K allege LO DO
1 G'S
Foundedr 29
IBI /{
I 1'1')';
ENT the College Newsletter Gainsford knighred 3n Cain-,ford, \'icc-I'rincipal and I)can of the School of :\Iedicinc cl: I)cmi~try, ha~ recci\ cd a knighthood in the Queen'~ l3inhda~ Ilonour~ Li~t for hi~ ~en ice~ [() medical and dcmal education, Profc~.,or D~I\'id (;andcrwn, Formcr Profe,sor of Pharmaccmic, ,I[ King\
and currcmly a \'i,>iting Profc'>\or in the Depanmcnt of Pharmacy, aho recei\ed an OBE for ,en'ice., to the control of medicinc~, Sir Jan ha, a distingui,>hed career in gcneral dcmal practicc, and in academic and profes.,ional demal education, Hc has been Dean of the College'.,. chool of :\Iedicine and Dcmistrv .,ince 1':J il. and \\"as pre\ iou,ly Dean of the Demal School for ten year" Hc wa~ a member of the Senate/Council of the l'nivcr.,ity of London until :\Iarch thi, year and \\a, for ten years a member of the Gcncral f)emal Council, and i, a former Chairman of it., Education Committee, He \\a,> Pre~idcm of the Odontological
The getting of WIS dom
:\kdicine until October 19)--1, Re,>ide'> hi,> aeri\'itie,> in gcneral del1t:,lI practice and teaching at King's and at the London Ho.,piral :\kdical College, Sir fan ha,> acted as cxaminer for uni\er,>itic,> in the l"K and o\ersea,> and for thc Royal College of Surgeons, In thc Health Sen'icc he ha., ser\ed on District,
rea and Regional flealth
Authoritie,>, and he i., currently a member of the Standing I)ental Ad\ i.,of\. Comminee \\ hich ad\ i.,c,> the Secrcrar~
of Statc for l!ealth on demal
matter, lie i,> a Special Tru,>tee of King'" Collcge Hospital. ~l Fellow of King\ and a member of the College Council. Profc'>\or Gandcrwn i,> Chairman of the Briti,>h Pharmacopocia Commi,>~ion. \\
~ets publicl~足
a\'ailable ,tandards for mcdieine and pharmaceutical produet~. and i~ aho 3 membcr of the I 'K delegation [() the European Pharmacopocia Committec,
Gellill/i \ \ '/SE If) f!J'rosfopes ill Ihe Physirs DeptJI1/1/{'I/I
he School of Phy.,ical Sciences c!! Engineering held their first WISE (Women in cienee and Engineering) Day on \\'edne.,day 1-1- June, The ocea.,ion \\"a.,
a great sucee s with girl'> from Chislehurst and Sidcup Grammar School. South Camden Communit\' School and D T College, Pumey, parrici pating, {"f)lIlilllled 011 pr/fie 2
Seerion of the Royal Society of
Page 1
'1 he gcninL'; of \\'lSEdo1l1 ,
Whitfield' zoo
_' I
Dr .\Ii on \Iam\\oou. Lenurer in
Ph\ ~K~.
in her \\ ekome r31k rhe
lue3 of rhe ua~ \\ a~ [() ui~pcl rhe r1ur
~<..Ien(;e ~ubJen
\\ en: dillillt!r 311lJ
bOring "nd onl\ for bo~~, Dr Ilelen <:hel11"r~.
Fieluing, Lenurer in rhe~e
rel113rk in her
do ing rhe ua\ \ c\ cnr~. cmph'l~i~ing rhar ,cience \\a, fun "nu rhar Ir, ,wlh prm iueu im.t1uable kill. ,uch ", nUmer3C). rhe .mu rhink
[() (;oml11unie.ne
3nd [() be erC3[1\ e
," \\ ell a, anal\ rical. L,tb
\\ crc rhm\\ n opcn "nd
group, of girl, \\crc rakcn round
cnrhu~ia~ri(; hand
\ Icch.ln Ic,,1
Engll1cering a"i,reu
rhegirl~ [()
program a parh on a eompurer for an 3u[()-guiueu \ ehide \\ hich \\ ," rhen re,rcu [()
if rhe correcr cour'e h.ld
heen ,er. In Elecrronic and Electrical Engineering rhe\ \\ere ,hm\ n hm\ [() mea~ure
\\ irb lighr and ,gi\ en a L"er Chemi,tr~
uemon'trarion. In made brick, floar
rh C)
coaring rhel11 \\ ith
inreraeti\ e wrorial in infra-red Deparrmenr offered a range of rhe
compurer for the day rhey \\ere born, generating hologram on computcr. anu u,ing a bicycle \\ heel anu a rotating platform on the floor ro demomtrate a gYroscopic effecr. In \Iathematies the girb trieu their hand ar a
of pieces of mathcmatical
'oft\\ are ranging from compurer algehra to
I~f!hl) 1)1' Phi/II 'h;I(idr/; m-II/llhor .lohl/
rofe"or Phil \\"hirtidd of I,ife ha, added another aehie\ernenr [() hi, C\' by being .,horrli~ted as a pri/e-\\ inning author of .,cience hook., for chiluren, Profe"or \\'hididd \\ a, a runner up for ont:: of the prestigiou' Rh<1ne-Poulcne Pri,e, for S(;ience Book,. aumini,tereu h) COPl S and the 'cience \Iu,eum. lie \\'as competing ag'lin,r a record numher of enrries for the Junior priLe \\ ith hi, book The Ro/Jol Zoo, coaurhored \\ ith John Kell~ .mu Ohin
'peerro,eopy. 'rhe Ph) ,ic~ ~e[[ing
f,eI/v: r:hriI
.II/r/rf'&路s. (./lfIil7llll11 of Rhfhl/'-PfJII/mr: ({J-{f/(!hOI Oft;II,
a chemical and a]<,o rook parr in an
acrivirie'. including
. I1 Ihe {Ifnlrr/s dil/I/t'r (It/i
and publi,hed by Ilaml~ n ar)<, 12.lJ(). The ream \\a~ pipped [() rhe winning po,t h~ rhl' .110.1'1 IIIIIII;;;;I~I!: POP-liP Sr;l'lIf'l' 1/00/" b~ Ja~ Young (\\'am Book'禄, Profe"or \\'hirtidd and hi, \\ ife ~I[[ended
~llI,ellm on
dinner at rhe 24
he recei\ eu J certificate from Simon Jenkin,. former ediror of The Tillll'S. chairman of rhe ) <)lJS judging panel.
the inrernet, \\"hilst in Compurer
.'cience. they formeu inro ,maller group, in oruer
to t~路
out a uemomtration of a
rchbi hop s
I It
Fractal Imaging programme that had hecn \\ ritten by a thiru year \Iath.,/Computer Science ,wuenr. Feedhack from the girl., anu rhe accompan~ ing
staff \\"a.,
\ e~
fa\'ourahle and the School hope, [() repeat the exerci,e in 1996, .\nne Robinson PSE School Office
Page 2
'H: .\rehbi~hop ofCanrerbu~, Dr George Care~. \\ ho i., an alumnu., of King'., a, \\"dl a~ its official \'i,iror. \\ ill be coming ro the College on 11 Janua~ 1996. The draft programme includt::., ui.,eu"ion, with the Principal and enior,taff about the currenr .,iwation ar thc College and in higher education in general, :1 ,t::f\ Ice in rhe Chapel. anu a
\ i.,ir
rhe ,'wdenr,' l' nion. C:are~
hi, \\ife,
\\ ill be accompanied
.\rehbi'hop\ Chaplain, Canon Colin Flercher. Further deraib of rhe \ i.,ir are a\ailahle from the Dean \ Office,
o t-a yard adn1ini tration of re earch grant he Re~earch Council hJ\e re\ le\\ ed Jrrangemem, fur rhe pu r-J\\ ard admlnJ rrarion of re earch grJnr~. w mJke rroccdure, more uniform Jnd JlIo\\ im e~rigaror rl) mJnJ '1,; and be JccoumJble for rheir re earch programme ....
prauice hJ\ e
de\ eloped ber\\ een parricularl~
relaring ro rhe
been oughr from repre ...enrari\·c, of ~upporr
period \\ill bl,; decided b\ rhe:
fund,> ar the It: \ cl requc,>red. bur
indl\ Idu ..i1 Council,. The fund,
re,cf\'e rhe nghr [() offer '>UppOf[ ar
Jward<.:d include an element for
In alrernari\ e le\'el if con,idered
anticipared furure pay a\\ ards and
appropnare. ! n rhe CJse of unnamed Re earch
for rhe e
ben\ een gf3m heading a,
required. without permis~ion of
All new re.,earch granr arwehed
~eeking the
continue [() be a",e ,cd
hich \\ ill
\\ ill, a, a result of the
appl) rhe,e change, ro I,;xi,ting grant..
fin31 rl,;porr procedure,>, report any changed u,e of resource~ and rhe
will be I,;xplained by each RI,;,eareh
fund, for '>raff have bcen u,ed for chang<.:~ \I
ill mean
the follo\\ ing: '>um
the time of their
announcement. For
provided. When;
non-~taff c"penditure,
a ~pccific
explana[ion will be required;
• Re eareh granrs will be for a fixed grant~
• Thc Re,earch Councils will provide for
of up
,upporr will be
-I le\e1. An\' parriculJr que'>rion'> concerning rhe,e arrangement, .,hould be
addre,>~ed to
the contacrs belo\\:
BBSRC Ir Garcrh \IcDonald, 01793 -113356 \ Ir, 1'3ren \!orri,>, 01793 -1-1-12-1 •
ESRC 1\lr i\larrin Kender. 01793 -1130
MRC Dr Da\'id Cox, 0171 6365-122
NERC i\lr Da\'id Bro\vn, 01793 -111797
PPARC i\lrs Par Bewley, 01793 -1-12016
on the basi of pine
poinrs on rhe. a[ional Salary 'ca le.
Randall Director Mobile Dentist moves on elected he i\lanagcment Committee of the Randall ! nstiwte has elected Profc~sor Bob Simmom FRS. as Direcror of the In tiwtc for rwo years with effeer from 1 April 1995. This i, the first time the In tirute ha' had a DirectOr: the Committee felt that it was specially imporrant ro have onc person who could speak for the whole Instiwte, whether in the College or to external bodies. The Direcrorship is intended to be a t\\'O-. ear rorating appointmem.
,ooner, and rhe implication, of the,e
E",enrially. the
rhe Council. e\.cepr
for irem, of mJjor c3pital.
ne\\' ruling, from
aurumn 1995. Som<.: Council., may
J\\"arded ar pine poinr 6 grade poinr
• In\ e~rigarors \\ ill be able to mo\'c
ro anv Re,earch CoulKil \\ ill be rhe~e
named ra f. the
\\ ill normalh e\.pccr ro announce
fee,. age allo\\ ance'> ere:
change, ha, been \\·Ide-ranglng.
affeered by
Re~earch Counctl
of J longe:r durJtion, rhe arrangemem... for rhe additional
form of ,upplement uch 3, bench
Ad\ ice ha
rhe CH:P and higher educarion imriruriom and
pro po al Include prm i ion for
• Re earch granr will nor recei\ e any
emem of monic bem een
differem granr
i ued by C\·CP. \\ here ranr
wrJI period () thl,; J\\ ard; or gram...
,upplememing of ba,ic re eJrch gr:lnr, and rhe
rhree year. rhi \\ ill apply to rhe
he (obile Denral Service has informed us rha[ Henry the Denrisr lea\'es thi month [() emigrare to Israel. He will be replaced by Lou ise Wick, \\ ho hope~ [() conrinue where Henry lefr off. For anyone who doe nor know the \lobile Dental Seryice \'i irs [he
Srrand on l\londays and offer a full NHS service [() srudenrs and staff.
(;ommoIl\\calrh Scholar"hip" fcll<l\\ship'i
he ssoeiarion of Commonwealth Universities and rhe ir Robert i\lenzie, Cenrre for usrralian rudie' arc offering a number of scholarship., and fellowship for Briri h narionals who wi~h [0 tud)' in Commonwealrh countries including Au rralia, Brunei, Canada. India, Jamaica. New Zealand, Nigeria, 'ri Lanka and Trinidad. Furrher detaib are available from rhe Commonwealth Award Divi ion, As, ociarion of Commonwealrh
Tel 0171-873 2076 (\Iondays) 0831-258589 j\.lobile
Universiries, 36 Cordon Square. London \\'C IH OP F, telephone 017 I 387 .572.
Presentation Fellow & new ellows 1995
he (:olle!.:e ,... pkJ ...ed ro .IIlIlOUllce rh.lr rhe follm\ Ill" ha\ e bcen ekercd J . . I ello\\ ....
The Rt Honourable Lord Slynn of Hadley
of Bnraln' mo r UlCC
Lon.lof \ppe.11 In Ordlncln
read I'.ngll hand
Lord Alexander of Weedon QC
Professor Jenifer WilsonBarnett
(:h.llrmcln of '\.nioIlJI \\ e ... rmlll ... rcr
I lead of rhc Di\
n.1I1 k
Mrs Vivien Outfield, CBE Ph i 1.111 rh ropi ... r and P.1l ron of rhc \rr, Fcllo\\'~ Professor Margaret Brown
of Educarion 'Ind
or of \larhcm.l[ic... EducarlOn.
"I ng
Collc!!:c London
SIIr!!;eon. cllld Dcan of rhe I, c\lulr\ of Clinical \ledicine. "ing.... Collcgc of \ led ici ne
m'lIlg and
'\ ur... ing
I-.ing· . . (:ollegc I,ondon
I 'ro fe "or of '\ ur...ing
I lead of rhe Ikparrmenr of French and Profe ......or of I:rench; former \ iccCollL:.!~e
I"lrrner of \\ 00. "\\ .In. I.ec &
1.0. ~oliciror....md
'orarie, (1lollg
I ,0.
