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FoundedI 29
the College Newsletter t he College',> ,>wdem cen.,us on I December re\ealcd [he following figures for [he [Oml '>wdem headcoum of all enrolcd fulland pan-[ime home/EC and o\'er.,ea., '>wdem." including Language Year Abroad, Junior Year Abroad and exuamural swdem.", igh[ingale In [iw[e ,>wdems and non-degree/non-award '>wdem." he ecre[ary of S[a[e for I leal[h, ~Jr \'irginia Bonomley, ga\e her suppor[ for [he launch of [he In [i[U[e of Epileptolo~, in \\hieh r-;ing\ is a major parmer. a[ a pecial reeep[ion a[ [he I lousc of Commons on 14 , '0\ ember. Evan [Onc QC (righ[), Chairman of [hc In [iw[c, and ()r Ted Rcynolds, Director of [he In [iw[e and Chairman of [he Cenuc for Epilep,>y a[ [he ~Iaud Icy Hospi[al, explained [he work of [he Im[iw[c, \\ hich is [he \\orld',> firs[ universi[y-based academic ins[iw[e for epilepsy, The
\\'cs[min [cr rccep[ion was followed b,' [he official launch in [he Grca[ Hall a[ [hc uand on 15 ~o\cmber, \\hich was addre,>,>cd by John Bo\\is .\11', l'nder ecremry ofSm[e for I Ical[h. wi[h ,>pccial respon ibili[) for neuro eicnee , ,\I r Bonomley described [he launch of [he Ins[iw[e as "a really exci[ing venwre, I am pleased [0 sec [hac you arc planning weombinc research inw [hc nawre of epikpsy wi[h a view [0 how [0 prevem i[, wj[h rcscareh inw [rea[mell[ for [hose (rolllilllled 011 !u/Kt' /'ic'o)
Undergraduate Postgraduate taught Postgraduate research
8,917 1,807 960
The figures exclude swdems a[ [he Ins[iul[e of Psychiany, Cominuing Educa[ion swdem and [ho e who are '\\ ri[ing up',
~uffering from epilep~~. Your key aim~ of promoting clinical and e'\perimentJl re earch and education for hcalth profcs~ionals and other~ offer, a real pro,pect of impro\'emelH', in ,ervice, for people uffering from epilep~\·. and [ applaud rhem:' From October 1995 rhe In,rirure \\ ill be offerin u the \\orld' fir~t degree course in epileptology. The lack of any uch degree has been a major naw in the inrernational bartlc against epilep y. The ~ISc in Epileprology, ro be launched in October, fill., rhis major gap. range of hort course" from onc ro three day, i abo being planned: not ju,r for GPs and ,peciali~ts, but also for members of rhe public, people with epilep,y and rheir earers. The objectives of the Insrirute.for which "ing's is the umbrella organi arion, are to promore basic, clinical and community/general pracrice-based rcsearch in epilcpsy; to promote l " and European-wide teaching eour e for medical and allied health profe ional; to raise the profile of epilepsy, a common but academically-neglecred disordcr, and ro cstablish rhe Icading acadcmic eenrrc of excellence for epilepsy in Europe. The Instirute is wholly dcpendenr financially on rhe charity. the Fund for Epilepsy, and Or Ted Reynolds has expressed his graritude to the many donors, large and small, who ha\'e enabled rhi much-needed and hallenging endea\ our to get under way.
he College will c1o,c at 4 pm on Thur day 22 Deecmber and reopen on Tuesday 3 January 1995.
he C\'CP' Zellick Rcport on srudcnr di,ciplina~ regularions wa, publishcd on 7 December. The C\'CP\ task force, chaired by Profes,or Graham Zelliek, Principal of Qucen ~lary and We~tfield Collcge, \\'a, ,er up aftcr rhc Au rin Donnellan ca~e ar King\ last year, with a brief to con~ider whieh matter~ arc inappropriatc for univer~iries' inrernal ~rudenr disciplinary procedures or ~hould be subjecr to special procedure, and to dctcrmine wherher rhere were aspect of inrernal srudenr disciplina~' procedurcs on which guidance or advice to insriturions might be helpful. The Report make ir clear thar univcrsirie should refer to the police all serious offencc • especially rhosc
greemcnrs for the com mercial isation of two pharmaceurical rrearmenrs devcloped b Professor Bob Hider, Head of rhe , chool of Life Scicnce . have recenrly been signed. One is for rhe rrearmenr of blood di orders, such as rhalas aemia. caused byexccs i\'e Icvel of iron in the body. r prc enr the only effecrive rreatmenr for iron overload i cxpensi\'e and require prolonged inrra\'enou or ubcutaneou infusion. but a ne\\ drug which could be taken orally - Deferiprone - is the re ult of the search by Profe or Hider and his team, formerly at E~ ex l'niversity and then ar King's, for an orally effecrive iron chclaror. Apotex [nc, a Icading Canadian pharmaceutical company. will be supporting further clinical rrials this year and next. which,
rdared to drugs or rhose commirrcd 'againsr' rhc uni\·ersity. L'ni\'cr~irie~ should encourage \'ictims to rcport incidenrs, ir ,a. s. Where the \'ierim eeks red res for a seriou crime. the marrer mu,t be referred [() rhe police, and rhe university must not attempr [() use its own inrernal procedure under rhe~c circumstances. Thc College ha welcomed rhe publicarion of the Reporr. and onfirmed rhar ir \\ ill be sceking ro make changes in its own disciplina~' proeedurcs in rime for the 1995-96 session, bcaring in mind rhe recommendations made in rhe Zellick Report as well as the report carried out for King'. by Judge ~Iarcu Edward,. \ ho was consulted by the C\'CP taskforce in it, deliberations.
ir is hoped. may cnablc rhe drug to bc approved for general usc in 1997. Thc second rrearmenr is for the problcm of hyperpho phataemia - high blood phosphate concentration - which is cau ed by kidney disea e. The new rreatment u,es the phosphate-binding prop rtie of an inert ub tanee \\ hich can be taken by mouth ro prevent ab orprion of pho phate from rhe gut. and an agreemenr has recently bcen igned with Vanguard ~Iedica ro develop and commerciali c thi rhcrapy. Both agreemenrs have been reached \'ia rhe British Technology Group (BTG) which rransfer new products and rechnologies in univer itie and elsewhere inro rhe commercial marketplace. Further detail are available from the KCL Enrerprises Office.
1 hc L1I\ Fair I1 ill takc placc on \Iundal '0 and Tue,d.l~ .' I January in the Great ~I:III bcm ccn 12.00 and I :;.O(J. 1 hi year C\.hlbltor mclude.lll the major lit~ 1.111 firm, the Gencral Counul oj th<.: Ihr. th<.: In tirutc 0 Legal Exccutil<.: . the Collcgc of 1..111, GI)\Crnment Lcgal erl Ile ,lIld th<.: Bar.h m:iatjon. El cr,onc 1\ 11 dcomc.
Thf Rn.fl1'lIdl,fSlif J HOlllrlfll, fool/fr Pmfef,wr of Theolof!J' alld /)etllI of A'i//f(s Olldlhe /)efllI o/I\ill/!'s (;ollf'1!.e, Ihf Rn.'fretld /)1' Rirhord HllrridKe allhe debalf lOll/or/: Ihe pllblimlioll ofIhe lallers lalesl boo/: Four (;o\peb, one Je
he Re\(J Dr Richard Burridge, recently in'talled Dean of "mg'~. publi~hed hi, \econd book - FOllr Cospel., olle Jesus!' on 17 . member. Following on from hi, ,ucce\\ful fir t work. lI'hr//{/re Ihf Gospels!'.l rOll/parisoll 'iJ.',ilh err/fm-Ro/llulI bioJ(mphl'. the nell book i~ comidered
w bc a ,cholarly and highly readablc of the go peb, examined in the
light of literary criticism and hi\wry·. ,\t the book launch held on 23 NOIember at Dillo!1\ on ~largaret Street, Richard Burridg<.: <.:ngaged in a lil d) discu ion about ]<.:su 11 ith th<.: Relercnd Leslie Houlden (picrured abol'e). The event wa~ abo attended by the n()veli~t Susan Ilowatch FOllr Gospels Ollt' Jt'SIIJ is published b~ SPCK, priced at £7.99
Cl IIIIlIfn!
his i, the final edition of for this term and for 199-1. The Pre Publications Office would like ro thank all those who have comribut<.:d ro the publication over tbe last year and to wi h all staff and \rudents a good holiday. :\Iany thank~ al 0 to Terracotw Pre" who pri nt the newslettcr. r:OIJ//IIl'IIl
Copy deadlines for next term are as follows:
4: copy by U January (published 24 January) • CO//lII/etll s: c{)P~ by 10 Febru<lr, (published 21 Februar,) • CO/ll//lf1l186: copy by ) 0 :\Iarch (publi,hed 21 :\larch) •
Copy deadlines for subsequent issue~ will be publi~hed at a later date
eter Ilobday. onc of the pre <.:mer, of Radio -I \ Today programnH:, I1 ill be rcwrning to King's on 22 F<.:bruJry w rake pan In the third rraming '<.:ssion he ba, gilen on medw ,kills fi,r College ,taff. 'I he ol1l:-dJ\ course \I ill tart \1 ith a ,C,Slon tak<.:n bl Chris Kel1\on Jone" I),r<.:ctor of Public Relation, and \Ielani<.: Gardner. Press ('( Information Officer. They 11 ill be discu sing wch matter, as: news I'alue" how to place stories, the different types of media. dealing with journali~t" how to II rite press release, and much more. P<.:t<.:r Hohda) I,ill give a talk about hi, lIork as a journali t, e:\plain hO\I a new programme work and what they arc trying to achicI'c. and talk about how he sees his relationship with academic\. He will then conduct imerviews, based on thc pre~s releases drafted earlier. II hich will be filmed, played back and as'e\sed. Feedback from the last course wa\ ler, positil e and all agreed it had bcen informative and confidencebuilding. Pcter Ilobday\ performance was loted a r<.:sounding \uecess. The course i, open to all acad<.:mic\ \~ho want to become more familiar 11 ith the way the media lIork\ and who. after [raining would feci happy about talking to journalists, b<.:ing inrerv ielled on [e!el'ision or radio, ' cceprance will he on a fir\tcomc, first-scrved basis, and wc advise booking carly. Contact J\lelanie Gardner, Pre,~ cif Publication~ Office, ext 3073.
