King & Low-Heywood Thomas School Yearbook 2006

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Scene Selection Mr. Main Introduction...4 Theme Explanation...6 Dedication...7 LOWER SCHOOL...8 Lower School Faculty...10 Pre-Kindergarten...14 Kindergarten...16 First Grade...20 Second Grade...24 Third Grade...28 Fourth Grade...34 Fifth Grade...38 MIDDLE SCHOOL...52 Middle School Faculty...54 Sixth Grade...56 Seventh Grade...60 Eighth Grade...64 Middle School Sports...74 Middle School Arts...80 UPPER SCHOOL...88 Upper School Faculty...89 UNDERCLASSMEN...98 Freshmen...102 Sophomores...106 Juniors...110 THE SENIOR CLASS...114 Sports...210 Events...250 Theater Productions....268 Clubs...276 Advertisements...290 i

King & Low -Heyw ood Thom as School

M ission Statem ent King & Low-Heywood Thomas School (KLHT) is an independent, college preparatory school serving students from Pre-Kindergarten through twelfth grade. KLHT is a diverse, vibrant learning community dedicated to educational excellence and the fullest academic and personal achievement of our students. We champion the development of each individual’s talents, character, and self-confidence by offering students challenging intellectual, creative, athletic, leadership and service opportunities. KLHT’s culture of respect for one’s self and for others promotes independence and collaboration. KLHT graduates are well prepared to pursue lives of learning and accomplishment, personal fulfillment and social responsibility.

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Mr. Thomas Main


'ad 6,

This has been a great year in so m any w ays, and m uch of this is due to the q u a lity and nature of this senior class. As students, artists, athletes, leaders, and c o m m u n ity citizens, this group of seniors lia s contributed in substantial w ays, leading the entire c o m m u n ity through a year that has been both m em o ra b le as w e ll as highly accom plished. Often, schools do not take the tim e to recognize the im portance of a group of seniors w h o establishes a p o sitive feel and tone that perm eate throughout the school for the entire year. As go the seniors, so goes the school. We w ere fortunate to have this group of seniors, and w h e th e r w e reflect on the trem endous academ ic a ccom plish m e nts of the group - clearly e vid e n ce d in their college acceptances - or the athletic leadership of the class - dem onstrated in the highly co m p etitive nature of our varsity program s - or the artistic talent of so m any individuals in the class - o bviou s to anyone w h o w a lks the halls or attends a pro du ctio n - w e m ust appreciate the high standards and the p o sitive tone that they have set for the entire school. The quality that co m p le te s the picture of this class, how ever, is their feel for social ju stice and their co lle ctive re sp on sib ility to fairness and equity, w h ile they do not always choose a sim ple or conflict-free path, they do conduct them selves in a m anner that honors their values, their co m m u n ity, and their sense of fair play. The picture of this class, w h ile som etim es erratic, is quite perfect. 4


Picture Perfect! We live in rapidly changing times w here the new and improved is quick to replace the old and outdated. This is especially true in the area of technology, w here one year’s breakthrough invention quickly becom es obsolete, eclipsed by smaller, faster, better machinery. The cam era has undergone drastic transformations over the past four years. Today, you can record a video with your digital cam era and take a picture with your cell phone. With the option of erasing digital pictures as soon as they are taken, w e have becom e m ore edgy, daring, and fun in our poses. The traditional “Say ch eese!” is rarely heard now adays before a shot is snapped. If som eo n e w as blinking, chewing, or grimacing, you can always erase the m em ory - or not. We have com e to find value in the awkward position, the silly expression, the unconventional angle. It gives the picture m ore personality, accurately representing the imperfections of life. The Class of 2006 d oes not reapply lipstick or fix its tie w hen posing for its picture. Theirs will serve as a reminder of the big personalities, original characters, and stars of all sizes that have made up this wonderfully genuine class. Say cheese! Or better yet, don’t.

For your outstanding service, uncompromising loyalty, and valiant leadership, we thank you! On behalf of the Class of 2006, we dedicate this edition of Kaleidoscope to Karen Peterson KLHT 1968 - 2006

Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others... Max Ehrmann, Desiderata, Copyright 1952.

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A D M .IT O N i The

Starring in "The - Cat in the Hat"


Mark Bauman

Jonathan Gillies

Head o f Lower School

Dean o f Students

% ,11

y Lori Auletta Art Teacher

Liz Bounty framework Director

Carolyn Gallagher

Dosemary Gallagher framework Specialist

Judy Gerardi

Media Specialist

Patricia G reen

Jeanine Haberny Assistant to Head o f L.S.

Penny Hein Small Group Leader

Kathy Lazarus School Nurse

Karen P aidt framework Director

Carolina Peyna Spanish Teacher

Dan Gouin L.S. Athletic Dir.

Assistant to Head o f L.S.

Mark McAndrews P.E. Teacher

Pobin Ordan School Counselor

Analia Pizzi P.E. Teacher

School Nurse



Mary Ann DeSantis Gail Albrecht Wickham Bermingham Louise Dill Caroline Eagleton Mallory Ehlers Andrew Hartong Alexander Holtz G race McGuirk Annie Michalski Paul Noujaim Samuel P abassa

Mrs- DeSantis' C lass

Starring in "finding Nemo" "Just k e e p s w im m in g ."-D o ry



Mr. Bray's C lass

Craig Bray Julie W ood Mian Brindisi G eo rg e Catchpole Kelly Conheeney Qegitia Cullen Eljah Dozier Harris G ardner Elena Gribelyuk C hristopher Joyce Matthew Knight Sebastian Parry

Keala Thomson R o b e rt Welt Alison W heeler


"Y o u 've g o t a frie n d in m e."


â– *Klergarten

M rs. pa|m s QaSS

Starring in "Toy Story 2" "Life is only worth living if you have been loved by a child."- w oody


Sonia B e n ed e tto O w en Baas Aliana Beaty Caroline Benjamin Samantha Gallant P e te r G reen Elizabeth Hartong lan LaCombe Eddie Lopez-Wortman Luke Martocchio Flynn McMorrow Jonathan P ichter

Teas P o se n b e rg Brandon Po&s Suzanne Savage Alex Schlesinger

Mrs. Benedetto's Class

Starring in "Peter Pan" "All you need is trust and a little bit of pixie dust."-Peter Pan — -------------------a ;


Grade 1

Emily D ecker X ander Amero Chace billiard Kate Chareggs Kavya Dagli Jack Davis Samantha Ehlers Sydney G ubner C olten Katcher Andrew Knight Bryan Komperda James Michalski

Andrew Morris Baehel Sherman Andrew Yildizlar Karl Zoubek

Mrs- Decker's Class

Starring in "101 Dalmations" "This tim e the m a g ic is real."



2 Susan Laramie Daniel B erger John Harrington Anna Harvey Brendan Hoffman Evalise Johnson Jack Komperda John Lineberry Molly McQuilkin Kaeleigh Morrill Joshua Parry G eo rg e P e e le

Julia Qanocchia Claire P e sse l Sabrina Sampson Jordan Smith Natalie Wind

Mrs- Laramie's C lass

Starring in "Monsters Inc-" "K ids th e s e d a ys. T h e y ju s t d o n 't get s c a re d like th e y u s e d to."


tir a d e


2 I_____________ Marie Dubino S eton Deitler Jo se p h Benanti Lucas Davidoff Charles Dill Molly Eagleton Maeve Flaherty Lauren Gimple Tyler Holtz G eorge McGuirk Charlotte Orenstein Alexandria Rabassa

Michael Sands R e b ec ca Silberfein Luke Stone Charles W heeler B egan Wind

Mrs- Rubino's C lass



Jamie Mansfield Jeremy Benjamin Henry Bray Austin Cieszko Thomas Conheeney G regory Galvin Alexa G ranser Jacob G ubner Frances Jay Anne Love Alyssa Meyers Jake Morris

Emily Nixon William P ro p p e r Ethan Thomson Allison W einer

Mrs- Mansfield's C lass


"R e m e m b e r, c u te a n d c u d d ly , b o y s . C ute a n d c u d d ly ."-S k ip p e r the P e n g u in


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tirade 3

Glenn Qiedell Luke Amero Isabel Bareiss James Conheeney Briana DeFranco Hendrik Hartong Isabelle Lahaussois John McDermott Matthew Molinaro Nolan Murray Mahesh Daman Clifford D essel

Victoria Digby-Hall Mallory Sheibley Michael Sztorc Ariana Yepez

Mr. Riedell's C lass

tarring in "Wizard of Oz" "A heart is not ju d ge d b y h o w m uch you love; but by h o w m uch you are loved by others." -The Wizard of Oz


Mrs. Vasey's Class

airing in "The Sound of Music" "I h a v e n 't h a d s o m u c h fu n s in c e the d a y w e p u t g lu e o n F ra u le in J o s e p h in e 's to o th b ru sh ."-K u rt


tir a d e

4 Ellen Eagleton Jackson Blattman Ann Del G enio Samantha Frisoli Alexandra Garrigues G eo rg e Jay Dennis Joyce Haleigh Levethan Courtney Lisinicchia G erard Dozzi Samantha Shaw Charles Shotton

Joshua Silberfein Alexander Streich Kyle Williams Cyan W oodford


Mrs- Eagleton's C lass

Starring in "Spy Kids" 'N ever s e n d an a d u lt to d o a kid 's jo b ." -C arm en C o rte z


@rade 4

Mrs- Santoro's Class â–

Starring in "Spy Kids 2" "W ait til I tell M o m y o u trie d to take o v e r the w o rld again."-G ertie G iggles


**ade 5

Anne Henderson Nicolai Aanonsen Avery Anthony Andrew B erger Christopher Cieszko Matthew Cloutier Tavia DeFranco Emily Eby Meredith Gillies David Meyer Sonia Parekh P o s e P ath e r

William Pigby-Hall Daniel Posenblum Katie Tryhane Alara Yildizlar


Mrs- Henderson's Class

Starring in "The Chronicles of Narnia" "Peter, ju s t b e c a u s e s o m e m a n in a re d c o a t g iv e s y o u a s w o rd it d o e s n 't m a k e y o u a hero!"-S usan P e v e n s iv e


Hrade 5

Lise Leisl Devan Bauman Christine Bonaventura Andrew Farber Riley Hoffman Caroline Hubbard Nicholas Hyman Cyan McNulty Maya Richardson Katherine Sachs Jo sep h Santoro Kitty Schur

Kevin Seiler Benton Turner Katherine Ullmann Victoria Uva

Mrs- Leist's Class


Starring in "The Incredibles" "Y ou a lw a y s , a lw a y s s a y "Be true to y o u rs e lf," b u t y o u n e v e r s a y w h ic h p a rt o f y o u rs e lf to b e true to !"-B u d d y



5 Benjamin Schwartz Brian Alebiosu Angus Bass Melanie Borker Dachel Cohen Jack Dardis Samantha DavidofF Eloise Hyman Alexander Mirza Hannah Morrill Georgia O renstein Frederick R essel


Mr. Schw artz's C lass

"Me? Books and cleverness. There are more important things: friendship and bravery."-Hermione


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'Maya Richardsoi

was so

P IK d B o l V c a u s e I got to got to m e e tW Schwartz. -Jane

ly favorite memory rent to

w m

nd ships- - R id r i!

Is when w e did our posters! -Mer<

wm s

us and told jokes.

id I started bugging Mr. Johnson and d us into my mom's room. He looked it he couldn't see us because w e ng in the closet--Joe Santoro iwer School w as volleyball. I i my friends- We won tw o games!

n the first grade I did a da ny sister, Siena- We did a

ic e to "Get Do!

ind everyone loved it! -Ta'


M o n d a y -T u e sc k '

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Head o f Middle School

Academic Dean

Dean o f Students

Bobby Walker

P a t Doering

Deanna Supple

framework D irector


Assoc. Dean o f Faculty

Julie Pakbaz

Jennifer Qichter

Alex Weiner


* 54

"ddhink o fan idea to change our world and I put it into action " -(SLugene Qdbimonet

Sixth G rade Teaching Team Natascha Trapp, Marion Haymann, William Flamme, D ose Weldon, Jeffrey Williams

Seventh G rade Teaching Team Karina Pleitez, Lois Dinaldi, P e te r Newcomb, Shaleen Bowman, David W oodford, Jennifer Moros, Carol Brown

Eighth G rade Teaching Team John Faig, Laura Lescano, Katie Tobin, Ken Lewis, Tung Tran, Alex Weiner (not pictured)


Geoffrey Allard Corey Blattman John Boehringer Sarahbeth Brecht Lydia Brents Nicholas C esare Hudson Cole

Siena Defranco Michael Del Genio Maya Ferguson Nora Flaherty R o b e rt Gardner G eorge Gregory Andrew Gruseke

Forrest Hanson Claire Hogan Hiram Holloway


Riley Jay Margaret Joyce


Andrew Kyriakos Ann Labine

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Kelsey Luneburg Andrew McAllister Margaret McCaflery Lauren McDermott William McEvoy Lindsay Mcllmurray Kieran McQuilkin

:â– ** *** P aget Millard Joseph Nano Erica Nicokiris Nicole O'Neil Evan Perlman Henry Pizzutello Eric P ro p p er

Kruti Daman Daven D edd Christopher Qeilly Joseph Saleski Jason Sands Nicholas Shaw Morgan Sheibley


s Eleanor Shotton Alex S iebert Jamie Smith Victoria Smyth Lucas Thompson Timothy Tully Charles Van Doden

Olivia Watkins William Zeko


"I've pul on five


ounces this year. I've really bulked up." - Chicken Little


Iff!MMM The Seventh

starring in "Cheaper By The Dozen"


Henry Bareiss Molly Bareiss Nicolas bass Tyler B enedetto Jonathan Berger Max Beyman Nicole Boeckle

James Boyle Isabella Carrillo â– William Catchpole Austin Doering Kenneth Eger Chloe Gardner ' Katherine Gimpel

Diehard Gregory Use Heine Miranda Hynes Matthew Johnson Monica Johnson D eondre Jones Kristin Keane



Anna Kirk Andrew Kruger Max Kruger Abigail Leibowitz Brynn Lottner Morgan Lyew Caroline Main

Daniel Marlin Jackson Mehan Amanda Meyer Alexa Molinaro Ellioll Morrill Brian Mullen James Murray

Phillip Nussbaum Max Orenstein Conor O 'P ourkc Neil Parekh William Qua Christian Panocchia Angus Poberston

Adam Sands Michael Schneider Christopher Schoen Thomas Seiler Michael Serricchio Steven Sheets James Smith

Elizabeth Smith Mary S teele Rachel Stem Nicole Stieglitz Lindsay Stone Cary Sullivan Connor Sullivan

Patrick Sullivan Katherine Sun Lauren Sweitzer Lindsey Sweitzer Tre Tipton Julie Tooher Dylan Torey



"In a democracy eveiyone speaks. So. by jingo...speak!" Trank Gilbrelh

"Nobody th ese days thinks about being smart or clever, they just want to b e popular!" Trank Gilbreth


starring in

The Eighth Grade

"Peanuts: A Boy Named Charlie Brown"

Sabina Armstrong-Loscalzo Jonathan Avery Frederick Bannerot Tassos Bareiss Emma Bauman Justin Beitler Dana Blanchard Toni Blanchard Julia Bonnell G ordon Gray C arter Brents Brians Brown Alexandra Burnett Caroline Castellano

D oss Connacher Madeline DavidolT Luke d e Visscher Caroline Faulkner Dani Feinberg Sean Frisoli Terrance C anser

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Catherine Heath Sandon Hess Adrienne Hogan Samuel Howard Kate Hyman P e te r Joelson

Eric Joyner Taylor Kniffin Alexandra Knights Michael Labine Shane Lau Adam Lebovitz Lauren Linder

Kathryn Marber Matthew McNulty Austin McQuiklin Alexander Morgan P o b e rt Mosher Amanda Murray Charles Onis

Thomas Perfume Kevin Pierre-Louis Jason Pafi'aeli Silas P e d d R obert Santoro Apama Sarkar Lauren Sam er

Madeline Schley Summer Segalas William Shaker Mollie Siebert Balin Sinnot Elizabeth Skae Collin Sullivan

Taylor Thomson Petula Tournas Jonathan Toy Connor Vos Jabrille ’Williams Michael Zeko

"I've d ev e lo p e d a new philosophy... 1 only d read one day at a lime." -Charlie 5rown


"He said the milkmaid, not the cow." -White Faced Woman

"At times, the world can seem an unfriendly and sinister place. But, believe us when we say th e re is much more g o o d in it. than bad. And what might seem to b e a se ries o f unfortunate events, may in fact, b e the first s te p s o f a journ " - Violet Baudelaire

"These things d o n 't just happen." -Klaus Baudelaire

"Dinner is....served." -Violet Baudelaire

Film Location 1 Sixth G rade Nature's Classroom Ivorytown. CT

Film Location 2 Seventh G rade Nature's Classroom Becket, MA






starring in "Rudy

Team Cosier* Football- B. Aibeiousu. A. Bass. C. Ciezko, B. Gardner, G. Gregory, D. Hoffman. H. Holloway. N. Nieman, T. Pizzutello. J. Sands, N. Shaw, C. Piley, E. Pearlman. J.

Volleyball - A. Anthony. C. Bonauentura, & DeFranco, T. DeFranco, M Ferguson. C. Ho;

Santoro, A. S e ib e rt K. Seiler’, J. Santoro. L. Thompson, T. fully. Coach: D. Gouin,

E. Shotton. H. Ullman, O. Watkins, A. Yildizla. Coach: A. Pizzi.

C. Hubbard, D. Jay, M. Joyce, M. McCaffery, P. Millard, M. Nicokiris, D, C edd. M. Sheibl

M. Little Girls S occer Blue- C. Blattman, L. Brents, D. Cohen. S, DavidofF. E. Eby. M. Gillie Boys Soccer Blue- N. Aaonsen, G. Allard, A. Berger.P. Boehriner. H. Cole. N.

Flaherty, E. Hyman, K. Luneburg, L. Mcllnmny. N. O'Neil, C. Orenstein, M. Sachs. J.

O rnate. J, Dardis, M. Del Gcnio. F. Hanson, A. Mirza, D. Meyer. D. McNulty, T. P ro p p er, J. Nano. B. Zeko. Coach: W. Flamme

Smyth. V, Uva. Coach: J. Magiet. N. frapp. Girls S occer P ed - M. Borker. D. Bauman, S. Brecht. A. Labine. L. McDermott H. Morrill,

Boys Soccer P o d M Cloutier. A. Farber. A. Gruseke, W. Pigby Hall. A. Kyriakos, A. McAllister, W. McKvoy. K. McQuilkin. P. P essel. C. Van R oden. D. Posenblum, J. Salesky. B. Turner. M. Yepcz. Coach: G, Billionis

Richardson,K. Daman, S. Parekh. K. Schur. D. Tryhanc.V V. Weiner. J. Zorowilz. Coach: Chiavaroli, J. Magiet. N Trapp.


QftPell, pm know what my dad always said,

QdCawnq dreams is what makes life tollable.

Cross County Team P o ster Boys Soccer blue - W. Qua. M. Johnson. P. Joelson. 6 Howard. P. Mosher, L. deVisscher, A Robertson, t. Morrill, S. Hess, M. O renstein, C. Schoen. P. Nussbaum. M. Schneider. Coach: D. Woodford. Boys Soccer Red- C. Onis. G. Bray. T. B arcas. M. Labine. A. McQuilkin. C. Sullivan, W. , C atchpot, S. Lau.T. B enedetto. C. Panocchio, M. Zeko. J. Bcitler, C. Vos. R. Connacher, H. Bariess. Coach: J. Chiavaroli. P. Doering. Cross Countiy- A. Hogan, B. Sinnott. J. Mehan. J. Wilson. E. Wilson. T. Seiler, M. McNulty. A. Kruger. C. O 'R ourke, D. Marlin. J. Murray. M. Kruger. Coach: M. Lingle.

Team D arter Girls Soccer Blue - P . Stern. A. Molinaro. C. Brents. A. Sarkar, J. Tooher, A. Meyer, S. Armstrong-Loscalzo, K. Keane. K. Marber, T. Knitlin. C. Castellano. C. Main, N. Stieglitz. C. Sullivan. A. Leibovitz. S. Segalas, D. Feinberg. J. Bonnell. L, Samcr. Coach: :V Weiner, L. Lescano. Field Flcckey - C. Faulkner, M. Hynes, L. Stone. 1.. Sweitzer, M. Schley. A. Gitlin. L Sweitzer, K. Hyman, M. Johnson, L. Linder. A. Kirk. M. Bariess, E. Bauman, K. Sun. M. lyew. Coach K. Tobin Girls Volleyball â– P. Tournas. A. Knights. B. Brown. C. Gardner. M. DavidofT. B. Lottner, N. Boeckle, M. Siebert.. T. Blanchard, D. Blanchard, 1. Heine. Coach: D. Supple, T. Tran.


Football R o ste r F. bannerot, A. Sands, S. S h eets, <1. Smith, J. Avery, T. G anser, J. Williams, D, Jo n es, K Eger, K Pierre-Louis, J. Toy. A. Morgan, E. Joyner. S. R ed d , D. Torey, P. Sullivan, S. Frisoli, R. Santoro. M Beyman, T. Thompson, N. Bass, T. Tipton, M. Velasco, W. Shaker, A. Doering, J. I Boyle. J. B erger, B. Mullen, R. G regory. Coach: M. Little, M. McAndrews, K. Lewis.

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starring in Space Jam

5/6 Winter Sports |

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Team B oater

Team Boater

Boys Basketball B e d - \Y Qigby Hall, A. S ie b e rt T>. Albeiosu. E. Pearlman, A. Farber. C. Ciezko. M, Del Genio. 11. Holloway, D, Hoofman, A. McAllister, T. Pizzutello.

Joyce, 11 Morrill, M. Sheibley, M, McCaffrey, C. Blattman, T. Smyth. Coach - N. Trapp

boys Basketball Blue - D. B essel. N. Cesare. W. McEvoy, N. Aannonsen, D. Meyer, A. Berger, A. Mirzia, T. Tully. B. Zeko.

Girls Basketball B e d • M. Bichardson, K. Tryhane, M. Gillies, B. Cohen, G. Orcnstein. M

Gills Basketball Blue - L. Brents, V. Weiner, 6. DavidofF K. Schur, M. Morker. J. Zorowitz, K. Sachs, C. Hubbard. B. D edd, K, Luneburg, L. Mcllmurray. C. Hogan, L. McDermott Coach - J. Magiet

Stnenth & CondiUoning - E. Shotted. O. 'Watkins, A. Anthony, N. Hyman, B. Boehringer, E. Nieorkaris. C. Deilly, N. Shaw, H. Cole, F. Hanson, S. Defranco, 6. B recht G. Allard. Coach - A. Pizzi

Swimming - A. Eabine. B. Jay, K. Barnan. C, Bonaventura, V. Uva. S, Parekli, C. Van Qoden, H. Uliman. A, Yiltilazak. D. Bauman, E. Hyman. N. Flaherty. Coach - L. Housekneeht

J. ,

Hockey (no picture) - K. Seiler. J. Santoro, D. Qosenblum. B. Bather. B, McNuluty. Dardis. B, Gardner, J. Salesky, A. Kyriakos. J, Nano. G. Gregory. K. McQyilkin. J, Smith, T. P ropper. Coach - P. Smith, M. McAndrews 7X

[after w inning the gam e] rChhanks cpupspou g o t a b t

7/8 Winter Sports

of., a b t o f., well, whatever it is, pou g o t a b t o fit. -O M ichaelofo rd a n

Team Roster

Girls Basketball Blue - A. Sarkar. A. Molinero, N. Boeckle. M.'Âť\ P. S t Linder, M. Hynes. M. Bareiss, K. Keane, L. Samer. Coach - J. MagieL

Boys Basketball Blue - W. Qua. J, Boyle, M. Velasco, T. B enedetto. C. Morrill, M, Orenstein, L. d e Viascher. T. (Seiler. M. Johnson, J. Avery, 6. (Sheets, P, Joel,son, W. Catchpole. Coach • K. Lewis, T. Tran

Girls Basketball R ed - D. Blanchard. 6. degalas, 6. Loscalzo-Armstrong, J, Bonnell. D Feinberg. P. Tournas. T. Blanchard, A. Murray. A. Knights, C. Castellano, Coach- S. Bowman.