~oliciror, and
Pre entatlon Fellows
I'n'. alld
... illle IIJ." hc hcl ... al ...o
bcen., UC In '\c\\
\\ .1'" (:h.llrnl.ln of rhc
\\ ,lie,. lie
B.lr (:oUl1l1l from
II)HS ro I'), h.
I· mm 11).'7-1 1),9 hc \\ ch (·ll.Iirl11.1I1 \Iergcr.... 111 1')H,' he \\cl ... crccl[ed a I,ife Peer. I,ord \k'ander \\ a....lppOlnred ~elUn[le...
Lord Alexander of Weed on QC (ntlinl/tll/
flf .\·tllif)l/(// 1\ '('\'llIIimllF Rtllli'
Branch of rhe "in!!:· ... (.olle!!:c London
Iloll-c,ecuri\ e lllreuor
IClllnlhed in 19')-1. From 1991 ro 19')3 he \\ cl'> " 1l0n-e'ClUrl\ c direl tor of rhe
lie i... a rru,tce of 1nl'
(:hairman of '\arional \\'e,rmin,rer
and ...en cd
Ibnk ill 19HI). Before rhar he had
(;aller\ (19H(1-1 'J93l. lie i... (:hairman
~ainin!!: a
repurarion a... olle
.1'> ,I
rru ... tec of rhc '\ation,1I
ofrhe Council ofJlSI'ICE. rhe allpClrr~
orgalli"l[ion for la\\ rcform. and
cll,o of CRI "'il"'i. rhc eharir\ for rhe / -'lid .1 /('\(lIldl"
fJ/ 11'"
... inglc homelc....... lie hCl' reeenrh become
(;m crnor of the Rm al
~h'lke ... peclre 1['"
\ ,ociarion
.1'> J
memberofrhc (;mcrnmenr' I'anelon
I ,ondon Lord .\Ie'allder
an. I,cc J'
'ourie... (I long
ha, 'cn cd
of RTZ ... inle 1991. lie i....lho.1 "'iu ... rainablc Ik\ clopmenr \\ hidl
profe ...... ion.
"on g); Chairnun of rhe Ilong "ong
Thecl[rc and Chairm,m of
I'oundarion Board.
Mrs Vivien Outfield CBE
Mr Oerek Law I)irecror of Informarion ~~
lie \\ 'h a PI)()I nrcd a C)uccn .... (:oull ...cl
I kpur\ (:ll.Iirmcm of rhe
pur,ued a career in rhe
Mr William C Y Kwan "'iellior Pclrrner of \\ 00.
of rhe 1'.lncloll T.lkemcr.. and
Mr Po-Shing Woo
Professor Richard Gritfiths
Principcll. "ing·...
.md In\ e,rl11cnr, Bo,lrd in 199-1 .•Ind
Mr John L Oawson, CVO MS FRCS
1'1011 01''\
\Iid\\ lfer\ .lI1d of rhe IkparrnH:nr of
ro rhc Ibr(\liddk I cmpk) in II)hl.
Prco.,cnrarion Fcllo\\ 0.,
I lead of rhe
ful barri... rer...
\r "mg' (.ollegc. Cambndge. he
ice ... and
Phtl,Il/lhm/iI.I! tllld P(/Imll fI(lhl'. \11.1
... rem,. "ing.... Colkge London \
ien I)ufticld
reno\\ ncd for her
Professor Mark Sainsbury
commilment ro numcrou' good lau'C'.
~rebbing I'rofe"or
and i, In grcar demand. ,en illg on
of Philo,oph~ clnd
I lead of rhe Ikparrmcnr of
man\ eommlrree,.
i, a . . taunch
I'hilo...oph\. "ing'" Colle,gc LOlldon
. . upporrer of rhe .!rt,. a, \\ cll a.. being in\ oh cd in projecr, in the ...cicncc,. "'ihe read \Iodern Language,
Lalh \Iargarct Ilall. O,ford. hc \\ cl' .1 mcmbcr of the '\ ~I'CC
and rhe
.\ppeal Comminee in 19. '
. PCC Financial
Dc\ elopmem Comminec in 19
(Jrear Ormond
rhe \ 'ice-Chalr of rhe
\'ice Chairman of the Briri h Journal of
\\ a appointt.:d Ilead
he \\ a., al"o Ro~ al
rhe "thoolo
\\ a.... erjeanr
ha held ince 19 .-. "en ing a" Depur\
,'hc ha more than 70 publication m
Chair in 1<J ,'.• 'he i... al
a Direuor of
her name.
The Royal Opera Hou"e. She ha been
. 'he i
- 1'J 1 he
Huu thold.
rhe Queen .
He \\ a., appointed a Commander
funded re earch projecr,>
\\ ith a mul funding of ()\ er £3mllllon.
Ro~ al
urgcon [() the Queen and 1'J'J 1 he
. he ha'> been director or co-direu<ir of e'\rernall~
from 19
from 1':1 3 - 19 0 he held the po ition u
Royal Opera Hou"e Tru r. a po r ... he
Chair of e\ cral College Committees. 15
he i" Dircuor of The
a member and
19 9 he wa
He ha had do e link \\ Ith rhe Ro\ al
\\ a . urgeon [() rhe
Pro e '>or Bro\\ n
\ lar den
Edutation in 19'JZ.
Ho pllal Cancer \ppcal. Currenrl~
1l),'.1and Reader in 196. he\\a \Iarhematit,> Education in 1<J90 and
rn:er Illhpiral
\\"i hin" \\"clI \ppeal.
journah. From 19 I
con erred \\ ith a Per unal Ch'lIr m
Ilcr link \\ ith ho"piul include bemg \"Lc-Chair of rhe \ e~
\\ a'> promoted to 'enior Lecrurer in
\'iuorian Order in 19<J2.
Professor Richard Griffiths currenrl~
Chair of the Joim
f!md of Ihe Deparllllnlf of Frenrh and
.\Iarhemarical Council: the l'K
Profe.Hor of f rmrh:jol7lur !·ia-Pril/riptll.
.,ince 1990, a Tru ... ree of rhe Duh\ ich
Reprc.,enrati\ e on the International
A'il/f(s Co//ef(e l.ol/rlolI
College Picrure G:.Iller\ .,ince 19':13 and
Commirree for
a .\ !ember of rhe Ro\'al B:.Iller Board
I n~rruetion;
Chair of rhe Board of rhe
\\"ei . . mann In.,rilllre in hrad. l'ni\er,>ir~
Buc"ingham and Ilonorar) DPhil from rhe \\'eil.mann I n.,rilllre. She i... al"u an Ilonorary
fur \ lathematiL"') of rhc
.\ I r., Duftidd ha'> bcen a\\ardcd an
Honorar\ DLirr from rhe
Ro~ al
began at Cambridge \\ hen he \\ a...
of the School \ lathcmatic\ Project. Shc \\ a...
A,,~oLiarion from
of rhe \ lathematical
:\lcdie\'al Language.,. Re~earch
Fello\\ at Selw) n College and \\ a~
Mr John L Dawson CVO MS FRCS
awarded hi., PhD.
further four year'> as a Sraff Fellow and
IlIIrI /-
Ilc 'tayed at Cambridge for a
oml/!r f)eal/ oflhi! Ffi( /{/(l'
of (,'/i/{im/ .llerlirill/!, A'il//(s Col/(;W Srhoo/
Direcwr of Srudie~ in i\lodcrn
o/.ll!!dirille e f)f11lisIIY
Languages at Selwyn College, before taking up the position ofTuwrial
John I)a\\.,on has enjoyed a
Prof/!ssor of,l/olhm/(/lirs FAl/rtllirJ/l,
},:il/I{'s Co//e.!!;/! [,Ol/dOI/
Fellow at Brasenose College, O"ford.
medical career, both a\ a
and a'> an administrator.
Profes.,or Brown began her career as a
King\ in 1<)50,
primary .,chool reachcr and ha., ri.,en co
In \<).1.'). FRCS in 195R and \IS (Lond)
In 197.+ he was appoinred Head of the Departmenr and
He began a an undergraduate at
oursranding figure in
in \Iodern
Frol1l 1960 - 1<)62 he \\ a., a
I<)<JO -19'J I.
f!l'f{d of Ih/! Sdwo/ of Fd"mliol/ fll/rI
academic career in modern langu:.lge., a\\ardcd a First Cla\... I !onour, Degree
Professor Margaret Brown
become rhe
Education Commitree, and a Tru.,tcc
Jcmher of rhc Royal
College of \Iu.,ic.
I rofes\or Griffiths'
]\113 BS (Hons)
Profe~sor of
French at l'niversity College, Cardiff. He held the post of Deputy Principal (Humanities) there for twO year.,.
in I <J6'+. After 0ational Service and
In 1990 he joined King's as
marhemarieal educarion in rhc
po tgraduate rraining he
coulllry, and Hcad of onc of rhe mo.,r
appointcd [() the staff of King'., in
prcsri"ious Sehools of Eduearion in rhe
1965, remaining there until hi\
major improvements, particularly \\ith
l K.
retirement in 199'+. He al.,o held
regard to language teaching and rhe
She read t-.larhemarics ar "1ewnham College. Cambridge and wa., awarded a
appointmcnt., at Bromley King Edward \'J I In 1':16'+ he
Profe ,or of French and Head of the Department. He has undertaken
for Ofticer\.
awarded a
degree. She underwok her PGCE ar
'-.'ufticld Scholarship [() spend a year at
the In.,rilllte of Education, for \\ hich
.,he gained a di.,tinction. and wa.,
awarded a PhD in \Iathemaric"
Arthur Sinl'i Tra\elling Profe'>sor in
Education in 19RI from rhe l1ni\'ersit')
of London. She joined Chelsea College
He \\as appoinred
Profes~nr in
1967 and Sir
degree programme in European Srudie.,. He was Vice-Principal of King's from 1992
199.+ and [()ok a leading
role in the administration of thc College. He Chaired the 'rafting Policy Commitree, making notable
He has been an examiner for a number of
esrablishmelll a ne\\' field of srud~ and
imtitution~ including
ad\ances in equal opportunities and staffing policics in general.He served
(which merged \\irh King\ Collcge
London, Cambridge. Cardiff and the
on the HEFC for Wales and is Chair of
London in 1985) a'> Lecturer in
Royal College of Surgeon\. He ha'>
J\lathematics Education in 191'>9 and
conrributed [() surgical te tbook., and
Qualt\' Assessmem Committee. At lIniver ity level, Professor Page 5
FcIlO\\ I ')/II;/1l({dji YJ//J pll!!,1
.\' their Leg:ll \d\ i\m. he i a
rcgularl~. and
lecture 0\
er 100 article\ and hook
mcmber of the), IJnagement
d1:lptcr,. In 199.) he \\ on the Barnard
Griffith i \'aluedforhi \\orkatthe
Committee of the Ilong Kong Boy
Pri/e for ),Iedical Informatic\. awarded
In tiUlte of Romance :Uldle and hi
. 't:OUt A ociation.
e\ e~ three ~ ear for
\\ork on
renai,~ance litcraturc
medicallllformatic .
mentieth-century literature Jnd
Mr Derek Law
D/lulor of III(omlOliOIl St'nirrJ l/lld
Professor Mark Sainsbury
SIi/J/Jill{! ProfcsJor of PhiloJophy ({lid Hmd
He \\a, created a Che\'alier de
""illlt's Collt'Kt' LOlldoll
o(Ihe [)(Pt/l1111t1/1 of PhiloJophl'. !\illf!.:"
i"Ordre dc, Palme .\cademique, in 19 3 and a Che\'alier de rOrdre de\ Leme~
Art et de'>
Derek La" i\ one ofthi country's f()remo~t authoritie\
in 19
on academic
libraries :lnd information
,ystem~ and
Sfllior PflI111er of 11'0 f) , 1\""'(/11, 1,l'e e 1.0,
Profe,>~m Saill'>bu~ I~
internationall~ recogni~ed
Mr William C Y Kwan
He graduatcd from the ofGla~g()\\. "ith
of logic and language.
and the arehin;ct of the l'K\ mo\t
Solit"ilors fllld .\'0It/l7es (HoIIK !\OIlK);
Chflirll/all ofIhe HOIlK !\fJ!lI! Bmmh of Ihe
in '\lcdie\al and ),Iodern
Strathclyde. "ith a Po\tgraduate
Diploma in Librarian\hip.
achie\'ed the top re\earch rating in
('ollt'Ke I.olldoll .1.'JOrifllioll
He then mo\ed
\'aluable comribution
Edinburgh in 1977
the \ocial and
He and
retain~ ~trong
LLB in 195<),
link, with King'\,
acting as Chairman of the Ilong Kong branch of KCLA (King'\ College London
lie wa, a
the l'ni\ersity of a~
appoimed )'lcdical Librarian latcr. In 19 3 he became
Director of Library Automation. He joined
out,tanding uni\ er~it~ Department' of
Librarian at St Andrew'\ l ni\"Cr it\.
record of public en ice, making a charitable organisations of Hong Kong.
