King's Herald - Fall 2007

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king’s herald Fall 2007

A magazine for alumni and friends of King’s University College at The University of Western Ontario

The Ottawa Connection Guide to Homecoming 2007

Our newest Alumni

Students need your support! Our annual fall fundraiser kicks off soon. Your generosity will make a real difference to students in financial need. You can make a gift by mail, by phone, or on-line. Please take the time to talk to one of our students callers, or visit our website at “The money situation is tough for students, and it’s really hard when you have to work long hours to finance your education. Scholarships and bursaries allow us the time to study and get involved with the community and King’s.” ~ Anna Dec ’07, recipient of the Marion Regan Bursary and the Marilyn Campbell Award

king’s herald King’s University College Office of Alumni Affairs London, Ontario, Canada The King’s Herald is published semi-annually by the King’s University College Office of Alumni Affairs. We welcome your letters, suggestions or comments about the Association and the College. Please contact the Office of Alumni Affairs: London: (519) 33-3 91 Long distance: 1-800-265- 06 ext. 565 Fax: (519) 963-133 E-mail: Mail: King’s University College Office of Alumni Affairs 266 Epworth Avenue, London, ON N6A 2M3

11 A Christmas Story Five King’s housemates get together every year for Christmas


12 Our newest Alumni Meet four grads from the Class of ’07 16 Sound of Voices Professor Dermot Hurley of the School of Social Work believes that troubled young people need sympathetic ears


18 The Ottawa Connection Meet three grads who have learned how to navigate the corridors of power 23 Guide to Homecoming 2007

For additional information about the Alumni Association, please visit our website: Parents: If you are receiving mail for your son or daughter, we would appreciate his or her current address. Please contact the Office of Alumni Affairs at one of the numbers above.

King’sConnect: 18

Opinions expressed in the Herald do not necessarily reflect those of the editor or the University’s administration. To contact the editor, phone (519) 33-3 91 or 1-800-265- 06 Ext. 500. E-mail: Editor: Anne Marie Peirce ’8 , Executive Director, King’s College Foundation & Director, Alumni Affairs Associate Editor: Amanda Cameron, Manager, Annual Giving & Stewardship Editorial Consultant: Morden Communications Designer: Hill Street Ad & Design Editorial Advisory Committee: Julie Deery ’97, Chair Sarah Corrigan ’00 Calum Cunningham ’97 Sophia Katsios ’9 Stephen Mussart ’91 Kelly Schaus Jim Zucchero ’82


The Editor Writes


From the Principal’s Desk


Upcoming Events


Message from the Alumni Association President

10 2007 King’s University College Alumni Award of Distinction 21


We value your opinion! This fall several thousand of our alumni will be randomly selected to participate in an alumni survey, designed to help us learn what our alumni need and want from King’s. We have contracted the reputable firm Academica to conduct the survey. Should a representative from Academica contact you by phone or email in the coming months, please take a few minutes to participate. By participating and sharing your thoughts about King’s and its alumni events and services, you will help the Office of Alumni Affairs to provide better programming that is of value to you. Email is the most cost-effective way for Academica to reach you. Please visit http://www.uwo. ca/kings/alumni/update.html to provide us with your email address. We really do value your opinion. In appreciation of your time we will enter the names of those who complete the survey into a draw for one of several prizes. Thank you in advance for participating. Cheers, Gerry Killan

Front cover: from left, Sherry Nowlan ’8 , John Cummins ’66, and Bill Maga ’73. Photo: House of Commons – Bernard Thibodeau.

Canadian Publications Mail Product Sales Agreement No. 0019616. Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to: Kings University College, Office of Alumni Affairs, 266 Epworth Avenue, London ON N6A 2M3


The Editor Writes

I am delighted to tell you that this year’s graduating class is the largest in our history. In June 648 students were awarded degrees. Congratulations to each and every one of you – our newest grads. You have the distinction of being one of more than 12,000 alumni, and we wish you the very best.

King’s Honoured with Race Relations Award

In this edition of the Herald, we introduce you to four new graduates. You will read about the accomplishments and future plans for Filmon Ghebresellassie, Laura Nash, Nora Ineza and Ryan Hare.

The award, in celebration of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, acknowledges and recognizes organizations and institutions that initiate actions to further race relations in London and eliminate racial discrimination in Canada. It was presented to King’s University College principal, Dr. Gerald Killan by Mayor Anne Marie DeCicco-Best at City Hall on March 5, 2007.

