7 minute read

4.4 CO2e Emissions – Breakdown of Business Travel


This chart shows a breakdown of travel including air and local coach travel.

The GHG conversion factor used was kg CO2e per mile travelled plus “Well to Tank” factor for each type of travel.

Well-to-tank (WTT) conversion factors for transport relate to the upstream Scope 3 emissions associated with extraction, refining and transportation of the raw fuels before they are used to power the transport mode. These are included in accordance with GHG protocol principles.

Coach travel has been estimated, further investigation should be completed to gain a more accurate figure.

4.5 CO2e Emissions – Breakdown of Purchases

Kingston Grammar School Purchases Emissions


The supply chain data used was based on the amount spent in the period on the categories listed in the latest accounts published on Companies House. The emissions were calculated using generic sector specific carbon intensity (CO2e pound £ pound) figures provided by the UK Office for National Statistics.

4.6 CO2e Emissions – Scopes 1, 2 & 3

Emission Scopes are defined by the internationally accepted Greenhouse Gas Protocol. The protocol has been developed through many years of cooperation with The World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).

They are based on an assessment of which emissions from operations the organisation can directly control versus those which the organisation can merely influence.

The below diagram summarises the categories of emissions that are classified into each scope.

Kingston Grammar School Data Types Included and Excluded By Scope

5. Decarbonising the Energy in the School.

Due to the construction of the buildings and the layout of the site, the opportunities for improving efficiency are significant. However, there are many complications and implementing a strategy to reduce emissions will take time and resources.

Developing a ten-year plan would help to spread the load on both manpower and resources.

Reducing gas consumption through efficiency measures should be considered. Ensuring that energy efficiency is maximised should be prioritised.

Behaviour change can contribute to a significant reduction in energy consumption

Moving away from natural gas: Possible change over from natural gas to other technology in the future.

Solar Thermal for Water Heating: Solar hot water could be used to supplement gas or electricity for the hot water needs of the main school and the sports facilities.

Introduction of renewable electricity using solar panels with possible battery storage: Assess the viability of on-site renewables, such as solar panel (PV) systems.

Obtain quotes and estimated generation capacity of solar systems at the school.

Solar Photovoltaic systems can be installed on the roof of the buildings subject to engineering and planning constraints.

If a 30kW system could be installed on the South facing roof of the Michael Fryan Theatre the estimated energy generated could be in the region of 30,500 kWh giving a reduction of approximately 10 tonnes of CO2e per annum

A full feasibility study would be required, the graph below shows the possible monthly output, a large percentage of the energy generated will be when the school is not operating at full capacity. Other factors to consider would be grid connection and energy consumption patterns of the buildings

Quotes should be obtained from reputable suppliers, the current energy supplier

TotalEnergies Gas & Power offer a solar solution that could be investigated in the first instance.

Utility suppliers:

TotalEnergies Gas & Power currently supply the energy to the school have committed to achieving Net Zero by 2050. The school should engage with TotalEnergies to investigate the ‘Green Gas’ option currently offered to reduce emissions in the short term. (see action plan section 3).

Examples of low-cost actions:

Drawing curtains on large windows; our thermal imaging report on a double-glazed patio door shows a 1.6°C difference in the heat transferred from the closed side and the open side.

Draughtproofing; the building has many places where draughts can be found. As up to 30% of heat can be lost in this way, it may be worth investigating measures to reduce the larger areas where draughts can enter

Reflective radiator panels. These fit on outside walls behind radiators and reflect heat into the room, therefore reducing the heat transfer from the building. Reflective panels are calculated to have an energy saving potential of 170kWh per square meter. As these are not aesthetically pleasing it is unlikely that they will be appropriate for every room.

6 Carbon Reduction Plan – Detailed Plan

The detailed carbon reduction plan provides clear initiatives to undertake over time, with shortterm initiatives being tackled first. In the longer term as new technology is developed and Government policy changes then the plan can flex to accommodate these changes.

6.1Carbon footprint and EMS ongoing management, review, and target setting.


Short 1.1 Implement environmental policy and action plan. The Energy Saving Trust, Carbon Trust and other organisations provide guidance for managing school CO2 emissions.

Short 1.2 Raise awareness and consult with employees, pupils, suppliers and all other interested parties regarding CO2e emissions, energy consumption, and other environmental aspects.

Long 1.3 Embed CO2e reduction target setting into all processes within the school

Carbon footprint and EMS ongoing management, review and target setting.

Short 1.4 Appoint green champions/ ambassadors to assist with energy and resource management on a day-to-day basis. Consider ways to engage students in environmental learning projects in the classroom or on school grounds.

Short 1.5 Discuss ideas with senior staff to secure manager and other key staff engagement.

Short 1.6 Develop a structured training and CO2e awareness plan for staff.