Boys Basketball R ed - A. Sands. M. Zeko, M. Serriehio, J. Beitler, T. Tipton, R. Santoro, J. firth. T. Bareiss. E, Joyner, 6. P e d d . D. Jones. J. Williams. Coach - M. Little Strength & Conditioning - M. S ie b e rl C. Rannodiia, t Bauman, C. Brents, T. Perfumo. M. fichnieder, C. O 'R ourke, J. Mehan, K. Sun. J. Berger. K. Hyman. E. Bannerol., C. Onis. W. Shaker, T. KnifTin. B. Sinnott, J. Toy. C. Hogan, M. Schley, A. Docring. S. Lau, M. Beyman. Coacli - D, Gouin

Swimming - S. Hess. P. Nussbaum. M. Johnson, A. Meyer, J. Tooher. M. Kruger, A. Kruger. M. Labine, P. Mosher, M. Sleele, L. Slone, S. Howard, A. Morgan. E. Wilson. J. Wilson. Coach L. Housekneeht Hockey (no picture) - H. Bariess. C. Gardner, P. Gregory. K. Eger. D. Martin, A. Leibowitz. B. Mullen. J. Murray, A. Robertson, C. Sullivan, G. Sullivan. P. Sullivan. L. Sweitzer, L. Sweitzer, D. Torey, P . Connaeher. C. Faulkner. T. Ganser, M. McNulty. A. McQuilkin. T Thomson, C. Vos. Coach - M. McAndrews. T. Bradv. P. Smith


"China!11 November 3, 2005

C reated and Performed by Lhe Sixth G rade

"Cheaper By The Dozen" February 3, 2 0 0 6 1:15 & 7:00

Perform ed by the Seventh G rade

"You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown 1

Perform ed by the Eighth G rade


Holiday Concert

Decem ber 20, 2005

Spring Concert

May 19, 2 0 0 6

Band & Choir Trip

May 20, 2006




Eighth Grade Sabina Armostrong-Loscalzo-when w e play hide and seek... Jonny Avery-flipping the canoe w ith Sean... Eric Bannerot-the rock wall at Camp Sloane... Tassos Bareiss-finishing the high ropes course a t Nature's Classroom for the first tim eEmma Bauman-doing well in math... Justin Beitler-when our rocket did not go off at the rocket launch... Dana Blanchard-going to Camp Sloane and meeting new peopleToni Blanchard-the hike at Camp Sloane9getting lost and being 3 ^

hours la te -

Carter Brents-going through the ups & downs of middle school with my friends at my side... Briana Brown-when I first came to this school I only knew Kevin. Then I was hyper one English class and made mad friends that dayJulia Bonnell-playing JV soccer/basketball... Gordon Bray-playing advisory soccer... Alexandra Burnett-skating, je t boating, shopping & going out to dinner in Montreal... Caroline Castellano-the morning carpool with Adam and Skae, we always had something to talk about... Ross Connacher-scoring my first goal in hockeyMaddy Davjdoff-hanging out with my friends after school...


Luke de Visscher-Mr. Tran's advisory...


Cali Faulkner-staying up late and telling secrets during 7th grade


trip to N atures ClassroomSean Frisoli-doing the high ropes course­ 's * TJ Ganser-all my friendsAlexa Gitljn-talking about random things in classesCatherine Heath-making new friendsSam Howard-high ropes course at Camp SloaneSandon Hess-watching the Mayhem Poets


Adrienne Hogan-rocket launch...Bumble Bee on fire! Kate Hyman-being a part of the field hockey teanrfrom sixth to . eighth gradePeter Joelson-going on a rapid ride in six flags in cold weather... Eric Joyner-scoring 3 rushing touchdowns against St. Lukes... Alexandra Knjghts-Mr. Lewis's advisory cultural luncheon...


M 31


1 Memories ■' Danj Feinberg- when the three guys came this year and acted out : poems and rapped on the spot... Taylor Kniffin-building rockets and simple machines... ^

Mike Labjne-Montreal trip...

1 Shane Lau-advjsory was always fun... Imi Adam Lebowitz-history debates; me versus the class... ^ Lauren Under-playing Alice in "Alice In Wonderland11... ^ ^

Katie Marber- Oh, my back!" with Caroline & Alexandra... M att McNulty-hanging out with TJ with all his antics—


Austin McQuilkin-playing poker with Mr. Tran at Camp Sloane...


Alex Morgan-the view on top of Bear Mountain...


Robbie Mosher-The canoeing where w e attacked each other... Amanda Murray-Model rockets; launching the, losing them, and

^ i

breaking them... CJ Onis-The second when Ross, Connor and I launched our

.. ~ ......-V!

itel rocket... soti Jason Raffaeli-going to six flags in the sixth grade— iig9 Thomas Perfumo- playing advisory soccer... loifo- Kevin Pierre-Louis- beating Mr. Lewis for the first time in an arm


wrestling match—

Eltak Silas Redd-the 7/8 football team w ent 6-0 for the first time in 20

ihocn rg k

years!... Taylor Thompson-Camp Sloane.™ |ig Robby Santoro-study halls with Ms. Tobin...

71* Lauren Sarnar-canoeing a t Camp Sloane— |5Stf Aparna Sarkar-going on my first rollercoaster at Six Rags in sixth ic* g rad e* \ J Maddy Schley-the chaos of getting new schedules-



cjasi Mollie Siebert-having the smallest rocket at the rocket launch... ^ Balin Sinnott-going on the hike at Camp Sloane.™ jjlp Collin Sullivan-Chilljn1with Ms* Tobin... Petula Tournas-singing "Tearing Up My Heart" by the Backstreet jul Boys to Mr. Tran... y Will Shaker-Will Shaker (this is not a typ e-o }^ Connor Vos-goipcTfo VT with Ross, Tassos, Shane, Gordon & ^ y

Justin... Mike Zeko^wjien our rocket w ent off a t the launch without a

)c^ Parachute.™


» No day but toda


Bill Ennist Head of Upper School

Assistant Head of Upper School

Leslie Bruzik, Bonnie Querz

Dean of Faculty

Office Staff

Becky Rabassa m& mm

Head of Social Work

English Departm ent h



(From Left): Erik Mortenson, Page, Marnie Sadlow sky, Scott V asey, Helen Kweskin, Hans Richie

age Departm ent Left); Karin Wagner, Matthew Van Etten, Margherita Farrell, T hom as Zoubek, Ines Thieme, Francisco Gracia

ne Mishkin, ' Caputi, Stuart app, Christos pictured:

Math Depar





n ^ to m y o fa n

Science Departm ent (From Left): Thom as Pelton, Priscilla Pusack, Sandra Bethray, Thom as Zoubek, Gary Caputi, Kenneth Melmed

Technology Departmen (From Left): Tim Sinnott, Bill Wal Megan Haddadi, Marco Lopes

A p a r tm e n t om Left): John Propper, Stacy Homicki, Jackie Martino, Amy Darnton

College Counsel Department (From Left): Michelle Sol Bonner, C andace Cushii

tor of Athletics

Asst. Athletic Director Karen Celia

amers ot Pictured: A nalia Pizzi)



Maintenance (From Top Left): Griff Tin John Muskus, Polo R ecinos, Jamie Escalann Dong Johnson, John Zatorskv, Carlos Escalan

Kitchen Staff (From Left): Andrew Romaniello, Jennie Loglisci, Angel R osado, Rosa DiBattista, Victor Sanchez

it to Head of School Judy Valentine

rew t fHslbiinicchia

Advancement (From Top Left): Jonathan Wilkinson, Lois Fahey, Deborah Doornick, Heidi Lockwood, Tamara Canno

Business Office (From Left): Angela Carey, Karen Peterson, Kim Leeker Jerry Rodriguez, Cornelia Jones

Faculty and Administration Q&larnncj in ',rOnj.







Moll)1Ackerly S cott Banerjee R eb ecca Bind Gregory Blanchard Je sse Buccolo Steven Carey Mary Connacher

Demetri Damascus Noah Fouad Levanie Freeman James G eorges Dean Gestal P e te r Cillies Taylor Gray

Kinsey Greenfield Christopher Hanson Pachel Hennessey Joanna Jackson Daniel Kang Lauren Karp Jacqueline King

5 l/ ^ / / //m J /s jc ? r 0// 0tp m w /

f/z /z /k 'j& u fa a w i a izJ p zzzzb ///

"cHhw d f e CK/ssgJ" 10 .

Q 0 ^ /b ;

I i

Madeline Kirk Sophia Klafter P e te r Kutzen P e te r Leone Theodore lev en e Nicole Levesque Vincent Love

Ann Lubben Brent Luneburg Kyle Luneburg Andrew Marcelle-KJeeman Todd Martin Simon McNamee Aaron Metviner


Benjamin Millard Amy Mitchell Charles Mosher Matthew Nussbaum William Orenstein Meredith Packer Hailey Pizzutello


Leah P ratt Allison Pand Thomas Panocchia Matias Peyna Paola Possetti Madeline Sachs Leigh Sanders


Michael Santoro Tiana Segalas Carly Shapiro Tripp Smith Alexandra Smyth Kishauna Soljour Catherine Sparks

Jennifer Stern S penser Sussan Michael Toy Wesley Tryhane Henry Van Qoden Alexander Vlahakis Sydney Zorowitz


The Freshm en Cla Q&tamng- in "cH erer (SSeen Q Kissed"


Leigh Abear Ashley Alebiosu Taylor barge Brenden Becker Cody B enedetto Daniel Beyman Jessica Byrnes

Michael Carberry Douglas Cenci Katherine Chan Jackson C heevers Natalya Chuchinsky R o b e rt Crossland R eb ecca Davis

Alexander Doering Abigail Flatow Zhen Zhen Gao Shaela Greenfield Kevin Griffin Allegra Grunberg Tatiana Crunberg

urC he older pouget, the more rules they are going to trp and g et pen tofollow . O f on ju st go tta keep on livin', m an ^ 2 -c S 7106


Zachary Crunberg Andrew Hall

No Photo Available

Jack Harris Samuel Henderson John Honey-Fitzgerald Andrea Horak Kristin Ht;us

Puthie Hubbard Chiara Johnson Sean Kensil Christian KillefFer Dory Kyle Anya Leisl Stefan Lyew


Katherine Mann Colin McMahon Safi McMillan Colin McQuilkin Laura Meli D eter Menking Keil Mueller

Natalie Muniz Lucy Ann Murray Jon-Philip Nickitas Caroline Nisenson Maggie Nolin Courtney O'Neil John Qua




The Sophomore C la ss Q & tarrintf in "S& azed and &cmfnseJ"

Thomas Acker')' Vivek Alaigh Samuel Berman Lisa Boccuzzi Ellison Brennan Courtney Bruggerman Malcolm Chappell

Kimberly Clark Kevin d e P e g t Jeff Eydt Lauren Eisher Kara Frisoli Daniel Gleason Schyuler G oldberg

Harry G reen P e te r Hall-Pisko Joshua Herritt S cott Hootman-Ng Rachel Ivanhoe Jonathan Joelson R o b e rt Kempner

"ppfate exists but it can onlp take pen sofa r because once pou're there, it's up to pen to m ake it happen "

KJart Krinslev Christina Leone Jeffrey Lounsbury Amanda Marcelle-Kleeman Marleni Milla

Leigh Millard R obert Minicucd Mallory Monsma Henry Myers Andrew O'Brien Elizabeth Packer Michael Pakula


Faith P ierce Adam Pisarkiewicz Shane Pizzutello Amilia Poin Kevin Portanova Chamee Purdy Hannah Cabin



Michael Qonson P e te r Sanders Victoria Santcs-Buch Bryan Sarner


Kimberly Segalas Andrew Serkes Grace Shaker


Stephen Sheehan Hugh Stangeland Zachary Stayman


Kristen Sun Pai-Jarvis Tipton Clifford Ulrich James Voyages


Alex Ahrens

Marlon Alebiosu D o th e r ig h t th in g ." " T h e w a y y o u p la y , a c t a n d

D a n ie l G o u in

p re s e n t y o u r s e lf o n a n d o f f th e f ie ld s h o w s s o m e th in g a b o u t y o u rs e lf. It re v e a ls y o u r c h a r a c te r ." - D a n ie l G o u in

" T h e r e

is n o

s h o r t c u t to s u c c e s s . Y o u n e e d

h a r d w o r k

- M

D a d


" Y o u

o n l y

h o u r s


I d o , s o w a k e th e - M



T h a n k

H H fe


m a n d

w h y

d a y d o n 't y o u

e a r l y


m a k e

m o s t o f e v e r y d a y ? " y

D a d

y o u


p r i a n

a n d

b e i n g

t h e r e

o m m y ,

A s h

D a d d y ,

f o r a l w a y s

e v e n

t h o u g h

I w a s

v e r y

d if f ic u lt. I l o v e

y o u

p i t h

a ll m y

h e n

r e a c h

f c k n o w '

h a v e

t h e

u p



t h e

h e a r t. W

to p , e v e r y o n e

it w ill b e

g r e a t f a m i l y

b e c a u s e to

b r i n g

a ll I w ill I h a d

m e

u p .

o r t h y t h y

m o t

y o u r d a y s

w i

p l e n t i f u l ."


Lia Allen

Katie Baker " C o n s is te n c y is th e la s t re fu g p , o f th e u n im a g in a tiv e ." - O s c a r W ild e

»Sl “ 1 s a y , i f y o u r k n e e s a r e n ’t g re e n b y th e e n d o f th e d a y , y o u o u g h t to s e rio u s ly re -e x a m in e y o u r life ” -C a lv in &

H o b b es


" I f y o u o b e y a ll th e r u le s , y o u m is s a ll th e f u n ." " L ittle b y little , o n e tr a v e ls f a r." - J .R .R . T o lk ie n


* -K a th e rin e

I le p b u rn

Morgan Barker

" E v e ry th in g h a p p e n s fo r a reaso n "

Mari Bethray

Michael Beaman

"I to o k u

s p e e d re a d in g ;

c o u r s e a n d r e a d 'W a r a n d P e a c e ' in 2 0 m in u te s . It in v o lv e s

" F a r b e tte r * U ,is to d a r e m i g h t y t h i n g s , to

R u s s ia ." - W o o d y A lle n

w in g lo rio u s triu m p h s e v e n th o u g h c h e c k e r e d b y fa ilu re f, t h a n to r a n k w ith th e s e p o o r s p irits ' w h o n e ith e r e n jo y n o r s u ffe r m u c h b e c a u s e th e y

liv e in th e g r a y

tw ilig h t th a t k n o w s n e ith e r v ic to ry n o r d e f e a t." - T h e o d o r ^ R o o s e v e lt


" I t 's n o t e n o u g h • t h a t w e d o o u r b e s t:

* s o m e tim e s , w e h a v e t o d o w h a t 's r e q u ire d ." -S ir

# S o w e b e a t on, Âťb o a ts a g a in lf th e

W in s to n


C h u rc h ill

c u rre n t, b o r n e b a c k , c e a s e le s s ly in to th e U p a s t." - F . S c o t t F itz g e ra ld

k m

" H A ! T h a t 's s o fu n n y


I f o r g o t to

la u g h ! E x c lu d in g t h a t f i r s t 'h a '. " - S te w ie G riffin , " F a m ily G u y "


Christine C

Rich Castellano

< 1 — '< < oo csr — w r r- 3 o3 O — *3 CfQ 3“• cr : p rr t— > . o c_ o *-? ■ “ ■"O O cn/: o< p <5 •^ Er -* 5 ’ CJQ 3

?r 3r" 6 c. o o C?T CO 3



C5; o o ’ a; cr roo- o rr c cr £ /— ‘ or>*

O 3 o P O Q

CQfQ 3


erg p 3 o5 P CL o ■C/31 — » 3“ P■ O pCZ) 33 r— o 3 cr O o C /3 ♦-■+•

C /3

£o p 3 * P <



C /3

\ cI ' K


m ' ............




n 3* P

P 3

P cl Go O < — ►£-> po p 3 E C p O C /3

P < p- O P CP < o O 3“ o- 3 E r o P o o < C /3 3; CZ> cr O PT* o O 3


ocr CD w O



3“ 3 P ~ < 5' O Cu C /3 C /3 o 0 o P T3 O

rr CO So' P P p"i 3 3 r-f. 5' H 0 3" 3“ p 3“ O ft)< p O 2 g. rr 3 o 3“ 3



co O o o VO o ' *§“ • O o 3 o' t— * p 2 s P pj P o- o 3; oC /3 c- - - - - - C/3 o •• o' a O cc PP CD CfQ o t? ^ CC/3 C /3 C/3 (G“ ~ 3 o 5* o o’ P_ S. o_ o C fQ cr c /3 •^3 3“




2 3L 5O 3



CD n h— ‘ •

i ^ 7

" * A n d

m y

c o m e s

a f f e c t i o n , w e l l

a n d

g o e s ,

d i r e c t i o n

t o

K i l l e r s

I f c -

Lf *v

K b

" I n s i s t o n


n e v ^ r


W a l t f o


y o u r s e l f ,

i m i t a t e / - R a l p h E m e r s o n



1 n e e d

p e r f e c t i o n . "



- T h e

i g e

y o u

ftgtj ini

" Y e s te r d a y d s ,h is to r y ,

" K n o w le d g e is p o w e r in t


to m o rro w

e v e r y b o d y h a s t o g o p u t ia

to d a y

is a m y s te r y ,

is a g if t f r o m \a ..... ........


G o d

in te llig e n c e , k n

E Ml • *v. ..... •


- V S 1*

" S u c c e s s l i k i n g h o w

is l i k i n g

w h a t y o u y o u

d o

y o u r s e l f ,

d o , a n d

l i k i n g

it." - M a y a

A n g e l o u f / .'/ V*

-f i . 1 X ■ C. 3 -3 '■



I “ I f y o u d o n ’t h a v e a d r e a m , h o w a re y o u g o in g to h a v e a d re a m c o m e tr u e ? ” -W a lt D is n e y

“ L ife m o v e s p r e tty fa s t. I f y o u d o n ’t s to p a n d lo o k a r o u n d to n c e in a w h ile , y o u c o u ld m is s it.” -F e rris B e u lle r

M o m , D a d , S e th , M a tt a n d D a n iT h a n k y o u fo r e v e ry th in g y o u h a v e d o n e fo r m e . I lo v e y o u ! -S te v i





\ \

t -








Chris Foley

a d io h e a d

c o n tr (I am m u lti

p H S p : '-


f a c ilita to rs


o u r o w n c re a tiv e e v o lu tio n ," -B ill H ic k s :

"K n o w

n r

to u n d e r s t

"P h ew

fo r a m in u te

th e re I lo s t m y s e lf I lo s t m y s e lf ." -R a d io h e a d



- W a

A ll m y frie n d s -

“ I f t h e g a m e s h a k e s i |^ e o r b re a k s m e,


A hope^hKnakes m an,

I lo v e y o u g u y s fo r th e g o o d tim e s a n d





fe T a k e a b y ^ r s ta n d ,



t h e b a d . I ’ ll m i s s y o u .



" S a d a ta y ." - P o o tie T a n g

P ta t m o n e y i n m y m o f ^ f r i a n d . G e l r g ^ /,d a u g h te r t h i s c c rflfe jP * " B e p e r f e c t." p l a n , s o s h e « d o § |t s e e d n o S ta y f a r ^ r o m

m an ,

tim id ,

O n ly m a k e m o v e s w h e n y a h e a r t 's i n i t A n d l i v e t h e p h r a s e : S k y 's T h e L im i t . ” - N o t o r i o u s

“ E x p e rts sa y : C h ic k e n n ew

I n te rn e t.” %

is th e

P e te S a n d e rs

T h a n k s

M o m ,

A s h l e y

f o r a l w a y s

t h e r e

f o r m e .

e v e n

A s h l e y .

D a d

I l o v e

a n d b e i n g y o u

g u y s ,

•‘T h e y s a y b e a u t y i s i n t h e e y j» o f f e j t e t d d r , t h a t 's w h y L lo o flU ft th e m ir r o r ’e v e r y m o r n i n g a n d r e a l i z e h o w

fly -1 a m " - C a m 'r o n

Oliver Gray

HI i w i fcIt*. '

« ;


Dan Hughes j

Lee Katsky

< * C :w


Ashley Lunebi

r "T o m o rro w




w e w ill ru n

fa s te r, s tre tc h

o u t o u r




a rm s f u r th e r .. .A n d o n e


fin e m o rn in g . S o w e b e a t



o n , b o a ts a g a in s t th e c u rre n t, b o r n e b a c k c e a s e le s s ly

in to th e p a s t."

-T h e G re a t G a ts b y

I >

" I 'v e l e a r n e d t h a t y o u j c a n 't tre a t e v e ry

s itu a tio n

a s ,a

life -a n d -d e a fh m a tte r' b e c a u s e y o u 'l l d i e a l o t l p f tim e s . W rite th a t d o w n . -V a n *ÂŤ*>


W ild e r


Colin Marren

" S ta rin ' a t th e w o rld th ro u g h

m y

r e a r v ie w ." -2 P a c


Adam Meli

Steven Menking 'T o t e a c h

ho w


liv e w ith u n c e r ta in ty ,

/e t w ith o u t b e in g p a ra ly z e d b y le s ita tio n , is p e r h a p s th e c h i e f th in g ;h a t p h i l o s o p h y c a n d o R u s s e ll

â– B e rtra n d

"Y o u m u st h av e ch ao s w ith in y o u to g iv e b irth to a d a n c in g s ta r." -F rie d ric h N ie tz s c h e

" W h a t c a n b e s a id a t a ll c a n b e s a id c le a rly ; a n d w h ereo f o n e can n o t sp e a k th e re o f o n e m u st b e s ile n t." - L u d w ig W ittg e n s te in

"I s h a ll b e te llin g th is w ith a s ig h ^ o i^ w b e re a g e s ^ g ^ g e s


h e n c e :9

^ H



T ^ v o r o a d s d iv e r g e d in a w o o d , a n d I - '



p la y to w in

E d w a rd s

,/* '

th e g a m e .� - H e ,



" I t a i n 't o v e r 't i l i t 's o v e r . " - Y o g i

" W illia m

S a ro y a n w ro te a g re a t p la y o n

th is th e m e , th e p u r ity o f h e a r t is o n e s u c c e s s w o r t h h a v i n g . 'I n t h e t i m e o f y o u r l i f e - l i v e ! ' T h a t t i m e is s h o r t a n d i t d o e s n 't "W hen y o u t h e r o a d , ta h

jm e to th e fo rk


it." - Y o g i B e rra

r e tu r n a g a in . It is s lip p in g a w a y w h ile I

â– Bi f f % z5 jd IS flf


w r ite th is a n d w h ile y o u r e a d it, a n d th e



m o n o s y lla b le o f th e c lo c k is lo s s , lo s s , lo s s , u n le s s y o u d e v o te y o u r h e a r t to o p p o s itio n ." - T e n n e s s e e W illia m s

H i tm


y *

. •v;




tf J 2


JEj Olj

f -9 3 h-H O >> 2 Jt3 o 1 it2


O, 3 3 c r re



4ce -4 a H •*— ■»■g ,<L» o C3 4o— ' o $3 re a '••r♦H H X) 4— 4 ja *-< xi 0-* o c— < Olj a— >> DQ C h 3 *


- " T a k e n v h a t y o u - c a n d r e a m s ; m a k e

t h e m

f r o m

y o u r

a s r e a l a s ,

a n y t h i n g ^ - - D a v e l V l a t t h e w s


B a n d :

*■ <


m ^

*» *■ " *

* : ~v


* * .s m r

Sy V

* ..- .

~ .




t ?

" H e a v e n 's



.• i ■ w *

y o u



g o

• IS


w h e n

y o u

a c t u a l l y

a l i v e , ; ..... s o

liv e

“ - T h e


* . <£•

th a t

w h e n * y o tr d ie ;

I t ’s t h a t m o m e n t in



n o t a p l a c e

l i f e " f e e l


' j f f k

f o r t h e m o m e p t . "

S p ill C a n v a s

; ■v N g?*

"In o rd e r to b e irre p la c e a b le ■**Sne m u s t a l w a y s b e d i f f e r e n t . " - C o c o C j^ L n e f










■ < *w r



S. * „ y i t f i

y /

_v ,35. - » ' ^

r t ? ••*•”*:

.i ;


if e ,. •


' >*8i

Margie Priest '*v ♦


y tim e , b u t liv in ta k e s tru e c K e n sh in

“A n d

(L -R u ro u n i

• p X

I c a n 't b e lie v e th a t w e w o u l d

g rav es, w o n d e rin g

lie in o u r

if w e h a d sp e n t o u r liv in g

d a y s w e l l . I c a n ’t b e l i e v e t h a t w e w o u l d l i e in o u r g rav es, d re a m in g o f t ^ ^ M

^ t

w e m ig h t

h a v e b e e n .” - D a v e

d in g o f all g o o d

c o n v e rs a tio n w ith th e f i n e s t m e n o f p a s t eg jg t c e n tu rie s.” - R e n e D e sc a rte s

.. “T o k n o w

life in e v e ry b re a th ,

e v e r y c u p o f te a , e v e r y life w e tak e: th e w a y o f th e w a rrio r. T is b u s h id o .” -

T h e L asK S am ur

“ W h y d o y o u w e a r th a t stu p id b u n n y

“ L if e , w o m a n , life is G o d 's m o s t

w e a rin g

p r e c io u s g ift: n o p r in c ip le ,

-D o n n ie

he" ' e v e r g lo rio u s m a y ju s tif y th e f it.”

su it? ” ...“ W h y are y o u th a t stu p id D ark o

T h e C ru c ib le

" l|®

f !

