Inspire Academic Enrichment Programme Summer Term 2018
INTRODUCTION Summer Term 2018 Welcome back and I hope that you have had a lovely Easter. As ever, we have an exciting and action-packed Inspire Programme for the term ahead. This term begins with the culmination of our remarkable student-led Mars Project. Space Day on 17 April is our celebratory event in when King’s and Warwick Prep will host a dazzling range of guest speakers, experts, visiting students from local schools, and special events and activities (including rocket building challenge with a professional rocket engineer!) The day will conclude with our second Inspire Dinner, with award-winning Physicist, Dr Jessica Wade, as our guest of honour. This will build to our live link event with astronaut, Ricky Arnold, on board the International Space Station. Later in the term, we will host another prestigious speaker for our Inspire Lecture: Professor Charles Cockell, the Director of the UK Centre for Astrobiology. This is part of our commitment to develop a lasting legacy at King’s following on from our memorable link event with the International Space Station. Our Inspire RSC Shadowing Programme sees visits to Stratford this term to see productions of Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth, whilst our EPQ students gear up for the submission of their superb independent research. We host the EPQ Presentation Evening in April and then next year’s cohort of students enjoy a research trip to Birmingham University Library in June. We also look forward to our Languages Showcase Evening and the launch of the Inspire Essay Competition for Key Stage 3 students, which, last year, saw a remarkably strong group of entries.
Dr Burley Deputy Head (Academic)
Mrs Renton Deputy Head (Pastoral)
ACADEMIC SOCIETIES Summer Term 2018 Café Philo Wednesday, 1:50—2:20
Café Philo is our student–led informal discussion group. Each session focuses on a topic of interest related to philosophy, politics, ethics and current affairs.
Innovation Centre
Café Scientifique Mondays (fortnightly) 4-5pm
Hobbs Society Once every half term
Landor Society Once every half term
Lit & Phil Society Wednesdays (fortnightly) , 1:50-2:20
Literary Society Wednesdays (fortnightly) 3:45-5pm
Ruth Court Mathematical Society Tuesday, 1:50-2:20pm
Café Scientifique is our innovative science group. With its own blog and regular visiting speakers, Café Scientifique is a fun and exciting way to discover more about science and the universe. The Hobbs Society, named after the philosopher Angie Hobbs, meets at least once every half term. The Chair and Secretary invite distinguished guests to address students on a range of topics. Our Sixth Form student-led dining society invites speakers with diverse specialisms and expertise. The visiting speaker addresses girls in Landor Library after a three-course meal. The Lit & Phil Society is for anyone interested in exploring ideas beyond the classroom. It meets every half term with each session run by a specialist department.
The Literary Society is a dynamic and intellectually curious group that meets fortnightly to explore authors, texts, and literary movements and theories.
The Ruth Court Mathematical Society, named after a well-loved member of the King’s Mathematics Department, meets once a week to ponder interesting problems that are different to those that might be encountered in the class room.
ACADEMIC SOCIETIES Summer Term 2018 Inspire Oxbridge Seminars Tuesday, 4-5pm Innovation Centre
International Current Affairs Society Tuesday (fortnightly), 1:50—2:20
This exciting group meets weekly to think deeply about abstract concepts and to practise university style questions. This friendly and intellectually curious group is open to students in Year 10 and above. For further information speak to Lucy Hyde (Year 12). This society is for those interested in history, politics and journalism. The group meets fortnightly and produces a monthly emagazine/blog on a range of topical affairs. For further information, speak to Carson Lloyd (Year 12).
