Kingsley Viewbook

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Toddle r — S i xth Gra de





Dear Parent, Kingsley Montessori’s approach to teaching and learning is focused on each child’s individual potential, talents, and level of development — helping children learn in the best way for them. Our primary goal is to educate children as individuals, building on their curiosity and talents and empowering them to succeed socially and academically. For children from Toddler through Sixth Grade, Kingsley offers an individualized education that is geared to the talents and the developmental level of each student. Children who complete our Early Childhood Program excel in elementary school. Our graduating students move on to top public and private schools, and our students perform exceptionally well on standardized tests. The Montessori framework, proven through decades of success worldwide, incorporates best practices in 21st century education. Our approach cultivates critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills and develops students who are inquisitive learners, responsible citizens, and trusted friends. It gives me special pleasure to note the prominence of the Arts and our many specialist and extracurricular classes at Kingsley. We have always understood the value of these areas of study, both for the learning opportunities they present and for the richness they bring to our students, and we remain dedicated to including them as key elements of our curriculum. We invite you to learn more about our Early Childhood and Elementary Programs by visiting our website at Click on Admissions for our Open House schedule and the next steps in the application process. I look forward to meeting you. Sincerely,

Renee DuChainey-Farkes Head of School

Our Mission The Kingsley Montessori School strives to make the most of a student’s unique gifts, while helping each child achieve academic excellence, master learning skills, develop greater imagination, and establish strong self-esteem. We do so by: • Ensuring development of intellectual, social, and emotional capabilities, employing the Montessori method as our teaching foundation;

• Emphasizing integrity, responsibility, respect for others, and community leadership as our values; • Insisting upon continued excellence in teaching, and in the emotional and social development of all children we serve;

• Continuously improving our curriculum by incorporating components and techniques from a variety of teaching methods; and, • Creating a community that encourages discovery, diversity, and achievement.

Welcome to Kingsley Building on the educational ideas of the Montessori method, Kingsley combines rigorous academic preparation with an approach to learning that instills responsibility, independence, and self-reliance. Small class size, multi-age classrooms, an innovative curriculum, highly skilled teachers, and a partnership with parents distinguish Kingsley. Together, these features enable students to succeed. We monitor children’s success using our comprehensive benchmarking system that measures both social and academic progress, and we work to develop the full potential of each individual. Our Early Childhood and Elementary Programs each have dedicated educational directors who collaborate in coordinating our curriculum, providing faculty development opportunities, and getting to know each student as an individual. Our programs offer an education along a continuum from Toddler through Sixth Grade: Three Toddler classes for children ages two and three Six Preschool/Kindergarten classes for children ages three to six A Kindergarten Entry class for children ages five and six who are

transitioning to Kingsley’s Elementary Program

Four Lower Elementary classes: First, Second, and Third Grades A combined Upper Elementary Program: Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Grades

By nurturing each child’s natural curiosity and independence, Kingsley gives children the power to make choices within an educational framework. Students are encouraged to engage in their education and actively learn to learn. What better preparation for life in the 21st century!

Kingsley is located in two beautifully restored buildings one block apart in Boston’s Back Bay. The School’s total enrollment is 240.

Admissions Kingsley welcomes families from all ethnic and religious backgrounds, all family structures, and all socioeconomic levels. We have a strong commitment to financial aid and welcome all students with financial aid applications.

Parents of children in Kindergarten through Sixth Grade may apply for financial aid by completing the Preliminary Financial Aid Application administered by School and Students Services (SSS).

To apply online, go to

Early Childhood —

Tod d l e r / P r e s c h o o l /K i n d erg a rt en

Instilling a Love of Learning Kingsley classrooms are designed to stimulate cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development. For young children, Kingsley provides a safe environment for exploring and learning. We work to inspire each child’s curiosity, imagination, and enthusiasm for learning. With support, guidance, and encouragement from our highly qualified teachers, Kingsley’s Early Childhood students are engaged in meaningful activities and begin to acquire the focus and motivation critical for success throughout life. All Early Childhood students participate in weekly classes in Spanish, Art, Music, Science, Library, and Physical Education. Kindergarten students have additional classes in Spanish, Art, Music, and Science each week as well as weekly Physical Education at the Boston University Fitness & Recreation Center. Our Early Childhood Programs include: Toddlers


Kindergarten Entry Program

A one-year, small-group program for children ages two and three.

