Comment 091 November 1995

Page 1

the College N ew letter De. mond


L It

I" of Dcparrmcm" meet

event wa~ a I'i~it b~ Thc \Io~t ReI De,monu Tutu .. \rehbi,hop of Cape TOil n, to unveil a bu~t of hilmelf. It i, the fir,t el'er to be ~culpteu of him anu the College lI'a~ bonoureu that he \\a~

ore th.1I1 'iD of tbe Colle~e'~ heau~ of <"L!wol,. UII "Jl)n~ anu uep.trtment~ JOll1eu the Pnnlipalat.1 t\lenty-four hour Kin~\ rc~iuential conference near <"outh.lmpron at the enu of OLtober. The m.11I1 item on the a~el1ll.t 11 'I~ a Ui'clh~lon about .Icauemic ~trategie, anu future tinanual 'tructure' for Kin~'~ in the li~ht of the opportunltle, to u~e the ~urpll"e~ ari,ing from the ,ucce" of the <"trate~il Plan. The Principal opened the ui'eu"ion b~ ~a\ IIlg that a ,trateg\ neeued to be ueciueu upon for the penou after ueficlt~ hau been rel:!l\ereu anu re'trulrunng co~t~ hau been paiu off. .Ind then a re~oun:e ,y,tem uel i~eu [() put th" ~tr'lte~\ 111 place. to~ether IIlth tran,itlon mechani,m, 11 hich \Iould eclll~e 1c.I,t d"nlption. lie ollllll1ed \ .Iriou, option, on hClII the ,m.III e,peCleu relenue ~urplu, of fu tlI re \ear, coulu be deplCJ\ed. The,e inlluueu builuing up a gener,II re,ene; building up ,peLifil re,en c, for pre-uetcrmineu purpme,: ue.lting a ,horl-term 'rapiu-re'p()n~e' funu for opporluni,tic purpo,e,; prOl idin~ ,ome relief for teaching loau~, anu better ,oeial anu uepartmental ,pace, e,peeially ,It the Strand: auding new ani\ itie,;

COli/ill lied Oil flaKe three

(;olllillllfrl 011 flaKf


IJeilllolldli'/III/alld,' heilde the


I"III/fI/lIre of hil/ll"e/f

unureu~ of~taff, 'tlIuent~ anu frienu, of the Collc~e p.lckeu into the Stuuent~' ('nion ni~hteluh in the '\Iacauam Huiluin~ on 24 October to take parr in ler~ ~pecial oC<"l~ion in the life of the College. The



I lead" of Department" meet ({Jlllilllltd lmlll fJI/!!,t performance-related bonu, or ,.1IJr;. ,rrucrure,. or imprO\ ing the technological infra,rruuure. lie ,ought I iell' on the long-term planning per petril e,. Jnd the meLhJni,m, ,tJff Ilould like ro 'cc u cd [() add re", them, taking inro accounr the impending merger with t'\ID.'. l)JI'id Hall. DepLJ[~ College .'ecretary. Planning '<? Re,ouH;e,. indicated in a ,hort pre,enration that, prol iding nece'i'iar;.· capital e pendirure wa, appropriatel~ funded. ,rrategic im'e'itmenr of ,urplu, fund, could be given ,erioll' con,ideration. In thi, re,pect, ime,tmenr fund, of up ro £2 million would be al'ailable in 1997 and might ri'ie ro '3,5 million in ,ub,equenr year, if the ,rrategic im'e,tmenr deei,ion-, led ro enhanced income. Good example, of how ,rrategically placed im'e,tmenr could benefit the Collcgc\ income generating capacity were, he ,aid, an improved 'ihare of qualitv re,earch fund" or higher lel'e1, of po,tgraduate ,rudenr,. I\lr Hall produced a ,canergram ba'ied on external and inrernal performance indicaror, [() illu,rrate the need for carefully con,idered ,rrategic inve'itmenr. The 'icarrergram proce", clearly indicated onc approach ro inve,tmenr; there were many orher" he poinred out. Conference member'i con,idered the 'irrategic planning i",ue'i in working group'i, and in general term'i


Jgreed that the pnmJr\ im e,tment need of the College rdJred [() the building infra,rrlluure. paf[lLlJlarl~ at the, rrand. and the need [() mainrain aLademiL e\u:llenLe in term, of re,earch qualit\, The conferenLe al'>o inLlllded a pre,enration b\ I)r BJrrie \lorgan. Direcror of E\ternal Relation,. on the ke~ i",ue, facing the College in determining it, furure .Ipproach ro the recruitmenr of gr'lduate ,tudenr,. Dr :\lorgan a,ked II hether "ing', ,hould ,eek [() change it, po,tgrad uate [() undergraduate ratio (at IHe,enr about 5: I - ,light" higher than the n.nional :1\ erage for old unil er,itie, of 5.5: I) .1Od II hether it Ilould be appropriate to e,tabli,h a gr.lduate ,chool. On the ,econd da~, Declen Leyden of the t' nil er,itie, and College, Emplo\er, \",ociation ,poke about de'elopmenr, in emplovmenr law and practice .1Od an'>\l ered que,tion,. Participanr, agreed that thi, fir,t re,idenrial conference for Ilead, of Departmenr, prol'ided a very u,eful forum for meeting colleague, and di'icu",ing ke~ i",ue" Chilworth 1\ lanor, which belong, ro the t 'niver,itv of SOLJ[hampton, provided a comfortable and appropriate ,etting, There wa, al,o the opportunit. ro roa,t the Principal, who,e birthday fell on the fir,t day of the conference.

" C \\'ong cholar hip" for China he" C Wong EduLation " ou ndatlon of 11 ong "ong offer, ten 'LhoLu,hip, each ~ eJr for I'hD/\IPhil re,earLh 10 the t . niler,it~ of London for ,tudenr, from mainland .hina. file of II hich arc tenable Jt "ing\ College London. Thi, 'Lho!Jr,hip ,cheme ,tJrted in I ':I, 7, It pnll idc, J month I; ,tipend of £-170. Jnd tlIition fce, .It thc ratc for home ,tudcnt,. The ,cholar,hip, arc parricular" ,uirable thereforc for ,tlIdent, II ho arc appl; ing ,').,0 for an ORS or cquivalent al\'ard II hich II ill COl er thc balJnce of the OI'cr,ea, tuition fee,. Further detJil, of the ,chcme arc al ailable from Or Abraham S-T Lue. n !\ IagaLine Gap Road. Ilong "ong, Ear" Jpplication i, advi,ed. prcfcrabl~ b~ the cnd of April for the 1'0110\\ ing OctOber.


King', Profile he Pre'>'i \!:J Publication, Office ha, produced a pockct,iLed leanet conraining e.,.,ential information about the Collegc - from a brief hi,tOry to fact'> and figure,. copy of the leanet ~hollld be included in thi'i edition of r:O/ll/llfll/. If \'ou require further ,upplie, of the profile - for ,ending to I i,itOr" interviewee, ,taff or ,tlIdent, - plca'ie telephone France'i Chap man on ext 3202.


, caucmic Stud" Group Bur"aric" 1995-Yn award" he Academic 'cudy Group i'i a Hriti'ih charitable foundation which promore, collaboration between Hriti'ih ,cholar, and their ['iraeli academic counrerpart'i. [n the coming year SG II ill offer 1(, rravel bur'iarie'i [() hrael. Scholar, in any field mal' appl~. pplicanr'i ,hould 'iubmit a detailed CV along with a ,ummar\ of rea'ion, for wi'ihing ro vi,it hrael and the name, of l'iraeli academic counrerpart'i or corre'ipondenr" Application will be reviewed [()ward, the end of 'ovember 1995 and again in late I\larch 1990.


P..lgC .?

Further information from John D ;\ Lel'y, Academic Study Group, r Lyndale thenue. London :"\\'2 2QB fax0171-794 0291. The 1I igher Education ector in hrael con,i,t, of ,el'en principal unil'er,itie,. man~ ,peciali,t re'iearch in'ititute'i and dOLen, of ,maller college'i, hraeli academic" have built up de,erved inrernational reputation for their ,cholar,hip and creativ ity. Both individual ,cholar, and departmenr, in I,rael arc eager [() forge new inrernational re,earch link.



he Halliburron Lectllre will take place on 19 December and not IS December a,

,tated in H'h{//~f Oil, The lecturer i'i Dr. :'o.loncada of The \\'ellcome Foundation and the evenr I ill take placc in the i':eVl Theatre, Strand, from 17.30 to I ,30. Contact Profe,~or Peter 1\ IcNaughtOn 0171- 732-175 for more information.

Dc mond luw \ (O/i/III /led {mm



,,,i[,, luw'

paJ (JIlt'

r..:nd rh..: \...:r..:mon\ rll un ..:11



I)c,mond ']u u I .I (lfmer

r\\ KC for he '\.lIlplClr. \\ ho 11.1, Iried


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Ir pcr on.lll . \\.\.omp.lOIcd b\ hI \\ If<.: LC.lh, Ik,mond '] ucu uO\..:I1..:d rh..: bu I.lnd "lOg',

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,rude 01' Jnd J\umni ,lnd rhc

p.I\.k..:d for Ih..: ..:\ cm \\ nh 'lJff.

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1.1 lOo!


10 1 Jh' \\nh Cl HD, I It: \\.1

Jrd.:d hi \ I rh 10 hc 1'011 )\\ 10;:


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.In .Ilumnu ... of rh..: College (grCldu,Hing

.:r.ld .1\\

life \\Jrm h, UllIr.l!!e, dcrcrmrnJ IOn

I.ondon .Ind dell~hr \\ Irh rh.: bu, Th.: IlU,r \\.1, pre cOled {lJ Krng', rhe ,ul1pwr. John Il0ul,wn, \\ ho I'>


. qUI\.k rnl<.:lll:::..:n\..:, IJr,:::cr- h.ln·

Jnd .:n,im I \

nud..:.1 hIm pc..:\.h r":'-')lJnlln~ III tond mcmoric' of bmh

.Ill. rcgClrdle , of r.lcc or ue.:d,

(.Ipprrl'.. mJ ch rhn:.: rnK life lI'e) ,lOd \\cigh '}Ok~, \r\.h-bl hip Tu


I ..:11 )\\ hll' of Ih..: C,/llcg..: 10

\1' cr rhc un\ cilrn~ ceremon\ he

p..:n "HIlC Imc (.lIkIng ro lUdcOl' .Ind


bdllf": IllCCllng \\ IIh hI old

liJ", .Ind ,H cnurng IWI'

r hcolog\


rcunion of


The \rlhbi hop 1.1 r \ i,Ht:u Kin " .I


1\\0 ~ .Ign \\ hen h..: offill.llh

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.Iuure,... JboUI hI'> gr.llllUue for hi

open..:u Ihe

modelled 10 liJ~ .lOd rhen CCl,r 10

edUlJrionJ KlIlg', .Ind rh..: neeu for

nJll1ed lullI' 10 hi, honour; Ihl I'>

copper Jnd 'l.lOd,

Jcce, ...

\\ here rhe bU'1 \\ ill be mouOleu.


melre high,


eUULJlIOn lCl bc Cl\ .Iil.lble rll

lUdeOl" ['nion nlghlLlub.