Anne Marie Peirce ’84

We also relay to you the story of Jill Whelan ’93 and her friends from first year in residence, and the friendship that she has had ever since with Andrea Taylor, April McLeod, Robyn LePalme and Julie Yocum. King’s has many alumni living and working in the nation’s capital. Meet John Cummins ’66, Member of Parliament for Delta-Richmond, B.C, working on behalf of his riding and all Canadians for 13 years. Sherry Nowlan ’84 has had an interesting journey to her current post with CIDA, and Bill Maga ’73 has helped to shape federal policies as a Policy Analyst. This is my final column as Editor of The Herald, as I am set to leave King’s and the London community. As students, we know that King’s was a wonderful place to learn, grow and thrive. Having had the privilege of working for King’s I have seen it from another perspective, and can tell you that each person at this institution works hard to ensure that students have the best experiences as they earn their degrees. I would like to pay tribute to Principal Dr. Gerry Killan and his administrators, the faculty and staff and the volunteer boards, all of whom comprise a vital campus community, focused on our students and helping them to achieve success. King’s is indeed an amazing place to learn, grow and thrive, and I credit all of you for making this happen. I would like to take this opportunity to recognize the team that works on behalf of our alumni to bring you programs and services. Alumni Officer Kelly Schaus and Amanda Cameron, Manager of Annual Giving and Stewardship bring you each edition of the Herald, and Janet Toohey and Nicole Furnival are the executive assistants to our organization. This group of talented women is dedicated and enthusiastic in helping our alumni maintain their connections with each other, and with the King’s community. Working at my alma mater was a dream come true. It has been a pleasure and privilege to serve in the capacity of Director of Alumni Affairs and Executive Director of the King’s College Foundation. To everyone at King’s, I wish you all the very best of luck on the next chapter for King’s, and will be cheering you on across the miles.

The King’s Herald | page

King’s University College is the recipient of the City of London Race Relations Recognition Award 2007 for the Education and Training category.

In 1997 eight international students were enrolled at King’s University College. In 2007 King’s has 310 international students representing 30 countries around the world. The internationalization strategy was deliberate and planned. It included not only attracting international students, but also providing necessary and innovative educational and support services to international students and Canadian students participating in exchange or study abroad programs. Some of the services offered to students at King’s are: The Bridging Program, a weeklong orientation for international students; an experiential learning course in Canadian Studies; a student and communityfocused Cultural Festival; Canadian and international holiday celebrations and excursions; and a Peer Guide Program pairing international students and Canadian students. The Centre for Catholic-Jewish Learning, The Centre for Social Concern and The Centre for Creativity raise awareness about diversity and social inequality, and promote positive race relations. Staff and faculty recognize that internationalization touches all aspects of academic and campus life and this award demonstrates the priority given to internationalization at King’s.

Faculty research Inhabiting the Off-Frame: Social Workers as Connoisseurs of Ambiguity (Stanley L. Witkin and Dennis Saleebey, editors of Social Work Dialogues: Transforming the Canon in Inquiry, Practice, and Education. Alexandria, Virginia: Council on Social Work Education Press, 2007) describes his personal long leave-taking from modernist Enlightenment concepts in social work practice and education and his attempts to embrace a postmodern world of uncertainty, doubt and provisionality. The chapter concludes with a ‘fantasy’ postmodern lecture to a social work class, a lecture not yet given.

Professor Don Kerr of the Sociology Department has published with Roderic Beaujot a new volume on demography entitled, The Changing Face of Canada: Essential Readings in Population (Canadian Scholar’s Press 2007). Vital issues include the role of immigration in Canada’s future, the deteriorating economic welfare of immigrants, globalization, Aboriginal population change, implications of unprecedented low fertility and the astonishing demographic transformation of Canadian cities. Professor Allan Irving of the School of Social Work was published in two book chapters recently. In The Relentlessness and the Ruin: Beckett, Foucault and Aging (Jason L. Powell and Azrini Wahidin, editors of Foucault and Aging. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2006) his chapter examines the influence of Samuel Beckett’s work on Foucault’s thought and how this link can be utilized to think about aging outside our rigid enlightenment categories and constructs. The chapter

Recent research by Dr. Rick Csiernik, Graduate Program Coordinator at the School of Social Work, includes: n Is substance abuse an issue? Perceptions of male and female community-based mental health system consumer-survivors, in the International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction 5(1) n Surviving the tornado: Psychiatric survivor experiences of getting, losing and keeping housing. Psychiatric Services, 57 (4), 558-562 Forchuk, C., Ward-Griffin, C., Csiernik, R. & Turner, K. (2006)

n Csiernik, R., Furze, P., Dromgole, L. & Rishchynski, G. (2006). Information technology and social work: The dark side or light side? Journal of Evidence Based Social Work, 3 (3/4), 9-25 n Ebears, J., Csiernik, R. & Bechard, M. (2006). Examining the role and practice of social work within the Catholic Church. Critical Social Work. 7(1), 1-14 n Macdonald, S., Csiernik, R., Durand, P., Rylett, M., Wild, T.C. & Lloyd, S. (2006). Organizational characteristics related to the adoption of employee assistance and drug testing programs in Canada. Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 25(2), 159-171 Dr. Siu-ming Kwok of the School of Social Work received a $97,000 grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) for a project entitled, “Collaborative health initiatives to prevent and intervene in violence against women in China.” Dr. Kwok wrote a book with M. Wallis entitled, The Racialization of Poverty: Focus on Race and Gender in Canada. Toronto, Canada. Canada Scholars’ Press.

