King School Yearbook 2014

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Index Theme Explanation...........................................................................2 Dedication............................................................................................ 3 Mr. Main's Letter............................................................................... 4 Mission Statement............................................................................ 5 All School Departments.................................................................6 Lower S ch o o l.......................................................................................8 Middle S ch o o l................................................................................ 54 Upper S ch o o l....................... 100 Faculty...............................................................................................102 Underclassmen.............................................................................108 C lu b s..................................................................................................1.28 Sports.................................................................................................141 A rts......................................................................................................174 Events.................................................................................................186 Senio rs.............................................................................................. 198 Ms. Sadlowsky's Letter........................ 2 77 Recognition P ag e s......................................................................308 Yearbook S ta ff............................................................................. 370 Editor's letter................................................................................... 373

CHANGES 2014 O ver the past four years, we, as students and as a school, have changed tremendously. The physical landscape of the Upper School has changed, just like the students who walk its halls. W e chose the theme of "changes" because it exemplifies the growth of this year's graduating class. W e would not be who we are without change. It shapes us and prepares us for the next chapter in our lives.


To Dr. Melmed, The Class of 201 4 thanks you for years of dedication and service to our school. Not only are you a remarkable teacher, but also a sensational listener, learner, and mentor. Our school is a better place because of your hard work and kind personality. W e are incredibly thankful to you as our teacher and advisor. W e shared jokes, stories, and a passion for technology - your sense of humor is impeccable! You truly brightened our day, everyday. In the classroom, you connect with each student - it is a true talent. W e learned so much from you, not only in science, but in many other aspects of life. You leave a lasting effect on us, knowing you always wanted the best for your students. Congratulations on your retirement, Dr. Melmed. W e will miss you!

Head of School

Dear Graduating Class of 2014, Certainly the theme of change is an appropriate theme for this senior class. In your time at the school you have seen, supported, and contributed to changes that have redefined your school for you and for the greater community. A few simple examples: graduating classes have almost doubled in size; the academic program has significantly more breadth and depth; there are now thoughtful, meaningful, and intentional programs in service learning, global education, diversity, technology, and sustainability. For those of you that began back in 2001, 2002 , or 2003 , the physical campus has changed dramatically, with new buildings, new fields, new parking lots, new internal roadways, and much more. You have all been a part of these changes. Most specifically, these changes have been driven by your interests, your passions, your intellectual curiosity, your athletic ambition, your drive in the performing arts, and your pervasive focus on the relentless pursuit of self and community improvement. One might say the school has changed in all these ways for you, but it might be more appropriate to say that the school has needed to change in all of these ways because of you. As I have said on a number of occasions, what has not changed about your school in your time here is the soul of the place, the core values, the deep commitment to respect, civility and service, and the profound strength of our community. And so, while we have changed in so many ways, because you have demanded it, your school has rooted this change on the foundation that has always made King a great school - and you are as much a part of that foundation as you are a part of the changes. So, you leave understanding the value and stability of a firm foundation, as well as the excitement, importance, and incredible value of thoughtful, constant change. I am sure that his combination will serve your well. Good luck.

Thomas Main

King Mission Statement King is dedicated to preparing its students to thrive in a ra p id ly changing w o rld . W e pro vide an excellent, pro g ressive education, grounded in the traditional disciplines of the arts and sciences, committed to the nurturing of individual potential, and designed to prom ote critical thinking and reaso n ed reflection . Using rich and in no vative m ethods, our Teachers facilitate each student's fullest academ ic and personal a ch ie v e m e n t. W e cham pion the d evelopm ent of character, self-confidence, and talent through challenging intellectual, creative, athletic, lead ership, and service o p p o rtu n itie s. King b elieves that individual accom plishm ent must go hand in hand w ith respect for others . O u r culture of respect fosters collaboration a s w e ll a s independence . W e em brace hum an and cultural d iversity . W e v a lu e responsible citizenship . King g ra d u ates a re w e ll equipped to succeed in college and to pursue lives of ongoing inquiry, learning, accom plishm ent, p erso n al fulfillment and social responsibility.


( I N C L OW H E Y W O O D T H O M A S

Simon House and Administration Admissions

Dean of Faculty

Carrie Salvatore, Marc Saracino, Cahterine Lewis, Scott Carson, Merrill Shafer

Alex Weiner



Kim Leeker, Lisa Nero, Monica Grbic, Angela Carey, Pam Pitasi

Ben Hoke, Esteban Manco, Cindy Dill, Kathleen O'Rourke, Elizabeth Sabia, Betsy Gell, Jeanine Haberny

Assistant to Head of School

Community Affairs

Judy Valentine

Amanda Friedman, Mike Little, Lise Leist, Keenium Brumskill

All School Departments Director of Global Education

Director of Computer Science and Digital Applications

Gilles Chosson



Kimberly Segalas, Beth Anne Shelman, Amanda Komaromi, Karen Celia, Dan Gouin (Missing: Tom Decker, Jason Bouton, Kyle Miller)

Carlos Escalante, Griff Titus,Kevin Scott, Doug Johnson (Missing: Robert Seyler)



Noel Pedroza, Yanlley Mendez, Gladys Loaiz, YanerysMendez, Francisco Sanchez, Carmen Jimenez, Estwardo Barrera, Rosa Dibatista, Sue Geddes, Junior Vieux

Bill Waldman, Henry Orellana, Dave Sheehan


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Mrs. Karen Raidt Head of Lower School

Ms. Lori Auletta Art

Ms.Ana Gallegos Spanish

Mr. Danny Gouin Lower School Athletic Director & Physical Education

Ms. Amanda Komaromi Physical Education

Mr. Mark McAndrews Physical Education

Mrs. Laura Conte Dir. of Assessment & Instruction

Mrs. Patricia Green Administrative Assistant

Ms. Shevon Morris Science

Mrs. Rose Dahlman Nurse

Mrs. Terry Hess Music

Ms. Robin Ordan Lower School Counselor

Mrs. Emily Decker Media Specialist

Miss Judy Kelser Administrative Assistant

Mrs. Linda Youn Nurse


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— Mrs. DeSantis



Mrs. Rachinsky-Wood

Mrs. Rachinsky-Wood

Mrs. Beth Lencyk

Tucker Galu

Gillian Lehneis

Eric Seagren

Sophia Santomaro

Steven Blanco

Michael Failla

Connor McAndrews

Arella Mwenda

Charles Schwartz

James Segneri

Kindergarten Leon Wang

Sophie Fishkin

Alan Osta

Kendra Villard


Mrs. Benedetto

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1 1 Sonia Benedetto

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1 1 Tate Anderson

Alexander Esposito

Matthew Goldman

Lucas Fontana 1 1

Lucy Goldstein

Osgood McCarthy

Daisy Gooding

William Pufko

Felicity Goudie

Michael Lombardozzi

Genevieve Mansfield

Jenny Brunno

Trinity Drew

Rydan Olson

Grace Anderson

Devon Lehneis

Taylor Ansel

Connor Brown

Jaipal Dohil

Charles Mattson

Harrison Mirkin

William Moskowitz

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Susan Laramie

Braeden Anderson

Lucy Baughman

Danielle Braver

Aaron De Chiara

Mrs. McNulty

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Lori McNulty

Matteo Bonivento

Mason Buerstetta

Nicholas Butler

Jonathan Couch

Wendy Kerr

Beatrice Kelly

Ariclla Reynolds

Chase Brown

Clare Liao

Matthew Trimmer

Madeline Buchsbauin

Brigitte McGuire

Jonathan Decker

Ariana Ilagani

Sietse Muntiug

Kayan Nabil/adeh

Mrs. Mansfield

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Jamie Mansfield

Kameron Borden

Allie Brevetti-Bergman

Samantha Goldman

Bliss Gooding

Elizabeth King

James Raidt

Marcus Watts

Harry Weisman

Hunter Fine

Ian Nugent

Riley Galu

Emma O'connor

Ellen Eagleton

Ronald Harvey

Giovanna Armetta

Ashley Bright

Nolan Bryson

Michael Jemiolo

Rebecca Laramie

Carson Perlman

Josephine Butler

John Rothfuss

Helen Santoro

Emily Alexander

Ben Apicella

Dalton Aysseh

Madison Barry

Ashton Benkwitt

Sydney DeFilippo

Owen Donovan

Gillian Frey

Eleanor Goudie

Mariana McOsker

Jamison Munno

Adam Nomani

Jack Holtz

Arin Shrivastava

Roderick Olson



Anne Henderson

William Chung

Sarah Kadlick

Charlotte Alexander

Sydney Fishkin

Thomas Kelly

Zoe Tinnesz

Abigail Anderson

Carter Brown

William Burke

Mark Gallagher

Samuel Hillenmeyer

Robert Jacobs

Marina Malin

Ian Marsh

Claire Munting

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Christopher Ward


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Mr. Schwartz

Ben Schwartz

Harrison Feinberg

Teddy Maloney

Sofia Axelrod

Adeline Fine

Alexander Millerchip Olivia Toscano

William Clemens

Thomas Copley

Rebecca Degter

Lily Gooding

Olivia Iudicone

Henry Kliavkoff

Owen Pritchard

Emma Jane Riley

Anthony Sampson




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Administration Pat Doering Academic Dean

Bobby Walker Head of Middle School

Claudia Segneri Director of Assessment and Instruction

Jennifer Guevara Guidance Counselor

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« i Carol Brown Math

John Faig Digital Liiteracy





James Bruno Science

Lindsay Fontana English

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L Mi A Keenium Brumskill History

Paola Grant Spanish

W >. i V ^ «f Lee Couch Math

Cheryla Greene Assistant

i Brian Coughlan Math

Ross James English

Sharon Johnson Assistant

Emma Jonsson Life Skills

Ken Lewis History

Nadia McGoran French

Brian Miller Choir

Debra Sands Holden History

Kimberley Segalas English

Michelle Sibrizzi Science

Tung Tran Science

James Villanueva Spanish

Robert Waller History

Katie Tobin Art

Garrett Mendez Band

Deanna Supple English

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Carlv Barry Caleb Benkwitl Olivia Borchetta Sophie Boyd Allison Braver Ariane Bretl

Georgia Decker Erie Degter Aaron Epps Charlie Feinstein Oliver Frank Keary Gallagher

Lauren Garrigues Brian Gome/ Peter Graham Alexander Haase-Puissant Amanda Hall Claire Houck

McKinley Joseph Catherine King Thomas King Davis Knight Avery Lehneis Jaeie Levethan

Kaelin Main Abigail Mancuso Peter Marsh Caroline McDermott Dylan MeMorrow Ethan MeOsker






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Thomas Moms Maximillian Muftic Abigail Murphy Cyril Murphy Grace O'Connor Joseph Parisi

Taylor Perlman Henry Pohle Patrick Raidt Esther Reiss Gavin Roberts Alex Rogers

Gwyneth Rothman Jessica Rozen Annelie Salvi Alec Sherman Amber Tapscotl Katherine Tifford

Allison Triano

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Isabelle Allee Dhasiya Anderson Natasha Ayseeh Madison Backes Kate Bantle Hannah Berriek

Meagan Burston Luke Buttenwieser Miehael Carnavalla Nicholas Carnavalla Emily Cohen Conor Cooper

Victoria Crowe Graham DeBow Christopher Della Jacono Augusta DcMartin Louise Dill Kenneth Dyson

Caroline Eagleton Mallory Ehlers Joshua Figueroa Charlotte Freund Sophia Gallagher Alexis Garcia

Katherine Glinka Alexandra Gold Tristan Golden Delaney Harris Alexander Holt/ Benjamin Hu

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Robin Johnson John Kennedy Delaney Kliavkoff Alexander Knorr Daniel Kulaguz Jordan Kulick

Class of 2019 Henry Lazarus Carli Levethan Joshua Lewis Christian Lombardo Matthew Mancuso Jack McOsker

Jack Meizels John-Paul Mella Henry Meyer Anne Michalski Marina Mirianthopoulos Sarah Molloy

Luke Nascimento Paul Noujaim Eamonn Nugent Nicholas Perez Dean Pigott Samuel Rabassa

Jack Reilly James Ross Julia Salvatore Jacob Savitz Sean Spencer Jessica Steib

Ruby Streett-Apicella Elena Teeter Claire Tulloch Claire Tully Amelia Whiteley Brian Wright

Ashley Xu Justin Zide


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Kendall Abbott Riley Allen Pierce Anderson Norwood Philip Ayoub Anisha Banerjee Olivia Begg

Alex Boyd Lauren Bright Sonali Burns D'Aeren Carson Hayley Chambers Kelly Conheeney

Stephanie Costabile Robert Cribbin Regina Cullen Matthew Dalinka Olivia DeChiara Thomas Deegan Anthony DeGrado Elijah Dozier JuanVieente Ellis Ochoa Amanda Friedman Devin Gallagher Anthony Gesualdi

Cliv Gomez Lily Gordon Kelly Gouin Elena Girbelyuk Austin Hanley Grant Hirsch

Riley Howe Christie Jones Christopher Joyce Rachel Kadlick Luke KoppenhelTer Samantha Lesson


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Harrison Linnan Jason Liu Piper Loglisci Matthew Logue Jairnie Lopez Colby Lopez-Balboa

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Morgan Riley Hope Rothfuss Hayley Salvatore Gabe Salvi Sophia Savitz James Scarlata



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Glenn Niblo Ciara O'Donnell Andrew Pohle Elizabeth Pohle Abigail Price Max Rigby-Hall

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Ariana Loret de Mola Ethan Marsh Alex Marshman Thomas Mudd Grace Nash Oona Nash

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Stella Silver Katherine Simpson Henry Smith Maeve Snover Bradley Stanton Caroline Strom


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William Tellini Kaela Thomson Jason Tifford Jackson Trimmer Rudy Vega Harris Walker

Charlie Weaver Robert Welt Alison Wheeler Sean Yu

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8th Grade Quotes LaJA^i/i you pu/( on -tk a t je y s e ^ , yi>u v~£pve&ent youvs^lX a n d y^uv -teaen/n-ate£>. And -XA-£-

‘>\ft)k o t vJe-t:kink, vJe- keconae!’ -1i\/d d k o -

(jvw, £Mtk e - fro n t is, a-lo t /nore- i/n y o rta n t tk a n tk e - na/ne- an -XA-£- kackd’ -HevH? fbrod/s>

