K C llege LO DO
KCL/UMDS ll1erger News of recent developments, January 1996 Professor Arthur Lucas, Prillcipal of King's College Londoll, illrites:
tltdellt /lumbers at LondoJl Bridge London Bridge
Corn\\'all Hou e
'Life C:! Health Srimce'progmlllllle
'Biomer/iml' progmlllllle
he tir't t\l 0 \ICxk, of 1996 '>Cl\1 u, reach [\10 ,ignificant mih.:,>tont:,> in our joint endea\ our to neatt: major intern'ltional re,earch and teaching group'> in the biomedical and health ,cience,> b~ a merger of KCL and l'\ I DS, On.') Janua" \1 e i,>,>ued project documentation and illl ited more dewiled propo':ll,> from ,i'\ con,orti,t ,>elected from a longer li,t 11 ho replied to our Octobt:r alh erti,ement: on 1() Januar~ planning COJl',ent Il<l'> granted b~ the Planning and (;on,enation Commim:e of the Royal Horou,gh of Kemington and Chel'>ea for the de\ elopment of .:;.')2 King\ Road (Jar!!;eh re,idential but including ,>ome office de\ elopmel1t). Thl: latter \I ill benefit the College in term, of the markl:tabilit~ of the ,>itl: and reali"lble pricl:. The ,>igniticance of thl:'>l: l:\ l:nt,> i, that the contillence \I ith \I hich \1 c can 1l()\1 \ il:\1 the timhcoming mergl:r. the redel c!opment project tilr London Hridgl: and Corn\l'11I Ilou'l:. and the moderni,ation of the Strand Campu'>. i, grl:atl~ imprO\ cd. \Ye arc nO\\ p'lrt \lay through a proce,>,> begun in the e,l[I~ I99(h. and \1 ill continue tilr ,>ome \ e,lr,> after leg,i1 merger of the corporate bodie'>. Indeed it \1 ill be ,ome time after thl: phI ,>iell rc-location,> take plaCl: before \I e can claim that the proCl:'>' i,> complete, I \1 ill not cbim 'completene",' until gr'lduation ofrhe "I,>t cohort of medical and dental ,tudel1t, admitted to the ,eparate l'\II)S and King\ clJrricuLI. probabl~ in 2006. ,inn; it will nm Ix practicable [() teach a combinl:d cohort of '>tudent, until comflletion of the ph\,ical mO\ l:' m thl: London Brid,gl: ,>itl:. The c\lTit:k, in thi, ne\l '>letter reflort the achiel l:mcl1t of ,>ignificant '>ub-goal, in our
~ CorJlwal1 House
Student,> (ftc,禄
Student., (fte.,)
Biochemi ,t,,'
I m m u nolo,g:
3~ 1
En\'ironmental Geronmlog;\' '.,fur,ing ;\ utrition Pharmacy
.')07 3H
Sl Il-TOT\1.
,\natom\ \ lolecuIar
e Biopll\',>ic,
KCI. prl:路c1inical l'\ IDS pre-clinical l"\ IDS HSc
TOT.\L STl'J)I~:">'TS
(HO 130
(flIIIS Clilliml Om/al flllr/ ,Iltrli("al s//trlm/x)
procc ,>, There arc .,till man~ more to dcfine prl:ei.,eh and to\l'ard \I hieh \I e ha\'c to map our route." From nO\1 on more and more people \\ ill he illl oh cd in derailed \I'ork, It \I a,> he3rtl;ning, but not '>urpri,>ing. to .,ee the eomminnent anu unuer,randing at the fir,t joint meeting of \I orking p,trtie., engaged in uetailed ,>pecitication of the buildings at I,ondon Briuge and Corn\\'all Ilou.,e.. \ ,>en,e of e\citement - templ:red b\ the reali,>arion that the interaction., bet\\l;cn different "pace u.,e, \\ ere profound. and that carl: must be taken tu en.,ure that no ph",ical pro\'ision was omitted - rl:.,ulted in a li\"Ch meeting, The planning for the non-phy~ical clement,> i., nO\l beginning a, \\'e turn our attention to the mral College. not just those acti\'irie,> being rclocateu anu merged. Bill Slade i, ue\(lting hi., \I hole time to leading and co-ordinating the physical and organi~ational de\eloflment,>. Thl: planning of ph\'>ical "pl:cification,> i., Ix:ing co-ordinated
InstitLlte Of Nursing Er/amtioll
1605 .+06
b\ Or L~ nn Carlisle of L'~IOS on behalf of both college " \ 'e,,' ,oon. a series of \\ orking group" will begin work to ensure that the acauemic (both teaching and research) financial. per.,onnel. ,ocial. legal. logi~ric. and student .,upport ",tem., cOl1\erge in an equitable. timel~ and integrated way, Some \I ill ha\ e ro bl: in place at the date of legal merger: other., \\'ill ha\ e to h,1\ e a \I ell-defined cnd. with a ckar path\\a~ and time ,cale for implementation during the merger proces~, \ Ye must plan so that the ani\ ities of all parts of the emerging ne\1 King\ College can continue \\ ith minimal interruption during the next ten years, Staff from both lll\ID. and KCL. together with colleagues from the Institute of P,>ychiatry, will be a,ked to join working groufls [Q rake tasks forward, Some will be highly technical; other, will need to explore broad policy: all \I ill need imaginarion and skill. Some reports \\ ill ha\ e technical 3spectS that \\ ill be
imrlt:menll.:d behind rhe ,cene,: orher, \I ill require \I idl:r ddure. rrobabl~ ireraril ch. If~ll'ril~He Finance IniriJ[I\e (PFI) tflrm of conrracr i, It:r ir i, rrobablt: rhar ,ome facilirie, m'.1Iugemenr conrracr, \I ill form pJrr of rhe p'lck~lge. In rhe ne\.r k\l monrh, \I e \I ill be con,idering rhe form, of ,uch conrr~Il'r, ro en,ure prorecrion of rhe emplm menr righr, of our e\.i,ring ,rafC hould ,ome 'en ice, be rran,krred. Fin~dh. \I e mu,r keer our in,rirllrion, oreraring effecril el\ and cfticienrl~ dming rhe rem'lining reriod of rhe merger proee,>,> \I hik [\\ 0 in,rirurion, e,i,r ,ide h~ ,ide, hllr \I irh <':1 <.:n more collaborariol1'> del doping ,0 rhar \I hen rh<.: <.:1 <.:nr of It:galmer,gt:r [;lk<.:' place lhe rr'lIlsirion \I ill b<.: (almosr!) imp<.:rccprihk insidc, bllr mak<.: a large rosirilc impacr on rhe ollr,id<.: \I orltl. I rhank all sraffin borh insrirurion, \I ho h'1\ e \I ork<.:d so hard ro ger us '0 far along rh<.: road. \\ e all look for\l ard ro meering rogerher rhe r<.:m'lining sllb-goals and dc'ldlinc,.
