 4644 Rm429
Senior Common Room trand campus President: The Principal Chairman: Dr L Dockrill Hon Secretary: Mrs M M Brown Hon Treasurer: Mr S P Harrow lIon ocial Secretary: MrsJC Bell Membership of the Strand Campus Senior Common Room is open to all members of mff (including those based on the Kensington or Chels('a campuses) and certain post-doctoral staff. Members based on the Strand campus pay a subscription of £20.00 per annum; those based elsewhere pay a subscription of I: IO. 0 per annum. Fully paid up members of the Kensington Campus Senior Staff Asso i:ltion arc automatically members of the Strand Campus Senior Common Room. cv.' members are requested to pay the appropriate fee for the year 1991/92 by cheque in the first instance. Payment may be nu le by deduction from salary at source from October 1992, if so requested on the application form. Members have the use of three splendid rooms :It the southern end of the Main Buildillg overlooking the river. A good selection of daily papers and periodicals is provided. Morning and lunchtime coffee, sandwich lunches and afternoon teas are served. Prices are comparatively low, as pan of lhe service cost is met from the subscription income. A limited bar service is also available. The Upper and Lower Senior Common Rooms may be booked by members for private iunctions outside normal hours of usc, anJ the I3lackwell Room may be bookeJ at any time, except between 12.30 anJ 14.00, by previous arrangement. It must be emphasised that this applies to the use of the room only, and does not include access to the catering facilities of the Senior Common Room. All such bookings should be made in advance through the Hon Secretary, ext 2299. Social evems are arranged from time to time. These include Senior Common Room Dinncrs, joim buffet supper-parties with the King's College Ladies' Club, Wine Tasting
evenings and Wine Auctions. Forthe 1991/ 92 Session, SCR functions have been provisionally arranged as follows: 22 October Michaelmas Dinner 21 ovember Wine Tasting 11 December Christmas Parry with Ladies' Club 1992 3 March Wine Auction May Day Dinner 7May Midsummer Parry with 18 June Ladies' Club Formal notice of these and other events will be sent to members in advance. If you wish to join the Senior Common Room please see the form inserted in this edition. NB: Colleagues are reminded that the faciljties of the Senior Common Room are for the use of members only. Although guests from outside the College may be introduced from time to time, for obvious reasons it is not permitted that members of staff who are eligible for membership be brought in as guests.
Ladies' Club The Club is open to women members and wives of the staff of the College, both past and present. Its aim is to provide opportunities for meeting and keeping in touch with one another, to welcome new members of staff and their spouses in a social setting and to promote the well-being of the College.
Strand Social Club Do you enjoy being sociable, playing dans, snooker, crib, or cricket? Or do you just like to join your colleagues for a relaxing drink or chat? If tbe answer is 'yes' or even 'possibly', then the Club is for you. King's College Sports and Social Club was formed over thirty years ago. Membership, which costs a mere £2 a year, is open to ALL College staff, (existing members of the Kensington Club are now regarded as non-voting country members of the Strand Club). The Club rooms are situated in 3) Surrey Street where there is a well stocked bar with regular 'guest' real ales from as far away as Orkney and Cornwall. There is a fine selection of unusual spirits and liquors of all types, low alcohol and soft drinks are always available. During the course of the year the Club arranges challenge matches with other organisations, raises substantial sums for charity and organises College events such as the Summer Outing and the College Dance.
If you wish to apply for membership of this thriving club, please complete the form inserted in this issue of Comment and send it to Mike Harrington, Mechanical Engineering, Strand campus.
Senior Staff Association Kensington
Day, evening and lunch meetings are held in an irLformal atmosphere and costs are kept to a minimum. The annual programme normally includes buffet lunches held in College followed by illustrated lectures and outside visits to places of interest in addition to a Christmas and Midsummer party (jointly with the Senior Common Room) to be held next Session on 11 December 1991 and 18 June 1992 respectively. Members' guests are welcome at most meetings.
Membership of the Association is open to all academic and academic-related staff on payment of an annual membership fee (currently £14, usually deducted from the January salary payment). Members enjoy the use of the Senior Common Room at Kensington and reciprocal use of the Senior Common Room at the Strand. Beverages and light snacks may be purchased and a variety of daily newspapers plus a limited selection of magazines is available.
You are invited to a Wine and Cheese lunch on Wednesday 22 October at 12.30 in the Blackwell Room., Strand campus, which will be followed by the Annual General Meeting. If you would like to attend the lunch and/or join the Club, (one is not dependent on the other), please complete the form inserted in this edition of Comment and return it to Mrs Margaret Brown, Classics Department; Strand campus.