Short 1.7 Ensure staff are aware of sustainability objectives, and train procurement staff to consider low carbon options where practical.


Short 1.8 Raise awareness with contractors and suppliers.

Medium 1.9 Include a review of all suppliers' and contractors’ carbon intensity.


Long 1.10 Continually review the action plan and include carbon footprint considerations.

Long 1.11 Continually identify relevant training and implement a training plan throughout the organisation.

6.2 Financial and Commercial

Short 2.1 Review commercial service supply chain, banks, insurance, accountancy, website, cloud hosting, training providers, software subscriptions, legal services, and other relevant suppliers.


Short 2.2 Raise awareness with procurement staff when reviewing or renewing contracts.

Short 2.3 Review sustainability of pension investments.

Short 2.4 Raise awareness with procurement staff when reviewing or renewing contracts.


Long 2.5 Continually review the supply chain and consider using suppliers offering the lowest CO2e options.

6.3 Facilities and school buildings


Short 3.1 Ensure computers, copiers and display screens are set to optimum efficiency and switched off when not in use Review the energy consumption of the servers.

Short 3.2 Review the office and other equipment energy consumption. A PAT testing list will give details of the energy consumption of electrical equipment.

3.3 Complete an out-of-hours survey and review energy meter data to establish

3.4 Switch off campaign

Office Equipment

Medium 3.3 Review energy consumption and embodied CO2 as a criterion for future purchases.

Medium 3.4 Consider recycling and re-use options for office equipment when it is disposed of.

Medium 3.5 Regularly check and record accurate energy consumption data on an ongoing basis in order to measure changes.


Long 3.7 Consider IT lifecycle for future projects, can the equipment be repaired and re-used?

3.8 Consider building energy efficiency when planning any changes or upgrades in the future.


Short 3.9 Review green energy tariffs to ensure they are the industry-leading options.


Energy Suppliers

Short 3.10 Review energy suppliers' sustainability credentials.

Short 3.11 Review supply chain energy supply contracts. Share learning with staff and other interested parties.

Short 3.12 Take meter readings in line with the read window schedule provided by TotalEnergy to ensure that accurate readings are taken (See 7.7)


Building Facilities

Medium 3.13 Review the meter readings and half-hourly data to establish patterns and spikes in consumption.

Medium 3.14 Continually review the market to ensure that renewable energy claims are valid.


Short 3.15 Check for draughts and areas with low insulation levels.

Short 3.16 Review any available building infrastructure reports in conjunction with the carbon footprint.

Short 3.17 Replace older lighting with LED. Ensure lighting is not left on when not required.

Short 3.18 Provide guidance notices to staff on the general use of system controllers and the environment.

Short 3.19 Review the efficiency of the heating and cooling systems Check radiator valves are working efficiently, the systems are well maintained and the correct set points are used

Short 3.20 Install independent sub-metering to enable the accurate recording of electricity consumption

Medium 3.21 Review the EPC certificates for the properties leased to staff

The majority of the properties on Caversham Rd on the EPC register are E and F rating https://find-energy-certificate.service.gov.uk/find-acertificate/search-by-postcode?postcode=KT+2

Action could include solar PV, improved insulation, boiler upgrades, and installation of smart meters. Raising awareness of energy-saving actions. 3.22 Review room temperatures, reducing heating times by 1 hour per day could save 10%

Medium 3.23 Investigate the installation of onsite renewable energy sources such as photovoltaic cells on school properties.


Facilities and Office Waste

Short 3.24 Conduct a waste audit in order to establish the volumes, types and final destination of waste generated. Contact the waste contractors, in many cases, they will be able to supply a full breakdown of the waste removed and their recycling rates.

Many waste contractors can provide data in order to establish the current situation


Medium 3.25 "Consider the volume of Emails and cloud working / v teams chats. Depending on the length of the e-mail and the number of recipients, a single e-mail can contribute 17g of CO2. Influence

Facilities and Office


Medium 3.26 Review IT systems and complete a carbon intensity audit.


Medium 3.27 Generic count on e-mails, review the requirement for a large number of e-mails.

Medium 3.28 Create an IT asset list in order to determine the current levels of equipment.

Medium 3.29 Review the list and plan to purchase low-energy alternatives in the future.

6.4 Procurement

Control Short 4.1 Engage with the supply chain to significantly reduce total emissions.

4.2 Ensure new contracts require suppliers to state their carbon footprint and have an action plan. Influence


Medium 4.3 Complete a survey with key suppliers to determine the current status of their carbon awareness.

Medium 4.4 Support supply chain in order to help them manage footprint.

Ongoing Long 4.5 Implement a reduction plan.

4.6 Develop a consistent approach to data gathering throughout the supply chain.

4.7 Continually review best practices.

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