Sir Cyri! Chant/er Prillcipalof UJUDS, ill'ntes: il e or so ~ cars from nll\1 rhe lir,r cohorr of mcdical and denral srud<.:nr' ro reccil e rheir cdu<.:arion in rhe n<':\I building' planned ar London Bridg<.:, (; 1I\ " Ilo\piml. I,ing\ C:olI<.:ge I-!ospiral. 'Ind Sr Thom.I'>' Ilosrir.d II ill commence rheir cducarion. The~ \I ill benefir from a n<':\I cllrriclllum dCI'<.:loped ollr of rhe pr<':s<':!H l'\IDS and I-:CSI\ID curricllla, \I irh rh<.: inregrarion and furrher changes r<.:quir<.:d achicI cd more b~ a l)foce,>,> of Cl olurion rhan b\ radical chang<.:, 'I'h<.: cunicul,l \I ill b<.: d<':'igncd \I irh mor<.: prohlt:m-ha'<.:d learning as \ldl ,I'> rr'ldirion,d mcrhOLk Thc <.:mpha,i, \I ill be on .1Il inrc,grared fil e- or si\.-\ car coursc \I irh rhe rrogr<.:,>,>ile acqui,irion of skills and re'ronsibiliri<.:' for rari<.:nr,. There \I ill bc morc emph'l'>i, on bch'1\ ioural and 'ociJI ,cicnces .1'> \I ell ,I'> on biom<.:dical sci<.:nee, Bur \le \I ill .llso \I ish ro 1I,e full~ rhe oprorruniries rhar c\.isr \I irhin a mulri-Llclllr~ uniler,ir~ for prm iding a full cduurion, For medicJi srudenr, rh<.: clinical opporruniri<.:s ar I-:ing's Collcge Ilosriral. ~r Thoma,', (;U\ \, rhc \laucl\lc~, I ,ell ish'lm and orhcr a'>'>ociarcd unil crsir\ hO\pirals, ~I'> II ell as in rhe local communir\, \I ill he Iln'urpJ,>,><.:d, 11011 Cl cr. II <.: \I ill nccd ro \I or" clo'<.:h \I irh rhe I"triml\ hcalrh cm: trusr, if rhese opporrunirie, lil[ rcaching and rcse.lrch arc [() he fulh uriliscd, \Iuch of\l har n1:lrr<.:rs in.luniler,ir\ Cduc'Hion comes from c\.rloring id<':'1\ and knOll It:dg<.: II irh fcllOlI ,rudenr,. Time and ~I collcgi~lrc armo,phcrc .Ire <.:\\cnri,d if rhi,
bendir is ro b<.: rcali cd. \ ne[\\ ork of resid<.:nccs conI enienr ro rh<.: main campuse' II irh rudenrs from he,drh C,lle di,cirlines such ,I'> m<.:dicine, denrisr[\., nursing and rherap~ mi\.ing \I ith srud<.:nr, in other subjcct, II ill r<.:inforce Jnd cnrich rhc <.:dllcarional e\.rcriencc for ~Jil. Thc nc<.:d for c1me inr<.:grarion ber\l <.:en b'l'>ic scienc<.:, clinical sci<.:nce and pracrice h.ls nCI er been gre~lter. 'I'hc nell , chool of Biomedical Sciencc, on rhe (;lI~" campu' II ill en,lblt: ,cienrisrs froml'\II)S and King\ ro come rogerher in larger departmenrs: an opporrunir~ \I hich i, eagerl~ a\laired. Lik<':\I i,e on rhe clinicll ,ide, Iarg<.:r rescarch group, of clinicians and laboraror\ ,cienri,rs II orking rogerhcr arc al,o l::lgerh anricipan.:d and \ueh eo-oreratil e I enrllres arc alreach being formcd. 'I 'he ne\l \ Iedic'll and Iknral School of Gu~ \, King's and Sr Thomas' Ilosriral\ \I irhin King's College \I ill b<.: managed II irh rhe cmph'l'>is on d<.:cenrrali\:Hion and rhe al oidance of blln:allcracl. Ther<.: II ill be ,er'lr,lt<.: ,chool, of m<.:dicinc, denri,r[\. and biomedical science' .lIld rh<.: I lead of e:lCh ,chool. along II irh rh<.: Dcan of rhe In'tirutc of P" chiarr\, \I ill sir on rhc Collcgc Commirrce. Wirhin rhe polic~ paramet<.:rs of King\ College. each school II ill man,lge irs OIl n afbir,. ,\s nO\l, rhe re,ourccs for reaehing \I ill he id<.:nrified scrar,lreh from rhe research supr0rt and allocared b<.:r\l een rhe schools along \I irh rh<.: ne<.:ds of rhc curriculum. Th<.: counrr\ srend, a gn.:.H deal of its ciril.ens' monel on mediealeducarion and research. Ir is somerimes forgotten rhar rhe \.'1 IS. rhe Research Councib and eharimhlt: rru,rs spend f.lr mo[(.: on mcdical and denral education .1I1d res<.:arch rhan do<.:s rhc IIEFCI-:. Themergerofl'\IDS.rhe Insrirur<.: of I'"chiarr~ and King\ can onh hl: ju,ritied if ir imprOl l:' thl: qualirl and rhc <.:fticienc\ of <.:dllcation. rl:se,lrch and rhl: Sl:n iCl: \le prOl ide for our p.Hil:nr,. \Ye an.: conliduH rhi, II ill hapren bur it II ill not hl: ca" 'lI1d rhl:rl: arc ri,ks. SlICCC'>'> II ill d<.:p<.:nd ahOl l: all on rh<.: l:nrhusiastic co-operation of sraff and srutknr, \I irhin till: rhrl:l: insrirurion, inl oh l:d and co-opl:r'Hion ,dso her\l el:n rill: l'niler,ir~ and rhc "II~.
The Pri ate Finance Initiative Dr LYllll Carlisle describes the PF 1 process n \ 1.1\ 1995, a joinr busine'>'> CI'>C II a, suhmirrl:d ro I1 E FCE h\ "ing'~ and l'\IDS, Thi, bu,ine'>'> C;bl: \I as 'lpprOlcd b\ III-:I:CE in Jul~, subjcct to tl:sring prilate 'l:cror inrl:rl:sr under rhc Pril ,Itc Fin.lI1cl: Iniriaril e (p I, I), II hich b :t prl:condirion to rh<.:
release of public funus from borh the "II~ 'lnd 1I EFCI-:, Th<.: srr:lt<.:gic I i,ion tkseribcd in rhe busine'>'> C;1Sl: il1\ oh <.:s the del l:lopmenr of the merged School of I,if<:. Basic \ kdiLo'll and 11e"lrh <'ciencl: on t\l 0 sitl:s - Corn \I ,Ill I louse :tnd London Bridgl:. Clinical re~llhing 'Ind re,earch \I ill rake placc on rhl: C;U\ '" King\ and ')r Thomas' Ilospiral ,ites. (:orl1\l'llI Ilou,c \I ill bl: compler<.:h rd'urbi,heu to .lccommou.lre I.ill: 'lI1d I k"lrh Scil:ncl:' and rhe Insritllrl: of \.'ursing. ,\Ctil iri<.:s cUIT<.:nrl\, houscd in Cornllallllouse .\nne\. \I ill rem:tin. II irh rhc e\.e<.:ption of rhl: I,ibran. \I hich \I ill be incorporar<.:d inro rhc ne\l I.ibrar~ II irhin Corml,,1I Ilou'l:. FOllr buildings on the London Bridg<.: sirl: II ill accommodate Biollll:dic,,1 Scil:nce, including prl:-c1inil:alllledicine and Lknti,m. llenril:rt<.: Raplwel and Shcrhercl', Ilou'l: II ill b<.: complerel~ refurhished. Ilunr's I louse II ill he dcmolished 'lI1d rc-built. .\n ekllll:IH of ne\l build \I ill be 'Idtkd to rill: l '\ I D~ \ led ic;t1 School and the balancl: of rh<.: <.:\.isring huilding \I ill bl: r<.:furbished as n<':l:Lled, Tl:aching .lIld r<.:se'lrch accolllmouarion currenrh in rhis \kdical School builuing \I ill rcmain. 110\1 l:1 er, rhe,c proee'>'>es .Hl: opcn to Illoditic.ltion ro rhe c,renr rhat rhl: pril'I(<.: 'l:cror, rhrough rhl: PFI proCl:S'>, oftCr, solilrion, II hich arl: uelllonsrrabl~ morl: ach'lnrageous ro rhc Ill<.:r,gcd (:olkg<.:, 路I路h<.: PFI proceS'> is inrcnded to Sl:cure r\l 0 principal bl:ncfirs: grc,ltl:r lalue for IllOIll:~, and rhe rransfer of ri~ks a\\oci'ltl:d \I irh rhe dl:,ign and con,rrucrion of rhe,e Elcilitie, from rhl: public s<.:eror ((hc m<.:rgl:d College) to rh<.: pril:ltl: sector, \I Ill:re thcre is more e\.pcrti'e in managing such risks. In a PFI ,chemc rhc Illcrg<.:d Collcge \\'ould cnr<.:r inw partner,hip II irh a consortium of rri,.lte 'l:cror eomp,lnies, lIsu;llI~ con,i,ring of 'I tinancier, a buildcr and a faciliril:s managemenr eompan\', II ho \\ould rak<.: on rh<.: rl:sponsibilir\ for prm iding rh<.: lileiliril:s requirl:d in retllrn for an agrl:<.:m<.:nr rhar rh<.: consortium \I ould lll'lI1agl: and 011\.:rar<.: rho,e facilities on bl:half of rhl: mergnl College for a ,<.:r pl:riod of time, The del <.:Iopm<.:nr II;'S 'Itll l:rtis<.:d in rhc oftici.t1 journ.t1 of rhe European l' nion in Octohl:r, 'l:eki ng bmh (> F I and conI l:nrional public ,cctor rl:SpOlhe,. Si\. of rh<.: consortia rh'lt responckd h;1\ e bel:n asked ro til:l clop pl:tns for rhe mcrgl:d Collcge, Thcir pl.ln, musr meer rhl: College's requircmcnts 'IS conrainnl in rhe ourpur sp<.:citicarion, hur innm ,nil <.: solinions rh,lt Ilould prol itk grc;lt<.:r bl:ncfir, to the ml:rged Collegc ,Ire <.:ncoIJraged. The ,i\. consortia h'l\ e unril the middk of ,\ larch to suhmit rlll:ir p/;\ns and esrimated cosr,.. \frer rhesc h'll e hc<.:n Cl ,t1uared rhl: Projcct Board II ill. \I irh rhe hdp of prok,>,>ionalcon,ul(ants and ath i,ers. 