Low-Heywood Thomas School Yearbook 1979

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THE HALO Low-Heywood Thomas School 1570 Newfield Avenue Stamford, Connecticut

The Unity Of Hands . .

It is e x tre m e ly fitting that our yearbook be dedicated to a p erso n who has alw ays dedicated h e rs e lf to the C lass of '79. Throughout our high school y e a r s , the m em b ers of our c la ss have built a sp ecial relationship with this unique p e rso n because she com m ands re sp e c t in the cla ssro o m in an excep­ tionally stim ulating atm osphere while m aintaining rap p o rt with the students on a v e ry p e rso n a l le v e l. When one is in need, she is always willing to lend a hand with a sm ile on h e r face and a sp ark le in h e r eye. No obstacle is e v e r too g re a t because she is so organized and willing to try . It is with g re a t p rid e and p le a su re that w e, the C lass of '79, dedicate our yearbook to Helen Kw eskin. She tru ly d e se rv e s a big hand and a round of applause. With love and re s p e c t a lw ay s, The C lass of 1979

Child For A Day I was a child I was a child My eyes full I was a child

— Cat Stevens

who ra n full of laughter who lived for today of su n sh in e, my h e a rt full of sm ile s for a day

We w ere the ch ild ren who sang in the m orning We w ere the ch ild ren who laughed at the sun Who listen ed to those who spoke with th e ir wisdom We a re the ones who we would save But w e 're getting old er as tim e goes by A little o ld er with ev ery day We w ere the ch ild ren of y e sterd a y We a re the We a re the Who lis te n We a re the :

ones who w o rry of nothing ones who fight without aim to no one, yet speak of our wisdom pawns in the gam e

W e're getting old er as tim e goes by A little old er with ev ery day We w ere the ch ild ren of y e sterd a y I was a child I was a child My eyes full I was a child


who ra n full of lau g h ter who lived for today of sunshine, my h e a rt full of sm ile s for a day


W e're getting older as tim e goes by A little bit o ld er with every day We w ere the ch ild ren of y e sterd a y

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The m otto for the C lass of 1979: M omentum Hodie in Dies M em oria


"E nough, if som ething from our hands have power To liv e , and a c t, and serv e the future h o u r ." W illiam W ordsworth

I finally got it all together, but I forgot where I put it.

1 do my thing, and you do your thing. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations. And you are not in this world to live up to m ine. You are you, and I am I, And if by chance we find each other, it's beautiful. -Fredrick S. Peris.

Cheryl Boots


Remember the days of the old schoolyard- We used to

Whenever I call you ' 'friend,11 I be­ gin to think 1 understand. Everywhere we are, you and 1 were meant to be, forever and ever . ..

Melissa Clark



For memory has P Âť * ^ aj^rfect â– day with colors that never fade , And find at the end of this perfect day the soul of a friend I've made.

Patricia A

"For long you'll live and high you'll fly, smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry, And all you touch and all you'll see, is all your life will ever b e .'

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There1s a feeling I ^?fwhen I look to the west, and my spirit is crying for leaving. -Zeppelin



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Nancy Jill Laben

' 1If you expect to leave your footprints in the sands of tim e, you'd better wear workshoes.''

' 'And let today embrace the past with remembrance and the future with longing. 11


Can you imagine walking through life faking it?

You can't always get what you want. -Rolling Stones

Some times the lights are shining on m e , Other times I can barely see . . . Lately it occurs to m e , what a long, strange, trip it's been . . . -Grateful Dead