New Director of the School of Social Work On June 30, 2007, Dr. Ken Gordon completed his second five-year term as the Director of the School of Social Work. Dr. Barbara Decker Pierce was appointed Director, effective July 1, 2007. Dr. Decker Pierce is a full-time Associate Professor in the School of Social Work. Her primary teaching interests are in the areas of administration, Canadian social policy, research methodology and program evaluation. Dr. Decker Pierce’s research interests include organizational social structure, inter-organizational collaboration and other topics related to organizational development in the human services sector. Fall 2007 | page

King’sConnect It is a sad occasion when a valued member of the College’s senior administration team leaves King’s. Anne Marie Peirce ’84, our Executive Director of the King’s College Foundation/Director of Alumni Affairs has served the College exceedingly well over the past four years. Anne Marie is relocating to the Hamilton area for family reasons—husband Tom Peirce ’82 recently assumed the position of Senior Director Strategic Planning and Integration with the Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant (HNHB) Community Care Access Centre. The Principal and the Foundation/Alumni Director must work very closely together, cultivating friends From the Principal’s Desk for the College, stewarding donors, keeping in touch By Dr. Gerry Killan with alumni, and raising funds in support of our students and faculty. It has been a privilege and a pleasure working in all these ways with Anne Marie. During her tenure at King’s, Anne Marie and her team have made a difference; the Foundation and the College are in many respects better off today than in 2003 when she arrived. The following information is testimony to this assertion. The King’s College Foundation reported $2.1 million in endowed funds in 2003, compared to $4.5 million in 2007. Under the provincial government’s matching grant programs, our endowed funding for students in financial need has grown from $1M in 2003 to $3.6M in 2007. In 2003, the College had 88 awards generating $54,703 for students’ scholarships and bursaries; under Anne Marie’s leadership we currently offer 124 awards generating some $180,000 in scholarship and bursary monies. (23 of these awards were created under the matching grant program.) The wonderful donors responsible for these major awards have been highlighted in the Foundation’s Touchstone newsletter. Carefully stewarded by Anne Marie and her staff, our popular special events—Music Reigns and the annual Golf Classic—generated $56,000 and $22,000 (matched by the provincial government) respectively this past year. Alumni events and groups have been encouraged and nurtured in London, Ottawa, Toronto, Hamilton and Calgary. No one is better than Anne Marie in welcoming and “working” a crowd of alumni. Contacts with alumni have also been maintained through the Herald, which has undergone substantial positive changes in the past four years. The list of noteworthy accomplishments could go on, but let me conclude with the observation that Anne Marie Peirce leaves us in good shape. Under her recent leadership, the Foundation engaged the services of KCI Ketchum to conduct a feasibility study for our next capital campaign that will focus largely on building our endowments for students in financial need, and on a much needed student life building. The results of the feasibility study were positive—much more so than the study conducted prior to our earlier Building Faith, Building Futures campaign. With this important study successfully concluded, the College is standing on the threshold of new possibilities. Thank you Anne Marie and good luck. We expect to see you heading up a new Hamilton chapter of the Alumni Association before too long. We have hired Academica, an education consulting firm, to conduct a survey to help us better understand how we can help our alumni. If you are contacted, please take a few minutes to participate. Your thoughts and ideas are very important to us. See page 3 for more information. The King’s Herald | page

Faculty teaching awards The King’s University College Award for Excellence in Teaching was presented to John Orange at convocation by Dr. Gerald Killan. Professor Orange has taught Canadian Literature at King’s for 37 years, bringing a richness and depth of understanding into the classroom. Students describe him as “infused with enthusiasm for his subject”, “engaging and inspirational”, and “a consummate professional who treats everyone in his classes with the utmost respect.” He is renowned among colleagues for his generosity of spirit and collaborative approach. Professor Orange has established himself as a distinguished teacher-scholar of Canadian Literature and Culture, having written and edited five books as well as dozens of scholarly articles and reviews. As for his personal teaching philosophy, Professor Orange says, “I believe in the study of the arts as the most felicitous way to learn about oneself and thus to grow. It really does have something to do with the human spirit – with seeing metaphorically, symbolically, clearly, mythically in the best sense of that religious concept. If I have been able to pass that love of learning on to some (even a few) of the people who have listened to me, I am satisfied.” Several professors received the King’s University College Most Valued Professor Award for 2006-07 from the graduating class. The recipients (nominated and voted on by the Class of 2007) are: Dr. Lorraine DiCicco and Dr. Paul Werstine of the department of modern languages; Dr. Jacquie Newman, Chair of the Political Science department, and Professor Graham Broad of the History department.

Upcoming Alumni Events August n Sarnia Alumni Reception Wednesday, August 29, 2007, 6:30-8:00 pm On the Front Restaurant & Lounge, 201 North Front St, 14th Floor, Sarnia

September n London Special Lecture Thursday, September 13, 2007, 7:00 pm, Elizabeth A. “Bessie” Labatt Hall, King’s NDP Leader, Jack Layton, speaks at King’s. Organized by Students’ Council n King’s University College Golf Classic Tuesday, September 18, 2007, Forest City National Golf Club, London, ON Cost: $200/golfer Barbecue lunch, shotgun start at 1:00 pm, buffet dinner, prizes n Alumni Association Annual General Meeting Saturday, September 29, 2007, 10:30 am, Dante Lenardon Hall All alumni are invited to attend. A complimentary, light breakfast will be served n Homecoming 2007 September 28 – September 30, King’s University College See page 23 for further event details

October n The Ottawa Chapter will host a get-together in the fall of 2007. The venue and the nature of the event remain to be determined. If you have any suggestions, please call Kelly Schaus at 1-800-265-4406 ext. 4502 or Geoff Hutton at (613) 825-2247. n London Chapter Event – Speaker Series Thursday, October 25, 2007, 6:30 pm, Students’ Lounge, Wemple Building, King’s “Breaking News: Television Coverage of the Kennedy Assassination and 9/11” Dr. Alison Meek, Associate Professor, History, King’s University College Advance registration required