'l:kct ,I short-lisr of mo or thrl:l: consortia that II ill be ;Isk<.:d to furrhcr dCI <.:lop lhcir p/;\ns. TIll: final selection \I ill bc made in .lul\, I路h<.: businl:\\ easc suhmitted to IILI'CI,:
\\ ill bc rc\ i'l:ll to rcneer am ch~lI1ge, in rcquiremenr, rhar \\ ere idenrificd a, rhe I ,cr,' Group, de\l:lopcd rhc bricf. Thc \\ inning con,orrium" plan fi)r thc capiral dc\ c10pmenr and rhe facilitie, Illanagemenr \\ ill bc compared to rhc publich -fundcd oprion ~t, conrained in rhi, re\'i,ed bu . . ine\\ Gl,e. If thc con'ortium·... plan ... arc prO\ en to prO\ idc bcrrcr \'alue for mone~ and rran ... fer con ... idcr~tblc ri ...k to the pri\ arc ...ceror a... colllparcd ro the publicl~ -fundcd oprion. rhen rhc con ...orrium \\ ill be a\\arded rhc conrracr. If nor. thc bu,inc, C~hC will be ,ubmirrcd to rhc Trca,uf\ for funding. Ir i~ anricipated rhar rhc procC\\ \\ ill bc complcre b~ Ocrobcr )496 ~Ind rhar con ... rrucrion \\ illcomlllcncc in .Ianu~lr\ 1<)97 ilnd be colllplcrcd b~ .Iuh 19<)4.
The work of the Group
Thc leadcr of thc \ arioth Joim I \cr': Group... dc cribc hO\\ rhc~ ha\ c dra\\ n up rhc crircria for \\ har nccL].., to bc prO\ ided if rhe de\ elopmenr i, Gtrricd our ~'" a publiehfunded oprion. Thi ... modcl pro\ ide... rhc b~l ...elinc again ... r \\hich an\ PFI propo,al \\ill hc judgcd.. \ PFI propO"'itl ma, differ in dctaiL hur nlll~r meer rhe gencr~t1 crireria implicit in rhe Collegc... · 0\\ n propo"'~lk
Rcsearch provi ion
Proffssor Silllo/l H O'lJ2,e//, Pro/fssor Fm111, 11 {1!.I'h et' Dr ChlYS 7'hlfl:lIO/l The gcncral ... rriHeg\ for biomedical 'cicnec... in rhc mcrgcd collcgc was ser our in rhc bu . . ines... plan \\'hich \\ a.. appr<l\ cd b~ IIEFCE in :\Ia\" )<)95. Thi... compri . . cd: • huilding on cxisring ,rrengrh, to prO\ idc c\ccllcnce in arca... of rc'carch from molecular and dc\ c10pmcnral biolo~ through 'inn:grati\ e hiolol0 . (dcfined in rhe Tcchnolog~ Foresighr E\erci,c ~l'" inregmrcd undcr...randing of rhe rolc of int!i\ idual genc prodllct, in biological ,,,rcm,. ar rhc Ic\ cl of cell. ri\\uc and organ biolog\. and parholol0') to human pl1\,iolo.~ and human pcrformancc. \\'e ~t1rcat!~ ha\e ,ub,ranrialc\perri,e. commirmcnr and di,rincri\ e ,rren,grh in mcdicine and hcalrh-related ,uhjeer, ,uch ~h Ph\ ,iorhcrap\. :\ ur.. ing and'.: utririon: • re,earch ,pacc allocari(lIl'" to be arrangcd on a 'cognarc inren:...r·. nor a deparrmenraL ba,i .... Thi, philo,opl1\. \\ hich ha, allo\\ cd rhe emergencc of rhe ~uccc, . . ful hionH.:t!ical rc'can:h n:nrre... ar King\. i, acccpred a, rhc \\ a\ fOf\\ art! in rhe mcrgcd Collcge. Thc ch~t1lcngc for rhe I·...cr... · Group.. i, to pLin h()\\ to crcarc or ad.lpr rhc a\ ailable
huilding, to hou ...c ~lll ofrhc c\i ...ting Ilomc Office rcgulared rc ...carch (\\ ithin a . . ccure cm ironmcnr undcr Ilome Officc n:gularion,).
pre)\ i... ion filr rhi ... ,orr oft~lcilir~ filr rCILhing ha... bcen takcn inro accounr \\ here bmh reachin,g and rc . . earch funcrion Lan bc inrcgrar<.:d.
