Kingston School of Art MA illustration 18 19 V1

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«IIllustration 18 : 19

MA Communication Design

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CONTENTS Who We Are and What We Do

Caroline McArthur

Yuqing Yan

Hsiang-En Pan

Wei He

Yumeng Shi

Alessandra Rostagnotto

Guo Xiaoyu

Elise Tel

Danni Yu

Lixue Yu

Yi Zheng

Xiuzi Zeng

Ming-Hsuan Wang

Gami Chou

Naiting Huang

Yun Er Chang

Yifei Sun

Bingbing Zhao

Zi Ye Ian I Chan

Jie Yu Gefei Zhu

Nepeta Liu

Zhengyun Zhou

Chia-Chie Tsao

Yiqi Qin

Ji Sun Lee

Siwei Zheng

Sarah Ee

Yangzhe Cao

Xiaoyu Cong

Yu Bei

Andrea Gonsalves

Shumei Zheng

Qing Pan

Tiankai Song

Chih-Hsuan Yen

Peipei Tang

Jiyoung Ha

May Kang

Teng Liu

Sihui Wu

Xiaolu Wu

Diana L. Lehane

Cen Sheng

Bethany Lord

Sihang Wu

You Wu

Wenqi Ke

Jinya Xu

Luis A. Fernandez

HELLO Who We Are and What We Do

The MA Communication Design: Illustration course encourages the exploration and understanding of the methods and processes at work in contemporary visual communication. It aims to further develop the students personal practice and approach to the making of images. The course also provides a focus on individual reserach and inquiry and helps you to understand the significance of the wider cultural role of the visual designer and illustrator. In addition, it will introduce disciplinary and interdisciplinary models of thinking that will underpin your own focused study on the course.

Caroline McArthur Digital Tattoo @mcarthurcaro Digital Tattoo is a project borne of a sensible fear of social media’s place in contemporary and future society. It visualizes digital footprints as tattoos on the skin, calling to attention the permanence and lack of privacy inherent in interacting with a digital platform and the consequences of both. Factoring in the future, as-yet-unknown evolution of big data, social media, and technology as a whole, Digital Tattoo is a timely reminder for more care and intention to be given to our digital footprints.

Hsiang-En Pan Everyone has their Time Zones @sianenillust My project focuses on the cause of people’s daily anxiety and how this anxiety is affected by social media. By combining illustration with the user interface design on social media, this project is distinguished into two part - the ‘perfect life account’ and the ‘reallife account’. The perfect life account presents the main character’s perfect life and the amazing events which she is willing to share with her audience. The real-life account presents her real life which is full of stress, worries and the truth she does not want people to know about. I compared these two accounts to showcase why people envy others’ lives and care about others’ expectations and views.

Yumeng Shi Eating Healthily @rainie_Shi My project is a children’s book that encourages its readers to eat more fruit and vegetables, and to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. It is aimed at children aged 5-6 who are on the cusp of education. As this group, the children are the least likely ones to eat sufficient amounts of fruit and vegetables. This story book visualizes the relationship between food and physical health. I analyzed the tradeoffs between food delicacy and health in a more comprehensively way, and brought in a sense of fun in the process of cooking!

Guo Xiaoyu ( Sami ) My Search for Magic @samiillustration In my Final Project I researched the reason why people are drawn to magic. I studied this alongside its history from an anthropological perspective, and document my findings in a light-hearted book. This book reveals the story behind magic’s mysterious impression among us, paying tribute to the importance of human exploration with an added emphasis on our reverence for nature.

Danni Yu Dream Material Library @danni-illustration Dreams can bring us unlimited inspiration and help us better understand ourselves. However, dreams can also easily be forgotten. So I created a way to record them quickly using stock imagery. My project aims to build a ‘dream material library’ which includes scenarios that people usually imagine. Users may take these materials and collage their dreams. The dreamer does not have to be good at painting to use this approach and it only takes a few moments to record their dreams.

Yi Zheng There is a Secret @drawer_lifeinart There are a lot of problems relating to sex among children. I aim to improve people’s awareness about the importance of sex education. Children often hold some secrets of themselves about sex, and there is some sexual knowledge that children should be gradually introduced to. This project is comprised of two picture books focusing on different age groups of children. Each of them talks about different sex education topics affecting that specific age group.

Ming–Hsuan, Wang (Ab) Witch’s Room @chromeqqq This project explores the relationship between misogyny and feminist literature. From this starting point I created visual responses that speak to five major areas: Career, BVirth, Sex, Body Control and Hate Speech. My work incorporates a layered approach through the use of transparent paper to metaphorically represent the barriers faced by women in our society.

