Encore Classes

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Encore Courses ART The Art Program trains students to use and respond to visual modes of expression. The objectives of this program are to: Þ HBJO VOEFSTUBOEJOH UIBU BSU JT BO JNQPSUBOU NFBOT of communication, self-expression, and personal satisfaction Þ MFBSO UIF WPDBCVMBSZ BOE DPODFQUT PG WJTVBM MBOH uage Þ EFWFMPQ TLJMMT BOE UFDIOJRVFT JO B WBSJFUZ PG NFEJB Þ HBJO FYQFSJFODF JO QSPCMFN TPMWJOH BOE EFDJTJPO making Þ FYBNJOF UIF BSUT BOE DSBGUT PG UIF QBTU BOE QSFTFOU in many cultures Þ WBMVF HPPE DSBGUTNBOTIJQ BT XFMM BT DSFBUJWF BQQMJ cation of skills and techniques to original ideas By the end of Grade 5, students have been exposed to a wide variety of materials, techniques, principles, vocabulary, and tradition. They have increased confidence and the skills to express their ideas visually. In evaluating their success, they learn to understand the process of critique. Students also realize the importance of collaboration and independent work habits. The Art Program reflects the mission of King by encouraging personal achievement in the studio. There is a wide range of opportunities for success and growth. Students’ experiences in the art studio encourage and foster a range of work styles, which continue to be important in their development into young adults. The diversity of work styles – independent, in collaboration with others, and respectfully side by side with other students – mimics their future work environments. The program is planned and taught taking a range of learning styles and abilities into consideration. At the end of each term, a formal evaluation is written, summarizing the growth, accomplishments, and goals for future work in the studio. In the studio, students are orally assessed while the work is in the planning stage, in progress, and completed on each project. This happens on an individual basis, as well as in group critiques.

2012- 2013 Lower School Program Guide

MUSIC The Music Program is an active, multicultural, musicmaking program that enables all children to experience success in creating and performing music in all strands of the program, leading them to be lifelong music makers. Children in Grades PreK-5 experience a variety of learning activities in moving, speaking, singing, listening, playing, reading, creating/improvising, and evaluating:

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Rhythm – beat and rhythmic patterns Melody – singing songs and reading melodies Harmony – playing instruments and performing more than one part at a time Form – studying phrases and the parts of music Expressive Qualities – creating movement, studying instrument families, and listening to various styles of music

Singing is the first primary skill developed in each music class. Using methods drawn from the Kodaly and Orff music educational philosophies, vocal development is taught and assessed through children’s singing games, tonal/rhythmic and solfege exercises, and age-appropriate choral music. Movement activities and the use of classroom instruments also play a key role in teaching ensemble skills. Classroom instruments include: hand-held percussion (maracas, woodblocks, tambourines, African drums, and jingle bells), Orff (xylohone, metalaphones, keyboards, and glockenspiels), guitar, violin, piano, and soprano recorders. Music is at an exploratory level, combining as an encore study that supports and makes connections within the classroom study and also gives students opportunity to share their musical talents through Service Learning opportunities of performing in the community. In addition to classroom and in-school assemblies, all students participate in three major school performances: the Holiday Concert in December, Grandparents’ Day Concert in May, and Moving Up Ceremonies in June. Various grade level performances are also highlighted throughout the year, including a Grade 5 Musical Theater production.



PHYSICAL EDUCATION The Physical Education Program challenges students to reach their fullest physical and intellectual potentials through various physical and kinesthetic awareness activities. Students are encouraged to focus on their own abilities, rather than those of others, and to develop a strong sense of good sportsmanship and cooperation in their interactions with classmates. The program emphasizes free exploration, body awareness, and proprioceptive (awareness of movement within the body) activities with modified equipment and physical examples for Grades PreK-2. Through various activities, students learn to work individually, with multiple partners, and within groups. Emphasis is placed upon cooperation, teamwork, and good sportsmanship. In Grades 3 and 4, classes are more sports oriented. Specific developmental skills, rules, and strategies of sports are taught, as is good sportsmanship. The concept of learning a specific sport and being successful at it are the main goals, rather than who wins. Ample opportunities are provided for all students to reach their greatest potential in these areas, in their own way and at their own pace, in order to lay the foundation for a healthy and happy lifestyle. LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER PROGRAM: LIBRARY AND RESEARCH PreK and Kindergarten In Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten, students are introduced to the library and exposed to variety of authors and genres. Students develop an understanding of proper library behavior and a respect for books and other library materials. Students learn the role of the author and illustrator and can begin to recognize authors and illustrators. Grade 1 Students in Grade 1 begin to develop an understanding of how the library is organized. They begin to understand that the library is divided into sections according to what the books are about, i.e. fiction, nonfiction, etc.