Susan Tandet

How To Remember The Seniors . . . ELIZABETH BENNETT: Benito; I love N .Y .; G reen Bug; B .U .; John Rushkin; V -vball; Toga; Pitti Sing; G roupies; T o u ris t #1; S .A .P .; pizza; catching ra y s ; "B lo o m ie s"; Led Zeppelin; re d wine; D r. Dim ento; B -ville. JEREMY BOE: Singing, dancing ev ery w h ere; w hite wine and a p ric o t brandy so u rs; Eng足 land '77; P a ris '76; Je ri Bop; pygm ie; Buick Sky Hawk; Deb, Sue, Sidney, & Dee; "God h e 's fo x y "; " I look awful today" CHERYL BOOTS: " C h e r l" ; S .A .P .; Weed Beach; Junior P arty '77; The Post; The THING;' The Boots' Hotel; V .P . in 11th & 12th; "B o o tsie "; Blushing; KAREN CAPORIZZO: little rizzo ; I'm a S .A .P .; RIZZO; Gin and Tonic; "M o rse C ode"; R izz o 's Hook; " sw itc h in g " ; " R IZ " ; joe kingie; "M ousie to n g u e:"; g ro u p ies. HELEN CLAMP- 'L ix; Spaz; C .C .& 8 ; Weed; "T h e G ang"; "D ro p th ro u g h "; The Post; " F a t s " ; Toot; K ingies; LOVERS; HEY BABE; BEST FRIENDS; F eb . 2 3 rd , '78; WEEK足 ENDS; "SOUTH CITY MIDNIGHT LADY"; "PA R A D ISE." MELISSA CLARK: " I 'v e been h e re too lo n g "; TAB; cheap wine; wild binges with Ali; G reenw ich V illage; " I hope it r a in s " ; My a r t ro o m . LUCINDA DECOSTER: tripping; MOUTH; lunch with the Guv; "Boy do I have som ething to te ll yo u !"; D ast is t s e r t gut!; The g irl with the HAIR; " I 'm so d e p re s s e d " ; Dizzy L izzy, Spacey S tacey, Bobbie Rugger; D ram a P re z . PATTY GATES: Swingin' G ates; Mighty M ustang; Brew B urger; The Beach; Pizza Den; O cean City; B rizz; E .B .; Lightbulb; K ansas; Nugent; A inson's; The F o ru m . JOY GAYLINN: " F lu ff" ; B lazer S u rp rise ; "W ho is B ill?"; " I 'm w aiting fo is t!" ; R ussian dancing with G eorge; T 'S pring; C la re -it was the CHICKEN!; D ragons; LITTLE big s is te r; "O d T ir e h , Od T ire . . . " SUSAN GRAVEREAUX: The G ravm obile; Spain Sum m er '78; F re e b ird ; Hockey; S traw 足 b e r r ie s on the way to school; D ram a; King; late again; Skiing; The Beach house; laughing fits; THANKS FOR EVERYTHING L .H .T . MICHELE GREINER: " C h e le " ; "W E ARE THE CHAMPIONS"; THREE MUSKETEERS; " C a n 't find the flo o r" ; T o u ris t #2; P .B .T .D .B .L .; Bagel Day!; "N aN ooN aN oo"; M 3L2GN; 3 rd p arty ; B .K . F r i . ALLISON HART: TAB; C hinese food; M atunck; Wild binges with Mel; " I hope it r a in s '; N ative Tan; C alifornia h e re I com e; England '77; cheap wine; The Ground Round; Rob足 e r ts . NANCY LABEN: JINGLE BELLS; trip p in '; th re e m u sk e te e rs; King, Y ale, Tokyo; M 3L 2GN j r .; A llison!; Y earbook-S hudd(tt)er; S e n io r's se n io r junior; " C a n 't find the flo o r" ; I love you!

CLARE MACDONALD: #1; Y es, but M rs. Sia, Why???; S traw berry; C -M ac-D and EMcG; F ro n t H all; No Joy, i t's the egg!; W .W .; I'm not arguing!; Lynn and C lare in Duet. LUCIA PENN: LOKI'S IMAGE; "But I c a n 't . . . I ju st have to go to the fa rm !" ; W ayside" T h e F a r m " ; The Saddler; L .L . B ean's-the o rig in als; T . G . I . F . ; LE-TRUC; Irish Tweed h a t. LYNN LAUTERBBACH-Smile; ME; SBoys; 'y fu tc'; Homework?; LG-1000; My M other . . . Funny you should m ention that; No!; TOTALPHONE; 'GODSPELL'; T h a t's not fair!; I 'll n e v e r te ll; Y e s, they (the c u rls) a re natural! JAMIE OSMAN: "Be m ello w "; J . T . , J .B ., D .F .; c o n certs; CAPP '78; yrbk; 5th p erio d s; VICTER; "W alk m uch . . . ? " ; knees?; RMG; M usic!; W .P .J .; "C an you believe th at?!" PAMELA OSWALD: La Vie; fam ily, frie n d s, & acquaintances; C apisce; Ninnie; Plumfield; The Bomb; "W alk much . . . ? " ; Rowayton; l .h . T hom as!; S .C .w .E . Ho!; "A th le ­ tic , m e ? " ; P .L .O . shuttle se rv ic e Laughing fits . STACEY SCHUMAN: The Prep; T ripping; WB-9779; "A S tar is B orn"; tape; Schu; NaNooNaNoo; P r e s . Pep and Ski Clubs; W .D .C .; Hey F ____ ; Dizzy L izzy, Spacey Stacey, L oose Linda; H unter M t.; Can I borrow 300? HOLLY STOBBIE-Party; sang; reeb ; ra h -ra h ; "T h e D ead"; E E -sab el; Hey Tandet; High T im es with H C ,C B ,M H ,M M ,SP,M D ,SP,JS,W G ; Everybody m ust . . . ; GTH LHT FY all DEBBIE TANDET-*ROBINDEL* PARTY* good ol' 3rd period!; C .C . a sp ecial friend; M rs . K rein -so m eo n e re a lly neat; T re a su re d tim es with I .T . & H .S .; Religions c la ss with Barb and Val; S .Y .L .Y .M .P . * I .H .Y .L .T .; I'm FREE! SUSIE TANDET: " J ill" ; Sm all Packages?; QEII; PARIS; England '77; ROBINDEL; M em o­ r ie s of L .W ., N .C ., J .D ., D .F .; David McBride; The C urio-C abinet; A rt; Choate; S h ak esp eare; "B e -in g "; I'm going to w rite a novel? ISABEL TARTAGLIA: B .M .W . (road trip s); 3 B's; Stobes; G reen G ra ss and High T ides fo re v e r; E sp ecially c a n 't forget S .P ., M .D ., M .H ., C . Z . , C . L . , W .G .; Hey Tandet!; B oats-3 ELIZABETH W ENZEL: blue down v est; banjo; Bubs; "But I have SO MUCH homework!!; im p o ssib le to re a c h by phone; cum laude; C .S .N . and Y .; A .P .U .S .; W .D .C .; judo; f r o ­ zen yogurt; Dizzy L izzy and Spacey Stacey; NaNoo-NaNoo. ELLEN WOZNICA: WOZ; C 'e s t la vie; laughing fits; T .I .A .S .; S .U . '78; Ninnie; VOLVO; "W alk m uch . . . ? " ; the sm ile; bunnies; hockey and v -b all; the hat; S .C .w .P .; N ever take an Oswald se rio u sly ; " I thing w e 're lo s t. "