For further information about the Association contact the Secretary, Dr Peter Butterworth (Biochemistry Dept).
Kensington Social Club The Social Club is situated on the ground floor of the SJA Building and is approached via the South Entrance. Membership is open to all employees of the College as well as postgraduates and the annual subscription is at present, £1. The bar is open ..:
bet \ een 13.:: and 14. and in the evenings rum 17.3: to n.:::: as a minimum. Longer e '~nin op nin are a 'ailable at the <.Ii cretion oi he per on on bar duty. D rin bo h lun h ime and evenin ses ions the bar i t ' e by 'olunteer club member , workin ' on a ro a.
All the unions offer their members a wide range of services, including: free legal advice; advice and representation on grievance and disciplinary maners, health and safety, pension; and in some cases a fmancial package of loans, insurance and credit cards at reduced price .
The bar is \'<~II sto ked, offering a range of e' bitters, la 'er, spirit, cold drinks, fresh oran'e jui e and cofiee, crisps and nuts, etc. The bar has se:lting for approximately 6 pt'llple anJ has a darts board and a snooker table. e 'eral board games are available behind the bar.
Funher information about the unions, and application forms, may be obtained from the local branch secretaries:-
The Comminee occasionally organises evening e 'ent . Over the past year there have been various discos, darts and snooker matches and a fireworks display. uti e of the Club's AG ,which is held in Ocwber, will be posted in the Social Club bar. If anyone is interested in helping to run the Club, or any views on the type of activities the Club offers we would be most please<.l [0 hear from them.
If yOll would like to join the Club, please comact Paulet {{anson on ext 4425 or Steve Parker on ext 4525.
10st staff in King's arc represented by one of four unions: Manual Icrical and Secretarial Te hnical and Related Academic ano Related
The unions arc responsible for negotiating the lerrm and con<.litions of service for all members in their category, Some onditiollS of ervice, notably pay, are co ereo by national agreements between the eve!' ano the relevant union. Individu:lI staff members can influence both n.llional :lnd local agreements by joining r1H:ir appropriate union, anending union meetings :lno electing representatives to represent their point of view.
Bill Causon KCSMD ext (76) 4201 WendyPank School of Humanities ext 2360
AlOIn Howard Biosphere Sciences ext 4291
Peter Emery utrition ext4415
VACATION BUREAU The King's Campus Vacation Bureau is the central booking agency for all College facilities for conferences, meetings or holidays. All members of King's are invited to enjoy the facilities on offer at the College's varied sites across London, Whether you require individual bed and breakfast for a theatre or shopping visit, or full teaching and catering services for a conference of 200, we can offer a venue. All the College sites are within easy reach of London's tourist attractions and are well served by public transport; some have private car parking. The Vacation Bureau is responsible for arranging all residential and day meeting bookings. There are six halls of residence and four full teaching campuses to choose from. on-residential meetings, weddings, banquets and special functions can be held all year round and full catering is available. There is a wide choice of locations from the Georgian Hamilton Suite in Chelsea with its attractive gardens to the newly re-furbished Great Hall at the Strand campus. Residential facilities for single or family visits can be booked in the Christmas, Easter and Summer vacations, Each hall has
a 24-hour reception facility and children are welcome. Each campus can offer full teaching and catering facilities for conferences and meetings. ith the exception of the Strand, overnight accommodation is on-site at each teaching campus. In addition, each hall of residence can offer some meeting space. Remember, King's staff qualify for substantial discounts on teaching room charges for meetings as well as group price reductions - and there is a special bed and breakfast discount for staff and swdents staying overnight on private visits at all King's halls of residence. The staff of the Bureau will be pleased to assist with all enquiries for conferences or holidays, and a full-colour brochure pack is available on request. Please book early to ensure your choice of hall, especially in the summer, as we fill up very quickly. King's is a full member of the London Tourist Board, the British Travel Authority and the British Universities Accommodation Consortium. The BUAC brochure gives details of all other UK member universities. Ask us for a copy and you'll be surprised at the low-cost of a BUAC stay and your own College is a bargain for central London. The following staff may be contacted with specific enquiries:Joan Fennell Residential conferences and large group accommodation Elspeth Young Small residential groups, individual holidays and student accommodation during vacation Richard Longhurst Day meetings and non-residential bookings Joan Hirons Office Manager April Toner Secretarial Assistant Dawn Smith Reception and Secretarial Assistant The office is open from 09.30- 17.00, Monday - Friday at 552 King's Road, Chelsea. Tel: 071 351 6011 Fax: 071 352 7376 Telex 8954102 BBS LONG