“ I ’m h ap p

th e s u p e rm a rk e t; 1 c a n n o : C la sh

lo n g e r sh o p

m an

su it? ”

"H o m e

is t h e p l a c e w h e r e it

fe e ls rig h t to w a lk a ro u n d w ith o u t sh o e s."

" D o n 't c r y b e c a u s e i t's o v e r . S m i l e b e c a u s e it h a p p e n e d ? -D r. S e u ss

" A r e w e g o i n g to b e frie n d s fo rev er?" ask ed "E v en

P ig le t.

lo n g e r," P o o h

an sw ered . -A .A . M iln e

" Y o u h a v e b r a i n s in y o u r h e a d . Y o u h a v e fe e t in y o u r s h o e s . Y o u 'd a n s t e e r y o u r s e l f in a n y d i r e c t i o n y o u c h o o s e . Y o u 'r e o n y o u r o w n . A n d y o u Y o u

k n o w

w h at y o u

know .

a r e th e g u y w h o 'll d e c id e

w h e r e to g o ." -D r. S e u s s

“ It is o f g r e a t u s e to t h e s a i lo r to k n o w le n g th o f h is lin e, th o u g h fa th o m

th e

h e c a n n d f w i t h it

a ll th e d e p th s o f t h f o c e a n ,” -

ill Schpero


L ocke

“ I f y o u e d it m y “ L a v id a es du ra.

w o r k , it w i l l

A m a rg a y p e s a .”

c o n stitu te a c rim e

-R u b e n

a g a in st h u m a n ity .’

D a rio ,

- M r .

C a n c io n d e O to n o


en P rim a v e ra

“ A ll th e n e w s t h a t ’s fit to p r in t -

so rt o f.”

-A n o n y m o u s

li I

“ M o r e th a n a n y o t h e r tim e in h is to r y , m a n k i n d f a c e s a c r o s s r o a d s . O n e p a th

le a d s

to d e s p a ir a n d u tte r h o p e le s s n e s s . T h e o th e r, to to ta l e x tin c tio n . L e t u s p ra y w e f t h a v e th e w is d o m

to c h o o s e c o rre c tly .” - W o o d y A lle n

k n o w

y o u 'r e lic k e d b e f o r e y o

b e g in , b u t y o u an d y o u

b e g in a n y w a y

s e e it t h r o u g h n o

m a tte r w h a t." -H a rp e r L e e

" F o r a ll th a t I 'v e


b le sse d , A n d a ll t h a t I 'v e w ro n g ed , In d r e a m s , u n til m y d e a th , I w ill w a n d e r o n ." -C h ris C o rn e ll

" S ta y b u sy , sta y w o rk in g , P u f f to ld m e th a t th e k e y to th is j o i n t T h e k e y to s ta y in g o n to p o f th in g s Is to tre a t e v e r y th in g lik e y o u r first p ro je c t L i k e it's y o u r f i r s t d a y . J u s t sta y h u n g ry ." -N o to rio u s B .I.G

"I g a in e d te n p o u n d s th is " D a m n rig h t I lik e th e life I

s u m m e r." - B u g g y

liv e , 'c a u s e I w e n t f r o m n e g a tiv e to p o sitiv e ." -B ig g y S m a lls

If I h a d o n e w ish , I w o u ld a sk fo r t..." - E m i n e m

'A c c e le r a tio n

is f a k e

A J O rla n d o

is c o o le r th a n s i d ^ o f th e -L lo y d B a n k s

Cornell Sievert


Nancy Solberg

"I h a v e n e v e t ^ p n


g r e a te r m o n s t e r o r m ira c le th a n m y se lf." -M ic h e l E y q u em


M o n ta ig n e

" H a p p i n e s s is g o o d h e a lth a n d a b a d m e m o ry ." -In g rid B erg m an

"S h o w

m e a h ero

and I

w ill w rite y o u a tr a g e d y ." - F. S co tt F itz g e ra ld

" It is b e tte r to b e h a te d fo r w h a t yoi a re th a n lo v e d fo r w h a t y o u a re n o t.' G id e

" I t i s n 't e a s y b ein g re e n ." - K e rm it th e F ro g

"I a m

n o t a fra id o f

sto rm s, fo r I a m le a rn in g h o w


sa il m y sh ip ." -L o u isa M a y A lc o tt


-A n d rew

Will Sullivan " T o b e y o u r s e l f in a w o r l d t h a t is c o n s ta n tly tr y in g to m a k e y o u s o m e th m g e ls e is th e g r e a te s t a c c o m p lis h m e n t." -R a lp h W a ld o

E m erso n

" W h y d o p e o p le w h o k n o w

th e

le a st k n o w

it t h e

lo u d e s t? "

" S u c c e s s u su a lly c o m e s to th o s e w h o W " I 'm

g o in g to h it th a t

little b a ll lik e h e c k ." -S am

S u lliv a n



are to o b u sy lo o k in g fo r * H en ry id T h o r e a u

J i

Ryan Sussan " B e i n g p e r f e c t is n o t a b o u t t h a t s c o r e b o a r d o u t t h e r e . I t's n o t a b o u t w i n n i n g .

I t's a b o u t

y o u a n d y o u r re la tio n sh ip w ith y o u rse lf, y o u r fa m ily a n d y o u r frie n d s. B e in g p e rfe c t is a b o u t b e i n g a b l e t o l o o k y o u r f r i e n d s in th e e y e a n d

k n o w

th a t y o u d id n 't le t t h e m

d o w n b e c a u s e y o u to ld th e m th a t tru th

th e tru th . A n d

is y o u d i d e v e r y t h i n g y o u

c o u ld .

T h e r e w a s n 't done. C an y o u

Iiv e in

th a t m o m e n t a s b e s t

y o u can , w ith c le a r ey es, a n d

lo v e in y o u r

h ea rt, w ith jo y

If yo u can do

in y o u r h e a r t?

th a t, g e n t l e m e n - y o u 'r e p e r f e c t! " - F r id a y N ig h t L ig h ts

m -f





m -m




j J


" C o ll e g e is f o r w i l d o a t s e llin g ." " A lw a y s h a v e a lw a y s, b e c a u s e a l w a y s is a p la c e ." -W a ta s h i W a

'D o n 't b o th e r to p a c k your

O r y o u r m ap W e w o n t n jr te 'ire g o i n g W e Y e g o i n g w h e r e th e w in d * is b l o w i n g N o t k n o w i n g w h e r e w e 'r e , g o n h a sta y ."

" It all b b tls d o w n p h rase: If y o u

to o n e q u o ta b le

l o v e s o m e t h i n g g i v e it

g h t E y es


"N o o n e can d raw sane an d

a c l e a r lin e b e tw e i

in sa n e . Y o u

m o v e t h a t lin e

y o u s e e f it f o r y o u r s e l f . N o o n e else "O m n ia ap u d m e

c a n . Y o u ' l l u n d e r s t a n d s o o n . . . t h a t tl

m a th e m a tic a fiu n t."

o n e th a t's i n s a n e is th is w o r ld ."

-D e sc a rte s

-C o w b o y B eb o p

Victoria Tsang

jfin tro l y o u r 'p e a n u t b u tte r, y e x p e c t to c o n tr o l y o u r life ." —

B ilf-P a tte o io n .

Nick Unnold

" W e all g e t h e a v ie r a s w e

"I h a v e o p in io n s o f m y

g e t o l d e r b e c a u s e th e r e 's a

o w n -stro n g o p in io n s-

lo t m o r e in f o r m a tio n in

b u t I d o n 't a l w a y s

o u r h e a d s ." -V la d e D iv a c

a g re e w ith th e m ." -G eo rg e B u sh

" P e o p le d o n 't s ta r t w a r s ; g o v e r n m e n ts d o ." -R o n a ld R e a g a n


m m



"A nd n o w

th e

s e q u e n c e o f e v e n ts in n o p a rtic u la r o rd e r." -D an

R a th e r

Corinn Williams


KM ^

Senior Superlatives "'Tdhcsc are all ourgoodfriends... cM ost ofthem have known pou since, well, practically since you were bom. - ddhe g ra d u a te


Most School Spirit

Most Likely to Succeed

S t e p h Y a c e n d a a n d P ic k K o n d u b

M ichael B eym an a n d L ibby P e r e ls te in

Best Dressed

Biggest Slackers

C h ris F o ley a n d S te v i F e in b e rg

N atalie F lo re s a n d AJ O r la n d o

Nicest Eyes

Best Smile

d t e p h Y a c e n d a a n d Adam Meli

S te v i F e in b e rg a n d O liv e r G ra y

Class Clown

Biggest Flirt

S t e p h Y a c e n d a a n d AJ O r la n d o

N ate C o llin s a n d N atalie F lo re s

Least Changed

Most Changed

N ate C o llin s a n d Anna P u s a c k

A lex A h ren s a n d B e th C o n n o lly



Best Friends: Girls

Best Friends: Guys

S te v i F e in b e rg a n d Vicky J o n e s

N ate C o llin s a n d O liv e r G ra y

Quietest R ich C a s te lla n o a n d T h e re s a Milano

Best Friends: Co-ed Keri D eM ar a n d M arlon A leb io su


Should Have Been a Couple Amanda M etv in er a n d M ichael B eym an


Most Athletic N ate C o llin s a n d K eri D eM ar

Teachers's Nightmare

Most Artistic

AJ, Vicky, C olin, a n d A n d rew

Lisa D illin g er a n d O liv e r G ra y

Biggest Gossip

Most Theatrical

C olin M arren a n d N atasha D a s

Erin C la y to n a n d Will (Sullivan

*a$f Will and Testament the &lass of2006, hereby bare thefollowing: Mrs. B ethray- a furry p e t mole and an A lbert Einstein look-alike Mr. B onner- p e o p l e w ho actually know how to p ro n o u c e his la st name Mr. Bouton- unlim ited w e b s h o ts Mrs. Bruzik- a d e s k inside th e office Mr. C aputi- a b ig g e r b io lab for his g ro u p ie s Ms. Cushing- m ore puzzling to y s Ms. D arnton- p aint-free tunics Mr. D e c k e r- winning s p o r ts team s Mr. Ennist- a s tu d e n t b o d y w ithout issu es <5ra. Farrell- S panish-speaking s tu d e n ts Mr. G alanopoulos- Will S c h p e r o Sr. G racia- m ore time b e tw e e n b e lls for s tu d e n ts to b e on time to class Mrs. H addadi- a lifetime sup p ly o f y o g a an d bellydancing ta p e s Mrs. Khiznichenko- a Math Team th a t co n tin u es to e x c e e d h e r e x p e c ta tio n s Mrs. Kweskin- th e C h ris's Mr. L opes- s tu d e n ts who actually u n d e rsta n d co m p u ters Mr. Marsh- a chair in which to s it in for th e library Ms. Martino- a female a c a p p e lla club th a t actually m e ets Mr. Melmed- a real dummy for his crim e s c e n e s Mrs. Mishkin- an assistan t Mrs. Morency- o rg an iz ed s tu d e n ts with pen cils Mrs. Moriarty- a key into e v e ry ch ild 's brain Mr. M ortenson- th e skull o f a s tu d e n t in his c re a tiv e writing class Mrs. Murphy- AP s tu d e n ts th a t turn g o o d work in on time Mrs. Nichols- a classroom from away from th e se n io r room Ms. P a g e - a successful acting c a r e e r Mr. P elto n - a new ro c k e t and o th e r fun physics g a d g e ts Mr. P ro p p e r- a full-size o rc h e stra Mr. Pusack- a class w ithout AJ Mrs. Pusack- a functional, h e a te d b io lab Mrs. Q u e rz e - w orkm ates th a t talk m ore Mrs. Q abassa- p o sitiv e technological e x p e r ie n c e s Mr. R ichter- a class o f s e n io rs who g o to th e library to actually work Ms. Sadlow sky- a J.C rew gift c a rd Mr. S c h p e ro - a life sup p ly o f chew ing gum Mr. (Sinnott- a nail c lip p e r Mrs. (Sotire- s tu d e n ts who sign o ff on th e ir tran sc rip ts Ms. S trohm eier- a re n e w e d sup p ly o f herb al te a to drink during lo n g er advisory p e r io d s <Srta. Thieme- a ski trip Mr. T ra p p a pair o f stilts Mr. Turshen- a new neck s tr a p for his g la sse s and a d em erit Mr. Vasey- a p erso n a l S tarb u ck s machine in his classroom Mr. Van Etten- an inflattable Mrs. C laus Mrs. W agner- a g o ld -p la te d c o p y o f th e s tu d e n t h an d b o o k Mr. W allace- ADD m edicine Dr. Zoubek- an office organizer 182

"Back to the R itm " Alex Ahrens- Dies in his sle ep when angry demonic cartoons attack him Marlon Alebiosu- Disappears with the night Liu Allen- Has a panic attack and ex p lo d es when she realizes that movie-making club will never produce anything Katie Baker- Swallows her tongue and chokes to death Morgan Barker- Dies when he finally parks in his designated parking sp o t Mari (iethray- P asses out on the senior room couch and never wakes up Michael Beyman- Dies with money and a hot wife Aaron Buggy- Dies in a black out Christine Carey- Attacked and killed by her many scarves Gich Castellano- Mysteriously disappears after graduation trin Clayton- Killed by G retohen when C retchen finds out sh e 's cheating on her with Nancy Nate Collins- Murdered by a jealous Cyan Beth Connolly- Procrastinate* about dying and lives forever Alissa Cooperman- Drowns in her hair Natasha D as Immobile after breaking her toes Keri DcMar- Dies o f hunger after being stranded in the d e s e rt with no muffler’ for her car Lisa Dillinger- Mrs. Murphy tolls her to change her conccnLraUon again and she goes crazy Stcvi Fcinbcrg- Complains to death PJ Ferguson- Dies after a successful career as a DJ with S cott Natalie Flores Dies when Nate finds true love Chris Foley- Dies while taking his driver's tost Alissa Goddard- O v erd o ses on pain killers Diego Gomez- Becomes Jesus Oliver Cray- Lives happily ev er after with Pyan after Nate's death Doug Hamilton- Headmaster ofllogw art* Dan Hughes- Dies from an atomic wedgie as his shorts continue to shrink Vicky Jones- Dies when her mom really cuts her off Lee Kalsky- g els attacked by killer ferrets Catherine King- Falls in a "crack" to her death Pick Kondub- JusL g e ts sick and dies Kay-Lin Lau- G ets trampled in an Asian P ride P arade Hannah Lloyd- Dies when she realizes she has to sign a pre-nup Ashley tuneburg- Dies when she realizes she has d ated the whole sta te o f Connecticut Chris Lupica- Dies upon realizing h e's not black Lizzy Magralh- Commits suicide after’ losing her 4th consecutive presidenlal election Colin Marren- Dies peacefully under a tree Adam Meli- Beaton up by Colin when he tries to g e t to his locker Steven Mcnking- Dies o f awkwardness Amanda Melviner- Dies when her credit card g els declined Theresa Milano- Loses her will to live after the Yankees die in freak plane crash Chris Nourse- Dies in b e d with 17 wives AJ Orlando- Sidcswipcd by the Pusack family car on the way to golf practice Libby Pcrelstcin- Dies o f se v e re muscle fatigue from rep ealed use o f sarcasm sign Margie Priest- Kills herself when sh e 's not invited to her own pally Anna Pusack- Killed simultaneously by Sauron. Frank, and The Grudge in Japan Elisc Pcincmann- Dies talking to a girl Melissa Poss- Perishes because she is locked out o f the theatre for more than 24 hours Will Schpero- Outsmarted & o ll Shelton- No one has se en him in 36 hours Corey Sieved- Dies after a successful career as manager o f a Double 1 re e Hotel Nancy Solbcrg- Eventually becom es so pale she turns invisible and is never se en again Dccpli Sood- W asted away Greg Soros- Dies o f heartbreak after the death of his fiancee. Hannah Will Sullivan- Crushed by a falling light while starring in "Chariots o f fire 2: The Little Crutoh That Could Pyan Sussan- llis head becom es a balloon and lloats off to heaven Gaelle Tribie- Has to choose a place to e a t lor Lunch O ut and dies o f hunger Victoria Tsang- C e ls d ro p p e d while crowd surfing at a W eezer concert Nick Unnold- Shoots TC and himself at TC's wedding Andrew Vlahakis- Dies host of MTV's House Party Corinn Williams- G e ts knocked out after high kicking herscll in the head Slcph Yaccnda- Dies when a girls game is actually played after the boys


Rockelpack(ACP)—VT: DORK! demented robots/wood paneling "Life is so much easier when sea-loam green is in fashion" no] knows how big of a loser i am more than u-what else could Iriends b 4 lhan 4 laug mg at eac o ei w en they're at their most idiolic?I3 yrs dude! AC,MR.LA, BC.CC.TM.KL.DH.MJB: thanx for the yrs of laughter, u mean so much in so many ways that it couldn't have been better w/out u-besl wishes to some of the most ama/ing pp i wi ever know LB:no I helped point at the world & laugh at it with its shorts down more than u-my sarcasm-buddy & accomplice in annoying teachers KBtTIG! anthro/arch: listening 2 phil's starwars ranls& laughing w/Doctor at certain members of the class-memories 2 cherish CK.LD.NF: ur artful ways inspire* our crazy day/ were pure & unbridled, lull of rollercoaster compassion—i'll love you always volleyball & baseball: thanx tor the hilaiily & adienaline, i II miss you guys! good luck in the seasons 2 come MA: u were my 1st love; nothing* nol can ever change that-thank u lor the joy & heartache, alike NATE! thanx for being there 2 point out life isn't as serious as i was making it out 2 he npeeD, Karlsdattr, Ace: my advisory/locker buddies, i love u guys for all ur very unique characteristics, communist, girl below my locker, darkness of the soul, such special memories SP: i know nol crazier than u & i don l think i II ever ligure u out--but that's what makes it fun-thank u for more than u will ever know "lile, love, snowboarding DW: u along with ur other Vi made my Its life entertaining & worth-while thanx for all the computer tips, chess matches & laughs CP.KP.AM &all my other'07 friendsdoved that u were there when my own grade was 2much 2 deal w/—such a relief 2 find des amis when u're at ur wit's end, good luck as seniors! Coach: Thanx for all that u ve done in the past 7 years: hard work, championships & all-out fun—I’ll miss it. Mr.Caputi: no better advisor in the world, pure & simple, thank u for all that u did: a teacher, an advisor, a friend. Mom* Dad: u were always there: when i didnt want u to b, but more importantly, when i needed u to b. thank u 4 loving this insane girl u call a daughter, i couldnt b where i am w/out u & ur love was the best gift u couldve given me IGSS: i love u so much u jerk, thank u 4 all the support, advise, & philosophical discussions through my most awkward yrs-u're a better brother lhan i couldve asked tor last but definitely not least, Mari: my love, my soul, my conscience, u mean more 2me lhan my words can convey, i couldnt have gotten thru these yrs w/out u there, silling in our "stupid human suits" snickering at the world* the absurdity of it all. delaying work w/ hrs on the phone. &making it thru heartaches on many levels-laughing so hard we cried; we're weird, but that thankfully means we're not like them- i love u hun ... thank u to everyone else who changed me along the way: good or bad, u helped me to become me ...c ya

KLL- Nick- Wanna see my cupholders?! Ii was all because of the lead. Pasta Nostra- Steak and Cake! Guacamole. Spanish cooking projects taking us 5 hours. Going to the South= no Singaporean chili, no chicken rice, no Asians, sad day. It's okay though. 1 still love you. Will- I'm your dead wife not your dead girlfriend! The Aristocrats. There's rice in my bootie. Who names their kid Dino? Canceling Life As We Know It, bad decision. Pink Panther, two hours of my life wasted. R....Madness. Christine- Nicepants and Fireball obsessions. It's all about white boys growin' up in the hood! I want a naked mole rat! EH visions. Soo are you guys dancers? Boston. I think I'll get myself a lover and fly them out to Spain. Oh dang, Dan sweats A LOT. Melissa- It's like Spin-Art. This YOH-gurt tastes funny. Late night movies and tortilla chips. Dancin to SoulDecision @ midnight. Lying in the street. Can't wait for the next four years with you! Nancy- Ii looks like a little poop! (EC). Hiding behind a stone wall and freezing out butts off, making 86480 snowballs. Victoria- UK ROAD TRIP. I think I felt Brian's hand when he ran by! Rivers, Tyson. Alex, oh snap. JACK BAUER IS DISRUPTING MY ARCTIC MONKEYS. Are you obsessed with MySpace? Asian Stealth: It's not just physical, but a state of mind and ultimate radness. Margie- Vanilla Wafer. Were they from the meningitis shot or Dice? Sierra Grille, so tasty. Art class. Bananas in pajamas coming down the stairs. Katie- Dancing to Rooney with the boys at 3 AM. You're a baker and I'm a Baker, so let's get together. What happens when you have two coinciding amours? CONFLICTION! All the things you said, running thru my head. Cat- Spa days and walking on water like Jesus. Good times. I don't think I could have gotten thru anthro without you, haha. Hannah - CHANTICO!! Stuart Joffee.. .wanna see pictures of my son? Never trust men! Fluffy cats with blue eyes.

KB: M eet me at fuji. H ouse rocks - d o n ’t trip. M iss ur lisp in GH. Shim m y Shim m y Shim m y - it’s on the reel. I d id n ’t recognize you w ithout the handcuffs... anti-m opey people - lets get sm oothies KL: MP 4ever. Hey baby w hat tim e r u com ing hom e? I heart life and huckabees. O M G and the scene in the m ud haha. W hy c a n ’t we ju st do the ball thing forever... it is inevitable to return to hum an d ra m a .... NO M O R E D R A M A ... m opey people club haha NU: Skiing in V T ’0 5 /’06. PC P and M P (A H H it's so expensive) hell ya. You and my brother have a special relationship, w hich i'm still trying to figure out. ya know w hat G o eat a h am b u rg e r...ju st not A nne’s (th e y ’re still m ooing) D on’t forget the little crutch that c o u ld ... I ow e u alot M R: M ovie night...yea w e've picked som e w ierd ones. C aberet '06. T im e for family dinner! LP: N ip /T u ck ... c a n ’t w ait for next year SS: hey hey life will be better... w hen w ere out o f this place! I hate little brothers LM: W ere bakin bread and we got a bun in the oven. NO the curse is on my house w om an


" ... i c o u l d s t a n d

to d o

w i t h o u t all th e p e o p le i h a v e le ft b e h in d ,

w h a t's t h e p o i n t in g o i n g a r o u n d w h e n stra ig h t lin e d o w n ,

it's a s t r a i g h t l i n e b a b y , a

s o l e t 's m a k e a l i s t o f w h o w e n e e d a n d it's n o t

m uch

if a n y th in g ,

th ro w

it a w a y c a u s e w e d o n 't n e e d a n y o n e ,


you k n o w

to s e e , i'v e b e e n d e fin e ,

le t's m a k e a lis t o f w h o w e n e e d a n d w e 'll n o , w e d o n 't n e e d

m e , o h y o u th i n k y o u d o , y o u j u s t d o n 't s e e m

w a i t i n g all th is t i m e to b e s o m e th i n g

s o l e t ’s c a u s e a s c e n e ,

or so m e th in g , y e a h

c la p o u r h a n d s a n d s to m p o u r feet,

so m e th in g ,

a n d i h a t e w h a t i'v e b e c o m e ,

i c a n 't

i'v e j u s t g o t t a g e t m y s e l f o v e r m e ,

y o u k n o w

th e n ig h tlif e is j u s t n o t f o r

m e , c a u s e all y o u r e a lly n e e d a r e a f e w

g o o d frie n d s,

to g o o u t a n d b e o n m y o w n , y o u

th e y sta rte d so m e th in g

c a n 't s ta n d ,

y o u

k n o w

i d o n 't w a n t i

l e a v e f o r th e c ity , w e ll c o u n t m e o u t, c a u s e all

th is t i m e is w a s t e d o n e v e r y t h i n g i'v e d o n e ." - T h e

F o rm at

MB: Anna/RocketPack- You’ve been the person who gets almost every crazy thing I do and for : that and everything about you, I love you to death-The Monkays/ Letters: I don’t care what happens or what anyone says, you'll always be my ladies cuz we spent the past four years together and had our share of crazy good times from start to finish, bittersweet lovin’ ;( -Charnee/ Wifey: you’re the only one I know of to be intimidated by me at first, but that didn’t stop us from having some of the very best times, you better not forget me once you rule the senior room-T/ Tsa: besides helping me get through four years of tyrannical volleyball, we rocked the locker area and the math team...the rest of my Volleyball Girlies: (Marleni, Courtney, Mak, Tat, Zhenzhen, Abby, Becky, Hailey, Spenser, Levanie & Carly) you made my last season one to remember and look back on with good memories, love you all-Big Nate: it all started freshman year (SWABs) but since then we’ve had good times n great presents. I’d be a different person without knowing you, always best of friends-Shamus/ Clyde: good times and big plans for the future, don’t stand me up-Andrew: you are one of the very few people who can turn my whole day around with just a smile, I will miss you-Lia: you’re someone I look up to because of all the crazy and cool things you do, you’ve made senior year one I won’t forget-Erin: math class...MY BABY!! interesting times all year round-Grace: I missed French class relationship talk this year but loved the student council enthusiasm ha-ha-Alex: you’re crazy cool with wicked music taste, I won’t forget Ozzfest ’05, that made my life-Steve: good luck as fball captain next year, we’ve def had some amazing times these past years and I’ll miss you-Rob: LSR wouldn’t have been the same without you, be good while I’m gone cutie-*Senior year was awesome chillin with my guys and getting to know others: Scott, Ollie, Marlon, Ryan, Will, Chris, Mike, Doug, Aaron, Andy, Jeff, Vivek, and Greg*

SM: The ones who left: JR, FV, BG, MM, KP, DJB, CB J-Squared is: SM, RJF, AA, MB Aztec Gold: the greatest story ever told Too many inside jokes to name That's Golf! CG 4 life m

AJO: SG: You are my boy fo’ life, ls l at BTCC. Bouncing your dad's house at 2. Vehicular Manslaughter in the QX 45. Before and alter Saturday detention. G olf Season. Summer 05 Get Your Cake Up. Rolltn Deep to Rye everyday. Visits to Joe and Shea. 4 Iron on July 2nd twice. Back country rides. Storming the house. A week in the trailer. For a good time call this number. Nantucket with Brooks. > our Moped Sucked. Ohhh I thought her name was Kealer. Sweet Dolce Case. You don’t want me to go get Minna. The Lighthouse meeting/escape. Deflating your Aerobed while you re asleep. Styles I . Why did Ross play out Hey 50. Indian Knoll Round 2. Brooks reunion til 8 A.M in your car. Busting a lell on Colin twice. Telling Torey the water cost money. Do you like it??? Ect. She is totally on C I I Dude my blanket is so ill. Can I have it? That's it for now more to come. 41st side... keeping it real. Good thing we had math together last year. CM: Well Hey there Bud! Hey Heeeeeeeey. We're nice at the handshake. Trips to Rye with Kendall. Meeting all o f your boys. John Jay nights. Greenhaven is bangin. Diner at 4 am. BODEGA in PC. Nigerian Embassy. Boots Magee. Del New Zeko. You are del the Rav 4 Allstar. FGFP, until he got knocked. YO M AN. THIS M AN , T H A T M AN . Yankee Game with Kerch, and Ellie. Crazy dude who knocked your side mirror off. Grace's house. Rollin 8 deep in the explo. Prom Night oh my god. Same with July 2nd. Straight chillin, with hrett, david, Kevin, lewis, luke, nick, Nauner, keane. little boy and mini mace. Gel marrenated. The lean, the clever passes, fighting every day. When are you gonna bag me????? Hahahahahah. You're the man, and my boy forever.VJ: I heart Vak Johnson to the fullest. *Deer K iller Secret*. Late days and Early Days. Jizzum. Vaktackular, your laugh. Scheming together. Doorhandles. The Rav 4. Our trips to every football game. Obvi, pert, def. Sweet vents. Double Knock then our daring escape. Brownie's dreaming. The voices. O ff Reading. Saw II. You are so part of the crew. So much love VAKJ so much. GS:Remember your freshman year? Great hugs, chillin with mols, I heart you. CS: C Nasty's house every weekend sophomore year. Bond fires, fishing. Costa falling on the thorns, hey becky. map o f new canaan, elf, rock rimmon, paddle.