2012- 2013 Lower School Program Guide

During our “Stories From Around the World” unit, Grade 1 students “travel” to different continents and read a folktale, fairy tale, or information book from a country on the continent. The students then visit a corresponding web site and complete an activity. Grade 1 also completes an author study. Classes read all of Tomie dePaola’s “Strega Nona” books. They learn to recognize the author’s style of illustration and how his stories are organized. Then, as a class, the children write and illustrate their own original “Strega Nona” story. Grade 2 In Grade 2, students have become more familiar with the organization of the library. They can independently locate familiar topics on the shelves. Students still enjoy listening to stories and chapter books that are read throughout the year. The focus in the first trimester is a literature unit about American tall tales. Students read at least three tall tales and discuss the characters, setting, and plot. In addition, students compare and contrast two of the tall tales in an activity using a Venn diagram. The culminating project provides students with an opportunity to envision themselves as tall-tale heroes, and design a poster highlighting their qualities and strengths. During “Diggin’ up Dinosaurs,” students in Grade 2 choose a dinosaur to research. Using pre-selected library books and web sites, the students gather and record specific information about their dinosaur. The second trimester project is a literature project. “Cinderella Around the World” exposes students to different cultures through variations of the Cinderella stories. After reading at least one traditional tale, one male version of the tale, and one modern day spin on the tale, the students compare and contrast the components from the stories. Students end the unit with a reading theater activity.



“Endanger Danger” coincides with the biome unit. The students again use two pre-selected web sites to gather information about their endangered animals. Then the students use KidPix to create a “missing poster” with the information for their animal in order to call attention to their animal’s plight.

Grade 4 Grade 4 students still enjoy listening to a variety of chapter books throughout the year. Students come to the library more frequently. Applying the skills they learned in Grade 3, students are better able to navigate their way through the library.

Grade 3 In Grade 3, students come to the library more often than in the earlier grades. During their time in the library, children still enjoy listening to a chapter book, but they start to research some more complex topics. They are also becoming more familiar with the organization of the library and are learning the Dewey Decimal System.

In the first trimester, Grade 4 researches animals of their choice. Using the resources available in the library and from approved web sites, children continue to expand their skills: locating specific topics in the library; pulling appropriate information from sources; and utilizing the parts of the book that will help them locate the information. Students organize the information they have gathered using notecards, then create a digital presentation using the “Keynote” program.

In the first trimester, students complete a biography unit. In conjunction with reading a biography from the “Who Was” series in their classrooms, students research important information about a famous historical figure of their choice by using a variety of web sites. The final project involves designing a creative timeline that highlights sigificant dates in the life of the person they studied. During the second trimester, students work in groups to research four different Native American regions including the Northwest Coastal region, the Northwest Woodlands region, the Southwest region, and the Plains. Using books and articles, the groups find information on the geography, tribe member roles, culture, and lifestyle of each region. Students then record their findings on graphic organizers and teach each other about specific characteristics of their regions. The final trimester project is Native Americans. The students use books available in the library to research a Native American tribe. They complete a gradeappropriate works cited page, consisting of author and title. After they have completed their research, students use the information they have gathered to create their own Native American villages. Students then present their drawings and information to their classmates.

2012- 2013 Lower School Program Guide

During the second trimester, students continue to practice their research skills during an author study project. Students choose a children’s author and generate essential questions they would like to answer about their author. Using the internet, they locate information and design a poster to present the facts about their author. The posters are shared with their classmates and displayed in the library for all students to enjoy. The third trimester project in Grade 4 is “State the Facts.” Students select a state to research, and gather information about their state using the library resources and appropriate web sites. Students create a presentation board to display their information. The concluding activity of the project is the “State Fair” when classmates, other grade-level students, Teachers, and parents enjoy what the children have discovered about their states.