:\'e\\' Ilunt's IlolLe The I ...er Croup concludcd that thi... ne\\ building ... hould conrain rhc hi,gh-tech I~tborarorie ... fi)r rhe molecular biolo!(\ and biomoleeular ...cicncc, \\ hich \\ould hc difficult and e\pcll"i\ e to prO\ idc in e\i ...ring huildin.g,. Ir ,hould al,o conr~linnHl'>t ofrhc ne\\ rcaching lahoratoric,. ~t11 rhc nc\\' Iccrurc rhcarrc.... ~Ind a biological ...Cf\ ice, unir (BSI'), including rr.1n\genic fi ...h and amphibian,. Research Lihoratorie ha\ e been planned on a modular rwo-. fOl.lr- or cighr-plaec I>a... is. ro a ...randard mccring all currenr and anriciparcd Ilcalrh and Safcr~ E\ceuri\C: and othcr rcgularion .... ~Iedical
, chool building
The 1.\lDS \lcdical. 'chool buildin,g \\ ill rcn101in in II',e rhroughour and c\rcnded to pro\'ide ~In addiri0l1011 2.~() m" of BSI' 'IXIL·C. and .?OO() m" of re,carch laboraroric,. contigured a... in Ilunr', Ilou,c. hur ph~ ...icalh i,ohtrcd from rhc main building \\ irh a . . cpararc enrrance. The BSI' already in rhe building \\ ill bc ... ub...ramialh C\IXlIldcd to mecr all anriciparcd necd,.
I Jenricrrc Raphacl Hall C
e Shcpherd's
The:\ Icdical School huilding \\ ill be linked to a \'cry sub...ramial clinical skills lahoraror\ in Ilcnrierre Ibphacl. and in rurn to ZOOO m" of reaching and research accommodarion for Iluman Ph~ ~iolog~ and Phy~iorherap~ in a rcfurhishcd Shepherd\ I louse. The rhrcc c,isring building~ \\ ill bc linked wgerhcr bur \\'irh ~c\'cral cnrrancc.... and capable of being openltcd a, a ,in!!;k unir. The\ \\ ill al ...o 11OU"'<': rhe adminisrrarion for rhe School of Biomedic~t1 Sciene<.:,.
Cornwall House The I ·...cr.. · Group h~t, ,pecified Iaboraro~ and a.. ~ociared 'pac<.: for rhe Di\ i.. ion of Life Science... for :\ urririon and Pharmacy. and a lab tin G<.:rontolog\ (\\ ho...c orhcr "p~lce i... in Cortl\\'allllou,e .\nnc\). Thi ... i, foranour .;~() re ... e~lrch \\ orker" There arc al ...o School unir... for electron micro cop~. photo!!;rapll\ and biological ...cn ice Some ,peciticarion, arc indi\ idual. "'Ich a ti,r rhe Drug (:onrrol C:enrre and rhe merabolie suirc (in '.:urririon). bur rhe majorir\ of rhc Iabor~lto~ "'pac<.: ha... been ... peciticd to pr()\ ide ti,r a... bro~td ~I range of fuwr<.: re...carch a po,""ibk. 'I'hc pro\ i...ion for as.. ociarcd room huch a... cold room,. in~rrumcnr room~ crc) make, up a \cr~ ... ub..ranrial fracrion of rhc reHal "'p~ll·e. ~tnd a lor of rime ha... been dc\ orcd to en . . uring rhar rh<.: ... peeifiearion, from rhe Di\ i.. ion ~Ind Dcparrmcnr... are com plcmcnrar~ ....ha ri ng \\ h<.:re rhi, i, pracriLabk. In 'I ,illliLtr \\ ~l\. rhc
Indu~uial conuact~
Furrhcr "'pac<.: for C\IXUHkd rc ...carch acri\ ir\ i, bcing idcnrified ar London Ilridgc. Corll\ulI Ilm",e and Dcnmark Ilill. and indlNriell conrac.:r... being melde "'0 rhelr rh I' 'Iddirional "'pacc can bc u.. ed a.. '0011 a... i... pr~ILtiL~lblc.
Teaching prcn'ision
Prokssor Sill/o/l HOfJ.;·f// e Dr [-ho.'·d '7 nOIl/{fS . Lecture theatrcs
Tht: Tcaching Space I '...cr.. · (;nlllp mappcd all rh<.: current Iccwre rheam: prm i,ion in both collegc,. and ha\ c rc-pr()\ idcd ir on rh<.: ba,i ... rh~H all reelching room, \\ ill bc Illulriu~cr. and \\ ill h~l\ e occulxlnn of ~Ibour fi\ cand-a-half hour, ~l da~. ti)ur-and-a-h~t1fd,l~' a \\ eck: ...omc prO\ iding for cOlllbin<.:L1 CLh'C' of ar Ica... r 500. The nc\\ combincd mcdiul curriculum ...eem ... certain to bc 'I '" ...rcm,b~l'>cd cour.. e. deli\ <.:red mainl~ b\ rradirion,t1 reach in!!; merhod ... but \\irh incrc.I"'<.:Llu'c of compurer-aidcd karnine; «(:\1 ,) 'Ind t1lrori.lk rhi ... ha... been allel\\ cd fi,r.