Anisha Banerjee

fcolby Lopez-Balboa


l/JAm yax ^wr^pftSffevie, tk e y e , is Wy postXiVrXy w W

isn't eTerytkin^, lAtny ao

you. Ia 5A«/i y<JU are -n e ^a tk Je ,

_ V&w. Lonniaardi

\krre- is Wy ne^atw ct^ a ro u n d you." - Olivia Begg

Kelly Gouin

£rv<zv'ykWy is a ^niiAS. JAuX iX youju d ^ e - a - fis k L?y iXs cWfiXy -to iti/n k

"XX X kare- A uppXs u*W you Auv<s 8s fcwiunus, kor>

'•-X v ^ iX iajiII Iwe- ?Xs \fjkde- fiX<s b^lia/in^ XA-c*X iX is sXupW."- Ab^vX 'Einstein

/Huny punsuAss XX on XA«s va>XX

'Sily Gordon


j ’unp/s.because-dlaAH d o n 't uJe&Y- W s / ' Awty/KdMS Rudy Vega

XX n W - Ciara O'Donnell


^Xw ovdey- -to be- iV'V'epft'O^^We- ^M£-/mAsX tAuc»ys A'tr-

l/OAo su y s /ny d r e a m s k a re -to s to ^ ju & t m-y d r e a m s " -A riel

d if f e r e y * tC o c o Cdanel

Stephanie Costabile

Lauren Bright

Lf \A oaess is

noX XiW, failu re- is noX f a ta l ’, it is XA-e- co u rag e- to "X loJe^-to sWp. XW s/££p d! d a -y iX X o o d d ” -/A/ey XJyv'HS

% o itin u e-tk at sounXs" - lAJinsXon C k u rck il

Morgan Riley

(Harrison Walker Vou k a re -to tk in k unyi/^xy, s 0 njA-y noX tkinle. (?i^" -Vonold l vcvKp

\t-d.v<L. all a- little^ /noye^ o te d v 'd il^o n iaJ£. /nake^

i* tarrison Linnan

iMvsXves £m L Xf b£-w - JXj4. '|Xa*jfiK^ Alex Boyd

E?e-\nko you a re -a i W su y i*A<X you XW, because-tkose-voko m ind


LonX /nuXXsv' u*W tkose-voko m a t t e r d o n t m ind. " -J )r. fa e u s s

Christie Jones

ka\le^ esAevme.&? (dood. \ k a i /neami> y^MV£- sto o d up X^v

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yaxv^‘ fiX^« ^ - IaVisX^m C kiA V akill

Drew Pohle

l/\JA-£H tk e re -s so m any k a t e r s owW n e ^a tiile -tk in ^s, X d o i t reall\f I curd’ - kim K o rd o sk io n

'’■ ’CkAJip^v, /w siSipin^..^ -\>ova-tke- l'^ o ir e y

■tella Silver

Cliv Gomez

ylixfe-^-ot -to loJe-uokat you do -to really m a k e -tk in ^s kioyyen." - Fkiliy AW&m

'l/dA-m in d o d a t, e a t 'id^nnen' - Austin Hanley

)livia DeChiara "XX dancie,

X lo/e-ct voken people-dank/ m e, XX m a k e s m e vJorlr k a v d e r -to p ra/e-lk em K V a y '

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any eaekev, it \h)oAd \ae.

called Xootkalll." -Awty^fliAS

> Oere/e . E e te r

Max Rigby-Hall

Christopher Joyce ■


XX XA^w v'diAJ i\*«5nX pv iv^i^tX iajAu X \s)odd y<ju ^iV£- XXv


'XXa s ? I a te - a n e a ^ . I t to u te d like- clucken.” - James Scarlafa

\o d a ^, , ’~ '|X<xy X-£vOs

"'VX a n ^z lJ’ - Juan Vicente Ellis Ochoa

(vnthony Gesualdi

"tavoce-A lad^ is keye!’ - Grace Nash

Ok-M.adez> d o i t AuV<?- M sX^p y^A XX yrxu

|||p. f i^ave., oat kosi to sfcW? tX,


iwXtf a- i\iall, don t X/Wt uv a W u W ^iv<?.

A \k>ov d to XA£- iAts<?- utK L ne&e&sov y- id s XA^sXtxpfcX o/y^s> t k a t

zed ad\fiae"- Wjff Codh^

’'t^abe Salvi AJy HtM^£ is Vwt»X. XL S u- nicje to /neet \foa.' - h-WoX

Robert Cribbin




Grant Hirsch

tkv'OA^k it, ov' \\>ovk~ ov aand it. - /dlokael 3 ovdan

,|J,Aeren Carson


"X fu/c-losnp"

"A /rw i lOrLA one-vJatci^ u/iA.fc»ys At-wns iaA u X ti/n e it is. A /KUH VJltk tvJO is H£V£V ^Ui /.£ SUV£."- *W-^l-WUl Glenn Niblo " I AutiA- \fOiA * v y fit tie Matthew Logue

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7/8 Girls Soccer ****< . * ‘. i



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Back row: Coach Coughlan. Dhasiya Anderson. Colby Lopez-Balboa, Katherine Glinka. Samantha Lesson, Olivia DeChiara, Riley Allen. Kaela Thomson, Regina Cullen, Alex Boyd, Rachel Kadlick, Stella Silver, Coach Villanueva Front row: Charlotte Freund, Elizabeth Pohle, Sarah Molloy, Piper Loglisci. Lauren Bright, Marina Mirianthopoulos, Jaimie Lopez, Ciara O'Donnell

5/6 Girls Soccer

Back row: Coach Komaromi. Ester Reiss. Hannah Hodges, Lauren Garrigues. Teddy Maloney, Emma Riley, Katherine Tifford, Alisa Kukharkin. Avery Lehneis. Georgia Decker, Alexandra Bussan, Sophie Boyd. Caroline McDermott. Coach Segalas Front row: Natalie Lombardo, Sofia Axelrod, Marina Malin, Sarah Kadlick, Olivia ludicone, Kate Lane, Greer McCarthy, Dylan Ross. Zoe Tinnesz, Charlotte Alexander, Samantha DeChiara


56 Boys Soccer

Back row: Coach Smith, Coach Bruno, Charlie Feinstein, KJ Gallagher, Jason Marsella, Thomas Morris, William Cassar, Brian Gomez, McKinley Joseph, Gavin Roberts, Peter Marsh, Trey Parisi, Nicholas Donohew, and Coach Segovia Front row: William Clemens, Eric Degter, Oliver Frank, Ethan McOsker, Cyril Murphy, Mark Gallagher, Thomas King, William Chung, William Burke, and Benjamin Castle

78 Boys Soccer Red

Back row: Coach Barrett, Paul Noujaim, Cliv Gomez, Henry Meyer, Joshua Figueroa, Luke Nascimento, and Coach Segovia Front row: Graham DeBow, Jack McOsker, Dean Pigott, Alexis Garcia, and Rudy Vega

78 Boys Soccer Blue

Back Row: Devin Gallagher, Luke Koppenheffer, Matthew Logue, Jason Tifford, Eamonn Nugent, Conor Cooper, Nicholas Perez, and Coach Guevara Front row: Henry Lazarus, Alexander Marshman, Charlie Weaver, Austin Hanley, Matthew Dalinka, and Grant Hirsch

78 Field Hockey

Delaney Kliavkoff, Elena Teeter, Oona Nash, Kendall Abbott, Ariana Loret deMola, Caroline Eagleton and Coach Shelman

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Coach Shelman. Ariane Bretl, Adeline Fine, and Claire Munting

56 Cross Country

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Coach Little, Jack Meizels. Joshua Lewis. Kenneth Dyson. vanaugh and Coach Miller . , itthew Mancuso, Eli Dozier, John Kennedy, and C hnstophu Joyce la. Bradley Stanton. Nicholas Carnavalla. Alexander Holtz and Jacob Savit/ Bottom row: Michael C arnava



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Back row: Coach Tobin, Maeve Snover, Harris Walker, Gabriel Salvi, Ethan Marsh, Robert Welt, Riley Howe, James Scarlata, Jackson Trimmer, Brian Wright. Philip Ayoub, Harrison Linnan and Jason Liu Front row: Olivia Begg. Caroline Strom, Abigail Price, Katherine Riley, JuanVicente Ellis Ochoa, Anthony DeGrado and Sean Yu

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Back row: Coach Harris, Olivia Borchetta, Abigail Mancuso, Jessica Rozen, Amber Tapscott, Claire Houck, Annelie Salvi, Catherine King and Coach Celia Middle row: Wafa Nomani, Sarah DiModica, Amanda Hall, Abigail Murphy. Kaelin Main, Grace O'Connor and Carly Barry Front row: Gwyneth Rothman. Rebecca Degter, Jacie Levethan, Aliyah Carson and Allison Triano



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Back row: Coach Harris, Natasha Aysseh, Christie Jones, Mallory Ehlers, Alison Wheeler, Hayley Salvatore and Coach Brown Front row: Anne Michalski, Julia Salvatore, Carli Levethan, Hayley Chambers and Coach Celia


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Back row: Coach Harris, Grace Nash, Jessica Steib, Amelia Whiteley, Anisha Banerjee, Delaney Harris, Coach Brown, and Coach CeMa Middle row: Amanda Friedman, Victoria Crowe, Ruby Streett-Apicella, Hannah Berrick and Isabelle Allee Front row: Jordan Kulick and Kate Bantle

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Back row: Coach Harris, Sonali Burns, Claire Tulloch, Augusta DeMartin, Hope Rothfuss, Robin Johnson, Sophia Gallagher, and Coach Brown Middle row: Ashley Xu, Louise Dill, Madison Backes, Alexandra Gold and Coach Celia Front row: Meagan Burston and Claire Tully

56 Fitness

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56 Swimming

Charlotte Alexander, Abigail Anderson and Annelie Salvi Allison Triano, Allison Braver Hannah Hodges, and Sydney Fishkin

56 Squash r ?■( -> f vih-ng. , j


Alexander Urn, Ethan Anderson. Ariane Bre.l, Cyril Mnrphy. and William Clemens

78 Squash

Back row: Coach McAndrews, Morgan Riley, Matthew Logue, Ethan Marsh, Gabe Salvi, Harry Linnan, Sophia Savitz, and Oona Nash Front row: Maeve Snover, Riley Allen, Grant Hirsch, Henry Lazarus, Austin Hanley, Matthew Dalinka, Grace Nash, Jessica Steib, and Stephanie Costabile

78 Yoga

Fourth row: Ruby Streett-Apieella, Carli Levelhan, Katherine Glinka, Natasha Aysseh, Hayley Salvatore, Amelia Whileley, Delaney Kliavkotl, Sonali Burns, Kendall Abbott, Hope Rothl'uss, Lauren Bright, Anisha Banerjee, Elena Gribelyuk, and Olivia Begg Third row: Isabelle Allee, Delaney Harris, Elena Teeter, Senora Grant, Claire Tulloch, Victoria Crowe, Augusta DeMartin, Claire Tully, Hannah Berrick, Ariana Loret de Mola, and Mrs. Simon Second row: Jordan Kulick, Meagan Burston, Kate Banlle, Caroline Eagleton, and Christie Jones First row: Julia Salvatore and Robin Johnson


Back row: Henry Kliavkoff. Ethan McOsker, Samuel Hillenmeyer, Alec Sherman, Nicholas Donohew, and Coach Waller Front row: Thomas Kelly, Oliver Frank, Owen Pritchard, and Thomas Copley





Back row: Kenneth Dyson, Cliv Gomez, Glenn Niblo, Kelly Gouin, Anthony Gesualdi, James Scarlata, D'Aeren Carson and Coach Carson Front row: Jackson Trimmer, Robert Cribbin, Pierce Norwood Anderson, Jason Tifford, and Luke Koppenhetfer

78 Boys Basketball Blue

Back row: Joshua Figueroa, Christopher Joyce, Jack Reilly, Samuel Rabassa, Brian Wright, Jack Meizels, Sean Spencer and Coach Little Front row: Matthew Mancuso, Justin Zide, Dean Pigott, Graham DeBow, Philip Ayoub, and Jacob Savitz

78 Boys Basketball White

Back row: Coach Kavanaugh, Christopher Della Jacono, Conor Cooper. Paul Noujaim, James Ross, Thomas Mudd, John 8 2 Kennedy, and Joshua Lewis Front row: Daniel Kulaguz, Alexis Garcia, Jack McOsker, Nicholas Perez, Luke Nascimento, and Tristan Golden

56 Girls Basketball Red

Fourth row: Coach Shelman, Coach Segalas, and Coach Komaromi Third row: Alexandra Bussan, Lauren Garrigues, Amanda Hall, Claire Munting, and Sophie Boyd Second row: Emma Riley, Samantha DeChiara, Katherine Tifford, and Kate Lane First row: Dylan Ross, Aaliyah Carson and Zoe Tinnesz

56 Girls Basketball Blue

Fourth row: Coach Shelman, Coach Segalas, and Coach Komaromi Third row: Teddy Maloney, Carly Barry, Claire Houck, and Sarah Dimodica Second row: Olivia Iudicone, Rebecca Degter, Alisa Kukharkin, and Mai ley McCarthy First row: Sophia Axelrod, Sarah Kadlick and Marina Malin

78 Girls Basketball Red

Back row: Dhasiya Anderson, Stella Silver, Alison Wheeler, and Regina Cullen Middle row: Sarah Molloy, Anne Michalski and Kelly Conheeney Front row: Abigail Price and Elizabeth Pohle

78 Girls Basketball Blue

Back row: Alison Wheeler, Mallory Ehlers, Sophia Gallagher and Alex Boyd Middle row: Ashley Xu, Louise Dill, Charlotte Freund and Sarah Molloy Front row: Marina Marinthopoulos and Alexandra Gold

56 Hockey

Back row: Coach Miller. KJ Gallagher, Taylor Pearlman, Thomas Morris, Robert Jacobs, Jason Marsella, and Coach Smith Front row: Olivia Toscano, William Burke, Peter Marsh, Trey Parisi, and Charlie Feinstein

78 Hockey s










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Colby Lopez-Balboa, Kaela Thomson, Flenry Meyer, John Paul Mella, and Coach lavalla. Alexander Marshman, Michael Carnavalla, Eamonn Nugent. William Tellini