“You cannot roll with me,” said the Big O, “but perhaps you can roll by yourself." -The Missing Piece Meets the Big O NS: E.C: I love you so m uch, sw eetie. Pirates chasing straw berries, ominously oh, the gig is up?, danny to nancy, yeth thirl hide behind the bush, the circle of life M .R: fancy a jog?, round!, m ovin' out, alto pride, I love you darling, throw a banger M .B: my im p o f perverse, we will alw ays share a brain A.G: pim ptastic brackneil, poom onkey, I love the orange coat D.S: solsood dude, the SO 's band, snowmen outside JG C ’s w indow , happy boxing day A.C: I will alw ays be there to listen to your rum blings, m ake your hiphop dance face! L.A: fer cute! shisago, oh my gosh, ddr craziness, creepy dance w alk A.P: V ilhelm sdatter! S candinavian pride and happy nam e day K.B. hah pull my finger, I'm a sexy boy K.L: it's a lil dood! great snow ball aim C.W : you alw ays knew how to seduce me with your eyes C.N: hey, I'm d a n ...N .D : I can't w ait for the superbow l L.B: Sugarm unch! G ood luck with A ndrew next year, give him a w hack every once in aw hile, I love you A.S: you have pretty hair, leave it alone, run to Ms D arnton L.M : talking in your closet again? the ants are everyw here M .T: m ost pim ptastic freshm an aw ard, I can't hear you through the 4th wall N.F: N O O O A H H H !!! All my theater people and altos will rule forever, keep up the good w ork. 1 will m iss you all Teachers: thank you so m uch for all the help and I will com e back and visit JM: quit sniffin m arkers, who is going to laugh at your jo k es next year? don't w orry I'll com e back


ND: AG, NS, MB, EC, DS- Sardines, Poop Monkey, ’Twitch Worthington’, parties, Nancy in my dryer, Super Bowl Sunday, Animal House, Napoleon Dynamite, murder in the dark, and way more than I can list! LA- French class, parties, and prom (too bad I didn’t meet your hot friend!) HTL-Tomato face, nose presses, Riley Smith's distorted picture, basketball, bumy, avoiding you know who, making fun of him when he'd walk into you, and nicklish class. NAF- you're my girl; so much boy talk, gossiping, laughing about absolutely nothing, pre-prom @ Alex’s house, and my Italian boy. CK- been great knowing you, thanks for all the great times! LCD- Lisssaaa!!!! Funny stories, boy talk, parties, jokes, laughing about the littlest things, burping in the hotel room during the freshman class trips, our little boyfriend Grant...changes! KMD- Metamorphosis? Crazy Stat Class, victory dance, getting smoothies with Jackie and Nat, me getting locked in Jackie's trunk, tugboat, getting busted by Newcomb, laughing when she charged at us DG- been great knowing you, thanks for always making me feel better, and I'll never forget that car accident sophomore year! RJF-Metamorphosis, the ‘roaring’ dinosaur, Turshen's class, infamous hair flip OBG+ KDpep rally! SG-red study halls, spitball, Jeff’s green manicure, videos on your cell, “Tashie beans!” and Bio class! EAK- BWB, sponge bob gloves, ’Am I gonna die?’ gallo pinto, Francisco’s picture, hot Matt, evil Erin. KTS- catfish?! AA+ RH- non-stop laughter with you guys! You're too funny and I'm going to miss you both! MW- “Hey my name is Paulina, you so sexy!” JHF- Prom was great, been cool knowing you DH-SMS and crazy NCHS kids LKeel! GT- mafia games in French class, you always knew I was a mafia person because of all my 'noises’! WS- JRP for life! Mom + Dad- best parents I could ever have. I love you both more than words can say. Thanks for everything!





NC: OBG- from “ your mom” in 8th grade, to "no mo" in 12th, you’ ll always be my boy. Just think if we were 14 right now. St. Lucia what more can I say. i would be surprised because no one in my family beefs with OJ like that! Is this a plane, is this a plane. TOUCH IT GET LOW BUSS!!! Miami and Dallas, “ 0 0 BOY” , when we spent all of our money on jerseys, you called dibs on the room in Dallas and I was stuck in the bathroom, I chipped your tooth, when you fought your sister. PENN SPRING WEEKEND, your dad made you get the orange juice, getting caught out o f the room with Coach Braun, when we got snowed in your house together for like 4 days and almost killed each other, so many memories kid I'm going to miss you a lot, don’ t change anything about yourself bro, cant wait for you to visit my distinguished self in V A ! Scoop- “ CHUCK NORRIS” I had to put that first so I ’ m clear of any round house kicks in the near future, u said u would let Braun run scram on you, Coach FISH! From the “ exploded” conversation with mom, to your New Hampshire wife almost robbin my chain, these past 4 year have been crazy, I don’t know what im going to do without you (NH). remember screaming out the window in the Hamptons or getting no sleep in Dallas/Miami, when you were "done with diversity” , talking junk about that girl while she could hear you at the batz. St. Lucia 06! Moose, PES, DarkNess CN- your all my boys for life. I have been thru too much with you guys, like carrying pete all over shippan, lookin for marlon in Dallas, calming moose down be4 he had the chance to k ill pete, takin care of lup, going to miss you boys. NAF-too much to say about you, we had our ups and downs, but whats done is done, and were still strong, im going to miss you girl. And yes I still think your selfish, stingy, and spoiled but I love you the way you are, don’t change.VJ- thanks for my love shack, my bedroom, the knicks game, to the drama I caused for you, I wouldn’ t change anything for the world, be safe in college, ur like my sister I always got you back, my nucca H L- “ all my life” , pokemon cards, "S IK E " you re a shop-a-holic!!! Im going to miss you!land remember whats done is done. KD- JENGA!! ENOUGH SAID!! AJ + Jewish American princess- M Y BATHROOM (NH) ENOUGH SAID! MB: math class AJL: DSL. SG. RT, AZ, KD, MC- hold down the field for me + remember “ do the right thing" SIKE

OBG: Nate "Red Dot" Dogg— you are my boy you taught me how to be thug and talk to the biddies, I don’t want u to get all movie star and all and be too famous to speak to your boys. Diversity conference the three money trifecta— and I def pulled an ill DIBS, St Lucia crazy times. 4 days when we were snow d in 1 wanted to k ill you. Constant Chappell watchin. I love you man. you are like my brother, I m going to miss you stealing all o f my Snapples. And thank for chipping my tooth and really messing up my game. Spring Weekend at PENN was great and w ill be great this year. Love you man. Lupica: Boston is so close I can feel should be fun , "A Sailor good man. W e’ ll sail without him, "DW ARF. Wedding Crashers and Harold and Kumar. OC night baby. Snapple Fountain w ill definantly work. I would be real surprised cuz no one in my fam ily beefs with Oj like that. MOOSE- We still don t know who has the bigger head. You are my boy one o f my first friends at King. Always be my favorite DES. Blackie-I couldn’t make it through AP Bio without you man, I don t know boy. we came into school together and now we leaving together. Popcorn player. Vicky-Knicks games were great and just Triscuts and Cheddar, Bangin. We have had good and bad times but there are gonna be bangin times in Boston together. Straight L ’in cada al dia. Love you PS22- You make me feel smart and owe me so many drives for driving you around for a year. We have had banging times, always my traveling bud. Remember Beningans. ZAG Nutz- just a straight Clown. You are always down for anything you’re my boy. Steph-we talk about everything, you're the coolest gurlie I know. Keri, Carla, Stevi- My true girlfriends I love you guys. AJ and Colin-just straight L ’in, ColinAjGay, KDeregt- See you at tufts next year. MCarbs-lpso facto I'm your boss. AB-Boys for a long time, need I say more, CS-Gooood neighbor, MR-TONI. RT & MC-trouble twins, always down for a fight. Nourse- geeze u say stupid stuff, I ’ve known you forever even though u are like 25. RK. A V , SG- Akon and SGeezy, you’re my boyyy. Dreggina- even though I ’ve known you for a year u are my boy. JHerritt-Stay Black. I Love A ll you guys

I 87

Andrew Vlahakis L P : A P : R e a lly re a lly sm a ll p e o p le ? fo r b eef, an d H ard co re

S arcasm

I g e t th e la st m id g e t a tta c k !

K B : T h a n k G od

V T : G -T o w n

m a th le te s a n d th e s e x y y e llo w

m y eco n guy. Say

is life .

p a n ts m a n ...

m e m o rie s... M B : Y o u ’re

it w i t h m e : W e ’r e m a d a s h e l l a n d w e ’r e n o t g o n n a

t a k e it a n y m o r e !

L D : L ib b y

C h ie f K a ic o m e w itc h u ! P u sh -U p Q u e e n ...

k isse d

m e!

B C : S e x y M A A A A A A A A N !

T M : G O


h e lp in g m e su rv iv e o u r fa v o rite c la ss. H aaaaaaaaaaav en !

L A : W h o le so m e ?

N S: Jon

JA C K E T S !

A l l h ail

O h p o o r little T h a n k s for

E C : C .K . D e x te r

S te w a rt fo r P re sid e n t, 2 0 0 8 .

G T :

Ohh, 1

fo rg o t w e h a d lu n c h o u t to d a y .

D id I d o th e w h a t h o m e w o rk ?


Y o u r sm ile m a k e s m y d ay .

B io 0 4 -0 5 : M u rra y



T h e a tre : A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ! m e a n t “ to f lo w ” ... M E !


sa id w h a t?

F r e n c h - e r s : W e l l , s h e t h o u g h t it

B ro w n ie , a n y o n e ?

W e lo v e M T , N F , JQ , a n d S K .

H e a d se t-e rs: S IN G


G W B : T h a n k y o u f o r p ro v id in g

m e w ith so m u c h c o m e d ic m a te ria l.

A s h le y -

"T he G o d s en v y

B ecau se any

us. T h e y e n v y

u s b e c a u s e w e 'r e m o rta l.

m o m e n t m i g h t b e o u r la s t. E v e r y t h i n g

is m o r e b e a u tif u l

b e c a u s e w e 'r e d o o m e d . Y o u w ill n e v e r b e lo v e lie r th a n y o u a re n o w . W e w ill n e v e r b e h e re a g a in ." is a c c o m p a n i e d b y a c t i o n ." B lo n d e s fo rev er!!

"A ll s p e e c h

A n n ik a : m y

i s v a i n a n d e m p t y u n l e s s it

w ife , th e e n d . C a t &

m y frie n d s . D y la n : I w ill b e s e e in g y o u . T h a n k su p p o rt. Y o u w e h a d fu n


fo r th e fa ith and

w ill a lw a y s b e a p a r t o f m e , I p r o m is s .. .h a h a ... W ill:

a n d w ith

s a y .... D S : O y

n i c k t o o . I ’ ll m i s s y o u g u y s . S h a n e : W h a t c a n I

V e y . W h a t ’s th e re to sa y . W e h a v e fu n , th e ta lk s a

g r e a t a n d e v e r y t h i n g e ls e a n d t h e r e is N O


; - ) I ’ ll k i c k y o u r b u t t i n p o o l t o o . R i c k : S e e y o u y e s . . . I ’ 11 b e s e e i n g y o u

you can


h a n d le m e

in c o l l e g e a n d

l a t e r .... T o e v e r y o n e e ls e : I t’s b e e n

in te r e s tin g ... b u t w e ’re d o n e , e n jo y , h a v e fu n . S ib s : T h e y o u r h a n d s ...

L is a :

H a h a . W e h a v e f u n t h a t ’s a ll t h a t n e e d s to b e sa id

s c h o o l is in

CW- Cam- You’re the best big brother anyone could have asked for. Not going to lie, some days I wish that you hadn’t gotten into college so you could just chill with me and tell me dumb stories about eagles and bunnies and bike racks every day. Mommy & Daddy- You guys are my support system...maybe just a little too supportive sometimes. Seriously though, I would be lost without you. CLW- My baby, what am I going to do without you next year!? I hope you get to plenty of “study groups” and are very productive. I couldn’t have asked for a better “sister.” Take care of yourself next year love. MGW- Gail Force Winds, you hit me with my eye!! I'm gonna miss vaca’s with you chica. Love you little sis and be safe next year. VAKJ- What is there to say to the girl that corrupted me other than thank you. You def helped make high school toerable. SRF- I don’t know how Fm going to be able to handle not hearing your laugh every day next year. 1 hope when I grow up I can be half the woman that you are today. WLS- You are def one of the people I'm going to miss most next year. Even though you’re usually too busy for me I love you to death. I’m def not looking forward to finding somebody else’s planner to write in. Sad day. NC- It’s been an interesting year but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I remember when you were the shy kid afraid too afraid to talk to me and come swimming at Ollie’s house and look how far you’ve come haha. KDHopefully when we’re home from school we'll have some more loud diner chats about dogs, I mean boys. ER- Damn, now I have to find somebody else to make KLHT Kooking Klub signs with. OBG, RS, CL- You’re my boys and Lup, you are def the blackest white guy I know.

CN- H Y O N SO N M G O N SO N EV E R Y O N E ! Loop- w eve gone from the booth to the basem ent from w endys to subw ay (perhaps w hite castle) from the blazer to the saturn to the tacom a to the jeep , from sneaking out in early O ctober cuz I sealed that deal to com ing hom e at 3:30 after you sealed that deal, w edding crashers til wee hours o f the m orning, but m ostly us ju st sitting around being idiots, its all been great bro, ur my w ing m an on every road trip. Big buddy N ate-1 love to describe you as the person m ost likely to create an annoying sound with som e object. I seriously respect yo u r gam e son, ur my big buddy and I love how you brought jenga into my life. O w iber!!! Yo w eve been boys since CLC! th at’s m ore years than I can count on m y hands bro, H ollom an, haha you used to play lax, is it ur gurr? M ay I go B A F R O O M ?!? M ross- it w as a good day when you guys picked us up on the rainy corner, w e ’ve gotten pretty close since then im gunna miss ya kid. Keep that good head on ur shoulders bud G racie- 143 <3 we shouldve dated, I still want my 6 seconds, m y bad on brian but I love that kid, hold dow n the school when Chris and I leave and try not to go too crazy w hen w e ’re gone, I love you Soccer and Lacrosse - C arberry, jew f, petey hank m enking brenty,fatty, rick foley D FENCE riley all you guy I love yall, you brought me a lotta good things and im gunna miss it m ore than anything else All my teachers, Jason, D ave, Bennist thank you all so m uch for all the support and love that y o u ’ve given me, especially Mrs. Kweskin __________________

CS- Jesus-Donj|t talk to you or your dad much, but put in a good word for me aight?..Mom and Dad ;V thanks for making me stay in line. Buggy-We ride together. We die togetherjK.,best things in life „3 The Masters of Holland, Lacrosse, hunnies(haha lacrosse bo-eyyy. Zac jV Quit Bugging, John jV Quit Bugging. Pernick ;V MmmmjKHoney Mustard?;K BJj|s! A.G., A.Y., R.P., C.P., Z.S., N.W. a.ka. L.S., A.B., J.R.,.A.O., J.K. jV Take a drive in the M5? Dan Hughes-I got your Seton Hall Sweatshirt. Menking-remember me. Big Hughy-I will hit up Suej|s with you this summer. Keri,- Whats your bowlers rating? Marlon ;V ima see one of your games next year fo sho Leigh Abear jV Yo Katsky!;Kha. Schuyler-keep lifting ima cop a spittoon. Anya jV what if someones name was anya most? jKNourse iVQuit savin j| those IM convos. Hail to the Dutch,K. Brooklynaze haha ;Khaha Dairy Queen used to be so much more fun;K Game ;V keeping runnin the rap game, 50 jV stop snitchin, buck jV you as skinny as the passion of Christ dude, Lloyd banks jV you;|re the only good rapper in g-unit, keep it goodjK.LastlyjKChauncy, Rasheed, Teyshaun, Rip, and Ben jV keep it real out in my home, Detroit! m

"Celebrate your youth." Always, -L izzy

Erin Clayton: Nancy- “ Ma da beechy mama!” "Leave me alone. I ’m trying to read!" oversleeping on the choir trip. Homecoming. The Diary. "Ominously: O H !” Running around in cat suits! “ When I think of strawberry suits I don’t think M O N EY!” fun times in the parking lot at lucky’ s Melissa- “ We’re not friends!” " I t ’s the circle o f life !” "What about cheese?” Dan on the 11:30 train. "Bernardine Ray Dohrn, just say her name...” "Yes. Sir!” Alissa C- "Hey, I like to balance, alright!?” "Now that’s just not cute!" I ’ m excited to live in our commune! Deepti-“ Is Ern here?” "W ild thing!!” “ So, what are you girls doing tonight? I have this friend he wants to hang o u t..." “ That sign says no sm oking...” Alissa G- Sorry about the Ferris w heel..."M y talent is cutting o ff my ha ir..." "The chain!” Being awkward in that gas station. "The leaves are okay.” riding in the car with my aunt for 6 hrs Lia-“ Eating with eight?" Hitting the waiter at your party.. ,M ari-"M y baby!! And the equation for this problem is..."O h math class, good times. Lisa B-I love you sugarmunch! "What language is that in? English...’’Cream soda. Crazy legs backstage, running. “ H H E E Y Y !" The drawing o f Ms. Prism.. .Charnee- “ H i..."Laura- "I have a story about glass..." "Oh my god! The Ants!" Maggie- 1 love you! Sorry about the projectile spitting... Chris- “Those are nice gloves what kind are they?” Kay-Lin- "its a little dooty!" Playing VSTV in the snow. W ill Schpero-“ What did she say? Just tell me!" “ No. that’s Dramamine!” Fan clu b!! Theater peeps- (You know who you are!) You know I w ill always love all o f you! Keep in touch! Domestics ‘o5! Throw it up! A Cafembots- I am so proud o f your work, keep it up next year so 1 can come see you! JMartz- “ Are you writing in a diary?" Jumping up and down like a 5 year old. its a sword. “ This scene has no energy!” Thanks for always being there and putting up with me for 3 years. Mr. Vasey-Thanks for putting up with me being a spaz! Ms. Darton- I'm sorry about the food incident! I don't have a plugged in iron! The picture o f Elaine. ..Ms. Sadlowsky- I love you! Thank you so much for everything! Mr. M o rt-1 have used 42 exclamation points so far...sorry about that. I w ill miss English class a lot! Mr. Schpero- the doughnut holes fell all over the floor. Pumpkin w ill always be the best word. I w ill miss both o f your classes a lot they were fun. Seniors ’ 06- WE DID IT! "Buddy Check!” Everyone in this school is so WEIRD!

AC: Melissa - M of MAD(yay dance), four starch = forced arch & P.K. = pique.. .Cooking pancakes at breakfasts (yay mickey mouse), the pants, set painting for pan paint everywhere walking around barefoot. Christine - Let's not be rash. Porous Llama lemon cake and kids not knowing how to count change great times. Erin - That’s just not cute - car ride after homecoming one of a kind, good times. Double secret probation, I finally saw animal house. Theresa - Don’t know what I would have done without you these past four years, yay to having classes together and matching schedules. Beth where are my keys? Oh soccer seasons. Nancy, Melissa, Erin - New Years great times ladies..skeelball, 10 pts! Dress up & parking lot photos, sunglasses. Dan!(sadly Dan was not the man)..nice gloves..‘hey Cody great job’- Movin’ Out amazing! Parkway diner too many memories. MR, CTC, KL wishing stones, booties. Hawaii, Miami, Dallas - SDLC fun times folks. Art majors (DJ Nee') S.C. stage crew Throw it up! Heeeeyyy! Earnest ’05. Cabaret ya’ll are amazing! KLHT theatre - 1 11just sum it up with that. In writing these 1 know I’m never going to remember every inside joke, funny, or great moment, so 1 want to say thanks to my friends and teachers lor a great four years. We had some good times, some great times, and a whole lot of fun, despite all the hard work. So to all my friends thanks for making my high school experience one to remember, thanks for making these past four years amazing. Best of luck in the years to come and keep in touch. Congrats class of ’06!


MJB: (In no p articu lar order): DH: It will alw ays be D oug time, no m atter what time it is; M A: I’m sorry, w hat w as D artm o u th ’s football record last year? AG: I will always rem em b er the m an date. AP: I’m sorry, did you say som ething? I'll call Target next tim e I see tw o colored candy corn again. DS: You are my favorite Silverminer, by far. A M : M y future w ife, there, I’ve done my scribbles. W S: Ever since our first F reshm an M odel UN trip, it was apparent that you were able to lead. The Standard and the M odel UN club will be at a loss w ithout you. MB: All the hours we put in w ith the student council w ere w orth it, we really did m ake some difference. EP: T he w itty banter w ill be forever rem em bered, “nerdlinger! stupid face!” VT: O f all the one-liners, I think this one sum m arizes it the best: “They took my m otherboard.” BC: A lw ays w itty, frank and charm ing. Snap out o f your “reflective m o m ent!” GT: “H ey, w ant to go to the isolation room ?” TM : A lw ays smiling, never getting m ad, you are an exam ple to us all. A A: I’ll never understand how you pulled everything off, I am in awe. SM: E ver since third grade, y o u ’ve been an am azing friend, but if y o u 'll excuse m e, I have to take a porcelain cruse. CW: D on’t ever let any R ussian substitute teacher tell you w hat you can and can ’t do! To everyone else that I d id n ’t m ention due to space constraints: goodbye and good luck, I will rem em ber you all.

