King's University College - Viewbook 2012-2013

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viewbook 2013

Get connected. Make a difference.

Western University • Canada

the King’s - Western advantage


• I nternationally recognized Western University degree. •T op-ranked faculty that are accessible to students inside and outside the classroom. •S mall, interactive classes – know your profs and classmates. •T he Globe and Mail ranks Western as #1 for “Best Student Experience”.


What is a liberal arts degree? Focused on a major subject area, this degree also provides a multidisciplinary approach.


King’s is... Find out what makes King’s stand out as one of the finest institutions for higher learning in the country.


First year programs Explore the many program options available to you and meet some of our renowned faculty and exceptional students.


Making a difference King’s offers a wide array of ways to become globally aware and engaged.


Admissions Find out how you can become a part of the King’s community.


Scholarship programs Check out the many scholarship opportunities available to our students.


Get connected Ways to get involved abound at King’s. Leadership and volunteer opportunities along with varsity athletics and campus recreation are all part of the university experience.


Student Services We strive to create the best living and learning environment for our students.


the King’s difference


As a Catholic institution, King’s emphasizes the value of each individual and the importance of social justice. Students from all faiths and backgrounds are most welcome. At King’s we believe that the exchange of varying ideas and perspectives builds mutual understanding. King’s faculty receive the highest teaching scores in the nation — scores that are provided by students for students. Our dedicated teachers are widely recognized in their fields of expertise. Most importantly, our faculty engage students in the classroom and are available outside class hours for discussion, support and mentoring. Small, interactive classes are central to the King’s experience. Classes at King’s are small by university standards as the average first year class has 50-60 students. This smaller class size fosters discussion where students and faculty can learn from one another. King’s students are also Western students and have complete access to all the facilities and services at

Western University. King’s students graduate with a Western degree. King’s students are required to take three courses at King’s. Courses not available at King’s may be taken at Western or the other University Colleges — Brescia or Huron. Most King’s students take some courses at Western during their degree program although students can complete their degrees entirely at King’s if they wish. King’s stands second to no other institution of higher learning in the country, large or small, in the quality of its teaching faculty. Small classes, intensive student/faculty interaction, quality programs, comprehensive student services, and a sense of community create an excellent environment.


What is a liberal arts degree? Have you heard the term liberal arts and wondered what it meant?


Think of the liberal arts as an academic program focused on a major subject area (for example, history, literature, psychology, etc.) that also provides a multi-disciplinary approach. When pursuing a degree in Management and Organizational Studies, Childhood and Social Institutions, Philosophy and Religious Studies, Social Work, or Sociology (just a few of the great programs at King’s), you’ll also be able to take courses in other programs as well. Of course, you’ll learn the subject matter in your own discipline, but you will also become an expert in how to think about your subject and about

learning, and how to apply this knowledge to the real world. A liberal arts education will provide you with the fundamental skills necessary to think critically, acquire knowledge independently and communicate effectively. King’s provides a small and supportive environment (both academically and socially) where you can gain valuable experience and develop your abilities as a leader and as a team player. A King’s education is designed to help you develop your strengths while allowing you the opportunity to discover new challenges. Our goal is to provide you with all the

tools necessary to pursue not only a rewarding career, but a meaningful life. At King’s, your liberal arts education will provide you with the tools and drive to be informed, active citizens committed to building a just society.

As a Catholic university college, King’s is: • Very inclusive and welcomes students from all traditions and faiths. •D iverse — our students represent every religious tradition, ethnicity, financial strata and every point of view. •C ommitted to the importance of community, social justice, compassion for the disadvantaged, the dignity and empowerment of the human person, collegiality, civility and inclusiveness. •A place where students are encouraged to examine their ideals, beliefs and strengths, from their head, heart and soul. •A n environment where people are connected to each other — intellectually, socially, emotionally, and spiritually. •A n academic community where individuals are challenged to find solutions, create understanding, pursue truth and contribute their gifts and talents to make a difference. •A community where the safety, well-being and comfort of all students is paramount and reflected in its Student Code of Conduct and Residence Rules.

As a Catholic university college, King’s does not: •R equire any mandatory course in religious studies although many of our students take courses as a degree option or an elective (e.g., World Religions, The Theology of Marriage, or Violence and Western Religions).

King’s embraces the very best of the Catholic intellectual tradition by calling all students to academic excellence and personal and civic responsibility. We take care of our students so that they can take on the challenges of informed and engaged servant leadership. Principal David Sylvester, PhD

• Require attendance at religious celebrations. • Have a dress code.


first year programs Arts

All students in year one Arts take a range of courses from a variety of disciplines. They do not declare a major(s) until they have completed their first year. Please visit:

Catholic Studies This program provides an in-depth examination of the theology that has developed within the Catholic tradition. Catholic Studies courses are designed to be taken by a range of students interested in understanding the ideas, values, images and rituals that have (and continue) to shape our world. The Catholic Studies degree modules are designed to provide the foundation necessary for those students who would like to teach religious education in Catholic schools, or who will pursue further degrees in theology or religious studies.

Catholic Studies for Teachers (CST) This program provides students with the opportunity to complete a BA (Honors) in Catholic Studies and another major of their choice with guaranteed admission to Western’s Faculty of Education to complete the Bachelor of Education (BEd). Students can be considered for either the Junior/Intermediate or Intermediate/Senior stream. In years two, three and four of the BA (Honors) or fouryear BA program, students will complete Catholic Education courses which include curriculum and service learning in the Catholic school system. Students wishing to apply to this program will be considered on the basis of grades and a supplemental application.

English A range of degree possibilities are available. In addition to being exposed to a comprehensive range of British, Canadian and American literature, these programs provide an opportunity to explore literary creation and the human condition. Students will acquire finely-honed skills in the use of language, the ability to read analytically and critically as well as learn to appreciate literature in itself and in relation to other fields of study.


Foundations in the Humanities (KFH)

World Religions

The King’s Foundations in the Humanities (KFH) program is an enriched, first year plan of study which provides students with a comprehensive, interdisciplinary and critical survey of the development of western civilization from its birth in antiquity to our contemporary global multi-cultural world. KFH provides a collaborative approach to the study of the humanistic tradition in a small group setting with intensive faculty-student interaction. It is a competitive, limited enrolment program and students must submit a statement of interest explaining their reasons for wanting to join this program.