SOIlIIt .l/nm - PflSI alld pn'sUll, Ih'lllollrl 'Iillll il' pillllred 'idllt Rr..·'innm .I/I/Ihr/III/a..\'II/i·{)n/ll O(SI .l/al)' lite \'/I.,!ill (:alherlm/. J (1Ittlllllr,IIJ1/1l!. Rr..' I.a... IL'I/le .11(1IItr/ll//a. {{/llIelo IJlllrlfJl! Iltil' yml "illt Itll /rlll/l/r 10 j/)ill lit/' R. \ TIt/%j(o' mllll/' al I\IIIK'I'. I!I' )!ailll'd rllrnl flrllllillallfl' 10 lite \fiflllrl.l'I'l/l allflltoprl' 10 Kllldll{/Ie ill IlJ9/,

School of PhY'lical Scicncc,>

e Enginccring priLc-gi\'ing


he '-..LilOOI of 1'11\ ,icJI '-icienle, .::: Engineenng helu II annual pri/e-gi\ ing

c..:reJ\lOn\ on It) OClOber. The gU":'1 'pe.lker \\." I)r Eli/.lherh \:e" of B Ice \\ ho In her ... peech encouraged ,ruu":Ill' 10 con,iuer ,eeking.l career in indu,rr~. '-iome 70 pril.e\\inner, rogelher \\ irh Iheir familie, anu fri..:nd, ,lnd member... of ,raff alrend..:d rhe e\elll \\ hieh \\'a, follo\\eu by receprion,

,Ill' A/idlll Faltlll. 'U"lto [!radlla/erl ill Jlllv 'iJi.·illt a de[!n:1! ill RIIJillesl' ,l/alll/[!l!lIIl!lll. pirlllrerl 'idllt Iti, KIII!S!.' allltl! Srltool 0/ PltyJim/ SriellreJ @ F.IIKillurill/( pri::;'I!-[!izoillK I le 'iJi.'as a'iJi.·(/lderl lite Jlltllla/(l!lIIelll pri::;,e /orlhe ,lloSI IlIIpiYJ'i,:erl Pnfol7lwllre illlltl! Filial} -ear,



1110lecular ol1colog. lab

n h '-:0\ ember. <I ne\\ dedica((:d moleudar oncolog~ laborarof' ar "ing"., celebrareu ir, fir,r \ear of progre\\ In u,ing rhe ba,ic ,cience of c<lncer ro im e,rigare rhe ,rruuure of C<lJ1Cer biolog~, The occ<l,ion \\ a, commemorared b~ rhe fornul opening anu naming of rhe John <lnd Freda Peel \Iolecular Oncolog\ Laboraror~ b\ "lir John Peel "C\'O. Emeriru, Olhrerrieian and ()~ naecologi,r [() King"., and former Surgeon G~ naecologi,r to I1 id rhe Queen.


The laboraror~, an inregral parr of rhe academic Departmenr of Surger\ .lr "CS:\ ID, \\ a" refurbi,hed and equipped rh rough rhe genero,ir\ of "ing', .'\Ieuical Re,earch Tru,r. an inuependenr charir~ which donared £ I00,000 to the iniriari\e, Dr Jonarhan \Ionk. formerl\ of the Ludwig ] mrirure of Cancer Re,earch, ha~ been leading rhe ne\\ laborarorv ream for rhe la,r \ear, \I hich ha, concentrared initiallY on cancer of rhe pro,tate, rhe commone,r cancer in male, in rhe l TK, They have idenrifieu ,e\ eral novel gene, a\\ociated \\ irh cancer of the prchtate and have al"o idenrified a po~,ible marker for pro,taric cancer or for rhe pre,ence of mera,u,e" Profc",or Irving Benjamin, Ilead of rhe Departmenr of Surgery, welcomed Sir John Pccl and other di<,tingui,hed vi"iror" and poinred our




er, 00 ne\\ c<l,e,

per \ e<lr from rhe local popularion. nor counring tllChe referred from <lround rhe l " for cancer ,urgery In "lng'" 'peci<lli"r field", I le e,plained rhar \\ hil,r rhe tradirional 'urgical re,pon,e to cancer ha becn ro concenrr<lre on apph ing ph\ ,ical ,olurion" rhrough complex oper'ltion" '1I1d e\Tr more to'(ic chcmorheupy \\ hen rhar ,rrureg\' fuil" cuncer i, a eomple:\ biological phenomenon \\ hich need, man\ differenr approache" Innccl,ingl~ cliniciam und re,earcher, MC rurning to rhe bu,ic ,cience of cancer ,0 .1' to make progre.,-, b~ under,r'lnding the inrricarc \\'3\<' in \\ hich cancer biolog\ \\ork" From rhi, re,earch, ir i, anricipared rhar more effecri\ e tre,Hmenr, 'Ind rechnique, \\ ill be ue\elopeu to rackle rhe inne'l,ing problem of n1Jlignunc~, Example, of ongoing work in rhe departmenr incluue: • im'C,rigaring rhe hormone cholccv,tokinin and ir, n:ccpror, in cancer of rhe hile duer and rhe pannea" for which a new rumour line ha, been e,rubli,hcd in rhe lahorarorv, • a planned I~uropean colluborarion to iJll'C"tigare thc role of ,omato,tatin. a ga'tro-inte'tinal hormone. in rhe de\'c1opmenr of cancer of the bile duct.

Dr}ollathall ,lIorris, Sir}ohll Pffl ;':{,TO, I.Oil/ Ra.\'lIfallrl.llr}ohll ;':fll/p-l\'drh rr:hainl/all of Kill[!'( .I/er/iml Rf(ftll¥h 'l"'nl<t) fit the OpfllillK ofthf Joh" fI"rI Frer/fI Peel ,llo/emlar Ollr%K.\' La!Joratol)'

• change, in cell adhe,ion molecule, in p<ltlenr, \\ irh earl~ and ad\ <lnced cancer of rhe colon anu recrum, • re,earch into furty acid, <lnd cancer, including <I ,ruu~ of rhe linoleic aud In an e,peflmenr31 colon c<lncer mode!.

Professor BaU111 elected to BenGurion Council rofe\\or Ilarold Baum h<l' been eleered [() ,en con rhe Cluirman"., Council of rhe Hoaru of Go\'ernor, ar Ben-Curion l'ni\er,ir~ ofrhe :-':ege\ in I,rae!.


Holding a party? eed a \'enue for rhar ,pecial parry? \Vhv nor come to rhe Srrand Social Club? The Club i" con\'enienrlv locared, ir ha, been recently redecorated and ir offer, ,ome of rhe cheape<,t price" around, The Club ,rock, a wide range of drink,: and if wc don'r have vour favourire de,igner lager wirh a ,lice of pumpkin in rhe bonle-neck, wc can order ir ,peciall~ for you (gi\e u, notlce l ), For a ,m<lll fee rhe Club e,1n be booked for pri\ arc funcrion, on \Ionda\',. Tue,d<l\' <lnd Thur,da~" If you arc \\ illing ro ,h3re your celebr<lrion \\ irh rhe Club member,. your funerion can be on any d<l\ of rhe \\eek and rhe fee ma\' be w3i\'ed, For more informarion or to book a party. c<lll Le, Di,ley on e'(r 1052,


Deputy rl111C ~ Iini,t r of inaapore at th of efence tudi


PlClured /t'jt


I"IJ[ltl urt': . If.\" SUt' lrtlldl. St'I"fJl Rt'St'uI.,.;' Ft'//ou., /),

IfJl/Y '/1/11.


Prime .1/I/IH/t'I ofSillJ{ojlolt' ({lid PUJjt'BfJI .If/(ltod C/lfIl't' . /',\nllllu' /)""'/(11 ofIltt' ('mlrt' ff)/ IJt!t'I/(t'SllIdm




POl1icu/ari/V oflite ,\,~. }ap({lIese

whole rc\earch conccrn~ gcnder and who\e fieldwork i~ bcing underraken in Gcrmany and u\rria; Dr Louclla Iar~unaga, who ha~ complered a re\carch reporr on rhe parallcl\

in!.: hi, JrrendJnce 10 jeru\Jlem o' rhe funerJI of ) I /hJ" RalHn. [)r T/ln~ 'r an. rhe Depu \ Prllne \1101,rer lf IO~JptJre. \ I , cd "-IOU' for a \\/lrklOg lunch \\ Hh rhe (.eOlre for Defence rudle\. on \\ edne\da\ "0\ ember. Dr T .In. Jccompanled b~ \I r ThirunagJrJn. rhe .\cring Iligh COIllIllI\\lOner ro Hnr.lin. \\ i\hed ro J\\e\\ rhe \\ ork Jnd role of IOdcpendeOl 'rud\ CCOlrc like rhe CeOlre for Defence rudie\ in rcl.lrlOn ro gO\ ernmenr. The Singapore Defence \ Itn"r~ i con,idering rhe e\rablJ,hmenr of .I \ r\ pe of ceOlre. Europc.ln defence i,wc\ .Ind \CCUflr\ problem\ \\ere.ll 0 di\cu\\cd ar rhe.: mcerlOg. 01111\\

Religions Project

he j.lpane~e '-.ew ReliglOn~ Projecr ar King\, \\a\ e\rahli~hed in \Ia~ 1994. \llrh rhe aim of \rud~ ing japane~e :\e\1 Religiou~ \Iovemenr~ ('\'R\I\) Olmide japan. Inirialll, rhe projecr concenrrarcd on japane~c 'R\I~ in \Vc~rern Europe and Larin .\merica, hur \Ie are nOlI expanding our ficld of rc\carch ro cmer Au\rralia, Ilawaii. Tai\lan and Iral~. The projccr rcam i\ headcd b~ Profc\\or Percr H Clarkc. of rhe Deparrmenr ofTheologl .... Religiou~ Srudie~ ar King\. \1 ho ha\ ,i1read~ publi\hcd exren\i\ el~ on. 'ell Rcliglou\ \ Im路emenr\. Profe\\or Clarke i\ nO\1 engaged in re,earch on japane\e '-. R \1\ in Orher mcmber\ of rhe projeer currcnrl~ include Dr Carherine Cornillc of rhe Carholic l' niler\ir~ of Leulen. I:klgium. \1 ho ha\ ju\r complered a reporr enrrrled ['III'{:erJo/ily olld Re/if(io/H ill lite West; Sanda Ducaru.


her\leen japane\c compaOle\ and jJpanc\c '\'R \1\ and hJ' commenced .I 'econd reporr on rhc \ubJeu of heJling in Jrrracring adherenr\ ro rhc jJpane,c '-.R\I\; Jnd jeffre~ Somer\, \1 ho i\ fOLlI\\ing on japanc\c '\' R \1\ in rhc l'K. Profe\ or \ri Ilcdro Oro i\ imc,rigaring Sckai K\ u\ei K~o in Hra7il; Jnd al\o in )'umi Fujikura i, looking ar rhe role of belief\ concerning rhe Jncc,ror\ in rhe japane\e :'\.R\k.\ ream hc,]ded b~ Profe\\or (;ar~ Houma of \Iona\h l路ni\cr\iry. "icroria, i, commcncing re\earch on rhe plJce of jJpJne\c :"-.e\1 Religion\ in :\u~rralJa. In addirion ro rhe\e individUJI relean:h proJCU\. wc .Ire \Iorking rogerher ro compile .In annorared bihliograph\ on japJne\e :\R\I\. a ra\k coordinared and organi,ed b~ Sonia He,l[on. 1995 ha\ been a bu\~ and produui\e year for rhc Projccr. and onc in which japJnc\c :"-.R\I\ halc bcen \e~ much in rhe mediJ \porlighr following rhe \arin ga\ ,mack on rhe Tokyo underground b~ onc of rhc,e :'\Ri\I\, um \hinrikyo. Coincidenrally wirh rhil bur~r of mcdia inrcrc\r, an inrcrnarional confcrcncc on japanc,e Ncw Rcligion\ in rhe Wc\r wal ho,rcd


rhe projeu here.: ar King\ on rhe h .Ir \\ 11Ich rhe projeu member\ pre,enred pJper\ Jnd conrriburion\ \\ere made on rhe \ubjccr of jap.lne\c 0:C\\ HeligioO' in Larin America b~ I'rofe\\nr 1\ laeyama of Tlukuba l .nil er\ir~. japan; h~ Profc~\(lr Qucirol. of rhe l' ni\icr\ir~ of Sao 1'.1010 and b~ \Ir Yumi FujikurJ of PI. K~odan in Bra/il. Some of rhe currcnr rc~earch of rhc I'rojecr i, now complcred, and we hope [Cl publi\h ,ol11e of rhi\ material in rhe furure. \I.]~,


