As a local UWS champion you are part of a group of like-minded Kings colleagues throughout the UK and the US. You are all working for a common goal to help us reach our group-wide target.
lA dam Lewis, Sophie Nicholas: Kings Bournemouth l Angela Pozo: Kings Oxford l Anna Trott: CMU l Billy Bodin: Kings Los Angeles (Hollywood) l Chihae Lee: Kings at Wisconsin / Kings New Jersey l Elizabeth Gilbert: Kings London l Jodi Hu: Kings New York l John Murphy: Kings Brighton l Judy Tran: Kings USA Central l Tici Coleman: Kings Boston l Pending appointment: Kings Los Angeles (Marymount)
Being a UWS local champion means galvanizing interest in UWS among your colleagues and your students. It means raising awareness as well as funds.
It’s important we pool our resources and ideas, working together as a team of local champions to share what we are doing to encourage others. So we want you to collaborate with and talk to each other to find out what others are doing well or to suggest what you are doing that is working in your location.
Meeting your local fundraising target will require fundraising events throughout the year — both large and small, silly and serious (but mostly silly!). But you are not alone!
Equally, UWS are committed to supporting you in lots of different ways. This might be in providing pictures, stories and news updates from Cambodia or Myanmar for you to share with your local colleagues and students. Or it might be advice about fundraising ideas which have worked at other partner schools.
A little bit of healthy competition is always good too — so keep an eye out for other local targets to make sure you don’t fall behind!
Anna Tvrz is the Associate Director for Partnerships at UWS, and is our primary contact. She is happy to arrange skype calls or even face to face presentations in the UK. You can contact here at:
The JustGiving Fundraising Platform We use the JustGiving online fundraising platform to publish all our fundraising activities and to track the money we raise for UWS. The overall fundraising target for Kings worldwide is published here, and is made up of all the local targets at each of your schools. JustGiving is the only platform where all fundraising should be posted as it combines all our local efforts to show a group-wide running total. Your local team page Each school has a team page on the JustGiving platform: Next to each school team entry, is your local target. Local logins The UWS champions in each school will require a local team login in order to add fundraising events and manage donations. If you need help in setting up your login, please email Marina De Santis: For every fundraising event, the UWS champion will need create a new page with its own target. If you are not sure about how to do this, again Marina can help you. Individual donations can be made directly to the JustGiving platform on the specific activity page with debit or credit card, or via Paypal.
Cash donations We want to encourage as many donations as possible directly to the JustGiving site. However, often small local events will collect donations in cash. There are important rules for cash donations which vary between the US and the UK: In the US: 1. All cash raised must be recorded and notified to US Finance via the Finance Worksheet on OneDrive. 2. Cash can then be deposited to the Kings bank account. 3. The cash equivalent will then be donated online by US Finance direct to the JustGiving team or event page. 4. Never submit ‘offline” payments via JustGiving – i.e. just a record of cash raised but not an actual transaction of monies via the platform. In the UK: 1. All cash raised must be recorded and handed to the Bursar/Finance Team. 2. The bursar will register this as petty cash for local expenses and will donate the equivalent amount online via the specific team or event page on the JustGiving site. 3. Never submit ‘offline” payments via JustGiving – i.e. just a record of cash raised but not an actual transaction of monies via the platform. As above, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact Marina.
The UWS Global Citizenship Award has been developed specifically with this in mind. You can read more on these documents (Student Guide and Student Workbook) , or can ask UWS for more information. We have piloted this successfully at Kings Oxford, so you might like to reach out to Angela to find out how this has worked.
Finally, UWS are issuing an invitation to visit their schools in Cambodia — including one of ours — in December 2018.
someone else you nominate — at the two locations which first reach their fundraising targets. All expenses within Cambodia will be paid for by Kings and we will also look to make a contribution towards return flights.
Places are strictly limited to just two people from Kings. We propose offering this amazing opportunity to an individual — either yourself or
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Raising awareness of the work UWS is doing is often the best way of raising funds. This can also have an immensely useful impact in the classroom. Projects around UWS can form an invaluable part of extracurricular or enrichment activity. They are a great way for our students to gain valuable skills and experience on their resume, particularly those embarking on university applications.