Naiting Huang From Dreams, To The Dark Side Of You @by_naiting This project is aimed at visualizing the emotions and motivating people to accept the spectrum of their emotions, even the dark side. By creating a series of gifts and greeting cards, I want to show that as a human being, it is a blessing to have negative emotions and they should be taken as gifts. I depict complex and negative emotions with symbolic and metaphorical objects from my dream journal and the dreams of others. “Who looks outside dreams; who looks inside awakens�, said the psychologist Carl Jung. Only when we look into our subconscious mind, can we receive the messages from our dreams.

Yifei Sun Fragments Memo @FEIFEI-01 My project is based on my own experiences and supported by research into psychology, which explores themes such as ‘inner strength’, ‘loneliness’, and ‘nostalgia’. I endeavour with the means of this to express my negative emotions regarding deeply personal and subjective topics of family ties, romance, friendship and ego. My work takes the form of a graphic novel organised into four chapters corresponding to four geographical locations. I hope this book may comfort people who find themselves in similar situations.

Zi Ye (IZZIE) ON THE MOVE @iiiizzie My project is a combination of animation, illustration and poetry. It examines mental issues such as panic and anxiety in our daily life. These situations may arise over and over again but will also pass, since life is a strange loop and everything is always on the move. The work attempts to unfold the serious and common mental symptoms through visual methods in a poetic way. Feelings of uneasiness are intangible, personal, and obstinate, but in this project, the healing power of poetic thinking could be a new way of learning.

Ian I Chan ZSL Treasure Map @mutq_q My project creates new ways of interacting with London Zoo. The travel packs, map guide book, animal game cards and animal pins visually engage visitors to learn more about the protection of animals. The guide maps three routes showing the endangered animals at different levels of risk of extinction. There are also individual animal game cards, which encourage visitors to scan the pictures with their phones to reveal an informative and engaging animation.

Nepeta Liu Despicable Children @nepetaliu_illustration Despicable Children is a graphic novel which attempts to indicate how traumatic childhood experiences can have a lifelong impact on an individual. It is intended for adults who suffer from low self-esteem and aims to help them to learn more about the issue through a narrative, a theory explanation, a questionnaire and a drawing activity.

Chia-Chie Tsao Back Again @corbiefu3_art Nowadays, the urban lifestyle progressively widens the gap between people and nature. Human activities have caused a dramatic decline in all the wild species on Earth. If people today do not stand up and make real changes happen, the Earth’s ecosystem will be seriously damaged. Back Again is an attempt to rebuild the human-nature connection in daily life. It is a story that reminds us of the beauty of nature, and encourages people to bring it back again.

Ji Sun Lee The Ghost of Dinosaurs @esyoni The e-book ‘While You Slept in the Museum’ has been created for children who visit the Natural History Museum. The purpose of this project is to improve the knowledge of natural history within a fun storyline. While in a museum sleepover event, the main character has a dream where he becomes a dinosaur and then his adventure begins.

The Missing Ingredient

Sarah Ee Resilience @sarahee_ This project aims to open conversations around the connections between sport, identity and mental health, and invites audiences to consider new perspectives on femininity. It is my intention that the posters are read as a whole, and each one of them is commenting on different aspects of my research. My iconography draws on the language of dress making as a metaphor for the female body and is a deliberate step away from figurative representations of the female form.

Xiaoyu Cong Power of Humour @ccxy1234567 The theme of my project is the power of humour. I collated a series of humorous stories about the overseas life of Chinese students, and translated them into comics. Looking at typical incidents and conversations that arise from cultural unfamiliarity through the lens of humour allows a different perspective to emerge. I really hope that when Chinese students read these comics, they will feel relaxed and happy.

Andrea Gonsalves Refugee @readillustration My project Refugee: The Consequences of Forced Immigration is an illustrated journalism piece about the aftermath of people seeking asylum. I obtained the background and source material for this project from the organisation Refugee Action Kingston. Few experiences of refugees are represented past the point of escaping the conditions of their respective countries. There are many dimensions to the personal and communal struggles they face which can have a long lasting and profound effect on the rest of their lives. My illustrations are explored as a medium to express, spread awareness and offer a perspective on the experience of a refugee.

Qing Pan Another “me” in the world @poyo_purumi Inspired by the “persona”, my picture book tells a story about a group of people: they look like ordinary people, but when they get home, they take off their masks and reveal their true miserable selves. In fact, aren’t we the people who wear “the mask” in the modern life? Since there’s always something we don’t like about ourselves, when pretending to be something completely different, we enjoy the benefits of these social masks and gradually lose sight of who we really are. Another “me” in the world depicts the various masks worn by six characters with different identities and backgrounds, as well as what the real “selves” look like behind the masks.