HCJron DepJrrmenr ofTheolog~ Srudle

e Rcligiou\

IIcJJth\ c.lt1nl.; J)r Ton\ Leed" I.ellllrer in rhe I)cp.lrtlllent of utrlrlon'~ DlercriL', .IPIK<!red on G 1/71' d"Lu"ing rhe ri'lIl/! pre\ .denLe of o!Je'It\. lie ha' .d,o joined tiJrLe, \I Irh rhe \'U/I to de\ clop an proJell \\ hlLh \\ III rai'e rhe k\ cl of Lon'tiou,ne, abo\l[ rhe Imporr.IIlLe of healrh\ c.Hing for Lhildren.H ,thool,. Ir \\dl uke rhe forlll of Lomperirion Jnd JI,o .1 ,un e~.

Carbon dio\.idc di"po.,al ()r Jon.Hh.ln "ieurloLk, He,e,HLh .\"oLi'He in rhe Di\ i,ion of Life Science" \\'a, inn.:n ic\\ cd b~ rhe BBC World Sen ice', Sl'ill/t'I' ,II/1}!1/d/l1' progralllme a, part of a ,crie, on global

In the news

\\ arming. ()r ScurloLk e ... pre"ed conecrn abour propo,.d, ro di'po,e of liqucfied carbon dio ... ide from PI1\\ er ,urion' b\ pumping ir inro rhe deep oceJn,.. \Irhough rhi, i, reehnicall~ feJ,ible, rhe local ell\ ironment.d eon,equence, arc complercl~ unkno\\ n, and rhc carbon dio ... ide ma\ find ir, \\ a\ back to rhc armmphere \\'irhin a fe\\ hundred ~car,. There alread~ c:-.i,t berrer .t1rernari\ c, \\ irh mulriple bcncfir" ,ueh a, rhe managclllent of rcrrc,rrial \ cgcrarion and ,oil, for carbon ,rorage and rhe 'ub,rirurion of fo"il fuel u,e b\ renewable energ\ and energ\ efficienc\' mca'LJre'.

FO'i'iil fucl or forcstation? On a rclated ,ubjccr, I)a\ id llall, Profe"or of Biology, \\ a, quoted in "'tu', Sril'll/is/. American 'cienti,t, havc found ne\\ e\ idcnCl; frolll an.lh ,i, of carbon i'orope, rhat the 'mi"ing link' for carbon dioxide rclea,ed from fo"il fuel burning lie, in rhe fore't' of rhe northern hemi,phere. 1111\\ e\ er, Profe"or I la 11 eaurioned again,t u,ing the ne\\ dara ro off,er fo"il fuel u,e ag:lin,r tree planring until berrer independent e'tim,He, of northern fore,r growth arc a\ailable.

Ha"ic mathematic" :'dathematic' re.lching in 'chool, ha, been rhe ,ubject of much debate recenrh' and Thl' 7/1111'1' reportcd J claim by ,ome academic, rh at marhematie, ,rudent' cannot cope \\ irh uni\'er,irv ,rudy becau,e rhe\ arc not learning rhe ba,ic, at 'chool. Pcter Saunder" Profe"or of \I.Hhem'lric', wa, quored

in;..: rhar. ') ou \\ ould hJ\ e to go prerr\ ro find J marhemJriuJn \\ ho dldn'r .lgrec \\ irh rh" rcporr.'


\lathcmatical problem" \n Mode e"'Jmining rhe ,tJnd.lrd, of Jl1JrhemarlL' In ,thool, in rhe /I/d/{Jmr!m/ fI/I S/I/lr!/l1' quorc' Profe ,or \IJrgJrcr Bum n, 11e.ld of rhe thoolof EdutJtlon. he 'Jid rhar \\ hile rhere \\ a, J tendenc~ for ,econda~ reaLh<.:r, nor to rJtkle ke\ ideJ' in number Jnd Jlgebra, Engli'h pupil, 'cored \\c11 in Jrea, like geOJl1etr~ .Ind problem-,oh ing.

Dcath of Yitzhak R.ubin The dearh of rhe I,raeli I)rime \Iini,rer, Yirl.hak l-bbin, \\." rhe 'llbjecr of an article b~ Profc\\or I,a\\ rentc FreedmJn, I lead of rhe J)ep.lrtmenr of War Srudie" in Thl' 7illll......

Information tC<..hnolog\ I)r \largarer Co... , Senior Leerurer in rhe School of Eduurrion, \\'a, quored in an .lrticle on IT and teacher tr:lining \\ hich appeared in rhe Fi/llll/(ia/7/111I'J. She ,aid, 'The main problem in integr.lting IT-ba'ed \\ork inro the \\ id er curriculum i, rhar it dellland, experti'e in a \\ hole range of area,. IT', major conrriburion i, to IHO\'ide an en\ ironlllenr in \\ hich children GIn creare model, of their under,randing of rhe ,ubjecr.'

I Icy nonny nonn~ The range of Sh:lke,pearian 'cc ne, eho,en I)\' rhe Prince of \\'ale, for a ne\\ audio-hook ha, arou,ed rhe intcre't of the media. An irem in Thl' SU/lr!lIY 7/l11es on '1nl' Pri/lCl' 's (.'//Oire belic\ c, the extract, ,hed lighr on hi, <.:urrenr ,iru:ltion: the loncline\\ of high office. rhe ~ earning to be king, and the pain of lo,ing a wife. Richard Proudfo/)(, I lead of rhe I epartlllenr of Engli,h and general editor of rhe Arden ,'hJke,peare Serie, 'Jid rhat Pri nce Charlc,' choice ,eelllcd to indicare a particular intcre,r in charaerer, \\ ho ,uffered from a conflicr of lo~ alrie'.

Ri.,k,; of cxcc""i"c "alt Profe">or Tom Sander" Ilead of the Department 01':---: utrition . Dietetic" appeared on BBC 2', Food tllld /),illl: programme talking about rhe link bct\\ccn ,alt and high blood prc\\ure.

Pari bombin,... J)r C.IJlrc pcnu::r. cnl Ir Rc cJrLh I cllm\ 10 he Cen rc ,r Ik enLC r H.bc \1 a 10 Cf\ IC\\ cd aholl \1,,;crtJn 1 IJJI1IC ~fltUP' 10 r rJnLC hc k fit rJIO hOJllhlOg Jl Jrt . 10110\\ Ing


Drug muggling 'jJnc' brhcr rc\ CJled .I .In opium mu!...!!ler· \\.1 rhc Oh <" hCJdllOC for .I ,cn Juon.11I cd nc\\ ,rOf\ \\ hlLh purprlf{cd ro prc cm rhc IJrc, rc'cJrLh finding of J)r DJI Id okc. Rcalkr 10 En~ll,>h. 10 LOnnCL"£lOn \\ nh hi, forrhLllllling blograph\ of j,lnc \1I'rcn. Dr 'okc'> \\ .I, Jhle ro offcr .I Illore aCLur,ne \ er,ion of hI'> dl'>co\erie, in rhc HHC Ollllllh/l' pfltgrammc on jJne -\u,ren.



c ducarion

"'rcphen Hall. Profc"or of l:t.luLauon. appcared on Radio 4'" .l/lt/frl/I progrJmmc di,ul"ing nlJrkcr, 10 health and cducatlOn. ~\\ ccr


Don.dd 'al'>mnh. I-.mcriru, I'fltfc"or of' utmion. ,Ippcarcd in imern,ltIonal. n,nion,d ,lOd IOL,d ne\\'p,lper,. ,I'> \\ell a., 'e\eral radio programme,. follc)\\ing the puhliLation of'l rcporr \\ hieh anal~ ,ed the diet of 143 childrcn from [\\0 north London .,ccondar\" 'Lhool,. The finding, ,hc)\\ed that childrcn who ate the n1(l,t .,ugar were the Ie'l t likel~ to be m·ef\\eight. and tho,e \\ ith the lowe,t con.,ulllption of ,ugar \\ ere found [() eat .I fifth morc fJt. The re,ult\ .11.,0 contradicted the belief that children cat "ugar in preferenee to fruit. \ egetable, and cereal,. their ,ouree of dietf\ fibre .•1nd LhJllenge., the m~th of empt\ caloric.,. relation,hip \\ a, found bet\\ een the le\el of ,ugar inrake and their con,ulllpuon of \ iumin-. Jnd minera"-


\\'.lge'> of war The 1~1If{lIIee" nuga.clOe ran a feature on defence-related indu.,uie' \\ hich arc finding it difficult in time of international peace to con\err to other output. :\1., Sue Wille[[, Senior Re,earch Fellow in the Cenrre for Defence Srudie" wa, quoted: 'Defence firm, looking for new market' ha\'e been halllpered by lack

of \ cnrurt: LJplrJI. hl;::h Inrere,t ra c . Jnd J IaLk of Il1Jna~Clllen e"pcr I c Oil Ide hc hcl crcd \\orld of deal 109 he 10)):

The .....,OuallfulJl Theol)' of

Tc co. crc<() um


I hc [)can. Rc\ J)r RlChJrd HUrrldgc. reLel\ cd "ood LO\ crage tor hi lOaugurJIIeL"£urc on lJ OL ober. Jbout \ aluc 10 po't-nwdern higher cduLJ IUn In he JnLlenr \\ orld he JC<ldclll\ \\ a, ne"r to the markct-pIJce. he ,.lId. bur no\\ Jllarket \ Jlue, hJ\ e tJken 0\ cr. replJLlng I)e,cafte,' fJmou prcllli,e \\ nh thc hopper'" 111.1 im ·te,co. crgo ,um.· 1 hc 711 f ..\ urricd an oplOlon pICCC: thcrc \\ a, all artlclc ill tht (.'//lmh fif 1-,II/:llIlId .\'1-r4·'pf1pU \1 hlch led to an c"Lhdngc of ulrrc,pclIldenL'c: I)r Hllrrad.gc \\ a, imcn IC\\ cd at length Oil Prellller Chrt,tlall radiO Jlld he .11,0 recel\ cd full co\crJgc in rhe "CL IllJgJ/ine. RfJ(/I.

In rcmembrance Thc ueJtmcm of\\ar \eteran, \Ia, the ,ubJeLt of .I RJdlO 2 phone-in progr,lmllle on Remembrance "'ullda\ In \\ hlch Hn,1O Hond. I'rofe',or of \lilitary Ili,tor~. took pJrt.