Nancy Bloom Sixth Grade, Middle School Librarian

Aim Egan Cafeteria

Lauray Gabbai History

Susan Gallo Art History, Ceramics, History

Ann Hermann Mathematics, Communications Ann Herrick Latin, History of Language

Mary Hoffmann Mathematics

Hans Hopf Business Manager

Carol Holland Grade Five, English Keith Homer Director of Development

Peggy Kinney Coordinator of Special Programs, College Counseling, Mathematics Gloria Holmes English, Study Skills

Robert Hunt English, Science

Virginia Jones Secretary

Helen Kweskin Academic Dean, English


John McNeur Music

Cathy Mishkin Administrative Assistant, Communications, Music

Mary Mesics Science

Stewart Moss English, Ethics

Claire Nauen Secretary

Carolyn Powell Latin, History Karen Peterson Ethics, Photography, Physical Education

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William Pusack Mathematics, Science Jane Repp Publicity

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Barbara Podlach Grade Seven, Geography

Priscilla Pusack Science

Anna Sia Mathematics

Shirley Rogers Secretary

Cassandra Simonds Psychology

Silvana Sonnino Science

George Vakos Custodian



"Now join hands, and with your hands your h e a rts ." Shakespeare

Class Of 1980

FIRST ROW: Cynthia Foster, Susan Gray, Jill Semel, Melissa Green, Hilary Silberman, Brenda Baugh, Pam McKee, Andrea Kahn. SECOND ROW: Valerie Smith, Barbara An­ derson, Sharon Hannibal, Jeanmarie Fioretti, Charlotte Van Anden, Julie Gans, Connie Walter, MegNastasi, PatBoccuzzi, Lorraine Tartaglia, Pam Kilboum, Sarah Flannery, Sue Mattioli, Dierdre Quinn. THIRD ROW: TrisYale, Maria Anderson, Caitrionia Ruane, Hilary Straat, Diane Catalani, Paula Samardich, Marcella Tagliaferro, Lauren Anderson, Jane Myers. ABSENT: Theresa Markle, Jean Dornheim, Lucinda Reed, Linda Trent.

FIRST ROW: Russelle Marcato, Suki Schavoir, Sue Caporizzo, Karin Kuffel, Wendy Wilson, Kris Lohrman, Mary Van Hare, Jessica McGreevy. SECOND ROW: Elise Paisley-Robbins, Adrienne Sayer, Maggie W illiams, Polly Davis, Linn Irwin, Laurie Lasnick, Cassandra Bums, Katie Bowater, Susan Goldmark, Ka­ ren Lauterbach. THIRD ROW: Beatrice Falb, Kim Foght, Elisabeth Stein, Lisa Karmen, Tina Repp, Elyse Safir, Sharon Giglio, Sara Thompson, Cathy Ditsheim, Kirsten Olsen, Marianne Vanech, Jessica Ferdinand.


Class Of


Class Of

FIRST ROW: Laurie Farina, Carol Cuttitta, Amy Cooper, Laura Moore, Libby Baker, Deborah Zuckert. SEC足 OND ROW: Annemarie Jones, Jenni足 fer Freeman, Kate Van Anden, Gina Silvestri, Elizabeth Hawkins, Ann Weeghman, Liz Glotzer, Tracey Kahn, Margie Schwartz, Sophia Main, Cathy Cooper, Felicia Whit足 field, Patricia Hussey, Gina M c足 Donald . THIRD ROW: Suzanne Flexer, Maia Lueders, Wendy Lamm, Laura Irwin, Debbie Sellon, Ellen Waggner, Paula Jacobson, Kathy Kirmayer, Spencer Martin, Rachel Goldberg, Sharon Zezima. ABSENT: Gitte Christiansen, Blair Kloman, Gillian McLennon.