Stevi Feinberg \0

si ft! I


LA: AG- The art m useum -T hirty m inutes, G elatos and really fizzy sprite, HUGE elevators, “W hy is he kissing her like that?” “It’s called The V am pire - Soul Caliberl-Y um m y sushi, yum m y chocolate especially hot chocolate, hahaha French class with dear old K ram er DS- “H ello B rothers” , O ur escapades to visit V ick or just hang out at B orders dodging teachers, A pple Picking. Beauty and the Geek, English Class w ith K w eskin, M ath class w ith M orency (w hat is that about!?), Bio with Caputi, A nd all our free periods, Y um m y 3/4-1/4 lunches, or 50/50, w hatever, umm, yah it’s all been a lot o f fun. Oh and the leaves are SO not okay! LP- The many days at B orders, D inner at yo u r house, flipping signs, sorry about the scar, introducing you to H ouse, All the help y o u ’ve given me, KL- M iddle School Memories! H ahaha! G osh, the lem on sour candy thing, Alii and C harlotte. ECApple picking haha, the good tim es and sleepovers. T he art m useum see above, sorry I’m too lazy to rew rite m em ories. N S- D D R haha, fun at my house, my star chart. Freshm an year I first m et you and we saw the house o f the psychic! We went inside hahaha!! U sed her bathroom . T hat w as soo funny. M B- A pple picking once again good m em ories! N F- D ancing and sleepovers, our long talks and bonding. I ’ll w rite m ore in ur y ear book, but I gotta get my scribbles in, last minute, I’m such a slacker. E veryone else w ho I m issed because I was rushing to get my scribbles in: Y o u ’re like a fam ily too me! Stay happy 9

Christine Carey

CL: Nate, Ollie, Nourse: What can I say? You guys are my boys forever. We are going to the top one way or another. No matter who I meet or where I go you’ re the original crew and I 'll never forget it. Cream o f the crop baby. Nale:The big man. Hey duuuuude. I ’ ll never forget carrying you up the stairs at wirths, the classic times in the hamptons, Mandela specifically. You losing my keys at Moose’ s. Our four days o f living out o f my car in the summer. You always w ill be the finest doctor around...Your birthday present that kept on giving. Throwing salt all over your game at SG's that night. Coach Fish said I could. "That would be like comparing me to a horse..." night in your bathroom (NH) Dallas, Miami then St. Lucia. Enough said. Nourse: M y wingman. The closer. Sealing the deal. Wendy’s and Subway. Staying out till the sun came up after our last night o f first semester. The booth. FAA's. Romantic Comedies all day. Liz. The basement. Much love to Mr. S, you may have won the battle, that Night at Cwirths. The road trip to Boston. Ollie: Thursday nights. Boston. "W e 'll sail without him.” After prom. Snapple fountain. The “ Touch It” dance from Dallas. Dwaaarf “ What T iiiim e is it?” St Lucia, we haven’ t even left yet but I expect nothing less than classic status. Grace: My girl. Chilling in your basement. A ll o f our dates and good times. Everyone thinking we secretly go out. You after the big 12 in New Canaan. “ I want to talk to the nice Chris.” You're always there to talk to buddy thanks for everything. I 'll miss you. Colin: "Those are Gunthers” Hurt Mcgurt. Oh Word I. ..’’A ll signs point to Rome.” AJ: Our topless habachi chet. “ Gone to Santo Domingo” you're the man dude. Keep it real always. Nino: White team baby. That night at Nate’ s watching chapelle. Zydrunas Illgauskas 15$. Marlon: We miss you kid. The real Marlon in Dallas and Miami. Crazy nights at the diversity conference. You’ re my boy man I wish we could have chilled more. To the 06’ Basketball team: Much love whatever happens from here on out, we were a fam ily this season. I couldn't have picked a better group o f kids for my last season, thanks for everything. Mrs. Kweskin. Mr. G & M r Schpero: Thanks for putting up with me for so many days in class. You have no idea what a tremendous impact you have made on the person I am. For that I w ill be forever grateful.

KD: Natalie- my babygirl fa life. Weve had so many great memories I cant even remember. You were my first friend at school and its just been crazy since. Weve been through it all girl! Nasty girl, slammin into walls in the hall, knockin kids remember we knocked that girl with a sling too funny, good times at tu casa y mi casa (makin me want to do bad things u know k what im talking bout), wastin time with boys, U KNOW!, sleepin way too close, goin to m.v. ' together, talking bout these nasty chicks who aren’t worth a dime. Its been lovely. And to end it the best time we ever had together, I didn’t forget, was when u would sleep at ma house for 2 days in a row and we would just chill and have the best convos u were like my sis. I love u girl. Steph-You’re the best we go wayy back. I cant remember the last time we fought or didn’t get along. We have countless mems...knockin kids at tor, screamin for no reason, throwin things, bball booo, laughin forever..we stay laughin haha I still cant forget that time we were watchin funniest videos and we fell out laughin. We have the greatest discussions just bout the future and life, ur a true friend I love u. HL-bball never ends. BBall grls-weve had some funny times and BB-stay up RS, MA- yall r great thanks for always bein there. Marlon with all the good late nights on the phone. U two r like nobody else. OG,CL,NC- yall r my boys we always have mad fun together stay true. RH.AA- yall r the best youngins I know. The sleepovers, car rides and discussions are classic, nsync, ruthie messin up, all the trips weve been on. I love yall, yall r hilarious. AM-1 hope we get to boston ha. Steves- we always have a good time together when we go out, great times. RF,MB,RK,AA,CF- yall 5 are mad funny stay cool. PS,MC,RT,SG- yall crazy, good times, stay good. Everyone else I left out, no hard feelins I can never remember when I need to. Mom,Dad, Troy,Brent and my fav. 3 Cousins yall r my everything.


vIR: CTC & ACC: Corn w/ whart inside! Pasta what? MAD dance. "Alissa, stop doing lyrical!” Prom shopping 2 days b4 irom? Traveling pants! Oh, no! Air heads, friends, & a basement, never a safe combo. Photo shoots in target! Pity Parties! The love & support are incredible. BFFAE ADP: My other half, my friend my family. 13 yrs going on a bazillion! Love 'ou to pieces. ESC: pimped out chrome rims! Cheese! Let’s put the chair in the passenger seat! Where do we go? School? (ou can go on small world by yourself! xo NCS: Chaperones 05, go play in traffic. De wiffenpoofs, Hey Nance, I'm on... just spent 4000 dollars on a couch! Sweet! Ice skating like mad! xo CCN: clearly, u meet the craziest people @ bus stops, •orever loving Dan! Blonde or Blind? Neighbors! We should make those paper cups w/ string. From random questions to llamily dinners, thx for helping me through it all, the good & the bad. Much love. KLL: Smolton Valley Murders! Gofer ® 10:30, did he ever throw those spoons out? Tortilla Chips & Notting Hill @ 1. Dance parties, “This yogurt tastes funny. (That’s because its mayonnaise. Oh, right then” Skidmore TO! ERM: Jeannie visits, SS dilemmas, thick & thin we’ve been here for each other. Love you! HTL: playland counselors, living it up in pound ridge, Katonah Bagels, & mix cds! SS: rom Disney to Graduation, we’ve done it all. Thx for the love & support. WS: Choir, musicals,---- Madness, it’s been fun, hx for always bein there, & ill miss ya next yr! NRMLU: lab partners for life! Thx for the memories. I will truly miss you! juillermo: Thx for the laughs & support. Good luck next yr! OBG: Hey toni! Thx for the good times & ice cream! NC: oh think they like me! So glad we became better friends this yr! Theatre folk: LB, AS, HS, MN, LM, RI, MT, NF, NS, EC, \C . CN, WS, LM, CW, KG, ER, Choir: My 2nd family. “The Dog cart” “Ms. Martino that balloon doesn’t look like a word.”, "You made me lose my rhythm!” What? I'm sry I can’t hear you through the 4th wall. "That's so hard! Yeah, it’s ailed acting” we want Dixie Duvall! Never have I ever, Hubert I’m cool, Earnest 05 ride or die! (all you Hayles xo), Who langs deer from a tree? Not everything is about you, Andrew Serkes! Seniors 06: all my love! Thx for a great run Cheerleaders: it’s been a great 4 years xo! SH: Thx for teaching me to dance, seeing Movin’ Out w/ me a million times & living me advice. Lotsa love MVE: thx for being my partner in hair! You’re the best! Ms Sadlowsky: thx for finally being ny teacher & keeping us all sane xo! Mrs. Cushing: thx for the great chats & tons of toys! JMarts, Sco Vase, Doctor. Mrs. dish, Mr. Schpero. Mr. Caputi, Mrs. Darnton: Thx for putting up w/ my neurosis, explaining that I don’t always need to ay I’m sorry, teaching me about life & believing in me. much love! My family: thx for everything you have done for me! (ou have my heart xo. Shmarie Louisa: ‘Lil Johnson!. How did I not wake up? Say crack again. OMG Danny Devito I ove your work! Winter vacation, charades. Good Will Hunting. Feel like I’ve had ya my whole life. To many years ahead if us LRB: "Ain’t no mountain high enough, Ain't no valley low enough, Ain't no river wide enough, to keep me from getting to you babe!” Forever & always All else: “Thank you lor the music, for giving it to me...

To my■ friends: S "As we walk down the road, we'll never g think twice, these memories are made forever. And though we're off to ;;■different worlds, somehow we re % together...because deep within our . heart...these memories are made • forever." - Mystic Pizza J jSLove Elise (DjOUji





Lisa Dillinger: high school has been awesome... thank you to all ot my friends who have supported me along the way! Kitcat: I love you, we should get cutest couple!", my other half, spring break, our "tunny walks , I'm hopeless when your absent, my bestfriend, my confidant... my (taller) sister. Lisa B: "L&L" haha wow, spending my senior weekends at your house, O.A.R. concert never forget, cabaret boys, our secret hand shake! Katie B: friends since baby years, reunited and corrupted by high school, English class... omg. Ashley: wow from middle to high school... crazi times, prom sleepovers - all 4 years baby! "who's hand is that!?” haha. Kim C: klht theatre...? choir classes...? ur doodle book and crazi shoe collection. "Casanova" - fan club unite! Kay-lin: anthro "did YOU read!?", it's been a great 7 yrs growin up with you! Lia: Our secret sign-language, scientist movie, you'll always amaze me w/ your beauty and uniqueness. Margie: winter cheerleading, freshmen yr madness and boys! Love to everyone... OBG, NF, AG, LP, AP, MR, WS, CW, SS, AC, JK, Cabaret girls! "Enjoy yourself. These are the good old days you're going to miss in the years ahead." UP and OUT!

"And as we wind on down the road Our shadows taller than our soul. There walks a lady we all know Who shines white light and wants to show How everything still turns to gold. And if you listen very hard The tune will come to you at last. When all are one and one is all To be a rock and not to roll. " - Led Zeppelin thank you. ryan To all my peoples in the building. Ashley you are making your mark, I hope you are more successful than 1 was. Make sure Brian does his thing to, running over and around everyone on the field and the classroom. Young buck, Lil soldier and Ruthie we had some good times through the years ha and you know that you get some Honey Mustard. To my people across the High School: KM.PR.SG .K.D, Zags. JE.PS. SS, and the trouble twins you are all my people. Do your thing when you get to where you go. Trouble twins stay out of trouble of course. KD, Zags, PS and SS good luck next year. We had fun times going out and running a muck everywhere. TO my peoples aka my boyz my BROTHA Rysuss, Fatboi NC.and Head aka OBG 1 don’t know what I woulda done without yall. Ryan its been a blast being your bro since 5th grade, we’ve been tight ever since. You are the trickiest of tricks. Ollie its been good to know you for a minute too hahaa playboi. POPCORN PLAYA! Nate, son we been down since that 1st party at corinns' in 8th grade. Bleventy seven Through all the good which was most of the time and the few bad we all stuck it through, 1 hope to see yall doing your thing some day. doing it big. C.Lupica we shoulda chilled more son. But we had mad fun when we did chill, and its to bad we all won’t hit up another conference again, Limjob hahahaha. A few of my other ppls SM.RF. and MRB so many good times laughing and freestyling with you guys. I’m going to miss all of you hope to see you guys later.To my gurlz lets see start of with Steph. Great to get to know you even though you came last year. I never met anyone so funny in so many different ways. But I’m gonna miss all the talks and laughs we had buddy. Yo C.K. our friendship now was much stronger than we were back in the day. 1 thank you for that, and I’m gonna miss our convos about life and ish. I’ll catch you in the future. Natalie wow girl me and you been down since middle school. What else can I say... Too much love for you mamita and you know that. We had our ups and downs but I think we ended on a great note lol. You always he apart of my life no matter how far apart we get. I’ll catch you later, Te amo. To the lazy one aka the worst person on Aim to talk to Keri D. what can 1 say to you except thanks for everything. You been on my “right-hand" woman ha-ha since the 9th grade. I m gonna miss you so much. I don’t think I’m gonna find another girl like you out there. To much time spent talking about everything and nothing aight well be easy, do your think and oh yea CHEEESE IT!! To my baby aka my diamond aka gae-gae whats poppin. Since sophomore year you been down with me. We had our huge bump but we great, wanna say thanks lor staying with me. I love you. Well I’ll catch you soon so I don't have to say nothing else. Magic is out of the Building


MRBAA: you do not have a gift MA: I tutor tennis and math MB: you define excellence CB: good luck CF: have fun!

AA: Mom & Dad I love you in spite o f everything everything 1 have everything I am is o f you it’ s beyond my ability to articulate my feeling beyond any words I know you love me at least this much in the midst o f all the conflict it ’ s over with its done we're beyond it always and anywhere I go I 'll hold that feeling undiminished beyond decay forever encased beyond the touch o f time Something's gotta change/Songs o f laughter and happiness comes from teardrops to rain/When daring despair, fortune may lead in my day/And slight breezes o f longing/finally move my way/Like memories of yesterday Chris and Jackie too for both o f you I echo my previous words even when you think I'm being cruel it ’s just to prepare you and I ’ll be there i f you really need it don’ t forget it better not RJ self-appointed purveyor of pestilent beats and ill rhymes eclectic tastes in all things including music it’ s inseparable from who I am Infinium E for always staying true to that raw flow for the abstract we major continuing to bear that flame Morgan she’ ll hold together you needn’ t worry though your Tonton may freeze before you reach the first marker I 'll still see you in hell vibing with M r Simon you can put your whole army against my team and 1 guarantee you it'll be your very last time breathin' Steven rippin’ it raw in whatever I was confronted with the impossibility o f selecting any one o f a myriad o f possible phrases to use here but you know what I ’ ll say anyway (alas for censorship) Natalie no matter where I am I know there won’t be anyone to match you there and I ’ m glad ‘cause I ’d never want to replace you and I could never replace you not even in dreams wherein everything is perfection it still wouldn’ t touch you never let this fade If all else fails you can close your eyes/1’ 11 be the one by your side/So close your eyes and sleep to dream/I'm by your side/No words to speak Mari as the only one who can stand my musical styles I ’ll miss you, Adam for four years with Francisco we ran that, Keri for being a lot more sane than Natalie, Andrew AM BM AOE combo is gg, Marlon the clan is back yo, shout out to Vivek. Adam, Scott, Dan, Robbi, and anyone whom I've forgotten and might be upset and To every mentor that has inspired me Mr Vasey up the Irons) Maiden is eternal) Senor Gracia (no mas pasillo del studio despues de la escuela) Mrs Kweskin, M r G, Docta' K

Margie Priest _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________L d

Theresa Milano Nick: KL- save the hyphen, lead head, banana, can you see your nose, spin art...just a few of the countless good times we have shared. I don’t know what 1 would have done without you and you mean more than the world to me. WCS- it started out with hate but in the end we pulled through. We will always be there for each other and when we all see you on the big screen, know 1 always believed in you. MR- stop stressing out and do something against the rules for once...thanks for all your help over the past few years and 1 will truly miss you. AM- my little Italian friend...from a rough beginning in 9th grade to GC Lunch Out runs with Super Fly Hits and Operation Benzo and 14-3...good luck with everything that you may encounter. LM- my football, amber is the color of your may good times, too many to remember. SS- gbfl. SRF- let’s try to not get caught next time. RMS- from ymca to now, fellow shippanimal, good luck with everything. CF- stop losing your cell phones and dry-top’s...what should I scribblize about you? Good luck in the future. NC- congrats on all you have accomplished, you worked hard and deserve it all...and art wouldn't be the same without you. MP- we have had our ups and downs but in the end it all worked out. We survived crazy K and the loss of out beloved Duchess. These tough times could only have been survived with you. Good luck with everything. HTL- you have finally hit 5 feet, and I am sorry about hitting your head on the ceiling. TB- we’ve encountered it all and I am sure the future has more to throw at us. Can’t wait for the real world, we will be unstoppable.

"It eluded us then, but that's no matter tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther....And one fine morning — So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessy into the past" - Fitzgerald

NAF: KMD: I CRAZY CHICK. U R my best friend, we've been thru it all. Dealing w. all the drama « We don't act it we live it! » dealin w. annoyin girls (Gross!) - our boys & what 2 do next<3. Then listenin 4 the best out there. U always came up w. good ones. I no U no nobody can dance like us in the car w. Ash & Ruthie. ‘NSYNC (HILARIOUS) Ruthie, U sure U no the lyrics 2 Destiny’s Child? Or any song 4 that matter? HA. 9th gr w. Ashley & Kendall. (GOOD TiMES!) Then of course there is Marlon always annoying us & interfering. U member 'em days when we would wish Marlon had a girl 2 go waste his time w. it’s been U & me since like day 3 haha. We are twins in disguise, chillin’ at ur crib w. the fam. Troy beatin me up & U jus watchin! That’s all U do WATCH. Jus like when I fell in Tech Theatre class right'1 HA From bangin’ on doors thinkin we’re real slick 2 great times in the gym. our great convos. My joyride goes on & on. the times U been hyped cos’ everyone no’s how RARE that is. the times I slept at ur house I basically live there. Martha's Vineyard. Then there's Senior Yr. HA The time we went 2 ur car 4 an hour & thought we weren't doin anythin wrong. "We’re jus gunna go listen 2 a song real quick." Our crazy nite’s We jus have the best times. All our lil’ inspirational notes. Volleyball season! 2 many great laughs. Us pretending 2 get shot. All our dances. HA Nasty Girl U NASTY. “NSYNC dance! Softball season: There is no manager like u. I don’t want 2 leave U. Know wherever U go that U R MY BEST FRIEND en todo el mundo. I promise U that we’ll never stop bein friends. Haha UR goin 2 B @ my wedding. » We're like PB&J.. we simply mix., no matter which way it lands in the end we're still on top & always together« I love you so much. CMK: It’s so much fun sharing clothes w. someone my age. I'm goin to miss U next year, we promised we would keep in touch, so many memories. BOSTON TRIP 06’. U & STARBUCKS. Our conversations w. Mommy Jill. Thank U 4 always bein there 4 me. U are such a carin person & I hope U no how much U mean 2 me. SiSTER’S 4 LiFE! <3 LAA: No that I love the person U are in & out. U R so beautiful & hilarious. I really hope U find success & happiness. =D ND: U R such a great person. Don’t ever change. MA: I love U so much! U & Joe+Lo R up there kid. BUY A CELL PHONE! RJF & AWA: U both R amazing! Thanks 4 listenin & lovin me 4 me. Alex we’ve had the best convos & we’ve made promises so don’t break 'em cos’ I member them ALL. RJ my pretend boyfriend. Don’t ever change, when I pushed 1 U & U bumped in2 that girl! APV: Babe don’t ever forget that U owe me a million bucks if U aren’t on TV. 1 <3 talkin 2 U. I'm going to miss you so much. NAC: Baby Nate!! U R my everything. You & I have so many memories together it’s crazy, it's been U since 9th gr. No that U will always have a special place in my heart. I'm definitely not stingy or selfish. I jus no what 1 want Lindo. 1 don't no what I’ma do w.o U next yr. But we’ll make it. we always do. No that U have this way abt U that’s so adorable. 1 LOVE YOU jus the way U R . Don’t change 4 anybody. Te amo. JAK. AA, RAH. SFC. LF, RJT: You lil’ ones R great, ha Best of luck next yr. I'll miss U all.

BC: If the day and the night are such that you greet them with joy. and life emits a fragrance like flowers and sweet-scented herbs, is more elastic, more starry, more immortal— that is your success.... The true harvest o f my daily life is somewhat as intangible and indescribable as the tints o f morning or evening. It is a little star-dust caught, a segment o f the rainbow which I have clutched, henry david thoreau. We can never have great poetry unless we believe that poetry serves great ends....It is not what I have written but what I should like to have written that constitutes my true poems, the uncollected poems which I have not had the strength to realize. Wallace stevens. Yet high over the city our line o f yellow windows must have contributed their share o f human secrecy to the casual watcher in the darkening streets, and 1 was him too, looking up and wondering. 1 was within and without, simultaneously enchanted and repelled by the inexhaustible variety of life. f. scott fitzgerald. F ill your paper with the breathings of your heart, william wordsworth. Now there was left with him, at least, a philosophic acquiescence to the existing order— only a desire to be permitted to exist, with now and then a little w h iff of genuine life, such as he was breathing now. kate chopin. Soy mas o menos fea. Eso depende mucho de la mano que aplica el maquillaje. rosario Castellanos.. Tu eres fria muneca de mentira social, y yo, v iril destello de la humana verdad. ju lia de burgos. For poetry was written before time was, and whenever we are so finely organized that we can penetrate into that region where the air is music, we hear those primal warblings. ralph waldo emerson. I have to cast my lot with those who age after age, perversely, with no extraordinary power, reconstitute the world, adrienne rich. To Libby: Are you really toweling o ff your pasta right now ? To my friends: I cannot endeavor to express how much I love you all and w ill miss you all. the beach boys say it best: if you should ever leave me, though life would still go on believe me, the world could show nothing to me, so what good would living do me? god only knows what I'd be without you

Rich Castellano

Diego Gomez T h e b e

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SES: Thanks to KLHT 1 have many nicknames and epithets, Im known as: DJ S-money, 5 time NGSL champion, recipient of Model UN head delegate, and finally the iiiidiot that hit that. I am president of the blown spot club, which also houses the likes of Chris Foley, Chris Nourse, and voluntarily Corey Sievert (who also taught the KLHT student body a new way to use their Ipods). But on a serious note, I would like to thank all of my friends and their families for supporting my family and me during the most difficult period of our lives. I would also like to thank the entire faculty for their support and understanding during this time. Finally, I would also like to thank Mrs. Mishkin whom I probably would not have graduated without. lues_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

To all my friends: Goodbye and thanks for the memories.

