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“In today’s society, global competence is not a luxury; it is a necessity. A rapidly changing world demands new skills, such as cross-cultural leadership, critical thinking about the world’s sustainable economies, adaptability to diverse cultural environments, and scientific or technological literacy.” – GILLES A. CHOSSON, DIRECTOR OF GLOBAL EDUCATION
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Our School’s mission states: “King is dedicated to preparing its students to thrive in a rapidly changing world”. We do this through a thoughtful curriculum with committed Faculty and a strong student community who value responsible citizenship. King prepares students to recognize the need for active participation in ethical, cultural, socio-economic, political, scientific, and environmental issues in the global community they will encounter in college and beyond. – TOM MAIN, HEAD OF SCHOOL Contact: Gilles Chosson, Director of Global Education / (203) 322-3496, Ext. 362
Global Studies Mission Statement At King, we aim to develop our students’ knowledge of the world’s cultural diversity within the context of globalization. Students will learn the similarities and differences connecting all cultures in an effort to foster multicultural understanding. By developing in students an educated awareness of our increasingly interdependent and rapidly changing world, King prepares them to recognize the need for their active participation in ethical, cultural, socio-economic, political, scientific, and environmental issues. Lo we r Sc ho ol Mu sic 2 0 13
Co st a Ric a /G rad e 8 2 0 13
Ch ina /M od el UN Co nfe ren ce 2 0 13
Our Global Education Program begins in
In the Middle School, students deepen their
A multidisciplinary and multicultural approach
the Lower School where our students explore
global understanding of human geography
is taken in the Upper School to examine and
a variety of world cultures through hands-on
by gaining a comprehensive knowledge of the
understand the global issues in the modern
projects, cultural diversity initiatives, global
diversity of ethnicities, religions, languages,
world. Through an intensive study of global
citizenship awareness, and exposure to
cultures, and their history. The program also
problems and responses, students learn how
the learning of their first world language.
touches on anthropological aspects of various
to critically assess the common interests and
societies and discusses eco-friendly forms of
challenges they face as global citizens.
energy and other environmental issues.
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Global Studies Distinction The Global Studies Distinction is an opportunity for an Upper School student to distinguish him/herself as one who is interested in and has seriously pursued a variety of topics and experiences related to global studies. The distinction appears on the student’s transcript. The requirements for earning this distinction are as follows: Prerequisite Courses
Two Clubs from the following approved list
World History (required course) Introduction to Global Studies World Religions Two of the following approved electives: • The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: A Study of Behavior Under Pressure • Bearing Witness: Rwanda as a Case Study • Cultural Anthropology • Topics in Global Studies • Ancient Greek or Modern Philosophy • Environmental Studies and Sustainability • America, the Sixties • World Genocides of the 20th Century • Global Art History: the Phenomenon of Human Expression
Global Students club Model UN Unicef Build On Environmental Club Rwanda Service Club French Club Spanish Club
World Language Courses Four high school years of a world language are required for the distinction.
Chinese Club (Note: A two-year commitment to each club, including organization of one major event per club membership) One Cultural/Language Immersion Trip The trip is to be completed during the US years. Final Capstone Project Independent Study on a Curriculum Committeeapproved topic during the Senior Year.
“Understanding global issues and other cultures is crucial to my professional future because one needs to understand how people think, and the only way to achieve that is by understanding where they come from.”
– SENIOR, CLASS OF 2014 “King helped my global understanding. Classes in History, Mandarin Chinese, and Cultural Anthropology have given me a greater understanding of global issues.”
– JUNIOR, CLASS OF 2015 “I feel I am prepared because we discussed a lot about current events and global issues in my classes. King has definitely sparked my interest in global issues.”
G re ec e 2 0 13
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Every year, King offers a variety of cultural, linguistic, and service-learning trips to France, Spain, Costa Rica, Greece, and Rwanda. For more information about the trips, please go to our website @