It is perhaps obvious that, in an increasingly multicultural environment, understanding the world’s religious traditions is more than ever required for us to better understand our similarities and differences. You need not be religious yourself to engage in this program, and you need not worry that your own religious tradition, if you have one, will be undermined. At King’s, all religious traditions are treated with equal respect and, in the World Religions program, treated with equal interest. In addition to a degree in World Religions, students may also chose a major in Jewish Studies or Islamic Studies.

French A variety of degree options are available in French. A language laboratory affords you the opportunity to practice and further develop your ability to use the language through means of oral communication. In addition, the courses will enhance your knowledge of literature, linguistics and translation. Should they choose, students have the opportunity to spend their third year in Nice, France.

Philosophy Throughout the ages, human beings have wondered about their place in the cosmos and its history. By asking important questions, we enrich our lives and add meaning to human existence. The Philosophy program is designed to introduce students to classic philosophical questions and leading philosophical thinkers.

Religious Studies A degree in Religious Studies provides an opportunity to study such topics as the existence of God, the meaning of human freedom, sacred rituals and literature as well as the rich tradition of the Christian religious heritage and other religious traditions and their relationships with contemporary culture. A deeper understanding of the Christian vision or of other religious traditions can help you to form your own outlook on social, legal and ethical problems and help you to better understand those with whom you live and work.

For more information about this program and others visit:

What I like about King’s King’s is a school that is truly for its students and I have had the most accommodating experience here. I love that King’s truly provides the best of both worlds. I am able to learn in an intimate yet intellectually stimulating environment and experience the dynamics of Western’s other campuses. It is so wonderful to be around a group of people who have a zest for life and education. Getting connected. I think that the cornerstone of what King’s has to offer is that it is based on community. There are so many clubs here that enable students to connect with the student community and with London and the world. King’s Players, the drama company here, has introduced me to so many great people from varying walks of life and the Social Justice and Peace club has opened my eyes to global issues.

Chanelle Robinson | Year two Hometown: Toronto, Ontario Program: Catholic Studies for Teachers High school: Cardinal Carter Academy for the Arts

How my program makes a difference Students at King’s are not treated as passive learners, rather, they’re encouraged to become junior scholars, asking the same probing questions and developing the same problem-solving skills as their professors. Art, literature, music, philosophy, history, religious studies and the other traditional liberal arts have been an integral part of every human civilization. The study of these things has value because it connects us to and enriches fundamental aspects of our humanity. The value of that can’t be overstated: it’s not just about how to make a living, but how to make a life.

Graham Broad, PhD | Assistant Professor Program: Foundations in the Humanities Canadian History Survey (1201E) Canada in the Second World War (4210) Global Military History Historical Theory and Methods King’s Foundations in the Humanities (1901E)


first year programs Childhood and Social Institutions (CSI)

This program focuses on the subject of childhood from a range of different academic disciplines including, but not limited to: literature, history, psychology, sociology and religious studies. Topics such as the range of meanings of childhood, what competencies do children have, what rights and obligations do parents, educators, lawyers and journalists have to children and childhood are addressed within the program. In first year, there is only one required course for the program. Students will be able to select their remaining courses from a range of disciplines.

What I like about King’s King’s has a small campus but has all the advantages of a large university. The class sizes are small so you get more individual attention and get to know your profs. The importance of faith is not hidden but embraced on campus. Getting connected. I have met a lot of people from all around the world and have made long-lasting friendships.

Jennifer Chisnall | Year two Hometown: Hamilton, Bermuda Program: Childhood and Social Institutions High school: Mount Saint Agnes Academy

How my program makes a difference The CSI program is interested in the discourses of childhood, childhood as structured by society, children’s voices and perspectives, children’s rights, and children’s experiences. Many students taking our course find the shift in perspective very rewarding. In addition, we train our honors students in research methods and techniques to enable them to carry out their own research on childhood in their fourth year of study. Many of our students go on to study at colleges of education. The unique perspective gained in CSI enhances their teaching education and their later practice in the classroom. We also have many new and exciting developments in the CSI Program. We have an ongoing exchange program with Malmo University in Sweden, and a new exchange has been established at Leeds Metropolitan University, UK.

Sally McNamee, PhD | Associate Professor Program: Childhood and Social Institutions Introduction to Childhood and Social Institutions (1025 F/G) Researching Childhood (3311 F/G) Intimate Relations and Personal Life (3371 F/G) Childhood, Youth and Leisure (3370 F/G) Children, Health and Illness (in development)


What I like about King’s There are a wide range of services available for students and you feel a sense of community living in residence.

Management and Organizational Studies (MOS)

Students in year one MOS will take three required courses: Business, Economics and Math plus two additional courses. When progressing in year two of the BMOS program, students will be required to choose from a number of streams in Accounting, Global Commerce, Management and Organizational Studies, Organizational Studies and Human Resources or Finance and Administration. Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility are integral to the MOS curriculum. Internships are available to students in all streams of MOS.


Getting connected. King’s has various clubs/associations that help you get connected with other people – academically or socially. Apart from academics, I’ve been actively involved with a couple of clubs including the BMOS Club, Pakistani Student’s Association (PSA) and The Roundtable Society. I have also participated in intramural sports.

Arif Somji | Year two Hometown: Dubai, United Arab Emirates Program: Honors BMOS Finance & Administration High school: Dubai English Speaking College (DESC)

This program will feature courses in financial and operation management, business law, Canadian taxation and international accounting. Students will earn degree credits toward their CA, CGA or CMA designations.

How my program makes a difference

Global Commerce

The King’s Management and Organizational Studies program develops graduates who are good at business and do good through business.

This program is based closely on the Management and Organizational Studies program with diverse studies in both business and the social sciences. There is a more distinctive and detailed focus on international business in this stream. Students have the opportunity to study with King’s professors at partner universities in Brazil or China.

Finance & Administration This program focuses on financial, economic and administrative theory with a social context. Courses include traditional business studies as well as a strong foundation in the social sciences. Finance & Administration can be combined with a Diploma in Accounting which is designed to enable students to complete the 51 credit hour requirement for the Chartered Accountancy practice and examinations.

I honestly feel that business is the most important force in the world today and we as professors of business and management have a responsibility to teach our students how to do it the right way. In my opinion, there are two components to doing business the right way, and they are both related. The first component is that our students must understand the fundamentals of business and management to make sure they know how to make business profitable. However, the second component reminds us that there is a line that must not be crossed in running a profitable business and that line is the one where the pursuit of profit leads to exploitation. At King’s we teach students that the best way to do business is to manage for the long term. To develop and enhance resources, be they people or natural. We teach students this because it is simply good business.