Class Of 1983

FIRST ROW: Paula Callari, Jaynee Berkman. SECOND ROW: Deedee Fawcett, Juliet Rogers, Lauren Munro, Ruth Marcato, Judith Schultz, Sandra Greiner, Wendy Cohn, Regina Licker, Debora Barrass, Lizjaffe, THIRD ROW: Valeri Bowling, Venita Little, Alison Collins, Kerrie Stanley, A.J. Weiss, Desi Livingston, Molly' Halloran, Kim Mitchell, Alice Wheeler. FOURTH ROW: Cynthia Hummel, Vineeta Hiranandani, Susan Lenhert, Rhonda Mouzan, Amanda Lawson, Mariana Cimikoski, Lisa Ostrover, Caroline Bowater, Heidi Buyak, Lee Hayne, Elyse DeMartini, Nancy Neibergs. ABSENT: Nadine Bender, Elizabeth Emerich, Joanne Epstein, A li­ son Parkey.







Class Of 1984 FIRST ROW: Jennifer Pesko, Amelia Ringrose, Tori Fairchild, Erika Hantscho, Stephanie Bowling, Arina Resnick, Kirsten Morehouse, Nancy E>unn, Karen Van Dusen, Claire Theobald. SECOND ROW: Tina Aronson, Kate Ostrow, Amy Harris, Christina Smith, Pam Taylor, Dana Caplan, Jill Fahmy, Carol Pursley. THIRD ROW: Mia Schipani, Lucia Bonnesen, Catherine Zezima, Clelia Biamonti, Leslie Roubus, Ann Lydecker, Vicky Ingram, Martha McKee, Victoria Wenzel, Andrea Sheets, Carin Munte, Monica Heston Cook, Diana Brest.

Class Of

FIRST ROW: Jennifer Moore , Karen Stelmach, Catherine Kaiser, Melissa Kirmayer, Laura Rohrs, Barbara Leonhardt. SECOND ROW: Victoria Wilmott, Elizabeth Schucht, Beth Browne, Karen Stole, Melissa Page, Helen Pring, Meg Clark. ABSENT: Joyce Parkey.


FIRST ROW: Bridget Harrison, Heather Browne, Dana Carpenter, Heather Trojan, Karen Brooks, Erica Rogers. SECOND ROW: Lambeth Hochwald, Kwajalein Little, Dina DeMartini, Jody Selsberg, Keysha Bailey.


Of 1986


"W ork your hands from day to day, the winds w ill blow the p r o f i t." Louis M acNeice

Varsity Field Hockey

FIRST ROW: Karen Peterson (coach). SECOND ROW: Pam McKee, Lisa Karmen, Sharon Hannibal, Polly Davis, Wendy Wilson. THIRD ROW: Melissa Green, Pam Kilboum, Deborah Sellon, Kirsten Olsen. FOURTH ROW: Jamie Osman (captain), Ellen Woznica, Pamela Oswald (captain).

Junior Varsity Field Hockey

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FIRST ROW: Susan Gravereaux, Tracey Kahn, Holly Stobbie, Laura Irwin. SECOND ROW: Linda Trent, Cynthia Foster (captain), Linn Irwin. THIRD ROW: Tina Repp (captain), Paula Jacobson. FOURTH ROW: Gina Nolan (coach), Kris Lohrman.


Middle School Field Hockey if


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FIRST ROW: Caroline Bowater, Martha McKee, Marianna Cimikoski, Susan Lehnert, Kim M itchell. SECOND ROW: Ruth Marcato, Tori Fairchild, Jennifer Pesko, Leslie Roubos, Karen Van Dusen, Vineeta Hiranandani THIRD ROW: Nancy Neibergs (captain), Elysa DeMartini, Liz Jaffe, Debbie Barrass, Sandra Greiner, Lee Hayne. FOURTH ROW: Karen Aarts (coach), Allison Collins, Molly Halloran (captain) Clelia Biamonti, Alice Wheeler.

Varsity Volleyball

FIRST ROW-Cheryl Boots, Sharon Hannibal, Wendy Wilson, Lucinda Decoster, SECOND ROW-Elizabeth Bennett, Michfele Greiner, Sara Thompson, Sharon Giglio, Lisa Karmen.

Junior Varsity Volleyball

FIRST ROW:Melissa Green, Isabel Tartaglia, Hilary Silberman, Patty Boccuzzi. SECOND ROW: Sophie Main, Debbie Zuckert, Jenny Freeman, Susan M attioli, Wendy Lamm.



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FIRST ROW- Sharon Zeiima, Kris Lohâ„¢ ,n, Katie Bowater, Maia Luedere SECOTO M W -N ancy Laben Stacey Schuman, Jean Dornheim, Lorraine Tartaglia, Gina Silvestri, THIRD ROW-Felicia Whitfield, Dolly Jones, Beatrice Falb, Mary VanHare, Mr. Hunt, Susan Caporizzo.