1-1 is fir\t PO\t \\ a, A\,i,tam
\\'illiam K"路an. a Kin/!;\ graduate and ,ucce"ful \olicitor. ha'> an out\tanding
an ),IA
authorit\ on
in 19 4 as
outside Oxford, \\ hich
III~ FCE rc~earch a~~e~,ment
exercise,. lie read PPE at
Corpu~ Chri\ti
College, O'\ford and \\a, awarded hi, degree in 1964. lie \\a, ,ucce"i\ el~ a Lecturer at \Iagdalen College, St Ililda's College and Bra,eno,e College before Ica\'ing
become a Lecturer at
Librarian and in 1994 he was
the l'ni\'er,ity of Essex in 1975. From
appointed a, Director of Information
there he \\ell[ to Bedford College in
founder member of the branch in 19HZ
Sef\'ice,> and Sy,>tem, with
1<)7 . where he
and Treasurer from its inception. In
rc\pon,ibilit\' for the planning,
Department and led the negmiation\
1983 he was instrumental in
development and managemem of all
for the merger with King's
establishing a KCL
information 'Y'>tem~,
(Hong Kong)
Scholarship Scheme which ha, rai cd
Department of
He i ill\'oh-cd in national policy-
Acting Ilead of
In 19H9 he
"a, appointed Susan Stebbing
O\'er 拢300,0 0 and enabled 30 \Uldent\
making a, a member of \'ariou~
Profe'>sor of Philosophy. and Ilead of
to \Uldy in the l TK at King路\.
committee'> relating
the Department, a position he "ill
a founder partner of \\'00,
Kwan. Lee and La. one of the large't law
firm~ III
Hong Kong. ~ociety:
the Follett
Re\'iew of II igher Ed ucation Li brarie'>. and thc Royal _ ociety\ Scientific Information Committee. lie
He i. an eminent member of flong Kong
relinquish in a
lie became editor of.llillrlin 19<)0. cle\ ating the journal to
member of the Funding Council'"
it wa, internationally
Joint Information
Pre\ iou,
y,tem, Committee
point wher
this he wa, editor of
where he ha re,>ponsibility for all
Britain \ other main philosophy
Hospitals Group, a major fund rai\er
nationally networked information
journal, Proceedillf!s of Ihe Arisloldiflll
for the \\'ah Yan Old Boy,'
,en ices.
Ad\'i~er to
the Board of the Tung \\'ah
A~~ociation, and
\\ as
Oerek Law has sef\ ed on man\'
He helped
PhiloJophy ill
Honorary eeretary. Director and no\\
committees, including: the Council of
Brilaill, which inform 5chool5 and
Legal Ad\'iser, and Director of the
the Library Association; as Chair of the
employers of the
Libran' and Information ),Ianagement
philo'>ophy,tudents. He al,o
South China which pro\'ide port~
facilitie~ of O\'er
for young people. lie
member of the P
Ad\'i ory Committee on P05tage Stamps and
Sef\ ice, and
Presidem of the Ilong Kong Philatelic
Panel of the 1996 Research Asse,sment
Exerci~e and
a\ a memher
of the Profe~,ional Board of the International Federation of Library As ociation\. I le hold, :l number of re,earch
fo tered in
undertOok a pioneering project
teach philo'>ophy through computer\.
The Rt Honourable Lord Slynn of Hadley
Professor Jenifer WilsonBarnett
Lfjrd of.4ppt'lIl ill OrdlllOl}
Helid of Ihe Dr..IS/OII of.\"1I ill
Mr Po-Shing Woo
Sell/or Panner of 11"00. Kt:all, Lee C!" Lo,
SolirirolJ and .\"Olanes (HolI A-OII!U
.Ifid;::i tl} "lid ofIhe Deplir1111ml of .\"11 'ill/( SllIdies, alld Professor of.\"tll,IIW
Po- hing \\'0 i being honoured for hi
SllIdte.<, Killf,(s Colfew LOlldoll
Jenifer \\'il,on-Barnerr began her
and for hi
College. and ollo"ing :-\arional
nur.,ing career ar . r George' Ho'Spiral,
borh in Hong Kong and rhe l'K. He
. ·ervl(:e. he \\ cnt [() Triniry College,
London b<.:forc srudyinO" Social Science
wa awarded hi LLB b~ King' in
and Poliric,; ar rhe L ni\'er,iry of
Lord . 'I~ nn i a la\\~er.
di ringui hed
,peuali mg in rhe area of
European La\\.
busine.,s communirie,
He graduared from Gold mirh
Cambridge \\ here he gained an and
sen'ice to rhe legal and
~ I.
Leice "rer. This wa followed by an
He \\ a called
rhe Bar
(Gra~ ,
from Edinburgh l"ni\er iry.
man in Hong Kong, and i
:-\ ur ing
From 1974-76 hc wa'S Leading Council
undertook re,;earch funded b\ rhe
Kwan, Lee &. Lo he is engaged in
torheTH:a~ur\, InIY76he\\a~
OH \. and
\\'ork wirh rhe People' Republic of
he rhen
looked [() by many for ad\'ice and
Bencher in !Y70 and a QC in 1974,
coun el. As a ~enior parrner of Woo
·chool. During rhi, rim<.: ,he \\'a,
appointed a Judge of rhe High Court of J u'Srice. He wa'S Ad\'ocare General
isrer in 1972.
Hong I(ong
He has an unriyalled repuration a, a
he rerurned to 'r George' a a
Inn) in 1956 and \\a, appointed a
uppOrt of lega[ edu arion
awarded her PhD.
1n 1977 .,he joined Chel ea
to rhe Cou rr of J u,rice of rhe EC from
China. aiding a murual undersranding of rhe r\\o legal .,ysrel11 to facilirare a .,l11omh inregrarion in rwo year>' rime
19HI [() IYHH, and from 19H w 19lJ2
College (\\hieh merged \\irh King\ in
when Hong Kong will become an
1985) a, a L<.:erurer in, ur,ing Srudies.
inregral parr of China,
a Judge ar rhe Cou rr of J u~rice of
rhe EC, Sincc 1992 he
been a
Lord of Appeal in Ordinary. He ha'S rwice been a
Profe'S'Sor of Law ar King\ (199H-91 and 1995-), lie
al,o Pre,idenr of
rhe Cenrre of European Law ar King\,
Shc \\'as appoinred Senior Lecrur<.:r in IYH3 and Rcadt:r in 1984. She
appoinrcd Profc"or and I lead of
and Presidenr of rhe L1I' A'S"ociarion of
Her c perri,e i, mueh in demand and ,he scn'e, on a number of
Commirree'S, She i, Chair of rhe L ni\'cr,iry
Chairman and i\lanaging Director of Kailcv Enrerpri,cs Lrd, Kailey Devclopmenr (Holdings) Lrd and
European Law. whieh i, based ar rhe Hi appoinrmenr include:
and priyarc eompanie'S as wcll as
i\:ur,ing Srudic, in 1986, and bccame I lead of rhc Di\·i,ion of i\: ur,ing
lie i., a Dirccror ofa number of Icading Hong Kong li'Sred companies
of Nursing
Fong Fun Co Lrd. 1'.[r Woo has linh wirh borh Hong Kong U nivcrsiry and rhc Ciry lIniver,iry of Hong Kong. He was rhe
Chairman of rhe Execurivc Council of
Deparrmcnr~, and
rhe I nrernarional Law A,sociarion,
her rerm on rhe Engli,h Narional
La\\, and rhe Woo Po Shing Q\'erseas
Honorary Vice-Presidenr of rhe L nion
Board for l\'urses, 1'.lidwi\'es cl! Healrh
Suml11er School Travelling
has ju r complered
founder of rhe Woo Po Shing i\ledal in
Inrernarional de> A\'ocars. Fellow of
\'isiror'S and rhe Cancer Research
Scholarship, borh ar Hong Kong
rhe Inrernarional Sociery of Barrisr<.:r',
Campaign Educarional Research
L ni\·ersiry.
USA, and 1'.lcmber of rhe American
Commirrec, She has recently become a
Law 1nsrirure, He i, an Honorary
memberofrhe 1'.IRC Healrh. en'ice,
Direcrors, rhe Charrered I nsrirure of
Fcllow of rhe
Re,earch Commirree and HEFCE
Arhirrarors, rhe I nsrirute of
merican College of
Trial Lawyer"
Addirionally, Lord Slynn ha., numerou~
honorary degree." award.,.
and vi.,iring academic appointmenr from Briri.,h and He
knighred in 197(-, and
creared a Life Peer in lY92.
ursing Panel.
He is a Fcllow of rhe I n,rirure of
lanagemenr, rhe Duke of
Shc i, on rhe edirorial board of publicati()n~ including
rhc JOIirt/al of
,ldcflllred SI/Hill£;, The JOllrnal of .llfr/i{({f/~/hirs. The
Edinburgh''S Award World Fellow hip and a \'i.,iring Profe,sor ar Nankai Llniycr,iry ofTianjin, China,
llilfn/{llional JOll17/al
of ,\'lil,illg SllIdies and Thf JOlll7lal of .\'1/ l:lillg .Ifflllfll!flllflll, She ha5 wrirren a number of book, on her ,pt:ciali,r paricnr~'
psychological reacrion, ro
illne"" and healrh t:are and parienr reaching.
Pagc 7
IJispal/hrf and
RelC Id hre lkel
f<.:arured on (:hannel
ILl., \11' \Iich.lel ClJrke. Din.:Ltor of
J foil 0\\ -up programme. di ul'>\ing rhe
rhe Cenrre for Defence
. er a
gnm in!!;
bcrween pri\ arc (Jre
College record; \t the height of rhe
and rhat pn)\ ided by rhe \:ational
ho.,rage cri.,i in Bo.,nia. he underrook
I Iealrh
~el\ ice
eight media inrel\ie\\., in one dJ\. 1le appeared on: \BC (. \u.,rralian
\\. r l H1dltion ...
Broadca.,ring Corporarion), rhe World
.\n article in rhe Gllflrdi(f/l looked ar toda~
S,r,:i'f. BBC Ol/t' 0 'dod: .\"'<.:'5.1311(.
hc)\\ people
cope \\ irh the war-rim<.: condiriol1'> of
.\'illt Odor/; .\·/"",s.llares
Brilail/. Radio l .. 110,i(0",' Todal' and ~
in footage for a Channel
\\ould be able ro
ago. Julian Thomp,on
Re,earch I-'ello\\ in rhe Departmenr of \\'ar Srudie.,. e\plained rhar the
X-ra~ u':J1(enar~ Buckle~.
I)r Chri.,
gre'He.,r problem \\ ould be the
l,lTrurer in
appeared on B/I/e Pi'I/T to talk .Iboll[ rhe di.,co\er\
e\ e~ da~ praericalirie.,...uch a., per,cmal h~giene,
The lack of hearin,g. indoor
[Oiler., and hor warer \\'a., quire common.
The the of :\-ra~., \\ a, dcmon,rrarcd through an airport and .,ome of Dr
Buckle~ " 0\\
n \\"Ink.
utritional \ ,due,> Fre.,h fruir and \egetable., \\ere rhe ,>ubjecr of an article in She mag,l/ine in \\ hich Tom Sander,. Profe'>\or of
(,O,>t of <':,1Ie
In the news
In an article in Tht' 'IIIIIt'S on rhe
"urririon. de,>cribed rhe 10.... of
problem of pa\ ing for long-rerm
\ iramin,> in rhe.,e food., rh rough
re,>idenrial care for rhe elder". Chri.,
cookin,e;, brui,ing and Ie,n-ing in rhe
Ilamnetr. I'rofc'>\or of Iluman
light. lie encouraged people [() cat
(jeograph~. e.,rimared
more of them and learn abour rheir
rhar bet\\ een
nurrirional \alue.
30.000 and -fO.OOO homc, \\ ere ,old each \Tar to
In '1'/11' '1111I1'.1' he <.:,plained that
tilr re.,idenrial or
cerrain amount of far in rhe dier i,
nur.,ing care.
nceded for ab,orprion of fat·'>oluble
;\ Lnhcmuti<.:ul
\ iramin, and e ....enrial 1'.1[[' .Icid.,.
\ largarer Bn)\\ n, Ilead of rhe School of Educarioll and I'rofe'>\or of
\Iodern \\arfarc
\ (arhemaric, I·:d ucarion, appeared on
'I'he u'>e of non-Ierhal \\'(;apon'> \\a,
di,>cu"cd in rhe
1101/r. di,cu'>\in,g \\ hether
,lIl)l'IIillg ,\'1"'''''.1.
rhere i, a cri.,i., in ,randarll.. in
I)r I'hilip Sabin, Senior Lecrurer in rhe
marhem,Hic" educarion and if primal\
I)eparrmenr of \\'.Ir Srudie,. '>aid that
,chool children .,Iwuld be allo\\cd
counrrie,> likc the t' . h;l\ e been
reluctanr [() u.,e non-Ierhal \\ capon'>
u.,e calculator, in marh., ela,>\e.,.
bceau,e the tacric., ne<.:ded for rheir _ 'C\\
u.,e diffcr
.Iapane.,e ne\\ religion, ha\ e been in rhe .,porlighr
and Dr I'ctcr
Clarke. Scnior Lecrurcr in rhe Sociulog~
of Rcligion. ha, bccn
inren ie\\ ed abour rhem on SI/lldal'. on Radio~,
by the \\'orld Sen icc and
r\\ () .Iapane.,e nc\\'"xqJCr.,. }'olllillri Shilll/Nw and. \'iH:ei.
Health care debate I'rofc,.,or John \Iarrin in rhe Departmenr of \lcdicine ar "C:S\ID
\\ capon.,. PO\\ crful ~tllff 1(>')//·/,eSI)S///f//1... on Radio-f a,ked \\h~ cienri.,r, had .,0 f~lr failed to produce a
dean, cheap 'Ind ine\hau rible ,ourcc of po\\er. I)a\ id Ilall. I'rofe.. ~or of l3iol(lg~. rook parr di .. cu,>~ing the u.,e of bluc-green algae to re 1110\ e three quarrel', ofrhe carbon dio,idc cl1li""ion~ produccd b, burning coal a, fuel
\\'illll\\ po\\cr
OpriL •• 1 [\\ ee/er Boo
immon. Pro e.,.,or of Biopl)\
appeared on
SUl'IIl, .\',;:..-
to talk about
hi, \\ ork on optical r\\ ee/er .