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I f * MBE

Mamie Sadlowsky

Directors of Assessment and Instruction

Anne Moriarty and Heather Parker

Administrative Assistants

Steve Soden, Jenna Temple, Megan Yelton, Cathy Mishkin, Margie Farrell


Becky Rabassa

Assistant Head of Upper School

Peter Newcomb

Library and Media Specialist

Bill W allace, Brett Ford, Bill Pusack, Jenna Temple, Alexis Adams, Victoria Khisnichenko, Chantal Ayotte

Zhanna Williams, Nick DeFelice, Andrew Schoudel, G ary Caputi, Ken Melmed, Priscilla Pusack


Modern Languages

Ryan Houck, Ibby Tarshis, Carolyn Patten, Suzanne Gigante, Lizzy Oxler, Tricia Manganello, Steve Soden

Siyang Ma, Susannah Branch, Ihui Li, Claudia Lydon, Tom Zoubek, Marion Haymann, Gilles Chosson, Francisco Gracia

College Counseling

Performing Arts

Dave Bonner, Jessica Landis, Michelle Sotire, Peter Newcomb

Amy Darnton, Garrett Mendez, Jackie Martino, Mark Silence


i s





Jtuart Marsh, Christos Galanopoulos, Alex Weiner, an Lear-Nickum, Megan Yelton, Debra Sands-Holder, 5eter Newcomb, Cathy Mishkin, Marc Lingle











Connie Nichols and Ran LaPollla 105

Class of 201 7 Austen Albano Callie Bartimer Owen Bass Caroline Benjamin Carter Borchetta

Bram Brakman Tiany Brito Ella Bruck Ethan Bruck Jared Bunder

Michael Burke Trey Canevari Kelly Cattano Nisha Chandra Katie Charcalis

Zoe Clark Elena Costin-Bynum Thomas DeBow Cole Dorsey Samantha Ehlers

Jack Feinstein William Ferguson Declan Fine Nicole Garcia Andrew Gheewalla

Megan Glinka Spencer Gold Matthew Goodfellow Sydney Gubner Carmen Gundy

Richard Haight John Hartwell Sean Hayes Sammy Houck Sammy Houle

Autumn lafrate Miles Johnson Richard Jove Jack Kane Logan Katz

Charlie Keating Joao Pedro Leite Josephine Lewis Kayla Lichtman Brittany Lombardi

Aimee Madigan Maya Mandava Adele McGoran Flynn McMorrow James Michalski

Wesley Midy Jeffrey Miller William Millerchip Claire Morris Femke Munting

Talia Newman Sophie Perez James Pritchard Cameron Reiss Jonathan Richter

Brandon Ross Jack Rozen John Sanchez Suzanne Savage Alex Schlesinger

Noah Schneider Elisabeth Sciolla Caroline Seiter Cara Shattan Nick Sheer

Rachel Sherman John Spencer Krystal Ssonko Ben Steib Jeremy Toscano

Jayne Tully Carolyn Valenti Garrett Waldner Wyatt Werner Claire Whamond

Karl Zoubek

Class of 2016 Katherine Abbott Mackenzie Allen Connor Bamford Brooke Bantle Thomas Bate

Alexandra Bonfils Mark Brady Thomas Breck Tyler Chapman Matthieu Chicoye

Amanda Cohen SaraKate Connick Jack Cooper Ryan Correa Nicholas Couch

Sophie Dalinka Jenna Della Jacono Paige Deschapelles Charles Dill Bradley DiModica Cornelius Droogan Molly Eagleton Idalis Figueroa Alex Fleischman John Foley

Liam Gallagher Bradley Galvin John Georgas Lauren Gimpel Megan Green

Henry Griffin John Harrington Anna Harvey Graham Henderson Ellery Hicks

Tyler Holtz Connor Howe Laurel Jaffe Carl Jean-Pierre Eva Johnson

Eric Knorr Jack Koppenheffer Felipe Leite Conrad Lindenberg John Lineberry

Gregory Lopatynsky Maya Lopatynsky Emilio Loret de Mola Kayonne Markes Jenna Marsella Robert Marsh Dylan McDermid Matthew McDermott Molly McQuilkin Andrew Mercein

Kate Meyer Ellie Mitchell Susan Moore John Mudd William Nellis

Jana O'Donnell Charlotte Orenstein George Peele Scott Perlman Tyler Petrone

Liam Quigley Alexandria Rabassa Danny Roca Sabrina Sampson Isabella Sapio

Julianna Savitz Rebecca Silberfein Sarah Smith Robert Smithline Paul Spadaccini

Anne Standfest Alexandra Stanton Declyn Thornton Haley Truglia Margaret Valenti

David Voigt George Voller Charles Wheeler Jane Widder Amanda Wilpon


Class of 2015 Walter Argueta Jeremy Benjamin Tom Bewkes Henry Bray Cameron Burns

Chelsea Byrd Andrew Carlin James Carnavalla Thomas Catenacci Maya Chandra

Joey Chimes Aliyah Christy Austin Cieszko McKenzie Clippinger James Conheeney

Thomas Conheeney Stephen Connor Julia Crawford Alex Currie Alicia Del Vecchio

Peter Doering Katharina Focke Josh Ford Arielle Golden Kaitlyn Goodfellow

Jenny Goodgal Tucker Gouin Jacob Gubner Hannah Hicks Kate Hirsch

Peter Horn Lauren Hyland Victoria Iglesias Frances Jay Isabelle Lahaussois

Sabrina Lamhaouar Caroline Lazarus Lindsay Levethan James Lewis Grace Linnan Christopher Massucco Madeline Mauboussin John McAllister Edward Meizels Alyssa Meyers

Matthew Molinaro Katherine Morris Alexandra Murphy Connor Murphy Nolan Murray

Beatrice Nash Richard Nelli Rebecca Norton Katherine Norton Jeffrey Packer

Luke Price Luke Pritchard Rachel Reid Victoria Rigby-Hall Daniel Romanello

Samantha Rosenthal Cristobal Ruiz Andrew Savage Olivia Savitz Jameson Schwartz Kendra Scotti Matthew Sherwood Marc Skolnick Nicholas Smith Kevin Ssonko

Shannon Sullivan Ethan Thomson Cristopher Trump Anne Tully Allison Weiner

Maura Welt Joseph Widder Robert Wyman Ariana Yepez Jordan Zide




Yearbook Club

Club leaders: Emily Green and Gerard Pozzi

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Model United Nation Club

Club leaders: Emily Green, Helen Paglia and Emma Snover

Creative Ink Club leaders: Evan Schwartz and Ethan Thomson

Rwanda Service Club I



Club leaders: Maisie Heine and Annie Tully

Student Activities Club






Art Club Club leader: Anna Harvey

Tour Guides

Club leaders: Chris Deschapelles, Khandice Dyson, Emma Snover, Paul Whittingham and Jackie Xu

] Chinese Club


Club leaders: Coby Becker and Brendon Hanley

Breast Cancer


Club leaders: Emma Snover and James Quigley

Global Students




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Chamber Choir Club leaders: Alicia DelVecchio and Jackie Xu

Environmental Club


Club leader: Marissa Nobs

Chess Club

Debate Club

Club Leaders: Kendra Scotti and Kayonne Marks

Student Council

Peer Review Board

Mark Brady, Matt Chicoye, Matt Sherwood, Ali Weiner, Katie Morris, Paul Whittingham, Sabrina Sampson, Cole Dorsey, Claire Whamond, Caroline Ryan, Elizabeth Sciolla (missing: Anthony Spadaccini, Annie DelGenio, Peer Review Chair Mr. Galanopoulos)

Front row: Charlie Mercein, Ryan Main, Anthony Spadaccini, Tucker Gouin, Desmond Hague, Nick Della Jacono Second row: Matt Molinaro, James Conheeney, Bobby Wyman, Richie Nellie, Dan Romanello, Third row: Andrew Mercein, Kevin Ssonko, John McAllister, Chris Massucco, Jacob Gubner, Liam Gallagher, Paul Spadaccini, Back row: Tray Cantavari, Charlie Dill, Carl Jean Pierre, John Folley, Dillan McDermott, Thomas Bate, Declan Fine, W ffdffv M idi C n n r h Sndpn C n n r h G n u in

Captains: Nick Della Jacono, Desmond Hague, Tucker Gouin, Anthony Spadaccini, Ryan Main

Kendra Scotti, Ellie Mitchell, Anna Harvey, Jenny Goodgal, Andrew Savage, Joey Chimes, Eric Knorr. B a c k R o w : Matt Chicoye, Connor Howe, Emilio Loret de Mola, Ben Steib, Andrew Wiithiam, Richard Jove, Luke Price, Jonathan Richter Fron t R o w :


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Ali Bonfils, Idalis Figueroa, Jenna Della Jacono, Lindsay Levethan B a c k R o w : Isabelle Lahaussois, Ryan Corea, Kayonne Markes, Khandice Dyson, Haleigh Levethan, Alex Rabassa, Cara Shattan, Kaitlyn Goodfellow, Coach Tran

Fron t R o w :


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Olivia Reyes, Bella Sapio, Paige Deschapelles, Olivia Savitz, Mackenzie Allen Back R o w : Katie Meyer, Caroline Lazarus, Elisabeth Sciolla, Arianna Yepez, Becky Norton, Ali Weiner, Alyssa Meyers, Callie Bartimer, Rachel Reid, Jordan Farber, Kayla Lichtman Fron t R o w :

Captains: Olivia Reyes Ali Weiner Jordan Farber

K : ..j


Row: Jack Lineberry, Mikey Burke, Nick Couch, Matt McDermott, Alex Fleischman, Will Millerchip. M i d d l e R o w : Felipe Leite, Walter Argueta, Alex Currie, Tommy Conheeney, Jack Rozen. B a c k R o w : Christian Deschapelles, Drew Gold, Charlie Cooper, Eli Lichtman, Coach Enzennio, Jack Blattman, Jamie Schwartz. Front

Charlotte Orenstein, Jayne Tully, Claire Morris, Katie Keller M i d d l e R o w : Helen Paglia, Anne Tully, Mackenzie Clippinger, Megan Green, Ellery Hicks B a c k R o w : Coach Shellman, Grace Linnan, Katie Morris, Shanon Sullivan, Hanna Galvin, Ella Bruck, Aimee Madigan, Coach Oxler Fron t R o w :

Captains: Helen Paglia Katie Keller

JV Girls Volleyball Rachel Sherman, Sydney Gubner, Cameron Reiss, M aya Mandava, Carmen Gundy, Krystal Ssonko, Samantha Ehlers, Nicole Garcia, Coach Celia

JV Girls Soccer Jana O'Donnell, Susie Moore, Kat Norton, Nisha Chandra, Annie Standfest, Juliana Savitz, Jackie Xu, Ana Gordon B a c k R o w : Coach Bonnie, Zoe Clark, Jojo Lewis, Adele McGoran, Vicky Rigby-Hall, Sarah Smith, Victoria Iglesias, Hannah Hicks, Sabrina Sampson. M i s s i n g : Julia Crawford, Megan Glinka, Kate Hirsch, May a Lopatynsky, Talia Newman M id d le R ow :

JV Boys Soccer

Charlie Keating, John Hartwell, Conrad Lindenberg, Miles Johnson, Matt Goodfellow, Greg Lopatynsky. B a c k R o w : Spencer Gold, Karl Zoubek, Mattew McDermit, Sammy Houck, Juan Ellis-Ochoa, Jered Mclnerney,Jeffrey Miller,Jared Bunder, JP Leite, Charlie Wheeler, Bradley Galvin, Tee DeBow, Coach Smith. Front R o w :

Varsity Squash

Josh Silberfein, Thomas Bate, Logan Katz, Graham Henderson. B a c k R o w : Henry Bray, Nick Smith, Nick Couch, Conrad Lindenberg, Coach Shelman M i s s i n g : Alex Britton, James Lewis, Spencer Gold, Brad Dimodica Fron t R o w :

Maisie Heine, Hannah Galvin, Caroline Ryan, Gigi Bohrenger, Kaitlin Standfest, Nisha Chandra, Coach Shelman M i s s i n g : Aimee Madigan, Maya Chandra

Girls Varsity Basketball

Fron t R o w : Back R o w :

Jayne Tully, Chelsea Byrd, Natalie Wind Coach Bagley, Callie Bartimer, Ali Weiner, Rachel Reid, Aliyah Christy, Coach Paolino






GUEST fouls


Captains: Ali Weiner, Aliyah Christy, Rachel Reid, Chelsea Byrd

Varisty Boys Basketball v/ikinqs

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Jake Spencer, Chris Trump, Matt Molinaro, Trey Canevari, Eddie Meizels B a c k R o w : Coach Dobbs, Tom Bewkes, Chris Massucco, Nick Della Jacono, Desmond Hague, Peter Horn, Matt Sherwood, Coach Jones

Fron t R o w :

row.Jack Droogan, Jack Feinstein, Jack Lineberry, David Voigt, Tyler Petrone, Charlie Keating, Jeremy Toscano. B a c k r o w : Coach Smith, Charlie Wheeler, Jack Wheeler, Peter Doering, Max Perkins, Nolan Murray, Jamie Carnavalla, Garrett Waldner, Luke Pritchard, Marc Skolnick, Coach Bruno M i s s i n g : Kate Connick Fron t

Captains: Nolan Murray, Max Perkins, Jack Wheeler

Boys JV Basketball A

Row: Liam Gahllager, Wesley Midy, Jeremy Benjamin, Michael Burke, Andy Gheewalla B a c k R o w : Coach Sheehan, Jamie Schwartz, Jack Blattman, Eli Lichtman, Drew Gold, Declan Fine, Flynn McMorrow, Coach Saracino. Fron t

BoysJV Basketball B

Jack Koppenheffer, John Hartwell Back row: Coach Caughlan, Wesley Midy, Jack Kane, Henry Griffin, Alex Schlesinger, Bram Brakman, James Michalski, John Sanchez Front ro w :

Girls Golf _____— — — i . -

Boys Golf

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Girls Tennis

Boys tennis

Boys Lacrosse

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Girls Lacrosse

College Bound Athletes

Christian Deschapelles, Jack Blattman, Molly Goldstein, Charlie Mercein, Eli Lichtman, Alex Streich, Anthony Spadaccini, Nick Della Jacono, Paige Voigt


Burial at Thebes



Winter Concert

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Visual Arts
















Double Vision, wax

e n c a u s tic A

I love fashion and my work reflects this interest. I examine how women are influenced by all the ideals projected on them, both in positive and negative ways.






