,\ new record? Thc reuJrd-bre,lklOg cominuc,: f)r j.lmc, GO\I. LeLtun:r in thc J)cparrmcm of \\'.If <"tudie, and Re.,eareh I- cllo\\ of thc Cemre for Defence .... rudie.,. c10ckcd up a do.cen pre" imenie\\, in onc da~ dllringjul~ \\ hen the London conferenee on Ho,nia \\a, being held.


he qUJmum theof\ \\.1 de\ c!cJped 1\ er half a Lcntur ~go and It, prediL iCln /iJr dCCUlllllJ!:netlc radlJtlon \\ crc e poundcd in a Lb, IL rext publ.,hcd b\ (hford I nl\ er'lt~ Prc" lIlt' (jUtl/lIl1l11 7hcfl/l of RadialifJ!l b\ \\ Ilcltlcr In I '-J'(-'. Thi, book and It, later rc\ i'lon, h~, becn u,ed b\ L'ountle,>,> ,tudem, of ph\\lc, oler the ~eJr'. 1 he Pre..., ha., decided that the\ \\ ollld like a ne\\ \ olullle under thl' titlc In their Imcrnatlonal \lonograph ene, to \\ nrhc",e the !Jre,ent ,u e of kno\\ ledge, \\hich no\\ encompJ\\C' featurc, of rhe earl~ uni\er,c an dc\ doplllem" in quantulll optiC'. including the la,er. Profe\\or Ro~ Pike Jnd I)r Mbcn JrkJr of the Ph\ .,IL' Ikp,lrtlllem \\ ere cOIllIlli'>.,ioned to \\ me the ne\\ \\ ork and it \\ III Jppcar IJter thi'> monrh.

Greek play 1996 he 42nd Greek pla~ at King', \\ ill be Sophocle,' ,ljm, belieled to be the earlie.,t ,un i\ ing plJ\ b\ it author. It detail, thc ignoble fall of the Greek \\-arrior during the .,iege of Troy. The bu,ine'>'> manager., for the play. \I~rtin I farri., and A.mandJ \lcI_cod, comment. 'We arc e,pecialh e>;Lited about thi~ ~ear', production hecau,e the direLtor. jame, Li,ter. i, .1 mature ,tudem, \\ ho e pre\ iou, CMeer in tele\ i.,ion and the theatre enable, him to bnng much e>;perience and knc)\\ ledge to the play. I le ha, \\ orkcd for BHC tele\ i.,ion on production., including CoillK I.ii.'e! H'OKII/I, The I,ale Shfr and Carla Lanc'" .,erie., Hrmd.' l\ja\ \\ ill bc performcd from 14 to 17 February I'-J%. For further detail., and ticket, telephone 0171- 7:\ 2399.


tudents help students


i,.lbleu ,ruuenh Jt I-:ing', Jrc helping their po'tgr;luuJte L'ountcrpJrt', Jnu bemg helpeu III rerum. In an attempt to a"i,t \ome of our ul\ableu \tuuent, \\c h.1\e laullLheu a \lheme to pro\ iue them with po'tgrauu.lte noret;lker,. \t the '.1me time, it prc)\ iue\ an opporrunit~ for po\tgrauuate \tuuent, to e.lrn. \\ hile helping other\ to learn . .-\\ the \\'elf.lre e I nformation Officer I ha\ e frequentlv been fru'tr;lteu h\ the man~ uifficultie, I often fale \\ hile try ing to ,l"i\t ui\ableu ,tuuent\ at I-:ing路,. I h;l\ e therefore enli,teu the aid of l'ni\t.1fr. the I-:CLSl' Emplo~ ment Bun;;lu. to prm ide helper,. The Di,ableu Stuuent' "" cm .lnce incluue\ a non-medical per\clOal helper component. often difficult to cLlim for \ruuent\ \\ ithout hearing imp.lirment'. Thi, meJn,-te\ted aIIrJ\\'ance i, intenued to enable ui,abled \rudent' to hire helper" noteuker,. anu \ign

language interprcter'. for e"Jmple. \It hough It \\ cHilu 'cc m logiL,11 to e"peLt it. the Dcpartment for 1-,UUlatlllJl uoe, not .1110\\ it to be u,eu to pJ~ for \pet:lall\t tultlon for le.1rnlng difftuiltle, like U\,Ie:-'IJ. For ,ome di,abled ,rudent'. including m.ln~ th,lc"il'. noretaking i, e"trcmeh diftiuilt. Cetting "lIlle ,en,e 01'\\ hat i, meant b~ .1 IcLturer, \\ hile attempting to nort: e\ er~ thing dcm n. and including ;111 rele\ .11lt deuil, \Hittt:n on .1 \\ hite board. i, \ er\ Llboriou" and in ,ome ca,e, p.linful. The 'cheme. lommenting thi, alademic \ear, enable, di,.lhled ,rudent, to hire po\tgraduate, \\ ithin thcir gener.i1 di'lipline. Thi, .i110\\\ u, to u,e tht: tcrlll 'qu;t1ified' non-medical pt:r,onal helper Jnd en'urc, th;1t the noretaker \\ ill not bt: daunted b~ the matt:ri.i1 cmered. For the po\tgraduatc \\ orker the 'cheme offer, f.ullilielr emplo\ menr for a dcccnt \\.Ige. Dependabilit~ and ne;lt hell1d\\ riting Jre \ er~ importanr

req uIre me Ilt,. Our major problem thu' fJr I the laLk of 'l!Itabk Lanthdate, \\ ith a fe\\ hour, \\ hlLh the\ .Ire \\ illing to de\o[(; to thl\ enterpn\e. Due to the number, of po'tgradu.lte ,rudent' \\ ith finanLi.t1 h.Jrd,hip I am certain that all th,lt i\ needed i, 'lIffiliellt ad\erti\emcnthenle thi, artille. Supet\'i,or, \\ ho arc .1\\.lre of ,uit;lblc po\tgraduate,. e,pecialh in Life Scicnce\ and Ph~ \ical Science,. arc reque\ted to ath i,e them to contact EUllice \\'ilkin" l'ni,taff \lanagcr, I-:ing', College IAlOdon Srudcnt,' l' nion. 1,t Floor \l.lI...ld.Ull Building. Str.lIld Carnpu,. tel 0171-, .,6 7U2. Celia L COlkburn \\'clElre e Inform.ltion Officer Studcnt Sct\ iLC'

Do en1ployees want scientists?


edne'tla) 1.1 December i, the day to find out if employer, want 'cienti,t\. f)o f'lIIp/oyen' f,"rrl// I"r"im/is/s i, th i, \'Car', theme for the annual conference for U1r(;er, teacher, and ath-i\er, organi'ed by the College'\ Srudenr Recruitment Office. f)o 11IIfI/oYIIS 'iC'{{I// I"rim/iJ!I"/> \\ ill ueb;lte the rea,on, \\ hy enrolment\ into .-\-Ie\路el and univer\iry \cience cour,e, continue to fall. It i\ clear th.1t many 'cience ,ruuent, belie\e that the\ \\ ill be at a di,ad\'antage \\ hen it come\ to looking for a job compared with their peer\ in art'. humanitie\ and la\\. The evidence \ho\\' ho\\e\er that employment pro,pect, arc e\'er\ bit a, \trong for \eienti\t . with organi,ation, keen to find \\ ell-qualified uni\ er\it\ graduate,. whatever \ubjecr they ha\ e \rudied. We aim to di\pel thi, mi,conception and \end career\ teacher, and ad\'i\er, back to ,chool, feeling po,iti\e about the opportunitie\ for their \'oung 'cienti,t\.

Speaker, at the conference include The Principal and D;I\ id PO\\ell, a Illelthellleltil\ :i1ulllnu\ of the College and now Director of Information Sy'tem" Di,tribution and Logi,tic' at S;lin,bur\ " Ilomcba'e. .\t the tillle of going to pre". more than a hundred delegate' from \chool,. college, .md career, \en ice, hau lonfirmed their attendance. The Srudent Recruitment Office ha, .lrrangeu opporrunitie\ for them to meet infornull) \\ ith academic colleague, during lunch and tea and 'lienle alumni ha\e al,o been ill\ ited to recount their per'onal experience, of finding a job after graduation. The da\ include, an t:,hibition in tht: Great Ilall after the conference \\ here our \ i,itor, ma~ learn more about the College', ,cience cour\e,. Colleague, who ha\ e contributed to the Career, Teacher, Conferent:e in the pa..r ,hould be a\\'are of the change in format. It i, no longer nece\\ary for each department to \end a repre'enrati\e a, the exhibition ha,

bt:cn con,olid.lted around di'pla~, for each of the three \cience School\. :\cadcll1ic collcague, in ,cience departmt:nt' ;lrt: ilwitcd to emend \\ hiche\'er part of the day fir-. in with their 0\\ n 'chedule,. Ifarrcnding thc e"hihition, collcaguc, maY" hring ,.Implc, of departmental literarure prO\ id cd it i, produced within thc Collegc', guideline' for publication,. For further IIlformation. plea\e contact either Su,anne Frcoch (cXt 300.') or Richard Claa, (ext .,0:,)0). RiLhard Claa, Director of Studcnt Recruitlllent

Pharwr~"" a he [)epJrrmenr of I'lurnul • I\.lO~', .olle~e Lonu m \.1 , until rhe merger of lolle~e In )1) 'i. pJrr <If Chcl,cJ College. In rhe coming \C.H he depJrrmcnr celehrJte, the LCnrCnJr~ of the teJdllng of phJrmJLeutlcJI 'Lience. It hou,c, the Dru 1 Control Ccntrc, thc onh IJhorJtor\ lO the ('K .lLuedlteu h\ the InrcrnJtionJI OhmpiL Committee.

Organisation f{c cJrch in rhe Dep.Htmenr " orgJnl cd around thc ninc group, de,crlbcu lO thi, .lrtlLle. Ilo"e\cr there " uln,iucrJble collJborJtlon Jnu InteraulOn between the,e group, a, exemplified by the currenr \1f{C-Link programme \\ ithin the f)epJrtmenr eXJmlning pulmonary PClltlue ab,orptlon. Thi, hJ' im oh cd the tie '/fI[ () \ \ IHhc,i, of ,ix pcptiue 'CrlC' \ My Ing \\ 'tematicJII~ III pin ,icoLhemieJI propertie, anu determining thcir uptakl: in cl:1I n1lture JnLl \\ hole Jninulmodcl,. The Drug Metabolism Group Coordinatcu by John GorroLl, th" group ha, ovcr thc ycar, ,ought to e,t'lbli,h ,truuure aui\'it\ rclation,hip, for a numbcr of mammalian CnL\ mc, induLling cytol:hromc I'..-tSO i\ocnl.\ mc\, .1 miLro'OmJI flJ\in-containing aminc oxiLla,e and \omc mol~ bLlcnum conuining hyLlroxyla'c,. Rcccnt \\ork hJ' centrcd on the :"- anLl ~- o'\lLlJtlon. -h\uroxy lation JnLl .- Jnd ~­ mcth\larion ofnitrogcn and \ulphur drug\. Thc,c reauion, are lO\ohcLl in both toxicJtion and dctoxicatlon, con\cquently knowled/?e of fauor\ conrrolling the rate, of the\e metJholiL proce'>\e, Jre importanr in a'>\c'>\lng thc toxic potcnriJI of an~ nc\\ compound bein/? inrrodul:cd into thc cn\ Iron mcnt. The Drug Chirality Group Thi\ group i, led by ..\ ndrcw IllItt. I'rc\cnr on/?oing rc\carch involvc\: an cxamination of thc formation of chiral mctJbolitc, from prochiral drug\ (particularly with rc\pcct to oxidation


t' cal

e earch

oH ulphur Jnu 01 r ,_en len rc, lO orgJOIL molcLule 1,.1 uc ermln.l ion 01 rhe mClh.lnhm Jnu l m equenlC\ of thc nH:uh,)liL chir.lllm cr I'm 'If rhe 2.Iry IproPIOOlL .IUU\ .Inu hl: .IppliLJtlon o chirJI.ln.lh" reLhnlque t', ample, of forcn IL inrcrc,t. In .Iuultlon. lOLC thcre are preliminar\ report lO the Iltcrature LoncernlO ' .Igc uepcnucnr chJnge'> In the \tcrco\elcul\ e mcuboli\m and phJrmacokinctlC\ of ,ome drug enanriomcr" thi, problem" bcing in\c,tigJtcu In LollJhorJtlCln \\ irh the DcpJrtmenr of IleJlth CJre of the Elucrl~ Jt King', Collegc Ilo'plt.l1.