Organizational & Human Resources

Trevor Hunter, PhD | Assistant Professor

This program focuses on the functioning of organizations and their most important resources: their employees. Courses will examine how companies operate as well as the importance of human resource management and how it relates to the effectiveness within an organization.

Program: Management and Organizational Studies Introduction to Business Decision Making (BUS 1220E) The Global Business Environment (MOS 2285a/b) International Enterprise (MOS 4404a/b) Corporate Governance (MOS 4422a/b) Organization and Management Theory (MOS 4470)


first year programs Social Justice and Peace Studies (SJPS)

The Social Justice and Peace Studies program is designed for students who wish to expand their awareness of social justice and peace issues, develop critical research and analytical skills and become incisive change agents in their local community as well as globally. The program encourages critical reflection on structural injustices and conflict locally and globally in addition to calling for social action to transform the world in the interest of dignity, equality, sustainability and the pursuit of peace. Community service in one of a variety of local agencies is mandatory in second year and opportunities to participate in international awareness experiences for course credit is also available.

How King’s makes a difference

King’s makes a difference by creating a community that is actively engaged in making a difference by trying to create a more just and peaceful world.

Megan Shore, PhD | Associate Professor Program: Social Justice and Peace Studies Perspectives on Social Justice and Peace (SJPS 2200E) Religion and Violence – Violence and Western Religions (RS 2166a/b) Religion and Conflict Resolution (RS 3451F/G)

In year one, students will be required to complete one required first year course and select their remaining options from a range of disciplines.

What I like about King’s I would never imagine myself anywhere else but King’s. It is such a tight-knit community where everyone is respected. Most of all I love what King’s stands for — creating change. Getting connected. King’s has given me so many opportunities to be involved in the community. In February, I traveled with King’s to Guatemala to learn and understand life, and the economic and political structures in other countries. My service learning course encouraged me to find a volunteer placement. I have been working at the Women’s Community House where I have been exposed to women’s issues in the London area.

Rebecca Jules Neufert | Year three Hometown: London, Ontario Program: Honors Double Major in Psychology and Social Justice and Peace Studies High school: St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School (STA)


Social Sciences

All students in year one Social Sciences take a range of courses from a variety of disciplines and do not declare a major(s) until the end of their first year.

Canadian Studies This program is designed to promote the study and understanding of Canada from a political, historical, cultural, social and economic perspective. The program encourages research about the multiple ways in which the Canadian identity is created and represented in history, literature, music, art, communications media and the landscapes of culture.

Criminology This program is the study of the institutions of social control and their criminalizing tendencies and the manner in which members of society interact with these systems creating patterns of criminality from street crimes to crimes of the powerful.

Economics Economics students may pursue a range of degree options. At King’s, the study of economics achieves a balance between application and theory. Through their program, students will develop a better understanding of the many human and moral issues confronting our society and the material constraints involved in dealing with those issues.

Psychology The discipline of psychology spans perhaps the broadest range of any academic discipline. Psychologists can be involved in examining brain processes, animal behaviour, human sexuality, language acquisition, cognitive processes and learning, creativity, consciousness, interpersonal relationships and psychological problems.

Sociology Sociology is often defined as the study of group life or the study of nonrational processes in social life or the study of social interaction. A range of degree options in sociology is available at King’s. The dominant theme within the department is the development of a sociologically sensitive understanding of the numerous and complex relationships among the structures of society on the one hand, and the achievement of human freedom and social justice on the other.

Thanatology (grief and bereavement studies; loss, change and transition) Thanatology (grief and bereavement studies; loss, change and transition) affects everyone at various points in a lifetime. This King’s program is a world leader and has earned a wonderful reputation for excellence and student-centredness.

Finance A major in finance is available to students who wish to pursue this career interest. Courses in business, management and organizational studies, mathematics and economics are included in this degree.

Political Science Political science is one of the major social science disciplines. Among other things, political scientists study politics in Canada, political theory, international relations, comparative politics (the study of politics in different countries and regions of the world), and public administration/policy. A range of degree options in political science is available at King’s.

A Catholic liberal arts education is designed to help students develop intellectually, socially and personally. The people who work at King’s aim to inspire intellectual curiosity, confidence, and esteem in our students. Working with the Political Science Club and the King’s Debating Society as faculty advisor have been among my greatest joys. Highlights for the Political Science Club included a trip to the National Remembrance Day Ceremonies in Ottawa, a series of public lectures by internationally renowned scholars, fundraising and participation in the We Canada social movement for sustainable development, an interdisciplinary panel discussion on the Arab Spring, and a student-led roundtable on the Future of U.S. Foreign Policy.

Erin Hannah, PhD | Assistant Professor Program: Political Science Advanced International Politics (POL 3352) International Political Economy (POL 3357) International Politics (POL 2231)

History History has been described as a humanizing discipline in that it enables us to get in touch with our past in order to help us understand how things came to be the way they are today. King’s offers a range of degree options in history.

How King’s makes a difference

What I like about King’s The other students are friendly and the staff is very helpful! Getting connected. The clubs that King’s offers are a great way for each student to make a difference in our city, or even a bigger change in the world! They allow students to discuss matters that affect them whether they be social, political or environmental. Every student is encouraged to join.

Leila Nasr-Sharif | Year two Hometown: London, Ontario Program: Double major, Political Science and SJPS High school: Regina Mundi Catholic College


first year programs Social Work

The BSW (Honors) program at King’s University College is accredited by the Canadian Association of Social Work Educators (CASWE) and is intended to provide the first-level, professional, social work qualification. It adopts a direct service, generalist orientation. Specific objectives of the program include education for social work practice with individuals, families, groups and communities emphasizing the social and organizational contexts of practice. The King’s School of Social Work also offers a Master of Social Work (MSW).

How King’s makes a difference

King’s makes a difference by providing a learning environment that supports diversity, social justice, and critical thinking. In such an environment, faculty, students and other community members thrive.

Claude Olivier, PhD | Associate Professor School of Social Work Introduction to Generalist Social Work Practice (SW2214) Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice (SW4421) Populations of Practice (SW4457) Program Development and Evaluation (SW9606)

What I like about King’s King’s is a real community in that it is close-knit and yet the atmosphere also allows students to access services from the main campus. In short, it’s the best of both worlds. Getting connected. Through my time in the Social Work program, I have grown both professionally and personally. I have had the opportunity to meet and work with many amazing people who have all influenced my life in a variety of ways. I like to think that I have been able to take small lessons away from everyone I’ve met that I will carry with me as I continue to build connections and relationships with individuals in the London community.