\n ,uticle
e'l.clmllled rhe
po ,ibili[\ of planrlllg fa r- rm\ Ill!!; <..Ionc... of \\ illc)\\ and polar tree,> thc]( (ould be
( dnd3reu help \ rt;port, \\ f1w::n b\ \Ir \Iik<.: \.,ke\\.
meLhanie,t1I~ coppiLcd
three \ear C\LIc. \\jth rhe re 1I1nng
Leuurer, and Dr D\ I.1n \\ iliam.
\\ood chipped and burnt in pc)\\er
<.:nlor LeulIrer. In the <'chool of r.duc:Jtion. \\ hith ,h(}\\cd that
calculator Impn)\ ed childr<.:n·,
p<.:r ormance in m:Jth<.:matit . rccei\ <.:d t()\ erage in the C/ltlrr!Jrll/.
produLed per 2.5 aerc,>. equi\alent
TrcJrll1cnr on rhe in ide .-\n arricle in the Il/dl'Pmdm/ 01/ SI/I/d(/y d<.:,cribcd a uniquc initiati\ <.: that
OI/IIl/f'II/ \\ould like to thclIlk all ,>taff \\ ho hJ\ e kepr u mformed
"enerate electriciC\. It i
e timatcd thJr. once e,>tabli,>hed, 20 ofd~
morc that 13 tonne of coal. Dr Jonarhan Scurloek, Rc earch A'>'>oci:.ltc.; ~
belie\ cd thCH \\ ith further
of their m<.:diJ acm jtie,>
1:.I... t yeclr. .\Irhough the Pres...
\\ood chip, could bc
in rhe Di\ i,>ion of Life
K p on k eplng u inforn1ed
\\ hieh :.Ippear in ne\\ ~p:.lper~. maga",ine, and journal. \\ e rely on indi\ idual member... of taffro tellu
ofrheir radio and n appcarance . The he next i~,ue of (;011I/111'1I/
pfl'>oner, ar Grt:ndon l' nderl\ lHld
produeri\ it~ of ener~, or bioma'>'>.
pri'>on. It refer,> ro :.I book \\ ritren
coppice'> could be doubled.
page for copy d.He,».
for \ iolenr
cr the
Publieario/l'> Office u'>c a curring> agent\ ro pro\ ide u'> \\ ith arricle
and genctie engineering, the
pro\ ide, inren,i\'e
ill be
in. cptember hee back
b\ Elaine Pla\er, Lecturcr in La\\ and Elaine Cender, of l ·CL.
called ern/dr),,:.\
S/II(~)' oIf/
f)ai~l' .1If1ir.1
'>:1Lking of the 'father'
of the ne\\ ~pap<.:r'" :" l '.I Lhapcl for eritici ... ing thc company brought ro an
Reli!!;ioll" kf\ollr .\n article in .\'".-""
e Soriel)'
focu,e, on the gro\\ ing <.:\angelical doctrine of ,>pirirual w:HfM<.: \\ h ich claim,> [() ca,t out th<.: demon ... of gre<.:d and poveft\', I)r Andre\\' Walker, Leetll rer in Theological
I~d ucation,
'>e<.:, the emergence of ... pirirual \\arfare tcaehing a,> a dangcrou'> form of fundamcnrali ... m that can lead
end hi,> ... ix-year banle again,>t union derecognirion and pcr...onal contract.... Keith E\\ ing, Profe......or of Public IJa\\. ,aid in rhe Guardian, that the door \\a,> no\\ open for a rerurn practice,> in
tile I.i//(>s
Premier Radio, rhe newly-launched christian radio, tarion for London, invited the Dean. Rc\' Or Richard Burridge (() talk on Bef'1t."eet//lte I.illes, a programmc currcnrly focu,>,ing on rhe differenr rea'>on, for religioll' fairh, The programme broadc.l'>t on Thur... da~ Z2 june di cu"ed the evidence for ehri,tian belief from the poinr of \'i<':l\ of religiou'> experienec. The following \\eek (29 June). rhe Dean talked about the u"'c of rhe Bible. lJer",'eell/lte I.illeJ i, ... pon ...ored by rhe Chri<,tian Evidence Society which ha, long-sranding link,> wirh King',>. Premier Radio ean be found on 1305, 1~13
Gender agenda Gender ,>election technique, \\ ere ill\'e<,tigatcd b\ the Lynn F ra,>er.
Dean goes
1332 and
\icrorian \ ~dllc,,?
Developmenral Biology, \'oieed doubt,> about the Eric",ion merhod which claim,>
bc able
derermine a bab) '~
,ex, aying that thcre is no el idence rhar a tcchniquc could ~eparate ~perlll in an effective way,
Any cxcrcme [()
A ne\\ three-day diet, undcr ...crutiny in the .ltail 011 SUI/doy. claimcd that ten pound, could be lo<;t in three ~O
pound, in a month. Tom Sanders,
Profe~,>or of
0: utrition, '>aid that the
diet \\a) ab,>olurely ab,>urd and exee",ively 10\\ in caloric and that ro lo ...e
pound ... in a monrh you would
have ro chop off an arm or a leg.
Pagc l.)
Prott: or \ III h,IC I Chn ropht:r lfllWI!1
\ Illhael 'crlltton '\ appoilltmcm addcd \\ c!come c\pcrti e
I)cpartmcllt in both tcaching 'lnd
rofe or. \:ru[(on. \\ ho died after a long dine', on 2-t \Iarch, aged .-7, \\a a di tingui hetl hiochemi\t \\ I[h an imernational n.:putation. lie \\a edueatetl at ,'W\\ e School anti Balliol College, Oxford. \\ here he wok a Fir,t Cia" Ilonour\ Degree in BiochelTIi,tr~ in 1961. Whil t a po tgratluate \tUdem in the departmem of Biochemi t~. Oxford ['ni\er\it~ he ,pem three \ear~ in the Departmcllt of Biochemi,tr~, \\"c<;tern Re,en e [' ni\ er,it~, Cle\ clantl. Ohio. ['SA, a\ a ['S Public Ilealth Sen'icc pre-docwral trainee. fter his rewrn w Oxford hc wa, a\\arded the D.Phil tlegrcc in 1965. anti ,oon aftcr\\ artl\ rcwrned [(J the ['nitetl State~ tu take up a numher of academic appoilltmem, at Rutger\ ['ni\ er\it~ I\ledical School and Tcmple [. ni\路ersiry. \\ herc he was appoimed
tenured ssociate Profe\SIH of Bioehemi,>tr\ in 1973. Hi teaching respomibilities at that time were conccrned mainly with postgraduate programme\ in Biochemi try for medical anti healrh scienn:s ,wdellts \\ hilst hi, re\earch illterests centred on cnl.\'me mechani<;ms anti structUre in rclation [(J metabolic regulation and the physiological significance of the regulatOry properties of enzymes.
A quarter of a celltury ago. there \Va a rapid expansion of Bioehemi<;try teaching at King's, which earlier had bcen concerned only with
eour~es to
first and econd year metlical wdem\. In quick ,uece'> ion. cour e were tle\'i ed initially for undergraduate in the newly e,>tablished 'ehool of Biological 'cience and e\'enwally for ,wdem opting
take an Honours
degree in Biochemi try. The'>e de\'elopmem\ and the reorganisation of Biochemi try reaching for medical '>wdems made it nece'>sary
,>trengthen the Departmem by the establi5hmem of a Readership in Bioehemi try and in 197-t \Iichael Scrutwn \\a,> appoimed
this po t
with special re,pomibiliry for rhe teaching of Biochemistry in the Faculty of \ ledical Science'>.
Page 10
rc can.h. Ili'> prt:\ 10U\ t:\perienn: tr~
teaching a modern hlO hemi
[() mcdical \wdcm in the l'nited .'tate,
fundamt:mall~ changcd
the \\ a\
in \\ h Ich the u bjeu \\ a pre\enred. \ luch \\ a\ demanded of the \wdellt'> and the high e\pecratiom \\ere not alwa~ \
\\ el<:ome. bllt on the \\ hole the
in nl)\'ation\ \\ ere imprO\ emcllt and ,tandard, \\ere rai\ed. ,>olTIetime\ to the point \\ here it \\a\ claimed that ,econd ~ car e\amination'> of medical \wdt:llt\ \\ere equi\',dem the
final, for
BSc degree
ehc\\ here. 'I'h i\ \\ ,1\. of cou r'>e. a gro'>'> c\aggeration hut \\ hat .\Iichael ah\ay, e"peued \\'a, under\tanding rather than factllal knO\\ ledge and thi, often difficult for
In the
procc" of trying w rai,c '>wndard'> \ Iiehacl acquired thc reputation of bl:ing a hard ra,k-ma'tcr, but thi'> was not wholly ju,>tified
it \\'a, only
\\ hcn he fclt that stlldcllts \\ ere failing to
make an effort that he becamc reall)
tOugh on them. He certain" '>wod no nonsen\e, but he \\'a,> \ cl) kind and helpful when \wdents had real problems. whether personal or academic. In research.
I ichacl Scrutwn had
an impre\si\'e record or original publication". 11 is research programmes on enl.ymc regulation and platelet biochemist~
\\ ere \\ cll supported hy
grant, from the major re earch cuuncih and foundations. In the important field of enzyme mechani<,m. in\'()I\'ed in metaholic regulation he wa generally considered
bc one of the leader5 and
hi<; high tanding \\'a<; reeogni etl by hi many il1\ itations to gi\'e lecture'> out'>ide the Collcge a<; by hi'> appointment to the editorial board of thc importaIH international journal, the 1~II,..opeflJl JOlll7lfl! of Biodu/Ilisll)'.
was an aeti\'e member of the Uni\'crsity Board of tudie. in Biochemistry and of the Biomedical . ocict), acting for twO) ear a chairman of it, regulation and
nll:CJholl m :::nlllp. I n hi u>n[rthudon
ot [h<: ubJeLt he \\ cl pr m,)[<:J p<:r oncll LhJlr I)
[he mer:::<:r 0 [h<:
BllJch<:Ill' er. lkpclrtmenr
,I" n_'
<1o<:<:n I.II/JI <:[h clnJ (,hd <:' (:oll<:t:<: . \liLhJd 11
ru[[on nuJ<:
<: ul umtriburion
[h<: di LU ,on
cll"lOnUnndJnon cl'o .IIIJhk I kpartm<:m on [h<:
lie hrough[ hi' Ie!!.e.:nd.lr. and [h<:
Ul'l'C 'ful <:1 <:nm!! Utllf <:
trand \\.1'
I I)
!!radualh r<:JuceJ cl o[her, <: panded clnd e.:'o<:lHualh \!lchJ<:1 ueude.:d clu[ It [0
[he.: K<:n'lI1!!.wn
l'Jrnpu IIHO refurbi hnl I.lbOrcl[ort<: \\}lIlh Ilcre.: more.: 'UHclbk fllr hi,
[he.: \n'lrom\ I ><':pJrrm<:lH. 'I he Cour e.: """ oflt:lncllh' )ome.: Jnd
of [hc cllur e. llteu JU r b<:fore.: [he.: mm e.:
h.1\ <: be.:ndlre.:u frll1l1 hi 1le.:1 er le" [h.ln
Ilwlo!!'o .It [he.: \l1{(. ( :lInll.tI I{<:,<:arllt
\ I!.!orou\ tuition.
C<:lHr<: in II.,rrol\. II he.:re.: hi' lon!!-
I'rofe"or C,11I111<: dedil.Heu him'e.:lf
,[.lIldll1!! Im<:r<:,r and t:'\pe.:rri,e.: In rhe.: bWllt<:l11i,rr\ of'l!!n,tI rran,dlluioll in bllllld pl.lte.:kr, \\ a' d" e.:n<:d imo Itnlng blood 1<:"<:"- ., he.: coll.tllOr,ItIOIl re.:rurn
ro Klng\. ," he.: b<:c;ll11<: 101111 ,upe.:n i,or fllr [\\0 PhD ,rllde.:IH,;I[ [he C:IH:. and II a, <:nhalll.:e.:d II h<:n I)r Biolog~.
fe\\ II <:ck, be.:fore hi, dca[h. "or more clUIl 20 ~ car, \l11I1Jc.:I ""lrur[()1l maue inlaluablc cOllrriburion, ro Biochcml,rr. ar Kin,g' gfcacl~
mi"cu. lie.: i,
,unilcJ b'o hi Ilifc. Laure.:1. .lIlU [110 auoprcu uaughrer . Ilibr'o anJ Li,1.
e h"
IIndcr,r.lndlng flf. I'h\ '1 III 1I!!'o . lie 11 cl' '"l'le"flilln ho[h rhe'e e.:nrhu'la,m 'lIld
11." 'ldmireu Cind el1\ iLlI
lor h~
.tll \\ ho
kne\\ him. Tilt: fau rh.1t he 11.1' rh<: imminenr
c,\;)mina[ion in
uieJ ,e.:e.:m enrircl\' Ilrrin!!,
a, h" uaugh[cr, 1':li/clberh. """ <I 'rudenr In I-.lecrrie.:al Englne.:e.:nnE.: <lr King' in [he.: ca rh 7(h 'IIlU ,[ill ha, a"oliarion
Irh Kmg\. Ic.:crunng [()
nell .IIlJ pro,pcuil c ruuenr,. I'rofe~,or C,lome.:
Ila' a familiar
lIgUfl; 11 irhin King',.•,1\\ .1" 1I i[h a Lhee.:rfull'ommcnr for Cl e~
mer. Surg<:on anu fricnu, from all arllllnJ [he.: IIOrlU 1\ ill be
IIR\ ,\r,[ein
~auucneu b~
hi, pa ,in!!, anJ w hi, Jallgh[cr anu
Eme.:riru' Profe"or of
j I'C.I r,on I'rofe.:"or in \·a,cul.lr
pa' rhe
[() King\ \\a, pclrtIllllarh .lppropria[c lab
mc<:rin!!,. dC'pHe.: hi, tllne.:" llnrtl a
clnu hc II ill be
111 11 re.