Grade 5 In Grade 5, students come to the library more often then in the earlier grades. They still enjoy having the opportunity to listen to a chapter book or other stories that are read to them during the year. In the first trimester, students work on a group research project about explorers of the 1400’s and 1500’s, “Exploring the World of Old.” The groups research the life and explorations of select explorers and create an Explorer Profile. Throughout this project, students keep track of where they found their information on a source sheet. During the second trimester, children work on a collaborative research project on the planets in the solar system. This work is done in conjunction with their studies in the science lab. The students use internet and print resources to answer essential question about their planet. When the research is completed, the students design a digital presentation using the “Keynote” program to share with their classmates. The final project is “Colonial America.” Students research a Colonial American topic such as occupations, events, or historical people. Utilizing all the skills they have developed during their time in the Lower School, children research their topic by searching out their own appropriate resources from those available in the library and the internet. Throughout this final project, students keep track of where they found their information. They create a works cited page and add it to their finished papers. The Colonial Fair is the culminating event that showcases the hard work of each student and demonstrates what he/she has learned in the LS Library. FOREIGN LANGUAGE LS Spanish has implemented the Foreign Language in Elementary Schools (FLES) Program. Students are encouraged to develop, reinforce, and refine their language skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and culture, and are exposed to cultural experiences.

Speaking promotes communication so students are encouraged to interact with Pepito, our Spanish puppet, in a friendly and informal atmosphere. They also sing songs and play games. Reading gives the students the occasion to examine short texts, to recognize vocabulary already familiar to them, and to take the risks in determining the meaning of the context, as well as building fluency and improving pronunciation. Writing promotes and reinforces familiar vocabulary through creative and original sentences using these words in new combinations, and applying basic grammar. Cultural connections have been built into the various unit components by singing, listening, and dancing to music that represents the Spanish culture, as have educational and cultural videos. Students have the opportunity to acquire a basic understanding and appreciation of cultures in the Spanish-speaking world. These language skills are developed through several methods, including the Natural Approach and Total Physical Response (TPR). The Natural Approach presents a learning environment related to children’s surroundings, needs, interests and everyday life, as well as the continued positive reinforcement, comments, and display of students’ work. TPR promotes the use of appropriated nonverbal communication: mime, gesture, and sign language in the acquisition of the language. Children feel more confident responding to given commands and directions from the Teacher in a small or whole group setting. In addition students in Grades 3, 4 and 5 work in the textbook “Viva el Español” in order to continue practicing their language skills.

Listening gives students the opportunity to practice discriminating sounds and to listen to the Spanish version of some favorite books.

2012- 2013 Lower School Program Guide



SCIENCE LAB The LS Science Lab Program encourages students to discover and learn about the natural world around them through a process or “hands-on” approach. Students are provided with skills and knowledge that serve as a foundation for future science exploration. The Science Lab Program emphasizes a laboratory method of instruction that focuses on ways of developing basic skills in the processes of science. This methodology includes skills such a classifying, gathering, organizing, and interpreting data, predicting, observing, and creating models. The goal of the LS Science Lab Program is to instill inquisitiveness in each student and inspire each student to become a lifelong learner. Students are encouraged to draw conclusions, form hypotheses, and

work collaboratively with their peers, while labs, activities, and discussions help to burture a lifelong fascinaation with the natural world. This program is continuously evolving to meet the different needs of students, any changes in the Lower School’s integrated program, or changes in our ever-changing world. Detailed lab reports and teamwork are integral parts of lab work in Grades 3-5. Other important program elements for all grades include field experiement labs, technology integration, and the use of the Scientific Method. By the time students leave the Lower School, they have been exposed to all major science topics. They have also had extensive lab experience and are familiar with important lab techniques and methods of collecting data. Below is a chart that outlines the major units and concepts covered in each grade level:




Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

5 Senses

Properties of Water

Solar System




Introduction to Chemistry


Fall/Apples/ Pumpkins


Dinosaurs/ Volcanoes


The Human Body

Introduction to Physics

Science Tools and Measurement

Physics – Rocks, Sand, Balance, Motion, and Silt Weight, Electricity, and Energy

Animal Groups, Habitats



The Solar System



The Human Body

Liquid Measurement



Science Fair Projects

Spring – Changes in Weather, Plants, Animals

Spring – Plants, Birds Earth Day

Weather and Water

Ocean, Long Island Sound

Simple Machines

Count, Order, and Sort


2012- 2013 Lower School Program Guide

The Water Cycle



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