Melissa Brideau | Entering MSW Hometown: Dashwood, Ontario Program: Social work (MSW) High school: South Huron District High School


making a difference around the world Internationalization and international study options at King’s The range of opportunities for international experiences continues to grow. King’s students may choose from a variety of ways to become more globally aware and engaged. 1. Talk to students from across the world. Over 10% of King’s students are international students from over 35 nations. What better way to get connected globally? The students’ home countries include: Aruba, Australia, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bermuda, Brazil, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Trinidad, U.K., U.S.A., U.A.E. among others. 2. Join a club, go to hear a speaker, join a discussion forum or be an international peer mentor. Events are offered by the Centre for Social Concern, Centre for Studies in Creativity, the Religious Life Committee and other clubs and groups. 3. What would it be like to study British history in the U.K., French literature in Nice, languages in Germany, culture in Korea, marketing in China, business in Japan, technology innovation in Brazil, social work in Scotland or politics in Australia? Participate in an Exchange Program abroad and in Canada. Instead of just reading about new places, experience them first-hand while earning credits for your degree and paying your fees at King’s. King’s provides an International Study Award of $100 - $2,000 to make this dream a reality! Last year, over 300 students participated in an exchange ranging from three weeks to 12 months in the following countries: Bosnia, Brazil, China, Costa Rica, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, Ghana, Guatemala, Hong Kong, India, Korea, Lebanon, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, South Africa, Sweden, Thailand, U.K., U.S.A., and the Ukraine. 4. How would you like to make a difference? Volunteer with a charitable or non-governmental organization (NGO), such as Intercordia Canada, Canada World Youth, World Vision, Global Volunteer, One World Education and Save A Family, amongst others, while participating in a course. You will gain incredible

insight and experience while earning a credit towards your degree. 5. Learn another language in an immersion program. Opportunities await in Holguin (Cuba), Trois-Pistoles (Quebec) and Nice (France). Some programs are a full year while others are short, intensive programs in the spring/summer term. 6. Experience another culture in another country. Sponsored by our university partners in Korea, King’s students study and tour for six weeks in this ancient culture and thriving economy. 7. Brazil is one of the most technologically and environmentally advanced nations in the world. Take a commercial mission and visit industry and government for credit and experience. 8. Students can study for a short term (four to six weeks) at our university partners in China, Korea and Sweden. Courses include Finance, Economics, Organizational Behaviour, Management and Organizational Behaviour, and Childhood and Social Institutions. 9. Social Work students have a range of international opportunities including exchanges with Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico in Mexico City, the Cuernavaca Centre for International Dialogue on Development (Mexico) and the University of Costa Rica. Planning for partnerships at institutions in Scotland and China is now underway. Within a diverse Canadian culture and amidst growing globalization, social workers must be culturally sensitive and aware of global issues. King’s is a leader in internationalization. We believe that a critical part of a university education is an awareness and understanding of global issues and a variety of cultures. What better way to make a difference? For more information please visit:



Ontario secondary school admission requirements Anticipated Admission Average

Required Courses

• Catholic Studies •C atholic Studies for Teachers (CST)* • Dramatic Literature • English • Foundations in the Humanities (KFH)** • French • Jewish Studies • Islamic Studies • Philosophy • Religious Studies • World Religions



Childhood & Social Institutions (CSI) (OUAC CODE EKC)

Examines families and children in constantly changing social, economic and political conditions



Management & Organizational Studies (BMOS) (OUAC CODE EKD)

• • • • •



First Year Programs Arts (OUAC CODE EKA) *A supplemental application package is required for the Catholic Studies for Teachers (CST) program. To download the package, please go to: Please note: The CST program is limited enrolment and will have a higher admission average. We predict 85% approximately.

**Applicants to the Foundations in the Humanities program will need to provide a statement of interest. Please go to:

Subject Area

Please note: The KFH program is limited enrolment and will have a higher admission average. We predict 85% approximately.

NOTE: MCV4U is strongly recommended

Social Justice & Peace Studies (OUAC CODE EKJ)

Social Science (OUAC CODE EKO) *Students wishing to enter the Economics degree modules for second year will be required to complete a first year full course in Math including Calculus. MCV4U is strongly recommended. **Students wishing to enter Psychology as a major or specialization will be required to complete a first year full course in Math including Statistics. MDM4U is strongly recommended.


Finance & Administration Global Commerce Organizational & Human Resources Accounting Management & Organizational Studies

Focus on social justice issues such as poverty, violence, racism, sexism, disability, religious persecution, environmental degradation and other forms of oppression • Canadian Studies • Criminology • Economics* • Finance • History • Political Science • Psychology** • Sociology •T hanatology (Grief & Bereavement, Change & Loss)

Two of MHF4U, MCV4U or MDM4U





National course recommendations and requirements Math Recommendation Equivalent to Calculus & Vectors (Mcv4u)

Math Requirements for BMOS


General Admission Requirements

Alberta/NWT/ Nunavut

Five academic courses numbered 30, 30-1 or 31 including English Language Arts 30

Math 31

Math 31 Pure Math 30


Four academic courses numbered 12 including English 12

Calculus 12

Calculus 12 Principles of Math 12


Five academic courses numbered 40 including English 40S

Calculus 45S or 1st Year University Calculus

Calculus 45S or 1st Year University Calculus One of: Pre-Calculus 405 or Adv. Topics Math 45S

New Brunswick

Five academic courses at the Grade 12 level including English 121 or 122

Intro to Calculus 120

Intro to Calculus 120 Trig & 3 Space 121/122

Newfoundland & Labrador

Ten credits (5 Courses) at the Grade 12 level numbered 3000 or above including 2 credits in English 3201

Math 3207

Math 3207 Math 3204/5

Nova Scotia

Five academic courses at the Grade 12 level including English 12

Pre-Calculus 12

Pre-Calculus 12 Advanced Math 12

Prince Edward Island

Five academic courses at the Grade 12 level including English 621

Math 621B

Math 621B Math 611B



Calculus 30

Calculus 30 Math B30 or C30

Bishop’s College School - completion of six Grade 12 academic courses Quebec


Lower Canada College & Stanstead College - completion of the Pre-University program with 6 academic courses including English

Five academic courses at the Grade 12 level including E.L.A. A30 and E.L.A. B30 or English A30 and English B30

Note: Grade 12 English is required for admission to all programs. University preparatory math will be necessary for courses in Economics and Psychology but is not required for admission to the programs. Please send transcripts directly to King’s.


other admissions categories International Baccalaureate (IB) If you are registered in the full IB diploma program, you will be considered for admission if you meet the following requirements: Successful completion of the full IB diploma with a minimum of 6 subjects (3 of which must be at the Higher Level); Minimum score of 24 with no mark less than 4 in any subject; transfer credit may be assessed on the HL subjects with a final grade of 5 or better.