Ili, choicc in bringing [he cour,e
Rc,carch Ccnrrc a[ KII1!!\ JIlJ \\J' anilch eOlltriburillg
e.:'\,ulll11arilll1, hllr
Dllblin on (he I· riua\ night hefore he.:
all inr<:gral rok in rhe.:
formarion of [hc \ a'LltlJr
re.llhln!! hi ,tIId<:IH'
lurorinE.: a 1.lr!!e group flf e.:andiua[e.:, for
I'<:ar,on mme.:u ro Ke.:n,ingwn in 1991 pla~t:ll
,[tId<:n[ .In lI1[cre.:,r Ill. .lIld a re.tI
'1mll.lr 'llIdle.:, of rhe.: e.:ndorh<:li,tlldh
ro rhe.: lhair in \'a,cubr
tie. Be[[\.
and Ilteralh gener.IWllh of ,"rgcon,
[h<: c,<:ulon 01 \.1 clIl.lr
GlIlllld.I[C h,,, e .mended h" u ,ur,e'.
be.:nlh. IlorJ..ln!! II I[h l)r j<:re.:1l1'o
,aJh I)f I r'lIlk ""[an Ilelu. [he.: .lncl[Omi
\Icln'o rhou'JI,d IIf "rt1l1.lr\ I RC,
,.lbba[ll.tI kJI <: ro!!O b.llJ.. ro rhe.:
l()JHIIlII<:d umil .Ifre.:r
"m.(' in
u >I1uuLting [he.: 'e.:''1l1n 111[hll1
llea[h of I'rof,="or lome.:',
In 19,7 - ,', \lllhae.:1 rooK
ro Kill!!',. 1I1llee.:d .1t.1 'lIlllbr [IInc ro rhe
i I lom'
fll '= IIr DJI U h I <: J,<:J on un J.1'o j Ullt: I IJenl'o JnJ J <: ce.: IIlh J[ [lte.: J~e , lie p<:nr hi \\1 r"lng lifc :I[ [hl I{ 'ocl Collc~c 0/ 'r~e.:on.' I'p,k 'f" Ph~ HlIII~\ JnJ .,I[e.:r hi re.:[If(:me.:m u>l1nnu<:d r<:JlIll11!! \ olln!!. Uf!!Con [0 I>c.:cl[ [h<: <:'\clrnincr anJ <I[[JII1 [h<:lr I RC
clnJ \\cl clhlcl'o hdp/ul. 'I h<:
Ilcl nme.: ro mm<:
Of [) 1\
h<: clJIJnL<:m<:m
lIe otTer ollr ,inecrc condolencc,.
I)on,liu Farr Departmenr of. \na[()m~ et I J1I1l1an Hioloh~
Page 11
Da onc 1110re
Thc caption for thc picrurc ahOl e \\ hich appcaf(.:d in the \la~ i"uc of Commcnr ,hould hal e IKen a, follOlI ,: Sl/~'/~!(I'. (;rt/l!!1
Staff news
dfllllillf!. (kji
S,,,i tch board reminder
Iea ..e could depaHmenr, let S\\ itch hoard hal e the name, and e'ten .. ion, of anI nel\ ,talT \\ ho arc about [() join them. or ,ralT \\ho hale Iefr. ,\1,0. if\ollmOle office and hal e a ne\\ telephone e'ten,ion, eould ~ou inform them,
Prize for Prof Bushnell
rif!./ilj: Noh Rollll/s. Jot' .lltl\'. Jtl/lin
Ill/rim ,\'od
rofe ....or Colin Bu'hnell. Departmenr of \lathematie" ha been ;l\\;lrded the Senior \\'hitehead I'riLe of the London \ latheJllatical Societ~. The London \Iathematical Soeiet~ i.. the national ociet\ for ;leademic mathematician, and the ground, for a\\ard of thi, pre..tigiou .. pri/e include '\\ork in and influence on and ,cn ice [() mathematic.. 路. I'rofe ....or Bu,hnell' .. re,earch COl er.. a I cry \\ ide area ill\ oh ing borh algebraic number theor\' and ,lI1al~ ~i ... lie ha, been a\\'arded the priLe for hi .. ler~ importanr conrribution, in the repre,enration theor~ of red uctil e group.. 01 er local field"
Appeal for scientific eqlllpment
en Rcm land, a Labora[{)r~ Superintendent in the J)epaHmenr of (;eolog~ at King', from 19-17 [() IlJHZ. \\'oltld be delighted ro hear from an~ onc \\ ho i, able w donate 'eienrilie in'trumenr,micro,cope" balanec.. Ctl:.
Since 1lJlJO, 0\\ en ha .. made nine technical aid journey.. by road ro Romania. initiall\ delil ering food and clothing w ho pital and morc
medical and denral equipmenr to differenr .. ite, throught the count[\. 0\\ en i..
trampOH for another load of donated material. \\ hich he hope, [() delil er pcr,onall~
in Septcmbcr,
l'nil er.. it~ of Buchare't and a ,ec()ndar~
technical ..ehool at Ploie.. ti.
I1'1 ou arc able [() help. 0\\ en can be conracted on: 01730- ZI 7ZS (tel and fa,)
networking service begins
n the January edition of COII/II/elll. I dc~cribed thc :tart of a projCCt to [HOI ide aece
bibliographic and
daraba,e, 'tOred on
I ia the
II and an experimental (;1)-
RO.\! network scn ice will begin on I JulY. Thl;: introduction of this ,ervice.:. mcans that nor only will there be marl\" more
microcompllter~ for
within the library. but acce.:s, database~ 11
ill be po,siblc from
databascs will be availabk when thc 'cn'ice starts:
plw,ical data. together
Compiled by the LIS National Library of fllcdicine,'\1 FD/.!XI·; cuntains citations and abstracts to world-wide biomedical litcrature including rescarch. clinical praeticc, administration. policy issues and healtheare sen·ices. ,llalhSri ,JlfllhSri contains bibliographic
information from two prcstigious mathematical journals: ,Iffllhell/aliml Revi(!"(J!!J and (;lIrrf'lll,l/alhelllflliml PII/J/imliolls. ,Jlalh.)ri prol'ides
information on mathematics and its applications in rclated ficlds such as statistics, computer science, and operation rescarch. Individual records can be down loaded and TeX software used to format printed documents and ma thema tica Is. m bols. Dirliollfl/J' of Orgflllir COli/POll lids
This database contains chemical and physical data together with kev literature references and trucrural information on ol'er I s.oon organic compounds. Each entry contains to
indicate its content. Ditliollflry of IlI0rl!:allir COII/pollllds
Thi· dictionary offer information on ol'er ~ 1,500 inorganic ubsrances and includes chemical and physical data together with kcy literature references. COI'erage includes the elemenr.s. a wide range of co-ordination compound., reagents. solvents and other compounds
[(:fc.;rence~ for
ith key
ol'cr IOO.O()O
natural or.ganic ,ub cances sclected to be of most
interc~t to
ill run on
under \ Iiero'>oft \\·indoll"s. These programme pro\'ide much
greater functionality and case of use than the older t\'pe of search programme~ that
rc'carcher,. It includcs all natllral
run under DO.. The
dccision was thcreforc takcn
product, contained in thc IJir,/iOl/ori/'s
'uppOrt only \\'indows and not thc
ojAl/lilliolirs, DI1ff!s. OrWllli,. COl/lprllll/rll'
DOS ,earch programmes. This decision grcath- reduces thc tcchnical
and other publications.
complexit\· and .upport requirements. The tcehnology that has becn den:loped
Consequentlv. in order to acecss the C[)-RO:'-.I nctllork. a high-cnd PC
'uppOrt CD-ROI\I
networkingconsistsofa pOllerfullB\1
capablc of running \\'indows will be
compatible microcomputcr (PC)
neces ar\'.
extensil'e bibliograph labelled
offices. The following bibliographic
earch programmcs that
IJi'liol//lI)' (1.\·r/lllrol Prodlll'/s
Thi, darab,hc prm idc, chemical and litcrature
ethernet network. The project ha,
CD-RO.'I databascs now pr()\'ide
uf indu,trial importance.
hich arc attached two CD-ROi'd
each containing
drivc.. This
machinc is known as thc CD-ROi\1
fllany readers 1I·i11 be aware that CD-ROfll discs can storc graphics. sound and \'ideo in addition to purel\'
server. The CD-RO I server is
textllal data. This f<lnge of data types
connected to the Collcge's high speed
i' normall, referred to as multimedia.
cthernct nctwork and consequently
The information content of multi-
anI' appropriateh- configured PC
media is I'ery much greater than text,
attaehcd to the ethernet has thc
and the computer communications
potential to access the server. It should
infrastructure within the College is not
be clearly understood that the older,
vet suitable for multi-user access to
slOlI cr tyPC of nctll'ork connection to
multimedia CD-ROflls across the
PAD or EPAD will not support aece s
network. Such CD-ROflls ean
to the CD-ROi\1 network. Although
currently only be used effcetively by
manv acadcmie scaff do have ethernet
standalone, single user PCs. However.
there arc already departmellts such as
their offices, there are
still a significant number who do not.
Geographv which wish to use
Thc College has recognised the
multimedia CD-ROM discs to teach
importance of fast computer
relatively large groups of students. In
communications and there is noli' a
order to cater for thi' demand, the
centrally funded programmc in place
Computing Centre is planning
to provide cthcrnet connections to
equip a laboratory with appro "imatel)
cvery member of the academic staff by
25 powerful PCs each of wh ieh wi 11
the middle of next ses ion.
hal'e its own CD-ROfll drive.
The CD-Ra 1 server i located at the Strand campus and, because of the
In eonclu ion I would like to thank other members of the group who
addcd complexity in setting up
have made great efforts to ensure the
computer communications bctll'ecn
success of this project. They are Simon
site" access will initially be limited to
Jackson and John Henderson of the
PCs at the Strand. Howel"er.
Library and i\lark Stewart of the
prel im inar\, experimelltal work has
Computing Centre. II' more
becn tarted on expanding the service
information is required on any a peet
to other College eampuse . The fir. t
of the CD-ROfll network. please
trial. hal'e been successful and it is
contact me at the email address:
planned to introduce inter-site
J.Fendle @kcl.ac.uk.
opcration by the beginning of thc next academic session. 11 the important publishers of
Dr Jack Fendley Senior Application Analyst/Adl'iser Page 13
tallation of rI in1 Colleg Chaplain
itchfield a
JOllrllalo/L,atill .1}}I f I i('{/}I (1Iltllral Stllrli
reteptlllll rll n:lehrate Ihe lallllth Ill' tht.: J",,,,,,t! "I I.lfl/If III"nUflf ( 111111f"I .\llId"
f7 n/~1 Itll \I .I' held IIn tht.: t.:1 enll1:": lit 20 .lunt.: In tht.: (,ommlttt.:t.: Rool11 , The Journal I cdltt.:d bl Latherll1l: B"I le. \\ dli.lll1 R,me and 1).11 id'l ret.:te.1t rhe (:t.:nrrt.: for I,Jtin \mt.:m.1Il (.ultllral "tudle : Ihniel Baldt.:r'lOn. 'lulJne I nil er'ltl: John I-..ralll.1I1 k.I'. Blrkbetk (."IIe:..:c .lJld t.:lu:nko. I nller"tl of .10
1'.lId". It I publi hed hI CartJ\ Publ"hin:..: (.lIl11p.lI1l. \hll1:..:don, '1 he puhlit"ltilln i, tht.: onl~ journaloflr kind. II I' t'ollll11ined [() IrMerin:..: ne\\ re'earth in thi, lron:..:" el11er:":"1l.: lit.:ld .Ind 10 eIKlIur.I:':t.: debare .(hOUl rhc dCI t.:IlIPIllCIl[ 01 rhellrle .lIld l11erhlld In rhi, MC.I.. It I' I11It1rl-di't1plinar\ in appro.lch .Illll ~eek,
r" brln:,: rllgcrher
IIll:rarx 'lIIdle~. hl~to~ .lJld COl11mUnll',ItIOn ~tudie~. In add \[Ion arrit le, Jnd cream e ""rk,
Il puhli~hC'
chronltle~ of
rhe receprion and lcachlng of I.Jrll1/\lllerican (:ullure. The .Iollnltt! I' J n:IJunth of 'litfc'/,.IIII. rhe tir~r rhree 1"lul11e~ of
The Ch{/pl(f;lIfl' le{//fI ;lIlhf ('Iwpd - rlmd: {YJ~:, left If) lirt:hl) RI"i.:ef1'/fd 'l//fI O;lthfidd, F{/Iher ,1/(,vfIlder /- QJ/;IYJp(j{{IQJ. r(mlll m~\
/rft If) f~rt:ht)
11Ich hJle heen
~rudie, Jnd
Ih" On",. I路 ({Ihr Slfphm
bl CJrfa\
~repne~, rhe
Righr ReI erend RlthJrd
Charrre'> and In railed bl rhe Principal on 23
\(J~ 111
rhe College Chapel.