November n London Special Lecture Thursday, November 1, 2007, 7:00 pm, Elizabeth A. “Bessie” Labatt Hall, King’s Consumer advocate, lawyer, political activist, and presidential candidate, Ralph Nader, speaks at King’s. Organized by Students’ Council n Toronto Trees for King’s Thursday, November 15, 2007, 6:00 – 10:00 pm, 94 Riverwood Parkway, Toronto See page 22 for further event details n Toronto Chapter Event – King’s Alumni Hours Thursday, November 22, 2007, Venue to be announced To register for events please contact Kelly Schaus at or (519) 433-3491 ext. 4502. An up to date events listing is featured on the alumni site at

The Religious Life Lecture Series Everyone is invited to attend the lectures which are all held at Elizabeth A. “Bessie” Labatt Hall at King’s at 7:30 pm. Free admission and parking. For more information, contact the Office of Campus Ministry at (519) 963-1477 or visit kings or email n September 20, 2007 Professor Fred Evers and Reverend Canon Lucy Reid Working with Spirit: Engaging Spirituality to Meet the Challenges of the Workplace n September 27, 2007 Michael A. Fahy, PhD Muslims, Christians, Jews: Convivencia in the 21st Century n October 18, 2007 The Sisters of St. Joseph/Ursuline Sisters of the Chatham Union Imagination, Grace and the Greening of our Buildings n November 8, 2007 Sister Margaret McGrath, NDS Through the Prism of the Roman Ghetto: Jews and Christians in the Eternal City Annual Christ the King Lecture n November 22, 2007 Sharon Halsey-Hoover Conversations with Dorothy Day n January 17, 2008 Gregory Baum, PhD The Priority of Labour Over Capital: John Paul II on Economic Justice n February 21, 2008 St. Cecilia Singers, Don Wright Faculty of Music, UWO, under the direction of Gloria Gassi Gifts and Givers n March 6, 2008 Megan Shore, Assistant Professor Christianity, Justice and South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC): The Dignity of Work in PostApartheid South Africa

Fall 2007 | page


President’s Message

It is a pleasure to greet you on behalf of the King’s University College Alumni Association. In writing this final message to you as President of the Alumni Association I reflect upon the milestones that have been accomplished over the past three years. It has been a pleasure to work with the talented and dedicated Board Members who have worked so hard to launch new alumni initiatives and organize exciting and unique events in London, Toronto, Ottawa and Calgary. With each event we see new faces and re-establish connections with King’s alumni who are situated in various cities in Canada.

Sophia Katsios ’94 President, King’s University College Alumni Association

New this year, we launched the Young Alumni Council. This is a group of keen new graduates whose goal is to keep King’s young alumni engaged and involved with King’s. Please stay tuned to hear about exciting opportunities to network and socialize with fellow graduates. Our Homecoming Committee is committed to offering a great line-up of events year after year that bring King’s alumni back to campus to visit with fellow alumni, faculty and friends. If you haven’t already done so, I encourage you to mark Homecoming weekend on your calendar. The dates are September 28–30. This festive weekend includes the Friday Night Bash featuring Rick McGhie, a King’s Alumni Tailgate Party on Saturday at Joe Kool’s and Homecoming Dinner on Saturday evening. In addition, the Alumni Association Annual General Meeting will take place on Saturday morning – all alumni are invited and encouraged to attend. I hope to see you at some or all of these great events. This fall board member Leslie Gloor Duncan ’96 will retire from the Alumni Association. I’d like to take this opportunity to recognize and thank Leslie for her time, energy and tremendous contributions. It has been a pleasure working with Leslie and I look forward to seeing her at upcoming alumni activities. And now, it is time to introduce my successor and your new Alumni President, David Elias ’90. I wish David and the King’s Alumni Association Board members the best of luck. I look forward to seeing my fellow graduates at future chapter events and Homecoming celebrations.

The King’s Herald | page


Recap Calgary Pub Night

In May, King’s alumni got together in Calgary at Melrose Café and Bar. A dozen grads from ’66 to ’06 attended this event at the lively and popular “red mile” eatery. Principal Gerry Killan, his wife Linda Killan, and Alumni Director Anne Marie Peirce ’84, travelled to Calgary to meet with King’s alumni, and were thrilled with the hospitality they received.

London Cooking Class

On February 8, 2007 alumni from the London area enjoyed a delicious cooking class by chef Cliff Briden at Kiss the Cook. Owner Lawrence Burden ’76 hosted this fun evening of fabulous food and shopping for wonderful kitchen wares. Please join us at the next event in London!