An integrated three-year Preschool Program for children ages three to six in mixed-age classrooms. The Kindergarten Program is full-day.

For students new to Kingsley, this one-year, full-day program at our Exeter Street building introduces students to the Montessori style of learning and prepares them for success in our Lower Elementary Program. With interesting multi-sensory learning materials, Kingsley students enjoy their learning. Teachers take time to care­fully observe children in the classroom, to assess their development, and to prepare the environment and learning materials for them.

Early Childhood Curriculum

Practical Life


Using child-size materials, children learn everyday skills that enhance motor control and hand-eye coordination. Children learn to take responsibility for their work and environment and learn foundational social skills through teacher guidance, discussion, and interaction with classmates.

Preschool children learn key phrases through simple repeated songs and chants. They engage in ‘adventures’ with Mama Llama, which are tactile and movement based games that take students to other lands and allow them to experience other cultures. Kindergarten students engage in a second Spanish class each week further preparing them for Elementary Spanish lessons.

Sensorial Children build their sense of order and discrimination with multi-dimensional materials that allow them to make distinctions between shapes, sounds, textures, and volume. Through this process, children begin to make judgments about likenesses and differences and develop a preliminary awareness of mathematical concepts such as geometry and measurement.


Language Arts


Children learn the sounds of the alphabet and how letters and their sounds are combined to form words, sentences, and stories, thereby developing early reading and writing skills. At the Kindergarten level, students work in small groups, concentrating on more advanced language skills.

Children develop a basic understanding and appreciation of music. We teach melody, harmony, and rhythm through singing, playing instruments, dancing, and listening. Kindergarten students begin to learn how to read music and how to sing as part of a group, both a cappella and with instrumental accompaniment, and perform in assemblies.

Mathematics Students work with concrete materials — rods, spindles, beads, etc. — to establish a concrete understanding of basic mathematical operations and concepts such as place value, numeration, quantity, linear counting, and estimation.

Science and Culture Children are introduced to the concepts of history and geography through class discussions and working with world and other map puzzles. The life sciences are introduced through experimentation and the study of plants and animals. All Kindergarten students participate in weekly Science labs and an annual Science Fair.

In their weekly Art classes, children are invited to explore a range of art materials and processes. Demonstrations are given on particular techniques and concepts, followed by the opportunity to try the techniques. Each week’s art activities remain available on the classroom Art shelves for continued independent work.

Physical Education Classes take place in our movement room and outdoor courtyard and focus on developing body and spatial awareness, as well as social skills around issues of fair play and conflict resolution. Kindergarten students receive additional weekly gym classes at the Boston University Fitness & Recreation Center.

Technology Kindergarten students are introduced to basic computer skills by using a laptop and selected age-appropriate software. Children learn proper handling of the equipment, use of the mouse, and research methods for the Science Fair and Cultural studies.

Elementary —

F i r st t hr ou g h Si xt h G ra d es

Empowering Each Child to Succeed At Kingsley, teachers trained in elementary education and Montessori pedagogy provide a dynamic learning environment where students can learn in ways that are appropriate for their abilities, developmental level, and interests while meeting gradelevel benchmarks. Experienced educators specializing in Science, Art, Music, Spanish, Library, Physical Education, and Technology augment the classroom experience by weaving their specialty into the core Montessori curriculum. This integrated approach is one of the highlights of the Elementary approach to teaching and learning. Elementary school students learn together in small groups in classrooms directed by teams of two to three teachers. Students are encouraged to move ahead in academic subjects where they excel, while receiving support in other subjects as needed. Within the multi-age environment, students can also learn by teaching their fellow students. Kingsley’s approach to elementary education emphasizes social, emotional, and academic growth within a strong and safe school community. We implement Open Circle and Responsive Classroom social competency curricula during Morning Meetings in all Elementary classrooms. Skills in social awareness include developing the awareness of the needs of others and the skills to be successful as a member of a group. Kingsley’s focus on social maturity provides a productive environment for learning the negotiating and communication abilities that will be essential in middle school and beyond. Students take responsibility for organizing their work, managing their time, and contributing to the School community. Weekly work planners, homework, daily observation, and our unique benchmarking system are used to track results. Standardized testing and in-house assessment tools are used regularly to evaluate student progress and to gather data that informs future instruction according to the best practices followed by independent schools.