Dr onor Gearty. Reader in Lrl\\ and Direcwr of the Ci\ il Liberties Re ear h L路nit. appeared on Radio 4\ The World 0/ Olle di u ing the implications of the reeell[ calks between the GO\'ernmell[ and Provisional inn Fien.
An article in The .lIoil 011 SlIlIday e posed the eandal of healthy women being put at ri k by taking drugs they believe will help them lo~e weight. Profe ~or Tom Sanders. Profe~~or of 1 utrition Dietetic, said "~Iany people arc given appetite ~uppre. sant drug even though they aren't overweight and thing are getting wor e. [t's drug dealing, it' ob eene. exploitative and immoral." He also appeared on the ,\t'U!'s 0/ Tm talking about obe iry.
Profe or ,wnder wa al 0 quoted in Th, Ba/h Chrrmicle, expounding the value of fish oils in the diet because they ha\'e anti-inflammaror\' effects whieh can help in the prevention of heart attacks. ( l: t I Following the banning from ale and manufaerure of a Briti h blood test for hepatiti C, bya High ourtjudge. in fa\'our of an merican firm that 'own' the viru , there is now a legally enforced monopoly over the upplyof hcpatitis C blood te ts w the 0IHS. who will have w pay more for them. it ha been argued. Profe or Roger William , Direcwr of the lnsrirute of Liver 'rudic , wa quoted in The IlIdepmdm/ as saying that rhe judgcment would 'inhibit othcr companies doing re earch' and it was 'very bad new for medicine.'
recently di cO\'ered manu cri pr of Purcell kcyboard music in the count~路.
robbish language in political debate was the ropic under di cus ion in Radio S' Xr<f.'s/alk programme in whieh ~ Ir Tony Thorne, Direcror of the English Language Cnir. rook part. He put forward the view that the current crudencss of political language is a ign of laddish immarurity and vulnerabiliry in politicians, and mark a much lower level of debate than ome of the strong language and invective u ed in Parliament in the past. l
Profes or Curti Price, Head of rhe Department of ;1.1 u ic, appeared on thc Radio 4 Today programmc discussing the appcal for funds to keep rhe
in tght into I r. in In a pecial multimedia supplement produced by The Higher. King's appeared rwiee. Professor John Taylor, Direcror of the Centre of. eural . erwork , was the author of a doublepage colour article explaining how neuro- cientists arc harne sing the a roni hing power of supercomputer and new instrumcnts ro refashion understanding of the brain. t
Or Brian utwn, Lecturer in \Iolecular Biology l"Biophysic . wa pictured in the Call/den and / Pallcrus Chrollicle hawing hi work on arthriti ro Pat hoomberg, who ha had more joint replacements operations than anyone else in rhc L K. and i an activc fundraiser for arthritis rc earch. A membcr of the Firsr Ct pera, who staged I,a Tmvia/f/ w raise fu nd . wa al 0 picrured with them in full Costume.
I (
An article in the SOillSbllf)' ,l/ogazille examined research thar links the brain with the function of the immune system - p ychoneuroimmunology. It claims that different moods rurn up or rurn down the acriviry of our immune cell, thu having a row can acrually be good for your health. Or Dudley Tee. Head of the Dcparrment of Immunology, KCS~ID, commentcd, '~Iy genera! belief, rather than anyrhing ba cd on cientifie evidence, is that stres affecrs rhe immune SI' tem, but the the evidence is exrremely patchy.'
r t.
them is being u ed ro pro\'ide early warning of rowd disturbance at football matche and train tarions.
I' . . .
The work of a ream Icd by Dr ergio \'cla tin of the Department of Ele rronic C! Elecrrical Engineering \Va al 0 highlighted. \'ideo image proce ~ing tcchnology developed by
Chri ropher Hogg, the English rudent who di~co\'ered a first edition ofT Eliot' Pm/rod: alld Other Observations, which was subsequently auctioned at Christie's for 拢 1,760, appeared on BBCI' Bool: "onll programme ralking to Griff Rhys-]oncs about hi find.
ream of students from the choo! of Dcntistry came under the forbidding e e of Jeremy Paxlllan when rhey rook part in University Challenge reccntl . Dc pite a very good anempt, they lost to Lampcter niversiry 120 to 170. Commi eration . ~Iedicine &
11 I
ir JJme~ 'pooner has been Chairman of the College Count,il for eight Year~,
(all rOil t'\plaill r.;hol .1'0111' dlllies are as (./llllnll(/II ofCm",ril? The Council is the top gmerning bod~ of the College and ha a~ it member~ repre enrative of people from all walk~ of life within the institlltion. Council has ultimate responsibility for the financial ~rabiliry of thc College; the academic inrerests of thc College rest with th<.: t\cad<.:mic Board Do 1'011 hm.:e f/ll\' dlllies 'it:ilh ''1!:(l/yIIO Ihe ,Imdflllir Board or do YOllllleel ~'ilh ilJ lIIellllJeIS? ~o, the Principal i Chairman of the Academic Board and the Academic Board\ thought and minutes arc pre enred to the Council. The acadcmic plan, \\hich i~ the responsibili~ of the .\cademic Board, nonethele ha~ to be appro\ed b~ the full Council before it can go forward. Ilnm does COllllrilmeet alldh,r.... is il rOllslilllled? It mee regularl~ four times a year, bur ir can meet on ad hoc occasion~ as \\e did in ordcr to di cuss rhe potcnrial merger with l'\ID. , The Council is a represenrative body - member are elected by staff and stlluems, and I was elected by the Council. There arc also lay members from outside the College, However, once we're ar the Council we'rc all
'h 7i1111 7Jl
e4ual. It J n't a Lollectlon of eLtlOnal inrere t~, each member of the (.ounLiI ha c'l.auh the amc re p()n~lbill~ a an~ other tilr the College, e\ en though he or he may ha\ ea dlflcrent con titllenc~ or background, Do)'l)// IhllIl: fhf/{ Ih,s !:",d ofslmrture -orks -ell (IS 0 dn mOIl-ma!:mg !lodl' - does illllollOf!e 10 keep ill IOlIrh -,Ih Ihe of'Kollisatioll ils nprest'flflllg? Do rou rhill" 11/1111('lioI/J effiamtll'? \\'ell I suppo~e the con~titlltion of the Council is meant to dn that in the ~ense that there arc four people c1<.:Lted b~ rhe profe~sor~, four eleucd b~ the non-professorial staff, {\\ 0 b~ the tcchnical. three ~tlldent~, That i~, I suppose, the \\ a~ \\ c hope to keep in touch, but it is difficult. Firstly, at 30 members, it's too big a bod~ {() make decisions, but then thc \\ a~ It operatc~ i~ a~ a final monitoring body rarhcr than an active tlcclwlIl-making onc, It JUS on reportS from all rhe other College working comminccs, Is il a t'ery fonl/ol prr)("ess! \\'ell I hopc it i~n 't becau~c one tries to make it informal, bur it i~ a vcry large body and it wa~ very daunting the first time I sat rhere wjth all its members present. People arc extremeh' rea~onable and they talk well but it i~ quire difficult ro gi\e everybody a chance ro ~peak in the (\\'0 hour~ or so rhey're rhere - c\'en if they want ro, which rhey don 't alway~, How do .1'011 feel hi~her edllralioll has rhallKed sillre .1'011 -t'rl' a sllldl'lll! Oh enormou~ly, I \\ as in a vcry ~poilr generation after the war, particularl~ at Oxford \\ here the fa iliries for wdent~ were con~iderably bcrrer rhan e1se\\ here, and of cour~e a much smaller number of people went on to tertiary ed ucarion, I'm wholly in fa\Our of the increase in the numbers of srudents but I bincrly regret and in facr I would say, re\ ile, the Government for the lack of money they invest, They want people ro be educated but won't give U'l the wherewithal ro do it. The very Ici~urely, prh ileged Oxbridge system of one-ro-one ruroring