Ottawa Wine and Cheese Reception with Paul Webb

Professor Paul Webb ’66 has something many politicians envy: after more than 35 years in the public eye, he can still draw a crowd. Prof. Webb, a popular King’s history professor, visited Ottawa in May with his wife, Brenda McQuaid ’78, to regale former students and King’s alumni with stories from their past. Richard Dixon ’78 and his wife Michelle hosted the wine and cheese reception in their beautiful garden in Manotick. The night was warm, the wine was perfect, and the Senators were still winning—it really was the best of spring in Ottawa. Graduates spanning four decades mingled, leafed through the yearbooks, and learned about recent changes at King’s. And Prof. Webb didn’t disappoint. He conjured up faces and events from his days as a student, to teaching at the front of the classroom, to the times he’s encountered King’s grads in the most unlikely of places. Many thanks to Richard and Michelle for hosting the evening and to Geoff Hutton ’66 for organizing this successful event. Paul Webb & Richard Dixon

London Cooking Class: Everyone enjoyed Chef Cliff Briden’s cooking class, especially the delicious beef.

Young Alumni Welcome Reception

On Tuesday, March 6, 2007 the Office of Alumni Affairs and the Young Alumni Council held an event to welcome King’s 2007 graduates into the Alumni Association. Dr. Gerry Killan, Anne Marie Peirce and Francis Doyle, president of the Students’ Council, offered congratulations and encouraged our newest alumni to get involved with the Young Alumni Council. Fall 2007 | page

King’sConnect King’s University College Alumni Award of Distinction


Making a Donation is Easy On-line Can’t decide what to give for a graduation/ birthday/anniversary/wedding? Consider making a gift to King’s! You can make a donation any time to support King’s and our students by visiting and using your Visa or MasterCard.

Stephen J. Dunn ’81

The King’s University College Alumni Association is pleased to announce that Stephen J. Dunn ’81 is the recipient of the 2007 Alumni Award of Distinction. Stephen graduated from King’s with a BA in economics in 1981. In addition to maintaining a high academic standing while at King’s, he served as a proctor and as Social Convener on the Students’ Council in 1979-80. He is remembered fondly by his peers for his contributions to talent nights and coffee houses. Remember Harry Chapin’s “All My Life’s a Circle?” Stephen started a State Farm Insurance agency in 1983, and has grown the agency and built a career as one of the top 20 agents in the company. Stephen has received professional recognition and numerous awards for his profitability, production, professionalism and client satisfaction. Throughout his career he has remained an active and involved father, coached his children’s sports teams, contributed to the Music Ministry at St. Ann’s Parish Community in Ancaster, Ontario and become an award-winning business man. Acutely aware of the social injustices in the world, Stephen has been a member of the Board of Directors for Neighbour to Neighbour Food Bank and Resource Centre since 1998 and a dedicated member of the Knights of Columbus for fifteen years. In addition, Stephen has been involved with Theatre Ancaster as a performer and member of the Board of Directors since 1995. In 2001, Stephen was nominated for Ancaster’s Citizen of the Year award. Stephen is married to his high school sweetheart, Corrine. They have seven children – Brianne, 22, Blaise, 20, Taylor, 18, Kendra, 18, Elise, 1 , Jordanna, 9 and Braedan, 3. Stephen Dunn exemplifies all of the characteristics recognized by this award – achievement, commitment and service to the community. We congratulate him on being awarded the 2007 King’s University College Alumni Award of Distinction. The King’s Herald | page 10

Congratulations to Class of 2007! A record 6 8 people graduated on June 12 and were officially welcomed to the King’s alumni family. We look forward to seeing you at Homecoming and all of the alumni events in various cities. Please plan to join us at an event soon.


Christmas story Every year five former housemates get together for a King’s Christmas Jill Whelan ’93 remembers one of her first classes at King’s. When she took her seat, the young lady next to her stuck out her hand and said, “Hi, I’m Robyn.” The two became fast friends. Jill also hit it off with three other first year students living in her residence: Andrea Taylor and April MacLeod, who lived in the room next to her, and Julie Yocom, who lived down the hall. The five young women agreed to become housemates, and during their next three years shared a house at 210 Raymond Avenue, just a few blocks from the College. In their third year, they decided to go out for a Christmas celebration before the school break. The next year they did it again, although this time they prepared a turkey dinner at home. The five housemates, with their growing families in tow, have been gathering for Christmas ever since. They’ve also been getting together for bridal showers, weddings, christenings, charity walks, barbeques, cottage weekends, and an occasional cup of tea. “We try to see each other when we can,” says Jill. “But our Christmas celebrations are sacrosanct.” Planning usually begins in the summer, and a date picked for late November or early December. The dinner is pot-luck, and the families,

Five housemates, left to right: Jill Whelan, April Morganti, Robyn Jury LaPalme, Andrea Perras and Julie Yocom Armstrong.

who live within an hour and a half of each other, all sleep over. For the past seven years Christmas has been celebrated at the home of Robyn Jury and her husband Mike LaPalme ’92 in Caledon East. In fact, their house was purchased with their annual ritual in mind. “When Robyn and Mike were house-hunting they joked that one of their criteria was whether they could accommodate everyone,” says Jill.

in Public Administration, and Jill a Master in History and a law degree. “When we first got together we were just dating, and we talked about relationships and school,” says Jill. “Gradually the talk turned to wedding planning and careers and babies. Our husbands have become great friends, and the kids play together really well. Every Christmas there’s a new baby to pass around.”

The space requirements keep expanding. All five housemates are married, and at least one child has been born just about every year since 1998. With Jill expecting this October, that means 20 guests for Christmas 2007 (plus two dogs).

Jill believes that their King’s experience laid the foundation for life-long friendships. Her advice to alumni: “Stay in touch. It requires an effort, absolutely, but it’s worth it. It’s so special when we get together, and we have so much fun.”