We offer an excellent and personalized middle school placement program for our Sixth Grade students. In addition, our Elementary faculty emphasizes the importance of spoken language – both academic and social – and provides many opportunities to practice skills so that students can effectively advocate for, present, and articulate their viewpoints and what they have learned.

Our educational approach fosters in students the development of independence, focus, concentration, respect and responsibility. These qualities allow them to successfully take on more advanced work and prepare them for real life.

Kingsley’s approach to teaching and learning readies students for top-level independent and public schools. Beginning in the spring of Fifth Grade, the Director of the Elementary Program and the Head of School work with each student and family to determine the schools that best match the student’s and family’s priorities. They also help the student and family prepare for school visits and interviews and provide school recommendations. At Boston’s top middle schools, Kingsley students are known for their critical thinking, social maturity, and creativity as well as for academic excellence. In Third through Sixth Grades, students take the standardized ERB test in preparation for the Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE). In recent years, Kingsley’s Upper Elementary students have consistently scored above national independent school norms.

Students enjoy many opportunities to express their creativity at the School including a month-long Drawing-a-Day Challenge, playing in the Ukulele Orchestra, and designing and writing the Yearbook.

Academic Excellence

Standardized Testing and Assessment Tools

Required nightly reading and regular homework assignments — writing, skill review, outside research — help develop the discipline that is necessary for successful learning in the upper grades. Regular tests and quizzes help students and teachers measure the degree of mastery of subject matter while also preparing students for middle school entrance testing (Independent School Entrance Exam, or ISEE) and for the middle and high school environment. Kingsley regularly assesses student performance at all levels.

Kindergarten through Second Grades — dra

Developmental Reading Assessment

Second and Third Grades — grade

Group Reading Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation Third through Sixth Grades — erb

Standard tests used by independent schools that prepare for entrance exams to middle schools

Elementary Curriculum

Language Arts

History and Geography

Recognizing the critical importance of reading, writing, and speaking effectively, the Language Arts curriculum is integrated across all subjects, providing students many opportunities for creative and expository writing. Students read contemporary and classic fiction and nonfiction, keep journals, and write letters, poems, and stories. Each student is a member of an appropriately challenging Literature Circle that meets several times each week to discuss a variety of concrete and abstract Language Arts topics that grow out of the reading.

Students learn about world civilizations, global geography, and the solar system. Stories about self and family introduce them to history, and they learn how physical factors like mountains and rivers influence politics and economics. Older students explore history using timelines that begin with ancient civilizations, move through medieval and Renaissance periods, and conclude with United States history and government. Geography also incorporates the study of earth science, politics, and economics.


Students develop basic conversation skills and study Spanish grammar and phonetics. Older students build a wider vocabulary and practice more complex reading, writing, and conversation. Sixth Grade students demonstrate their advanced skills by researching and writing a final report on a topic of Spanish culture.

Students study a broad range of mathematical concepts including basic computation, decimals, algebra, measurement, problem solving, and geometry. Standard textbooks, the renowned Montessori manipulatives, and memorization are all employed to help students see the relationship between math and everyday life. Our approach is designed to thoroughly prepare students for middle and high school math.