t \\ouldn't work here, I think that III (Otal there are) I, iOO peoplt: regl~tered a rudent (p()~t!!;rauuate and undergrJdu,nel at King' , It would be ab o!ute!y Impo Ible or all tho e people to be een \\ eckly b~ a tutor a \\ a~ at uni\er i~", 0 Ir ha to be different, AI 0 then: is a \ cry different form of teachlllg here at London l" ni\'er i~ and I thll1k probably a much bener onc, In facr I think it's Yery' good, Didy(lll taille .1'0111' lime ill .\"(Jfioll(J1 SUt 1(; (II' did l'OIl rl'setll ilfOr holdill liP your edllallloll?' From the country's point ofvie\\ it \\ a~ il \\ a~tc or money. from my point of \ie\\ it \\ a an e'\tremely good thing beLau~e you hild to knock about. you \\ere treatcd like dirt and you mer all om of diffcrent people from different part~ of rhe coumry Jnd walks of life \\ ho you'd nc\er normally meet. ' 0 I think for the IIldi\'idual it was a \'ery good rhing in that ~en~e, But onc did learn a lot of \ cry' bad habits in rhe ser\ ices, I don't think I had learnr to be deliberately hl/:y and deeeirfulunril I reached the ser\'ices. lfyolI amid mlcr KiIlK'S (IS a srlld.1/! 110 "(llIdsllld.\' f/llythillK .1'011 wal/led fO. 'id,at wOllldyoll choose! I1'1 came to King's as an undergraduatc I would read hi tory, but I think ar my age no\\' I would like to do \Jusie - if rhey would accept an amateur in the music department here which is of such a high randard, :Is a hislorioll,/tvllI fi':hirh perioddo yOlllhillk liU rrJllld leam Ihe 1II0SI? I'm mo~t interesred in history of rhe I th and 19th centuries because there's so much more to (Udy, But I'm a follower of I1 i\ L Fisher, who said that he had srudied history all his life and he was totally unable ro discern any pattern whatsoe\'er. HO'UC' do .1'011 see Ihefuture of KillKs? \\'e11 we're in a fa einating period of change as I'm ~ure people kno\ , wirh rhe projected merger with the 'nited :--Iedical &' Dental Schools which \ ill JU
COlllilllled overleaf
rran,form borh our clinical and prec1lOi<:al ide and uencc . The humani[Je~ here arc ,econd onl~ w Camhridge in rhe counu\ and J rarhcr like [{J teasc friend~ \I ho are dons ar Chford rhar \I'e arc second in thl: arts 'lOd humaniries and they arl: only fourth afrl:r t'eL, us and Cambridge in rh;1[ ordl:r. \\'har \I e hopl: i~ rhar b~ rhe merger wirh {'\IDS. an absolureh rip-wp school by borh Brirish and European tandards, our life. medical and clinical science~. \I hich arc alrcad~ c\rremel\ good. will rl:ach rhe '>ame pinn'lc1cs a~ humaniries in rerms of research raring,> and tandard~. It i~ going m bc a wrbulem six years for bmh rhc people reaching and, I'm afraid, rhe people \I ho arc swdying. e\'en ifrhe \Iinisrer makes rhe final decision in \Iarch. \\'e ha\e had fi\'e deadlines for definiri\'e decision, our of rhe GO\ ernmcnt, all of which ha\e pas cd already. If wc do ger rhe definirive deei~ion ne. r \Iarch rh en ir will be six years before we ha\'C rhe medical and life ~ciences and maybe educarion firmly ensconced ar the Guy\ sirc at London Bridge and rhl: re~t eoncentrared ,I[ thc Srrand. }'011 /l/flJliO/led 11',w'{//rh mtillp路. f)o )'011 thilll: that these are ejferti'Z:e (IS a /I/{'((fI.' of rO/l/pmi/l/; illstitutious? I rhink ~o. 1\5 I said ar rhe Ia,r Council \ leering. [ \HJLlld han: been e\uemely urpri cd if \\ hen [ \\ent [() l'ni\ersit; in 1952 [was mid J \\a, going inwa research establishment. I rhoughr [ was going to a place to be taughr and [0 ha\ e my mind broadened. But \I hile you cannot underesrimare rhe importance of reaching, you do n()[ ger the be r dom. rhe be,r profe""or~. rhe besr Ieewrer,> unle'>'> rhe~ ha\e a good base for research at the ~ame rime. [ \\ould hope [har wc can reach as \\ ell as wc can re earch herc and rhar all rhe swdl:nts benefir from rh is combinarion.
t 1
he seed of an idea for an exciring and IOnm ari\'e cour,e in uaining for TEFL \\ as so\\n lasr academl( ~ car b~ a ,>wdent on rhe onc year PCCE cour'>c offercd ar rhe Centrc for Educa[ional Swdics. .\ group of ren swdents had opred for Sonia I{oll\e\ r\lo week horr course on The F.llrope(11I r1i/l/l'IIsio/l ill erlllmti{)/{ anu. afrer planning a cro\,>circular module [() re'lch pupil,> aged berwecn 13 and l'i in a French college. rhe~ \\ent [() r~ ir our. The pupils were so recepri\ e. rhe families '>0 \\'clcoming, rhe reachers so helpful. rhe \\ earher, rhe food and rhe \\ ine '>0 ... rhar [he realir~ of .free mmement' wirhin [he European l'nion and rhe anracrion of working in. say. France. began ro rake shape. \\'ouldn'r ir rherefore. be an e\cellent idea [() ha\e an addi[ional qualificarion [() reach EFL? .\r rhis poinr plan'> for a cour'>e, and ir. integrarion \\irhin rhe PGCE programlm; began .. \r an ini[ial meering rhe PGCE wwr. Sonia Rou\路e. rhe Direc[()r of rhe ELl' ar King\ College, Ton~ Thorne, and rhe EFL reacher [raining specialisr of [he ELl'. Jennifer Jones, looked ar issue ~uch a, lengrh. possible poinr in rhe programme, components and coverage (balance of theory and pracriec). Eventually a rhree week course a[ rhe end of [he PGCE course lr\\ 0 \\ eeks, plu~ onc of\路aca[ion). 20 June to julY. was decided on. EFL merhodology is ,>omewhar different from [har used in rhe reaching oheconda~ '>chool English and modern languages and, ar /ir~[, ome of [he traince'> appeared ro find rhe 'unorthodo\' nature of rhc merhodolo~ rarher di~concerting . Ho\\'eycr. \\ irhin a couplc of davs rhe group a'> a whole had begun w percei\'e rhe porential bene/i[s for rheir [caching. as \\ell a, rhe righr link \\'i[h rhe sccond language acqui~i[ion rheory rhar \\ a, also being pro\'ided. The cla'>sroom a[mo,>phere de\'cloped into an immensely posi[i\e onc and dcspire rhe intensi\ e nature of rhe
