ial t n e i er Exp M-Based E & STProgram
Make this summer a fun, hands-on experience!
Welcome to Summertime! encouraging creativity & exploration
Kingsley’s Summertime Program centers on project-based learning that is creative, goal oriented, and collaborative. During two-week thematic sessions, students will flex their problem-solving skills and make fast friends through fun, hands-on activities. Elementary students, ages 6-11, will turn their neighborhood into a learning lab by exploring the city around them. Themes for this year: The Great Imaginarium (June 23-July 3), Prehistoric Adventure (July 7-18), and Colonial Time Travelers (July 21-August 1). Preschool students, ages 3-5, will welcome exciting guest artists and scientists into their Montessori classroom. Themes for this year: Bugs and Butterflies (June 23July 3), Sky and Sea (July 7-18), and Fish and Flowers (July 21-August 1). By using the principles of STE[+a]M education, Elementary students will integrate the traditional academic subjects of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics into multifaceted projects. Preschool students investigate their Montessori environment receiving math, science, and arts enrichment.
Cl ick He to re Re What is Ste[+a ]m? gis te r. STE[+a]M is a framework for teaching across the disciplines developed by founding researcher Georgette Yakman. • Nurturing innovation • Building collaborative
problem-solving skills • Hands-on learning • Inquiry-based projects
“Kingsley’s summer i
Who’s Who?
Meet our Faculty & staff Elementary Classroom Advisors
The Classroom Advisor leads Elementary students in specialized morning classes. In the afternoon, they collaborate with Elementary students to design and implement an inquiry-based project that integrates science, engineering, writing, technology, and art. Elementary Urban Advisors
The Urban Advisor directs student activities such as early arrival, morning meetings, lunch, field trips, and extended day. They also support academic classes, teach fun songs, play games, and lead craft projects. Preschool Montessori Teachers
Our Montessori teachers create a Preschool and Kindergarten classroom environment that mirrors that of the school year. They work with Fine Arts and Science Specialists who guide enrichment activities within the classroom. Preschool Enrichment Teachers
Our Enrichment teachers plan and lead activities in science, art, music, and math enrichment. Additionally, they offer support to the Montessori teachers in the classroom.
“You see things; and you say, ‘Why?’ But I dream things that never were; and I say, ‘Why not’?” — George Bernard Shaw
Ages 3 Through 5 s torytellers • a rt w or ksh op s • S c i e n ce a n d Cu lt u re
movement • li v e Cr e atu r e s • c om m u ni t y bu i l d i n g Ga mes
Preschool students, ages 3-5, enjoy a morning of Montessori investigation, art, music, and interactive movement games. During each two-week thematic session, students enjoy outdoor science activities, visits from guest artists, and enrichment activities, which complement and extend classroom learning. Visitors have included storytellers, zoologists, authors, scientists, and musicians. PRESCHOOL Full- Day 9 : 0 0 a . m. - 4 : 0 0 p . m. ( $ 9 7 5/t w o w e e k s e s s i o n ) PRESCHOOL H alf- Day 9 : 0 0 a . m. - 1 2 : 0 0 p . m ( $ 6 25 /t w o w e e k s e s s i o n ) Early Arri val 8 : 0 0 - 9 : 0 0 a . m. ( $ 1 5 0 / t w o w e e k s e s s i o n ) Extended Day 4 : 0 0 - 5 : 0 0 p . m. ( $ 1 5 0 / t w o w e e k s e s s i o n )
June 23 - July 3
July 7 - 18
BU G S and
S amp l e Dai ly S chedu l e
8:00 Early Arrival: Yoga and Movement
9:00 Arrival and Morning Circle 9:30 Guided Investigations 11:15 Art Project/Music Class 2:00 Lunch & Half-Day 1 Dismissal, Read Aloud and Nap/Rest 2:00 Outdoor Science and Movement Activities 4:00 Regular Full-Day Dismissal 4:00 Extended Day: Crafts, Art, Music, and Games 5:00 Extended Day Dismissal
ick he re re gis te r.
July 21 - August 1
Elementary Ages 6 Through 11
S cience • en gi ne e r i ng • w r i ti ng • TECHNOLOGY • ART • MATH MUSIC • u r b a n e xc u r si on s
Elementary students, ages 6-11, are grouped in age-appropriate teams to explore Boston through inquiry-based projects. Each class project is designed to focus on teamwork, collaborative problem-solving, and hands-on learning. Students work together with Classroom Advisors on multifaceted projects, focusing on science, engineering, writing, technology, and art. To help inspire each project, students investigate our thriving, city neighborhood every day. ELEMENTARY Full- D ay 9 : 0 0 a . m. - 4 : 0 0 p . m. ( $ 97 5 / tw o w e e k s e s s i o n ) Early Arri va l 8 : 0 0 - 9 : 0 0 a . m. ( $ 1 5 0 / t w o w e e k s e s s i o n ) Exten ded Day 4 : 0 0 - 5 : 0 0 p . m. ( $ 1 5 0 / t w o w e e k s e s s i o n )
June 23 - July 3 T H E G R E AT
Sa m p l e Dai ly S chedu l e
8:00 Early Arrival: Yoga and Movement
July 7 - 18
9:00 Arrival and Morning Meeting 9:30 STE[+a]M Enrichment Projects 12:00 Lunch and Read Aloud 1:00 Urban Excursions 4:00 Regular Full-Day Dismissal 4:00 Extended Day: Crafts, Art, Music, and Games 5:00 Extended Day Dismissal
ick he re re gis te r.
July 21 - August 1
New for Summer 2014! Early Arrival & Extended Day Activities
r ly
llm en co t un t!
Students enrolled in early arrival and extended day participate in directed activities that include yoga, movement, community building games, outdoor play, arts and crafts, and summer work help. Daily Urban Excursions for Elementary
Elementary students explore the city to complement their classroom experience with visits to cultural and historical landmarks. Past excursions include the Harvard Museum of Natural History, Boston Opera House, the Museum of Fine Arts, Fenway Park, Symphony Hall, and the MIT Museum. Enrichment Activities for Preschool and Kindergarten
Enrichment activities led by special visitors are planned throughout the program for our Preschool and Kindergarten students. From storytelling to investigating live creatures, these additional offerings complement and extend classroom learning. Enroll by March 13 and receive $50 off per session for the full-day program or $25 off per session for the half-day program. Enroll your child today at: Summertime Program Registration
“If you never did, you should. These things are fun and fun is good!” — Dr. Seuss
“From learning about the natural treasures in our historical neighborhood to making new friends, the Summertime program was an amazing experience for my child. I look forward to sending him again next year.” — Summertime at Kingsley parent
For additional information about Kingsley’s Summertime Program, contact Beau Kenyon at 617-226-4903 or
E a rly C h i l d h o o d 30 Fairfield Street • El e me ntary 26 Exeter Street • Boston, MA 02116
6 1 7 - 2 2 6 - 4 9 0 0 • k i n g s l e y. o r g
Photography by Brian Diescher and Kingsley Parents, Teachers, and Staff. JAN2014