" E sta b lish thou the work of our hands upon us; y ea, the w ork of our hands estab lish thou i t . " The Bible

Pep Club

FIRST ROW: Lucinda Decoster (president,) Stacey Schuman (president). SECOND ROW: Ellen Woznica, Pamela Oswald, Jamie Osman, Susan Gravereaux. THIRD ROW: Elyse Safir, Cathy Ditesheim, Sharon Giglio, Holly Stobbie. FOURTH ROW: Paula Jacobson, Lynn Lauterbach, Nancy Laben, Jessica Ferdinand, Kris Lohrman, Sarah Flannery, Laurie Lasnick. FIFTH ROW: Tina Repp, Patty Gates, Liz Bennett, Karen Caporizzo.

Ski Club

FIRST ROW: Melissa Green, Jill Semel, Hilary Silberman, Brenda Baugh, Andrea Kahn, Cynthia Foster. SECOND ROW: Charlotte Van Anden, Susan Gravereaux, Jeanmarie Fioretti, Pam Kilboum. THIRD ROW: Linda Trent, Sta­ cey Schuman (president), Maria Anderson, Mrs. Bloom (advisor), Diane Catalani.

Lamba Delta Pi

FIRST ROW—Valerie Smith, Barbara Anderson, Sharon Hannibal, Wendy Wilson, Gillian McLennon. SECOND ROW-Beatrice Falb, Dolly Jones, Susan Mattioli , Cassandra Bums, Mary VanHare, Sarah Flannery.


FIRST ROW: Maria Anderson, Jill Semel. SECOND ROW: Julie Gans, Holly Stobbie (captain), Cynthia Foster. THIRD ROW: Lorraine Tartaglia, Paula Samardich. FOURTH ROW: Donna Kelly, Charlotte Van Anden, Maia Lueders.

Outing Club

FIRST ROW: Melissa Green (Vice President), Debbie Tandet (President). SECOND ROW: Hilary Straat, Susan Tandet, Lucinda Reed, Brenda Baugh, Lorraine Tartaglia, Jane Meyers, Deirdre Quinn. THIRD ROW: Gina Silvestri, Isabel Tartaglia, Cathy Ditesheim. FOURTH ROW: Sharon Giglio, Kris Lohrman, Laura Irwin, Holly Stobbie, Debbie Sellon, Jamie Osman, Ellen Waggner, Sophia Main, Margi Schwartz, Linn Irwin. FIFTH ROW: Jeanmarie Fioretti, Stacey Schuman, Pamela Oswald, Tracey Kahn, Liz Glotzer. SIXTH ROW: Charlotte Van Anden, Libby Baker.

Social Committee M

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FIRST ROW: Andrea Kahn, Lorraine Tartaglia, Debbie Tandet, Holly Stobbie. SECOND ROW: Pam McKee, Patty Boccuzzi, Cathy Ditesheim, Stacey Schuman. THIRD ROW: Susan Gray, Cynthia Foster (Vice President), Helen Clamp (President), Melissa Green, Sharon Giglio. FOURTH ROW: Marcella Tagliaferro, Lauren Anderson, Jill Semel, Diane Catalani, Sarah Flannery.

Art Club

FIRST ROW: Russelle Marcato. SECOND ROW: Holly Stobbie, Melissa Clark, Diana Samsom, Isabel Tartaglia THIRD ROW: Allison Hart, Susan Tandet, Mrs. Devendorf (advisor), Joy Gaylinn (President).


FIRST ROW: Melissa Green, Liz Wenzel, Linda Trent (editor), Brenda Baugh (editor), Pam M cK eeStacey Schuman. SECOND ROW: Julie Bowen, Jean Domheim, Cathy Ditesheim, Julie Gans, Elyse Safir, Laurie Lasnick, Spencer Mar­ tin, A.J. Weiss, Liz Glotzer, Margi Schwartz.

Drama Club

FIRST ROW-Susan Gray, Lucinda Decoster. SECOND ROW-Karen Caporizzo, Cynthia Foster, Laura Irwin, Gina Silves-tri, Elizabeth Glotzer, THIRD ROW-Nancy Laben, Hilary Straat, Andrea Kahn, Elizabeth Bennett, Clare Macdonald, Lynn Lauterbach, Elyse Safir, Susan Caporizzo, Tracey Kahn, Margi Schwartz, Sharon Zezima, Stacey Schuman. FOURTH ROW-Ellen Waggner, Debbie Sellon, Libby Baker.

Glee Club

FIRST ROW-Alice Weeler, Joy Gaylinn, Laura Moore. SECOND ROW-Nancy Laben, Elizabeth Bennett, Amy Cooper, Karen Lauterbach, Ann Weeghman. THIRD ROW-Carol Ann Cuttitta, Cathy Cooper, Clare Macdonald, Lynn Lauterbach, Mrs. Mishkin


FIRST ROW: Jamie Osman (editor), Pamela Oswald, Ellen Woznica. SECOND ROW: Melissa Clark, Stacey Schuman. THIRD ROW: Helen Kweskin (advisor), Lucinda Decoster, Nancy Laben.