The Drug Control Centre DJ\ id Ccm an i\ thl: I)ireuor of thc Cenrre .lnd .-\ndrc\\ KiLman It\ Ilcau of Rc\c.lrLh. Rcccnr anJh tlL.l1 re,ult\ \ug,gC\t rhJt rhl: m.lJom\ of .Ith IetC\ \\ ho mi,u\c hormom;\ h.l\ c ,,\ itdH:d to nJturalh' occurring onc, to e\ aue uctcuion. J)cteulOn of uoping \\ ith wLh hormone\ uepl:nu, Ilpon under,unding the cfTeu ,uLh Jumini\trJtion hJ\ upon the biodlcmical ,y'tcm, conrrolling their cndoj!,cnou, ,ccretion and dctcrmining thc con,cqucnr di\tortion, in thc pattcrn of cxcrction. Thc effcct, of concomitant u'c of othcr drug" ,uch a, diurctic,. i, al\o being ,tuuicd \inLe thc,c arc \omctimc, t.lkcn h~ the "POrt, chcat' in In Jttcmpt to flu,h hJnncd drug, Ollt of the \y\tcm prior [() tc,ting. Imc\ti/?Jrion\ Jrc .11'0 ongoing in idcnrif~ing the illiLit u,e of protein hormonc, ,ulh .I' human LhorionlL gonadotropin. The Peptide Pharmaceuticals Group Thi, group i\ conjoll1t1y coordin.lted b\ ~uki BJmJI .Ind 1),1\ iu Barlo\\. The current ,ynthctil cffort of the group i, uirec[ed wward, thc idcntific,ltion of novel tCLhniquc'> for the produltion of Lyclic and di,ulphlde-nLh pcptidc" and thc production of I11Jrinc ,nJil tOxin<" cndothelin analogue" collagcn fragment', peptidc l11u,cular hlocking agcnt\ and ,crinc protca,c inhibitor,. Thc project involv'ing thc dc,ign, u,ing Lomputer graphic\ and \ynthc\i, of

elcL 1\ e .lnt.l;!'111l t () cndo helll1 I IUllgre 'Ill:,! \\ ell Jnu ir hopcu \1 III Ie.lLl o hc uel c10pmcnt of nm"cl pc ot Jnti-l1\ pcrrcn,i\ e J~Cnt . -\ r.lnge 0 JnJIv t1l.l1 '~\tcm\ for peptlLlc .Inu puneln I' undcr de\ elopmcnt 111 uJnJunctlon \\ Ith thc I)ru Con rol Centrc. "ukl" manJger of the PeptiLle \ nthe I' I" nit Jt 1-0:1111.:" .lnd peptluc, of high purin Jre routinel~ "nthe\! eu for other rc\carLh 'roup'.

The Medicinal Chemistry Group CooruinateLl b\ Bob Ilider, the group I' currcntl\ de\ eloping orJlly Jui\c ulmpounLl\ for the treJtmcl1t of thJla\\aemiJ ,icklc Lell JnJcmiJ Jnd nulariJ Jnd CJnccr Lhemothcr'lpcutlL agcnt\ for the trCJtmel1t of both ,olid Jnd flUid tlllllour,. ()n:r thc pJ,t live \ CM' the group hJ' t.lken thrcc dJlTcrcnt compounu\ through [() LilnlLal trial. a J-I1\urox~pyndln..-t-onc for thc ,cleui\ c rcmm .11 of iron; an Iron P\ rone complex for rhe trC.ltmcl1t of JnJemia anu .1 /inL p\ rone complex for thc tre,ument of ,iLklc ccll an,lcmia. T\\ 0 of the compound, are now liccn\cd to pharmaccutiLal companic\. Surinder Singh i, acti\ c in the dc\ign and c\aluJtion of therapcutie agcnt\ for a varicty of i'lhaemie di\order\ including InflJmma[()r~ di,order'. lie .11\0 h.I' re\c,uLh intcrc\t, in \Upcro 'idc gcncration by cnLlothelial cell, and It, contriblltion w cardiov'a,cuIJr di\ca,c. The Pharmacognosy Group Thi group ha\ an intere,t in thc L1e\clopl11ent of new bloJ\\J~' for the treatl11ent of ,nJh.cbite, for diJhetc\ .Ind for 'vitiligo' .1\ \\ cll a\ collahorJting \Iith ,c\crJI JLJdcmic Jnd indu,triJI in,titlltion\ \0 that bin-J,> ay fraltionation can bc carried out to \ucen for anti\·iral. antimelanoma Jnd antiprowLOal acti\ ity. Over the 1.1\[ fc\\" ycar\ Peter Iloughwn and mala Raman have work cd on plant, ,hO\I ing activity a/?ain\t Ill\', \ itiligo, hcpatitj" cobra vcnom .Ind diabetc\. COlltillual 011 Pt/Kt: t(lf

areer fair 19 5 "or


nother ( ..Ireer, FJlr " ()\ er the CMeer, ,t.lff n hJ' heen J heetlL t\\ 0 dJ". prnedcd ()\ an cqualh heulL k\\ \\eek,. Thl' \ eJr there \\ ere J fe\\ c1unge, III tht: ,tfllcture of the '路.ur I he lir't d.l\ \\a, hilled a the C;ener.d FJlr elml \\ .1' .mended b\ nujor .ILCOllnranL\ lirnh Jnd other n:uuiter' ,uLh el' I.ogicel. "rouer i::' C;.lI11hle .lIld the .Irmed force.,. There \\ ere .d,o reIHe,ent.lti\ e., from cOllr.,e ('(III/ill/I,t! fill



Pharmaccurical rc'>earch ((J/I/i,,"ed/rolll p{~([e "i"e The Drug Delivery Group Thi, group i, coordinated b~ Chri, \l.Irriorr ..lI1d it h.I' di\ er,e re'cHch inrere't'. Chri, h." re,clrch inrue't' in il1\ e,tigating the int<.:racrion of drug, and e'\cipient, \\ ith mueu, Jnd hJ' .1 parricular inrere't in the deli\ er\ of drug, ro the air\\ <1\'. Car\ \ Lmin i, 'rud\ ing the triggered relea,e of drug, in the colon and i11\ e'tigating the inrer:1etion of porential formuLnion e,cipienr, 'uch a, penerration enhancer, 'IIlU mucoadhe,i\ eo, \\ ith muco,al ,urface,. ,\ partieuLlrh acri\ e project at IHe,enr i, onc \\ hich i, examining the porenrial of I h路aluron.11l ro target urug, ro the epidermi, anu ro tumour,. Jayne La\\ rence i, continuing her \\'ork eharacteri,ing microemul,ion anu \'e,icular" ,tenh and ': nrhe,i,ing no\ cl ,urfacr'lIH'. ,ome of \\ hich af(; ue,igneu ro be emplo~ed in '~'tem, eonraining h\ urofluorocarboo propellant'. She aJ.,o ha' an Inrere't In ,ruU\ ing the n1Cchani'm, of urug ah,orption \ ia the inre'tine and ,kin. ,\Ii,on Lamle~, ince her appoinrmenr ro the ,raff t\\ 0 year, 'Igo. h,,, been re'pomible for e'tahli,hing the cell culrure unit \\ ithin the ueparrment. ller principal re,earch intere't' .tn..: in drug anu gene ueli\ en to the re,pir,nor\ tract Jnd ,he i, currenrh ,rudying tight junction ,trueture Jnd morphology in collahoration \\ ith \\ orker, from the neighbouring :"ational llearr 'lnd Lung In'titllte. Jam,hed ,-\n\\'ar\ re,ean:h inrere't, .If(; primaril\ concerned \\ ith il1\ e'tigating the pol~ morphic pha,e tran,ition'

P.lge I()

\\ hich c.ln oClltr In drug'. tudie, illLlude in\ e'tig,nlolh of the kinetiC' of temperarure 'Ind IHe"ure induced treln,formation, (1'\ pical of t1HI\e occurring in telhlerring) u,ing dilTuction metholk The,e il1\ e'tig,ltion, arc .d'o heing complemented b\ molecular mouelling ,imuLnion'. The Microbiology Group Thi, group i, coordinelted h~ S.i1h Bloomfield and h." eI p.micular inn..:re,t in determining the mechani,m, h~ \\ hich h.lcreri.l de\ clop re,i-rance ro anrimicrohial agenr,. Sail: i, al,o inrere'ted in de\ eloping and e\aluating rapid merllOd, for the e\ aluation of di,infecranr, and

The Pharmacy Practice Group Thc Pharmac: Practice Croup h." e\ oh-cd under the lhr<.:ctlon of Ru"ell Creene. The main focu, of re,earch acti\ ity i, dirccted ro\\ ,Iru, comnlllnit\\ Jnu to te,t ne\\ innO\.ltion, in pharmaceuricalcJre ,en ice,. Ru.,.,ell i, il1\ <.:,tigating the ph,umaci'h rolc in monitoring IHe,cription error' .Ind de\ eloping .Inu e\ aluating a computer-.",i,ted learning pacbge (C,\L) for unuergrJuuate, to enahle thel11 ro re'I)Ond to ,~Illprolll, in communit: pharmJc\. LJrr\ Cood\ er i., .,ruu: ing the fea,ihilit: and methodolog\ of e'tabli,hing clinical trial., through coml11unir: pharm.lcie., for medi<.:ine' \\ hich can he .,upplicd h: the

phelrl11.llI't. I le i., al.,o inrere.,ted in de\cloplng and .l"e"ing the ImpelU of multimedia C.\L on hc.i1th c.lre i"lle, for u,e of the gener'll puhlic in cOlllmunit\ ph.lrmacie.,. CLtire \nder.,on i, e'\.lInining the pharnl.lci,t., role in he.dth promorion 'IIlU determining the henefit., of ,uch .Id\ ice ro the patient. .-\1.111 ~.lthan i, currcnth underraking <I re\ ie\\ of medication in community pharnl.leic' \\ ith a \ ie\\ of rr\ ing ro maximi,e the benefit, of the patient\ drug therelp\ \\ hil,t impfll\ ing it, co.,t effc:cri\ene". T.lI11,in Ste\ en,on i, inrere'ted in a"e"ing anu impfll\ ing the ho,pital/colllmunity interface \\'hcre pharmaceutical care ma~ be .,hared or tran,ferred bct\\ een the t\\ 0 CI1\ irnnment~. She h'l\ a particular inrere,t cllrrenrl~ in 'lpprai,ing di,charge Illcdication coul1'>elling in geriatric care. All of the project' ui'cu,-,eu in thi., article arc bcing 'upporred b\ the effort, of ()\ er .'iO po'tgrauuelte re,earch ,ruuent.,. There arc extremcl: c1o,c collaborati\ e link, bet\\ cen re,carLh worker, in the ))eparrmcnr elnd \\ ith tlw,e in the ))epartmenr of PharmCleolog:. \\ ith \\ hom \\ e ,hClre the \ I.lI1re.,J ){OClU ,ite bur 'p.ICC precluue., 'I ui,cu"ion of thi, \\ork in thi, arricle. ))1' C~H\