cour e \\ hlLh meant [har [hI.: rralllCI.:S had [0 \\ ork c\[rcmely hard ( a mere rhree \\ eeks [0 co\cr all a pecr of Llnguage analysis, [he four ~kill , rhe present'Hion and pracrice of nc\\ language. and many orher areas), rhe students c1earl~ dcri\'ed immen,e enjo~ ment from [he se iom ..\Imosr e\e~' onc of rhem commenred afrerward rhar rhe course had nor been lI\eful '>imply as an cnd in irself. bur rhar [he new merhodology and rheory \\ oldd al'>o inform and enrich [heir reaching of English or \Iodern Languages. Ine\路imbly. being rhe fir~r of i[s kind. rhere \\ ere a fe\\ [eerhing problems. Some of these were connecred \\ i[h [he timing of rhe course, \\'hich meant /irsr [har rhere were no anlilable classe in [he ELl' for trainees [() obsen'e or each unril rhe rhird \\ eek; and second, rhar sincc rhis period is normally one of inrense acri\'iry for PGCE studenr~, a number had [() ab,ent [hemselve~ on occa~ion in order to artend job inren ie\\s, PGCE "inls. wwrials and so on. Room allocarion in Corn\\'all House abo appeared [() present some dif/ieulries ar rh i~ busy ri me of year. The other main problem concerned rhe intemi\'e narure of [hI.: course and [he fae[ rha[ ir \\'a~ nor possible for as much ground [() be co\ered O\'er [hree \\'eck~ a~ had been intended. ".Jany of [he rrainees as well as [he course director therefore. felr rhar a four-week cour e would ha\e been prefcrable. and rhis \\'ould be well \\'orrh con,idering for possible fuwre eour cs. A lightly longcr cour,e \\'ould be particularly important hould ir be held a[ a rime of year \\ hen more reaching pracrice and classroom obsen arion could be incorporared, since [hi would orhen\ise mean e\en le,>~ rime [() cover rhe methodological and rheorerical issues. Sonia Rouve jennifer jenkins
r Rohcrr KllIl\\ le, ( ,Icgral e \\a born n 22 "cmbcr 1927 ano OICU uuoenl~ on '(I (kroher JI)9~. He ..:rauuareu from Imperial <-"Ikge 10 194 . II irh fir r cb" honour in \larhem.lric . rook a reaching oiploma ar rhe In rirllte flf EuuLarlOn 10 rhe 1'011<)\\ Ing ~car anu bccamc a LCLtlIrer 111 \f.lrhcm,Hie, .Ir rhe \h:dlla~ Collcgc of I cLhnolo~ in 1949. DUrIng h" rimc rhcn: hc rook a pJrHlme \ I L ar Chel ca Collcgc. He JOllleu rhc raff of Chel C.I College 10 19::;6, and \1 a, appoll1rcu <'cnlor Lcuurer 10 196,', \leaml hIle hc [(Jok hI' PhD ar l ni\ cr"r\ Collcgc in 1964. lie \1 a, appoinreu "enlOr LccuIH:r ar Ktng' Collcge ar rhe rime of rhe rcorgani"l[Jon of rhe I,on don e.:<Jlle~e,. .tnd he rcmaineu rhcrc until 1':1 9 \1 hen he [(Jok up a <'enlor Leuure,hip ar rhc l'ni\er,ir~ ol Hor"lana. I1 i, reachtnv; CO\ cred \ If[ually e\ c~ brandl of \Iarhcmarlc, ro undcrgraouJrc ICI cl anu hc \1 a, rcncl\\ned J' a mo,r paimraking anu ,ue.:ec"fol rcae.:her h~ ,tlIdent, ar all k\ e1,. [Ii po,rgradllarc rcaching wa mo,r1) in Quantum \lcchaniL' and Quantum Field Thco!). Ilc ,upen i cd counrle" \ISe.: di"crwrion, and a long ,ucee"ion of PhD rhc c" Hi, rc earch inrerc,r, \Icrc mainl~ in Quancum \leLhanic . Quantum Field Theo~' and Quantum Opric, during hi London year, bur during hi, ,ray in Bor wana hc carned our ,omc I'aluablc: re,eare.:h III \L1rhcmarieal \Iodelling of cpldemic;, and \1 ildlIfe popularion , Ilc \\orkeo rirelc,~ly in rhe adminl~rrari(Jn of rhe Chchca College marl,emarie, ueparrment. where he wa, re,pomible for rhe \1 holc po~r足 graduarc programme and he \1 ill be remembered III parricular for hi, commirmenr [() rhe parr-rime ~I 'e.: cour\es whiLh he nurtured for rhe whole of hi~ career. t\' a ,ucces,ful parr-rime ~wdcnr him,elf, hc knell rhe value ohuch cour,e,. He aho gave vi\iting Icewrc, and eour,c, Jr ,cveral univcrsirie abroad, and had nearly 50
publiL rion [0 hi name, He en co on e\ era I Lomminee of rhe I ni\ er in 01 Lonoon. He .11 u found ume ro CUO\ Ru ian 'or 2- ~eJr :lOoofren rran I reo I' per lor \ariou member of ,raiL a \1 ell J reaoln..: tor hi OIl n plc lire. lie \1 J J ~aroener of ome LIlO loerahlc ralcnt ano like hi prflhkrn heer. hi gardcn \Ia immaLulare! He \Ia ioe m n anu reader ar r Luke' Chun.:h, Wh\ relcafc \\ 111: re he \\ ur hlpped n.:,.;ubrl from rhe rime of hi, Lomtn~ ro li\ e 10 (.arerham, lie \Ia, married w Pamela 10 IlJ.'l7 and rhe\ had rhrcc chiluren, rephen, \ngcla anu "arah. '[ hey \\cre forcunarc In ha\ 109 a falr~ -ralc marri.lgc, Boh and Pam \\oulu gL.tul~ h.l\c ,ra~cd 10 B"r'\l.ln.llongcr, hur rhe~ \I.tnrcd ro hce.:ome full-ume granuparent', I knc\1 Robcrr for" ~ car, anu ouring rhar rlmc hc nc\cr ro m) knc)\\ ledgc rcfu,cd an~ rcque,r for help from .ll1yone and hi gencro,ir~ kne\\ no bound, lIe I1 a, a horn rc.leher anu a natur.d rc'carchcr. a rare e.:ombinarion of qualirlc, indecu. r le \1 a, mue.:h ml"cu h~ rhe ,ruoent' \1 hcn hc Iefr Lonoon. and he \1 ill bc rememhcreu \llrh affecrion b~ all rho,c \1 ho clcr camc in contacr wirh him. parricularl~ rhe ,cuuenr, from on:r,ea,. J)anlcll
J Charlron
4 rank Co\cnrry wa a ,cholarpar~clll \1 ho,e long and di,ringui,hed mini,r~' in London wa, fired by a firm Chrisrian fairh c10rhed III graciou Engli h manner,. In onc ~en,e, he rcpre,enrcd an old-fa,hioncd ,rrand in rhe Church of England - and e,pecially in rhe dioce,e of London - ha\'ing no interc,r in eccle\ia\rical parri,an,hip and being identified wirh no wing \1 irhin rhe t\nglican Church. Born in South London, Frank CO\'eJ1[~ \1'a5 rhe younge5r of the
three children of Jame~ and florenee C(J\enrr~. Educated at the "rrJnd chool. Brixron. he read Engli~h Jt I'ing\ College London. taking a tir~r. To\\ artls thc end of hI time therc ~cpticacmia left him gra\ ch ill Jnu he \\ a not expectcu to li\路c. \Ithough hc pulled through. much to the ~urpme of hi~ uoctor~. hl~ life \\a~ li\cd ne\cr f,lr from the ~hadow it ca~r. .\t Emmanucl College. Cambridge. he pur~ued hi~ ~rud~ of ~enriment and ~en~ibilit~ 10 1 th eenrury English literarure. gaining a PhD for hi~ the~i~ on the \\ork of Riehard~on. Fielding and Johmon. It wa~ there he mct his wife l' r~ula. ~tudying ~ocial scicnce at the Lonuon School of Economic'i e\'acuateu to Cambriuge during the war. They married in 194 . Two year~ at Lincoln Theological College. under the din:ction of Eric ,\bbott, later Dean of We~tmin~tcr, led ro hi, ordination in 1946 and a curacy at ,\11 ainr~, Duh\路ich. Rejoining Abbott as chaplain and tutor at King's College London, in 194 he ,penr five year there before being appoinred vicar of 't ~Iary ~ ladgalene, Enfield in 1953. CO\'enrry was heart and sou I a parish priest and thrived on the round of pari~h aeti\路ities. Following the suduen death in 195H of the Rev J B H Evan , the relatively youthful Rector of St l\larylebone, Coventry was appointed by the Crown to the living which \Vas to become his greatest work. In 1973 he was made a Prebendary of St Paul' ~athedral and on three o casions served a chaplain to the Lord ~ layor of \Vc tminster. Retiremenr brought little re'pite from eeclesia tieal durie and ovenrry worked a iduously during \'a aneie at t ~lary, Brookfield, t ~Iary ~Iagdalene, ~lunster quare and t Saviour, Eton Road. The time he had for leisure pur uit was filled with music and architecture and he remained an able pianist to the cnd of hi life. man firm on the basis of the Christian faith. he wrote a book in defence of t Paul.