Flashing Lights,









A c r y lic p a in t, s a n d

I express my emotions through color and texture.


c o lo r e d p e n c il, a c ry lic

My art examines the relationship humans have with animals.


Enjoy my Life,








p rin te d b o o k s

Every month I publish a book of my photographs that document my experiences and emotions.

Advanced Art Students J








m ix e d m e d ia

My art is about finding personal meaning in common cultural idioms.














p rin ts o n fa b r ic

My work is about women's issues in our global community.















Everlasting Love, wax

e n c a u s tic

Witnessing my brother battling with addiction, has inspired me to make art about love and recovery.


A W alk in their Shoes,












m a rk e r on b o o ts

Doodling is what I do to relax and sort out my thoughts, and emotions. The doodles on these boots represent a journey I took.


Class Trips

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Senior Index Robbie Balloch.............................................................252 Coby Becker..................................................................272 Alex Benjamin.................................................244, 339 Daniel Berrick............................................................... 247 Jack Blattman.................................................. 269, 335 Gigi Boehringer............................................. 207, 319 Alex Britton....................................................................23 1 Charlie Cooper..............................................255, 363 Erin Crutchley..................................................217, 321 Annie DelGenio.............................................237, 3 12 Nick Della Jacono........................................206, 364 Christian Deschapelles..................... 204, 3 4 6 ,3 4 7 Khandice Dyson.......................................................... 242 Juan Andres Ellis O choa................ 224, 310, 3 1 1 Jordan Farber.................................................2 4 1 , 316 John Fiorito.......................................................270, 333 Liz Flood..........................................................................233 FJannah Freund..............................................2 6 1 ,3 1 5 FJanna Galvin.................................................2 2 0 ,3 6 5 Alexandra Garrigues................................................265 Lucas Giannetti............................................................ 263 Drew G o ld ....;.jd 4,,4................................................. 243 Molly Goldstein.............................................2 18, 361 Alfred Gonzalez.........................................................2 59 Ana Gordon.......................................................245,362 Emily Green.....................................................2 30 , 337 Amelia Griffin................................................. 202, 327 Sid Haase-Puissant, ............ 275 Desmond Hague.... .2 4 0 , 342 Brendan Hanley..... I . ....... 21 1 Mike Hart................. ............ 262 Maisie Heine................... ..................... 249 Peter Hughes................... .....................258 Russell Jaffe..................... George Ja y ..................... .........266, 367 Lindsay Jennings........... .........238, 338 Katie Keller....................... ...........2 6 8 ,3 5 9 Cameron Kelley............ .........264, 366

Haleigh Levethan.................................. 2 08 , 356, 357 Eli Lichtman...........................................................21 2, 331 Marc Lupinacci............................................ 203 Ryan M ain............................................................239, 349 Ashlyn Markosky........................................................... 273 Lauren Martin..................................................... 229, 326 Matt Martin..........................................................271, 329 Jered Mclnerney............................................... 21 9, 360 Charlie Mercein................................................ 267, 369 Virginia Myers.................................................... 214, 343 Marisa Nobs.......................................................253, 320 Helen Paglia........................................................250, 344 M ax Perkins......................................................... 216, 318 Gerard Pozzi.......................................................2 21 ,3 6 8 Vinny Promuto................................................................. 232 James Quigley....................................................260, 336 Olivia Reyes.........................................................257, 350 Joey Rinaldi..........................................................223, 317 Campbell Ritchey..............................................246, 355 Caroline Ryan.....................................................222, 332 Evan Schwartz....................................................251, 322 Sam Shaw.............................................................254, 325 David Sheets....................................................... 235, 313 Josh Silberfein.................................................... 227, 324 Emma Snover......................................................210,348 Anthony Spadaccini........................................ 228, 345 Kaitlyn Standfest................................................225, 328 Alex Streich..........................................................215, 314 Nicole Tellini....................................................... 21 3,341 Sasha Thilmany..............................................................236 Diego Trevino..................................................................276 Rachelle Trimarchi.........................................................226 Paige Voigt............................................................. 205,323 Jack W heeler...................................................... 209, 340 Paul Whittingham..................................274, 351-354 Jackie Xu................................................................267, 334 Dylan Ziegelbaum............................................234, 330

f A

Senior Class of 2014

"A girl should be two things, classy and fabulous." - Coco Chanel


"When you do something best in life, you don't really want to give that up - and for me it's tennis." -Roger Federer "My parents gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person: they believed in me." -Jim Valvano

w 'tv

I "Who's got it better than us? Nobody!" -Jim Harbaugh and the



NICK DELLA JACONO "Character is what you do when nobody is watching." -Stephen Soden "Focus on the little things and the big things will take care of themselves." -Stephen Soden "The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of wi - Vince Lombardi "Success track, on the field with blood, sweat, a the occasional tear."

GIGI BOEHRINGER "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

"You haven't won the race if in winning the race you have lost the respect of your competitors." - Paul Evelstrom


BRENDAN HANLEY "The two most important days in your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why." - Mark Twain "Everything will be alright in the end. If it is not alright, it is not yet the end." - Deborah Moggach "If you always do, what you've always done, then you'll always get, what you've always got." - Its true source is unknown but it was said by Tony DiNozzo from NCIS 'The worst things in life come free to us. Ed Sheeran

"Some players play the piano Different players carry the piano, so others can play." - The Man, Enzennio

"Individual commitment to a group effort - that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work." - Vince Lombardi

Kenny, we need more BIG MEN." - Charles Barkley

'Whatever you do in life, surround yourself with smart people who'll argue with you." -John Wooden

"Success is no accident. It is hard work, perserverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do."

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"A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its original dimensions." - Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.





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Never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience." - Victoria Holt

"Some people feel the rain, others just get wet." - Bob Marley

"When one oor is closed, don't you kr >w, another is open." - Bob Marley



"For every dark night, there's a brighter day." ^ - 2pac "Fine, you want me to take your te sy | I'll take your test.4* - Miracle


* "Some of the worst mistakes of my life have been haircuts." -Jim Morrison


"You don't need an you who you are. You an


II11'm not superstitious but I am little stitious." - Michael Scott "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm" -Winston Churchill "Be so good they can't ignore you - Steve Martin

"We spend our whole lives becoming ourselves when we are born as no one else." - Marina Diamandis "Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will." "It is our choices that show who we truly are far more than our abilities." - Albus Dumbledore

GERARD POZZI "Life is a combination of magic and pasta." - Federico Fellini "Man's greatest weakness is his love of life." - Moliere "My mind to me a kingdom is." - Edward de Vere, Earl of Oxford

CAROLINE RYAN "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." - Robert Frost

"Hey Boo." - Harper Lee, T o K ill a M o c k i n g b i r d

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend. - Albert Camus


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I have neve chooling ini fiy education." Mark Twain

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r "Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass... It’s about learning to dance in the rain."


"No matter what you're going through, there's a light at the end of the tunnel and it may seem hard to get to it but you can do it and just keep working towards it and you'll find the positive sides of things" -Demi Lovato "In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your path straight" - Proverbs 3:6

H.O.P.E.: "Hold on; the pain will end." "Life is short; live it, Love is rare, grab it. Anger is bad, dump it. Fear is awful, face it. Memories are sweet, cherish them."



"The only thing fear is fear itself." - Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"It is never as bad as it seems. You're much stronger than you think you are. Trust me." - Superman

"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." - Willy Wonka "There are some corners of the universe which have bred the most terrible things. Things that act against everything we believe in. They must be fought!" - Patrick Troughton, Doctor Who "The truly wise man does not consider himself to be wise."








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"For me, winning isn't somethiq^hat happens suddenly on the field when the w hi|tt| blows and *V*'''' ' jS i the crowds roar. Winnning is somethiri^that builds physically and mentally every day that you train j ’. and every night that you dream." ^



- Emmet Smith

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I want to put a ding in the universe." - Steve Jobs leve you can, and you re halfway there." -Theodore Roosevelt

ELIZABETH FLOOD Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn't know it so it goes on flying anyway." - Mary Kay Ash

"and I make no doubt, the world is very right in its view, yet believe also that I am not quite wrong in mine." - Charlotte Bronte

"Sometimes I lie awake at night and I ask, 'Is life a multiple choice test or is it a true or false test?' ... Then a voice comes to me out of the dark and says, 'We hate to tell you this but life is a thousand word essay.'" - Charles M. Schulz

"Watch your words; they become c Watch your options; they k Wc^ch^oyr habijl; they b* WdWt^otjr character;'it oecomesyour - Frank €>utlaw • . m jl ; $U 0

"The only person you*are destined to become, is th% person you decide to«e*5 -*Ralph Waldo Emerson .

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"If we amplify everything we ■• hear nothing." Jon Stewart I..XL * J

"I'm at the wrong airport." * - Ollie Williams "The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining." -John F. Kennedy

SASHA THILMANY "Do not judge, and you will not be judged; and do not condemn, and you will not be condemned; pardon, and you will be pardoned." - Luke 6 :3 7 "You and I know, and do not believe that life is so dear and peace is so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains of slavery." - Ronald Reagan "To those who can hear me, I say - do not despair. The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed - the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress. The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people and so long as men die, liberty will never perish." - Charlie Chaplin "If you have an apple, give it to your f r ie n d || - Zhanna Williams

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DESMOND HAGUE "You're not DMX, you can't stop, drop, and open up shop on your own." - Seth Rogan

"| |j|<e thinking big. If you're going to be thinking anything, you

JORDAN FARBER "My best friend Lesley said, 'Oh she's just being Miley.'" - Miley Cyrus

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"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away - George Carlin

"There are no accidents... There is only some purpose that we haven't yet understood." - Deepak Chopra

ANDREW GOLD "The more I practice the luckier I get." - Arnold Palmer

"Being a grown up is boring... Besides, I don't get jazz." - Patrick Starr

"Bold strategy, Cotton. - Pepper Brooks


"I'll never get used to anything. Anybody that does, they might as W&II be dead." -Holly Golightly, Breakfast at Tiffany's

"You know yd^'re in love when you caiVt fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.'1 1- Dr; Seuss j /'| : •«.■:•


»' < "You're tacky and I hafe you - Billy, School of Rock

"We're all pretty bizarre. Some of us are' just better at hiding it, that's al|." • 1 - Andrew Clark, The Breakfast Cl'ub ' .V<'; ?■' ’ r . , i If

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Great supine protopl^mi^ invertebrate jelfiesll - Borris John|on, Mayor of London

'Neil Armstrong, that spaceman^ he went to the moon but he ain't been back. It can't have been that good." - Karl Pilkington "We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses." - Abraham Lincoln

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"What's life without whimsy?" Sheldon Cooper, The Big Bang Theory

l was happy, I knew that. While experiencing happiness, we have difficulty in being conscious of it. Only when the happiness is past and we look back on it do we suddenly realize - sometimes with astonishment - how happy we had been." - Nikos Kazantzakis, Zorba the Greek "Elegance is not the prerogative of those who have just escaped from adolescence, but of those who have already taken possession of their future." -Coco Chanel

'Wherever you go, go with all your heart, Confucius "Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul." - Douglas Arthur "Good things happen when you meet strangers." - Yo-Yo Ma "The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.1 - Ralph Waldo Emerson

What about Room 237?" - Danny Torrance, The Shining

BALLOCH "The health of the eye seems to demand a horizon. W e are never tired, so long as we can see far enough." - Ralph W aldo Emerson

"When it is dark enough, you can see the stars." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

SAM SHAW "If you ever start taking things too seriously, just remember that we are talking monkeys on an organic spaceship flying through the universe." -Joe Rogan "Just spews from my mind, I get confused all the time My wall of space is confined, so you better elevate or lose time." - Flatbush Zombies "all I'm gonna do is just go on and do what I feel." -Jimi Hendrix s been." Dead

CHARLIE COOPER You can pay for school but you can't buy Class." -Jay Z "You can't stop, drop, and open up shop by yourself." -Seth Rogan It was a recipe for disaster." - Coby PM Becker w ell, l could be wrong, but I believe diversity is an old, old wooden ship that was used during the Civil W ar era." -Ron Burgundy

CHARLIE MERCEIN "I seldom end up where I wanted to go, but almost Iways end up where I need to be." -Douglas Adams

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OLIVIA REYES "It was all a dream." -Christopher George Latore W allace aka Biggie Smalls

"The difference between thoughts and actions is what separates man from beast."