\ I.min

I)eparrlllenr of Pharrn'l<:\

Career.., fair 19<.):;


prm Itkr.......llLh ,.... thc I· rcnt:h (;rJndc ... EUlk... of \I.ln.lgcmcm. Inrcrna[lon.1I Ilol/\C .Ind our 0\\ n dlOlll of

Lord Ra ne

1 It

Ra ne

In, titute

1".duutlOn \\ ho ,raffeu .1 jOIlH tand \\ Hh hc nC\1 "1 caLhcr Tralflln!.. \gcnL\. \ olunuf\ orgal1l .IWllh 11 crc rcprc ...en[(:d 1)\ \ 0 .lI1d the CI1\ lronmenral 'OUCt\ I rllntier. Of the, .)() ... wtknt... \1 hll LJme [() the I· ,"r on [f1Jt dJ\. thc 11l.IJ()[H\ ...ecm to h.l\ c founu it.1 u'eful c'perICnL'e. "( he m.lln Lompl.lim 11,/\ rhe IJd, of ...uenLe .Ind engineerIng LlImp.lnlc .... \1 hn ,Ire ,till rdunanr [0 .mcnd LJreer... fair,. \\'e ,mcmprcd to addre" thi ... prohlem h\ il1\ iting Kmg· ....lIumni \Iho .Ire \Iorking in .Irea ... ",uLh a... TclcLllmmunicHioJl\ .Ind J·.ngincering Projcu \Ian.lgement w come and gl\e ,I,ll ILC. Thi ......eem ... w hJ\e heen ,uLLT,... ful nc\\ Jppro.lLh .111l1 \\ e \1 ill he ulI1rinuing it in fuwrc Llir.... \Iumni Jnd mher indil idu.1I (;OIH.lLt, \1 crc al,o a I.lrge Lllmponent of thc .\rr... C' \ledi'l F.lir on the ,eLond da~. a... \\ cll a, repre cIHatil e ... from Jth-erti ... ing agencie Illu ...eum Ind pr()\ ider... of po'tgrauuate Lour e,. .\round 600 ... rudenr... :)[tended thc [\10 and a h.1I f hour of the. \rh C' \ led ia F.lir. \1 ith 170 rudcnt... coming .dong [() thc ...emin,n held throughout the 'Iftcrnoon. Thc \'a ... t Illajorit~ of rhc cxhihiwr... werc impre"ed 11 ith rhe numbel\ and qualir~ of the ... tudenr... a... \\ell :/\ the organi ...ation of the C\Cnt it...elf. \,"e hope to hold ne't· ... Career, Fair on .'0 and 31 Ouoher I YY6. The ne:>.t e\ cm from the Career... .'-,e[\ Ice \1 III he the Law I·.m (29 ."" .,0 ./JnuJr\ I YY6). Onc LOlllmem h~ a ",cLClnd year ... rudcnr \llIn, up onc of the aim ... of the Fair: 'I t ha ... gi\'en me lot... of idca, ahout \\ hat to do \\ ith the rc,t of m\

IJllrI Ral'JII' fll/i). Si, !till G"ill'(IJrrl (lilt! /), !-"ar::ill !-"a,,,allfh


ing.... College SLhool of \ledicine


DeIHi ... t[\


plea'ed w \\ elcome Lord and

L'ld~ R.I~ ne

w the R.I~ ne In... titlltc .It Denmark Ifill on 6 'memher. The In'titute \\,1\ founded in IY7Y \lith gcnerou, ,upporr from the R:I\ nc

Foundation .•md h,/\ prm idcd .1 \ :lIu'lble h.l ...e tilr mlllti·di,eiplinar\ .1J1d Lollahor:Hi\ c rc ...e.Irch group.... including .1 tcam \\orking undcr the guid.lIlce of Sir ./:Imc... Hlack. l ohel l,allrc:He. Thc In ... titute prc",cIHII hOll ...c ... re ...carch team ... in anal\'tical pharmacolog~; clinical hiochem i... tr~ /card iology; immllnolog\: molecular medieine: oral p.Hhology:

oral and m.lxillofaeial 'lllgcr~: periodonwlog\: p" chologi,.1I meuicil1l:: ,urger~. and thc CRC C1inic.1I Tri,]I ... Centre. The \ i... itor,. \\ ho al,o inclllued Sir Peter B.llu\\ in. the lion \ Ir, ·lI ... an

time here"

B,"ing anu \Ir... ./o'ln "',Iter of the KCS\ I D DelegJcy. \1 ere ho... ted h\ Sir 1.111 Cain,ford. I lead of School. ,lIld

D:I\ id "'imer C.lreer\ \d\\· Se[\ iLe

Profe"or Sir ./.1 me ... Black .•1'" Chairman of the School"" Rc\earch Co·ordinating Group. After a general re\ ic\\ of King· ... re\earch imere't... in medicine and 1)\ Profe\'or ,\driJn Eddlc,ton. De,m of thc Facult~ of Clinical \Iedicine. the gue ... t... were inl ited to \ iC\1 the \Iork of thrcc of the In ... tirutc\ re ...e,lrLh tcam\ in grcater dctJil. demi,tr~

The~ ... pcm ...ome time \1 ith the CCIHrc for \Iolecular Oncolog\. \1 here pionecri ng rc ...earch on gene thcrap~ i,

led b~ ()r FM/in F'lrL.lJleh .lI1d \\ herc a ne\1 Cclltre for \Iolccular Oncology i, \horrh to he e ... tabli ... hed. encouraging thc collaboration of medical and dcntal group... inc.:luding the Epithclial Ccll Biolog\ t'nit in Oral and 1\1:1,illofaciJI Surger~.

The \·i\iwr\ werc thcn ~Iblc to \'ie\\ the nC\1 1\ -refurhi ... hcd Ill1ll1unolog~ I ,aboratorie,. c\tahli ... hed h~ I'rofe"or 1\ I ike Kell1en~ 1\ ho lOok up hi\ IH)\t in Ocwhcr. Finall\', thc

group \I'cre able to participatc in a number of delllon ... tration\ in the SeuelOr~ Jnd Soft Ti ...... ue Re ...earch t' nit. led b\ ()r Cordon Proctor :lnd Dr Dipak Shori. ()uring the aftcrnoon. the \ i,it!)1\ attendcd the formal opcning of the ne\\ \Iolecular Oncology LJhoratory hee page four) 1'0110\\ cd b\ thc Leonard Cotton .\ Iclllorial l,enure. gi\en b~ Profe......or .\ 1ichael Baulll CChem FRCS. on 'Current Conrrm cr,ie, in thc DiJgn()\i ... and \ LJn'lgclllenr of Earl\ Brea ... t Cancer.'

Ile.ld of <.;ecretariat

KC:. '\ ID

Page 1I

ir Richard


return to


pendcr. I Cn!!a2e 111 rhe pr e... Ilo\\e\ cr. kno\\ Ied!!c

I aIm. or2anl a IIln. ou come... and Implemen .Hlf,n


mea ure lie rre cd hc lurc Imc he Ilcalrh LIte uencc cLtllr



Pancl \\ hlLh uerermlned rht: foil m 111:': prionr\ area ... for re carch. • Inreurati\ e biolog\ (molec ular. genctlL. ccllular anu \\ hole organ",m rudle ) • 'curo clence anu rhc cogniti\ e .,lIence., • :\geing includll1g ul\ahling degcneraCl\ c di ca...e ... • Genetic., In managemenr


k e\Jluarion and

• Drug ucatlOn and uell\ef\ • Recombinant rechnolog\

S,,' Rlthard .\\!.'t'f a/


• DiagOlhric applicarion, (,f molecular ir HichanJ ~ke'. Ikpur, Chairm.ln .Inu Chit.:f E,ecume of (;1.1'(0, rhe \\ orllr... premier


pre...uiprion ph;umaceuClcal compan~. \·i ... ireu rhe Ken ... ingron campu ... on 3 :\'ovember ro pre,enr .Inu ui ...... rhe l 'K Go\·ernmenr· ... Technology Fore... ighr Initiative a... a gue . . r of rhe

School of Life, Ba... ic leuical \!f Ilealrh Science.... Inrroducing Sir Richaru. Profe......or Bob Ilider. J lead of the <';chool, noteu thar he had grauuareu from Queen EliLabeth College in 1% \\ ith a fir't cia" honour, degree 111 \lICroblOlog~ afrer atrending e\ ening cla.,...e ... ar Chel ...ea College \\ hll,t a laboratof\ rechnician at We,rmin...ter II(hpital. Sir Richard recalled hl\ rime ar QEC, during \\ hich he hau nlJl1\ dealing., \\ irh rhe rhen Principal a, \·ice-I're.,idenr of the Studenr,' l' n ion. II i, enrerpri ...e wa, immediarely apparenr, buying chee...e and yoghurt in Ken,ington Iligh Srreet to ,ell to ... rudenr, ro


• Immune 1ll'lI1ipularion in inllammaror~ .Ind immune di.,ea.,e .... \ accine, and tr.II1"planr., • 'lcdical information rechnolog~ Hi., vi.,ion for future healthcare wa., illu,trared by (\\o e\;lI11 pie.,. Computing power rogether \\ irh communicJrion rechnolog~ i... re\olurioni ... ing di.,ea.,e managemenr "y,rem . . \\ irh. for example. )OOf co.,r reducrion in a.,rhma trearlllenr in the l' . The ulrimare goal of relemeuicine "y,rem . . i, ro enable paClenr ,elfrreatment. The ourpur., of the human genome proJecr \\ III produce ne\\ diagno . . tic rechnlque, anu grcarer preci,ion in rheraple .... Progre...... ha, already been made \\ irh .,ingle gene defect di,ea,e., .,uch a, cy.,ric fiIHo,i,. \\hile ,enile uemenria. an increa,ing

eompen.,are for rhe low ,tandard of

problem \\irh our ageing popularion. ha been demon,rrareu to be nor one bur ,everal ui,ea.,e, invoh ing uifferenr

College foou! Sir Richard, \\ ho i, a member of

chromo.,ome,. Sir Richard ... poke frankly abour

the Council for Science " Technology. provided a tour through the Technology Fore... ighr Iniriarive

,ome of rhe problem ... of implemenring Fore,ight anu in parricular gerring all of indu,rry, particularly rhe low R d £)

\\ t11Il1crca"'II1:!ly he rhc kc\ 0 \\calrh lrt:arlon. Jnd ht: belie\ e ha gm crnmen . aCJdemia Jnd II1du rr\ IllU r finu nc\\ parrncr.. hlp \\ orkll1g togerher ro en... urc thar rhc ...ucncc and cngll1eenng ba.,c i... able to re ... pond in a llc\lble and \\ ell Informeu manner {() fururc need ... of rhe l K. Profc . . or Bob Iltder Life. Ha'ic \leulLJI C Ilealrh

