English Plus Business and Leadership Who is this course for?
Included in the price
This course is for students who want to combine English with information on US entrepreneurial culture and learn how to become a future leader in business. It includes classroom-based instruction as well as a visit to a local small business, start-up or business organization.
à2 8 lessons per week àW elcome Information Pack àP lacement test on arrival, weekly assignments, group participation and progress tests à Course materials àU se of Computer Learning Center àA ccess to Classmate, the Kings online learning platform àW ireless internet in Center àO ptional weekly lecture program à An accompanied visits to small businesses or small business organization àT wo free social activities per week àE nd-of-course certificate (90% or higher attendance required)
Key Facts Start dates: 7 October, 4 November 2019 6 January, 3 February, 2 March, 6 April, 4 May, 1 June, 6 July, 3 August, 8 September, 5 October, 2 November 2020 Locations offered: Boston
Course structure and content In the mornings, students have lessons in General English, to improve the overall level of their English language. Skills developed
Level: Kings Level 4 (Lower Intermediate) Length: 4 weeks Lessons: 28 lessons (21 hours) per week: 20 language lessons per week (15 hours), 8 lessons of entrepreneurship and business related topics per week (6 hours) Minimum age: 16 Average age range: 18 – 30 Maximum class size: 15 Learning outcomes: à Fluency in all main areas of English à Development of specialized knowledge of business English à Practical experience with business planning
1. Language: àR eading àL istening àC omprehension àV ocabulary
àW riting àS peaking àG rammar àP ronunciation
Business and leadership lessons In the afternoons, they are part of a specialized business and leadership class. These lessons will introduce you to essential business terminology relating to the development of small business and start-up culture. You will work on essential communication skills such as giving presentations, formal business writing, and pronunciation.
Sample topics include: àR eal-world case studies àC haracteristics of entrepreneurs and leaders in business àS mall-business environment in the US àH ow to turn an idea into a business àE lements of a business plan àT he role of social media Educational visits: àB abson College àB uzz Lab at BU àE ntrepreneur clubs at other local colleges à I nnovation and Design Building àM artin Trust Center at MIT àT azo Chocolates, Johnny Cupcakes or other local start-ups
9.00 – 10.30
General English
General English
General English
General English
General English
11.00 – 12.30
General English
General English
General English
General English
General English
13.30 – 16.30 (Week 1)
Free time
Discussion: Identifying problems, brainstorming solutions Reading: Case Studies; Arm & Hammer Baking Soda, Tom’s Shoes
Free time
Listening/Speaking: Video: How to stimulate creativity, Activity: Mind-mapping
Free time
13.30 – 16.30 (Week 2)
Free time
Discussion/Writing: Develop and write a Mini-market Research Study
Free time
Educational Visit: Trip to the Innovation and Design Building ( and Masschallenge (
Free time 1981 08/19
Sample two-week timetable (class times and trips subject to change)