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"El secreto de una buena vejez no es mas que un pacto honrado con la soledad." - Gabriel Garcia Marquez

"I'm not Motther Teresa, but I'm not Charles Manson either." - Mike Tyson

Is mayonnaise an instrument?" - Patrick Star

A hero can by anyone." - Anonymous

Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard." - Kevin Durant



HANNAH FREUND "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." - Bernard M. Baruch


"The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Peter Ducker

"Dreams will get nowhere, a good kick in the pants will take you a long way." - Baltasar Gracian

"If you're going through hell, keep going." - Winston Churchill

"Quality is not an act, it is a habit." - Aristotle

"In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is rvfninn

LUCAS GIANNETTI "Life is about not knowing,.having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, and not knowing what's going to happen next." - Gilda Radner It is a mistake to look too far away, the chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time." - Winston Churchill History is written by.the victors. Get to work. "If the going is rough and the pressure is on; if the reserves of strength have been drained and the summit is still not in sight; then the quality to see in a person is neither great strength nor quickness of hand, but rather a r e s o l u t e mind firmly set on its purpose that refuses to let its body slacken pr restV1

CAMERON KELLElf "I think perfection is ugly. Somewhere in the things humans make, I want to see scars, failures, disorder, distortion." - Yohji Yamamoto "Nobody ever figures out what life is all about, and it doesn't matter. Explore the world. Nearly everything is really interesting if you go into it deeply enough." - Richard P. Feyman "How can I accept a limited definable self, when I feel, in me, all possibilities?" - AnaTs Nin "The beauty of things must be that they end." - Jack Kerouac

"I'm not sure what I'll do, but - well, I wanf to go places and see people, want my mind to grow. I want to live where things happen on a big scale." - F. Scott Fitzgerald



KATIE KELLER "Now either we heal as a team, or we're gonna crumble. Inch by inch, play by play, 'till we're finished." - Al Pacino, Any Given Sunday "You just do you KK." - Lo "Great moments are born from great opportunities." - Herb Brooks

JACK BLATTMAN "Simmer down." - Unknown "If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball." - Patches O'Houlihan "So many activities!" - Brennan Huff "Soccer is a matter of life and death, except more important." - Bill Shankly

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"Even though it's tiring, I'm having the time of my life." m- Big Sean

COBY BECKER "Sorry I iz late, but dere was a documentary on about monkeys." - Ali G "I have a leash on this thing, and I'm gonna walk it." - R. Kelly


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"I would never want to belong to any club that would have someone like me for a member." . Groucho Marx

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"This is the tale of Kanye West, who is snuggled in his Kanye nest, having himself a Kanye rest, for he must be at his Kanye best, before he's off on a Kanye quest, where he'll be put to the Kanye test, in hopes of retrieving the Kanye chest distinctly marked with the Kanye crest, he shall return to the Kanye nest and have himself a Kanye fest, where he will welcome many Kanye guests, but first he must get rid of Kanye pests, before he can put on his Kanye vest, and dance at the party with such Kanye zest." - David Sheets






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Dear Graduating Class of 2014, First, let me say how proud I am to be writing this letter. Yours is the first class to ask me to "sign" your yearbook, and I hope to rise to the occasion. Here goes... If you remember anything from your time at King, I hope you remember that this School is always yours. We see you as poised for adventure, growth, and fearless learning - and we will be here, on Newfield Avenue, in Stamford, NYC, San Francisco, Boston, Chicago, London, anywhere the King family resides - to support you and celebrate you. Then, I hope you remember your teachers - including your coaches, directors, counselors, advisors, deans. I hope you remember the ones with whom you immediately connected as well as the ones who grew on you as you realized that you can learn from many people, people with many personality types - people who pushed, pulled, encouraged, and even irritated you in their endless commitment to both you and their subject areas. Please do not forget these teachers; it is their life's work to give you not only skills and content knowledge but also knowledge of yourself. Keep in touch with them, tell them what you are learning, and remember that they are so proud to have watched you grow and will not stop hoping for your success. Speaking of success...! certainly wish you success. I am sure you will not be surprised that my definition of success is rather broad; indeed, I hope you discover that success is usually found not by meeting one goal but instead by composing a life made up of healthy relationships, hard but rewarding work, and an honest awareness of your strengths and liabilities. Be brave. Don't assume you know everything, ever. Always look openly and with curiosity at the whole world. Accept yourself, but know that you can change if you want to. Find the depth and strength of character to love this dynamic, ever-changing world and establish your place in it. Finally, I want to offer you my thanks for all that you have contributed to the life of King. High school years can encompass ages fourteen through nineteen, depending on who you are and when you were ready for a demanding, college-preparatory, life-preparatory Upper School experience. But sometime during these past four years you have played the lead, sat on the bench, forgot a deadline, aced a test, procrastinated, won an award, made a serious mistake, fell in love, lost a friend, became a friend. You lived! And you did the last four years of that living here (amidst many architectural changes) - and I see all of these parts of your life as contributions to King's Upper School community. Thank you. Thank you! Be Well,

Mamie Sadlowsky

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W.J.P. Thank you for all of the advice and knowledge you have given me in the last four years. From teaching me freshman year, coaching me for the last four years and advising me for the last three. My high school experience would not have been the same without you. E.L. I hope you will stop dressing like a bum some day. A.B. Who do you think you are? I AM. LIGHT THE CANDLE. MASHED POTATOES. But ever since then we've had competitions and I've worn him out. Not to make me look good or anything but that's what happened...LOOKING FOR A CITY. WHERE WE'LL NEVER DIE. M .G. There is no one that can get between us, not even Eli (Alphabetically). Locker and Fire drill buddy, TOASTER STRUDEL YA!!!!I! J.W . Your snapchats are legendary. I hope someday you achieve earthworm status. C.D. Even though the Mayo Clinic didn't cure you, you seem alright to me. J.X. I want some HI-CHEWS. K.S. I'm so proud of you letting go of your obsession. Means a lot. Soccer: Love all of you. All of you put in just as much as I did and I'm proud to say I played and won with all of you.

sws Cave Crew: You guys are the best. W e've had some very memorable times in the cave and in a w ay it was the seed that blossomed into a beautiful potent plant that I consider our friendship. W e are quite the unique bunch but we alw ays have some great time together. BMBSQD • My girls from the beginning to end. I will alw ays remember the fun times with you guys. W e started the six pack (shoutout to MP and JR) and grew from there. I will be there for you guys whenever you need me. Till, then, I'll be in the mountains <3<3 Sherlock/Douby-1 don't remember why I called you Sherlock but it fit. M y partner in crime, we have had some interesting times together and I cherish every single one. I laugh so hard everytime I think of Mr. Wilkins or the little secretary or thinking about where gas nets go. Our incredibly deep conversations about our views and perceptions of the world have really shaped me as a person. W e have had some great times together and I hope that never changes. Kenya/Naks: Oh my little Philipino friend, there is so much to say but not in the yearbook, we have had some awesome times together and I've been missing our absurdly long school parking lot talks instead of leaving and doing something actually productive. Gonna miss you oh so much! J-Rock- Jordi jordi where to begin. I'm really going miss S&J-D. Adventures. W e had some crazy times together and I hope they continue when we head off to college. W hile you will be getting tanner out in Florida, I'll be getting paler and paler up north. If you ever get too burnt, come visit me! And if I become pale as a ghost, I'll come visit you for some exposure. Going to miss you so much! Ps. Tip toein in ma JA W W W W W W D IN S . VM- You are a great addition to the friend group junior year! I'm so happy you became one of my bestfriends. W e have had some awesome times together but I won't go into those. I am going to miss having classes with you and having so many fun times in class. W e really know how to brighten up a boring situation together. Although you must be bummed you couldn't finish your high school career at DHS, I1m so happy that you came and stayed, otherwise I wouldn't have all these memories with you. Going to miss ya chica! Moose - Moose! I have no idea what I am going to write in this for you. W e have a lot of things I could talk about, but better left unwritten. I love you Moose and we have had some interesting and crazy shenanigans along the w ay. Thank you for all the times you have helped me out and been my second momma! You da best Moose! Every time I see a moose up north I will think of you (meant in the least offensive w a y possible). Love, Captain k.nuckles CB- Sophomore year, this friendship w as created and I couldn't be happier. It all started from the road block in my W HITE HUM M ER (rip) with CM and PH. Trading music and thoughts, I will miss our little hang outs wherever they took place, we alw ays had a good time. Gonna miss you buddy! CM • You are one of the realist people I know, you're going to do big things. MP • Sup butt licker, you have been an awesome friend over the years and no matter where you end up in the future I'll be sure to visit. Joe Bags • The things I can write about our time together would be quite the read, but to shorten it you have been a great friend to me the past few years. The few trips we've been on together we have had some awesome times and have learned a lot from one another. You're the man joey, don't ever let anyone tell you different! ps. Big Andy says hi. M arco - RIP DT - W e made it through alive! See you on the hilll EC • One of my first girl friends in elementary school, we know so much about eachother by now it's so crazy to think about. W herever you end up in the future, I know you are going to do big things. Just know you alw ays have a spot in the Shaw house if you ever need one. Love you girl. Sabrina- You're the best. Keep doing you and have fun the next few years, they go by quicker than you think, love you cuz.

GFP A G bonjour. comment t'appelles-tu? quel age as-tu? qu'est-ce que tu fais quand tu es libre? pourquoi? I had a great time in high school with you alf, and never forget about the bandits, as we are the last known survivors. DB: danielito, it's been good knowing you! Oh right, see you at Hamilton! MH: Merkyll, JF: I hope you can find a chicken leg as big as the one you ate here! DS: I hope you can take a bite out of a cow in college. JEO : Marty, K-Mart, leave some salmon forthe guests, especially Buk Lau. Have a great time at college. GB: Don't get punched as hard as I punched you in 5th grade. It's been a fun four years of high school and French together, Geeg. JQ : Jiminy Cricket, enjoy DC! ES: It was great to spend time with you and joke around in Calc! Don't have too much fun at Barnard with your accomplice in crime, Juan, next-door. CD: Have fun on the historic plains of the Gettysburg battlefield bud! AB: Marginal. That is all. BH: It's been fun, bran flake! EG: yearbook buddy, it was nice to spend time with you in high school! CR: I had fun with you in high school! Don't be too wild at Georgetown! PW: You will do great things, Mr. President. DZ, JX, MN, HL, HG, NDJ, SHP, JS, GJ, ML: It was nice to spend time with you in high school!

JMF Mom & Dad - Thank you for everything you've done for me. I love you both so much! To all my friends - You know who you are ;) Love you guys! You made my high school great! I'm going to miss you so much next year!!! AF - Best brother I could ask for. Missed you this year bro.

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JMR First and foremost I need to start by thanking K-Fudd because, even though you ended up leaving King, without you man I would not have applied. Jelly Bean and PDM95 what can I say you are the two best friends I have made at this school. Jelly Bean I am so glad we became friends because you taught me how to feel young again, and I don't care what other people might say you are truly a mensch. And PDM95 you sold your own poison years ago but I forgive you. PDM95 the highlight of high school for me is definetely going to VT with you and Estolts and eating waffles all day and baking pizza bagels all night. CM what happened in Greece stays in Greece. I have nothing but love for you brother and thanks again for dedicating "what I got" to me at your concert that the gang and I went to. Pistol I'm glad to say I have finally climbed your wall of emotions. EL and JB you guys are the best captains and I'm glad to call you my friends. CC it was an honor to be your co/assistant/back up goalie and your doubles partner. Shout out to the Mens soccer and basketball team I had the time of my life playing with you fellas. SS and A M without you girls I might not be here today. I am so grateful to have you as friends. W et Sheets, Dezmundo, and M Beautiful M you are three amigos who will remain in my heart forever. Myolo "even though you're gone, we are still a team" Crucuila shout out to my JV tennis squad you boyz are responsible for shaping the individual that I am today.

ASH: 300 hashtagg swag. Hope you rule the middle school. Thanks for putting up with my late night madness fo the past 18 years. Can't wait till you come visit me! AL: I win and JKI - literally our friendship summed up in a sentence. Drew: hi chews. You have passed the "is this gum?" phase. Congrats! Giiiiiig: We've been friends for so long I can't believe we won't be together next year. Imma miss you and our chem jokes. One last one for good luck: Fluorine uranium carbon potassium bismuth technetium helium sulfur germanium thulium oxygen neon yttrium. Erin: Love you. Who else am I gonna count on to always look our for me next year? AG: blondes at the mall. NEVER forget the bal-sam. MPN: Cheers to being weird. Aren't you glad you decided to come to Zumba?! I'm gonna miss you so much. Go save the sea turtles! Cares, Hel-belly: dorky jokes and math team hair flips. I love you both. Flashflood: buttress Maiz: Sephora-brands, colors, gurus-we share an eye for cosmetics. DB, GP - mahhhh favesss! Glad to have you been good friends with you guys. So proud of both of you! Congrats to the Class of 201 4! W e made it!

Crew: Thank you all, couldn't have done it without you. Ja'mie: Honestly, you're like sar random and you make my days everyday mate... ily Advis: You guys have been with me since Day 1. Thanks for signing me in all those mornings. AM, OR, SS, CR, JF: You guys own. Love you all. EG: You better expect FTs next year, lav you missy. Mama's: I'll miss you guys. You're both hilarious. LM: FTW JN , CO , VD, AM, CH, SH, HD, IS: Y'all better rtp next year - love you dearly. JZ & KH: You girls are the funniest people I have ever met, you better visit me next year! Callie & Susan: What would I have done without you both? Bffs n sisters. Fam: SO thankful for all of you, love you to pieces. To all the teachers and people that have helped me at King: Thank you all so much for what you have done for me. I am so glad to have switched into such a welcoming and helpful environment. I will miss everyone at this school. (Special shoutout to Mr. Pusack, couldn't have done so well in math without your help!) JO N ESES: ADORE you guys, but that goes without saying. AB: We're gonna make something big one day. Love you.


G AJ Marc Lupinacci: It is gonna be weird not seeing you man. Whether we were going out to the movies or on vacation, you were always the life of the party. Hopefully by the next time we see each other, I will at least be able to put up a fight during a chess game. Who's got it better than us. Lucas Giannetti: Just so you know not everything is debatable. Specifically, the good times we spent together through high school will be unforgettable to me. Whether we are swimming, going to college, or biking around the world, I hope you do great in whatever you do. My family: I cannot thank you guys enough for putting up with me for so long. No matter the situation, you were always loving and supportive. I'll miss you all very much. Mom and Dad, despite the sarcastic comments, I know I will miss you all very much. I don't know what I would do without you. Frances, I promise that you will make it through senior year. I know that if you put your big brain to the task, you can get into any college you want. Make sure to start early like Riley and I did. It will be pretty weird not having you guys around, but I know I am ready for this - Love George

M: thank you for everything that you have done for me! You've been there for me through everything, even when I was difficult. I love you so much! I'm going to miss our weekly shopping dates and our constant ganging up on dad! D: thank you for being my biggest supporter and number one fan! You always make me laugh, even at the saddest times. I love you so much! I don't know what I'm gonna do without our hockey games and glee marathons! I'm gonna miss you so much next year! H: ARRRRY! I couldn't ask for a better old brother! You have taught me so much. I'm gonna miss our Harry Potter marathons, our mocking of mom and our days of just eating pop chips and tostitos. I love you! HF, HL, LM, KS: mah gurlz! I love you guys so much, I don't know what I'm gonna do without you next year! Keep on sussing!! HF: tigz/the diva, kj, pia, sus, granola, shopping for clothes, TAKE YOUR TIGHTS OFF!! You're gonna kill it at BU! Don't miss your favorite small boy too much! HL: halesm.. BONJOURI! French, granola, swolos, shoo cameron shoo, being a small boy, dealing with the diva, KIRI KOU11 I know you're gonna be amazing at Marist! LM: laur... enrique iglesias, the rangers, 1 1th grade math lol, reading books, "I gotta get me some of that," coooopa, sitting in your moms closet, "I make weird noises when I do math!!" You always make me smile! I'm gonna miss you so much next year! KS: kate... 9th grade english, did we pass trig?, history 10th grade lol, soul, free people, pam and dave, waiting after school for squash, hot sauce!! We started together and ended together! You're gonna kill it nextyearl HP: hell you're one of my best friends. It's been you and me from the start. I don't know how I would've survived without youl Our dreams kinda came true senior year and I wouldn't want to be captain with anyone else. FH, lax, sam, eating candy, abusing each other, abusing Caroline, math team, max and misty, lou dave time 4 eva, eyes like ice, CVS!!! I know you're going to have the best time at carleton! I love you!! OR&NT: my ghetto gurlz! You guys make me laugh so much. I love youl N: oooooohhh Nicole... fh, mocking you, drakes dance, pams obsession with you, william lol, mermaids aren't real, pdsl! O: livy rey... watching gg, stalking kj, mocking N, pia, "do you have chapstick?" brittany jam sessions. AT: my baby, lil one, lil full, tully, the baby... You are the cutest thing ever. I love you and I'm gonna miss you so much next year, you better come visit me! I know you're gonna kill it in fh and lax next year! BTW never go to cvs late at night lol. AB: keep shinin big al. You always make me laugh. I'm gonna miss our heart to hears in frees and your inappropriate jokes. You're goin far! FH: You guys are my second family! I love you guys so much and will miss the warmup dances. Shan and Tull hold down the field! I know all of you are going to kill it. Advisory gals: It's been the best three years with you. I'll miss our mornings stressing out in the dark! HS & CD: my d's, we've known eachother since birth and that's why I love you. ALC crew for life. I'm gonna miss our dinners, car rides, soul days, miracle marathons, juju rituals, sleepovers, mango runs, mcdonalds runs, tep, endless nights at aye, popcorn, and getting fat! I know well be friends forever. You both better visit me next year. Clas of 201 4: best class king has ever had! Everyone should be so proudl It's been the best 4 years of my life thanks to you guysl

