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voice Christi Regian

To Calendar Shift or Not?


Schools in the country are starting to adopt a new academic calendar from the usual June-March to August-May schedule of classes. This trend of calendar shift draws curiosity among the academic community of Christ the King College. Are we seeing a new schedule of the opening of classes next school year?

The King’s Herald Publication gathered the thoughts of Christi Regians on the idea of shifting to a new school calendar. Here are some of their views on this matter.

I prefer going to school in the June and July days more than getting rotten at home. Starting the classes early makes me feel enthusiastic for learning. And from Elementary until now, we’ve been used to start the class at the early month of June.


I am in favor for the School Calendar Shift. First of all, it will have lesser chances of suspending classes and with the change in the start of the school year, graduating high school students who will choose to enter the university will have a longer break approximately 5 months compared to the two months they currently have between graduation and the start of college.


I am in favor of the School Calendar Shift as long as it’s not a hassle on the student’s schedule. If ever the school calendar shift will be implied.

No. Because why do we always have to follow what other countries do? For improvement of the Education System? Months won’t change anything as long as the system still does nothing to improve the education system in the country. The administration should think of platforms and programs that will benefit each and every student. An action that will make them embrace their own uniqueness and talent. Not only the administration but also the students.


The implementation of the school-calendar-shift in the K-12 curriculum is one of the topics that is being discussed by the different curriculum managers and experts in the field of education. As a teacher, I can say that the implementation of the school-calendar-shift is a boon because through this we will be aligned with the international school system that will make our educational standard competitive with others.

For example, the transferees from other countries like Nigeria, China, USA, and etc. will no longer adjust in terms of the scholastic period since, it is the same as theirs. In the same way, Filipino

International students will enjoy this kind of benefit. Those students who are planning to have a vacation abroad will also savor the sweet-honey pot from this, knowing that airplane flight promos are rampant during summer and holiday vacations.



I can’t disclose my perspective to a definite side. I think shifting school calendar can make no significant changes in regular academic pattern but will pose major adjustments and so is the consideration of special events and activities a catholic institutions have that might create chronological conflicts. It is indeed best to shape CKC into globally competitive institution but shifting the academic calendar may not be the best way. Bottomline: Teachers and students are subject to exercise academic responsibilities regardless of changes that may intervene

Be Aware: No Toxicity, No Ignorance

mind blown


I HAVE heard stories of people who are suffering mental illnesses. I have heard stories of how it affected their lives, what it led them to do and their struggles. Mental Illness affects the behavior of an individual. It unables them to do their ordinary routines due to mild to severe disturbances. It also affects their perception among things and their decisions. This is most likely to affect the Adolescents and the Adults. One of the most commonly known examples of a Mental Illness is Depression, which is specifically a mood disorder that is marked by constant sadness, inactivity, the loss of the ability to concentrate and etc. Other Mental Illnesses are schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, dementia and anxiety disorders. Mental illnesses have various factors. This can be related to excessive stress because of a situaton or a series of events. Most of the Mental Illnesses can also be caused by a combination of biological, psychological, and environmental factors. We should always pay special attention to a loved one when sudden changes in his/her thoughts and behaviors occur. Mental Health Illnesses should never be considered a joke. It is an important matter that sometimes leads to a “life or death situation”. People should never think lowly of those who suffer from mental illnesses. They struggle to cope with their daily lives. Since ignorance is still popular among us, most citizens belittle those who are mentally-ill. I hope that there would be a Mental Health Awareness Program so that we can eradicate the ignorance of people towards this situation. Personally, I don’t perceive them as weak, but I see them as strong individuals because they still try to cope with their lives. Ignorance isn’t the only thing that we should avoid in this health issue, we should also lessen, or if possible, eradicate toxicity. Living in a toxic community can worsen the mental or emotional state. We should always be mindful of what we say other people. We should always encourage each other to be better versions of ourselves and help each other develop. Avoid toxicity, eradicate ignorance and raise awareness. Mental Health Illnesses should never be considered a joke.

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