'leaching laboratories Simi1:lrl~. reaching
bborarorie.. h'l\ c becn planncd on a mulri-u...t:r ba...i.... bur h~l\ e r~lkLn account of rhe impracricabilir\ of di ... manrling . . omc e\perimenral ,er-up'" on a rcgular b'hi .... Thc predicred inc.:n.:a...ed u...e of <: \1, h:l' bccn prm idcd for. Tcaching lahoratoric, ha\ c becn pr()\'idcd as '\\'cr' (filr molecul~lr biolo,gic~t1/ biochcmical \\ork): 'damp' (Iilr pracricII, rcquiring Ic..... rigorou, 'pecificltion . . of ", . . rcm . . ph~,iolo,g~ ~tnd pharlll'lcol()!!;~ crcl: ~lIld 'dr~' (for human pll\ ... iolo,g~ 'Int! ph\ ,iorherap\. \\ here lar!!;c opcn floor 'HC~I'" arc c,""enrial),
The :'\ightingale Institute I'ro\ i... ion fill' rhc '.:ighring~lk In...ritllrc i, m~tde in Con1\\all Ilou...c. ~incc rhc Ilhtltur<.: i... funded on limired-rerm. port:nri.t1 hrene\\ .Ible conrracr.... rhe pr()\ i",on tilr ir h.l' becn conct:nrrar<.:d on onc noor. ' 0 dur if rhc contracr i, C\ er lo...r. rhe "'pacc L.ln bc c,hih rc-conligurcd for orher purpo...c,.
f)r I_pili (''rldis/e
hcrc \\ ill be r\\ 0 Informarlon Sef\ ICC'" C:<.:nrrc'. con ...i,ring of n:ldirion.t1 lilmm and IT facilitle .... Incltcd .Ir Corn\\'all Ilou . . c and I,ondon Ilnd!!;e. Borh Elcilirie.. ha\ e becn de\ <.:Iopcd 'IL'cording ro rhc "'~II11e ba... ic hricf. \\ hich \\ ,I' bel'cd on rhc inpur pr()\ ided b~ libr~lri,ln,. I I m,ln,lgcr, .lIld
.llalkmil 'tall from KC.L al1\.I l \ 1()~. !"Ill: 0\ l:rall ,i/l: of rlK LKllitil:' Jnd r1K nUll1bl:r Ill' \\lIrk tJtilllh in l:alh Ill' thl: (.l:nrrl:' I ha l:d IIn a rawlllf 1:6 tt1lknr . and thl: numbl:r IIf <:lImplltl:r \\ork,tJtion, I bJ l:d IIn J ratio 01 1: I O. \t Corn\\ all Ilou'l: thl' tr'IIl,l.ttl:' to 'i, (j tlllh plcKl: piu ';f)(j 1'1 \\ ork utilln : at London Bridgl: thl:rl: \\ ill bl: ;/)'i tud~ pbcl:' phI'> 240 1'1 \\ ork,t,ltIl1n,. Both ,Wl" pbcc, .lIld 1'1 \\ork,tation \\ ill bl: prO\ lekd \\ Ith nl:t\\ ork plllnr,. and OIl1l: \\ ill h,l' l: 24hour,lccl:"". Thc Infi)((l1,ltion 'l:(\ iCl:, Cenrrc ,It London Bridgc \\ ill bl: locatl:u III \.l:\\ Ilunr\ Ilou,e. \\ ith JPIHO,imJtl:l~ 2:; pl:r Cl:nr of thl: ,wdcnr,' IT \\ ork,wtion, in cither thl: \ lediGiI '-)lhool Building or SIH.:phl:rll", Ilou l:. Thl: Il1Jjllrit~ ofthl: ,tLIdenr-," IT \\ork,tJrion, \\ ill be locatl:d in tcaching bb, 'It I,undun Bridgc: at Corn\\ .111 Iluu,c .111 IT \\ ork,t,ltion, Jrl: planned (0 bc in thc Jnforll1Jtion ~l:(\ icc, C:cnrre.
Technical Scn'ice
e tJbli h Iikel~ u,e:r prc:ferl:ncl:. Jlllpk re,ult, .m: be:lng e:\Jlu.ltl:d .lIld funhl:r \\ork thl umll1l:r \\ ill gi\ e: .i11 uff anu tUUl:nt an opporrUll1t~ (0 IIltlUl:nl'l: the: luturl: IIf lJte:ring prl)\ i ion. \\ c hJ\ l: paiu ,lttl:Jltllln to J \\ iue r'lnge of I""ue, to l:t thl: ba l: line: critl:ri.1 rlUt ha\ l: to bc IllCt. \\ he:thl:r b\ 1'1·1 or traul[)onal prl)\ i ion. The,e include:: Blli/dill[! lI/f1illlt 1111111/: \11'-/(/.1 lI/f1illlfllll/lft (/J/{/
'"11'.!;)· ("I)//.ill,-·l/llfJlI: I·, \IIIUtI/ ;".lIIdtJi:· tI/ll/lIl1:: ( tJIU711[! ( illt/lldill:: /ltIlX;: (rl/jUI)"/; tl/I/IItl:!tlllt III l'fJ.ll: SltlIl1ll' fJptlWltJl/.i: Iltlllstl;l/pill[! ( illdlldill:: tIt (/Jllltf! l/lId pl'sl mlllm/;: 1'lIl1l1l1tn .i/OI1I::/ (/J/{/ /II{///fI::IIIIIIII:
\I ·{/.ilt
dis/ltJ.ilt/: SI::II /lw/illg: (dYJ/l/ldi
/IIl/illll'lIlI/lIl"." l'ot1t 1;11::: IJo I1IIN/" l//lPlill/ltl Itslillg: /)11)' 11111'.1"1"11': IlIdtJo/"S/JtJI1.i /ttli'l/litJII/IIII//fI::I"IIIIIII: 'limls/lfJl1 tllld tOllIlIl.lI"Ir..-/I/;I·: .\'Oll-Il:iidllllill/ IltIlllIIIIIOr!lIlioll 11/111/11::1111011.