Mama & Papa - Thank you so much for everything!! You have been so supportive for forever and I love you both so much! Sorry I didn't act... it just isn't me. I'll miss you so much next year! There will be no one to fix my computer or listen to me complain about the 5 ,0 0 0 issues I have. Char- LOVE YO U SO M UCH C H ARC H ! I don't know what I'm going to do without you next year. W e have gotten so close in our car rides to school. # 2 3 ttwem iley!!! Can't wait for you to visit me #youabigtitty. Th@ Cr3w- Love you gals. Thank you for alw ays beeing around, through thick and thin.. Every weekend we turn up #nope. The corruption team. Don't ever eat broken glass, N ew Years junior year #byebyebigal, our late night burger king run after dinner, my n?, smart water makes you smarter... HL... ma French Bud (omg bud and his technology, he can't see you, your mom runs into him in subway... casual), Jean, it's s'cute, you wil looooove it, our baguette on the steps with jambon de figue, shout out to the braying mantis we <3 you even though you don't <3 us, you should probably be a food critic, we hate the airport, RUUUUBY, my cat is hissing at you right now, your outfit is ugly, we're putting in a request for what not to wear, ''Do you have food?", I am a part of the Clan, you used me in math freshman year and ditched me in math senior year, jimmy our boy, earFquake, "so

. today folks," can't forget jai and ten toes deep, headbands, we didn't actually work out, BESTIE. .. LM.„. thanks for making it all work, the same spot on the couch, shout out to my love Daniel, Lisa's my girl, our nails don't get done every week, the "like" tally, advisory buddies all 4 years, senioritis, we don't finish our English books, U, Matty K, rossypoo, Westhill ragers, we almost got shot, only for the bday bash which means there's no bday bash, can we get a monkey?, salted caramel ice cream, I want a Hanukah bush, tennis.. thats all, the green drink, we were supposed to workout, chocolate covered almonds are da best, "I don't know why but all of a sudden I can't stop farting," A lw ays leaving your house before you wake up, playing games alone, I got sick from nothing, puking in your room, Boston besties and your dream?, my mother when I couldn't drive, our 2 0 question group convo - 2 chicks and a half chick half male, falling asleep everytime we get in bed to watch tv, the pooping group chat with Ross, BESTIE. Tennis buds - Saddlebrook doe, mothers weekly, #beat, getting golf cart rides, CAM , prom?, not being in your room, late to everything, Tennis Larry! Cheating laps, CR- love you partner, oops we never won, JF- English buds too, when we actually matched perfectly, lapoja, OR - we laav Kenya, black and white, the Stamford yacht club, English . sophomore year, we weren't supposed to use sparknotes, bye bye julian, NT - math class this year, maxypad, VM - virgle, physics, love ya, your uber nice texts, EG - we worked out last year!, carter lol, shippan car rides, we went to middle school together!! love you gals, tbt to last tennis season. GC & SS - love you girls! M Y ART BUDDIES! G C - you're genius, the third girl on the French trip, you love me, English class, thank you for correcting EVERYTH IN G , you actually speak French fluently, you're so cool and artsy, we saw eachother all summer, your make - up skills!!... SS - your hummer is w ay cooler than my car, leaving people notes on their cars, my nail design wasn't cool, we love art!, your art is w ay cooler than mine, you make everyone's art look better. KS, KK- PIA MIA, love yaas, the Kardashian crew, the quilt, our caramel macchiato breaks lQst year, ran, I didn't actually sew that... KS our Starbucks every morning this summer, they knew our namel, we never actually did the quilt #oops, our keek to pia, not being in the same summer school class but chillen every day, wait when did we become friends?, I LOVE YA T° ALL my friends - Thank you for making this year amazing and this experience amazing! I will miss you all so much next year #dowork! Good Luckl LOVE Y O U ALL G O O D LUCK NEXT YEAR TO THE C LASS O F



FAMILY: You guys have been the most supportive and amazing people I ever could have asked for. I may have been born into this family but I'd choose you guys any day. Through the good and bad we have always been there for each other and I love you all so much! Shout out to the B team! Mom: thanks for being the best friend I could have ever asked for. Always willing to ask me to skip school and play hookie, cuddling in bed watching movies, and being your personal therapist, you're the best mommy ever. I love you and thank you for supporting me through everything. My boys: Thanks for being the greatest role models and showing me how it's done. Your high school shoulder length hair and emo girls really taught me well. I miss you guys every day and being the only child isn't so great after all. Family vacations and talking about girls will always keep us close, I'm so proud of you both and thank you for always being there for me! Go World of War Craft! CLASS OF 201 14: Thank you for making this year and all other years so amazing. I love you all and I'm going to miss you so much! MAGURLS: #susiloveyou BBQ&SABS: I don't know what I'm going to do without my triplets next year. #nofriends. Varsity golf for life! I wish you luck with Roxie and ill be seeing you ladies with shelly at a concert BBQ: boys, drama, and more boys...what do we get ourselves involved in? Cameron and his fire hydrant will forever be my favorite. Eating Trader Joes mac&cheese. Our illegal groupchat with the shellmonster. Twins for life!!! (Thanks Des) Love triangles, m squared, Geb da hoe, dickyboy loves you and loves you not, jman, danniee, and Brunswick cuties will all be in the past, but we are the best advice givers around. We clearly have no other friends because were only ever talking to each other, but its okay because I love you, sisters and cousins for life. I honestly do not know what I would do these past two years without you or what I am going to do being apart from you in college. You are truly the most amazing underclassmen buddy ever. Can't wait to cry hysterically at graduation with you! So excited for you to come visit me monthly and facetime you daily. Best friends for now, sisters for life <3 SABS: my little cutie, I love you! Stay innocent and don't get involved in drama #lol. Remember that boys have cooties and Sam and I are here to protect you. You're the sweetest munchkin around and I love your short skirts and incapability to wear pants. You are precious! Please come visit me next year I wish you the best of luck being a scholar student! Do me proud.

Garebears: Thank you for the best memories a girl could ask for. During my 3 years in the advisory I have laughed until my sides hurt and have eaten twice my weight in pizza, donuts, and magical chocolate creations. Our room is Vegas and you are all like family. Thank you for everything and good luck in the years to come! ES: So there was that time we made the photosynthesis music video, the time we froze our butts off waiting to see EG, the time we were little monsters, and our spring break tradition of BW W and children movies (with the fish). Thank you for being the person to make me laugh and smile everyday while simultaneously being my negative partner in crime. I can't wait to see your name on the big screen. VP: W e have been friends since 6th grade and you are easily one of my closest friends. I can rely on you to always call me out on my "mistakes" and to be there for me no matter what. I know you are going to do so well in the years to come and I hope we stay in touch. I will miss you loads next year! AG: I am so happy we became closer this year. It has been so much fun spending time with you in french, genocide, and English (as well as frees). I appreciate all your attempts of making me get my work done (even if they sometimes failed). I hope we stay in touch over the years and I know you are going to do 298 amazing at High Point!

Marc and Lucas:Thank you so much tor being my friends throughout high school. I had so much fun heading to the movies in our little group, and I will never forget the moviegoing, bowling, or just hanging out at school moments that we had. Our time together and with the rest of our little group have been some of the best times of my life, bar none. Have a great time in college, and be sure to keep in touchl Paul: We've been friends since middle school. You're one of the nicest and brightest people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing, and I know that you'll go far. You're a natural leader, and that is an excellent quality to have, no matter where you go or what you do in life. School plays, classes, sports...we've shared a lot of experiences together, and they've been some of the defining experiences of my life. Russell: Wahei! Even though we just met again a few years ago, we've already become fast friends, and we've been inseparable since then. You've introduced me to a great deal of shows, games, Tabletop RPGs, and much more, and I have been enriched by the experiences we've shared in classes and outside of school. Good luck! Be careful! George: You have been my friend ever since kindergarden. Ever since we were little, we were as close as brothers, and our friendship endured throughout high school. You may not be the most talkative person that I know, but whatever you do say is always worth hearing. High school may be over, but this doesn't mean our friendship has to go with it. Have a great time in college, and your career beyond. Gerard: We might have had our differences in the past, but since then, we've become very good friends. Have a great time in college, and I'm sure to see you at the reunions to come. Daniel: Shout out to that one guy from England. Have a jolly good time in college, and in your career beyond! To Emma and James: You guys are always a pleasure to be around. You guys are some of the funniest people in school, and I always enjoy hanging out with you. To Jered: We've been friends since middle school, and I'm glad that we met. You're a fun guy to be around, and I know that you have the smarts and drive to succeed, no matter which path you take in life. Never stop asking those tough, esoteric, and just bizzare questions: they're some of the most interesting conversations I've ever had in school. Jason: You may have left school a few years ago, but knowing you, you'll get your hands on one of these books and see this somehow. We've been friends since childhood, and you've always been one of my best friends. We've shared so many experiences at the movies, in debates, in classes, and anywhere else, and they've always been a blast! My Family:What is there that hasn't already been said? Mom and Dad, you are the best parents a guy could ask for. You've been there every step of the way, raising and taking care of me, and I will always appreciate everything you've done for me. I'll always be sure to visit and be a good son to you. Becca, we might fight constantly, and I may get mad at your neverending singing, but as my sister, you've been an inseparable part of my life. All those years watching TV, playing video games, going to Broadway shows, and just plain being together have been some of the defining experiences of my life, and I'll never forget them. Live long and prosper, and try not to squeal so often: it scares the neighbours. Class of 201 4After 12+ years, school is finally done. It's been one hell of a ride, and I wouldn't have spent my time in school with anyone else. It's been great knowing you all, and I'm sure I'll see you all at the reunions to come.



Here it goes To the Class of 201 4- weee did it! mom and dad- thank you so much for everything!! I'll miss you next year! JR NR VR - you guys are the best sibs anyone could ask for, love you all LY - thx so much for everything HI Bl JV VL - faves oseaa big shout out to everyone in the cave crew (SS VM AM EG NT CR JF MP CB C C DH MM MM DS DT CM PH SPADJR ESQUIZlol) NT - my day 1 from O LSS!! oh why are we so dumb/ funny, gonna miiiss you next year stay scheming EG - em you rock just like fitly cent, tbt to every vaca we've taken together, love you crezi BSQD (JF CR SS) - my ride or dies till the end. W e are the weirdest group all together but I dig it! tiptoeing in ma JAWDINS! ps don't forget the 2 steps to being a mother #mothersweekly VM - hai V sew happy u came to king ily KK&HF - hahaha our obsession w kenya n piamia, sus, xoxo gg #noragrets E C - <3 MN - glass days are the best days GSOCC (AW RR CL AY BS AM KM BN O S PD CB KL ES MA) - oooh kill em next year! Thank you all for the best season eever. Keep cha cha alive! Can't wait to come out and support next year. MM - keep it real in ma hometown #philippinopride

To all my friends, you know who you are. You guys mean the world to me and I'll never forget you. Coming to King halfway through highschool wasn't easy, but you made it the most worthwhile experience of my life. I have such great memories with each of you... more than I can mention (and this is definitely not the platform for some of them). I'll miss seeing your smiling faces everyday. To all my teachers and all of the King faculty, thank you for being such great mentors and leaving such a lasting impression on me. You have played such a large part in shaping the person I will become. King Football, we have something that so few people get to experience. Make the most out of the time you have together and get better every day. To my family, thank you for everything. I can't even begin to express how grateful I am for you guys and everything you do.

HRL To the class of 2014- It's so hard to see everyone leave but im so happy we made it this far! We did it! (so cliche, I know) LM - My future sister in law, my matchmaker, through my craziness you've put up with me and dealt with my specific obsessions with people (TM??). Seriously though, my ride or die. Between our ratchet weekend get-togethers and long bonding sessions, I don't know who I'd share all my super secrets with! HF - DIVAN (nah nah nah) Dancing to "headband" in France, stalking @tentoesdeep and @Jainice on instagram, eating "jambon de figue", and watching you attempt to twerk just describes our senior year perfectly. And don't worry... one of these days RUUUBY will love me. AB - Hubert! Gonna miss having EVERY class with you and listening to you scream across the halls everyday sweetheart! #HMFD We crushed it! KS-SUS. VM - So happy to have an amazing friend/choir buddy these last two years. KK - Shoo Cameron. Shooo. Who am I supposed to talk about Kirikou with next year!? DS - D-man, Derek, from nursery school to senior year we crushed it! WN - Moshi Moshi. I'm going to miss my bae/ride or die so so much. Thank you for being by my side this whole year. I love you William. G Cap Clan - I'm going to miss all of you guys like crazy!! Slutty brownies, secret non-secretarian gift giving experiences ceremonies, and of course, Ana's loud voice. I've been in the clan for three years and can't believe i won't be there next year! VBall - Love you gals so so much! I'll definetely be attending tons of games next year! LL, CL, JL - H8 you all. haha jkjkjk. JL - Who am I supposed to watch the "7 steps to becoming popular" with?? CL- Even though I attack you, give you bruises, jump on you, and dance to the Hannah Montana theme song in front of you, I guess you'll be missed. LL - Where do I start? Blueburger, Sas, Bochelli, Lisa, Lersa.. Who am I supposed to annoy when I leave? Just always keep your eye out for sketchy LUKJS' and scary Easter bunny on trains! Mimi Fern and Dad: Thank you for always being there for me and supporting me through everything. It means so much to me how you have always come to volleyball games, my theater performances, and helping me with everything college related. Your advice and help will certainly be taken with me to 300 college and beyond. Love you!