Handy Highlights Of The Year S eptem ber began with a se n io r/fa c u lty p re -firs t-d a y -b a c k picnic at W ilson Point. T ea ch ­ e rs and students com peted and worked with one another at im possible task s like to ssin g frisb e e s into a bucket and filling a can full of holes with w a te r. Soon tw enty-six cam elclad se n io rs and one g re e n -su ite d elephant had se ttled th em selv es into the se n io r room and another y e a r had begun. Students, new and old, got to know each oth er b e tte r at a field day. Of c o u rs e , th e re was the trad itio n a l L -H T -K ing picnic on the field . A lot of lig h te r fluid was used to in su re the production of h a m b u rg e rs. The se n io rs voted on the them e fo r th e ir yearbook, and the 1978-1979 school y e a r s ta rte d out on the rig h t foot (or should that be hand?). O ctober was a m onth of se rio u s endeavor. T h ere was hom ew ork to be done, a m usical to r e h e a r s e , te rm p ap ers to be outlined, gam es to be ch eered fo r, bake sa le s to be baked fo r, e t c . , e t c . , ETC!! Everyone m anaged to keep h e r s p irits up; H allow e'en was c e le ­ b rate d not only by ghouls, but also by a m um m y, a g re m lin , and a sandwich!! N ovem ber was fraught with deadlines (and m o re bake sa le s !). V a rsity field hockey tied King in a challenge at th e ir own sp o rt of so c c e r. T e rm p a p ers w ere typed up and hand­ ed in (finally) and " G o d s p e ll," one of the b est p erfo rm an c e s at L -H T , was p resen te d . While the sixth grade brought King Tut to life , se n io rs took th e ir SA T's for the la st tim e , and everyone began studying for ex am s. The eighth grad e trip to Boston was a huge su c c e ss . D ecem ber brought a new tr im e s te r , as well as an old tra d itio n — getting ready fo r the holidays (not to m ention m ore bake sa le s!!). It was a month of giving. Canned goods w ere co llected from the students and given to the needy. The C h ristm a s Party and the C h ristm a s Pageant w ere both p resen te d to the e n tire school. It was also a month of s u r p r is e s , and the Upper School was left w ondering who the s e c re t Santas re a lly w e re. January p rese n te d new p o ssib ilitie s with the new y e a r. N ineteen se n io rs left L -H T to p u rsu e th ese p o ssib ilitie s in th e ir in te rn sh ip s, while seven se n io rs rem ainin g w ere left to tack le the infam ous se n io r slum p. The volleyball and basketball team s did e x cellen t­ ly , and the Ski Club d isco v ered the tru e m eaning of the word "sn o w b o u n d ." F e b ru a ry brought the O ne-A ct p lay s, a m em orable v isit from B rother Blue, another yearbook d ead lin e, and (needless to say) m o re bake sales! Dwelle Hall cam e alive with the sound of T am ara c at a dance held at King. M arch was a busy m onth. Seniors re tu rn e d from th e ir in tern sh ip s and got th e ir minds into g e a r for the la s t tr im e s te r at L -H T . Pop's Party was a big s u c c e s s , and the Junior P arty was a big s u rp ris e . A pril was a m onth for re la x atio n . The se n io rs had th e ir trip to the Poconos, which was then followed by A pril 15 — not ta x e s, colleges! May found everyone cram m ing for all kinds of exam s: S A T 's, A T 'S, AP'S, as well as LHT fin a ls. Along with studying cam e the annual L -H T beach scene and then the mad ru sh b efo re the p ro m . Another enjoyable picnic was run by the se n io rs along with a highly su cce ssfu l outdoor c o n c e rt. June was a m onth of tra d itio n s . C lass Day, W illing Night, and the Prom happened befo re anyone knew it (least of all the s e n io rs). Soon the se n io rs w ere handed th e ir diplom as and beginning a new stage of th e ir liv e s . L et your fin g ers do the walking through the y e a r in p ic tu re s . . .

Coordination at the top . . . a good sign.

Boys make good cheerleaders, too!

It's Peter Rabbit (alias Mark the Mare) Where it all begins . ..

King Tut comes alive !


Just name your price !

It's the 1'Wicked Witch of the East.' 1


Which way did he go?

A rowdy bunch after exams

I A wild and crazy guy !

JJJiiilll! ! !

Your fingers did the walking through the year in pictures.

Fortunes For The Class Of ’79

I See In The Future . L iz B ennett's c a r finally w arm ed up. Jerem y Boe produced an album , but unfortunately on the way to the m an u factu rer she dropped the dem o which broke into 100 p ieces . . . sh o rt-liv e d c a r e e r . C heryl Boots is s till " s e e in g " Bob. Julie Bowen is a ra d ic a l p ro fe s so r telling d irty jokes at H a rv ard . K aren C aporizzo is s till giggling. Helen Clam p brushed h e rs e lf bald. Having devoted h e r life to 'g ettin g ' JT , M elissa has finally succeeded in m aking C arly give him up . . . Mel and Jam es a re living happily in G reenw ich V illage. Lucinda D eco ster nev er has stopped talking. Patty G ates is a m illio n a ire , but th e re is a question as to how she m anaged to becom e one. Joy Gaylinn was unable to accept the p riz e for re a lis m in the A rt Show . . . she was swallowed up by the winning dragon! Susan G rav ereau x is still waiting for a le tte r . M ichdle G re in e r continues to p erp etu ally e a t, but she has finally begun to gain w eig h t.