Advanced Placement If you are registered in Advanced Placement (AP) courses, and if you achieve a grade of 4 out of 5 on your final AP exams, you may be considered for transfer credit to a maximum of two full credits.

International students Applicants for whom English is not their first language and who have not lived or studied in an English language environment for at least three years are required to provide proof of English proficiency.

General Certificate of Education (GCE) Applicants presenting with the GCE must have a minimum of 2 A-levels to be considered for admission.

CEGEP If you are applying from a CEGEP, you must complete a minimum of 12 courses or one year to be considered


for admission to King’s. Students who present the full two-year diploma (DEC) will be considered for transfer credit.

Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology (CAAT) If you are applying from a CAAT, you must meet the following requirements to be considered for admission: •c ompletion of the first year of a CAAT General Arts & Science or comparable one-year certificate program with a minimum cumulative average of B, •o r completion of a two or three-year diploma with a minimum cumulative average of a B (3.0 on a 4.0 grade point scale). Students who have completed a two or three-year CAAT diploma with the required average, will be considered for transfer credit to a maximum of 5.0 full courses (one full year).

University transfer students If you are applying to King’s as a transfer student from another university, you will need to have earned a minimum overall average of 70% to be considered for admission. Transfer credit may be granted for courses completed at another university with a minimum grade of 60%.

Mature students Mature students are defined as a student who is over the age of 21, has been out of full-time study for four or more years and has no other formal basis of admission.

I like that King’s gives me the opportunity to tailor my degree to my interests, while allowing me to enjoy the amenities of Main Campus all from our King’s community Sherlrina Thomas Specialization Sociology

financial matters

Financing your university education can be a challenge. King’s recognizes this challenge and is able to provide support and a variety of services to assist our students. We have a very generous scholarship and bursary program including Entrance Bursaries for new students. Details about the scholarship and bursary opportunities at King’s can be found at: More and more students are holding a part-time job while attending school. King’s offers an on-campus employment program called the Work Study Bursary Program. The goal of the program is to assist students with a regular source of income around their academic schedule and to provide training and experience. Students who can demonstrate financial need are eligible to apply for the program.

This program will provide a limited number of our international students the opportunity to work on campus to gain experience. Personal and confidential financial counselling is available to all of our students including help in understanding and applying for the OSAP program. Additionally, financial seminars and workshops are offered throughout the year to help our students in understanding the best way to spend/save their money as well as how to find the necessary finances to attend university. International students also have the opportunity to work on campus through our International Work Experience Program.

I have been connected to King’s University College since I came here as a student in the late 80s. It was then, and continues to be, a place that nourishes both my mind and my heart. I continue to be strengthened and challenged in my faith and to live with authenticity. Father Michael Bechard, Chaplain and King’s grad ’91

2012-2013 Tuition and Activity Fees

(subject to change for 2013-2014) Canadian and permanent residents

$ 6,858.00

International Students (includes $684.00 for University Health Insurance UHIP)


Residence and Meal Plan Double Room + Meal Plan (Basic) (includes meal card and Residence Council fees)


*Student can choose to increase to Meal Plan 2 or 3 for an additional $200 or $400.



Professional and graduate school admission requirements


Business Administration (Ivey HBA)

•M inimum of 70% on 10 university full or equivalent courses (two years) and Grade 12 U level Math • Minimum of 70% Business 2257 in second year •S tudents may receive pre-admission to Ivey through the Academic Excellence Opportunity (AEO). Note AEO on your OUAC application application-process/secondary-school.htm

•A dmission is based on both high academic standing as well as leadership, volunteerism, athletics, student government or paid work • Students will be considered from two years of study in any program

Business Administration (MBA)

•T hree or four year degree with a minimum grade of 70% in the final two years (usually higher) • GMAT • Combination of work and leadership experiences

•M inimum 2 years work experience • 2-3 reference letters also required

Communicative Sciences & Disorders (MCISc)

• • • • •

•E xperience and volunteerism is considered • Pre-requisite university-level courses

Education (BEd)

•T hree or four year degree with a minimum of 70% in the best 10 full or equivalent undergraduate courses

• Experience profile

Journalism (MA)

•F our year honors degree with a minimum of 70% in the final two years

• • • •

Law (JD)

•T hree or four year undergraduate degree with a range of 80-84% in their final two years of study • LSAT

• Personal statement • Other factors considered i.e., community involvement, public service, business, athletics or the arts

Library & Information Sciences (MLIS)

• Four year honors degree with a minimum of 70% in the final two years of study

• Resumé of experience • List of computer skills/experience • Letter from employer if you have previous library experience

Medicine (MD)

•F our year honors degree or equivalent with a minimum of 80% on two best years. Average will vary based on applicant pool • MCAT • Interview

•N o preference given to specific undergraduate programs • Mixture of biological/medical science courses and social science/humanities courses are recommended • References

Four year degree with a minimum of 70% Work experience in the field or related areas Letters of academic reference Letter of clinical reference Statement of Intent and Summary of Experience

Autobiographical sketch Reference letters Resumé of experience Portfolio of your journalism work if available

Occupational Therapy (MSc)

•F our year degree with a minimum of 70% in the final two years of study

• Personal statement

Physical Therapy (MPT)

•F our year degree with a minimum of 70% in the final two years of study

•L etter verifying volunteer or paid work experience • Letters of reference • Pre-requisite university level courses

Social Work (BSW)

• 1 0 full or equivalent university courses (usually two years of study)

• • • •

Social Work (MSW)

• BSW (Honors) with a minimum of 75%

•C ompletion of methods and statistics course if not completed in BSW program

Theology (MDiv, MTS)

• Three or four year degree program

• Interview • Letters of reference • Personal profile

Graduate Studies (MA, PhD)

•F our year degree with a minimum of 70% (requirements will vary)

•V aried depending on the department into which you are applying

Volunteer/work experience Personal profile Interview Letters of reference

I’ve always been one to volunteer and give back to the community, but seeing all the different ways King’s gives back and is helpful to others inspires me to do more. Allie Walker Social Science



King’s entrance scholarship program


Number Awarded

Average Values

(Same Calculation as for Admission)

Application Deadline


Applications Required – Agnes Marie Coleman Student Award


Bill & Hazel Payne Student Award


Bishop John Michael Sherlock Catholic Leadership Award


Cardinal Thomas C. Collins’ Scholarship for Catholic Student Leadership


Social Justice Scholarship


$4,000 (students may be eligible for a continuing scholarship in subsequent years if he/ she achieves an average of 80% or better)


Sisters of St. Joseph of London Scholarship

$1,000 (students may be eligible for a continuing scholarship in subsequent years if he/ she achieves an average of 80% or better)

Boys' and Girls' Club of London Foundation Entrance Bursary

Emmett & Loretta Regan Memorial Entrance Award

$2,000 (students may be eligible for a continuing scholarship in subsequent years if he/ she achieves an average of 80% or better)

$2,000 ($1,000 designated for tuition, $1,000 designated for computer, books, etc.)