Science Science is a cornerstone of the Montessori curriculum. Classroom teachers engage students daily in a wide range of topics including biology, zoology, botany, chemistry, and physics. Students in Kindergarten through Sixth Grade also explore science with the full-time Science specialist in the lab. Kingsley students conduct science experiments, observe results, and analyze data. Students in the younger grades separate molecules with chromatography, examine the habits and anatomy of insects, and study the energy transformations in simple machines. Older students devise methods to test water they collect from the Charles River, construct electric motors, and closely observe the life cycles of protozoa.


Visual Arts In Art class, students study artists, their unique styles, and their place in history, along with specific hands-on skills and techniques. Lessons include curriculum links to classroom themes and projects. Students draw upon their own experiences and imagination to make works of art that express their feelings, ideas, and observations. They create two- and three-dimensional artworks using a range of media and processes.

Performing Arts Students learn about musical notation and composition. Through performance, research, and exploring the historical context surrounding various musical genres, students gain a deep appreciation of music. Upper Elementary students study world music, blues, and jazz, as well as the lives and music of various composers. Every student sings in a grade level chorus and plays the recorder, xylophone, and ukulele.

Drama The Drama curriculum focuses on creating bodily awareness, giving students an understanding of the human voice, and fostering personal confidence. Using improvisation, multicultural folktales, classic children’s stories, and original works, students explore various aspects of dramatic expression, character creation, and public speaking. Every student participates in at least one dramatic performance each year.

Technology Technology skills are applied in the context of subjectmatter learning, enabling students to acquire technology skills while they focus on their work. By the time they have completed Sixth Grade, our students demonstrate resourcefulness by solving problems, choosing the most appropriate tools for a task, and using the Internet to research, synthesize, and present information.

Achieving Excellence:

Kingsley Capstone Experiences Montessori Model United Nations Fifth and Sixth Grade students have the option of participating in the Montessori Model United Nations (MMUN). Students develop an understanding of the function and procedures of the United Nations, explore global issues, and learn about social activism. Students travel to New York City and experience debating, public speaking, negotiating, analytical thinking, and conflict resolution.

Senior Project Each Sixth Grader produces a Senior Project that requires significant research and writing on a topic and culminates in an oral and visual presentation at the end of the year.

Physical Education and Health

Advisor Program

Our health and fitness activities are designed to enhance our students’ physical, mental, and emotional health. Topics covered in Health class include self-esteem, goalsetting, relationships, stress management, and human body systems. Elementary students go to the Boston University Fitness & Recreation Center twice weekly for swimming lessons and gym. Upper Elementary students participate in rock climbing, racquet sports, and gymnastics. In the spring, all elementary students participate in a Sports Field Day on the Boston Common.

As Sixth Graders prepare for transition, our Advisor Program provides a trusted mentor of choice who lends guidance and support to each student.

Outdoor Education Kingsley Elementary students participate in outdoor science, history, and exploration programs that use nearby resources and facilities. Programs include overnight trips for older students. Upper Elementary students travel to New Hampshire for a three-day Mountain Classroom Program with the Appalachian Mountain Club.

Charles River Study Leaders The Charles River Study, an elementary-wide program, takes advantage of Kingsley’s location. Students learn about the history of the Charles River and study the environment that surrounds it and the School. The Sixth Grade students serve as role models for the younger students as they lead their groups during this work.

Secondary School Placement Kingsley students are academically and socially prepared to take on the challenges of middle school life. The acceptance rate of our students to top local schools reflects our dedication to finding the next school of choice. Kingsley graduates have matriculated to schools including the following: Beaver Country Day School

Dexter School

Belmont Hill School

Fessenden School

Boston College High School

Landmark School

Boston Latin Academy

Hillside School

Boston Latin School

Mount Alvernia High School

Boston Trinity Academy

Newton Country Day School

Brimmer and May School

Nobel and Greenough School

Buckingham Browne & Nichols

Roxbury Latin School

Carroll School

Thayer Academy

Dana Hall School

Southfield School

The Park School Dedham Country Day School The Winsor School

Connecting to our Community Parents as Partners for Learning

Community Service Learning

The best academic environment involves teachers and parents working together. Kingsley’s family-child-school model of engagement gives families confidence that their children will reach their fullest potential. The relationship between families and the School is critical for the success of each child and for the satisfaction of each family. At Kingsley, this partnership is encouraged through formal as well as informal means. We are strongly committed to recognizing parents as partners and to deepening that relationship as students progress through our programs.