",Lho!)1 of PIl\.,iLal ",ucnLC" .',", I~ng,inccring, Po.,rcr (;oll1pc(Jrion


hc Po... ter Competlrion ha., bccomc .In annual

e\ <:nr tn rhc chool for po.,rgrJduare .,ruuenr., enrenng

their rhlrd \ ear of re'earch. The aim of rhe compcririon i... to encouragc ... rudenr, ro focu ... rheir \\ ork ro uJrc and .11.,0 {() gi\e them expericnce of public pre...enrJrion of their \\ ork. ThcJudge., wcrc to-fr John Farrm\. the EPSR Programme .\lanager for I'hv ... ic'o. I'rofe'>'>or Colin Hu . . hnell ,II1U f)r \Iikc YiJne ... k" Jnu rhc priLe winner... \\erc:

First prize Harr\ ~nllth. ChCIllI,rr\ Second prize Phoebe Chcung. \ Icchanical Enginecring Third prize Kai ~ lan Ilung. Phy.,ic.,

Pro{i:.\SIJr Sltll/le)'


'1Il1 collca/.:ue,. p.t,t .lnd \HC'ent. gathcrcd ill thc Coullcil Hoom Oil 22 Septembcr to bid f.lfc\\cll to I'rofe"or StJn1c1 EcHle, \\ ho \\ J' I lead of the


DcpJrtmcnt of \ IeLilJllIcal En/.:lIleerln/.: from 1970 [(J 1<J<J路t flrofc ,or I',ark, \\.1' no 'trJnger [(J I\.1Il/(, \I hen he \1.1' appointcd III 1970. a, hc lud hcen a '!udent here and grJdu.lred \I nh fif',t cb" honour, and \\J' .I\\.lfded the Jelf \ledal in 19')'. DUring hi, time at King',. I'rofe"or Earle, \\ .1' a member of thc ,'CIlJte Jnd rhe College Council. Jlld chJired rhe ()ccor,nion, and ,\mcnitic' Commirree Jnd the E,t'ltc, Policl Committee. lie \la, De.1Il of rhc Facultl of Engincering and \\路a, thc fir't Ilead of rhe ,'chool of I'h"lcal "iLlencc, '" Engineerin/.:. lie \\a, "ppoinrcd 'I Fcllo\\ of King\ Collegc in 199,'. \\'e \I i,h I'rofe"or Earle, and hi, \\ ife \1,lrg.lfet m.lJl~ happl' lear, of rctlremcnt.

Princip,d become.., Fellrm of ,-\u<,[rali~ln College of Education

Staff news

Tnt' PriJ/{'ip((l. Pro/l'\\or. Innllr/.llrt1s. is Sl'nl IIn't' l't'rI'i,:ill)! nlS /dlo.:,nip o/Ine .illamlilll/ DJlle}!1 0/ l,tllIll/lioll frolll DlIlllf ROII/(( ,I"'tndl, Goz'l'l7Ior ofSOUIn ,llIslm/if(, Ht' ,,"f(, lI~'tlldltllnf /el/o.:snip i/l nf"Of[lIilioll 0/nis rolllribu/lOIII 10 sriml't' Inrollf[n rt'lt'Orrn. 1nl" rll"i.路doplIIl'/Il of iIlIlOZ'{(Ii'i..'e wrrim/{(III /I/(fllrill!.' tllltI,ne m/,ill}! 0/pllb/ir IlllrlrrwlllrllI//f ofsm IIr1". {(1Ir1for k((tlrrsnip ill ni)!nrr rtlllmlitll/,

n.\d\Cnr ,'undal U Dcccmbcr) \\ or,hlp from the College Chapel \\ ill bc hroadca'tli\con BBCt at09..,O,lfyou \\ould likc to attcnd thi, ,efl'icc pleJ'c contau the ChJplainc~ Office on exr nn to obuin lour frec tickct.


The \d\ ent carol ,efl'ice on December i, full~ booked, bur there Jre ,car, a\ ailablc for the ,crI ice, n Jnd 7 December. Plea,e contJcr rhe Chaplaillcl Officc (ext 2373) for your (frcc) ricker-,

I'.I/-:e 13

Jlmon .,;, 'I rour dwLu Lunch at Fi


I bll

ightingalc In titutc re c:m:h link \\ i h

umlin.l\ ia he I .• , 1\ I


In, I u c nOli orl1lal re earLl, llOk h he I n II cri \ 0 . 10

'1 Jlllpcre In 1 InlJnd. Jl" Ilunr. 11 ho eJLher, nur Ing ulkn , 10 the oLlal Llenl..': dl\ i Ion of the In't1tutc. ha rel..':n I rcrurnet.l Irom J four dJ\ I i"t to 1 Jmpere 11 here ,he deli\ered J pJper on the ,uh}cLt of prnfc"lOnJI deLl'lon'Il1Jking in memal hCJlth CJ,ell ork. The Judience Lompn,ed licentiate re,earLher, and 'taff from the !'nl\cr,It\', "oLlolog\ and "oua) Polll \ J)cpartmcm,. he 11 a, thc OIlNde /lre FlilrmOllf[er\ 111I11. I,olldoll Hndj[e art' DI Rolalld Rl/Ilel' ( .\(/t'IIlt'~ f)IUI/OII) .. IIIH Jellll 110r.: IIIlIII, ('lrllll of /lre .\1I1111011 ..:: 7iml/ . \ HO(/tl/U)/{.. 1// I/al/lrer. Ralla/ld .l/r 41er .III/tlrew/I, Sallllo/l .~ 7/011/ TI/I\I SdlfJlaH. a/ld SII (,eoff"1' JfJlrl/lfJ/I· S/lIIIIr. r:lrl/lr of lire Salllloll .~ 7 mu/ rlran/lIllle 7i71\1


n 199-1 and again th" \ear. the "almon ''"'Trout \"nuanon Chanrable Tru,t h,,, offered a 'Lholar'hip [() meet the fee, and ,(HnC 11\ ing co,t, of a ,uitabl~ f1u,tldied graduate w join the ~I"c cour,e in J\quatie /{e,ouree \Ianagemenr (Di\ i,ion of Life Science,). Within the broad objeui\'e of advancing public awarene", and appreLi.nion of the narure and amenity value of Britain', ri\ er,. ,ueam,. lake, and IOLh" onc aim of the Tru,t i, to a"i,t ,wd" programme, and re,earLh inw h,lbitJt and fi,h ecolog~. water qu,tlit~ 'lnd con,er"Jtion. Although ler~ much in it~ infane~, the Tru't Lurrenrly 'UppOrt, duce re,eareh ime'tigation and rele\Jnt eduLation ,\Cti\ it~, The alloLation of'Lholar,hip' to the KC!. cour,e wa' Jppropriate Jnd vcr" Ilekome. It JLknOllledge, the ongoing e'cellenr UJLk record of an \I"L 11 hiLh ualO' ,cienri,t, in the Ulncept, and praulce~ of the manJgemenr of JquatiL re,oun.:e, includlOg fi,hene', and which wa, the fir,t of it, kind in the l'niler,ity ,eetor beginning ,ol11e 2 year~ Jgo at the former Chel'ea College. lany graduate, of the eour,e now occupy 'enior po,ition, in the water indu~try, it, regulatory bodie, and a",oeiated re,earch in'titution" To publiei,e the aetil itie, of the

Tru't Jnd LOIOLldcnrall\ the Colleoe' inlollcmenr with It, the fir,t two 'LholJr" ~Lmhell BJII (11)1)-I·9:;) Jnd .\Icl: :'ditLhe,on (191)')·90), 11 ere IOllted to J lunclleon In the elegant ,plcndour of the I· i,hl11onger\ 1la11 by London Bmlge on ) 1 Ouober. Imroduced to the well'Jttended gathering by Sir (;eoffre~ John,on . 'mith, DL, ~IP. ChairmJn of the Tru,tee" and in derail by the \ISc Cour,e DireLtor. Dr Roland HJile~. \ latthew and .\Iee 11 ere 'ubjeu to LOmtanr attention, Jnd 'Cl erJI inrere'ting Jnd helpful comau, were e,tJbli,hed by them.

gue't of I'rofe"'or \n"'l Perak"la 11 ho,e publi,llIng reu)(d In \!cdiLal ouolog\ " of Inrernarional rcnoll n. \1, Ilum\ paper 11 a, reLellcd IInh IOtcre't and emhu"a,m and the I "It prOl cd to be a u,eful opportunlt\ w d"Lu" nutter of common methodologlLJllmcre't IIlth other q ualltatl\c re,earL hero,. "all~

Ilunt LeLturer In ")oLial "cienLe, '\Ighting,de In'tltllte

Correction 19 December The Halliburton Lecture Or S Moncada The Wellcome Foundation ew Theatre, Strand 17.30 to 18.30 Contact Professor Peter McNaughton 0171-873 2475

Events Nov -Dec

lIr..,ing Sruuic London Medical Sociology Group seminar Room MB208, Cornwall House 18.00 to 19.00 Contact Or Julienne Meyer 0171872 3207

Please note that this event will take place on 19 December and not 15 December as previously stated in What's On.

13 December Race or place? The spatial patterning of health among ethnic groups in Britain Chris Smaje, University of Surrey

Life Science..,

The Randall rn..,tirutc

Department of Pharmacy Research seminar programme All meetings will take place in Room 18, Main Building, Manresa Road, Chelsea from 16.15 to 17.15 Contact Or Gary Martin 0171-3334791

Developmental Biology Seminars Seminar Room, The Randall Institute, 26-29 Drury Lane, London WC2B 5RL Tel 0171-8368851

23 November Joint Seminar with Department of Pharmacology SDA T and a host of golden daffodils Or J Murray, Shire Pharmaceutical Development Ltd, Andover

22 November Bone morphogenetic proteins and signalling in vertebrate limb development Or Paul Bricknell, UCL

30 November Computer simulation in molecular biology Professor J M Goodfellow, Birkbeck College,London

29 November X-chromosome inactivation: Laws, rules and vague principles Or Alan Ashworth, Institute of Cancer Research 6 December Ra and Rb in amphibian limb regeneration Or Jeremy Brockes, Ludwig Institute

7 December Work sampling: a technique for community practice research? Or I Savage, KCL

13 December Contact inhibition of axon growth Or Roger Keynes, Cambridge University

11 December Formulation and delivery of therapeutic peptides and proteins Or A K Banga, Auburn University, Alabama, USA

11 umanitie Research Seminar..,

14 December Synergistic effect of iron on porphyria and cancer induced by chlorinated environmental chemicals Or A G Smith, University of Leicester

21 November Inaugural lecture from the Department of Philosophy Could computers become superior to human beings? Professor Donald Gillies, KCL 17.30 New Theatre, Strand Contact The Secretary 0171-873 2231 22 November Meyerbeer's 11 Crociato in Egitto: M(ยงlodrame, opera orientalism Mark Everist, KCL Institute of

Advanced usical Studies Colloquium Room 6C, ain Building, Strand 17.00 Con ac Professor Reinhard Strohm 0171-873 2576 2029 22 November The begmnmg of the universe and of time Professor Richard Swinburne, University of Oxford Centre for Philosophical Studies Public Lecture Committee Room, Strand 16.00 Contact Dr John Milton 0171-873 2340/2585

Event Nov -Dec (continued)