Academically eligible

March 1st

Must be a graduate of St. Mary’s in West Lorne, Ontario or from the municipalities of West Elgin/Dutton/ Dunwich; personal statement.

Academically eligible

March 1st

Must be a graduate of the London District Catholic School Board; demonstrating financial need; personal statement; resumé of volunteer/work experience; letter of reference.

Academically eligible

March 1st

Must demonstrate financial need and be active in a parish in the Diocese of London; essay; letters of reference. *May not be held concurrently with King’s Entrance Scholarship.

Academically eligible

March 1st

Must be participants in the Mentoring Academic Program (M.A.P.) at the Boys' and Girls' Club


March 1st

Must be an active student leader in parish/and/or secondary school in a diocese within Ontario and outside of the Diocese of London; personal statement; letter of reference.

(students may be eligible for a continuing scholarship in subsequent years if he/ she achieves an average of 80% or better)


$3,500 (students may be eligible for a continuing scholarship in subsequent years if he/ she achieves an average of 80% or better)



*May not be held concurrently with King’s Entrance Scholarship.

Academically eligible

March 1st

*May not be held concurrently with King’s Entrance Scholarship.


March 1st

(students may be eligible for a continuing scholarship in subsequent years if he/ she achieves an average of 80% or better)


$6,000 approximately (equivalent to full tuition and student fees; renewable annually if he/ she maintains a minimum of 75% overall each year)

Must demonstrate leadership, volunteerism or career interest in education, or social services; personal statement; letters of reference.

Must be a graduate of the London District Catholic School Board; volunteer in health, education, social service, or pastoral ministry; essay, letters of reference. *May not be held concurrently with King’s Entrance Scholarship.


March 1st

Must have a demonstrated interest and participation in social justice and/or peace activities; essay; letters of reference; an interview may be requested. *May not be held concurrently with King’s Entrance Scholarship.


Number Awarded

Average Average Values

Application Application

(Same Calculation (Same Calculation as for Admission) as for Admission) Deadline Deadline


No Application Required – scholarships are based on final averages including pre-requisites King’s University College High School Entrance Scholarships

Unlimited & Guaranteed

$1,500 $2,000 $3,000 $3,500

82%-84.9% 85%-89.9% 90%-94.9% 95% +

not required

82%-84.9% 85%-89.9% 90%-94.9% 95% +

not required

Same as for High School Entrance Scholarships; must apply and qualify for provincially funded need through the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP).

depending on final average

not required

Citizenship other than Canadian; must meet published admissions criteria.

Must stay registered in five courses at least four of which must be taken at King’s. The fifth course may be taken at King’s, Brescia, Huron or Western.

(students may be eligible for a continuing scholarship in subsequent years if he/she achieves an average of 80% or better)

King’s University College Entrance Scholarships for Students with Demonstrated Financial Need

Unlimited & Guaranteed

King’s University College International Entrance Scholarships

Unlimited & Guaranteed

$2,000 $2,500 $3,500 $4,000 (students may be eligible for a continuing scholarship in subsequent years if he/she achieves an average of 80% or better)

$1,500 - $3,500 (students may be eligible for a continuing scholarship in subsequent years if he/she achieves an average of 80% or better)

Mathematics Excellence Entrance Scholarship

Unlimited & Guaranteed


The Gerald Killan Regis Entrance Scholarship


$5,000 (renewable at $4,000 if an 85% average is maintained)

Awarded to high school students; must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident.

Must stay registered in five courses at least four of which must be taken at King’s. The fifth course may be taken at King’s, Brescia, Huron or Western.

84.5% or greater in MCV4U and MGA4U or MHF4U

not required

Awarded to high school students; must be a Canadian citizen

not required

Awarded to the high school student with the highest admissions average. Must stay registered in five courses at least four of which must be taken at King’s. The fifth course may be taken at King’s, Brescia, Huron or Western.

The Principal’s Regis Entrance Scholarship


$5,000 (renewable at $4,000 if an 85% average is maintained)

not required

Awarded to the highest admission averages. Must stay registered in five courses at least four of which must be taken at King’s. The fifth course may be taken at King’s, Brescia, Huron or Western.

CAAT Entrance Scholarship

Unlimited & Guaranteed


82% or greater

not required

Must be a graduate from a College of Applied Arts & Technology (CAAT); must be a Canadian Citizen or Permanent Resident. Must stay registered in five courses at least four of which must be taken at King’s. The fifth course may be taken at King’s, Brescia, Huron or Western.

CEGEP Entrance Scholarship

Unlimited & Guaranteed

$1,500 $2,000 $3,000 $3,500

82%-84.9% 85%-89.9% 90%-94.9% 95% +

not required

Must be a graduate from CEGEP; must be a Canadian citizen or Permanent Resident. Must stay registered in five courses at least four of which must be taken at King’s. The fifth course may be taken at King’s, Brescia, Huron or Western.

CONTINUING SCHOLARSHIPS FOR RETURNING STUDENTS – No application required, automatic & guaranteed Continuing Scholarships

Unlimited & Guaranteed

$1,000 $1,500 $2,000

80%-84.9% 85%-89.9% 90% +

not required

Must be registered in five full or equivalent courses, three of which must be at King’s.

Continuing Scholarships for Students with Demonstrated Financial Need

Unlimited & Guaranteed

$1,500 $2,000 $2,500

80%-84.9% 85%-89.9% 90% +

not required

Must be registered in five full or equivalent courses, three of which must be at King’s; must apply and qualify for provincially funded need through the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP).


leadership and volunteer opportunities

athletics, clubs and students’ council

varsity athletics and campus recreation

A university education must include the acquisition of leadership and team skills as well as a commitment to volunteerism and service.