'J 'he other a,pect' of (:oll<:!!;l: lift.: he:ing con,iut.:rt.:u b~ thi, \\ lue:I~-dra\\ n [ 't.:r,· Group include 'taff cOllllllon roOIll', ,tlIuellt Incke:r,. hic\c1l: ,tor,lgl:. 'l11okll1g roOIll f:lcilitie, l:tl.
,l/a/m/III OSlIIllllr!SOIl
hi' Croup', re:mit cnUHl1pa""e:d a \\ ide: range of facilitie'. ,uning \\ ith b",ic ,tor,lge re:quircmenr, - for .ge:ne:r.d ,upplil:' Jnd the ll10re ,peclJI Itcm, ,uch ,I'> gJ c~ limier,. bonded .t1cohol. IlJmmable, etl' - mm ing on to ,en il'l:'. including lift" \\'a,te di'po,al. decrric,. piped ,el"\ ice:" \ e:nriIJtion. fUI11e: l'upbo'lrd, and ,.lrct~ cabine:t,. Our final t'l,k \\ ,I'> to look Jt ccnrral facilitie, for ll1echanicil/ electronic/gb"'-blo\\ ing \\ ork,hop,. along \\ ith darkroom Jnd eleCtron ll1icro,cop\ (1-:\1) unit,. \\'t: looked cardull\ at l'urre:nr nl:ed, :Ind. a, far a, \\e \\ere able. wok JCl'ounr of changing parrern, in teaching Jnu re:'c:lrch. ,uld impending "Ifct~ legi'btion. Ikcau,e our group i Il1pinged on the acri\ itie, of orho [ ,e:r,' Group, \\e maiJltJine:d Cllnr,ll't \\ ith indi\ idu,d, on the,e Croup, anu \\ ith the \cadell1ic I'lanning Team. anu thu, \\ere able to borh n.:cei\ e Jnu feed back inform'ltlOn to e:n,ure the ,pecitic,ltlon, \\e put fom aru \\ ere:. \\ e hope. bmh compre:hen,i\ e Jnu "lti,fieu the need, of u,er,. \h thank, go to:lll tho,e ill\ohed.
Carcring e
.I/tlll ,1/ay"t"
hi' group i, e:'amining the ll1e:chJnic, and rc:lation,hip, of 'taff Jnu ,tudenr, \\ ithin thc phy,icJI uper:ltion of thc combined college:. We h'l\ e di,cu",e:d. re\ ie\\ cd. e\'Jluate:u and propmed de:,ign target, for the ne\\ orue:r. aeh i,ing the Ik,ign Te:all1 on ,pace: i"ue:,. Cate:ring and bar facilitie:, <ll"e the: Iarge:,t item unde:r di,cu",ion .uld 'llktJikd que:,tionnaire: ha, bee:n circubted to he:lp
Student view Rob Hall, Presidel1t of KCL Studellts' [ l1i011 e:; TOJ7l nitclzel; President of [ilfDS Studel1ts' Ul1iol1
hl: trl:lllendou, npportunitil:' offereu b\ tht.: Illl:r.gcr of tht.: ,tlIuenr union, ctnnot f:lil to bl: :lppre:ciatl:d. \11 thl: t.:,i,ting union, are: ke:l:n to ,t.:1"\ iCl: thc ne:eu, of incrGI,in,g nUlllher, of the:ir 'tlIde:Ilt', :lnd the Illergt.:r coulu \\ l:1I ,upp" rht.: ,pacc and facilitie, ,0 \ irall\ nl:e:ul:ll. 110\\ e\ er, thl:\ are .1\\ arc that it Illa\ nor all bt.: plain ,ailing, The ll1erging nH.:uieal chool, ,et.: .1 cO'lllopolitan 'Hlllo'phert.:. eneol11pa ,ing 111,ln\ non-Ille:dic, anu non-dellti,t, on ,ite:. a, <I great pIu" The ne:\\ School \\ ill be ahk to builu on the fine: reput.ltion, of it, con,titlll:1lt 1l1t.:lllber'. anu the bendit, \\ ill ine:\ irabl~ tlo\\ back to thc ,tlIuellt'. ,\\-'0, a ,olid ,tatl:ll1ent of thc College'" t.:,r,lte, 'tratt.:!!;~ \\ ill allc)\\ the prmpeui\ e [ nion to e,rabli,h it,c1f on longte:rl1l ,ite" hdping COIl'><llidation. Thl: incrl:a,ed ,pace \\ ill gi\ e the [ nion opportunitie, to de\ clop ,e(\ iCl: nor prt.:\ iou," J\ ailablc. ,uch .1' childcare: pre)\ i,ion in Corn\\all Ilou,c, 110\\ e\ cr. tht.: Hol:lnu Ilou,e location at I,ondon Bmlge IllU,t 1)(; rl:taint.:u b~ the Illergeu ['nion for ,tlIUl:1lt ,e:(\ ice, thcre: to be acce",ibll: and effl:cti\ l:. Some King\ ,wde:nt, arc rel:tti\ el~ un:l\\are of the: Illogt.:r, hut thml: that do knO\\ arc kl:l:n. ['\ II)~ 'tlIdent, and rhme frolll the King\ Collcgl: Ilo,pital (;lIild h,l\e: fe:ar, ahout lo,ing idelltit\ and thl: k\ cl of alltonolll~ 'IIlU 'tlIuent union rt.:pre'l:lltation to \\ hich the\ .Irl:
accu tlll11l:d ..IIlU concern, Jbout the e'tcnt to \\ hich thl: ,wuellt tf:luition, of thl:lr con,t1tUl:1lt ho,pltJl \\ ill bl: tJken IIlto .1l"l"Olll t. tlIdent :lffcul:d b~ thc l1ll:rgl:r ne:e:d to fl:d CClntilknt th'lt thcir \ IC\\ Jrl: bl:ln~ rl:pre,cnte:d to thc l11erglllg <:olle:ge . It h.1 bl:l:n mootl:d that t.: rabh,hing.1 \ ledllal .lIld Iknt,d .lbh:ltieaII11J\ bl: thl: bl:,t \\<1\ of repre,enrlng thl:'l: \ il:\\ . 'I hi, \\ ould bl: .1 continu:ltion ofrhl: lUrrl:nt 'Itu:ltion Jt [ \11) .lI1d \\ould hopcfull~ dl,pel the l11euical 'Ind delltJI ,tude:Ilt" concern, b\ allc)\\ ing.1I1 al1loum of burt.:JlIu,ltic and finan<:i:ll 'Iutonlllll\. Ilm\ l:\ l:L it i, thl: \ il:\\ of ,ol1le. including "CLS[ . th'lt to e't"hli,h .1 "lhbJtict! ,01t.:J~ for l1lt.:uical Jnd dellt,t! 'tlIekm, \\ oulu not be a tnll: l1ll:rge:r. .I, thi, \\ oulu conrinul: thl: di\ ide het\\ l:l:n ll1e:dic, <lnu dcllti,t, 'lIld other ,[[Iuellt'. \1'0. 'i",ul:' h'I'l:u .Ihb'ltiC:ll, .Irl: l1lore dTecti\ e th'ln 'll<:p<lrtl1lellt' ba,eu ,abbatic,d,. ,incc 'pl:ciali,t.:d knc)\\ kdge i, e",cnti,t! in lkaling \\ ith thl: prohlel1l' of all ,tu dent,. '0 other llep'lrtlllellt ha 'abb'ltical reprl:,ent,ltion :1'. hl,tom~t!". ul:partllll:Jlt<l1 repre'l:Ilt<lti\ e, pLI\ a \ iral rolc In the ['nion \ Illain dl:ci,ionl1laking bod~. thl: '-;wdellt Repn:'l:lltatl\ l: ( :ounul. It I' hopt.:u th'lt thi, ui,cll",ion \\ ill realh .1 n:ltllr:llcoll1prol11i,e ()\ er tinK. ·I'ht.: thrl:e group, elltl:ring the l1ll:rgt.:r arc looking fi,(\\ .1rd to becol1llng a l1lulh 'trongt.:r. ,ingl<: [ nlon \\ hich \\ ill bl: Llr l1lore abl<: to 'l:f\ iCl: the nced, of all of it, ,wdellt'.
Related 1 rust developments he (;u~', and St Thollla,' 'II.~ Tn"t i, l:ngagl:d in a p:lralklcapital dl:\ cloplllt.:1lt project. Thl: fiN ph'I"e of tht.:ir projt.:ct ill\ oh c, thc po,t-colltracr l1louification, to thl: Ph:l,e Thrl:e: building (forlllcr" knc)\\n a, Philip Ibrri, Ilou,c:) on the I,onuon Bridgl: ,itl: ,mu thl: dl:\ c:lopnKIlt of 'I Cardi'll (;elltrt.: in the: I-:a,t \\'ing of.·t ThOI1l'.'· Ilo,pital. Thl:'t.: proje:Ct, are l:,t.:lllptcd frol1l I'FI te ting ,mu art.: .dreau\ undl:r\\:l\. The b,t!Jncc of the Tru,t \ rl:contiguration prograllll11l: i, heing handlcd a'.1 PFI project \\ ith a ,il1ltl'lr tillll:table to the (:ollcge', 1'1'1 projt.:ct. Thl: l1lain t.:lellll:nt, of tht.: Tru,t\ progf:lll1ll1l: include tht.: con,truction 01"1 ne\\ \\OI1lt.:I1\ and Children\ Ilmpiul \\ith r<:!'lte:d .Icadell1il and aumini,trati\ e: function,. 'I nc\\ Rl:nal ~l"n ict.:, Cl:ntrl:, the re-,iting and l:,pan-.ion of Cance:r St.:n ice,. and thl: rcfurbi,hll1ellt of facilitie:, for the We,t Lambeth COllll1lunit~ Care Tnl"r. Thc Tru't\ 1'1:1 projl:ct i, re,rricred to ue\ <:!opl1lent' el1\ i,agcd on tht.: St Thollla,' Ilo,pital ,itl:.