Room 8
KS3 Debating Society Tuesday 1:50—2:20 Innovation Centre
Politics Society Wednesdays, 4-5pm Ansell 1/2
Stemillions Thursday, 4-5pm Warwick Prep School
Westminster Debating Monday (fortnightly), 1:15 - 1:50pm Ansell 1
This society runs weekly with the aim of holding high quality parliamentary style debates on a range of interesting and controversial topics. Dr Seal chairs the debates and for further information speak to the Society’s President, Maud Beidas (Year 9). This society invites a range of interesting speakers from different political parties and groups to share their ideas and discuss alternative perspectives. For further information speak to Jasmine Chima (Year 12). This society is for KS2 girls at Warwick Prep School and KS3 students at King’s High. It is open to anyone who wants to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding of STEM subjects and take on leadership responsibilities as they enter the STEMillions competitions. Its aim is to inspire an interest in STEM activities and promote the role of women in STEM careers. This group builds on the collaborative debating events at Warwick School to promote formal debating skills on interesting and challenging topics. It is open to anyone in Year 10 and above who wants to develop their public speaking skills.
CALENDAR OF EVENTS Summer Term 2018 Tuesday 17 April
SPACE DAY All day A full day of exciting space exploration to celebrate the fantastic work of the Mars Society in preparation for the live link event with astronaut, Ricky Arnold, on board the International Space Station. Students in Years 10 and 12 will have an opportunity to build rockets and hear from a range of special guests and visiting speakers, including Professor Anu Ojha (Director of the National Space Centre), Dr William Dunn (a leading astrophysicist from UCL) and Professor Don Polacco (an expert on extrasolar planets from the University of Warwick).
Tuesday 17 April
INSPIRE SPACE DINNER Dining Hall, 6-9pm This Inspire Dinner will offer staff and students a chance to gather to celebrate the Space Day and look ahead to the live link event with the International Space Station. The evening will start with a drinks reception on Red Corridor, followed by dinner in the Dining Hall. Our after dinner speaker for the evening will be Dr Jessica Wade, an award winning Physicist from Imperial College London.
Thursday 19 April
LIVE LINK UP EVENT WITH ASTRONAUT, RICKY ARNOLD, ON BOARD THE INTERNATIONAL SPACE STATION Hall, 1:05pm This is the climactic event of the Mars Project, a student –led initiative organised by the Mars Society and leading to a live question and answer discussion with American astronaut, Ricky Arnold, on board the International Space Station. This fascinating event will be streamed live via this weblink: https://
Tuesday 24 April
A preparation session run by Dr Seal and Mrs Coplestone-Crow for Year 12 students applying to competitive academic courses.
CALENDAR OF EVENTS Summer Term 2018 Thursday 19 April
EPQ PRESENTATION EVENING St Mary’s and Sixth Form Centre, 5.30—8pm Year 12 students present the independent research that they have undertaken over the last academic year, on a topic of their choice. Each presentation session is thirty minutes long. The programme of talks will be published in advance of the evening so that students and parents can choose their talks. Refreshments from 5.00pm in the Sixth Form Centre Common Room.
Thursday 19 April
LANGUAGE SHOWCASE EVENING Studio, 6pm We are delighted to welcome parents and girls to our inaugural languages event which will showcase languages from around the world, with music, readings and drama.
Saturday 21 April
KING’S LINKS TRIP TO THE UNIVERSITY OF BATH All day This is a fantastic opportunity for students in Years 10 to 12 to learn more about undergraduate life at the Russell Group Institution, The University of Bath.
Tuesday 24 April
With exhibits, guest speakers and a panel Q&A, Year 10-13 students will be able to explore an exciting range of career options and apprenticeships.
Wednesday 25 April
CAREERS TALK: ABBY SIMKIN Octagon, 1:15 - 1:50 Abby Simkin– is a KHS alumnus who went on to study Politics, Psychology and Sociology at Cambridge, before doing an MA at Warwick in International Relations. She has worked with the Police and Crime Commissioner for the West Midlands, and now as a project manager for West Midlands Police.
CALENDAR OF EVENTS Summer Term 2018 Wednesday 25 April
LANDOR DINING SOCIETY Landor Reception and Library, 6-9pm The Landor Society hosts Judge Richard Bond, a Circuit Judge based at Birmingham Crown Court, to speak about his life and career in criminal law.