27 November Centre for Hellenic Studies/Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies Seminar A Hesychast manual on the Jesus Prayer: the century of Kallistos and Ignatios Xanthopoulos (14th century) The Rt Revd Kallistos Ware, Pembroke College, Oxford Room 35B, Strand 17.30 Contact the Humanities Research Centre 0171-8732360 30 November Centre for Philosophical Studies Public Lecture Geometry and explanation: Two paradigms John Lucas, University of Oxford Council Room, Strand 17.15 Contact Professor John Milton 0171-873 2340/2585 1, 2 & 4 December The Cook, the Miser, his Tart & her Mother A workshop of new comedy scenes from the plays of Menander, Plautus & Terence in honour of Professor Eric Handley CBE FBA HON RA, President of the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies Friday 1 December - invitation performance Saturday 2 December - 11.30, 14.30,17.30 Monday 4 December - 19.30 Lecture Theatre (room G6). Institute of Archaeology, 31-34 Gordon Square, London WCl H OPY. Tickets ÂŁ3.00 Contact Russell Shone, Chloe Productions, Institute of Classical

S udies tel 0181-7489095 2 December Academ forCulu~land Educational Studies Conference Christians and pagans: Can dIVergent tradItIOns converge? A contemporary dialogue ÂŁ20.00 fee includes registration, coffee, buffet lunch and tea Council Room, Strand 9.30 to 16.00 Contact Elizabeth Arwec ,ACES Trustee, 15 Kirk Close, Oxford OX2 8JL or Humanities Research Centre 0171-8732360 4 December Two visions of the self: The poetry of Ana Cristina Cesar and Adelia Prado (In English) Lucia Villa res, poet and KCL MA graduate Centre for the Study of Brazilian Culture and Society Seminar Room D12, East Wing, Strand 16.30 Contact the Department of Portuguese & Brazilian Studies 0171-8732507 4 December Classical concert King's College Orchestra and Mr Robert Keeley, KCL Great Hall, Strand 19.30 to 21.45 Contact Professor Reinhard Strohm 0171-873 2576/2029 4 December Moskov Selim and Ismail Ferik Pasha: melancholic gaze and the geometry of nostos Dimitris Tziovas, University of Birmingham Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies Seminar Room 35B, Strand 17.30 Contact the Humanities Research Ce ntre 0171-873 2360 5 December Research Unit in Humanities Computing seminar Tracing the narrator: the analysis of narrative technique Thomas Rommell, Tuebingen 18.00, Blackwell Room, Strand Contact 0171-8732360 6 December Philosophical Studies seminar

Can education be moral? Or Mary Midgley 17.15 Committee Room, Strand Contact 0171-873 2340 6 December Institute of Advanced Musical Studies Colloquium New Light on Mahler & Britten Donald Mitchell, London 17.00 Room 6C, Main Building, Strand Contact Professor Reinhard Strohm 0171-8732576/2029

Events Nov -Dee (continued)

7 December Public Lecture in Portuguese from the Department of Portuguese & Brazilian Studies Em Torno da Poesia de Camilo Pessanha Professor David Mourao-Ferreira, University of Lisbon Room 28A, Main Building, Strand 17.30 Contact the Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies 0171-8732507 9 December Late Antique & Medieval Studies Colloquim Pilgrims & Pilgrimage Professor Robert Rartlett, St Andrews University, Or Peter Lineham, Cambridge University, Or Mary Remnant, Confraternity of St James, Professor Judith Herrin, KCL and Or Diana Webb, KCL Room 2C and the Council Room, Strand Time to be confirmed Contact 0171-873 2360 9 December The Centre for New Religions oneday seminar Buddhism in Modern Contexts Speakers include Professor Geoffrey Samuel, University of Lancaster, Or Martin Baumann, University of Hanover and Professor Hubert Seiwert, University of Leipzig Room 35B, Main Building, Strand Registration forms are available from Sonia Beaton, Room 7G, Chesham Building, Strand 0171-873 3792, Fax 0171-873-2292.

11 December Byzantine & Modern Greek Studies seminar Musical settings of modern Greek poetry lan Martin, the Library, University College London Room 35B, Strand 17.00 Contact the Humanities Research Centre 0171-873 2360 11 December 20th century music concert Mr David Trendell, KCL and King's College music students Great Hall, Strand 17.30 to 18.45 Contact Professor Reinhard Strohm 0171-8732576/2029 11 December Centre for the Study of Brazilian Culture and Society Seminar Four modern Brazilian poets: Joao Cabral, Adelia Prado, Armando Freitas Filho and Jose Paulo Paes (in English) Felipe Fortuna, poet and critic, author of Du Vice- Versa and A Escola da Sedur;ao Room 012, East Wing, Strand, 16.30 Contact the Department of Portuguese & Brazilian Studies 0171-8732507 13 December Centre of Philosophical Studies public lecture Transcendental Tense Professor Hugh Melior, University of Cambridge 17.15 Council Room, Strand Contact 0171-873 2340

Dcpartmcnt of War Studic'> The Role of Eminences Grises in British Defence Policy c. 1900-1945 Military History seminar series All seminars will be held in the International Relations Room at the Institute of Historical Research, Tuesdays at 17.00. Contact the Department of War Studies 0171-873 2178 28 November Captain B H Liddell Hart Professor Brian Bond, KCL 12 December William, Viscount Weir



Or RAC Par er, Queen's College, Oxford The Cold ar Progamme m Europe (CO WPEj semmar

23 November Origins of the Cold War as an Ideological Conflict Professor 0 Cameron Watt, London School of Economics & Political Sciences War Studies Seminar Room 332 , orfolk Building, Strand from 18.00 to 19.30 Contact Fiona Paton, Projects Manager 0171-873 2796 African Security Programme seminar series All sessions of the seminar are hosted at 18.00 in Room 332N, Norfolk Building, Strand on occasional Monday evenings.

Events Nov -Dec (continued)

20 November The role of mercenaries in post Cold War African conflicts Kofi Oteng Kufour, University of East London 4 December The United Nations and regIonal organisations in conflict management Funmi Olonisakin, KCL In November the Programme will be hosting a one-day conference on Post-Apartheid Southern Africa: Options for Security. Contact Fiona Paton, Projects Manager 0171-8732796 Pacific Security seminar

7 December Hong Kong: Chma's opportunity Or Michael Yahuda, London School of Economics Department of War Studies, Strand 18.00 to 19.30 Contact Fiona Paton, Projects Manager 0171-8732796 Regional Security in a Global Context seminar programme The John 0 and Catherine T MacArthur Foundation Programme on Peace and International

Cooperation. All seminars will ta e place a 17.00 Contac he Departmen of ar S udles 0171-8732178 22 November Building armed forces in Azerballan Asad Isa-zade, Ministry of Defence, Ba u, Azerbaijan Commentator Christopher Baxter, Chaired by Elaine Holoboff 29 November Does Armenta need the West? Anahit Martirosian, The American University, Yerevan, Armenia Commentator Karin von Hippel Chaired by Beatrice Heuser 6 December RussIan energy policy and implIcations for regional security Elaine Holoboff, KCL Chaired by Fiona Paton 13 December A pre-Chnstmas Post-Communist celebration: Security and democracy m the New Europe James Gow and Fiona Paton, KCL Chaired by Jane Sharp International Commission for Maritime History seminars Each meeting will take place at 17.15 in Room G01, Norfolk Building, Strand. It would be helpful to the organisers if those intending to come would give their names to the secretary, David M Williams, Department of Economic and Social History, Leicester University, LEl 7RH Tel 0116-2522582

23 November The Greek international maritime network in the twentieth century Or Gelina Harlaftis, University of Piraeus, Greece 14 December Elizabethan gunnery and naval tactics Or Nicholas Rodger, National Maritime Museum

29 November Annual Lecture from the Liddell Hart Centre for Military Archives Montgomery, Patton and Eisenhower: Problems of High Command 1944-45 Alistair Horne, Great Hall, Strand 18.00

Studcnt . 'cn icc

Events Nov -Dec (continued)


1 December The Assessment and Diagnosis of Student Problems The Counselling/Psychotherapy Section of Student Services Annual Conference Speakers include Or Geoffrey Baruch, Psychoanalyst, Director of the Brandon Centre and Or Brendan McCarthy, Consultant Psychiatrist/Psychoanalyst, President of the British Psychoanalytical Society Council Room, Strand from 10.00 to 16.00. Members of Faculty and staff who wish to attend should apply as soon as possible to Miss Karen Hayes, Medical Centre, Strand 0171-873 2613. There is no conference fee for King's staff but anyone wishing to have lunch/refreshments is asked to contribute £15.00.

Law Legal Theory Seminars 15.30 to 18.00 All sessions will take place at King's College London, Strand Campus Admission is free without a ticket Contact the organisers Ray Davern, Ken Oliphant and Adam Tomkins on 0171-836 5454 Law & Passion 29 November Unger's Passion lan Ward, University of Sussex Law and Rationality Ray Davern, KCL Law and passion in the thought of Emmanuel Levinas Or Tammara Wright

13 December Passion & Primal Scenes: Tracing origms of law Peter Fitzpatrick, University of Kent Authorship & Autoplasticity Allain Pottage, LSE Passion & Warfare: Perspectives on passion, rape and law Helen Codd, University of Central Lancashire

\lax\\'cll Socicr\ Iccturc'> Lectures will be given in Room 2C, Main Building, Strand 14.00 to 15.00 Contact Professor 0 S Gaunt 0171-8732153 27 November High power x-rays: A forward looking reflection Or 0 M Morris, Oxford Instruments International

4 December Rontgen and the discovery of x-rays Or Richard F Mould, Scientific consultant & author

[n-,ricurc of P,;\,chiJrn: (l-ni\'cr"ir\' of London) . curodcgcncfarivc Di"ca'>c'> \{c"carch Group 5 & 8 February 1996 The Cellular & Molecular Pathology of Neurodegenerative Disease Day 1: Introduction to Neurodegeneration Day 2: Alzheimer's Disease Day 3: Cell Biology of Neurodegeneration Day 4: Motor Neurone Disease, Parkinson's Disease, Aids and Prion Diseases Fees: Commercial Rate: £550 for four days, £160 per day: Academic Rate: £320 for four days, £100 per day: Student Rate: £200 for four days, £60 per day: Contact Mrs L Wilding, Short Courses Offices, Institute of Psychiatry, De Crespigny Park, London SE5 8AF. Tel 0171-919 3170, Fax 0171-703 5796

Jlklcr In riwrc of Pul1l10nJry . PllJrnucolouy . . . t.:1l11OJr CflC All seminars from 13.00 to 14.00 in Seminar Room, Oepartmen of Thoracic edicine, King's College Hospital Medical School, Bessemer Road, London SE5 Contact Professor C Page on 01713463610 or 333 4767 5 January NO and the lung Or M Belvisi, ational Heart and Lung Institute

2 February PDE IV inhibitors - their potential in the treatment of asthma Or B Hughes, Celltech Ltd, Berkshire 16 February Chemokines and the lung Professor J Westwick, University of Bath

8 March TH2 cells and eosinophils in allergic inflammation of the lung Or A J Coyle, Ciba-Geigy Ltd, Switzerland

12 April The electrophysiology of airway nerves Or M Riccio, John Hopkins, Philadelphia, USA 10 May The IgE Network Professor H Gould, Randall Institute, KCL 24 May Use of con focal microscopy in airway research Or R Goldie, University of Western Australia



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