Chih-Hsuan Yen The Magical Space of Dear Me @atthesep Solitude has always been necessary for a person, we do not need to resist it because solitude is not the same as loneliness. I have developed different solutions for different status of solitude in the guide books which is helping people face with the mind, life, and relationship of solitude. I created The Space of Dear Me to guide people on how to be solitary and understand what advantages it can bring to us, but mainly I hope to build people’s confidence and warmth by my pieces when they feel helpless.

Jiyoung Ha Joyful @9lii3 In this hectic and competitive society, people tend to forget about positive emotions. However, there is no doubt that positive emotions are integral elements which give great motivations for going through life; they can be contagious. This illustrated book deals with a range of my most memorable joyful experiences, asking the question: What makes you joyful?

Teng Liu Multiple Realities @amoforillustration Multiple Realities presents us an imaginary scene where potential realities yet seems to be seen, but never to be discovered nor thoroughly explained, colliding with the one in which we are living. My project is a visual exploration of this concept. It is an approach that mixes known and unknown, real and unreal. It culminates in a mix of wonders on an ultimate question: What if?

Xiaolu Wu ImPerfect Diary @lulywu My project explores the problems encountered by perfectionists by discussing the negative effects of perfectionism in the format of a diary. Through Alyssa’s diaries, we observe how it can have a widespread effect on aspects of our lives such as friendships, relationships and learning.

Cen Sheng Personal Space Invader @cen_shen Personal Space Invader is an interactive installation that aims to present different types of behaviours and shows how people might invade the personal space of others. It helps raise awareness of their issues and promote greater sensitivity.

Sihang Wu Long After Farewell @elainewonka Long After Farewell is a comic story presented to audience about a growing process with a grief journey. The purpose of this story is initially entertaining and emphasis has been placed on both narration and depiction. This book was created with the aim of increasing dialogue about grief and its influence. If we can recognize how important and occasionally funny this process is, we could eventually handle it with joy and consciousness instead of suffering.

Wenqi Ke Blue Diary @arielkyky Blue Diary is a picture book describing a real depression story. With the increasing number of depressive patients, this kind of mental illness has gained far greater attention. However, there are always people who do not understand this disease and regard it as a form of weakness. As a result, people who suffer from depression often prefer to keep this illness as a secret. This project focuses on Antidepressant Discontinuation Syndrome and tells a true story in the form of diary. It intuitively shows the inner pain of a depressed girl and how she ultimately relies on both self-saving awareness and help from others to get out of the worst situation.

Luis A. Fernandez Lola’s Dreams @pichucho_fernandez My project is a graphic novel built on the concept of introducing its audience to Andean philosophy and culture. This particular image represents a moment in the story when the main character, Lola, is waking up from a dream. She passes from a magical and intense moment to everyday reality. The storyline communicates an idea through the main character where the reader is introduced to a reality in which the human being is a part of the nature rather than being on top of the food chain. As a result, the human is able to communicate, feel and be responsible for their community and environment which holds it. A humanity which is more humanized.

Yuqing Yan (Faye) Brexit Starter Pack @fuzzikon When I moved here, I saw major changes and unrest in the society around me. My work presents a summary of some of the main Brexit debates as seen from the perspective of an outsider who’s just getting to know British culture. The visual density and complexity reflect the overwhelming confusion of the Brexit debate itself. It presents relative arguments such as sovereignty, sense of identity, immigration and economy, to show how issues like globalization and cosmopolitanism are currently challenged; the paradox between supranational governance and sovereign states, etc. I love this country.

Wei He

Human +: The Future of Our Species @helenhe0820 Because of advances in biotechnology, human beings can have a lot of transformative possibilities. What could happen to the future society as a result of these changes? This project is based on a scenario of turning the human being into an experimental subject for biotechnology. This project uses three sections to explore both the consequences and the impacts of a biotechnological breakthrough in the future: “Eugenics: Human + CPISPR CAS 9 = ?”; “Cyborg: Human + Machine = ?”; “Neo-evolution: Human + Other Species =?”

Alessandra Rostagnotto Italo Disco Will Never Die @andrarosta_illustration Italo Disco Will Never Die is a project that aims to make a contemporary audience rediscover lost music gems from the past. My interest in Italian disco music from the 80s started this project. Choosing the best Italo tracks and studying how music branding has changed in the digital era, I designed a series of animated album covers reinterpreting the 80s aesthetic created by Fiorucci and Memphis designers. The looping animations of these animated covers are successful in drawing the attention of the audience of music streaming services like Spotify, Youtube and Apple Music.