Jill thinks of her housemates more like “sisters,” who regularly give each other advice and support. Robyn, Julie, and Andrea went on to earn teaching degrees, April did a Master

Do you get together regularly with friends from King’s? Let us know more so we can share your stories. Contact us at (519) 433 3491 or 1-800-265-4406 ext. 4502 Fall 2007 | page 11

Move over for the

Class of ’07


Our newest alumni

Filmon Ghebreselassie ’07 Honours Political Science An executive member of the Political Science Club, the African Students’ Association and the Black Students’ Association, and a member of the diversity committee of Western Law Worked part-time in the Registrar’s Office Worked as an intern for Minister of Health George Smitherman and a volunteer for London MPP Deb Matthews Plans to do his Master in Political Science and then go to law school Favourite courses were 1st year Social Justice and Peace and 2nd year Comparative Politics Passionate about international politics and protecting the environment

How has King’s changed the way you think about the world around you? My first year Social Justice and Peace course made me really aware of how important it is to look at our surroundings and think about how interdependent we all are. It is said that when a butterfly flaps its wings, its effects are felt thousands of miles away. Every time I learn something new, I apply a social justice perspective. I try to understand how the things we do affect other people either directly or indirectly. It can be the smallest things, like driving my car, or using fertilizer on our grass.

Photography by John Tamblyn

How has King’s prepared you for your future life? When I came to King’s I was very naïve. I’m now much more analytical and curious about what’s going on around me. I try to understand my surroundings and question everything, rather than just sleepwalk through life. King’s has taught me to be proactive about my own future. What’s the one thing you most want to accomplish in your life or career? I used to be really focused on making as much money as possible. But more and more I want to achieve a balance in my life between career, family, and friends. It’s the balance, the happy medium, that gives us our zest for life. What did you enjoy most about your time at King’s? Learning, learning, learning. Learning about academics, learning about relationships, learning about life. Making experiences, developing these experiences and developing even more experiences. One thing I will take away from King’s is the ability to learn. Why do you think it’s important to keep in touch with the College and your classmates? I learned so much here that university feels like the beginning of my life. It’s important to stay connected to your beginnings. For me, the College will always be a place to come back to. There are so many ways to contribute. It’s up to us as alumni to make sure the College does as well or even better in the future. Fall 2007 | page 13

What was your proudest accomplishment? It was wonderful to win a number of awards and scholarships, of course, but my proudest accomplishment was being asked to be a TA of the CSI 020 course in only my third year. I facilitated a tutorial once a week for two years with a group of about 20 students. It was a wonderful opportunity for me to share my passion for the program with other students coming in.

Laura Nash ’07 Childhood and Social Institutions (gold medalist for the highest average of a graduating student in a four-year honors program, 92.6%) Mature student married with two boys and two girls, ages 9, 10, 11, and 13 Stay-at-home mom for 11 years Recipient of Government of Canada Millennium Award for excellence, Mature Student Award, and academic award for top marks in the program for past two years, and the Mavis Killan Bursary Volunteer at her church and children’s school Worked for past two years as Teaching Assistant (TA) in the Childhood and Social Institution 20 course Enrolled at Althouse Teachers’ College Passionate about education

What class had the most impact on you? My first-year Childhood and Social Institution course (CSI 020) with Pat Ryan. I was really impressed by the Socratic method of teaching. It was the first time that I had been presented with a real diversity of contradictory ideas, then asked to consider which arguments I found to be convincing and why. This style of teaching gives a lot of freedom to the learner, and leads to a higher level of understanding. It made me consider knowledge in a new way. The King’s Herald | page 14

How has King’s changed the way you think? King’s has taught me to be a critical thinker. I had always been a questioning thinker, but my education here has really helped me to hone in on ideas and arguments, assess their validity and weight, and decide whether to be convinced. Now when I watch the news or read a report I’m not only aware of what’s being presented on the surface, but also what’s being implied. That’s an important piece that we often miss. How has King’s prepared you for your future career? My CSI program is a great springboard for teaching because of its perspective that children are human beings who have something to offer now, not just in the future. My education here will encourage me to engage my students in a dialogue and to recognize that I have things to learn from them, as they do from me. This changes the relationship in the classroom. What do you think you and your classmates will talk about at your 25th reunion? I think we’ll talk about the perspective of childhood we took away from King’s, in terms of advocating for young people and their right to be heard and be involved. I hope that we will be able to look back and say ‘we’ve come a long way, baby.’

Nora Ineza ’07 Business Management and Organizational Studies (BMOS), finance stream Came to Canada from Burundi in Central East Africa six years ago, with no experience in English Very involved with international students, as events co-ordinator in the Dean’s Office, peer guide, and an organizer of the cultural festival at King’s Spent a week in the Dominican Republic doing volunteer work as part of DREAMS (Dominican Republic Education and Medical Support) Involved in The World University Service of Canada, UNICEF, BMOS Association, and the Chartered Accountant Student Society Received the John and Kathleen Adams Bursary for the highest academic standing entering 4th year of the BMOS program Planning to obtain her Certified Management Accounting designation, and then a Masters in international development Passionate about international development and learning more about global inequities

What did you enjoy most about your time at King’s? I really enjoyed the sense of community, and the feeling that King’s was like a home. I loved walking around campus and seeing faces that I knew, and going to the cafeteria and knowing there was always someone to eat lunch with. Whenever I needed help from staff

or professors, I received it. I am sad to leave.

in furthering my studies. Getting to know the other students in history also made the learning and the classes a lot of fun. It wasn’t just listening to lectures and taking notes – we had a lot of laughs. The professors were also very accommodating to me when I had conflicts with hockey. If I was going to Lakehead and getting back on Sunday night at two or three in the morning, they understood if I missed class on Monday morning.