r \ IJrj!;()[ Kogur uied on 9 ageu 74 Jfter a career in blochemi~t[\ and miuobiolo~ \\ hlch ~panned 50 year. In 1944 ~he joined the eminent Briti~h biochemi~t and ='obel Laurcate. the late Professor Sir Ham Kreb~. a, ,1 techni ian in the Bioehemi~t~ Department of the l"ni\'er~it~ of Sheffield. Sub~eqllently~he obtained a Special Honour~ BSc degree in Botany in 1949. fter graduating ,he \\'a~ awardeu an .\RC research 'irudentship in thc Department of \licrobiology and in 1952-57 \\orked in the ,\RC L'nit for \ I icrobiolog~ under Profe~sor S R E Isden. In 1954 ,he was awarded the PhD degree in microbiology. After promotion to Senior Seientifi Officer in 1957 she left. heffield to join the staff of the Di\'i~ion of Biological 'tandards at the :'oJational Institute for \Iedical Re eareh, ~Iill Hill, where she became interested in antibiotics and initiated re eareh on the mode of aCtion srreptomycin. Joining King\ College in 1966 as a lecturer in bioehemi~try she played an active part in developing ~everal new course for the BSc programme in biochemistry within the newly established School of Biological , cicnces. Of particular importance was her onrribution to the organisation and teaching of a course on microbial biochemistry and physiology which for ~e\'eral year was an important prerequisite for the teaching programme in geneti engineering and molecular geneti . As a member of the Bioehemi try Department. Or Kogur de\'oted much time and effort to teaching both undergraduate and po tgraduate tudent. he al 0 became an acti\'e member of the ~ledical Education Group of the L'ni\'er ity Teaching ~lethod Research L'nit at [he Institute of Education and made a special study of new tea hing method in ba ie sciences for medical students, which was written up in a report to the uffield Foundation. lthough she made valuable contributions to undergraduate coures, her main :\ugu~t
strength \\ as in pro\ Idine; ad\ice clOd gUidance to postgraduate and final year B. c tu dent' engaged 111 research projects. In re carch Dr Kogut has an inrernationJI replltatlon for the qualit~ of her \\ ork on halophilic ml(:roorgani~ms Jnd antlbiotle~ \\ hich \\ as puhlished in a number of biochemical Jnd miuobiological journals. She recei\eu mJn~ in\ itation to lecture Jnd work abroad as a \ i~itlng scienti~t. especially at the Department of Biolo~' of the L" niversity of Otto\\ a where she collaborated with Professor D Kushner and the In titute of Life Sciences of [he Hebrew L'ni\ er~ity in JerLl~alem. Despite dC\'eloping cancer in 197.2 she was ahle to car~' on acti\'e \\ork. In 19H.) ,he retired as a ,enior lecturer under the PRCS scheme hut remained associated with the College for some year forst a~ part-time vi iting lecturer in bioehemist~路 and from 19 4 to 19' as an honoura~ research associate. Professor H R \' ,\rnstein
c路 r
Photo by Ten)' leffries, Physics DepOrllllfllt
en mirh. who has been employed as a rechnician in rhe Phy~ic Deparrmenr \ince 1967, rerired ar rhe end of~O\'cmber afrer almo~r 2 year\ dedicared er.路ice. He moved ro Queen Elizaberh College, Kensingron from rhe Goblin "acuum Cleaner Compan" Lcarherhead. rh en rran~ferrcd ro rhe rrand in 1984. Ken worked firsr as a reaching rechnician ar QEC, gaining promorion ro senior reehnician. He conrinued wirh his reaching dutie ar KCL before rran ferring ro rhe research ection where for rhe pasr few year he ha worked in rhe rore, His kill in servicing and repairing equipmenr and his wide knowledge of physical equipmenr have been freely and cheerfully made a\'ailable ro everyone
o\'er his whole period ofser.路ice. Hi quier resolve i well illu trared by his remarkable recovery ro conrinue hi full-time job from nor a triple bur a ix-elemenr hearr bypas operation. He erved a an air mechanic in rhe Royal Air Force and from rhis tems his deep knowledge of electromechanical equipmenr and hi. love for flying radio-controlled aeroplanes. His sole acknowledgemenr of his bypass operation i' when hi radio conrrol fails and he ends his wife Nora off ro rerrieve the model! Ken' mile and good-tempered pre ence will be adly mi ed in rhe Deparrmenr and we wish him and 0lora a long and happy reriremenr, RE Burge \\'hearstone Profe or of Phy
e lr
care rofe or Da\'id Papineau is ro become Head of the Departmenr of Philosophy from the beginning of the 1995-96 ses ion. Profe or Papineau, who wa5 formerly Head of the Hi rory C! Philo ophyof cience Deparrmenr, will succeed Profe~sor \ lark. ainsbury.
rofe sor Henry Ro eveare (Deparmenr of Hi rory) ha been appointed to the advi ory commirree of rhe Cenrre for f\lerropolitan History, Insrirute of Hi torical Re earcy, for three years, from Ocrobcr 1994.
roralof .-() nt:\\ OR J\\anJ \\ ill be offen:d n3£10n\\ Idc on a compcrirl\ e ha I m \99:; [Cl ()\ er ca po rgraduarc ~rudcm ot' our undmg mefl[ and re~earch poremial. Each ,mard \\ I1llO\er rhc dlffcn:ncc bcrween rhe ruirion fec for .1 home (l K) po~r"raduare ~rudcm and rhe fec char,gcable ro an O\cr~ca~ po.. rgraduarc ..rudenr. \\\ ardholder \\ ill be ()\er ca.. grad uare ..rudc ms. \\ ho. in ..e ....lOn 19<J~ -96. arc commencing full-rime .. ureh for a higher dcgree a rcgi ..rered re earc:h ..rudcm.. ar onc of rhe li ..red academic m rirurion .., or \\ ho arc alread\' underrakmg .. uch a cour..c ,md do nor ha\c an OR') JWMd, The\ mu r be liable [() pay ruirion fees ar rhe rarc for 0\ cr..ea....rudcm .. , The only eririena for rhe a\\ard .. arc oursranding merir and re ..earch porcmial; orher facror.... uch a.. means. narionaliry. propo..cd field and imriwrion of .. rudy. will nor be raken inro aecounr. The awards may be held in any field of srudy. Subjecr ro rhe ..arisfaerory progre.... of rhe a\\ ardholder, a\\ ards \\ ill be rencwed for a second or a rhird year according ro rhe normal or remaining lengrh of rhe re earch course being underraken. The ')eheme IS adminisrered by rhe C:ommirree of \'i e-Chancellors and PrinCipals of rhe L' nin:rsnics of rhe L'nired Kingdom,.\ pec:ial commirree. composed of senior member of academic raff from rhe msrirurions, is responsible for rhc selecrlOn of awardholdcrs. and for deraIled managemem of rhe Scheme, Furrhur derails and applicarion forms should be obrained from school offices or rhe Academic Srandards Secrion, Regisrry', Cornwall House, .\11 applicarions musr be forward ro Louise ;'\!adel, £\cademic, randards Secrion, Regisrry', by 31 ~Iarch 199.'>.
I'mm n.,,/il Iq 1Ifl: /)r
/Jlal/d (Re'ftlrrh II{l/W"l'r £If l:/J/lt/\/{/I Pmdllds 1l/ll'l7Ial;ql/al
/)f 11-,1-.1-./ IITT/MJ/. I P/l f 0- \00('1/1'.\ jql/I! ('ht/PIU). /)/ }ql' Banlllrd 1.lIul/(/glll... dirfflf,r of /Jun/{/rd ,1/;(/'(, ')',11 III l.ld; (/J/{II)r III RF,J/;;;(/dt'h (({Tdif/J, 11r Tm. (hit'\'
of F../J 110 'N - IJfj!1Jf1/)/1'I/1 ofdnlm!1/1 1 qlld/)I/)
e flt-rl/iml t'1/f.!,;l/ff IIl1g.
he second InrernJrional Illgh Performance Eleuron ()e\'icc.. for \1 ic[()\\ a\e and Oproeleerronie \ppliearions (EO\10·9..0 \\a.. held in rhe Grear Ilall ar King's on 1.+ '.:o\'ember 1994. The workshop was joimly organised by King's and rhe fEEE l'KIR \licro\\a\e Theory "'TeChniques Soeiery, Elecrron De\ ic:es Soeie~ and \mennas e Propagarion Sociery Joim chaprer. The purpo..e of rhe \\ orkshop \\a ro examine rhe progress made and ro promore rhe compound semiconducror de\'ices and circuirs
applied [() mic:ro\\ a\ e and oproelecuonlC:". rhe \\'orkshop recei\ed a large, Imernarional arrendJncc \\ Irh pa.per.. from rhe l"K, Japan, Iklglum. Cermany, Iraly, Ru .... ia. l"kraine and rhe :"erherlands. Eighreen ~ciemific papers were orally presenred and four in rhe po~rer e.... ion. Ten indusrrial laborarories ancl many uni\ersirit:s were dirccrly il1\oh·ed. prc)\ iding ~rimularing pre~emarions and di~cussions, Follo\\ ing rhe uc:ces~ of rhe e\t:m. rhc rhird ED\lO'9S \\orkshop will be held again Jr King's on 27 'o\embcr 1995.
\\'ork~hop on
fl' I
rofessor Brian \leldrum, Insrirure of r .. yehiarry. KCIl\l') and In~rirure of Epileprology. received a Docror Honoris Causa from rhe l' niver~irc Renc Desearre~ (Paris \') ar rhe Sorbonne on I December. Professor \Ieldrum \~ill also deliver rhe ZSrh Oonald D \Iarson Lecrure ar Ha[\'ard on 1Z December
Aillg\ (.£)111'./1/
r and rhe Isr ,\1 fred \ Icyer \ Icmorial Lecrure J[ rhe Briri~h '\;europa[hological Soc:iery on .+ January 1995.
he granr~ li red hclo\\ \1 ere recei\ed b\ King' College and KG \ID in rhe quaf[er ended 31 Onober 194-t Deraih arc nm gi\ en of granr under £5.000. nor of rho~e which arc confidenrial. bur rhe alllounr~ an; includcd in rhe [(Jral for rhe deparrmenr or unir. Age Concern Institute of Gerontology Profe~ or .\ Tinker £ 17.000 (.\ge Concern England) conrrihurion [Cm ard~ re~earch \ra IT co~r~. Dr J i\~khal1l £-l6.600 (;\ge Concern Tower 1IaI1lIer~) ro \UPP0f[ a re\e'lrch projecr enrirled .Itridenl pl1"i.'l'IIlioll. Total grants: £77,318
Truq) [() \upporr a ..enior re\carch fellow hip in b'bic biomediGll ..cience cnrirled: .l//a/r"is of llIuh(lI/iSIllS IIl1de/~\'illg nglo//al pall/T//i///!. of1nl'
elllhl)'ollir'i:rl1ebml/ /o/l·bmi//.