Elise Tel I am @elisetelillustration Inspired by my interest in who we are and how we shape our identities, subconsciously and intentionally, I wanted my project to explore personality and how they are represented within homes specifically. zis made up two parts, the first is a book where I interviewed people and represented their personalities through illustrations of objects displayed in their homes. The second is a poster in which I illustrated every object within my own bedroom.

Lixue Yu Behind the Glamorous @Lisurt_ The global apparel industry in the 21st century, dominated by the ‘fast fashion’ trend, has become one of the major polluting industries of the world. ‘Behind the Glamorous’ is a project about exposing the ‘untold dark truth’ of the modern fast fashion manufacturing to the fashion consumers worldwide. The project aims to raise consumers’ awareness of the production issues and provoke self-reflection on consumption habits through visual communication. The outcome contains eight silent pictorial narratives and questions printed on T-shirts, covering issues from material sourcing, apparel and textile manufacturing, consumers’ mentality and disposal.

Xiuzi Zeng Future Dream Machine @zengxiuzi In the near future, human beings all get eternal life. They have robot bodies but retain their biological brains. These transhumans do not need sleep and dreams, and can always be happy, even removing bad emotions as if they were bugs. However, the difference between transhumans and robots is getting smaller and smaller. As humans, we always think we are incomplete. Transhumans think the same way too. My project imagines the advertising campaign for the Future Dream Machine, a product that allows transhumans to regain all the “negative� emotions we humans are trying to get rid of.

Gami Chou Hostel of Lost Function @gamiillustration Hostel of Lost Function is a magic building, which satisfies all people’s needs. It is so perfect that no one can bear to lose it. This graphic novel is mainly designed for adults to encourage them to accept their vulnerability after losing a family member. The metaphorical nature of the imagery makes the traumatic experience and the grief visible.

Yun Er Chang Motion — Emotion @y.c_ruby There is movement contained in the act of drawing, while the trace of dance can suggest a form of drawing. Taking inspirations from performative drawing, contact improvisation and art therapy, Motion — Emotion is a collection of booklets designed for everyone who enjoys dance or drawing and wishes to explore more about themselves. The twenty booklets introduce multiple possibilities of using dance combined with drawing to reduce stress and express oneself more. Each booklet engages the audience in knowing more about the concept of movement.

Bingbing Zhao Familiar Strangers @zhao_bingbing This project provides the audience with the opportunity to choose between behaviour patterns: to reduce or increase the interrelational distance, or to break the relationship between the familiar stranger. Shaking hands is a way of communication in our daily life. The opening and closing of the book is a metaphor for the two states of intimacy and alienation.

Jie Yu Charlie @jieyujiewu My project investigates the relationship between the intuitive and the methodological characters within oneself. The ‘Intuitive character’ is a figure created directly from the heart without any research, while the ‘Methodological character’ is a figure built upon research and methodology. The two characters are both called Charlie, and are in actuality a reflection of myself.

Gefei Zhu Ciba @gegezu This project aims to show the connection between Chinese memory and food. These memories of food aren’t always good or great. On the contrary, it is often the little things that are most memorable. In the form of cartoons, I told the protagonist’s childhood memories about the food in her hometown. Through the flashback and “Blank” technique to arouse the reader’s resonance.

Zhengyun Zhou Depression @kabuto782 In recent years, I have been impacted by the increasing amount of my friends struggling with depression. Even today, in many cases people with this illness have not been able to receive proper care and help, which can be caused by factors such as parents who still have misunderstandings about it. I would like people to have an accurate understanding and accordingly care for people with depression. My work expresses some of the daily symptoms of depressed patients and ways to help them properly. It is my intention that this picture book may cause people to pay attention to those who suffer from depression.

Yiqi Qin Hoarders @yiqi_illustration My project is a handmade book about the mental world of hoarders. The story begins with the self-narrative of the hoarder, telling the reader what their life is like from the perspective of the main character. I made the cover of this book in the shape of a shell, and when the book is opened, it symbolizes the opening of their hearts and their inner change. With meticulous painting and explorative layout, I hope that people who open this book can understand the world of hoarders in a deeper sense.

Siwei Zheng BDSM Instruction Manual @mojitoo_9 My project BDSM Instruction Manual is a graphic guide book which specially made for fetishism or for people who are curious about this culture. The objective of the book is to enable people to eliminate misunderstandings about fetishism and learn methods that can help in improving intimacy. The mission of my project is sexual equality and freedom. It could have a positive impact on people’s psychology and personal growth if they treat forms of lust and desire without prejudice.