Hi, I'm Chris Foley. EB-Nobles baby! Good luck with that resolution Hank. Wanna make out?! KD-Get out! JM-I have a great idea, lets run w/rocks! RK-I like your style. Stevi-My Mom is so proud of you. Don't worry Mom and Dad, I can handle Union. Thanks for everything. Keep the redshirt on Katie. Follow the Volvo and keep it classy '06. Study Hard-Party Hard

Colin Marren

ABM : JH: you’re the best friend anyone could ever ask for. endless phone calls, sleepovcts, umic a dmb, oar, no fives, eggs, "I don't like kissing you when you’ re dead, our seat on the bus, im a t e it cold, texts, snuggles, 12/2. puerto...oh wait, no, online scrabble and so many more! I love you a ways and all ways. VJ: wait...we finally made it. field hockey drama, mk+a, tit, us opens, the garden uring bake-a-thon for AIDS day, online checkers chat, the german, so many memories. Since 2nd grade we ve been friends. I ’ ll always be here for you. have so much fun at BC. SRF: jew crew, pj pants in 6t grade. Kidnapping you on you birthday. Snowed in. whenever you need a friend know im there. KD. boston will happen, trust me. stat sucks, math is worse, you're the only real person i know, thanks for the advice and the listening ear! OBG: rides home and breakfast at the diner. Always forgetting bio lab. thanks lor the reminder! NC: my big brother or as my mom thinks my future husband. Great times at basketball. I II miss you at UVa but I ’ll visit....don't you worry. V IK IN G SOFTBALL: great times ladies. Thanks for the memories and the occasional wins. BOYS B B A LL: 4 years, mr semi never pulled through but we got close, thanks for the wins and the memories! CL: gansey who? ha CN: so glad I met you. Loved our runs during field hockey. A M K + HR: Bonjour mes amies. you both have been there when 1 needed someone this year. Thanks for the talks and the support. MUN dorks aka tanning and nails! MR: since 8 weeks. Never change. You're golden. VL: my little brother w ho’s not really my brother but is always at my house. Great times on hallway cleanup! ha RC: see you around ann arbor, maybe. WAGNER: thanks for everything you have done for me over the past 3 years. I appreciate it in ways you 11 never know. CELLA: thanks for everything coach. I truly mean it from the bottom o f my heart. ARM : Irank and margarita, crazy puerto. you chick magnet, ding have a happy thanksgiving, big neil and so many more, despite everything (especially your constant singing which drives me crazy!!), i couldn't ask lo r a better person to share a house with, you are so talented and have a heart o f gold, thank you for everything you've done for me. 1 love you! Anyone I forgo t...I'm sorry. CLASS OF 2006: it’ s been real, at times fun but now it’s over. After 13 years, im finally done with K LH T! byeeeeee

SY: Mom and Dad—Firstly, thank you. I figured that I would get the first thank you out there because it will definitely not be the last in these next few years of my life. You have provided me with the essential necessity to any life, your unconditional love. Your support in me: my academics, athletics, friendships, relationships, whatever it is, you have always had the confidence in me when I was struggling to find it. I could not ask for more. I love you. Mike, Diane. Jen. Simon—Well 1 know I would not be as mature as I am today without my three older siblings...treshman year: Canada, sophomore year; Mike's 21st, junior year; some fortunate and some unfortunate summer nights and senior year; trips to Maryland and Cornell—college will be a breeze. We have definitely had our fun and I loved every second of it. Yacenda family—I LOVE YOU! Steves and KD—Our friendship cannot be defined by inside jokes (too many to count) or volumes of essays but defined by an intangible entity. We have ail heard the line, “we have had our ups and we have had our owns” however, that line is not appropriate in our case because we have only had our ups. Just when I thought that I could not laugh any more than humanly possible...someone trips (America's funniest home videos), slips (Rick at Sterling Farms), speaks (these fish sticks are as hard as...LETTUCE.), or leaks (okay maybe just me). 1have the best lime when I am with you two. Love you much. NF. AA. RH—Great times with NSYNC and Moulin Rouge concerts on the road...Rulhie singing all out...Ashley brings in the contralto...Keri dancing, not driving or anything.. .Nat, you and me (just you and me) bustin' out the love songs. Bennigan's statue pictures in the dark and of course, dropping the kids off after honking the horn a few times. Snaps and Skittles—Soccer season was full of laughs. Booyakasha, Cha Cha, Snaps, tlub and our coaches—I will miss you all next year and wish you the best of luck. SkittlesOfi baby, skeet skeet. KingGit and of course, NEPSAC Title...enough said. Love you girls, win it again. Boys: OB. RS, MA. NC—Whether it is hide and seek, Jenga, Bennigan’s or weekends we always have the best time when we are together. RK, CF—You can always bring a smile to my face...Bobsled team, lunch out BA, how about a little lax?, magenta lets make out and the list goes on...much love boys. Menking—DDR test? TRICERITOPS (spell-check). DH. MB. CN. CL. CM, AJO, AV—Good times in class, in the senior room or on the weekends...I will miss you all. Class of 2006—Good Luck and remember.. .“wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.”- Anthony J. D’Angelo

R K :

" w e 'r e lo o k in g a t a d o d g e ! " .

"W as she a hot

o ld ? " - A n o n y m o u s . " I lik e y o u r sty le " F o le y

13 y e a r

y o u are m y boy-C F .

" B a lls o n y o u r fa c e " -S Y . L u n c h o u t b a d a s s. ”B o b s le d d in g " -K D ,S F ,C F ,S Y .

" B lu e ...w a n n a m a k e o u t" - S Y . "A re

y o u as h a iry as y o u r d a d ? " -S F

an d h er m o m .

lo b s te r" -C F ,H M ,H G ,M B ,K D .

" R ic k y ’s n o t f u n n y ...h e s n o t a fu n n y

g u y "-M B .

" w a n n a p u ll o v e r a n d h a v e a fist f ig h t? " -C F . D P .

M A G N U M . S u p e r D u p e r W e e n ie s an d ta lk (C F )- B ig R e d , G re e n D u tc h

M a ste r. "S o m e

D o n . M e r i t M o o n i n g . R a d io

M o n ste r, Z u lu , T a n g o , F o x tro t, M ongoose,

m a y ca ll N a p o le o n

E u ro p e " -C F . " Y o u h a v e n ic e e y e s"

th e D u tc h

n e x t y e a r-M iss S lo w

C la p .

little s is te r th a t a b r o th e r c o u ld

seaso n

a s m a n a g e r...g o o d

M a d e l i n e - T h a n k s f o r b e i n g t h e best a sk fo r. M o m

b e in g th e b e s t p a re n ts a n d fo r e v e ry


m a s te r o f

S G . L a c r o s s e T e a m - G o o d lu c k

n ex t y ear. G irls S o c c e r- T h a n k s fo r a g o o d lu ck

"F re e th e

th in g y o u


D a d - T h a n k s for

h a v e d o n e o v e r th e

Mici) 'Jilt

Douglas Hamilton


inSis Bkk* innbit skills

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inteii, ter-C

iiiS's ittiratasjt l;you'i;; nhien


G T ~

A A : Y o u


ioa\fc!t h a h a h a ! h e a rt...

M A : A n d


th e

Y o u

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se c o n d

k n o w re a lly

b e st siste r a n y o n e

th a t y o u e x c ite d

w ill

a lw a y s

b e

fo r D a rtm o u th

OSteli.; IWit “ C u r b Y o u r E n t h u s i a s m ” i s N O T Itjobi ■

c o u ld in


m y

n e x t y ear!

fu n n y ...e s p e c ia lly

fo r

M B :

w h e n

tsfeian y o u t a l k a b o u t i t ! I l o v e y o u r m a n y C o r n e l l s w e a t s h i r t s a n d a l l OUSi,'.' o f y o u r iv y jo k e s h a h a . B C : D id y o u d o th e m a th h o m e w o r k lU ibejas

i&jfei ms s•a .ir



y e t? A C :

F u n

tim e s

w o u l d n ’t b e t h e

sa m e

p h y sic s c la s s . E P : D O N 'T


at L E A D

’0 5 ! !

A G :

M y

w ith o u t y o u !

T M :

H a h a fu n

tim e s in

p h y sic s

d e v o irs...

P e n c ils, lu n c h


of o u r a rg u m e n ts, y o u I lo v e y o u !

V T :

o n lin e lik e e v e r y



th e

o u t, a n d IN

te n n is b u d .

S A L A D !

b e st siste r a n y o n e

A rg y le

is th e B E S T

p a tte rn

sin g le

d a y . . . w e ’re


S T :

D e sp ite

c o u ld

E V E R .

c o o l, o n ly


a sk

F u n

I all

fo r!

tim e s

n o t re a lly .

" GS: A few words: Could someone please send me the directions to the school, I have no idea where it is. I'll bet many of you underclassman didn't even know I attended this SI school! Well I do... between the hours of 10:00 AM and 11:59 AM, every other Tuesday and Thursday. A very special thank you Hlloyd. I love You Baby! And damn it, I love CLAY too! I look forward to seeing if it is actually possible for this grade to become productive members of society. If I were a }oodi( betting m an... ager CONGRATULATIONS TO THE CLASS OF 2006 AND # TO THE TEACHERS WHO HAD TO PUT UP WITH ver#

u s m

W ~f



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I | |* -

"■"''*■y W E t 40***

Will Schpero Well guys, senior year is done. Its been a great 8 years at KLHT with you guys and I wont forget it. Thank you Mom, Dad,Maya and Peri for being my family and encouraging me. Thank s to a bunch of other people for making high school memorable and fun. I hope you all achieve everything you set out to do. BYE!! -RJ


V "*>





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..... v. Y.‘. i w ^ "




j i

Dan Hughes

KB: MP - Although you and I have been friends for only three years, I feel like I have known you my entire life. You are like a sister to me, and I can’t imagine what next year will be without you. I love you beyond words. AM - 1 love you so much! I have no idea what I would do know without you. You are such an amazing friend and I won’t be able to survive without you next year—and by the way, you are visiting me like every weekend. LM - 1 am so happy that we became close this year. You always know how to make me laugh and give amazing advice. I love you and will miss you so much next year.LP - Thank you for keeping me sane through all the years—I can’t believe that high school is almost over. You have always been there for me, and I appreciate more than you know. I love you! LH - You are still getting a scribble even though you go to Kent. I love you so much baby, and as hard as it’s been being away from you this year, next year will be even harder. You have always been there for me, and I love our crazy, random times together. AH - Iceman! I love you so much. We have had so much fun together and I will miss you next year! Viking Cheerleaders: Girls, good luck next year—especially in finding a new coach. Just remember: “It’s like Star-Trek” I love you all! “How did it get so late so soon? Its night before its afternoon. December is here before its June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?”~Dr. Seuss. This year has gone by so fast, and I can hardly believe that it is almost over. I love you all so much—next year won’t be the same without everyone.

Lee Katsky H T L : K L -C H A N T IC O !, se c re t s h o p p in g a fte r sc h o o l M R - m y b a lle rin a h a h a ..u r v o ic e w ith th e s a m e a c c e n t

A C -u n d e rc la ssm a n

b b a ll g o o d tim e s N F - lu v y o u b a b e s ! W e r e g o in g to h a v e s o m u c h fu n !! T M - Y a n k e e g a m e s ..D e r e k J e te r u k n o w haha G T - m y

sh o p p in g b u d d y

h es ju st

15 y e a r s o ld e r

L P -m y b e st b b a ll b u d d ie ..c a n I b o rro w

x y z ? H a h a W W h e re r u r s n e a k e rs a t? ? M A - w h a t u p b ig b ro th e r fa m ily fo rev er N C - m y here fo r y o u

s b e s t frie n d v ia h ip to p h a h a lu v y a b a b e s n fl so o n

a lw a y s G S - 0 5 /0 8 /0 4 b a b y g o o d tim es. M y

h ig h sc h o o l

sw e e th e a rt. I lo v e y o u ...< 3 S k ittle s 0 6 - ( 1 9 - 6 ) G o o d tim e s g irls . S te p h ,K e ri,B ria n a ,B e c c a ,L ia ,A llis o n ,S p e n se r,Ju lia B ria n a -

I c a n ’t b e l i e v e y o u r o n ly

n a s ty in h ig h

sc h o o l!

in 8 th g r a d e y o u r g o in g to b e s o o

I c a n t w a it to c o m e b a c k a n d w a tc h y o u sc o re

1000 p o in ts (as a s o p h o m o re p ro b a b ly !) S e n io r y e a r ....g o o d

tim e s . I ’m

g o n n a m i s s y o u a l l .............k e e p i n

to u c h ...

_____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ m il

Aaron Buggy S e n io r S ib lin g s Qbister A>ct and O&wtherlp <ÂŁjwe

Senior C la ss Q fotam thj in "‘ T d h e


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Christian Heritage 3, K U IT 2



KLHT, Wright Tech fall


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CH — M att M eiw in (Andrew Hutton) 15:00; KLHT — Mike Ronson (Mike Carberry) 39:15: CH — Hutton (Merwin)

G reenw ich A cadem y 3, K ins & Low-Heywood T hom as 2 — Valerie Boyd had 2 0 assists while Christina Mommsen c o n tr ib u te d ^ nine kills as Greenwich Academy (4-1 ) rallied to defeat KLHT 23, 9-25, 21-25, 26-24, 21-19 last night for the Farrchester yV L A L'cnniotiAti victory.■ W ri/! Association - ‘ For KLHT (1-2 overall. 1-1 in league), Anna Pusa^1 .'service points, 18 assists and four blocks. r & Keri DeMar (13 kills, seven service i y Bo ys C




Rye Country Day 23, KLHT 32; Farms 24, KLHT 31; Ryo C.D. 26, OF. (at Sleepy Hallow. 5K) GO' 1 — Dan Gleason (KLHT), 18:58; 2 — i Vbge (RCD), 20:46: 3 - Ale* Pirro (Ri 21:09: 4 — Hugh McBride (GFA), 21:17; 5 — Robbie Hill (GFA). 21:22: 6 — Matt Flynn (GFA). 21:23: 7 — Daryl Beme (RCD), 22:14: 8 - Welles Ruhlin (KLHT), 22:23; 9 • Julies Plnardo (RCD). 22:32; 10 - Oliver Wald (KLHT), 22:47. Records: KLHT 3-4

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cored or, a 3 0 ^ ^ 2 9f)-'"’“ 1----------— G< H opkins 6, K ing & Low-HevVood T h o m as^ - Brett Sumpto ^ ^ p d T o n S . B rS n f l L w S L and Conner Duffy 1 r Uonkins 1 4-1) and goalie Dan Sperling had six saves. “ ? e ff t a K S S S l a i » Sleven K tS d A . made 21 » « for KLHT (2-3).

Christian Heritage 4, King & Low-Hcywood Thomas 1— I^ah Tucker and Amanda Naeher had two goals apiece and Alyssa Nachcr was solid in goal with 14 saves to spark Christian Heritage. Kimberly Scgalas, assisted by her sister Tiana, scored the lone KLHT (0-3) eoal while Amanda Murray turned back 12 shots in net. 212



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Himari, f t ' P(p2 a/)nJ A % % \ ' *4:Oo4^.00' Je an

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KLHT 23, Madtera 32 Rye 21. KLHT 38 Rye 17. Masters 46 at Rye, 2.9 miles


° 3p G; i Ba I 3 -

17 4 9; 2

M.« Andrya

«•, 4Q tk2‘ 6 — 09fy wu's RuhJ'n. DeSantis (Rl » ' ^ _ *

(Rl 2 0:0 7; 8 - Jame= HT, 20 '3 7 : _ zach Grunberg (W -H il (R) 20:45. Records: KLHT 3-2.



William* 2, IOHT 0

King & Low-HevwoOtr t nomas 4, Masters 1 — Peter HallRisko scored one goal and assisted on two others as the Vikings defeated Masters. After Francois Martin gave Masters (0-2) the early lead, Risko tied the score. Jeff Lounsbcrry then scored twice to put KLHT (2-1) ahead 3-1 before Kyle Luneburg wrapped up the scoring. Steven Menking had five saves in goal for KLHT while Masters go? Vjgk Brewster stopped 16 shots. - ^ n g & Low-Heywood


D e M a fhadded a c le d Pusack

own ill LHT

Caittyn Makmsky, 27 43

„ w ~

Butter. 15:10.

Goal.e saves:


D o m in g


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„ r ~ Kathen'» Chan. Natasha Das 9 Records. KLHT 1-4-? ---- -----

KLHT — Stew Feinberg. 12:00: Tiai. Bagalas, 31:00: Feinberg. 50:00.

Keri Anna of


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iFm™~ ?elav'S (Lifton) 18:00: Lftor

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Records: KLHT, 1 4 .


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_Carberry (3 goals) lifts KLHT King & Low-Heywood Thomas 7, Oakwood Friends 3 — Mike dtree goals while Jeff Lounsberry tallied twice to lead : u 1 to‘,ti non-league road win over Oakwood Friends of Pough;: ikeeps ie, N. Y. : ' Peter Hall-Riskocollected a goal and th; • t s w h ij e V ^ R o n V- son also tallied for KLHT (3-4). Colin J. X - iCf’5, ives -Lin net. if Yoon-Sik Jung contributed two «*•*■"» «,


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ax '/7>r ^ -*0 King & Low-Heywood Thomas 5, Oakwood FrienuJS*0©).-^ .WitUams 2, King & Low-Heywood ThomaSt) Caitlyn Makin. Monica Wells each had a poal and an assist Kim.', r ky scored in the first halTand Kristen Bulter added an insurance rcntsarp ana Monica wells each nad a goal and an assist, tunn^rly Segalas added a pair of assists and Jenna Krinsley had five saves ;oal in the second half as Williams posted the win. ^HT improved to 4-6-1 with the non-conference ^Do^qtreRkh^ds hadthreesavesfor the shutout while Ratherforill shutout 35 K^HT L/UUUilU|UV |\JV riuuuo u“ vy . « \/" \ t J T W n e C h a n a n d Natasha Das combined for nine saves in go or Lizzy Macgrath, Kinsey Greenfield and Tianna Segalas added [-4 -2 ). goals for KLHT. ^For,



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Varsity Football Presents—

Back Row: Coach Dan Gouin, Andy Zaccagnino, Schuyler Goldberg, Stephen Sheehan, Rai Tipton, Jimmy Voyages, Hugh Stangeland, Corey Sievert, Alex Ahrens, Michael Beyman, Jeff Eydt, Brandon Becker, Sam Henderson Middle Row: Coach Mark McAndrews, Coach James Cobb, Coach Jonathan Trapp, Diego Gomez, Eric Reinemann, Kevin deRegt, Oliver Gray, Nate Collins, Ryan Sussan, Vincent Love. Peter Reilly, Christian Killiffer. Rob Kempner, Coach Jeff Turshen, Coach Mike Little Front Row: John Honey-Fitzgerald, Jason Torey, Keil Mueller. Michael Santoro, JP Nickitas, Jimmy Georges, Tom Ranocchia, Malcolm Chappell, Peter Sanders

Even though we endured many injuries, our team as a whole definitely stepped up to the challenge and did not let the season slip away. We had to ask teammates to be flexible and play positions they had not played before. In the end, we were able to come together and did what it took to have a successful season. -Captains Ryan Sussan, Marlon Alebiosu, Oliver Gray, Nate Collins


u m

B ack

R o w : K im

T au n y a


C la rk , K is h a u n a S o ljo u r, K a tie B a k e r, L ia A lle n , M a d d y

P ic a rd -A m i

F ro n t R o w : M a rg ie

P rie st, M e lis s a R o s s

We had a really great season. The girls worked hard and improved in all aspects of the sport. It was a super fun season and a great ending to a wonderful four years. We’re so happy and extremely proud of all of you! Lots of love and best of luck next year! “It’s like Star Trek!" -Captains Margie Priest and Melissa Ross

K irk , C o a c h

Back Row: Peter Menking, Steven Menking, Colin McQuilkin Middle Row: Coach John Chiavaroli, Morgan Barker, Sam Sullivan, Mike Ronson, Peter Hall-Risko, Jeff Lounsbury, Chris Nourse, Henry Myers, Rob Crossland, Coach Hans Richter Front Row: John Qua, Brent Luneburg, Kyle Luneburg, Mike Carberry, Mike Pakula, Alex Doering, Adam Pisarkiewicz_______

T h is se a so n w a s n o t a ty p ic a l s o c c e r se a so n so c c e r te a m . a c c o m p lish e d .

fo r th e b o y s

W e w e re n e v e r sa tisfie d w ith w h a t w e W e h a d o u r b e s t s e a s o n in s e v e n y e a rs , y e t

th a t h a d n o t o c c u re d to a n y o f u s b e c a u s e w e w e re so fo c u s e d o n fu lfillin g o u r p o te n tia l.

It is h a r d to s a y g o o d b y e to s u c h a

d e v o te d , g re a t g ro u p o f g u y s. b e st o f lu c k , a n d w e k n o w

W e w i s h n e x t y e a r 's t e a m

th e

th a t th e y w ill h a v e e v e n g re a te r

s u c c e s s th a n w e h a d th is y e a r.

B u e n a su e rte , a m ig o s!

-C a p ta in s C h ris N o u rs e a n d S te v e n

M e n k in g




r ~ iÂť

"Bend it lik e Beckham" 219

G irls Varsity Soccer Presents

Back Row: C oach Peter N ew com b, Shaela G reenfield, Lauren Karp, T iana Segalas, Lizzy M agrath, Stevi Feinberg, Stephanie Y acenda, A lissa C ooperm an, M onica W ells, C oach M egan H addadi, M anager Rick K ondub Front Row: A ndrea Horak, K insey G reenfield, K im berly Segalas, Jenna K rinsely, A m anda M urray, Leigh A bear, A nya Leist, Lucy Ann M urray

O u r 2005

so c c e r se a so n w a s a m a z in g ; w e a c c o m p lish e d

n u m e ro u s g o a ls th a t w e re set at th e b e g in n in g o f th e se a so n . W ith o u r n e w

c o a c h ste p p in g

in , w e r e a c h e d a le v e l o f f itn e s s

a n d p o s itiv e a ttitu d e o n th e fie ld th a t w e n e v e r h a d b e fo re . C o a c h N e w c o m b 's e x p e r ie n c e n o t o n ly m a d e p la y e rs b u t a lso h e lp e d

us g ro w

g o a l w a s to w a lk a w a y fro m b e e n th e b e st se a so n

us b e tte r so c c e r

to g e th e r as a te a m . O u r m a in

th e s e a s o n f e e l i n g a s i f it h a d

ev er, a n d o u r te a m m a te s w o u ld a g re e th a t

w e d id e x a c tly th a t. -C a p ta in s S te p h Y a c e n d a , S tev i F e in b e rg , a n d L iz z y M a g ra th


B a c k

R o w :

C o a c h

F r o n t

R o w :

T o d d

A s


w h o l e , o u r t e a m

t h r o u g h o u t t h i s e n t i r e l y h e l p

s u c h

f i n i s h i n g

a in

S a d l o w s k y ,


m a d e e

H a r r y

B y r n e s ,

s o m e

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w i t h t o

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c o a c h e s , M r .

h a v e

b e e n

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s e e i n g


h a d


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L i n g l e


a n d v e r y

a ll g r o w

G l e a s o n , , W e l l e s

i m p r o v e m e n t s g r o u p

a n d g r o w

a l m o s t t o

t h e

M i s s a s


t e a m .

s u c c e s s f u l

c h a m p i o n s h i p

i m p r o v e m e n t s u s

D a n

D a m a s c u s

s p o r t , b u t t h a n k s

d e v e l o p

h a v e

i n d i v i d u a l

s e a s o n :

t o

G r e e n ,

D e m e t r i

t r e m e n d o u s

w o n d e r f u l

y o u n g

n e x t

h a s

s e a s o n .

c o m p o s e d

o f o u r t w o

S a d l o w s k y , w e W i t h

M a r n i e

M a r t i n , J e s s

o n

r a c e

a n d

o u r t i m e s .

i n d i v i d u a l l y

a n d

I l o o a s


t e a m . - C a p t a i n

D a n

G l e a s o n __________________________________________________________

O l i v e r

W a l d ,

R u h l i n , Z a c k

C o a c h

M a r k

G r u n b e r g ,

L i n g l e D e a n

G e s t a l


"Chariots of fire 1 223

Back Row: Elizabeth Packer, Courtney O'Neil, Caroline Nisenson, Ashley Luneburg, Mallory Monsma, Vicky Jones, Micaela Scully, Amanda Metviner, Joanna Jackson, Coach Kelli Robinson Front Row: Meredith Packer, Kristen Sun, Kat Chan, Natasha Das, Leigh Millard, Kay-Lin Lau

It was definitely a tough year. We faced a lot of setbacks together, but we grew as a team and learned to find humor in everything. We hope the strength and camaraderie we found this year carries through to next season. Good luck to our seniors and next year’s team! -Captains Vicky Jones and Mallory Monsma

Field of Dreams

Back Row: Coach Lindsay Christie, Natalie Flores, Ellie Brennan, Keri DeMar, Cat King, Ruthie Hubbard, Victoria Santos-Bush, Coach Tung Tran Front Row: Lauren Fisher, Jacquie King, Anna Pusack, Sabrine Tribie, Ashley Alebiosu

T h is h a s b e e n th e b e s t v o lle y b a ll te a m re a lly c a m e to g e th e r as a te a m c o m m u n ic a tio n . W e e n d e d


and sh o w ed

W e great

u p b e a tin g o u r riv a ls

G re e n w ic h A c a d e m y a n d M a ste rs (M a ste rs on th e ir h o m e c o u rt) a n d w in n in g th e F A A c h a m p i o n s h ip title . W e c o u ld n o t h a v e a s k e d a b e tte r te a m

to lead . G o o d

lu c k n e x t seaso n !