Profc\\or:" H K Holdcr £ 19. 5 (813. RC admini ten::d b~ EP 'R .) \enior fe 11 0\\ \hip. Total grants: £1,341,758 Centre for Defence Studies Total grants: £2,506
\lr E Peck £.2:i,OOO (Dacorum cr, r .\Ioan\ Communiry:"H Tru~r) \upplcmenr to a research projcct enrirled: To dl"i.'e/op a slmlegyfor /IIelllal hMllh sar:il'l's ill S lr lIt'rts I/sillg Ihe proress desnibed ill A Proces~ For Change. Total grants: £55,000 Chemistry Dr C i\ Koh £32.947 (El' RC) to \upporr a re\earch projecr enritled IJesi/!.1I of opli/llal /IIaleria!.\' /01' re/llOf.:illg
Centre for Educational StudieslEducation Profe sor S J Ball £~ .650 (ESRC) to \UPP0f[ a rc~carch projccr enritJed:
Irare jJolllIl(IIIIS.
.5'(hoo!.\', mllllr('.\ e'i:allles: Ihe illlparl o/Ihe
1II0lemlt's I/sillg pirosel'OlId laser pl/!.,es.
198 e 1993 F.dllmlioll .11'1.1'.
Professor \1 .-\ Robb £64AOI (EPSRC) [() .. upporr a research projecr enrirlcd
Dr I J H Fielding £260.179 (EpSRC) to re..earch projecr enrirled
~upporr a
Ryd!l('/J!. tlerlroll 'u!'{/f.:eparkel dYII(//lIirs ill
Anatomy and Human Biology Group!Developmental Biology Research Centre Dr G E Jone £88.2-l-l (\1 RC) and £ 10 .36.) (.\f[hriri\ and Rheul1lari~1ll Council)ro ~upporr a re~earch projeer en ri rled: Role of Rar a//d Rho pmleillS ill
Or D \\'iliam £8.:;56 (Research Equipment Fund) conrriburion rowards rhe co~r of equipmenr ro be lI'>el! for re ..earch purpose... Or 0 \\'iliam. \Ir \1 ,\skew £12.907 (Office for Srandard\ in Educmion) to supporr a research projecr enrirlcd A
Ihe dlfl//ol(I\'is - driL'fll lIIiW'fIfioll of
re'i:i("U!.' o/rnnll l'l'sf(/lTh
Total grants: £371,587
Or P R Gurdon- \\'eck~ £6,5.B (1\ IRC) ~upplemenr ro a research project enrirled FllllrliOIl offIIlO'i:eI
\Ir\ S Rou\'e 10,000 Ecu (European Commi~sion) ro ~upporr a rramnarional research projecr enritled
pho.ljJhOl)'laledfol7l1 of.l/ajJl Hill
grordh alld idenlifimlioll of Ihe hlla.\'e.
projeer entirled
Roll" of Rar a//d Rho pmleills illlhe
COlllplele delerlllillalioll ofpnolorhe/lliml reactioll palhs applimliolls 10 olJ!.flllir Profe~~()r C 13 Ree~e £ 14.060 (Cruachem Limired) research ~rudenrship.
TO'if'mr!s a lIe/"u!'orl.. /01' Ihe prolllolioll 0/
Clinical Biochemistry Dr V R Preedy £56,491 (Wellcome Trusr) ro supporr a research ~rudenrship enrirled: A .I'll/d)' of
Irflllsrripliollal rOlllrol ofproleill sYlllhesis
Total grants: £113,841. 10,000 Ecu
Total grants: £60,491
ill nlrohol illdllred /III/srle disease.
(hI'1II0Imis-dri'i..'ell lIIie:mliOIl 0/
IIIl1laKen('sis 0/genes ill'i..·ol'i:ed illlhe
Centre for Medical Law & Ethics Or P Oli\'er £5,700 (Re\earch . rrare~' c?Re..earch Equipmenr Fund) to ~upporr a re carch projecr enrirled
ref(lIlalioll ofpallrrmlir hela rells.
CI/llill! the illlperiol lilli': i1l/slmlia. -"I'll."
Profe\ or:" 1-) K Ilolder. Or. \\. \\'ibon,DrQXu£17.9:; (:-'IRC)ro ~upporr a re~earch projecr enrirlcl!
Total grants: £5,700
Dr S J
£42.705 (\\'ellcome Tru~r) ro ~UPP0f[ a re earch fello\\\hip enrirled Idenlifiralioll by ills/'rtiollol
FIII/(Iio//al fll/alysis of spalia/~r reK//laled rl'l'fjJlor Iyrosille killase' ill Ihe zelJra fish 1'1111/1)'0.
Dr R F Brooks £ 127.3 U (\\\;llcomc Tru\r) to SUppOf[ a re~earch projeer enrirled I//ilialio// 0/ f)"'r! sYlllhesis ill ['el1elJrale rdk' dn:t!oplllelll ofa reilfrfe .1'\'.1'//'111.
Dr S \\'
£5-l0,7.)5 (\\'cl1come
Zealalld. e Callada.
Dental Sciences Or D Beighron £25.000 (Rc eareh Equipmcnr Fund) eonrriburion tOwards rhe cosr of equipment to be u~ed for research purpo e . Dr 0 Beighron £11.510 (King\ \ledical Research Tru r) ro ~upporr a re. earch srudenr hip enrirled Sialir arid /IIelabolis/II by palhO!fllir omlsll'fplo(()rri. Total grants: £36,510
Centre for Mental Health Services Development/lnstitute of Health \Ir E Peck £30,000 (Dacorum e r Alban\ Communir~ . 11 IS Tru~r) supplemenr ro a research project enri rled COIISI/llallt)' .wppOl1 10 .\' lI'
Electronic and Electrical Engineering Or I [) Robemon, Profe or A H Agh\'ami £1-l6.3-t-l (EP RC) ro suprorr a research project enritled Larl!,e-sigllal
HtrtJ .!felllal lImllh l/IIple/llf'lIlalioll
rhfl/Ylrlrri.wlioll (lIId desi!1I
111111!:mled rirmils.
0/ /IIi/li/llflr('-
w uppon a re earch proJc r cnmlcd 'tudl of/IICaP, Ca. DH B Tf) Jor /lIzh jrt'qUl'lI/) p t'r opplicOlions. Or \. -\ Handcrck 110.000 ElU (Europcan Commi ion) [Q uppon a rc carlh proJClr cmirlt:d .lpp!J,,"il)// 0 hi It-pr. - f7'd I1IfJdt'-lolhd F.r. 'b ibrl' la'l' [I) 11)11" haul (lJl1ll1llllllrtlllfJII 11111:' Dr \ \ Rc.r.a.r.adch 21.706 I RI: carlh rrarc!!\ Fund) [() uppon a rl: I:arlh projClf cn[lrled XQ'Cl'l [rdmpof7'lI[ /'IJllf[er H BT-for opflcol [ell'mmmllnim[iol/I s)·sft'ms.
Total grants: £298,542. 110,000 Ecu French
Total grants: £17,986 Humanities Research Centre Dr H hon - . '<r «Bnn h \ladem~) upporr a re ear<.:h proJelf en[lrlcd Pnropo}!raph 0 thf BI;;;,,{II11lllt Fmpirl'.
Total grants: £58,395 Immunology Or \1 Pcakman. Profc {)f D ,'ergani '11. -10 (King' \ledllal Rc earlh Tru r) to ,upporr a n: ean:h rudenr hip enmkd Idt'/lIIficotlOl1 af/d dlllrt/aensa[iol1 ofl1e":OIlJ [fS,fll(, {If/IOaf/111!: l1i il1 diabfllr I1f'11mpath.l'. Or \1 Peakman 12,(rO (\lc.:ntal Healrh Foundarlon) conmburion tOward rc~earch e'\pen~e .
Dr \1 J Hearh £22,' 2 (Briri~h .\cadcm) Brin h ,\cademy/L<::\crhulme Tnl~r C,enior Re~earch Fello",hip 199~/I.)S,
Total grants: £23,560
Total grants: £22,328
Dr C GO\ e, Or \ Bomford £ 11..1 I0 \ledical Re~carch '( ru rJ [() ~upporr a re~earch wdent~hip enmlcd I~,\prf'JsiOf/ ofdl"i..'elopml'fft g('f/ff if/ Ireer ref!.l'fffratll)/ftllld f/foplmitl.
Institute of Liver Studieslliver Unit (KIn~\
General Practice and Primary Care \I re Hewerr £~A62 (Sourh Thame~ Regional Ilealrh AlIthorir) w uppon a re,eareh projecr cnmled Pnllllln'mre def.:ell)plllfI/[ flllld. Toral gram,: £~A62
Geography Dr H Buller £~2,600 (ESRC GEe Re,earch Fellowship) ro ,upporr a re,earch projecr cmirled TIle il/lemaliollolisatiol/ ofetlvirol/lllf1//al polit)'." 11 comparative alialysis of f1/virol//Ill'1llal e'i.1011/IiOIl ~'ithill Fllmpe ~'ilh sperial rejerfl/rl' to Brilaill ol/d Frallce. Dr A J C 'olli,on £ 19,000 (Re~carch Equipment Fund) conrriburion roward~ the osr of cquipment [(l be u~ed for re earch purpose~ Profc~,or J Thomes 15,000 Ecu (Europcan Commission) supplement to a re,earch project entirled .11 F.D.IU 'S 1/: project 1\' research alld polit), illterfarillg III selected rfKiolls.