Tim Ditch field
of rhe ream: Father ,\Ie\ander Fo,>riropoulo\. rhe Greek Orrhdo\ Chaplain; Father Srephen Weal cr. \I
Page 14
ho joined the
Churth Chaplain. and rhe Dean. ReI erend Dr Rlthard Hurndge. "ho \\a~ in~r.lllcd 111
Ouober 1994. C1alre
\\'addell i rhe Dean' ne\\
and in ~eptember rhl~ ~ear. rhere
The Chaplainc~ i,> no" up ro full
in .lanuarl
hal e earned a
Chaplainc~ .\~~i~t<1nt. Judirh
be a ne\\
i~ currentl~
,Ir ar
路u ....e\ {. nil er~it~. The
Chaplaine~ i~
'>tudent~. regardlc~~
there I'm all
of batk~round m
belief. The C:haplainc~ Office
1995 a'> Roman Catholic Chaplain:
2373 and rhe
Relerend John Ilambrick, the Free
ill ~rrengrhen the journal
and hring il to a much" ider audience. Impeerlon cop le,> are al adable from
he nell College Chaplain, rhe "a~ Iicen cd b~ rhe HI'hop of
h\ lhc
internarionJI reputation. Publicarion
Il'e{{'i:l'r (flld RI"i.."ermr! J f)hll I I (flllllflt ".
ReI erend Tim Dirchfield,
Centre for Lalin ,\meriean (:ultllral
CJrfa\ Publi~hing Co. PO Bo, \bll1gdon. (hon {)X14 ,1'(-,
<] Ill.' ell
<] w.:\..' 11 It i p d i
l 1I
hc ~ccond IlHcrnational Conferencc on Quecn~ CQueen hip \\ a~ held under n)\ direLtlOn b\ the Ccntre for I.atc \nnquc C- \lcdiel al tllt!le lrom 19ro21 \pril. .\rrcnded paniclpant~ \\a~
'I hi \\ a~ ,In
The Conference \\ a del i cd hmh to be
out~ran~ing ucce~~. 1),lpcr~
on a \\ ide range of [()PIC~ n.:lating [() drawn from
and the l'nited
State~) ;\Ild
\\ere much
di,eu~~ion chaired b~
the Grcat
Thc nc\\ torc \\ ill gil C IO.(X)O ,quare fcct of retail ,pace Jt ground ICI cl and a ,tockholding of I.:
\\ ill bc
in the
~ubjeC[ and
~[()ckpicking facilitie.,
\\ ith for
prm ided a cOlHact
numher for tho\e \\i\hing to book
fl::quircment~: Roger 130\\ en.
.-\cademic I)el c10pmenr \ lanagcr or .\lan Leitch. \Iarketing Director on
paper~. edited b~
O'\ford fbg.,hip lihrarian~.
gal e an excellent
the Conference m~~clf,
bek\\ell Rctail - the Chford - \\ ill be opcning a major nc\\ book,hop Jt ](X) Charing Cro Road at the cnd of -\ugu~t 1995.
profile \\ ill he ,imilar to the main
S[Udie~ at
Collcge Chapel. Fil e e\pre~,ed
(Cl [,ll!1l.lln
million at retail price. The cJ\erall
pt:rformance of mediel'almu~icrelating
(I1i~to~·), I'anieipant~
imprc~~ed b~
thc"l: of e~[Jbil.,hed
EeI\\ ard \\'ickham (\\ ho thi~ ~ car),
to the thcme of the conference in the
The Conference concludcd II ith J)r Carpenter
\\ ell
an ,\1.\ in \lcdiend
included four from King\, lil c1~ round rabic
and to im oh e
The C1erk\ Group led hy
~i\ coulHrie~
(Germany, England, Canada, ~or\\a~
u.:ntre of Jncient Jnd medlel JI rudie .
~ch()IJr J~
Jnd relf1force our claim to be a leading
ome 120
If1tended [() en hJncc thc Collegt: profilc
from the l I' and abroad.
mcdiel'al queen,hip \\cre read
BbCK\\cll ....
I ,I[ l\. i n !.(
in due cour'e.
01 Ho,) 7927lJ2.
Ilall. the Council Room and thc Chapel. \\ hieh prOl ided
for the
proceed ing."
.'\nne Du,ggan f)qxmment of I1 i~to~
Better en1plo .Tn1ent pro peets for graduates hen thi\ ycar'~ fin~tli,t~ cnrcrcd unil cr~it\. job pro~pcct~ for grad uate~ II'cre de eribed a being \\or,e than at an\' time ~ince the depre\\ion. The pictllrc i~ no\\ much more cncouraging.
cmplo~ melH
publi,hed on the
record of the older
unil cr\itie~ for their 1994 graduatc\ confirm the trend 01
cr the
t\\ 0
ha imprOl'ed. point 199.1
oh~er\'ed at
~ ear\, a~
King\ econom~
uney\ I
a further improl'ement for
graduate~, de~pite
from _CJ.f>'k
thi~ lIa~ ~till
higher than the national
hal'e gained
1993 to 45A!!t in 1994: the national
.9% of the King'\
in 19CJ4 (the national figurc
important to ha\e good information on de~tination' and
fcll' gm\\ th ind us tries of the rccession.
, ationally 11.1 % of graduates lI'ere not
assistance with collecting this
al aibble for \\ork. The majority of these
ere international studcnt\ leal'ing the
lTK. The comparahle King'\ figure for
greatly appreciatcd.
Po~tgraduate~ hal'e
a better
employment record than first degree
1994 of 12.2'k rcflccts our higher than
graduates: only 2.2%- of King\ higher
Jlerage proportion of international
degree graduate., \\ ere knol n t ) be
unemployed at 31 December following
an increa\ing trend
temporary, in order [() gain \'aluable
46.7'k. At King'
more reil arding Career~
are often in thi, finali ts, recent
ith a national figure ofl.O'k in 1CJCJ4. figures excludt: those for the
:\umhers going into further
~itllation. After graduate~ are
graduation. The national figure was 2.3%-.
Jnd training from King\ declined
• l 'IIn:ersi/)' .'I/o/is/if's 1993-94. I 'oI/llIIe IVi:O: /irs/ des/illa/iolls ojlllln:ersi/)' gmdllll/es (l-niler~ities Srati~tical
In I9CJS the Iligher Education S[Jti~tic agenc~
(H ESA) assumed
re,ponsibili~' for
the collection of thi
information. H E5.'\ i., demanding a
large,r group of user~ and I'erl'
minimum SO%- rewrn for home swdent,.
much appreeiare being able to continue to use the
I'isiwr~ to
Adl i\()~ Sen ice and they
the unemplo) ment rate fell from 7.7'k 6.5% in 1994, compared
opportunitie~. t-.lany
King' graduatcs are regular the
in 19CJ3
was onc of the
\kill\ and e'\perience for a mOl e to
employment inerea\ed from 41.1 'k in
had happened
was 9.6'k). It is becom ing increasinglJ
Po~tgraduate ~tudy
The percentage of King's
27.1 'k although
take on work \\ hieh may be regarded
graduate~ known to
aH.:rage of 25. 7'k.
the increa\c in
thcir number\.
figure for 1994
ice after they
graduate. We
Sue Dirmikis Head of Career
ere unable
OLJ[ \\
Adli~ory Sen
erne ten a[l< n i a naWIIl-\\ iue trend -
I Ld I J. t:t:
'I he: C .Ik_e -\me:nl[le C:ommme:e: re:c 'nth a.,:reeu
propo e a -.7', J~aln
mLrea em hall tee \\ i he of the:
at he "mt: t po .hlc lO t.
t the
'I he t luent . Inion i a\\ arc
wuc.:m· I mun. Ilall
I'ec hale n en mer
I \ the (. \ ( ,I' anu a gm e:rnmem
ed, e:'pan IOn m hi:::her eUIKa Ion
m the L.t t \\ III be
anu non-alauemll tat lace a a
cut 1)\ a funhc.:r ',ne't \ ear. \\ ith the
lOn equenLe of cme: te:n atlon.
four \ c.:ar~. \ lallHenJnle
m",imum I .In J\ aIlabk
the: Ult il dtle th t man\ alJuc.:mll
e:me ten aton ha, al
hau an au\ er e:
hemg !i 1/1,-0 and wuem ha\ e nlJm
affelt on man\ a peu of rudent life
Ic\<:f inlfea,m~) e'pen
e - mcludmg
from gre:ater JCaUCmil ulll~equentlal finanual
Ha\ cl. food, book c.:tl. Ilall fee' ha\ e:
pre: ,ure,
burden,. In other \\ ortk rudem, are:
been higher
Kmg' than
ehe:\\ here m !-onuon .II1U King\ al 0
ha\ m!!; [()
ha, ,ome: of the: 1l10,t c.:'pen'>l\ e:
,eme~tefl\,l[ion in
hall fee,
of~. 7f( \\
lilr the finanllal implication, of
further e,calate the finanllal prohkm, th,1[
a Illultiwue of
Do \\e \\ant to 'cc
'tuuem accommouation m the I' K. .\n im:re:a,e
for the re ulh of
,eme:'te:ri,ation on \ acation
and the: 'tlIdent allomnwuation
,[LI(.lcm, ha\ e:. 1-. 'ce:'>'>1\ e:
m hall ke:, \\ III ha\ e the 1'0110\\ mg
Do \\e \\ant ,rudelH'
[() ha\ e: Intllltcd upon thcm and ,uncr
the fulllmpauofa fall in \aCJtlOn (a) [lme:lHial ,wuelH' \\ ill ,oon re:ah,e
Students' Union news
the ,e\cre the~
\t prt:'ent. College d"'pen,atlon
tor the ,ruuent accommodation
\\ill be unuer if the~ uecide [()
aCCOUIH amount, to Ju,t under £ 1.3
King',. 'Ihi, \\ dllmpau on
million, It \\ ould not be: unre,.,onabk
of King', [() recruit the
(acauemicall~) be,t
for the: College [() mCfca,e
,wue:m, \\ ho
cannot afford to come: [() the: Collq.\e:.
t1i,pc.:n,ation, on a onc-off ba,i,
c.:a,e: the: impact of the: introduction of h~
!i70.0()() for
(h) ..\ece" [() ,rudcnt, from \\ (nking
cia'>'> and orhe:r non traditional
1995 - %. Thi, \\mIld help re:duce:
background, \\ ill bc
the 0\ erall ri,e: in hall fce, h\' a furthe:r
re'trictcd - opportunity for all \\ ill
I.Yk. Gi\cn the Collcge\ intention
hccomc a myth, with enHanec [()
and not acadcmie
ahilit\ [() pal
1)\, 3% and to incorporatc
inflation into the:
,rudent accommodation (:Jnd othcr
Collegc) account. thc 1'nion 'cc, no rea on \\ 11\ a ri,c in hall fee,
It ,houlu be: nmcd that \acation letting incomc ha, comc in at £ZOO.()()() under budget. Thi, ha, had a huge
\\ oldd al,o be in !tne with current and
impact on thc proje:cted deficit of
projcctcd RP I inflation
£69K. In
the: cau,e, ofthi,
\\e can u,e the: Collc,ge:',
n \\ ord,.
projected dcficit in the: current
i, a
re ult of reduccd \acation income cau~ed
by the mm e: to ,eme:,te:ri,ation'
Thu5. ,e:me'tcri,ation ha, impacted heavily in \'acation letting, incomc for 19Y~-95
anu thi, ha, pla)ed a
,ignificant part in cau,inl.\ thi, )ear\ deficit. Admittedly. the move toward,
for thc
ne't IZ month,. The l' nion 'cc, a ,L'i'k ri,e in hall fce, a, hcing fair and. a5 ha, been
'One of the main rea,on, for the
I'a,ge: 16
not he in linc with thi,. Such a ri\e
,ho\\ n.
re \ L
KCL l ~ ha\ becn ue\ eloping rhc
Thl" ~car' KCLC,l 'iabbaricJI Te'lm
\cn IlC ir prm iuc
\\mild likc [() rhank all College rafT
er rhc
wuent\ ar King'
r ix \CJr, -
irh rhc
\\"arerfront B.lr. '('uru'
Jnd of!icer, \1 ho ha\ e helped rhc l nion and rhc \wdeIH' of King\.
mUlh morc. 'Ihc l'nion rhrcc
ill bc carn ing ollr
UC\ elopmclH rh,n arc
almeu Jr \\ luening rhc \cope of ,cn lee prm i,ion. The fir\r
Gha'>'>Jn Karian, Pre,iucnt lan Franklin \ P ~-\dmin
wdcIH .\ffair'
\U\ ice \'oluIHcer Schcme \\ herc
Tarn Jcffer on
,wueIH, work a, pccr-ro-pecr au\ i\or\.