TM P It's been real 203 I'm going to miss everyone especially all my friends and family. First out shoutout to the tripod bigbodybecker and my man in the Philipines ganna miss it. Big thanks to joeybags and Erich the sasquach man for the trips up to vt, great memories. Britt for the weekly trips to west main. Pistol for keeping it real stay scheming. Throwback to the 6pack. Of course all the fallen soldiers that couldn't complete school, god bless. All the babes I've come in contact with over the years #sorry, you've taught me a lot, it's been bittersweet. Shoutout to the rest of the crew for going hard on the weekends ganna miss the seniors of 201 4! Good luck, Live it up, and I hope everyone does the best that they can.

â– p %



OR -thanks for saving me from the bat. W e have been best friends Mom and Dad: you guys are awesome. Thank you for since the first grade, when you were my tour guide at OLSS. W e everything. Love you forever. ruled that school. You are literally my other half. Our hangouts, Little Monkey: you know what's good. Ily bb - try not to and even text convo's, are hystrical, and we are always non-stop wear all my clothes next year. laughing. I love that you're the one friend that shares the same NT: I'm so lucky to have a best friend like you. Love that we music taste as me and, of course, the same crazy sense of humor. finally went to school together these last four years. You I'm going to miss you when you head off to your mystery college! I have made them amazing, love our venting seshs ily love you! OR: So happy we finally became best friends after NT tried EG -girls just wanna have fun. Greece. Lots of tears. When MY for our entire lives. Love how obsessed we are with that boy tried to tell us about our lives. HC and B. PS I love you my dad cried. Remember that time we had those blue dreams?... hehe. You from rye and our 3 hr phone calls. You always know how to are my best friend, and someone I can always count on to vent make me laugh. Ily too. You have been there for me through everything. Ily since day JF: Love our sleepovers and our long talks. You're one of the one. I love you bb! funniest people I know. Kill at UMiami next year. I expect a KD -you're my BAE. Lets get that work. That good good. And consistently perfect tan. ily NONE. We have so many weird, random jokes... and there is CR: so happy we became best friends! Math classes are never a dull moment when we are together. I can't even imagine way more enjoyable because of you. Going to miss our next year without you, and without our lunch dates like 5 times a bathing suit walks. Keep it real next year, ily week. I'm going to trucking miss you so much! I love you! xxo, Nik VM -mama! You are the best doubles partner ever, even though I M G: I love you girl!! Thanks for always being there when I need to vent! Love our talks, movie nights, and messing with don't think we won one match. I'm going to miss you next year! the boys. Ily JF-ily! VM: so happy you came to King! Love our fts! I know I can HF -do you love RL? I love our heart to hearts in math class and I'm going to miss the stupid jokes we tell. Stay scheming mama. always count on you! Couldn't have gotten through Spanish RR and AY -we have become so so close this year and I love you without you! Ily both so much! I'm going to miss our crazy sleepovers where we CD: you rock, thanks for the great mems I'll never forget. Ily eat the world and watch scary movies. RR surfboard. AY easy AB JW DG EL: funniest guys I know! Kill it next year. mac. Cave crew: you guys made senior year so fun. Going to EH girls -our team means the world to me! It was amazing getting miss you all next year! to know you all so well, and I will miss all our pasta dinners and Class of 201 4: love you all and good luck in the future. crazy practices. Our season was short, but I wilto Beyonce and Sorry for being a nag about the yearbook sometimes. ghost stories, never forget it. I'm going to miss our dances.

M IG EG - Ma girl! Nothing like the unnecessarily long late night CVS/ Walgreens runs. I am so proud of you for getting into Vandy, you are going to kill it there! Since you are going to be a flight away I will be expecting phone calls that are as lovely and enjoyable as the ones we have now. Love you girl I'm going to miss you a shit ton next year! AB -Michael Copper... I am forever grateful that you showed me his videos and watched them with me for hours on end. Mema won't look, she swears. "Horse back ride, shark back ride, mountain climbing, sky diving, pretty much all there is to do, I also draw I DO play ping-pong and I am known to shoot a few billiards (insert coppercab pretending to shoot a few billiards here)." Staying after school with me until 6 o'clock claiming to do homework but really getting absolutely no work done was kind of fun I guess. I don't think I've ever gotten a more obnoxious gift for my birthday than a gallon of Gatorade and two and a half gallons of water, so thank you for that. I don't think I will find anyone who will find my laugh more entertaining than you. Try not to miss it too much. JW - I can honestly say that I don't think I will find another person that has more chins than you. Saran wrapping my car was pretty good pay back, but I still think that telling the waitress it was your birthday was better. Although you enjoy making fun and being mean to me I am going to miss your sass next year. CD - There was not a week that went by that I didn't receive a freak out call from you. But at least it was nice to know that there was someone who was freaking and stressing out more than I was. No matter what year or what class we always seem to find a way to stress over the smallest assignments. It's going to be hard to find someone in college who will freak out with me the way you do. AW- There is nothing like seeing your smile and pep everyday. You made it very hard to me to quit soccer and basketball. I missed our quality time together. Just warning you the beginning of senior year sucks but it gets better I 3 Q2 promise! I am going to miss oh so much bud!

KC- Thank you for being my advisor for three years, my coach for four and dealing with all my crap! Thank you for all your help with softball, without you I don't think I'd be playing in college. I know next year not seeing me everyday is going to be really hard, but try not to miss me too much! EL -Last but certainly not least... I am extremely happy that I had you by my side for the past four years of high school. Through all of the ups and downs you were there for me... and there were quite a few of those. No matter how crazy I got, you stayed right by my side and made me smile. The past four years of high school you really have made me a better person. Without you I can truthfully say I wouldn't be the person I am today. I can't imagine going off to college next year and not being able to hear your silly yet extremely clever jokes to brighten my day and put a smile on my face. Words can't describe how much I am going to miss you next year! Although right now as I write this I don't know where you will end up going to college next year, what I do know is that wherever it may be that college is beyond lucky to have a student, athlete and most importantly a person as amazing as you on their campus.

CTC Ones up to the day ones... JF EG only time will tell.

Thank you for being you. Thank you for putting up with my terrible, yet hilarious jokes. All of you have taught me something in your time at King. Thank you for making my experience at King a memorable and exciting one. (RB), (CB), (AB), (DB), (JB), (GB), (AB), (CC), (EC), (AD), (ND), (CD), (KD), (JE), (JF), (JF), (LF), (HF), (AG), (LG), (DG), (MG) , (AG), (AG), (EG), (AG), (SH), (DH), (BH), (MH), (MH) , (PH), (RJ), (Gj), (U), (KK), (CK), (HL), (ML), (RM), (AM), (LM), (MM), (JM), (CM), (VM), (MN), (HP), (MP), (GP), (VP), (JQ), (OR), (JR), (CR), (CR), (ES), (SS), (DS), (JS), (ES), (AS), (KS), (AS), (NT), (ST), (DT), (RT), (PV), (JW), (PW), (JX), (DZ). (TF) Through the relegations and promotions, the lag outs and beautiful rips, we are the greatest. Although we were never good enough for division 1, you're all number 1 in my heart. (CS) Carrie (I think I deserve the right to call you Carrie now), thank you for being a caring, funny, and stabilizing force for me throughout high school. Although I fear for your future advisees, I know you'll take it easy on them. (MG) Thanks for being my best friend, laughing at my jokes, always being there for me, and staying strong. I'll never forget these four years. And yes, I will take you to Applebee's whenever you like. (JS and TC) Awesome goofballs like you don't come around too often. Make me proud next year (that means no orange hat and lots of goals from both of you) and have fun. (AB) and (DG) and (JB) and (JW) and (CD) Who do you think you are. I am. That is all. (BS) Make sure the brotherhood remains first, the Fifa Fridays stay second, and Soccer Tennis takes third. With all of these in place comes the successful and fun seasons that make the soccer team one of the greatest things to be part of at king.

To my friends, you aren't perfect but you made life worth it; you're the best team anyone could ask for. Thank you for making these past four years the best of my life. I love you and I'll miss you. Stay chich CR, Numbah #1 Trill Miss. Long Live the Tripod, Long Live my Five Towns. MP/JR may our (mis) adventures be forever wild, you boys are two of a kind. CC/DH the squad - 1wear your names on my heart. CM /PH if a monkey had a typewriter, words can't even begin to describe. DS sorry for abandoning you during that overnight Judaic retreat... I hope you've forgiven me. Purple Math: all them boys in the back of the room Oh, my little firefighter too. MM: N W TS . Girls.

DGH MM: I miss you bud. You should be here to say goodbye to King with all of us. AB: FTB man, always FTB CB: I remember back in freshman year meeting all the new kids and thinking to myself that this is a kid I wanna be friends with. I am so happy I stuck to that man you're my boy and you're one of the reasons I love King so much. CC: From the crazy times to the hazy times you've been my best friend and I am grateful to say that we've made it all the way to this point, through everything, from freshman year. ND: You're probably the softest kid I know but four years of football and basketball together has made us pretty good friends. Can't imagine how boring everything would've been without ya dude. MM/MP/JR: I remember when you three kinda clung to your little group back in freshman year. Thank god you all branched out cause I'm happy to know each of you so well. Life wouldn't be the same without you three, although I am a little mad one of you left me at basketball PH: Perhaps my favorite memory with you is JR flipping out on you in the limo back from Bamboozle when he thought you hit him in the head with a soda can. Still makes me laugh incredibly hard at the scared and defenseless look on your face. CM: I am so happy you came sophomore year. We bonded during football and haven't looked back since. VP: I think the first time we ever spoke was when my mom drove us to St. Leo's freshman year. I don't like the fact that you quit football but I'm glad we stayed friends and I wanna thank you for help making these past four years so great. AS: POTATO!! My man I know we didn't talk a lot until basketball season sophomore year but ever since we haven't looked back. From the Superbowl to Colorado I'm glad you've been there with your family, my family, and myself every step of the way. Tear it down next year and expect me at a game or two. Thanks to all of you guys for an incredible four years and best of luck to all of you in the future.


AY: I'm gonna miss you so much next year! I will definitely be texting/calling you to see how everything's going. W e've been friends for 4 years and it will be so weird not being able to sit and talk about our daily drama during frees. I hope you have fun next year, love you! RR: Even though I've only known you for 2 years, we've become so close. Ratch, I'll miss you! Expect texts from me next year. I want updates on you know w h a t;) NT: My ROD for the past 4 years. It's gonna be weird as truk not seeing you every morning, not having all our classes and frees together. Tiggz, you've been there through it all and I love you so much! You better not forget me when you move on to that new new and that good good at school next year. Xoxo, Khandi VBGirls: Ahh! I already miss you guys so much! You all have made my last season on the team the best one yet. In addition to the NEPSAC title, I got to spend my most memorable season of my favorite sport with 11 amazing girls. Keep it going next year and take 1 the FAA and NEPSAC titles like I know you can. Shine bright dolls & I'll be back to visit soon! SBGirls: W e've been through so much as a team and I'll miss you all! Good luck to you all and I'll be back to visit! AS: Poop! I don't know what I'm gonna do without you next year! No one will understand why I gave you that nickname but us. I wuv you and you better keep me updated with your football career at Catholic!!



















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RS\Z& SjflfaTiBWlI

The Alumni Association is pleased to welcome the newest members of our community. Congratulations to the Class of 2014! As alums, we hope you'll return to campus for visits, keep us up to date on what's going on in your lives, and join us for events. Make sure your contact information is up to date so you don't miss out on the fun! To find out more and update your information contact Betsy Gel I, Director of Alumni Relations, at or (203) 322-3496 ext. 418. jjj Follow us on Facebook at King Low Heywood Thomas Alumni!

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Alumni Association K I N G LOW H E Y W O O D T H O M A S

Good luck to the Class of 2014 from the Alumni Association!

H a ce un afio justo escribimos esto para tu hermano mayor, hoy senlimos que debemos repelir este mensaje para ti, que serd escrito nuevamente para tu hermano menor..y todos a su vez se lo repetirdn a sus hijos, y estos a sus hijos, en una cadena de amor. H o y comienza la siguiente face de una historia de la cual serds autor y protagonista...Como todo principio, te preguntards, ÂŁ D6nde comienzo?... siempre encontrards el camino haciendo uso de tus valores y de tu raz6n. Disfruta cada nueva aventura sabiendo que tus padres y tus hermanos siempre estardn allf para ayudarte. En la fdbula de Alicia en el pals de las maravillas, hay una frase que quizas sea adecuada. Hallandose frente el Rey, el conejo bianco le pregunta a este: "^Dfgame Majestad, donde debo comenzar?"A lo cual el rey le contesta con voz muy grave,"Comienza por el principio, luego sigue hasta que llegues al final...despuds,puedes parar".

Te amamos


IC C / L S I 6 1 / / L U lS S 6 y C lA ^ (C / N o tuve la o p o r t u n id a d de "/, despedirm e, de decirte cuanto te amo y c u a n to aprecio to d o lo que haclas p o r nosotros en tu in fin ito amor. Recuerdo tus arepas cada dfa antes del colegio y como siempre nos acompafiabas ale grem ente al cine a pesa r de que no entendlas nada. N u n c a pedfas nada a cam bio, nuestras sonrisas eran suficiente para ti. N unc a olvidarÂŁ que te daba m iedo volar pero, con tu am or, v o lu n ta d indom a ble y tu ganas de vernos a todos, superaste tus miedos para regalarnos a todos las mejores m em orias y las mas bellas semanas de mi nifiez. La vida y sus misterios siempre dan m iedo, pero ahora que estoy e n tr a n d o en aguas desc onocidas en mi vida, me m a n t e n d r l siempre resoluto e indom able con mi familia y c ontigo a mi lado. T e dedico a ti abuelita, mi m entora, mi amiga, esta gra d u ac id n y todos los afios po r venir.


