It has been a welcome development to venture out once again on trips and we have continued to make changes to our Lower School curriculum to reflect the diversity in global history. Thanks to the arrival of Mrs Collins in September, Second Year students have been learning about life in a variety of African countries before the beginning of the transatlantic slave trade. Discovering fascinating facts about coins from the Axum Empire, the eleven churches of Lalibela and the golden Rhinoceros of Mapungubwe, they have been able to contextualise the subsequent history of African nations to a greater extent. During Black History Month, First Years learnt about diversity in medieval England through the research of Professor Sue Black. They learnt about discovery of the remains of the ‘Ipswich Man’ who is thought to have been born in Tunisia in the 13th century and who possibly came to England during the 9th Crusade.
Chalke Valley History Festival
Senior History Society has also explored aspects of history beyond the A Level syllabus. Students present on a topic of their choice, and this is followed by questions, discussion and debate. The standard of presentations has been superb this year with topics ranging from Jack the Ripper and the Shroud of Turin (Faran Shaheen), Toussaint Louverture (Annabel Roux), the Israel-Palestine conflict (Hattie Fowkes), Jamaican politics in the 20th century (Eloise Cross), the partition of India (Adam Nasir), Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa’s The Leopard (Freddie Pflanz) and the life of Saladin (Jacob Watkins).
From the Second World War and the American Civil War to slavery in America and the Crusades, there were so many interesting lectures and the speakers were so good at engaging with their audience. The highlight of the trip had to be the Word War Two trench experience at the end of the trip. We were able to have a realistic, scenario-based tour of replica trenches, where we had to lay low from German soldiers! Even the teachers got involved! Dhilan Chopra What a day! Undeniably the best talk was from Dan Jones on the Crusades: he was an amazing storyteller and really kept us interested. When not in lectures, we could explore the living history exhibits. We got to see a real siege machine and the live firing of a cannon, along with looking at WW2 vehicles, the daily life of a WW1 soldier and even had the opportunity to try our hand at the sword school. The best experience came at the end, when we did a whole class experience of escaping to Dunkirk. Even the teachers got involved, with Mr Beard and Dr Kennedy having the most fun. We had to defuse a mock bomb while we avoided hazards and learnt about the great bravery of British and French troops in holding back the German lines. Overall, it was a great day, with it being a tangible learning experience. I would urge everyone studying History to go next year.
It has been great to be able to venture beyond the walls of KGS and embark upon history trips to the Rose Theatre to see SIX the musical with the Second Year and to the Chalke Valley History Festival in Wiltshire with the Lower Sixth. SIX
It has been great to be able to venture beyond the walls of KGS and embark upon history trips...
“Wow! This amazing musical showed how all the wives of Henry VIII were unique and powerful inspirational women who shouldn’t be defined and remembered by their husband! The songs were funky, rocky and the perfect combination of historical events and emotions .... It was a show to remember and we loved it!” Melody Moppett, Second Year
Adam Nasir, Lower Sixth