\'p Financt:
.g i\ ing ba\ic \\elfare au\ icc anu informarion (() orher ,wdeIH". Thc ,chemc ha, been ,ucce"ful ar man~ ()[hl:r
union, aLTO" rhl:
and i\ ,imilar [() rhc Ciri/cn \
\rh ICC Bureau ..\ major p,1f[ of rhl:
funding for rhl: ,chemc h,,, comc from
laking n1U
rhc King\ Collcge I)l:\ e!opment Tru,r Jnd KCLSl' \\ould likc [() dunk KCL.\ dnd all rhe eontribuwr" w rhi\ Tru,r for rheir 'UppOf(. KCLSl' ha'> al,o \igned a conrracr for rhe franehixe de\ elopml:1H of a I)illoll'> book\wre (() be opened ill rhc ne\\ ,>cme\rer on rhe tir,r noor of rhc \Iacad'lm Building. There \1 ill be a \aricd on-"ire ,c\(;erioll of hook", rogl:rhcr 11 irh a phonc ordcr ,cn icc. Thc ['nion \\ill al,o hc del e!opin,g a phc)(ocopy/prilH '>cn icc for ,ruucnr, in rhe nc,r couple of \ e:lr\. The rimc\ealc for dCI l:loping \ueh a ,cn ice 11 ill hl: gr,ldual. \1 irh rhl: IIHroducrion of a compl:riri\ e phowcop~
,en iCl: for rhe nel\
"eml:,rcr. and rhc e\ eIHual dt:\ clopml:1H of a full priIH ,cn ict: in rhc mcd i um rcrm. Orhcr de\ c1opml:IH' planned for rhi\ ,ummcr include rhl: largc rc-\ amp of rht: l nion', carcring ,cn iCl:' \1 irh ill\ c,rlllCIH in nl:\1 and di\ n,itied ,t:n ICl:' and faeilirie\:
'rrarcg\. \\ irh rhc ['nion
nC\1 IT (/inJII~)
connl:(;[cd ro rhe our idc \1 orld (and ir, ml n ,wdcIH') rh rough rhe Collegl:
j.\" ET '~'rcm. /-:Ieflllor ,lIaVlle/l. (lJllllldfll!:mdl/(/le of/ht, f)epa/'llIIfII/
of. Ill/sir, 1001' parI ill
RadiI) .!'s
} 'Ijl/IIK .ill/sir/fill o(!ht' } 'm/' (l)lIIperilioll ill ,I/ay lIlIdgol /hrol/f!,h /0 the Jl'IlIi-jilla/J. She is a/.l路o fm/I/nd ill Ihl' (.路olltgl' L'idM fl({{)lIIprlllyill,r!f!rl/lliJI .\'(/I)lIIi Hilllllall~ (Phrjll) hI' !i !i(jPh()/or!mphl'I f)m.id F.rI'U"aJYI)
pril 1995
Re earch arant for the quarter end d 3 - - - - - he grant h ted belo\\ \\ ere recel\'ed in the quaner ended ~O April 199-. Detail are nO[ gi\ en of grant under ::.000. nor of tho e \\ hich are confidential. bUt the amount are included in the [Owl or the depanment or unir.
lif!alld>' 011 :::L'bra(ish bmm df'U'loplllt!lll. Total grants: £162,149 157,680 Ecu
( t:l1rrt: tor IkknlC r
\1 \\'i11 ett.
IC lU':
• Or D BClghwn. I
uppon a re earch projett entitled
14.000 ( outh
Thame Rcgional Health
.-\uth()ri~ )
research tr:lIning felll)\\ hip. • Profe or:" \\' John on. 2 .000 Elu (European Comml
IOn) to UppOf(
proliferalioll ill Parijir .lsia.
IIlilisalioll 0/ delllisls forlhe ear~l' deterlioll
• Profe~sor A J Tinker. \b '
Total grants: £145,430
0/ oral mllrer alld precallar (PHASE
In pec[Orate (DoH»
Europealllerhllology Iralis/er C' -"eapOIlS
en ice~
\IcCreadie, £22.020 ( ocial
~uppon a
research project entitled L'pdale ofelder
(:cnrre for \lcdical [..l\\ and Erhic'>
abuse researrh.
• Profe \or A Grubb, 37.000 Ecu
• Or J A\kham. Professor A Tinker.
(European Commi\\ion(PECO-:--':I. »
\Is R Hancock. £12,486 (jo~eph Ro\\ntree Foundation)
uppon a
~uppon a
re\earch project entitled
re earch project entitled TmifliflK alld
Ill). • Professor :--.: \\' Johnson, £22.500 (Rc\earch Strategy Fund) contribution toward research staff CO~ts. Total grants: £63,876 28,000 Ecu
The moral alld Il'f!.al issues SUnYJlllldill[{ Ihe
re earch project entitled Ho "lIIurh are
Irt'OllIIt!IIl alld heallh rare 0/ palil'llls ill
I.d lIurilll1
people prepared 10 pay 10 lW hi[{her
perSiSletll vegelalit'e slale.
• Dr 0 J Squires. £121.( 07 (Briti\h
Total grants: 37,000 Ecu
pt!llsiolls? Total grants: £34,506
( hcmi
syslellls ill (fllldelllir resefl/rh 20
• Profew)r F Ilibben. .£75.076 (BBSRC) contribution [Oward\ a
• Or L C
• Profes~or F I fibher[, £30.000 (King\
lahadevan, £92,150 [0
fluorescence facilit). College London Equipment Fund)
suppon a
research project entitled Alla~l'sis of
contribution tOward, a fluore~cent
rhrOlllalill-assorialed si[{I/{///iIlK respollses
facility. • Or K Jones, £28,50 I (Wellcome
Kene arlivalioll using a plaslllid-based
student hip entitled The desiK", sy"/hesis alld leslillg ofalllhe/lllilllir rompollllds.
Society) Contribution toward
• Dr () \Viliam, £14,000 (School Curriculum c!t s\e,sment Authority) to \UPP0f( a re,earch project: Get/iflK IIIOI"/'
IIse/1I1 ill/lil7l1alioll fromlhe lesls. • Or P dey, Dr R Fairbrother. £ 13.157 (Office for Standard\ in Education)
suppon a re eareh
Total grants: £133,577
Revi~' o/rerenl
reset/rrh 011 e./ferlit'e leamillg slyles alldJ/rolegies. ·1\lr \1 Askew, 1\lr\ A lillett, Profes\or DC Johmon, ()r D \\Oiliam. £75,600
(Over ea\ Development
expenses. • Or L C
lahadevan, Or E Cano-
Lopez (Fellow). 97,622 Ecu (European Commis ion (HC1\1 Programme» to uppon a re~earch fellow hip entitled
• Professor
Greenough, £ I50,000
(Children :--':arionwide 1\ledieal Rc earch Fund) to WppOf( a Children Nationwide 0:estle research
NO grofJC.·lh far/or - alld allisolllyrill-
fellowship. Total grants: £150,000
• Profes or
H Bittles, 60,05
(European Commis ion (HC\I
e\Oaluate the impact in England of national curriculum
a~~e~sment\ at
Curriculum rg
• Profe sor T J Peters, Dr T t\lahmud
• Professor N H K Holder, £57,001
(Fellow). £64,159 (South Thames
(Welleome Trust)
Regional Health Authority) research
0/ B61 relaled eph reaplor tyrosille killase
ofTeachcr\) a research proposal to
• \ h G Clo\e. £ 17,116 (School
eroloKiml, lIIorphologiml alld Kt!IIeliral.
studentship entitled FUllrlioll
1\ G Close. £ 13,::00 (:"ational l' nion
C1as'iic'> Clinical
Total grants: £5,800
projee:t: E'volu/ioll of mall ill l~urope:
suppon a
project entitled Primary lIIalhs
evalllalilill/reJefl/rh: SOlllh Afrimo
stages I. 1. and 3.
Programme» to suppon a research
dminisuation) to '>uppon a re\earch
Child I Iealrh
Pllrijimlioll. rhamrlerizolioll c!!: dOllillK 0/ arln.'flled proleill killases P45 c!!: P55.
Upr0f( a rc.,earch projelt entitled
rOllromilflll1 'w)ilh illllllediale-early (I I~)
• Or S L Dick on. £9,998 (Royal
Librar) [() suppor[ a rc\carch projelt entitled l \e of l7~assisledillfo/7//(flioll
\nJrom\ e(luman Bi()log~i()c\t:lopmt:nral Biol()g~ J{c'>carch (:t:nrrc (\\'ellcome Trust)
Page IH
\"t: Conct:rn In ritl1rc of ,-, ( Icronrol()~~
training fellow~hip. Total grants: £454,159
resear h con.,ultancy.
• l\ fr I A.,kew. Profes\or \ I Br()\\ n. £56,531 (Nuffield Foundation) to SUPP0f( a research project entitled
Raisillg al/Oillmenl ill lIumeracy. Total grants: £311,711
e Elccrrical
Total grants:£4,194
\ LlI1<l£!;emcnr ( cnrre
• Dr T G Clark\on. 25.402 Ecu < Europl:an
Cornmi\,ion (TE\IPl'~
PII.-\RE» .'uu<.:rural Joinr European Proje<.:r
• \Ir,
• Profl:\ or.\ .I Rogcr,. Dr \'.\ Ilanderek. 361.~ 7 Ecu (Europcan Commi\ ion)
I n"ri(lJr~ for rhe C,rllth ..", Tre~l(mcnr of [)c1inqllcnc~
\UPP0f[ a rc\earch
Braggin ,£.... 000 (E, RC)
lI/ollilorill7 ofslrurtl/ral illll'f(rill' of 1'1/"cattd Il'IlIpert/mr"!' illsl/latNlsy.itl'fflS (FORJIS). • Or T G C1ark on . .£5.000 (Korea II-Song Ilan.
Total grants: £13,954
conferen e on managing ri k. Total grants: £5,000
\ Iccll.lnical
«10\1 EC)l' ni\'cr iry of POrto) ro
• Profe~~or I \ 1 Kennedy. £42.000
'>upport a research projecr emirled
Liquid o)'slal thl'nl/o[!mphy.
conrrihurion {()\\'ards rhl: salarv cosrs of
Total grants: £51,806
ordinaror, \\ irh respon,ibiliry for
(EPSRC) {() ,UppOf[ a re,earch projc<.:r enrirled Im'esti/;atioll off(JJ'f siKllfll
• Profe"or D
Ila~ ron,
£ 2,.'iOO
(Baring Foundarion) conrriburion ro"'ard\ rhl: sala~' co,r, of rhe Oirecror
pro{essillJf,/or distribl/led oplimlfibn'
for rhe Briri'>h 100riwre of Human
sfJlsillK s.l'stell/s.
in rhe School of La\\'. Total grants: £128,000
Fr~nch Total grants: £4,564
Science., Di, i.,ion
• Or D H Da\·ie,. £59.99- (\\'ellcorne
e Primar\
Trusr) purchase of a liquid seinrillarion eounrer.
• DrJ Dale, £57,~09 (King Ech",rd\
• Or P Quinn, £5.700 <Brirish Council)
Hospiral Fund) ro ~upporr a rc,earch
ro ,upporr a research projeer emirled
projecr enrirled I<:vall/fllioll ofthe Ill/He
Chartlrterisaliol/ of fIIelllbrfllle lipid phflse
provided te!epholle fldvire sen'ire.
Ilehoviol/r fllld sl/r/flre properties.
Total grants: £67,409
• Professor 0 () Hall, 65,500 Ecu (European Commission) ro supporr a
re,earch projecr emirled The I/se of
• Profc~ or C Harnnerr, £ 12,SOO (Personal Re earch Accounr) co,r of
immobilised /)'al/obarteria for rOl/tillllOl/S fllllfllOfliff fer1ilisatiol/ ill rire prvdl/rtioll.
rc-esrahli hing Profe~ or Ilamnerr's
• Or S Srn irh, £ 13,980 ( orth Thames
Regional (ealrh Aurhoriry) ro ~upporr a
London. Total grants: £19,782
re earch projecr: Pflll- Thflflles air
polhllioll fllld r"!'spimlor)' hl'Olth ill school
• Or \1 Layron, £13.058 (King's Collcge Ho piral) re earch ,wdenr,hip. • Dr 1\ I Layron, Profe or Bellingharn, £50,000 (jame, Sre\\'ard,on Re earch & Wcl fare Tru~r for Children \\'irh T.P,L) ro 'UppOf[ a research fellowship emirled lriose
phosphale isomerase (TP!) defirief/[)'. Total grants: £182,205
I Lord, Dr R Luff, t\lr R Le\\'i,.
£ H 1,702 (. ourh and Wesr Regional Healrh Aurhoriry) ro support a research projecr emirled :1 shell shol'
fil/illK se!t.'irefor stod· or1hopaedir shoes. Total grants: £141,702
Righr" and a Senior Research Fello\\'
Total grants: £246,059 386,889 Ecu
~Icdical ~:nginccrjng ~
PIl\.,ic,> • Dr
School of I,a\\',
Roger" ~ Ir P .I Langloi,. £66,736
acri\'iry ar
(Ciry oliciror~' Educarional Tru\r)
serring up a rc,earch daraba\e in rhe
• Dr \. A Handcrck. Profe\sor A .I
comriburion ro\\'ard~ rhe funding of a
an informarion rechnology co-
Telecorn) re\earch bench fee, for Dr
• Or \1 Yianne ki . £16.392
projecr enrirled Fibre oplirs for rell/otl'
Total grants: £12,945
rhildml. • Or PJ \\'hidield, £2 .500 (\\'ellcome Trusr) {() \upporr a research \rudenrship emirled The desigll, sYl/thesis alld tfstillg of
allthelfllil/tir rompol/llds. • Or W P \\'illiams (t\1 RC), £55.456 (Her Jajesry' Inspecrorare of Pollurion) ro upporr a re earch projecr emirled Exposure rOflllllitfllell1 approarh 10
the derivalioll ofetlvirolllllel/lal assessmefll leuls:jeasibililystlldy. Total grants: £194,805 65,500 Ecu
\fcdicall'nir • Or P t\1 \\' Barh, Or
(i\'eurology), Professor B
(]\'eurology), £ 173.26~ (t\1 RC) ro supporr a research projeer enrirled The
efferl oflIitrir oxide dOllors ollexperiml'fltal slro"". • Professor B 1 I-Iendry, £3 7.42~ (t\1 RC) effccrs of renal failure on membrane choline rransporr in neuronal and epirhelial cell. • Dr A Pozniak, £11,960 (King's Healrheare) ro upporr a research srudemship emir/ed .1I0leOllartypillg of
myrobarleril/m aviulll. • Professor .I F
larrin, Or
Belder (Fello\\'), £123,778 (Briri h Hearr Foundarion) ro support an imermediare research fellowship emirled The role ofa IIIn;el plall'lel selertif;e I/ilrir oxide dOl/or,
S-I/ilrosogll/lalhiolle, il/ rardio'i..'m(l{lar diseasl'. • Or J 0 Eru~alim ky, Or I Zachary,
£89,203 (Brirish Heart Foundarion) ro ~upporr
a re eareh projecr enrirled
Sigl/al trtlflsdurtioll merhal/isflls ill megahlryorytopoiesis: role ofproteil/ killase {; &' proleill tyrosille phosphorylatiol/.