A llison H art is at the South Kingston H ospital reco v erin g from an OD on T ab. Nancy Laben . . . jin g le, jin g le, jingle. Lynn L au terb ach m ade it to the G uiness Book of W orld R ecords for the m ost d i­ v o rce s . C lare M acdonald is lo st in a stra w b e rry field , fo re v e r. Jam ie O sm an is w riting h er th esis to attain h e r doctorate . . . she is finding out why m en have those "funny m u s c le s . " Pam ela Oswald is stran d ed in Rowayton . . . the bomb finally blew u p . Lucia Penn is rec u p era tin g from a bad fall . . . they don't make those rocking h o rse s like they used to. Stacey Schuman finally found th irty cents of h e r own to buy a soda. E arth to Holly . . . E arth to Holly . .. We can not locate Holly Stobbie in this u n iv e rse . Debbie T andet still defends . . . "M y eyes? Oh, I stayed up late la s t n ig h t." Susie T andet finally m ade it to the Museum of M odern A rt . . . too bad she was ju st a to u ris t. Isab el T a rta g lia has becom e the new lockerroom attendant at King School. L iz W enzel finally finished all of h e r hom ew ork. E llen W oznica is carving Babar next to Lincoln on Mt. R ushm ore.


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SECRETARY nu*5»^ M*Scs< Ok


S E C K T A It

K*w test *»»'»Krc _. ja?gwi »?<»

’’Speak, hands, for m e ! ” Shakespeare

C ongratulations To The C lass of '79 And Good Luck In The F u tu re

MR. & MRS. MARVIN H. GREEN, JR. C om plim ents of


C ongratulations To The C lass Of '79


You've got to go and m ake the b e st of your life F o r ev ery night th e r e 's another day.

-Jam es G riffen and Robb R oyer


Photography By

THE RYAN STUDIO 229 G lenbrook Road S tam ford, CT. 06906 325-0735

C ongratulations and Best W ishes To The C lass of '79


Dear Seniors:

Wonder w ell and win a w orld, with love-



Com plim ents Of


/ Phone: 323-1355


Liz From RandolphMacon Women’s College James From Vassar Margi from L-HT And Their Mom from Down the Road W ish The C lass Of '79 All The B est, A lw ays.

167 Bedford S treet Stam ford, Conn 06902

To M ichele: I'v e com e a long way but I still don't know anything. How about you?


THE CLAMP FAMILY And O ur Special Love To Helen

C ongratulations To The C lass Of 1979 F ro m The


C ongratulations And S incere Best W ishes to All Of My F rie n d s In The C lass Of '79.


fA* Sym phonies, ©cdnesftcoe*, balVefe , o i n d Mo r e

C ongratulations And Best W ishes To Susy And The C lass O f '79 F ro m


G am b atd -C lass Of '79 June And L a rry Laben


" I Do W o rk ," Said F re d e ric k . " I Gather Sun Rays F o r The Cold D ark W inter D a y s. C o n g ra tu latio n s, M ichele L ove,

MOM * F re d e ric k , By Leo Lionni -

JEANSTALK Levi -L ee W rangler L andlubberFaded G lory-

1074 Hope S treet Springdale Shopping C enter Stam ford, C t. 06907

COUNTY TELEVISION AND APPLIANCES 2601 Sum m er S t, S tam ford, C t.

K indness Is The One Human Quality That Gives People T ru e Beauty. T ry A L ittle K indness. Com plim ents Of




"T o S triv e, To Seek, To F ind, And Not To Y ield" - A lfred L ord Tennyson

BOB’S SPORTS "T h e Active Store F o r Active People"

F ro m The


New Canaan

Stam ford


C om plim ents Of

11 High Ridge Rd. Stam ford, C t.

WOLFE’S CLEANERS T e l. 325-3636

Best W ishes To E lizabeth W enzel F ro m

With Coveto

L yN N and Cost woffies to the cCassoj

<1fie fguterCaxfts


C ongratulations C lass Of '79 F ro m The

FAMILY AFFAIR STEAK HOUSE C ongratulations Liz!! And Continued S u ccess. We Love You.


614 Connecticut Ave. N orw alk, C t.

*. ■/ , '> ' ;./*C > •


C ongratulations And Best Luck To The C lass Of 1979


To The C lass Of '79: May You Follow Happily In My F o o tste p s. F ro m WATSON And The Gang Down By The F ire H ydrant.