-C a p ta in s K eri D e M a r, A n n a K in g

P usack, an d C at



Back Row: Becky Bind. Marleni Milla, Mari Bethray, Coach Lindsay Christie, Theresa Milano, Abby Flatow, Levanie Freeman Front Row: Hailey Pizzutello, Spenser Sussan, Courtney Bruggeman, Tatiana Grunberg, Zhen Zhen Gao, Mikaela

After four years of being together, being JV captains was a perfect start to the year. What more could we have asked for in a season? Ladies, don't forget the good times: the pre-season party, stopping on the way back from Oakwood Friends, our killer JV party bus, the dance mix, winning our Homecoming game, the "Vikings" vs. "Together" on three showdown, the many pizza parties, all of the after-game snacks from Mrs. Milano, the cheerleading gym fiasco, and getting take-out after our tournament. W eil miss all of you, girlies, but we know you'll keep the JV Volleyball spirit alive! - Captains Mari Bethray and Theresa Milano

Back Row: Doug C enci, Jack H arris, Stefan Lyew , Sean Kensil, Henry van Roden, Drew Hall, M atias Reyna, Coach Francisco Gracia-M illan Front Row: Andy M arcelle, Peter G illies, C ody B enedetto, A ndrew R ichardson, Jesse Buccolo, D Beyman

JV Boys Soccer had a great season this year. We had a lot of close games and improved a great deal over the season. Senor Gracia is an amazing coach, and his practices left us with many great memories and fun times. We hope everyone had a great season and will return next year. Special thanks to Senor Gracia, the parents, and the fans. Great season, guys! -Captains Sean Kensil and John Qua


JV Girls Soccer Presents

Back Row: Beth C onnolly, Leah Pratt, M olly A ckerly, H annah Rabin, Kara Frisoli, A m y M itchell, M ary C onnacher, Coach Doug Johnson Front Row: S um m er Segalas, Julia B onnell, Sabina A rm strong, Sarah Schultz, Rachel H ennessey, Dani Feinberg, Leigh Sanders, Jenna K rinsley

Considering our team is part of a relatively new program, this was a productive season. With the help of our stellar coach, Doug Johnson, we made many strong bonds as a team and focused on learning the basic skills that will help us in the future. -Captains Kara Frisoli, Hannah Rabin, and Sarah Schultz


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I \R J* V m W N ,N .Y . — Nate < *il;ns collected 19 points and U reb o u n d s to lead K ing & , -m '- ‘ Je w ood T h o m a s’ boys hasketbai! team to a 6 7 -5 7 vic­ tory over York h e p in the semi7 tuIi' of th e f la c k Icy i ■ornament yesterday. M ik e i a r b e rr y ta llie d 11 pottns and tour assists. Josh Her ru t hat! Iff p o in ts an d e ig h t as sots. D a\ Keggina scored 10 p o o r , and ' Hiver G ray added

utnt ot KLHT s balanced scor



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KLHT 49, Horace Mann 35

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Dem ar sparks KLHT girls Ken Demar scored 17 points and pulled down 16 rebounds to help the King & Low-Hcywood Thomas girls basketball team beat Horace Mann 49-35 for the first time in live years Briana Brown added 11points and 11 hoards while Stephanie Yacemia had 11 points Inr the victorious Vikings (1-0), who had a 27 lb halftime lead Alexis Lighter had 15 points t<>lead Mann (2-1)


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King & Low-Heywood Thomas 68, G unnery 25 —- Ken Demar

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had 21 points to tend four players in double figures as KLHT won

the noo-leaeue game,

Stephanie Yacenda added 11 points. Rebecca Davis had 12 and

Allison Rand had tOfor KLHT '8-3). Hyse Duiottr had JAgj id Elizabeth McKenna chipped in with 11 for - . . at the half , »s‘-f ■• .■ trailed 32-12

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Harvey 5, King & L< v>^ .rood fhomas/Greens Farms Academy 0 — Zach Rose.,utal scored twice to lead Harvey pas: KL.HT/GFA John Borelli. John Scavelh and Mike Fepi also scored foi Harvey Sam Sullivan had 27 saves in goal for KLHT/GFA 10-31 Tvler Corsano stopped 12 shots for Harvey.

Brunswick 77, King & LowHey wood Thomas 73 — Jim Tormey and Phaethon Bolton com b ined tor 45 points av Bruaswick knocked ofl KLH1 in a Fatrchester Athletic Associ­ ation game last night, Tormey scored 25 punts and Bolton finished with 20. Josh Hemn led KLFFT with 26 points and Nate Collins added 22 points and 18 rebounds Dave Regmna added 13 points for KLHT

Back Row: C oach T om C arey, Steve Sw ett, C olin O sgood, V incent Love, C olin M cQ uilkin, N oah Fouad, Sam A lkaidas, Oliver W ald, Steven C arey, C oach Stuart M arsh Front Row: Scott B anerjee, D em etri D am ascus, John H arw ood, Sam Sullivan, Peter K ernan, A ndrew Fried, M anager Lucy Ann M urray

We had a slightly disappointing season, but we really came together as a team toward the end of it. We are a young team and we are building towards great improvment next season. -Captains Sam Sullivan, Peter Kernan (not-pictured), Oliver Wald (asst.)




Girls Varsity Basketball Presents

B ack

R o w : C o a c h C aro l

B ro w n , S te p h Y a c e n d a , S p e n c e r S u ss a n , K e ri D e M a r, B ria n a B ro w n , A lliso n

R a n d . C o a c h E rv in T h o m p s o n F ro n t R o w : L ia P o in , B e c c a

O u r a c c o m p lis h m e n ts

th is

e x p e c ta tio n s.

W e

su c c e e d e d

o u r v ic to ry


re a lly

se a so n

c a m e

h o p e

su c c e ss. G o o d

lu c k , g irls !

-C a p ta in s

D e M a r, S te p h

K eri

L lo y d

h a v e

e x c e e d e d

to g e th e r a n d

o v e r H y d e

E n g la n d s. W e

H a n n a h


D a v is, Ju lia B o n n e ll, H a n n a h

n e x t se a so n


w in

N e w

b rin g s e v e n

Y a c e n d a ,

m o re

L lo y d

a ll


Boys' Varsity Basketball Presents

B ack Row: C oach Ervin B raun, Kevin Pierre-L ouis, O liver G ray, Nate C ollins, Josh H erritt, Dave Reggina, C oach Scott C arson Front Row: A ndy Z accagnino, Rob C rossland. C hris Lupica, M ike C arberry, G reg B lanchard, C oach M ike Little

W e h a d y e t a n o th e r v ery

s u c c e s s fu l s e a s o n th is y e a r. W e

a c c o m p lish e d m a n y o f o u r te a m S t. L u k e s a w a y a n d b e a t i n g

g o a ls, in c lu d in g b e a tin g

H am d en

w e r e e x c ite d to m a k e th e N E P S A C

H a ll tw ic e . W e a lso

to u rn a m e n t, d e sp ite

b e i n g k n o c k e d o u t in a n e a r ly r o u n d . W e a r e c o n f id e n t th a t th e te a m

w ill c o n tin u e to s triv e to p e rfe c tio n

th ro u g h o u t th e n e x t fe w

y e a r s . I t's b e e n a g r e a t f o u r y e a r s

f o r b o th o f u s. B e s t o f lu c k to all o f y o u n e x t y e a r, a n d r e m e m b e r " T h e S h o c k e r." -C a p ta in s N a te C o llin s a n d O liv e r G ra y

Winter Cheerleadin

B ack

R o w : L e ig h

S anders, A m y

M itc h e ll, S a b rin e T rib ie , E m ily

R id d e ll, C o a c h T a u n y a P ic a rd -A m i F ro n t R o w : T a y lo r B a rg e, A n n ie

L ubben, R achel H en n essey

W e are so proud o f our squad this season. They started with little to no experience, but, with an "I'll try anything" attitude, they becom e the most advanced, harm onious, successful squad we have ever been involved with. W e love you, girls, and know you can do anything! -Captains Lia Allen and Em ily K erchoff

K e rc h o ff, L ia A lle n , Je n n y

"Bring It On" 241

Junior Varsity Basketball

B a c k

R o w :

C o a c h

J o n

T r a p p ,

F r o n t

R o w :

B r y a n

S a r n e r ,

S a m

R o b

C r o s s l a n d ,

B e r m a n ,


C h r i s

B e y m a n ,

H a n s e n , J i m m y

P e t e r M e n k i n g , J i m m y G e o r g e s ,

A d a m

V o y a g e s ,

M e l i , J a b r i l l e

S i l a s R e d d

W i l l i a m s , D i e g o

G o m e z

B a c k

R o w :

C a ro lin e

F ro n t

R o w :

S y d n e y

C a ste lla n o , S p e n c e r S u ssa n , L e a h Z o ro w itz , S u m m e r S e g a la s, Ju lia

P ra tt,

H a ile y

B o n n e ll,

K a tie

P iz z u te llo , C o a c h M a rb e r, Je n n i

Je n

S te rn

M a g ie t

Spring Sports Preview

p P P

j\ [

m m


> Dance Team Presents "Save the Last Dance" 243


Boys' Tennis fre s e n ts "Break"

Girls' Tennis R e s e n ts "Wimbledon" 245

Girls' Softball Presents

"A League

Their Own"


Girls' Lacrosse Presents "A Lacrosse Movie"



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Class Trips "Road Trip

Everyone had just returned from their summer vacation and there was only one way to get back into "school mode:" class trips. Before all the tests and homework began, students had the chance to bond while seeing different parts of the country. Facing the first year of their high school career at KLHT, the Freshman class was off to Boston for an exciting assortment of tours around the city. Sophomores bonded with new and old friends while experiencing the historical charms of Philadelphia. On the verge of an exciting year, Juniors visited a variety of colleges throughout New England, catching a glimpse of college life. Prepping for the real world, Seniors headed off on individual trips, looking for the college of their choice. Not only were these trips a great chance tc catch up with old friends, but they allowed new students to become part of the group outside of the classroom setting.

I j



O n S ep tem b er 30, 2005, students and faculty from the entire KLHT community b o n d e d to g eth er to show their su p p o rt for those who have lost their lives, families, homes and belongings due to Hurricane Katrina. Many sp eak ers p re s e n te d statistics, moving stories about their families, and p ro p o se d drives that would b e taking place in the upcoming weeks. All th re e KLHT divisions then came to g eth er as they walked at a stead y pace around the field hockey, baseball, and so ccer fields in support o f those suffering. We would like to e x te n d a special thanks to the parent su p p o rters o f H.O.P.E (Helping O th e r P e o p le Excel) for providing each stu d en t and faculty member with a b racelet to symbolize the school's ongoing su p p o rt for different community service projects.

Spirit W eek II

"Bring it On

I '

(Spirit Week 2005 was definitely a hit. In preparation for Homecoming Weekend, students participated in themed dress-down days, including Dank Day, Pajama Day, Clash Day, Theme Day and, of course, (School (Spirit Day. Dank Day started the week's festivities. Freshmen enjoyed sporting their blazers all day, while (Seniors basked in their upperclassmen glory as they enjoyed grub clothes. Next, students whipped out their polka dots and striped shirts for Clash Day. And boy, weren't those outfits tacky! (Students were seen in '20s apparel, superhero outfits, pirate costumes, or as famous celebrities on Choose Your Own Theme Day. Students cozied up in their pajamas on Pajama Day, making school more relaxing than ever. Finally, when school spirit couldn't b e higher, the P ep Dally provided each student with a reason to yell for the fall sports teams. After a week full of fun, the Vikings were ready for their Homecoming games! Go Vikings!

Homecoming School Spirit

H Ifv W m k" r



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KLHT Homecoming 2005 was extremely successful. Alumni, KLHT faculty, families, and students alike pulled out their pompoms and rally hats to support all the fall teams. Alumni were welcomed back with open arms and a few returning 2005 graduates joined the KLHT Singers in singing the National Anthem. All Viking teams faired extremely well. Tor many Seniors, however, Homecoming was bittersweet as it was their last home game as a KLHT Viking. Cheerleaders jumped higher for the football team and there couldn't have been more support from the stands. At halftime, spectators enjoyed the naming of the Homecoming Court and a wonderful routine by the cheerleaders and Lower School students. After a long day of fun and games, students boogied the night away at the Homecoming Dance, where they celebrated victory to good music.

Haloween "Scary Movie


(S tu d e n ts w e r e still in "S p irit W e e k m o d e " w h en H allo w een ro lle d a ro u n d . KLHT s t u d e n t s tru ly o u td id th e m s e lv e s th is y e a r. S tu d e n ts d r e s s e d u p in a v a rie ty o f c o stu m e s , including p ile s o f g a r b a g e , fre n c h maids, M agenta, an d o t h e r in n o v a tiv e d isg u ise s. S tu d e n ts h a d a c h a n c e t o win b a g s o f c a n d y d u rin g a c o stu m e c o n t e s t s p o n s o r e d b y th e S tu d e n t C ouncil. W hile maintaining th e s p o o k y sp irit, s tu d e n t s s p e n t th e d a y in s ty le , a n d KLHT c re a tiv ity w as b e t t e r th an e v e r! A s p e c ia l th an k s to all th o s e w ho d r e s s e d up!

Brains vs> Brawn

"He Got Game"


'/////A s ;

Th e a tre P roductions

Fall Play: The Importance of Being Earnest

"Center Stage"

Importance o f Being Earnest C ast List Jack Worthing: Michael Toy Algernon Moncrieff: Andrew S erkes Lady Bracknell: Nancy Solberg *Pachel Ivanhoe(understudy) G w endolen Fairfax: Alissa G oddard *Laura Meli(understudy) Cecily Cardew: Lisa Boccuzzi Miss Prism: Erin Clayton *

*Beth Connolly(understudy) Dr. Chasuble: Noah Eoaud Lane: Colin McMahon Merriman: Ben Millard Grisby: Jack Harris Domestic: Hayley Smith Domestic: P o b b y Minicucci Domestic: D Beyman


H oliday Show 'Jingle all the Way"

In th eir swanky new attire, th e KLHT C hoir w o w ed th e cro w d with outstan d in g choral p erfo rm an ces and som e w e ll-p re p a red solos. The female a c ap p e lla g ro u p p e rfo rm ed beautifully, while th e a cafellas su rp ris e d us all with a few so n g s th a t w e re n o t in th e program. The KLHT b a n d p e rfo rm ed multiple holiday songs. The Musical T h e a ter W orkshop s tu d e n ts p r e p a r e d individual m onologues, and th e P ian o K ey b o ard class p la y ed traditional holiday p ie c e s. O verall, KLHT had an o th er joyful holiday c e le b ra tio n in which many ta le n te d s tu d e n ts w e re a b le to show off th eir theatrical skill.

Spring Musical "Cabaret"

The winter musical "Cabaret" did not start Friday night at 7pm. Instead, it began that morning, when classes were

cancelled in o rd er to ded icate the day to Germany o f the 1930 s and the Nazi regime. Mr. Galanopoulos explained

the co n tex t o f the Weimar Depublic and the role o f the cab aret in that time period. Everyone then watched "Sophia Scholl: the Final Days." the memorable movie about the courageous battle o f two young German students who took a stance in expressing their freedom o f speech,


sacrificing themselves for their idea. At the en d o f the day, Judith Altman, a Holocause survivor, shared her amazing story, further bringing to life the struggle during the oppressive Third Deich. Those who atten d ed one o f the subsequent th ree performances o f "Cabaret" were able to appreciate all the more the dilemma o f Fraulein Schneider (Kinsey Greenfield), the denial o f Sally Bowles (Lisa Boccuzzi), the intolerance o f Enrst Ludwig (Will Sullivan), and the shock o f Cliff Bradshaw (Chris Nourse). Every member o f the cast came together in o rd er to pay homage to the controversial themes o f the musical, making th e community sto p to think about their own beliefs and actions.



A Cafellas Second Row: Will Schpero, Andrew Serkes, Peter Menking, Welles Ruhlin, Eric Reinemann First Row: Kip Shelton, Chris Nourse, Scott Shelton, Colin McQuilkin, John Qua, Jack Harris


1 \j

\ L

S m



Third Row: Micaela Scully, Mike Carberry, Keil Mueller, Oliver Gray, Dave Reggina, Nate Collins, Ruthie Hubbard, Keri DeMar, Deepti Sood, Alissa Goddard Second Row: Leigh Abear, Chris Lupica, Chris Nourse, Vicky Jones, Amanda Metviner, Anya Leist. Hayley Smith, Ashley Alebiosu. Peter Reilly First Row: Safi McMillian, Monica Wells, Laura Meli, Courtney O'Neil, Allegra Grunberg, Caroline Nisenson, Jenny Riddell

Amnesty International Second Row: Alissa Goddard, Deepti Sood, Erin Clayton, Christos Galanopoulos First Row: Libby Perelstein, Katie Baker, Marleni Milla, John Qua, Kinsey Greenfield

Art Club Second Row: Kim Clark, Tatiana Grunberg, Charnee Purdy, Carly Shapiro, Faith Pierce First Row: Laura Meli, Leigh Abear, Hannah Lloyd

) Building With Books l






T h ird

R o w :

L eigh

P e te r

A b e a r,

K e m p n e r, S eco n d

L e a h

R o w :

N atash a

F irst Sarah

R o w :

S h a e la

D a s,

M u e lle r,

A n y a

K a ra

M u rray , C a th y

F o le y ,

G re e n fie ld ,

F risoli,

S o p h ia

K eri

L eist,

K lafter, L iz z y

S ch u ltz ,

C h ris

R o b

P ratt K eil

C arb erry , A ri

R eilly ,

D e M a r, M ic h a e l

M a g ra th M a rle n i

K lafter,

L u c y

M illa, A n n

M is h k in

Business Club T h ird

R o w :

M e n k in g , T o m

K e n

B e rm a n ,

R o w :

Q u a ,

B e n

M illard .

M e lm e d , Ja c k s o n

A c k e rly , T a tia n a

S e c o n d J o h n

S a m

C o lin

M ik e

P eter

C h e e v e rs,

G ru n b e rg

M c M a h o n ,

K im

R o n s o n , Z a c h a ry

C lark ,

G ru n b e rg ,

K eil M u e lle r F irst R o w :

K a tie

B a k er, A m a n d a

M a rc e lle -K le e m a n , C a llie L u n e b u rg ,

K risten

L e o n e ,

K y le

S u n , A lle g ra G ru n b e rg

Chess Club Fifth Row: John H oney-F itzgerald, Jim m y V oyages, Dylan W arren, T im othy Sinnott Fourth Row: Jeff Eydt, Stephen Sheehan, Steven Menking, M arlon A lebiosu, Kevin P ortanova, Tom Ackerly Third Row: Rick K ondub, Peter H all-R isko, Je ff Lounsbury, Z achary G runberg, Sam B erm an, A dam Pisarkiewicz Second Row: T aylor G ray, K evin deR egt, C hris Foley, Stefan Lyew , Jonathan Joelson, C liff U lrich, Z ack Stayman First Row: C olin M cM ahon, A ndrew R ichardson, Kyle Luneberg, A llegra G runberg, K im berly Segalas, C aitlin Weinstock. V ivek A laigh

Creative Writing Second Row: Scott Vasey, Charlie Mosher, Zachary Grunberg, Jenna Krinsley, Beth Connolly First Row: Kristen Sun, Paola Rosetti, Anna Pusack, Kat Chan, Carly Shapiro 279

Debate Team Third Row: Robbie Minicucci,

Zack Stayman, Michael Beyman, Peter Menking, Ben Millard, Zachary Grunberg, Christos Galanopoulos Second Row: Stefan Lyew, Courtney Bruggeman, Mallory Monsma, John Qua, Beth Connolly, Sean Kensil, Matias Reyna, Theo Levene First Row: Amanda Marcelle-Kleeman, Maddie Sachs, Leigh Millard. Sarah Schultz, Sydney Zorowitz.Tali Cluichinsky, Libby Perelstein, Kyle Luneburg, Natalie Flores

Drama Club

Second Row: Kara Frisoli, Lisa Boccuzzi, Alissa Cooperman, Maggie Nolin Front Row: Hay ley Smith, Katie Baker, Melissa Ross, Erin Clayton, Laura Meli

EMS Club T h ird

R o w :

B e n

M illa rd ,

C liff U lric h , Z a c k E rin

S a m

S ta y m a n ,

B e rm a n ,

D e e p ti

S o o d ,

C la y to n

S e c o n d

R o w :

K o n d u b ,

W ill

S te p h e n

H a ll-R isk o ,

K e v in

S c h p e ro , S h e e h a n ,

R ic k P e te r

d e R e g t, T im o th y

S in n o tt F irst R o w : C h ris

L ia

A lle n , V iv e k

A la ig h ,

F o le y , M a tt N u s s b a u m ,

C o h n

M c M a h o n

Exploring Spirtuality in the World Third Row: Scott Vasey, Ken Melmed Second Row: Colin McMahon, Charnee Purdy, Faith Pierce, Spenser Sussan, Rachel Ivanhoe, Feah Pratt First Row: Becca Davis, Sean Kensil, Mari Bethray, Marleni Milla, Sophia Klafter

Female A cappella ^ Second Row: Kim Clark, Erin t Clayton, Tatiana Grunberg, Melissa Ross, Alissa Copperman, Beth Connolly


First Row: Elizabeth Packer, Maggie | Nolin, Levanie Freeman, Jeni Stern, I Paola Rosetti

Film-Making Club Second Row: Libby Page, Alissa Goddard, Deepti Sood, Charlie Mosher First Row: Lia Allen, Levanie Freeman


\ â–





Fourth Row: A aron M etviner, Ben M illard, M arlon Alebiosu, Stephen S heehan, N ate C ollins, Steven Menking, O liver G ray, P eter M enking Third Row: R ick K ondub, Jason T orey, John Honey-Fitzgerald, J e ff Eydt, N ick U nnold, Dan Gleason, M organ B arker, A dam Pisarkiew icz Second Row: D em etri D am ascus, Peter R eilly, Keil Mueller, K evin deR egt, V icky Jones, Eric R einem ann, Mike Pakula, A lex D oering, K yle L uneburg First Row: T hom as P elton, A lex V lahakis, Peter Hall-Risko, Jeff L ounsbury, M ike C arberry, C hris Foley, Henry M yers, B rent L uneburg, Scott B anerjee

Gay-Straight Alliance Second Row: Colin McMahon, Erin Clayton, Tatiana Grunberg, Deepti Sood, Kara Frisoli Front Row: Alissa Goddard, Monica Wells, Corinn Williams, Lizzy Magrath, Marleni Milla 281

Helping Other People Excel Second Row: Keil Mueller, Peter Reilly, Mike Carberry, John Qua Front Row: Monica Wells, Hayley Smith, Amanda Metviner, Vicky Jones, Grace Shaker

Kaleidoscope T h ird

R o w :

J a c k s o n

U n n o ld Q S te p h

C h e e v e rs , H a n n a h

C o u rtn e y S e c o n d

N ic k

R a b in ,

B r u g g e m a n

R o w :

R a c h e l

G ru n b e rg , A m a n d a S m ith ,

Y ace n d a,

M a g g ie

Iv a n h o e , A lle g ra

M e tv in e r,

H a y le y

N o lin , C a ro lin e

N ise n so n ,

In es T h ie m e F irst R o w : F a ith

L ia P o in , C o rin n

P ie rc e ,

L a u ra

W illia m s,

M e li, Je n n y

R id d ell

Key Club F ourth Row: W ill S chpero, M arlon A lebiosu, Stephen Sheehan, Peter M enking, RJ Ferguson, Eric R einem ann Third Row: R uthie H ubbard, Erin C layton, John Qua, Z achary G ru n b erg , A nya Leist, Shaela G reenfield, M ike Pakula Second Row: C hris Lupica, C hris N ourse, A lissa C ooperm an, M elissa R oss, Leigh A bear, C orinn W illiam s, A shley A lebiosu, Tali C huchinsky First Row: K ara Frisoli, A m anda M etviner, Laura M eli, Lia A llen. G aelle Tribie', G race Shaker, Sarah Schultz, K insey G reenfield

Kooking Klub Sixth Row: Kevin Portanova, Welles Ruhlin. Peter Kutzen, Marlon Alebiosu, Colin M cQ uilkin, Rob Crossland, Nat Shanks, Taylor Gray Fifth Row: Nick Unnold, Steven Carey, Peter Reilly, Keri DeMar, Jack Harris, Faith Pierce, D Beyman, Eric Reinemann Fourth Row: M ike Santoro, Mike Carberry, Allison Rand, Becca Davis, Jessica Byrnes, Hayley Smith, Maggie Nolin, Tali Chuchinsky Third Row: Colin McMahon, Sam Sullivan, Monica Wells, Kyle Luneburg, Cody Benedetto, Mary Connache, Lauren Karp, Kinsey Greenfield Second Row: Andrew Richardson, Elise Reinemann, Kishauna Soljour, Jonathan Trapp, Gaelle Tribie, JP Nickitas, Laura Meli, Marleni M illa First Row: M olly Ackerly, Tiana Segalas, Annie Lubben

Math Team T hird

R ow :


V ictoria

P eter

K hizn ich en k o ,

M enking,


Q ua,

R achel W illiam

W allace Second

R ow :

G reenfield,

L u cy

Z ach ary

A n n

M urray,

G ru n b erg ,

S haela

C ourtney

B ruggem an, B eth C o n n o lly First R o w :

L ib b y

P erelstein,

M eredith


Kat C h a n , V ic to ria T s a n g , T h e r e s a M ila n o

Model United Nations

Fifth Row: Scott Shelton, Jessica Byrnes, Ruthie Hubbard, Steven Menking, Peter Menking, Welles Ruhlin, Noah Fouad, Ben Millard Fourth Row: Vivek Alaigh, Mallory Monsma, Chris Foley, Michael Beyman, Zachary Grunberg, Doug Hamilton, Zack Stayman, Christos Galanopoulos, Will Schpero Third Row: Robbie Minicucci, D Beyman. Tali Chuchinsky, Sean Kensil, Theo Levene, Taylor Gray, Jack Harris, Mike Pakula Second Row: Amanda Metviner, Amanda Marcelle-Kleeman, Alex Doering, Leigh Millard, Stefan Lyew, Peter Kutzen, Matias Reyna, Spenser Sussan, Jesse Buccolo, Kristen Sun First Row: JP Nickitas, Elizabeth Packer, Libby Perelstein, Corinn Williams, Kip Shelton, Maddie Sachs, Kishauna Solijour, Sydney Zorowitz, Meredith Packer, Sophia Klafter