The King’s University College Students’ Council (KUCSC) and Western’s Student Council support a large array of clubs, events and services as well as provide a variety of leadership opportunities in their organizations.

King’s students are involved in Western Mustangs varsity teams and are eligible for Western’s Athletic Academic Awards.

•L eadership opportunities abound in Student Council, Residence Council, academic program positions, student clubs and organizations. •V olunteerism is a big part of the King’s student experience. Our Volunteer Bureau can help you find the right place to make your difference. Volunteering contributes to the common good, develops skills, creates friendships, identifies mentors and enhances selfesteem — all while making the world a better place. •C ontribute your gifts to enhance the spiritual, cultural, political, intellectual and musical activities of King’s. •U se your athletic prowess in varsity or intramural sports — or play pick-up basketball, run with a friend or meet new friends at the gym or in a fitness class. •V olunteer as a peer guide for our new students, new scholars and new international students. •W ork as a tutor for writing, ESL, French, math or economics, or become a research assistant for a professor.


Western athletic teams, events and facilities are available to King’s students. All events, activities and facilities, for all interests, are accessible to all students. King’s and Western offer more than 200 clubs which cover the spectrum of academic associations, interest groups, cultural clubs and political and social organizations. To check out all the activities: or

For information on the Mustang Varsity Teams Nearly 12,000 students participate in Western’s intramural sports program. Facilities include: cardio room, weight room, gyms, pools, baseball diamond, soccer fields, rugby fields, tennis dome, squash courts, racquet ball courts, badminton courts, table tennis courts, aerobics and dance studios, TD Waterhouse Stadium, Alumni Hall gymnasium. Yoga, dance and aerobic classes are also available. In January 2009, Western opened the new Campus Recreation Building which greatly enhanced the already first-class facilities on campus.

What I like most about King’s is the comfortable balance that is achieved in academics and life. I feel like less of a number and more of a member of the on-campus community. Matthew Stead Year three Political Science and Economics 25


Live in the heart of the university experience. King’s residence offers more than just a convenient place to stay on campus; it is committed to the values of diversity, respect and academic achievement. Residence is guaranteed to all first year students who receive an early offer of admission and return their residence application by the required deadline. No lotteries — no worries. Residence is provided to approximately 350 students in three different building styles. Living on campus puts you in the heart of the King’s facilities including the dining hall, library, computer labs and your classes. A convenient and free shuttle bus service runs between King’s and the other campuses at Western, allowing for easy access to the academics, athletics and other clubs and activities available to you. Residence parking is limited. Enjoy a diverse and multicultural environment. In the 2011-2012 academic year, approximately 21% of the students living in residence were international. Meet a new friend and have the opportunity to learn about a new culture; you can request to live with an international student on your residence application. Academic programming and support is also a part of residence. Internet access is available in all residence rooms and wireless access is offered in the residence lounges and study rooms. Quiet hours are in place to ensure an environment that will allow for sleep and studying but still allow for fun and engagement. Upper-year students volunteer as Peer Academic Leaders to provide academic support to first year resident students when needed. Additional learning support services and tutoring are available through our Student Services department in the Wemple Building.


Meal Plan

The King’s Meal Plan provides a broad and varied choice in menu. It includes dining in the Thames Market (our dining hall in the Wemple Hall), Tim Hortons (in Labatt Hall) as well as with off-campus partners like Pizza Pizza and Swiss Chalet. Meal Plans are required for students living in residence and are available for purchase for students living off campus in a variety of value options (beginning at $50). The Thames Market is a marché style eatery allowing you to choose from an array of healthy and delicious food options. To further explore the food options available, please go to:

student services One of the strengths of our small campus environment is the scope and accessibility of our student support services. Whether you require academic, personal, financial or spiritual counselling, King’s strives to create the best living and learning environment for our students.

Some of the opportunities and programs we offer at King’s include: •A cademic accommodation and assistive devices for students with disabilities. •C ampus Ministry provides programming and worship for the Christian and Roman Catholic students at King’s and Western. Pastoral counselling and spiritual direction is a large component of our group’s work. Two rooms are set aside for the Muslim community and direction is provided to other faith groups within the area. • Cardinal Carter Library is an award-winning library which is also linked to all Western libraries as well as Brescia, Huron and St. Peter’s. •C areer Counselling will help you with job fairs, resumé development and workshops. •T he Write Place is an effective writing program allowing students to drop in or book appointments. Individual assistance is provided.

• I nformation Technology — every King’s student has an individual email account, 24-hour accessible computer labs, wireless access across campus, state-of-the-art equipped classes and the only wired and wireless residence rooms at Western. •L earning skills — a variety of workshops are available throughout the year to help develop essay writing skills, exam techniques and study skills. •S tudent transportation — free shuttle bus service running to Western, Brescia and Huron campuses; free bus pass with London Transit. •V olunteer Bureau provides students with the opportunity to connect locally with agencies and organizations to gain valuable experience. The Dean of Student’s Office is concerned with the quality of student life at King’s. For more information please visit

•F ree tutoring in ESL, economics, math, French and writing.


campus tours and special events




W Richmond O Street RT H








Townhouse Residences


Broughdale Hall Services Bldg.


Faculty Bldg.

King's Alumni Court Residence

Dante Lenardon Hall Labatt Hall

G. Emmett Cardinal Carter O Library LO ER Peter's T WA o St. ary

T emin S Approximate Distance: 250 metres Approximate Walking Time: 3-4 Minutes

Monsignor Wemple Hall

King’s is located in the city of London, Ontario, the 10th largest city in Canada and home to approximately 350,000 people. It is conveniently located in southwestern Ontario: a two-hour drive from either Toronto or Detroit, Michigan. Known as the Forest City, London has an incredible number of parks and green spaces as well as over 30 kilometres of bike and walking trails running throughout the city. On most weekends throughout the summer, you can expect to find a multitude of festivals and concerts and through the year, there are many sporting events and shows hosted by a variety of venues including the John Labatt Centre, the Grand Theatre and the Fringe Festival to name only a few. A complimentary bus service is provided for King’s students to go to Western, Brescia or Huron. We are located on the east side of Western, in a very green, safe neighbourhood, about a ten-minute walk from the gates on Richmond Street. For more information on what the city of London has to offer, visit: or

campus events

King’s campus visits and tours

Situated in park-like surroundings along the Thames River in scenic Old North London, King’s is one block from the main campus of Western University and is a short distance from downtown. We would love to introduce you to all that King’s has to offer and have a friendly student tour guide show you around. A virtual campus tour is available. Directions to King’s can be located at Book a campus visit or your attendance at one of our Welcome Days or other on-campus events at or call 1.800.265.4406 or 519.433.3491. King’s travels to high schools from September to December. We would love to see you when we are at your school. Check out our fall schedule of school visits:




Saturday, November 3

1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Fall Welcome Day

Friday, March 8

6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.