Tuesday 1 May
LANDOR DINING SOCIETY Landor Reception and Library, 6-9pm The Landor Society hosts acclaimed art historian and TV presenter, Dr Janina Ramirez, author of The Private Lives of Saints.
Wednesday 2 May
Thursday 3 May
Tuesday 8 May
LANDOR DINING SOCIETY Landor Reception and Library, 6-9pm The Landor Society hosts Andy Hickmott, Chief Fire Officer, who will talk about his career within the fire service and experiences of serving in the London Fire Brigade, Buckinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service, and Warwickshire Fire and Rescue.
Tuesday 5 June
YEAR 12 INSPIRE TRIP TO NEW COLLEGE OF THE HUMANITIES Bloomsbury, All Day Following on from Professor Grayling’s Inspire lecture at King’s, a group of Year 12 students will have the opportunity to visit Bloomsbury for a day of intellectual and cultural discussion and reflection, culminating in a tour and seminar at New College of the Humanities.
Wednesday 6 June
CALENDAR OF EVENTS Summer Term 2018 Thursday 7 June
INSPIRE LECTURE: PROFESSOR CHARLES COCKELL, LIFE ON MARS, AND OTHER COSMIC POSSIBILITIES Hall, 4:30pm We are delighted to welcome British Astrobiologist Professor Charles S. Cockell of University of Edinburgh and Director of the UK Centre for Astrobiology to present the Summer Term Inspire lecture. Professor Cockell is Chair of the Earth and Space Foundation as well as the first Chair of the Astrobiology Society of Britain.
Friday 8 June
LAUNCH DAY OF THE INSPIRE ESSAY COMPETITION Hall, 8:45am Following the success of last year’s inaugural Inspire Essay Competition, this year’s event will be launched at assembly for KS3 students. It offers an opportunity for students to write an essay of 1000—1500 words on a topic that excites them.
Friday 8 to Sunday 10 June
KING’S HIGH AND WARWICK PREP SCHOOL ART EXHIBITION The Court House, Warwick, Friday, 7-9pm Saturday, 10-5pm Sunday, 10-3pm This is an exciting new event that showcases the very best artwork produced at Warwick Prep and King’s High at the wonderful venue of Warwick Court House.
Tuesday 12 June
YEAR 12 PERSONAL STATEMENT SESSION Innovation Centre, 4-5pm A preparation session run by Dr Seal and Mrs Coplestone-Crow for Year 12 students applying to competitive academic courses.
Thursday 14 June
INSPIRE TRIP TO ROMEO AND JULIET RSC, Stratford 6-10:30pm As part of Inspire’s RSC Shadowing Programme, students have the opportunity to see Erica Whyman’s new production of Shakespeare’s classic play, starring Karen Fishwick and Bally Gill in the lead roles.
CALENDAR OF EVENTS Summer Term 2018 Monday 18 June
INSPIRE TRIP TO MACBETH RSC, Stratford 6-10:30pm This is a great opportunity to see a much-anticipated production of Shakespeare’s great Scottish tragedy, directed by Polly Findlay and starring Christopher Ecclestone as Macbeth and Mariam Haque as Lady Macbeth.
Thursday 21 June
YEAR 12 UCAS DAY Hall and Sixth Form Common Room, All Day
A full day of specialist talks, lectures and personal statement training for Year 12 students preparing for UCAS applications.
Thursday 21 to Saturday 23 June
Monday 25 June
Bridge House Theatre Thursday, 7pm Friday, 7pm Saturday, 3pm
Hall, 4:30—7:30pm An exciting evening of mathematical presentations from students across the Foundation.
Tuesday 3 July and Thursday 5 July
EPQ STUDY DAY Birmingham, All Day An excellent opportunity for new EPQ students to learn more about key research skills by visiting a leading university library.