What was your biggest surprise at King’s? I grew up in a culture where teachers or professors were considered as commanders. You were expected to just sit in class and never say anything. But at King’s you interact with your professors all the time, and that was a big surprise to me. I still find it a bit intimidating, but I now understand that the best way to learn is through discussion and debate, rather than just cramming things in your head. What was your proudest accomplishment at King’s? My proudest accomplishment is coming here and obtaining a degree that is recognized around the world. If I had stayed in Burundi, I would have earned a degree, but not one with which I could pursue my dream of further education. What class had the most impact on you? My course in Social Justice and Peace, which led to my trip to the Dominican Republic. I did a lot of research before I went, but I learned so much by seeing it for myself. I didn’t expect to find people in the Dominican Republic who were even poorer than in my own country, and I was surprised by the huge contrast between the tourist areas and the impoverished areas. The course and trip reinforced my interest in international development and thirdworld poverty, and made me want to know more about why things are the way they are. Why do you feel it’s important to stay in touch with the College and your classmates? I can’t imagine moving on and forgetting everything I did at King’s – the friends I made and the fun times we had. It would almost be like erasing all of that. So I think it’s really important to stay in touch. I hope to do that through the Alumni Association, and by coming back to Homecoming and other events.

What was your proudest accomplishment at King’s? Maintaining my 80 percent average throughout. Receiving the Jennifer Samways Scholarship really meant a lot to me. I talked to a lot of profs who had known her, and it was a real honour to win an award in her name.

Ryan Hare ’07 Honours History Played hockey as a centre for the Mustangs for four years Received the Jennifer Samways Scholarship, awarded annually to a history student entering 4th year with excellent grades who has made a significant contribution to College life A member of the Dean’s Honour List each year Enrolled in Althouse Teacher’s College for next year, then intends to play hockey in Europe Passionate about music and popular culture

What was your biggest surprise at King’s? In high school they really tried to scare you about university, saying that professors wouldn’t know you by name, that you’d be just a number, and you’d be in classes of thousands. I couldn’t believe the reception I got at King’s. It was such a warm and welcoming feeling. It was just the opposite of what I expected. I was encouraged by my professors to ask questions, they all knew my name, and the atmosphere was very friendly.

What do you think you and your classmates will talk about at your 25th reunion? I think that we will remember how close we were. In a program like Honours History, class sizes are 20 people or less, so you tend to see the same people and really get tight. I don’t think we’ll ever forget that. What class had the most impact on you? American Popular Culture with Professor Meek. She really brought the material to life through video and audio presentations. It was fascinating to me to see how things that are popular today got started. I’m a huge music guy, and I learned the whole history of rock and roll. I did my big final essay on Kurt Cobain of Nirvana, and the grunge music of the 90s. I never thought I would be able to do anything like that in a university class, but I did, and it was fantastic.

What did you enjoy most about your time at King’s? I’ve had some excellent teachers who not only made it enjoyable to go to class, but also interested me Fall 2007 | page 15


sound Dermot Hurley believes that troubled young people need sympathetic ears Dermot Hurley says that the best professional training for adolescent psychotherapy is learning to listen. “We get so caught up in our own conceptual maps of what life is all about, we don’t pay enough attention to the words and stories of the person in front of us,” he says. Hurley has spent many years listening to young people. After a degree in psychology and philosophy at University College in Dublin, he came to Canada in 1972 to complete a Master of Social Work at Wilfrid Laurier University. He worked with the Western Ontario Therapeutic Community Hostel (WOTCH) in London, then joined London Health Sciences Centre Child and Adolescent Centre in 1978. He spent the next 20 years working with families in crisis, 15 years of which he was the Director of the Family Therapy Program.

In the summer, Dermot Hurley enjoys playing his Mandolin (a 1905 Gibson) under a shady tree on the King’s campus Photography by John Tamblyn

An adjunct professor at King’s College and an assistant professor of psychiatry for many years, Hurley became more and more interested in the education of mental health professionals, particularly social work practitioners. In 2001 he decided to join the School of Social Work full-time. “I felt that this work had become very complex, and children and adolescent problems really serious,” he says. “We need to have students with the best possible education and training to deal with the problems facing young people in today’s world.” Hurley believes that young people are very much shaped by the culture in which they live. Modern culture,