Love, Mom, Dad, and Michael

m o v in g

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C o t^ P a sS

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o rfrV e

We are so excited for you as you finish your 15 years at King! And we are so incredibly proud of who you have become. With much love and admiration, Mom and Dad






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Jo e y , You have alw ays been a source o f su n sh in e, la u g h te r a n d insp iratio n to o u r fam ily. W e are so p ro u d o f y o u a n d y o u r accom plishm ents! C o n tin u e to w o rk h a rd to achieve y o u r goals k n o w in g th a t... P e rse v era n ce is genius in disguise. W e love y o u ! M om a n d D a d F ra n k , A nthony, R ose & L o rrain e

“To be nobody but yourself in a world which b doing its beet, night and day, to make you everyboy ebe means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stag fighting. � e.e. cummings


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C o n g ra tu la tio n s Max!!! XO ,

M o m . D ad and Lauren

'So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. And remember that life's a great balancing act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and 3/4% guaranteed) Kid, you'll move mountains!" -

Dr. Suess

‘What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us". - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Gigi... We are so very proud of you... and because of what does lie within you; your attitude, enthusiasm and persistence... your adventures will no doubt be amazing. All our love; Mom, Dad, Brad and Reed


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Dear Marisa, Congratulations on your graduation! We are so very proud to have you as our daughter. You continue to delight us with your drive, focus, and passion for excellence in all that you do. You have grown into an amazing young woman and we are so very, very proud of you! We love you and will miss you every day as you enter college! Good luck in your college years and may all your dreams come true! All our love, Mom, Dad, & Jenna



B r i n ,,

w e a n leeredIbly proud of you. There Is ^othlkug th a t you u|0w- GflM/t do. y o u will Always be the best. A ll our love, Mom. fli/td £>fld

Congratulations, Evan! We are so proud of you! We love you! Mom, Dad, Murphy and Magic



PAIGE Always keep your dreams, Your sense of humor, Your adventurous nature, And your creative spirit wherever you go! We love the Special person that you are! Love Always, Mom, Dad, Jack, Paxton, Scott and David


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JO S H W e are so proud of th e man vou have become. W e can't w ait to see w hat your fu tu re holds! W e love you so much! Mom, Daa, and Becca

p.e m e so p ro ud th ro u g h o u t yo u r m any yea rs at King. You step p ed onto this cam p u s at the ten d er age y es/ u


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Lauren, You have brought us more joy and happiness than you can ever imagine. You have always been the bright light in our lives. W e are so proud of die young woman you have become and all diat you have accomplished.



W e love you so much! Mom, Dad, Todd, Daniel Molly and Cooper

Amefia Cfaire (griffin We named you SUNSHINE before you were bom. And you will always be our SUNSHINE. Continue to shine for all the world to see! ALWAYS REMEMBER We love you more than all the starts in the world! Mom and Dad O livia, H enry and A ndrew "W h e n y o u c o m e to a f o r k in th e r o a d .. .la k e it *



You have b een a sh in in g star in o u r lives since th e day you w ere b o rn . S h in e o n —


% W E L O V E YOU! M o m , D a d , A n n ie an d FoFo



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Congratulations Matt! We are so proud o f the wonderful person you are The future is yours to choose and we will be with you, supporting you wherever you go, whatever you do.

We’ve got your back We love you and can’t wait to share in your future.

We love you so much! Mom, Dad, Eileen, Dave, Tommy, Maggie, Grandma and Marlene

ELI!! Congrats on this milestone! You bring us lots of joy. Love, the Nanas & Pops Uncle Jon & Michelle

I can't think of a moment with you that hasn't been filled with fun. I will always look up to you College won't know what hit it! Love, Kayla There's a change in the weather, So think of childhood friends and the dreams you have, together, And search for tomorrow on every shore. (Ron Pope/Styx) Thanks for sharing the journey, E. Dad Your ideas, humor & warmth will carry you far. Stay in motion. I believe in you! Love forever, Mom



John Your stren gth, intelligence, and quick w it w ill take you fa r in life.... W e look forw ard to seeing w here it takes you and know th a t you w ill enjoy the ride! Lots o f love, Mom and Jim xoxo


W hat

a jo y it has been to w atch you g ro w

into the am azing young man you have become. W e are ve ry proud o f you and wish you all the best as you fo llo w y o u r passions and dreams. W e love you v e ry much,

Mom, Dad, Alyssa, Liam

C ongratulations Lindsay! W e are so p ro u d o f you. Never lose your wild im agination an d sense o f hum or.

We Covey o u so much! Mom, D ad, and Elizabeth






Congratulations Jack!

We are so proud of the young man you have become. Dream Big!! We Love You! Mum, Dad, Charlie & Ali

W un d erb ah r N ikkiT!!!

Congrats on your graduation and excellent high school career. It was [mostly] fun watching you grow into a beautiful and successful young lady. Field Hockey, Tennis, Little Shop of Horrors, Brownies, Academics, Injured Henry, Butter Knife and so much more. Your brothers will be shedding tears in the Fall when they don't have their big sister to laugh with at the dinner table. We are excited that you are off to college and promise to Facetime every day and surprise you in college on Saturday mornings.

Aloha! Your loving modern family

You are ready for the challenges that you will face. Be yourself and the possibilities are endless.


J iM





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"Let your hook always be cast. In the pool where you least expect it, w ill be a fish."

- Ovid

"Just one great idea can completely revolutionalize your life "

- Emma Lazarus

Virgin Ia... you continually amaze us with where you are taking yourself and us along with you.

We love you, Mom, Dad, Henry, and Charlotte


J ty

Helen You are b lessed with an independent spirit, determ ination and a kind heart. We are so proud of you. C ongratulations. Love, Mom, Dad, Sam and Max

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Anthony, where do we begin? W here has the tim e gone? It feels like yesterday that we received your acceptance letter to King, and now you are college bound! You have made your m ark in your own quiet way, w hether on the field or in the classroom . With your hard work and focus, you have earned the respect of teachers, classm ates and team m em bers. We are so blessed and proud of you. Congratulations!! With much love and affection, Mom, Dad & Paul

“T'fiejorice of success is Card work, dedication to tCejoC at fiand, and the determination tfiat wfietfier we win or Cose, we Cave ayyCiedtfie best of ourseCves to tfie task at fiand� Vince Lombardi

“M others a nd fathers hold their children’s hands for ju st a little w hile... a n d their hearts forever” -Irish Proverb


We are so proud of you! We love you more than you will ever know! Mommy and Daddy

Congratulations Boogie!

You did it! We are going to miss you so much next year! xo,

Po and Scrublet

"I think it is all a matter of love; the more you love a memory the stronger and stronger it becomes." - Vladimir Nabokov

Maisie, For all the memories made and those yet to come All our love, Mom, Dad, Lauren, and Ilse

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Emma, Your mountain is waiting. Enjoy the climb. Love, Mom, Dad & Maeve

“Love can move mountains, Stretch the sky, calm the sea. Love brings light and life." The Paper Dragon

We are so proud of you, Ryan!

C o n g ra tu la tio n s O liv ia M ic h e lle R e y e s W e lo v e yo u an d a re v e ry proud o f you and y o u r a c c o m p lis h m e n ts . M om , D ad, Jo n a th a n , N ic o le & V ic to ria


Dear Paul, We are blessed to have you in our lives. Here is our prayer for you. May the light at the core o f your being j illuminate the world... May you always be aware that you are loved beyond measure... f. May every wound bring wisdom and evet trial bring triumph... May you be blessed and may others be blessed by you... - Author unknown Love always, Mom & Dad

D e a r Paul, Congratulations on yo u r graduation. We are sure that yo u r grandparents are as proud as we are o f yo u r m any accomplishments. B est wishes on you r future endeavors. We are confident that you will be happy & achieve yo u r goals. With lots o f love, U n de Andrew, A unt Robyn an d Adam

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D ear Paul, The next chapter o f your life ’s journey is about to begin! We know that you will be successful in whatever endeavors you choose. Continue to make us proud! With much love and support, Grandma Tommie, Papa Ghee and The Allen, Gregory, Williams Aunts, Uncles & Cousins

Congratulations! You are m ore than m y best friend; y o u ’r e m y family. From our first day at Lon Ridge until today.../ can 7 im agine one day without you. i wish you happiness, love and laughter. With Love, Sam antha P a u l is B E S T ! Best, best, best! Congratulations! Noah

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Cam, you have risen to every occasion and we are very proud of you. Good luck in your future, Maisoo, Daisoo, andLolli Ritchey (Keel too)

Our D a rlin g G rlrL .. Skortly a f t e r j o u w ere b o m D ad d y t o l d a f r i e n d tk a t tk e Love ke k a d f o r y o u w as aLm ost o v e rw k elm ln g . He w as rlg k t. T ke a m o u n t o f Love vie k a v e f o r y o u Is u n c o u n ta b L e . Y o u 'v e a lv a y s b e en Suck a kappy, L lg k tk e a rte d g ir l, Y o u w ere o n c e d e s c rib e d t o us as a DutterfLy. A rtistic , c r e a tiv e a n d a lw ay s fo llo w in g y o u r ow n p a tk . W e've been b le s se d t o be y o u r p a re n ts , Always r e m a in a s y o u a r e to d a y . Muck Kapplness to y o u in y o u r fu tu r e , L ittle B u d g e t. Love, Mama

D addy

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Z)ear You are the best big sister ever. Even though you attack us I still love you. I will miss you when you go to college and I hope you come home and visit. When you visit you should check under your pillow. I love you and I hope you havefun in college.

xoxoxo Jacie

Haleigh, where do I even begin?!!

You are now a senior

and I can't imagine coming home every day and you not being there. I will miss you so much and I hope you have an amazing time at college. I will always remember our "lunch dates" at Kampei, Tomatillo and Chipotle. No one can ever take me on a date and it be better than our dates. I love you so much and hope you have a spectacular time at college. W e all love you and we will all miss you very much!

xoxoxo Carli 35-

We are so proud of you, Ri With love,Mom, Dad, Ali, Spencer, and Laun

D e a r K a t ie ! C o n g r a t u la t io n s on f o u r w o n d e r fu l Y e a r s a t K in g ! We lo v e y o u s o m uch a n d we a r e s o p ro u d o f y o u a n d a ll o f y o u r a c c o m p lis h m e n ts — a c a d e m ic a n d a t h le t ic ! Y o u r d e te rm in a tio n an d s p ir it malce u s s m ile . We w ill m iss y o u n e x t y e a r — b u t we kn o w y o u w ill be a huge s u c c e s s a t w h a te v e r yo u do! G o o d lu c k a n d lo ts o f lo ve ! XO

M om , D a d a n d H a llie

Perseverance in the face of challenge

Ana, Congratulations! We are proud beyond words. Stay passionate about your beliefs, always smile that beautiful smile and as Dad always says, “be brilliant�. Above all, have fun! We love you dearly, Mom, Dad, Lily, Jake, Nipper and Sheba

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sc h o o f.

‘T 'h o se w h o le a r n to Cove a n d d e fy o th e r s W iffg r a d u a t e w ith h o n o rs.

Charlo! We are so proud of you & all that you have accomplished. Congratulations! Love from, Dad, Mum, Lil, Jack



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“How do you go from where you are to where you want to be? I think you have to have an enthusiasm for life. You have to have a dream, a goal. You have to be willing to work for it...enjoy your life, the precious moments you have. To spend each day with some laughter and some thought, to g et your emotions going. To be enthusiastic every day, to keep your dream s alive in spite of whatever problems you have. The ability to be able to work hard for your dream s to come true, to become a reality." Jim Valvano W e are so proud of you Nick Love, Mom, Dad, Kaitlyn, Jenna, Chris & Cody


t*de are S o p r o u d o f y o u and ad/ o f y o u r a c c o m p lis h m e n t s . Y o u are fcind, nob/e and g e n e r o u s . Your- /oyaJty, h o n e s t y and y o u r caring coays S e t y o u apart. Y o u are devoted t o y o u r fam i/y and c l o s e â– friends a// o f tohom /oVe y o u dearly. t f e admire and app/aud y o u r s tr o n g anork


eth ic, and te n a c ity to h ic h u n d e r s c o r e s y o u r p h i/ o S o p h y t h a t n o goad i s beyond r e a c h â– Y o u have handled m o m e n ts o f adversity u a th c o u ra g e and g ra ce . ~7~he morad sta n d a rd s t h a t y o u have S e t f o r y o u r S e / f are Very high a s i s y o u r determ ination and p a s S 'o n f o r th in g s t h a t y o u doVe. tjera rd , y o u have p/anted So /id C o r n e r s t o n e s f o r a s u c c e s s f u l and ex citin g life . A s y o u p u r s u e y o u r dream S, keep y o u r mind o p en ) be p o s itiv e and have f u n on J o u r J o u r n e y .

lAe love y o u Very m u ch )

M m iU TI

Charlie Mercein Kind. C o m p assio n a te . C reative. C u rious. Strong.

You inspire us all and w e are so proud. K e e p fo llo w in g y o u r dream s! C o n g ratu latio n s, M o m , Dad, Andrew , Elise and M ike y


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Yearbook Staff Editors in Chief: Seniors: Ana

Emily Green and Gerard Pozzi

Gordon and Emma Snover


Caroline Benjamin, Julia Crawford, Alicia Del

Vecchio,Katharina Focke, Arielle Holden, Francis Jay, Isabelle Lahaussois, Kayla Lichtman, Emilio Loret de Mola, Westley Midy, Haley Truglia, Maura W elt

Faculty Advisors: Upper School: Marion Haymann and Ran LaPolla Middle School: Advisor: Michelle Sib rizi Lower School: Advisor: Sue Laramie Advice for next year's editors: 1. Put on templates first. It makes everything easier to work with once you can see the layout. 2. Start taking candids early! You always need more than you think. 3. Assign sports pages at the beginning of the season, because each season goes by fast! 4. Stay consistent with the workload. It is a step by step process, but it is really fun as long as you are not cramming.

Thank you!

First, we would like to thank Madame Haymann and Ms. LaPolla for working tirelessly with us to put together this yearbook! It could not have been done without your help and support. Next, thank you to the entire club for their contributions! Thank you to all those who took pictures! We would also like to thank all of the King teachers and faculty for their continued support! Lastly, a special shoutout to the Class of 201 4. You guys are all awesome, and we had so much fun reliving the last four years while creating this book of memories that w ill last a lifetime!

Gerard Pozzi and Emily Green

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