Best W ishes To The C lass Of 1979


Congratulations To The ' Class Of ’79



o Fro m




CE1SS O F 1979

SAM MUGGEO ADVERTISING INC. 63 Hedge Brook Lane • Stamford. Conn. 06903 CO N N ECTICU T • 203 - 329-8992 NEW YO RK • 212- 838-4628

C ongratulations And Best Of Luck To The C lass O f '79


We did it for Helen Clam p . . . we can do it for you!!

PROFESSIONAL TUTORING & COUNSELING 184 Bennett S tre e t, F a irfie ld , CT. (203) 335-7666

C ongratulations To The C lass Of 1979


At home tutoring - we come to you M. R. Unger A. M. T reid el

D ire c to rs


Grape A Market, I nc 200 Shippan Ave. • Stamford, Ct. 06902

Best W ishes To The C lass Of 1979


Same Day S ervice F o r Kodacolor F ilm

HctnetCtoH Photo £ a h i t j . 929 Hope S treet S tam fo rd , C T . 06907 (203) 359-4313



Best W ishes To The C lass of '79


THE UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. New Y ork City Agency Suite 1400 555 5th Avenue P e ter C. Browne, M anager

GREENWICH OIL CO., INC. Our 60th Y ear Serving G reenw ich, Stam ford and D arien Irw in Gans

Don't live too fast Don't love too h ard Y ou'll live lo n g er.



Best W ishes F o r The F u tu re


C om plim ents of




GATEWAY ADVERTISING David and Donna Faw cett

To the Low-Heywood T hom as Senior C la s s , of 1979, expecially C lare . . . If you can im agine it, you can achieve it. If you can d re a m it, you can becom e it. C ongratulations -


C om plim ents Of C om plim ents Of



CONTINENTAL MOTORS BM W -Saab-Datsun Stam ford D ealer


"C ongratulation s To The C lass Of ’79!" " I t often shows a fine com m and of the language to say nothing"

-Anonymous MAY MANUFACTURING CO. 430 C ongress Ave. New Haven, CT. 776-2759

o f Low-Heywood Thomas


Mel Kahn - Owner

THE RYAN STUDIO 229 G lenbrook Rd. Stam ford, CT. 06906

LOU KONSPORE "T h e M an's S to re" 500 Sum m er S treet Stam ford, CT. 324-1784

F re e D elivery Service 322-1093 322-1351

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Patrons M r. and M r s , R ichard A ronson M r. and M r s , Viggo Bonnesen M r. and M r s . Jam es Bowling M r. and M r s . Joel B rest M r. and M r s . R ichard Brooks M r . and M r s . Anthony C aporizzo M r. and M r s . Kenneth B. Collins M r. and M r s , F re d Dornheim M r . and M r s . W illiam Flanagan M r . and M r s . Paul F reem an A F riend F rien d s of L-HT M r. and M rs. V ictor Goldberg G riebs Pharm acy M r . and M r s . Kenneth H art M r. and M r s . Samuel Ingram M r. and M rs. Ish ie r Jacobson M r. and M rs. Paul Kinney Lom bardo L eath er C ra fte rs M r. and M rs. Jerem y Main M r. and M rs. Gordon M cKee, J r. M r. and M r s . Hans Munte M r. and M r s . A lfred Powell D r. and M r s . Jerom e Resnick Rose Pharm acy M r. and M rs. F ran k Schipani D r. and M r s . R obert Schultz M r. and M r s . W illiam Selsberg M r. and M r s . M orton Semel M r. and M r s . Jam es Silberm an M r. and M r s . John Stelm ach M rs Judith N. T aylor M r. and M rs. F re d e ric k VanDusen M r. and M r s . Alan Whitelaw M r. and M r s . John W ilson, Jr. M r. and M r s . Donald Zezim a

To Frank: Thanks for a fabulous year! Among his many virtues . . . . Maturity Promptness Seriousness Trench coat and Foster Grants “Oh darn . . . I left it out in the caaa” “Where? . . . Oh . . . the car!” Thanks for the fun times . . . .

Editor in Chief . Layout Editor Copy Editor ........ Photography Editors Art Editor ............ Business Manager

. . . Jamie Osman . Pamela Oswald . . Ellen Woznica Stacey Schuman Nancy Laben . . Melissa Clark Lucinda Decoster

Many Thanks To . . . Helen Kweskin for h e r constant dedication and continual constructive c ritic is m . F ran k F r a z ie r for his valued opinions, his entertaining s to rie s , and his ability to make even the toughest tim es enjoyable. Scott O sm an for keeping his prom ise! Kipp A lp ert fo r his tim e , e ffo rt, and "quick turn aro u n d " while doing the c la ss p ictu res and for his patience while doing the e n d sh ee t. Regina L ic k er for h e r te rrific m iddle school c an d id s. Bill Pusack fo r helping to get the show on the road.

D istant hands in foreign lands A re turning hidden w heels C ausing things to com e about Which no one seem s to feel All invisible from w here we stand The connections com e to p ass And though too stra n g e to com prehend They affect us n o n e th e le ss, yes -Jam es T aylor

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