At Kingsley, we actively seek opportunities to give back to our neighborhood and help people throughout the world. Our Community Service Program teaches students the value of helping others and allows them to experience the personal satisfaction that comes with making a difference in the world.

Parent Teacher Association Part of the joy of joining a school community is becoming an involved parent and meeting new friends. The Kingsley Montessori Parent Teacher Association (KMPTA) gives parents the immediate opportunity to get involved by learning more about the School, sharing ideas with other parents, and volunteering on various committees such as Kids’ Club, Community Service Partnerships, Social Committee, and Cultural Enrichment Committee. Each classroom has three Class Parent Representatives who help organize social events.

I now truly understand the significance of joining a school community. Our family could not feel more at home or welcomed into this group of extraordinary and talented educators and warm, sincere families. —Kingsley parent

In partnership with Boston Medical Center and the Lenox Hotel, Elementary students participate in outreach programs that focus on issues of hunger, literacy, and environmental sustainability. Annual service learning events include food, book, and clothing donation programs in cooperation with Boston Medical Center and Project Bread’s Walk for Hunger.

City Links Kingsley expands the learning environment beyond the classroom to include Boston’s cultural and educational assets. Students visit and participate in educational workshops at institutes, such as the New England Aquarium, the Museum of Science, the Museum of Fine Arts, and the Harvard Museum of Natural History.

Community Speaker Series The Community Speaker Series at Kingsley brings local and nationally known experts and educators to the School each year to share their research and experience with the community on a wide array of topics. It is an opportunity to learn from experts in the field of education and parenting, to share ideas, and to support our efforts to enrich our community.

Co-Curricular Programs Our Co-Curricular Programs provide opportunities for students to actively engage in their own social, emotional, and academic development. Students may choose to take part in programs, such as Enrichment Courses, Private Music Lessons, and the After School Program, helping them forge new friendships, develop a broader context to their understanding, and experiment with new curriculum concepts. The Summer Program continues to provide this stimulating and exploratory environment over the course of the summer weeks.

After School Program The After School Program is offered to both Preschool and Elementary students. Founded on Montessori principles, students enjoy a balanced schedule of homework sessions, service learning and global education projects, academic extensions, and outdoor activities. The After School Program provides a healthy social environment with structured choice and creative activity.

Enrichment Classes Enrichment Classes are offered from 3:15 - 4:15 p.m. and allow students to participate in classes taught by specialist instructors. Classes have included Foreign Languages, World Music and Dance, and Video Game Design. Elementary students may also sign up for private music lessons in voice, guitar, piano, violin, viola, and cello. These courses are an ideal forum for students to experiment with their interests and affinities.

Summertime at Kingsley Summertime at Kingsley is a six-week, full-day program where students explore new ideas and make new friends. Using the city as a learning resource, the curriculum focus varies from week to week. Themes have included Creative Writing, History and Exploration, and Technology. The goal of the program is to provide rich and multifaceted academic extensions with creative lessons, engaging field trips, and outdoor community-building activities. Each Enrichment class is designed to enhance the academic curriculum offered during the day and to serve as an exciting and stimulating opportunity for children to expand their interests and discover new ones.

Accreditations & Affiliations American Montessori Society Association of Independent Schools of New England Educational Records Bureau Certificate of Membership International Montessori Council Montessori Schools of Massachusetts National Association for the Education of Young Children National Association of Independent Schools North American Montessori Teachers’ Association Kingsley Montessori School does not discriminate in any of its policies or programs on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, family composition, nationality, marital status, ethnic origin, or disability.


• Early Childh ood

30 Fairfield Street

• E l e m e n tary

26 Exeter Street

Boston, MA 02116

Photography contributed by: Lynn Riddle Waller, Anna Nicholas, and Kingsley Faculty

Printed on recycled paper.


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