Total grants: £61,600. 15,000 Ecu Histopathology!Morbid Anatomy \liss GP Howe" Or Humphrey .£ 17,9H6 (8riri~h , ociery for Clinical Cytology) to supporr a rcsearch projecr emirled A rOlllparalive sllldy of P53 IIIl1tOtiollS &: illll/llll/oC)'/Ochelllistl)' ill filiI' I/eedle aspiralioll rylology ofIhe br{'(lst.
Total grants: £11,510 Law \Is E Player £22, 7 (Home Office) to ~upporr a re earch projecr cntirled .1 prelimif/ary ("Ualllaliof/ ofIhe .\ DT programme at D~'ffvi~' priIOI1.
Total grants: £22,887 Life Sciences Division Professor R Cammack 12~,H()0 Ecu (European ommunity) to supporr a research project enrirled Desigf/ 0/ improved biomimelir cata~I'SI. throllgh stl1letllml al1dflllletiof/al stlldies of f/irkelcOffloif/il1g hydro[(l'ffasl's. Or P Elli £9,000 (Research Equipmenr Fund) contribution w\\'ards rhe cost of equipment ro be uscd for re~earch purpo e~. OrS oomber£IS,IO (Re~carch Strategy Fund) ro ,upporr a research projecr entirled R.\'.\ fil1gerpril1lil1f!.: 0 method ofisolclfil1g I1mel [(l'ffes ill l'/Il:aI)'oles. Professor:---; taines £50,300 (Arrhritis and Rheumari m Council) w supporr a re earch ~rudentship enritled Characterisation ofT re/I dOlfes reartinK 'it:ith epitopes ofIype /1 collagett in arthritis. Profe sor R K Poole £ ISO, 120 (B B, RC) w supporr a re earch projecr entitled Cytochrome bios)'f/lhesis il1 esrherichia coli role or the ABC Iraf/spoI1er, Iyddc.
Profc or" \ ralne 10 1.1 ~ 1 (\nhnn and Rheuman m .oundl) [() UppOf[ a re earch projecr enmled .~pe'llC1l) tllld alluMr m<'dumi flI 0 tolfrol11< /0 mlltl'.'!:t'f/ adfflllll [l'f--ed mrQ flIl1m. tll lI!fa/', Pmle or 0 0 Hall '.000 (Ro~ al oCle~ ) lonmbu[Jon [()\\ ard rhc co~r of:I \ i ir b~ r\IO Ru lan re earlh (lcnn t . Profe or P J \\'hlrfield £~ '. ,60 ( 'If Hallc\ r<::\\arr Tru rJ re earch ~wdenr hip. Profe~~or P J Pcrer on 16·tOOO (L' nired ).arlOn~ Emironmenr Programme) [() ,UPP0f[ a re earch projecr enrirled Data rollec[iol1 G' f.·ttlidtlliOI1 ofpriority rhfmimls. Profewlf P J Pcrer on -65.000 (l' nlfed :'\ariom En\ ironment Programme) ~upplemcnr [() rhe GE\IS \loniwnng and As~e~~ment Re~earch Centre Project (Pha~e 10.
Total grants: £372,029. $231,500. 124,800 Ecu Management Centre Dr CC Ilearh £24.220 (E 'RC) [() project entitled .\'~. techllolo!!.ies in !!.l'ff('ml mediml pmrtire: a pilot sll/d)'. ~UPPof[ ,1 re~earch
Total grants: £24,220 Mathematics Profes or F: B Da\ ie £ 102, 7~ (EP 'RC) to ~upporr a re,earch projecr enrirled F./liplic & paraboli{pal1iol differmtial eql/alions. Profes,or E B Da\'ies £2~, 7 I (EP. RC) to upporc a vi,iring research fellow~hip entitled Spertml properties of shrodil1Ker operators. Or Y, 'afarov £4,9 0 (EP, RC) to UppOf[ a \'i,iring re~earch fellow,hip enrirled Sz.ego Iype limit theorems. Or " Presslcy £2.700 (EPSRC) to ,UppOf[ a \i iring re earch fellow,hip enrirled RepreSel1taliolls ofquantllm alfif//' algebras. Or Y Safarov £ 100,235 (EP. RC) w ,upporr a re~earch projecr enrirled Spectral as)'mptolics for partial differelltial operalors {If/d associatedgeomelric problems. Profes,or J Taylor 65,361 Ecu (European Communiry Human Capital and l\ (obiliry) co SUppOf[ a research swdcnrship/fellowship enrirled ,vel/ml I/e~'orl.'s with feedback. Total grants: £235,570. 65,361 Ecu
Mechanical Engineering Or \1 P Clode 20.000 (Re~earch Equipmenr Fund) contribution tOwards the co t of equipment to be u ed for re earch purpo~e~. Total grants: £20,000 Medical Unit Dr P Bath £ . 6 (Re earch Equipment Fundl contriblHion tOward~ the 0 t of re earch equipment. Dr / E Harri £34, M (\IRCl ro support a re earch project elHitled
Ollcogmetic aClivatioll ofthe adenylyl cyclase system ill thyroid lIeoplasitl. Dr J P ~Iiell £107,469 (;"IRC) to supporr a clinical training fellow~hip enri tied The effects of IIlItritioll 011 the gro'{J!:th axis in paediatric li'l..'er disfflse. Professor A ~I \IcGregor £363.750 (Wellcome Tru t) to suppon an advanced training re earch fellow\hip entitled Post-natal consequences of intrautfline IVO'iNh retardatioll: reprogramming ofthe fCS/ICF13P axis. Dr \1 R hri tie 4 .5 4 (JlI\'enile Diabetes Foundarion Inrernarional) contribution tOward re eareh expenses. Total grants: £514,951. $48,584 Molecular Biology and Biophysics Group Or ~I Pcekham £9,000 (Royal. ocicty) cOlHriburion tOward research expenses. Total grants: £13,999 Molecular Medicine Dr F Farzaneh £101.561 (Leukaemia Re~earch Fund) to uppon a re earch project enritled Jloleculargenetic ana~l'sis
ofapoptosis in II/ye/oid and ~YII/phoidcells. Dr J Gaken. Dr D Darling 11,510 (King' \Iedieal Re earch Trusr) to uppon a research rudenr hip elHirled :llIa~ysis ofthe role ofill/II/une costimulators in the induction alld suppression ofhe/per alld cytoxic T-rell activity. Total grants: £113,071 Pharmacology Group Profes or B Halliwell £50,300 (r\nhriti~ and Rheumatism Council) to supporr a research srudenrship cnritled ,vif/ic
Profe~~or P C; Jenncr .£99,1 S (\/RC) (() upport a clinical training fellow hip entitled Cytocnroml' P-I_-(I ill the substantia lIigra and its role in Porl:illson's disftls . Profe \or P G Jenner 100.0 0 C\ational Parkin on Foundation Inc.) to uppon re eareh on Parkinson' Oi ea e Total grants: £151,485. $100,000
Pharmacy Dr I T 'a\'age £6.200 (Royal Pharmaceutical, 'ociet)' of Great Brirain) to uPPOrt a re earch projecr enritled Detel7nillants ofprfwicerhallge: phcI/7nal)' plY/ctice characteristics (S 'i/C:ork orgallisatioll in IIMlth proll/oting?! traditional pha/7/lf/cies in Creater LOlldon. \Ir A I arhan £36,521 (Greenwich (E; Bexley Family Health 'er\'ices) to uppon a re~earch project enritled CSI' ofa Brown Bag schell/e by cOlI/mllllity :Iuthority phcI/7IIarists as a means of idemifying. and assisting patients ~'ith dmg related problems and mafillg referrals to CPs 'fJ!:hen appropriate. Total grants: £42,721
Public Health and Epidemiology/Community Medicine Profe or.' D ~oah 96,000 (Lederle Laborarorie ) to ~uppon a re carth project entitled 'IIri.fillanCf ofmeningitis
ill Ellrope. Total grants: £96,000 Spanish and Spanish American Studies Profe or \\' \\' Rowc £43.63 (Briti h Academy) Briti~h Academy Resear h Reader hip 1994/95 Total grants: £43,638 Surgical Unit DrTRCrook £lI,5JO(King' \lcdical Re earch Tru t) (0 suppOrt a research swdcnt hip cntitlcd ,lIolemlar
derermillanfs of maligllallt proKressioll ill hUll/ail allogmital w1Icer. ~Ir J Rennie £30,150 (King' \lcdical Re earch Tru t) to uPPOrt a re earch swdcnrship enritled The role ofXtlXC trallsmissioll ill abllonl/al gut mobility. Dr T R Crook £10,000 (Royal ociery) (0 suppOrt a research project cnritled Cene therapy for pallcreatic collar. Total grants: £51,660
Physics Profes or E R Pike £46.219 (EP RC) to support a research project entitled SliP er resolvingflllorescellce microscope. Profes orR~1 Hill£175, 74(EP RC) to ~upporr a re eareh project entitled
War Studies Dr ~II a\'ia £26,737 (Re earch uarcgy C!: Research Equipment) conrribution (Oward rc earch expense Total grants: £26,737
ofthe ofspace charge de'i.:elopII/mt ill insulators. Profes or E C Lighwwler , Profe sor G Davie , Or A \lainwood £242,069 (EP R ) co upport a re earch project enritled Hydrogen in silicon: incorporation. solllbilit)'. diffusioll, interaction 'iJ!:ith ill/pulities C!: defects.