Music Interpretation *

I i


| I

Fourth Row: Charlie Mosher, Simon McNamee, Chris Hansen, Noah Fouad, Andrew Serkes, Scott Hootman-Ng Third Row: Steven Carey, Henry Van Roden, Zachary Grunberg, Vivek Alaigh, Jesse Buccolo, Adam Pisarkiewicz Second Row: Rory Kyle, Eric Reinemann, Mike Carberry, Sam Berman. Robbie Minnicucci, Bryan Samer First Row: D Beyman, Kim Clark, Alissa Goddard, Andrew Marcelle-Kleeman, Leigh Millard, Ari Klafter

National Affairs

Hannah Rabin, Katie Baker, Leigh Millard, Amanda Marcelle-Kleeman


Peer Review Third Row: Will Schpero, Michael Beyman, Steven Menking Christos Galanopoulos Second Row: Aaron Metviner, Charlie Mosher, Sam Berman, Ruthie Hubbard First Row: D Beyman, Alex Doering, Lisa Boccuzzi, Kinsey Greenfield

Photography Club Second Row: Kim Clark, Faith Pierce, Leah Pratt, Rachel Ivanhoe First Row: Kara Frisoli, Caitlin Weinstock, Kimberly Segalas, Sophia Klafter

'â– ;

Running Club T h ird

R o w :

M a llo ry

G le a s o n , Z a c h a ry R u h lin , D e a n

S im o n

M o n s m a ,

D a n

G ru n b e rg , W e lle s

M c N a m e e , Je ssic a

B y rn e s,

G e sta l

S e c o n d

R o w :

K a ra F riso li, A lle g ra

A m a n d a K eil

M a rc e lle -K le e m a n ,

M u e lle r,

A le x

D o e rin g ,

G ru n b e rg

F irst R o w :

K im b e rly

W e in s to c k , L iz z y

S e g a la s,

M a g ra th ,

C aitlin

M a rn ie

S a d lo w s k y

Science, History and Ethics Third Row: Ken Melmed, Zack Stayman, Colin McMahon, Eric Reinemann Second Row: Keil Mueller, Mike Carberry, Peter Reilly, Zachary Grunberg First Row: Libby Perelstein, Mari Bethray, Alissa Goddard, Lee Katsky

Socrates Cafe Second Row: Stefan Lyew, Zachary Grunberg, Jack Harris, Colin McMahon, Adam Pizarkiewicz, Christos Galanopoulos First Row: Leigh Millard, Steph Yacenda, Anna Pusack, Ari Klafter

The Standard

Fourth Row: H annah Rabin, Will Schpero, Steven M enking, M ichael Beym an, Aaron M etviner. Bryan Sarner, Nick Unnold, M atias R eyna Third Row: Hans Richter, A m anda M etviner, D Beym an, M allory M onsm a, Jesse Buccolo, Zachary G runberg, A nna Pusack. Beth C onnolly, Tom Ranocchi Second Row: Leigh M illard, Corinn W illiam s, John Qua, N atalie Flores, Lisa B occuzzi, V ictoria Tsang, Kristen Sun, N icole Levesque First Row: Libby Perelstein, Lia Poin, Elizabeth Packer, Kat Chan, A llegra G runberg, Katie M ann, Paola Rossetti, M eredith Packer, Becky Bind

Student Council Fourth Row: Michael Beyman, Stephen Sheehan, Steven Menking, Marlon Alebiosu, Peter Menking, Welles Ruhlin, Noah Fouad Third Row: Corinn Williams, Steph Yacenda, Keri DeMar, Ashley Alebiosu, Michael Santoro, Jesse Buccolo Second Row: Mallory Monsma, Kara Frisoli, Charnee Purdy, Rachel Ivanhoe, Alissa Cooperman, John Qua First Row: Allegra Grunberg, Grace Shaker, Mari Bethray, Gaelle Tribie, Andrew Marcelle-Kleeman, Laura Meli, Cathy Mishkin

United Cultures Club T h ird R o w : V iv e k A laigh, C olin

M c M ah o n ,

O liv e r G ray , N ate C ollins, R u th ie H u b b a rd , K eri D e M a r, A ri K lafter S eco n d R ow :

K in se y G re e n fie ld , L a u ra M eli,

E ric R e in e m a n n , S ean

K ensil, A sh le y

A lebiosu,

A lissa C o o p e rm a n , M e lissa R o ss, Safi M cM illan F irst R o w : M o n ic a W e lls, E lise R e in e m a n n , C o rin n W illia m s, K a ra Frisoli, A n y a L eist, C h iara Jo h n so n , K risten



Yoga Club Second Row: Erin Clayton, Melissa Ross, Alissa Cooperman, Colin McMahon First Row: Hannah Lloyd, Kara Frisoli, Megan Haddadi


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Qdbmile, panic


oncandid camera...

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Dear Kay-Lin, From a pink tower and rocket launches to fiber arts and men’s fitting, Bunnies and sailor girls to Nutcracker and the Saugatuck, A journey beginning in a Brooklyn brownstone to the waters o f the Merlion, The fragrance of Rue Cambon and the woods of Smolten Valley, You have surely come a long way!


Your next adventure awaits: live, learn and have faith. We are so proud o f you!! Love from Dad. Mom and Shane


X % £

, J 1 «

From our tiny bundle of joy with big smiles and a hearty laugh, you've grown up to be a well rounded, thoughtful young man. Your considerate and giving nature and fearless interest in experiencing the broader world at large make us proud. You have always been creatively adept at living your dreams...we hope you continue to dream big and use your many talents well.


FO LL O W YOUR S T A R T H E W O RLD WILL B E A B E T T E R PL A C E Mom and Dad 298

t J\ jpStol

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>' \ n f'jfl rBVcJ g d :\ q ML '? ~U| 1




“th is is the time to remember ....

T ’he days to

on to — “Bitty

With Cove Sr’jjrtde, “Mom, “D ad cS r'



t m


\ ,//AVAW"' 2 00 1-02


Winter Wonderland



Q 2/



g -


5 .2 .

M % i'



f e '


J f e

l | r




C o r ig r a ^ u la tto r iy , ■ We/ love/ you/—

M onv and/ Ca r t X)cvd/ ar\d/ Tina/

^ %





# nNv



J * « v


Be strong! 1 1


. ,a v , 0Ov ' 0c° V

' \ V

n to rr\ 1-1 f r We are not here to play, to dream, drift,


We have hard work to do, and loads to lift. Shun not the struggle, face it, ‘tis God’s gift.

Shields Sidelined , Si. Be strong! Say not the days are evil—-who’s to blame! And fold the hands and acquiesce— O shame! Stand up, speak out, and bravely in God’s name. Be strong! It matters not how deep entrenched the wrong, How hard the battle goes, the day, how long; Faint not, fight on! To-morrow comes the song. Malthic D. Babcock

Hannah, V YouVe always b een y o u r true self:


funny, loving, and honest. We love you so much now and forever.


) Congratulations!


I Mom, Dad and Lizzy


Dear Mike, W e are so proud o f th e man you have become Remember ‘T o o Low They Build, Who Build Beneath th e Stars" All our love, Mom and Dad


D ear M ike, I have no idea how you do it.

I t 's

like you are in a 50 fo o t well w ith a 200 pound leg brace and you are always able to get out. V a rs ity football and golf (ummm you're from Norw alk remixed da wack), AP and Honors classes, a key member of numerous clubs and still, everything you do is a t a v e ry high level. P re tty much I have a hard a ct to follow. I'm gunna miss you next ye a r when you h it up college. W h o ’s gunna fix the computers e ve ry o th e r day?

I would say the house is going to be

really quiet when you are gone, but th a t's not tru e because you’re always doing work! But d e finitely, the house dynamic is going to be d iffe re n t. Even though I fought with you e veryday, I'm gunna miss you next y e a r. Good Luck in colleqe!!!! (N o t th a t you need it) -D

Good luck Michael I know you will do well in college I will miss you Love, M ax



H a vin g a tree g ro w up out o f m e Is often a w orrisom e thing. I'm tw is ty and th o rn y and b ranchy and bare B U T W A IT T IL L YOU S EE ME I N S P R IN G !! S. Silverstein

A n d

w h a t

P l e a s e ,


b e a u t if u l

a l w a y s

r e m









S p r i n g

e m



b e r


is !

t h a t :



Lisa"We'll be friends forever, won't we, Pooh?' asked Piglet. Even longer,' Pooh answered.’" - A.A. Milne Love, Your best friend and sister, JenJen

Lisa, we are so v e r y proud of you a n d you r m any ac c omp tisfunents. Love you m.t.t.c.t. M o ther a n d D a d #




B allerina, yo u m u st have seen her da n cin g in th e s a n d A n d now sh e's in m e, a lw a ys w ith m e tin y dancer in m y hand. E lton John

Irish Šanee World Championships Cnnis, Ireland - March 2005

May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back, May the sun shine warm upon your face, And may God hold you in the hollow o f his hand. Old Gaelic Blessing

“Thou bring’st me happiness and peace, son.” William Shakespeare


Am andaA lth o u g h th is c h a p te r in y o u r life is c o m in g to a c lo s e , I'm c o n v in c e d a b rig h t fu tu re a w a its y o u . T h a n k s fo r s h o w in g m e th e w a y . It w ill fo re v e r b e y o u r fo o ts te p s in w h ic h I fo llo w , i ’ll m is s y o u . C all m e s o m e tim e ! L o v e , A a ro n "l h o p e y o u h a v e the tim e o f y o u r life ...." -G reen D a y 312

"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

CONGRATULATIONS AMANDA! Our hearts are bursting with pride as you close this chapter and start anew. Much love and happinessMom, Dad, and Aaron

f(Every time you smife at someone, it is an action o f Cove, a gift to that person, a 6eautifuf thing.“

Margie, your smiles are so special. They light up our life! DON'T KNOW' how we will survive without a daily dose of those Margie Smiles!!

( om jra t u la t ions.

M a rgie!

( l e arc so p r o u d !!!!

Cove, 94om eÂŁ (Dad





not to tv <om/tittnif hot to tv -omoons

Co-~gr.v.uMtiotu Margo-' ! a*n <.o p'oud ©! {m * vomoon©


have bocomo' Lov© Cass*©

X o v t n g a n s i / r is t i f f f i n i n g a f x s t f r i e n d y o u car.


n d o f . 'You ( y a w a k s t c i t r y o u do, t k e y ' f t s t i f f b t tk tr r .

J lm y C i Margi« Congratulations. I m so 'ocky you v© a..vays b o o n iN jf© * * !

Lov©. Woody

now go and light up the rest of the world. We love you, Mom, Dad, Alex, Zach, Hannah and Cameron 316

DEA/2ECI ALiCC/q From small beginnings great things come. You have brought light, love and great happiness to our family. May your quest for knowledge always be with you. I wish for you health, happiness, love and joy now and through the years to come.

COK)<Z(2A JULAliOkJQ , i


T h e

h e ig h ts b y

k e p t w e re b u t th e y w e re

g re a t m e n

n o t a tta in e d

w h ile

to ilin g

re a c h e d

a n d

s u d d e n

flig h t,

b y

th e ir c o m p a n io n s

u p w a r d


th e

H e n ry

sle p t,

n ig h t, W a d s w o rth

L o n g fe llo w

D ear A L IS S A

Congratulations on your achievement! May your future be the best, and may all your dreams and wishes come true. IxÂťve, Grandma and Grandpa Allen, Uncle Kevin, Aunt Susan, David and Danielle



h y

d o

w e

t h i n k

o f y o u

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May your hopes and plans always come true. With Love, Grandma and G randpa





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7fey rN icf Congratulations. You have made us so proud!

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Ju st f o llo w y o u r dream ... ‘W ishing yo u a life o f love, l u c f health a n d happiness, Love, ‘M om , D a d a n d Christine

326 *


CONGRATULATIONS, KATIE! We love you and could not be prouder of what you have accomplished and who you ARE. The world awaits your Light. Love, Mama, Pa, Bill, James, Rose, and Bob i 327

When you finally fly away, I'll be hoping that I served you well. For all the wisdom of a lifetime, No one can ever tell. But, whatever road you choose, I'm right behind you... win or lose! Forever Young by Rod Stewart C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s , D a n ie l! W e a d o re y o u , M o m , D a d , J e s s ic a & K a itlin

A sh le y - R e m e m b e r t h a t w e lo v e a n d s u p p o r t y o u a n d t h a t w e w ill a lw a y s b e t h e r e f o r y o u . L o v e - M o m , D a d , C h r is t ia n , K y le , B r e n t a n d K e ls e y

-Dear Stephanie, It is impossible to measure a ll the pride, joy, laughter and love you have given us while becoming a beautiful, young woman. Follow your dreams and'may your dreams bring you great

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ricn s are hard t o find, h a rd er t o leave a n d im

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it doesn't m atter where you go lw life, what you do, or how muc.h you hove... it's who you have beside you.

Memories f o r our roots, Courage to ffy HiiqH, ‘M y Heart is my Home, I sHaff take to tHe sky. Tor you, our roots, w e are most q ra te f if.

Congratufations! Love, Mommy ancf jacquie

“ diciff'ult” Manchu Pichu

Gin Rummy & Euchre Stalling the car

Polar Bear Society Hats heps ut

' I ’ m in the intereection!” The M ud fight

Ice Sailing Montessori

Vine Swinging The Labyrinth

Camp Matoaka Bobby and Margarita’s Class

Bib - funny word! “ Fine, take it away!”

The Spin Factor Sister Carol Ann Green Thumb Award

The Cabin Goldfish and Seagulls Swimming w ith the Dolphins

Infractions and Commendations Mrs. Hannigan “O bviously!” Best Friends

Rose Skipping in Disney W orld Lunch w ith Cinderella ‘Oh. and my sister Jacquie”

'He’s coming, he’s really coming


Congratulations to Ryan and the Class of 2006



S e n io r Y ear, 2 0 0 6

K in d e r g a r te n , 1 9 9 4

A wry young cowboy of slender build, grew to be a fine young man of character and skill. He strums his guitar from dawn til dusk, while keeping his eye on the ball, we trust. All o f us know him by the smile on his face, as he leads his life with amazing grace.

Congratulations and love, M om, D a d a n d Spenser


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U.Va. adds ninth recmit for 2006 The University oi Virginia 1001wll team keep# piling up commitnents. The latest — the Uavaiers’ ninth tor 2006 — is from sate Collins, a rising senior at <ing <& Low Heywood Thomas jrhooi in Stamtord, Conn.

In life as in a football game, the principle to follow is: Hit the line hard^Theodore


'When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, -I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things 1 Corinthians 13:11

V ÂŤm'


Congratulations, Elise! Mom and Dad are so proud of you. With your determ ination and perseverance, you can accom plish anything you dream of.

courage, and confidence b y every experience in w h ic h vou [ear in the face. You m ust do the thing you think yv Ql n ,,i c_annot| : do." -Eleanor Roosevelt

We are enormously proud of you! Always reach for the stars! The challenge is to be your self in a world that is Trying to make you like everyone else! Always believe in yourself! Don’t follow the crowd! Dare to be different! We love how you think “outside the box” Don’t ever be afraid to try something new! Laugh along the way! Don’t be afraid to LIVE YOUR DREAMS! You will succeed in whatever you do! We believe in you! We love you always and forever! Mom & Dad Heidi & Kris Dena & Doug Denise and Zac


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< < cTo accompfisfi great things, we must not onfy act Sut afso dream. N ot onfy p fan But afso 6efieve. ” -J ln a to te ‘F rance L ove:

M om , D a d , L racey a n d Dim


Congratulations to the Class of 2006 With Best Wishes from the KLHT Board of Trustees


Steve- l can' t believe you're g ra d u a tin g !! 1' fr a u d of everything you've done! who's hair a m l go in g to do? Who's room aw, l go ing to go Into to tell the most "pointless th in g s to, especially about m y new h a ir s ty le s and new w a ys to put on mafee-up? w ho am l go ing to blast r e n t and o a t r In the car w ith? w ho am i go in g to malee go to the movies with me when they have no other cool frie n d s 7 w ho's frie n d s am i go ing to talte to online? who am i g o in g to lau g h h y s te ric a lly with about alm ost e verything? I'm go ing to m iss you sooo much next y e a r.. I LOVE you.!!!! Love, )T>


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To our dearest GaelleCongratulations and our best wishes for success at Dartmouth. Love Mom, Dad and Sabrine Congratulations to the Class o f 2006.


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Congratulations Victoria! Carry us all in your heart as you continue your journey, for surely we carry you in ours. Love Dad, Mom, Nigel, Evonne and Mike

C o n g ra tu la tio n s Rich

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D ear C h ris tin e . I am so awed b\ you r c re a tiv ity . courage and heart W ords to express w hat's in my heart are hard to come by so instead I dedicate to you the poem w ritten fo r us by a y oung poet during our trip to B lo ck Island, w ho hud been inspired by you. Katherine and me draw ing in the sand.


Beach Mother Names in the sand and the hand that writes them. The hand that draws the hearts and caresses child. The creator o f the names that w ill be drawn in the sand and the holder o f the ir hearts forever

Author Unknown

‘WitCi tremendous Cove and admiration forwCio you are, CM om

p.s. “ you like sushi? 1 lik e sushi.”

Christiney, Lately. I ’ ve been having some trouble fin d in g M ain Street I hear it can take you to Canada. I figured you were the person to call in this situation. T h in k you can help me out? Y o u ’ ve amazed me more than once over the years w ith you r intelligence, beauty, and uncanny ability to re-enact S N I, skits and other various scenes o f hilarity . thank you fo r rem inding me to look at life from a d iffe re n t perspective, and for teaching me all about Robert Plant. The Doors, el al (you w ould make a spectacular groupie). It has been an adventure g ro w in g up w ith you. and I look forw ard to more in the future. E very g irl should have a sister, and I ’ m glad I'v e got you. I love y ou so much little sis. By the w ay. 1 made a reservation for ten days in the Poconos. See you there.

Love, 'KaCaCo (P S. To open the door, o f course!)

Christine, We have had a lo t o f great experiences over the past eighteen years. F rom "Y vo n n e w ith the pink pants” to the U.S. Open. “ S5 on the U S. Open hats and T-shirts! L and X L ! I can’ t believe I aint se llin ' no thin .’ ” A nd we were on the big screen at A rth u r Ashe W hat about all the snowdays. fires in the fireplace, and the hockey games? "T ha t's the way we do it in N e w H am pshire.” A nd most recently the L .Y .C . and all the fa m ily stories. But in the end it really a ll comes down to one fina l question: D o you like ice cream?

I Cove you, (Dad Dear Christine: W e 've watched vou blossom and grow through the years and it's been a delight and all w oven w ith love Kathleen Chesto w ro te in one o f her stories: "le w decisions in this life are etched in stone, or even w ritten in ink. M ost o f the lines are in pencil and they can be erased. W hat is possible, what seems best for today, is the o n ly choice any o f us are capable o f m aking.” W e hope you w rite many lines even i f th e y're in pencil You have so many gifts to share w ith the w o rld and us. Take the challenge. Y ou can do it

Love, Dear Christine,

1 wish you the best in anything you choose to do in the future. W hen you want to go

to the m ovies again, you know who to call

I Cove you, Ste Ven

Dear Christine, D r Suess said it best "S o be sure when you step Step w ith care and great tact and remember that L ife 's a Great Balancing A c t And w ill you succeed’’ Y es1 You w ill, indeed!” Congratulations on your graduation

Love, CjaiC, ‘J{oCand, CMicCaeCLauren .146

untie Joan e£ VncCe (BiCC

"How far you go in life depends on you being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the week and the strong. Because someday in your life, you will have been all of these." —

G e o rg e W a s h in g to n

C a rv e r

Congratulations Class of 2006! P A R E N T S ’








RJ, A Wonderful Son, Brother and Friend. We are proud of all that you have accomplished but most of all we are proud of who you are. Let love faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, w rite them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Proverbs 3:3-4 We Love You, The Family

Dearest MaryMay life bring you much happiness, many friends and always keep you in the pink! Love, Mum, Dad, Margaret, Harry and Bridget and Granma


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"The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began. K r S V / M n T ig i oad has gone, <Vflw*»;VA, •*■>*«.;/, And i must follow, if i can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way Where many paths and errands meet. And whither *


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l am so proud o f you and know that i w ill always be there for you:: Embrace the future, do not fear it. ' ; LoveIGSS

“ You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who’ll decide where to go .” Dr. Seuss Love, Mom, Dad, and Madeline WE LOVE YOU!!!



William Carter Sullivan IV


AJ You are... Our Hope For The Future An Anchor For The Past A Touchstone To Our Past You are The Joy of Our Lives The Expression of our Family's Love

From Us to You: May your hands always be busy May your feet always be swift May you have a strong foundation When the winds of changes shift May your heart always be joyful And may your song always be sung May you stay forever young Forever young, forever young. -Bob Dylan Forever Young With our pride and love, Mom and Dad



AJ- Y ou've been such an im portant part o f my life. M ore than the laughs w hen 1 m around you or the pride I feel w hen you look up to me. You have put up with it all w ithout a com plaint and have grow n into som eone I'm lucky to call my brother. I can't say w hat's next for you, but I can't w ait to see it all unfold. Y ou're going to be great. C ongratulaions. Brain

Y o u w e re b o rn d u rin g C o m ic R elief, b u t y o u 'v e p ro v id e d v e ry little since . W e lo v e y o u a n d w is h y o u g re a t s u c c e s s at s c h o o l! STUDY!!! L o ve , Justin, M inna, S eba stian , a n d S o p h ia W hile 18 years have passed, it seem s like only yesterday w hen I first heard the news that the little brother 1 alw ays w anted w ould soon be entering my life. You w ere a special m iracle to me then, and you rem ain ju st as special to m e now. I'm so proud of all that you have accom plished, A J...congratulations on your graduation from high school! I love you. Chris

Uncle AJ- Thanks for being such a great uncle and a great brother to our daddies. We'll miss you when you go to college! We love you! -Lily, (Sebastian, and Sophia



Congratulations Natasha! You do us proud! Fond Memories of Oz and the U.S. Lots of Love & good luck ahead, Mumma & Papa And all family in India.

2006 Kaleidoscope Starring: Editor-in-Chief: Amanda Metviner Assistant Editor: Lisa Dillinger Underclassmen Editor: Caroline Nisenson Sports Editor: Lia Poin Events Editors: Jackson Cheevers Maggie Nolin Clubs Editors: Courtney Bruggeman Faith Pierce Photography Editor: Rachel Ivanhoe Faculty Editor: Hannah Rabin Senior Editor: Corrin Williams Senior Staff: Vicky Jones, Keri DeMar, Stevi Feinberg, Stephanie Yacenda Lower School Editor: Mrs. Sue Laramie Middle School Editor: Ms. Jennifer Moros Advisor: Ms. Ines Thieme

From the Editor... This year's yearbook has been quite a success. Thankfully, my staff had the ability to work on the yearbook from home, which minimized late nights. With the theme of Picture Perfect, the yearbook staff had the ability to have fun exploring new ideas and the new website. I am truly proud of everyone who worked on the yearbook, and I really appreciate the time and effort put in by all. First I would like to thank Lisa Dillinger for being a huge help with putting together this year's yearbook. From meetings during the summer to late night talks about the cover or superlatives, you certainly pulled through when I needed it. Thanks so much! Hannah Rabin: Your work with the faculty pages and other miscellaneous pages helped out tremendously. I cannot wait to see your continued work with the yearbook in the future. Lia Poin: You had so much to do with the sports section and did it wonderfully in a timely fashion. Corinn Williams: You had a lot of work to do with the senior section, but you did everything I asked of you on time and did an awesome job! Caroline Nisenson: Thank you so much for getting all of your pages done so early in the year. You saved us a lot of time and trouble. Jackson Cheevers and Maggie Nolin: You did a wonderful job putting together a great events section that reflected the talent of our peers. Faith Pierce and Courtney Bruggeman: Your work on the clubs sections was amazing. Thank you for always being willing to put in the effort. Rachel Ivanhoe: After many attempts at getting the faculty departments to get together for their picture, you definitely pulled through. Thank you for making the deadlines and constantly offering to help. Good luck with the yearbook in the future. Mrs. Laramie and Ms. Moros: Thank you so much for doing an excellent job on the Lower and Middle School sections. The two of you have added the dedication and creativity needed to complete a challenge such as this. Thanks again for everything. Ms. Thieme: Thank you for always being there to show me the way and for being an inspiration for the yearbook. I am glad that the two of us were able to experience the yearbook and the often challenging website together for the first time. We wouldn't have this yearbook if it weren't for your support and dedication to the project. I wish you the best of luck with the yearbook in the future. Rich Carpenter and Shelly Foster: The yearbook would not have been completed without you. You are a huge help with everything and I could always count on you to answer my many questions. Rich, you truly were only a phone call away. To everyone else who contributed to this year's yearbook, thank you for your hard work and dedication. Good luck next year!

Sincerely, Amanda Metviner Editor-in-Chief 359


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