2 May 19
*********** STOP PRESS
From the Principal
Dear Colleagues I am delighted to be able to say that it's YES to Cornwall House; we can at last begin to plan with certainty the Thameside campus so vital to our future. The Univer ity Grants Committee met last Thursday (28 April 1988) and we understand that they have agreed to the College's development proposals for Cornwall House. This leaves the way clear for the College to proceed with all peed to formally acquire the Cornwall House lease and to get to grips with detailed projections for future use of the building. We are still in discussion with the District Valuer over the lease but can expect the UGC's decision to significantly speed up such negotiations and legal formaLitie that remain. fter a considerable period of patient, delicate and complex negotiations this is excellent news. It was just over a year ago that King's was given approval by the Department of the Environment to proceed with attempts to acquire the lease and now that the UG have ratified our plans the picture looks extremely bright. Written confirmation of the UGC's decision has yet to be received and the actual terms and conditions attached to the agreement are as yet unknown. It is hoped that a letter will arrive this week when the exact details can be studied and the next stages in our timetable of development worked out. This is the culmination of a massive amount of effort and hard work by many people and marks the real beginning of a new era for the College. Special newsletters will be issued to keep you up-to-date with all further progress. We can now look forward energetically and positively to this challenging goal.
Stewart R Sutherland