Total all/Ollllt a'iJ!'arded ill the quarter: £7,997.973
Total overheads a'iJ!'artled ill the qllOlter: £830,2J5
Total 1IIImber ofa'i/wrds ill the qllarter (illdlldil/f! extellsiol/s alld sllpplemems): 136
Total grants: £464,162 Physiology Group Profes or P ~Ic\laughwn £32,259 (Cancer Re earch Campaign) to uppon a rcsearch project entitled
Tmnspol1 ofl),totoxic dl7lgs by the hUll/an to "IIIltidmg resistance P-g~l'coprofein: control anrlll/olecular mechallisms. Dr. J bbott£IO.OOO (Royal ociery) contriblHion tOward re earch expen cs. Total grants: £43,274
oxide and peroxynitrite: agents ofdalllaKe in the illflal71ed rhfllll/atoirljoint!
Room 2808, Strand 1400-1500
30 January 1995 David Hobman Annual Lecture 1995 The making of memory Professor Steven Rose, Director of the Brain & Behaviour Research Group, The Open University Great Hall, Strand 1800
11 7 February 1995 Extradition & Human Rights Professor Paul O'Higgins, Emeritus Professor of Law, King's College London Council Room 1300-1400 21 February 1995 International rights of the child - a personal view Geraldine Van Bueren, Lecturer in Law & Director of the Programme on International Rights of the Child, Queen Mary & Westfield College, London Council Room 1300-1400
6 February Imaging human thought Dr Stephen Swithenby, The Open University Room 2808, Strand 1400-1500 13 February Novel optical structures Mr Patrick Dainty, King's College London Room 2808, Strand 1400-1500
20 February Quarks: top secret Professor Frank E Close, Rutherford Appleton Lab RI Room 2B08, Strand 1400-1500
18 January Inaugural lecture It's about time ... how long should intellectual property rights last? Professor Gerald Dworkin, Herbert Smith Professor of European Law Great Hall, Strand Campus 17.30
() I'h rr
If I
7 March 1995 Equality of opportunity - human right or economic imperative? Susan Atkins, Deputy chief executive of the Equal Opportunities Commission Council Room 1300-1400
J hl:
tu\.: t
16 January Computational physics & the physics of computation Mr Nigel R Arnot, King's College London Room 2B08, Strand 1400-1500 23 January Unpredictable clockwork: chaos in the solar system Dr Carl Murray, Queen Mary & Westfield College Room 2B08, Strand 1400-1500
30 January Is gravity really there? Dr John L Martin, King's College London
All meetings take place at Manresa Road in Room 18 beginning at 16.00 19 January Applications of calorimetry in Pharmacy: Bioassay, stability and compatibility Professor A E Beezer, Chemical Laboratory, University of Kent 26 January Interactions of ibuprofen with the biochemistry of lipids Professor B Testa, University of Laussane, Switzerland
of I tudlc
11 January Simon Holt: the composer will discuss his recent works with Robert Keeley Room 6C 17.00
25 January Ethics and musical style. Or why Don Giovanni must die John Deathridge, University of Cambridge Institute of Advanced Musical Studies Colloquium Room 6C, Main Building, Strand 17.00
4 - 6 January The ethics of research on humans Tutors to include: From the Centre of Medical Law & Ethics, KCL, Mrs C M Foster, Mr A Grubb, Professor I Kennedy, Dr K Stern, Ms P Walsh, plus Dr C Jenkinson, HSRU, Oxford University, Dr K MacRae, Charing Cross Hospital, Ms A Sommerville, BMA, Dr F 0 Wells, ABPI, Mr P Wiffen, Churchill Hospital Oxford Centre of Medical Law & Ethics three day course Further information from the Continuing Education Unit, KCL, Cornwall House, Waterloo Rd, London SEl 8TX Tel: 0171-872 3055/3056 Fax: 0171-872 3070 23 January Is there a moral obligation for patients to join randomized controlled trials? Hazel Thornton Room 2C, 13.00 to 14.00 Contact number: 071-873 2382
.1n C
I Iu
11 January Simon Holt, London The composer will discuss his recent works with Robert Keeley, KCL Institute of Room 6C Main Building, Strand 17.00 - 18.30
!.H;nlIl,IJnguJ' c11
19 January The prosopography of the Byzantine Empire Project John Martindale and Dion Smythe Committee Room 18.00
23 January Byzantine thoughts on predetermination Joseph Munitiz, Campion Hall, Oxford Centre for Hellenic Studies/Byzantine & Room 35B 17.00 30 January Are we polite? - the case of indirectness in Greek and English Mary Sifianou, University of Athens Centre for Hellenic Studies Room 35B 17.00
( 'nrr tor I (c le IJ • JI wJ.
n tI 1I . '-'
26 January Aspects of the Beowulf manuscript since 1731 Dr Andrew Prescott, British Library, London Public Lecture Room lB04 17.30
(. nrrc tor Philo orhl wdl' 30 January Dividing practical reasoning: Aquinas and his critics Professor Terry Irwin, Cornell University Public Lecture Warburg Institute, Woburn Square 17.00
16 January - 23 March, 8 May 13 July Offered in nine languages at up to seven levels. Language and Communication Centre Price of course: staff/students: £75 one term, £120 two terms; external clients: £150 one term, £250 two terms 18.00 to 19.30 Contact Vanessa Beard on 0171-873 2890/2485
7" Gorn; h I jO Jl rI. liP
t \'J1b In _'cr]a - bcautl ul panI h tal toll n. Ieep I . runnmg mountain I icw . :\1 aJlable to rent for cheap II inter and ummer let , Telephone: UT-l 672 2, COol
Hodder and
tOuahwn rhe publi her
o TIll' 1/01:/11'
~ fill'
Ell h It Lnnd-rofX ,erie hale recentl~ di ontinued rhe ,erie partly OIl lOa CO rhe dearh of ir ori~inaror. Profe or W G Ho km'>. Profe ,or W G \' Balehm, relloll of Kmg\ College (Geography 'ralT 19-1- : -l) ha,> raken r)\'er rhe remaining rock of hi contribution on the COrNlSIt Lond,mpe II hich he is making al ailable co fricnd ,colleague and rho c intere tcd in thi; parr of the counrry for a reduced price of £- po t free. The Comish Landscape in the .lInking of !he EIIf;lish Ltllld,cape erie • 23-l page;, 63 phowgraph,>. 19 map'>, now al ailable direct rom the author at 10 LOll Wood Ri,>e. Ilkley. Yorkshire, L. '29 .\Z.
I r E,c1u ile, hand-eraftcd earnng (for pierced or non-pierced ear) in glas.,. ceramic, wood, coconut and manl other materia\;.. 'pecial design al Cl made w ordl:r in ,iher and em iprecious wne, Ideal Chri tmas gift. Phone Flora on ext 33-l3 for m~ home number.
in,!?;' Chri tma cnd; are nOlI on ale throughout the ollege. The Lard depict the College logo in red and "recn with the me age , ca on' Greeting;', They can be purcha cd Jr -l0 pl:n e each from rhe Reception Dc k in the \Iain Building on rhe nand, Cornwall Hou e and Chelsea \lanresa Road, from Philomena D' 'ouza in the Central e£\ ice., Office on the Kemingwn Campu and from the Office of the Head ofSccrerariat at K \ID.
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Quiet, secluded, tWO bedroom c()(tagt.: (c 1 20)., ydt.:nham, ,>outh ea,>r London. Fully-furni;ht.:d. gch, gardcn and parking.. uirable fur I i iting academic couple, £.-100 per calendar month piu,> t.:lecrriciry, ga , phont.: bill, Council Tax (currenrly £:;7 pt.:r 1110nrh) and water rates (currently £10 per monrh). 20 minutc,> by train co Charing Cro'> and \'iccoria. vailable now, Contact Lindsay Elliorr 'mith, Confert.:nce. dmini,trawr. \'acation Bureau, -52 King' Rd Campu'> on 071 3516011 (day)or071 2662066 (el·enings).
In Into-,
to carr; adl t.:rti ing at the Editor'., t1i.,cretion for goods or sef\ ice'> thar would be of interest to King's staff. The eo,>t., arc a'> follow,:
Full page advert: £250 Half page advert: £125 Quarter page advert: £62.50 Small ads (not more than 50 words) are free to all staff. Please contact the Press and Publication office on ext 3202 if you have any queries about advertising or COIJIII/l'J/! in general.
he Call ge'S regular r Issued b he Press a Ions Off ce 3202 72 0212 each mon h
Profe; ional inger with considerable performing and teaching expericnce offer private ruition to all abilitie'>. vailable at L'nilersity College London. Contacr. Coombes, LC\I. after 19.00. Telephone: 0171- ++66 72
Copy Is ue 84 Is ue 85
Issue 86
dline for next term 13 January 10 February 10 March
Ot er copy deadlines will be published at 8 later date.