March Welcome Day

Saturday, March 9

11:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Financing university for families workshop

Saturday, March 9

1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

March Welcome Day

Saturday, May 4

1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

May Welcome Day

Thursday, May 9

10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

SPARK! Conference

Thursday, May 16

9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Model UN Conference

Wednesday, May 29 – Friday, May 31

5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m 8:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Carpe Diem Catholic Student Leadership Conference



More than 93% of our grads have jobs in a field related to their studies within six months of graduation and over 97% after two years. Our stats are higher than the provincial average for new grads. In grad surveys, our students grade their academic and social experience as excellent.

Making a difference, both locally and globally, is critical to our future. King’s provides a challenging, supportive environment where students hone their talents and follow their passions.

Talented teacher/scholars (achieving the highest teaching evaluations in the nation) leading interactive discussions in small classes (supported by an award-winning library) make King’s an excellent choice. The Western degree provides international recognition.

International exchanges and group discussions in small classes provide opportunities for meaningful experiences and developing critical career skills.

10%+ Percentage of students that are involved in international exchange/year 30


King’s is a leader in national student satisfaction surveys and Western has been ranked (repeatedly) as #1 for the best student experience in Canada.


The average class size in first year


The medium average of first year classes

Stiller Centre

The Research Park (London Campus) Windermere Manor



250 Metres 900 Collip National Research Council

Mogenson Building



Beaver Hall

Eight Level Parkade

Bayfield Hall







Y 4)





Brescia University College

Westminster Diamond

West Chemistry Valley Lot Robarts Siebens Research Inst. Lot Support Dental Services Lot Sci. Chemistry Siebens MAP Cronyn House ELGCentre Med. Sci Health Taylor Sci. Benson House IN Library Materials Science Lot Addit. MAP Addit. Rix Medical Biotron Visual Huron University College Arts Clinical Sci. P Natural Biol. & Labatt Lot Hellmuth Bio Skills Social Sci. Geol. Sci. Visual Hall Lab Science Lot Arts Kresge Social Collip GreenScience Southwest McIntosh houses O’Neill / Hall Gallery Physics & Western University Ridley Res. Community North Astronomy Science Middlesex Centre Campus Stevenson Lot Centre Western Huron Hall Student Services College Lot P Lawson Middlesex Hall University College Huron Weldon Staging College Dining Library Hall Weldon CAMPUS Somerville UNIVERSITY Springett Lot Lot House POLICE HILL Delaware P 3M Lawrence Hall Centre Law HBA National Thames Building Centre LAMB Hall TON


Ursuline Hall

Perth Drive Complex

Support Services


y wa


London Health Sciences Centre University Campus



Mount Health Centre


Yellow Cottage

SaugeenMaitland Hall

Avian Research

Young House

Westminster Hall


Henderson House Brough House

To Spencer Hall (0.5 km)

367 1493 1491 1489


Graphic Services



Lambton Hall

Ausable Hall







Medway Hall

Alumni House



Sydenham Hall




See detailed parking maps for additional visitor parking at meters and pay & display areas. Huron East

Huron West

Soccer Pitches





Student housing Off-campus buildings housing Western facilities


Labatt Hall

Townhouses (3)

Dante Lenardon Hall Faculty Building

The Annex


TD Waterhouse Stadium

* Monsignor Wemple Hall


London Hall

Welcome Centre booths are attended Monday - Friday Outdoor map Parking lot Visitor parking lot



King's Alumni Court

Outdoor Rink

er's Pet St. ary To Semin

Perth Hall

Welcome to Western


Huron Flats Lot

King's University College


Essex Hall

Althouse Lot

Platt's Lane Estates



University UWO Child Care Books Plus Centre

Althouse Faculty of Education


Elgin Hall




rsity To Unive King's at UWO e Colleg eter's BMO P & St. ary Bank of Montreal in Sem Building

Medway Lot


Talbot College

BT CronynAlumni Heating ON Music Talbot Plant Spencer Obs. Hall Lot BioEngineering Richard Ivey P Engin. Building Tennis MacKayCourts Lassonde Alumni/ Pav. Thompson Labatt Lot Practice Outdoor Health Wind Thompson a Field #1 Rink Sci. Bldg. Tunnel Engineering Th South Valley Lot Practice Thompson Field #2 Recreation & Western Student (Rugby Pitch) Athletic Centre Recreation Centre Elborn Lot PHILIP AZIZ


Elborn College



Mary Manor





Mother St. James Building


Walking Time: 3-4 Minutes

Cardinal Carter Library

Broughdale Hall

* Portions of the 2nd and 3rd floors of the Monsignor Wemple Hall are student residences.

For a broad selection of parking and other campus maps visit Barrier-free parking is available in all lots. © 2012. The Cartographic Section, Dept. of Geography, Western.


Admissions and Liaison Office Brandon Csendes Admissions & Liaison Officer Paul Wilton Admissions & Liaison Officer Natalie Mak Senior Liaison Officer Ewelina Michalak Liaison Officer Ingrid Schvarczkopf Liaison Officer Daniel Vervaecke Liaison Officer Robin Ellis Coordinator, Admissions & Liaison Tracy Cunningham Associate Registrar and Liaison Officer Marilyn Mason Registrar

Tours and Campus Visit Days Mary O’Connor Admissions/Liaison Assistant

International Students and International Exchanges Linda Weber Manager, International Student Service & Exchange Programs

Campus Ministry Rev. Michael Bechard Director/Chaplain

Student Life Mary Carol Watters Dean of Students

Student Disabilities, Personal Counselling and Development Joan Aldis Coordinator of Counselling and Student Development/CounsellorStudents with Disabilities/First Nations Contact

Financial Inquiries Shelly Guerin Student Financial Services Officer Natalie Walzak Assistant Student Financial Services Officer Dianne Konings Student Financial Aid Coordinator

Social Media kingsatwestern


Residence Doreen Vautour Residence Manager


Get connected. Make a difference. To learn more call, email or go to

266 Epworth Avenue London, Ontario N6A 2M3 CANADA 1.800.265.4406 or 519.433.3491

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