• Or I Zacha~', £97,129 (Briri h Heart Foundarion) ro upporr a research projeer emirled Ref!!rlaliol/ ofpI 25 foml
PRP. /lJ1/11~/fI:? /Ir"r
I't rr/IIIII
,1I11'-tln .:,llIlId(/(/fIllrldl;-
• Dr I Zathar:. £2'4.17- I Brm h HeJrt
Total grants: £194,555
uppon a re cJn:h
projetr cnmled Role 0/pm/nn !)ro /fie J:11T1I e lIl/lte pit no!)/!/(' /rall 1111111 t
(\\eIltome 'I rll rc~eJr<:h
pI.!') /owl adltl'sioll J:ill",e IJJld
'1 ru rl [() \lIpporr a
:h (\\ eIltomc
• Dr J Robblll ..t147.
lake d.H Blalng ..:: L(J
rl) uppor[ J
rudcnr hIp cnmled Inul]n/
III ('arlIlIIlIllIJflO\ldl' 011 /In/lll
0/ IIrr"i.e/ J:/fIII.-e '.
Total grants: £766,933
. '·lInt.:
• Profc or P (, Jenncr. ·-().thl
a -nilar moollt ml/sde re/I" rr,?I/III/1fJ1I of
Total grants: £1,940
fmlll Mad
co elltll/(' millllri!)
dt'lenJlillall/ lifprr m/tl/lfJlI
co IIplllke o(
Irmllllellllll till I/lIIerl,oJldoll ElI/m/ILIt.
Total grants: £84,000
• Profc'>'ior P G Jcnncr. £o107.2fY (Parkin\on '\ Di\cJ\c '>o<:icr\) to upporr a rc\carl'h proJccr enmlcd
.l/nhaJ/islII.r IIlIder/1'1II1( d\'.d,'lJIeSIIIJ fllld
• Profe\~or H J Gould, £39,o9.~
po/mlial IIfllmlo.\lri/), o/I.-Drlpa.
(Cancer Rc eareh Campaign) [()
• Profe\ or R IIJlll\\cll. 67,')()() I--:l'lI
\UPpOrt J re~careh project cmirled IILI':'
(European Comml
IIl1lilJod}' dfpelldml cel/lllar n'/II/O\m/)'
Programme») [() \upporr J rc\carl'h
rc\cart h projcu: Hrrl} 'I rlllll'('r /fI :.. fllnt'1I
ill Il/all/J/wllllll cell/nil IIl'11mlleJ.
ro ~uPPOrt a re~earch projccr cOli tied
/ltf lrea/mm/o( m'flrioll mailloflla.
7 ,()()() I IlHh"1 hJmt: RcguJOal IleJlrh \lIrhorir\ I [() lIppOrt a
(1lle /or mklllm II/I)IJili 'Ill,:! s{'{'olld fIIe"st'll~e"
• Dr \r Peckham. £169.776 (BB 'RC> The rfJle fJ/lilill ill m"sde: fI f!:me It/lXell//IL
• Dr -\ DJ\ Id. \( r J Robcr[~ I ur~cr. I,
Total grants: £21,927 ~P<lIl.1
h - P 1111 h \IllClICdl1
Total grants: £2,646
(I IC\(
projcc.:r enrirlcd Flr't' mdmil forllla/illll
If L
Total grants: £73,825
• f)r B J Surwn. £39,304 (B B'>RC> ro
alld {1II/iO\ldtlll/ sl'l/l'mS
\UPport a rc earch projctr emitlcd
SI'II/ViOSfS. ,1/lIdif'J 1/1'
De'<:elopfllm/o/IIO'i.'el inmlllllllKlllliIIlill
• Dr
villdillK pmlfim: X·ray s/m(11I1r' 0/ /hf /all
Total grants: £372,225 67,500 Ecu
(1Iarr: I'rank Guggcnhcim
villdinK dOfllflill
0/pm/em I ..
lIi/rozm ji\lllf(
Total grants: £294,027 trl11 II \
• \Ii\\ C ,\ndcr\on, £29Jrl2 (\\'ilr\hin.:
• Dr F Farzaneh, £21,500 (Rc\earch
Family Ilealrh Scr\'lcc\
Srraregy Fund) comriburion ro\\ard\
supporr a rc\carch projccc Sperialis/
research \raff co~r~.
heal/h /JIVIIIO/ioll ill mlll/II/lllil)' phanllaries.
Total grants: £21,500
• Profc'iS\)r R C I1 idcr. I)r S I~an\al. re'iearch
Iliodef;mdavle pfllelmlil)/ll'llhallrers.
• Profe\sor R C 11 idcr, £32,176
• :'\Is J Thomas. £66,094 (Hcalrh re~earch
:\urhom~) [()
~rudenr\hip enrirled DesiKII.
sl'lI/hesis alld f"i.:allla/il)/l
Total grants: £30,028
(BBSRC) conrriburion [()",ards a fluorescence facilir~.
Total grants: £157,691
projecr emitled Die/ and ClI D
pret:m/ifJlI in SOlllh Asialls: rMdiness/or
• Professor R Sorabji. £ 10.000 (Briri\h
Total grants: £67,689
Ob"tcrric" G~ naccolog~ Total grants: £1,000 Oral Pathology • Dr f) K Shori, Or G B I roeror,
£J 94,555 (\\'ellcome Tru\r) [() \upporr a research projecr cmirlcd /Iow: do lIerves rolllrfJl the resy"/hesis fJ/ fllllrills alld
Pagc 20
Founuation) ro \lIpp0r[ a rcscar<:h
e pmre .wppfJl1opemlioll.l.
Total grants: £3,050 $19,922 Total amount awarded in the quarter: £5,375,187
£57,001 (\\'ellcorne Tru\r) [() ~lIpporr a
'lIr"ing e \fid\\ ifcr y Di\ i"ion
Edllcarion Aurhoriry) [()
I)r J GO\\.
ill pos/,Cold 1\ '{Irl',\' flllIl/ila/eml
\lokclILlr \lcdilll1C
c: I)Jndckcr.
projccc Till' pmlllem o/lIIill/my 1I'[<1/illlf/(l'
Academy) [() \upporr a rc\carl'h projec.:r enrirlcdAllril'll/ rofllflll'll/a/ors fJlI
Aris/otle. Total grants: £10,000 Phy~ic)
Total grants: £101,314 Phy~iology Group/Thcrmal
Biology Research l'nit Total grants: £53,417
Total number of awards in the quarter (including extensions and supplements): 135
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8 July 15.00 to 18.00 This year's KCLA Summer Event will be a garden party in the grounds of Lambeth Palace, SE1 by kind permission of the Archbishop of Canterbury, a Presentation Fellow of the College. All members of staff are very welcome. The cost is £15 per head (small children half-price) which includes a strawberry tea. Tickets are available from Jo Crocker, KCLA Treasurer, KCLA Office, Cornwall House, Waterloo Road, London SE1 8WA. [)L"\ clopmelH,d Biolog Rc'>earclJ (:elltre Semillar
All seminars are held at The Randall Institute, 26-29 Orury Lane, London WC2B 5RP at 13.00.
28 June PDGF supply-and-demand in the developing CNS Professor Bill Richardson, Mrc Molecular and Cell Biology Labs, UCL
In'\ritutc ot (,LlSSIC.!1 <"'tudics 1,ccturcs e'Seminar" 10 - 14 July Latin Palaeography Institute of Classical Studies Summer School. Further details available from Professor A C de la Mare, Palaeography, Strand Campus September (date to be confirmed) Greece in the reign of King George 1(1863-1913) Centre for Hellenic Studies, Strand Campus
The ll1'>riture ofP,,\chiarf\ e'Thc Berhlem Ro'·al and \Iau(hlq . ·1 IS Tru·"r 12 and 13 July Fifth National Conference on Women & Mental Health: Women, Mental Health & The Family Speakers to include Professor
Page 22
Judy Dunn, Or Anula i apota, Or Melanie arks, Or Christopher Dare, Dr Catherine Oppenheimer, Or Eia Asen, Or Adrianne Reveley, Dr Jane Ussher, Or Toni Bifulco, Or Tara Weeramanthri, Or Cleo Van Velsen, Ms Maggie Mills, Or Charlotte Bur e, Ms Sheila Ernst. Programme includes lectures, workshops, short papers and plenary sessions. Topics include: The meaning of the family; Working within different family structures; Refugee and dislocated families; Anorexia Nervosa and the lifecycle; Single parent families and mental health; Assessment of parenting skills,· Depressed mothers and their children; Women as carers; Sisters and shared environments; Teenage sexuality; The effect of mental illness on the family; The menopause and the family; Mental health and motherhood; Abuse within the family; Managing a family and a career, and 8ereavement in the family. Fee £150 (£90 for the unwaged) including buffet lunch and refreshments. Further details and application forms from: A MacPherson, Conference Office, Institute of Psychiatry, De Crespigny Park, Denmark Hill London SE5 8AF. Tel 0171-740 5125, fax 0171-7035796
I J lImaniric" 30 June Special contemporary music event including a live performance by Jonathan Leathwood Room 6C, Main Building, Strand Campus 17.30 Tel 0171-873 2029 5 July Our Railway into Europe Public Lecture from the School of Education to be given by Colin J Kirkland OBE, Technical Director of the Channel Tunnel Project Room MB222, Cornwall House Tel 0171872 3183 6 July The Quest for International Security Lecture from the Centre for Defence Studies to mark the launch of the joint Council for
Arms Control & Centre for Defence Studies United Nations at 50 programme (funded by the Croydon branch of the United ations Association). To be given by The Rt Hon Lord Howe of Aberavon QC and chaired by Lawrence Freedman, Professor of War Studies at King's. Great Hall, Strand Campus 17.30 11 July Ideology, evidence & the raising of standards Professor Paul Black. Second King's College London Annual Education Lecture. Great Hall, Strand 18.00.
King's College School of \ Icuicinc et Dcnri~rr\ 13 July Recent Advances in Light-Cured Dental Materials One-day conference organised jointly by King's Dental Institute and the Biological Engineering Society. Postgraduate Medical Centre, King's College Hospital, Dulwich. Further details from Dr John Nicholson, Biomaterials Department, Dental Institute, King's College School of Medicine & Dentistry Tel 0171-737 4000 ext 3520 17 July Postgraduate Poster Day. Poster presentations of work by research degree students Rayne Institute, Cold harbour Lane 11.00 to 15.00 Tel 0171-7374000 ext 4011
Page 23
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(famou for it II hite \1 ine) in Puglia, Ital) for July - OctOber. Thc \ ilia ha,
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hart let required
If you \\ould likc more information please telephone 0171-370 12.79.
fil'e bedroom and lee ps nine people \1 ith four
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.-\n American academi<. couple \\ ith excellent references i, in ,earch of a London flat or ,mall hou,e (() ,uhlease this summer, I') June to I August (approximately). Comact Profcss(H Peter Lindenhaum telOOI- 12-3311- 255; 001- 12- 551 55 fax 001- 12- 55-9535. Or IHite European Studie,. 50 Great Ru\\ell St. London, "'CI B .~B;'.
Gorrod 0171-333 4789 for further
Flat to let
Singing le sons Available at llniversit. College London
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and students, gilen by highly experienced teacher. Telephone: 01 1-.4466 72
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Two hedroom garden flat (unfurnished) available from August/September in Greenwich. Close
GrecO\I ich Park and Cutt)
Sark. Long term let. :"ear to Green\\ ich BR station and minutes from King\, Strand). :"onsmokers only. Rem 拢550 pcm. Please contact \Ialory :"ye. on eXL 2656 (Strand) or 01 16919532.
li\ e
SllIdellls or peoplf' i/l jllll-lime employmelll
We welcome articles and for photographs (colour or black and white prints please) from all sections of the College. If possible contributions should be sent in on a 3.5" disk in plain/unformatted text or via email to the address below. Please note that the editor reserves the right to cut or amend articles as necessary. Copy deadlines
Issue Issue Issue Issue
89 90 91 92
15 September 13 October 10 November 8 December
(23+) lIeeded 10 pmvide a balollrer! fI/ld
Press and Publications Office
OIl,,""'OIY! 10oki/lK em.:imllll7f11l.
The Elizabeth I !ou,e provides th()~e
~upportile communities
who have formerly experienced
prohlems with drug, (ages range from Page 24
Comment IS the College's regular newsletter, issued by the Press & Publications Office each month during term time.
:\"ew Cro s undergrounu (appro, 35
commu'niry hou'le? Brittany (St \/alo), paciou apartment within walled city; sleep four; 200 yards from heach; s\limming, fishing. Contact 0181-995 .+831 (el路cnings).
c/o John Sunny g'lrd, Instiwte of
Ext 3202 Fax 0171-872 0214 E-mail j.c1amp@kcl.ac.uk