Yangzhe Cao Gender Inversion @phyndaredelaide This project is about a Chinese cultural phenomenon called ‘Nisu’, meaning “gender inversion”. Female fans objectify beautiful male stars in the same way that men objectify women, and they adore male stars who show femininity. For example, men who wear women’s clothing, men who are good at makeup and men who act cutesy. These male idols are called sisters, daughters and mothers by their female fans. This series of illustrations places men in the situation of women,including traditional sexual gaze, sexist incidents, and gender biases.

Yu Bei The Universal Formula of Nail Art @bapebei My project explores the concept of Nail Art as a disguised canvas that reflects personal emotion. In relation to this, I have used illustration as a medium to communicate to Chinese manicurists how they might achieve the sophisticated standards set by the Japanese.

Shumei Zheng Will I Be Your Cloned Pet? @zheng.shum To what extent do some of us view our pets as personal property instead of as irreplaceable individuals? My project aims to spread awareness about this by drawing attention to the pet-cloning industry. As a canvas to form one’s own opinion, I created a narrative which conveys information about pet-cloning to readers with two alternate endings. After a glimpse into scientific procedure in the first part of the book, the story splits into ‘cloned’ and ‘uncloned’ versions.

Tiankai Song Deprivation Weibo: shenlongaichirou @keikei_193 To what extent do some of us view our pets as personal property instead of as irreplaceable individuals? My project aims to spread awareness about this by drawing attention to the pet-cloning industry. As a canvas to form one’s own opinion, I created a narrative which conveys information about pet-cloning to readers with two alternate endings. After a glimpse into scientific procedure in the first part of the book, the story splits into ‘cloned’ and ‘uncloned’ versions.

Peipei Tang Psychedelic dream @tangpeipeifly This project aims to visualize psychedelic experiences. Psychedelic Dream presents two stories - one about the spiritual rewards from sacred use, and the other about a dangerous trip from improper use of hallucinogenic plants. Although hallucinogens are illegal in most areas around the world, there are many people who are curious and find ways to try them illegally. It is my intention that since incomplete knowledge of psychedelics can possibly affect people’s mental health, the most important factor is to treat hallucinogens correctly.

May Kang The Joy of Nature @_may_kang_ The Joy of Nature is a project to promote an outdoor fair called ‘The Fairy Fair’ organised by ‘The Fairyland Trust’. Their mission is to introduce young children to nature through ‘magical’ activities and workshops.

Sihui Wu Paradise Found @sophiewucoffee In modern China, people are getting used to working from 9 AM to 9 PM, 6 days a week, which is also known as ‘996 patterns’. This project aims to raise the public’s awareness of the dangers of this lifestyle. My book tells the story of an exhausted 996 worker who tries to exit his overwhelming working time by creating a fantastic miniature paradise on his office desk.

Diana L. Lehane The Bear of London My storybook tells of a young girl who befriends a mythical bear that she meets whilst on a school trip to the Tower of London. Martin the Bear wants to leave the Tower with his new friend Sophie. Together, they go off to enjoy an adventure around London. The tale is inspired by a black grizzly bear gifted to King George III.

Bethany Lord A Journey Through the Mediterranean @bethanyalicelord A Journey through the Mediterranean is a lookaround-and-see travel guide for children. Set your adventurous spirit free and imagine snorkelling in the clear turquoise sea in Malta. Try exploring the bright blue town of Chefchaouen and immerse yourself in the different cultures and views of the countries and islands surrounding the Mediterranean Sea.

You Wu Decidophobia @fiveuuuuu Decidophobia is a widespread phenomenon in modern society. Many people spend too much time making choices when faced with some minor choice, but it is often overlooked. Therefore, I would like to explore the phenomenon from the perspective of illustration. My project is to tell a story in the form of a picture book. I focused on depiciting the psychological changes of the characters clearly and delicately. In addition, I added some interactive elements to my picturebook which brings joy and fun to the book.

Jinya Xu Characters from Ancient China @bennie_xu My project is motivated by one of the Chinese scripts called Bronze Inscriptions with the aim of discovering the differences and similarities between ancient words and the present day, in order to enhance the sense of cultural identity. I investigated the complementarity relationship between words and pictures during the process.

Course Contact Paul Postle Course Leader Course Website: postgraduate-course/communication-design-illustration-ma/ ISSUU: INS: @ma_illustration Compiled by: Andrea Gonsalves, Gami Chou, Nepeta Liu, Sihang Wu (Gretchen), Yun Er Chang (Ruby), Yiqi Qin,Yi Zheng, Zi Ye (Izzie), Contributed by: 18/19 MA Illustration

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