of voices he says, is dominated by the media, which exerts such enormous pressure on young people that they often are left with deep feelings of inadequacy. “In my work over the years I’ve become convinced that young people are being pressured to comply with prescriptions for personhood that are impossible to fulfill,” he says. “For example, the “beauty myths” perpetuated by the media can terrify a young girl into compliance with impossible expectations for reduced size and weight at a critical period in early adolescence when it’s normal for her to be gaining weight.” From an early age, young people are saturated with what Hurley describes as the media’s “culture of death and violence.” It’s estimated that by the time an average child in Canada finishes grade school he or she has seen about 100,000 acts of fictionalized violence. For disturbed youth the line between fictionalized violence and real violence can become seriously obscured with devastating consequences to the community. “Even though we live in a relatively safe society, there is the perception that we live in a very dangerous society – one that is deeply embedded in risks of various kinds,” he says. A few years ago, Hurley and colleagues at UWO undertook a research project that looked at the risk factors associated with children who come under the care of the Children’s Aid Society (CAS). Existing research already showed that poverty played an enormous role: 80 percent of kids in care come from families who are on social assistance or unemployed. After reviewing more than a thousand files, they identified two other important risk factors: the mental health of the parent, and the involvement of

the parent with CAS as a child. For example, they found that 40 percent of children under CAS care had a parent who had been involved with CAS as a child. It is a depressing picture, but it struck Hurley that for every child who becomes part of this cycle, there is a brother or sister who escapes it. “We say that when such and such happens in one generation, it gets repeated in the next,” he says. “But there are exceptions, and these exceptions are substantial and very important to know more about.” In his current research, Hurley is turning his focus from what goes wrong, to what goes right. This year, during his upcoming sabbatical, he will be interviewing child protection workers and young people in Canada, Ireland (where he will be a visiting professor at Trinity College, Dublin), and Argentina, to identify themes of success. “I am looking at what we call resilience - that quality in human nature that allows people to overcome adversity,” he says. “I’m looking for stories, what I call narratives of resilience, which capture good outcomes that were not predictable at the outset.” Hurley is hoping that these stories of resilience will lead to new approaches that focus more on the prevention of childhood trauma and help to deinstitutionalize the child protection system. “I think that we can learn from people’s basic health-promoting natures – their own strengths and resources from within,” he says. In the classroom, Hurley listens closely to his students to keep his own thinking fresh and relevant. “Students today are very discriminating, and as a teacher you have to passionately

believe in what you are teaching in order to have an impact on how they think and feel about the world they live in,” he says. “Teaching has forced me to reexamine all my own assumptions about the nature of the world.” One of Hurley’s most pleasant surprises in coming to King’s was finding a number of musicians who love to get together and improvise. He plays mandolin and bazooka, instruments of Italian and Greek origin that he’s converted to Irish music. In the summer his mandolin is tucked away in a corner of his office in case some of his colleagues decide on an impromptu jam session under a shady tree. He is part of a King’s Celtic band that entertains students and staff on occasions like St. Patrick’s Day. When describing the importance of listening, Hurley recalls an occasion at King’s a few years ago where students from diverse backgrounds all over the world gathered to talk about their lives and cultures and why they chose social work. “I was absolutely spellbound listening to these stories,” he says, “but what really reinforced the listening were the family stories and the wonderful ethnic foods the students brought into the classroom. The listening became for us a kind of culinary event.” At the end of the session, two First Nation students led the group outside for “smudging”, a traditional ceremony in which smoke from burning herbs like sweetgrass and sage is brushed over the body. “During the ceremony it became clear to me that one of the most important aspects of First Nation culture is the use of silence,” says Hurley. “We just sat for 10 to 15 minutes listening to the silence of the outdoors. It was absolutely wonderful.” Fall 2007 | page 17

The Ottawa connection Meet three grads who have learned how to navigate the corridors of power in our nation’s capital.

The accidental politician John Cummins ’66 says his career in teaching was a good training ground for politics That meeting turned out to be the very first gathering of the Reform Party of Canada, which was formally launched in Winnipeg a few years later. Cummins was the first Reform candidate in the Delta-Richmond East riding of BC, and has been a Member of Parliament since his first election in 1993. Cummins, who was raised in Georgetown, Ontario, never intended a political life. After majoring in geography at King’s, he headed west, where he worked in the oil patch, on the Bennett Dam project, and in the fisheries. When he got married, he went back to the Faculty of Education in London for teacher training, and then taught at Fort Smith in the North West Territories. After a stint in Alberta, he took a teaching job in Delta, British Columbia, and also bought a commercial fishing boat. In the mid-80s John Cummins was working late one night when he happened to see an ad in the Vancouver Sun. A group of concerned citizens was planning a political meeting, and they were looking for people to send $25 and stay in touch. Cummins had never in his life responded to an ad or taken an active role in politics, but he wrote a cheque and put it in the mail. The King’s Herald | page 18

At the time he saw the ad that led to the beginning of the Reform Party, he was working part-time on a Master in educational psychology at UBC. He was concerned that the federal government was not addressing issues of importance to Western Canada. His son was in high school, and Cummins was worried about job prospects for young people. “The primary industries on the Lower

Mainland were on the decline and I didn’t feel that the effort was being made to develop the technological industries I thought would really be our future.” (As it turned out, his son Martin became a successful actor and won Best Supporting Actor at the 2000 Genie Awards) After its founding in 1987, the Reform Party asked Cummins to form a constituency association in Delta, which in turn nominated him to run. He lost in the ’88 election, but won in ’93. “I think of myself as an accidental politician,” he says. During his more than13 years in politics, Cummins has been involved in many issues, but one that’s very close to his heart is the plight of the West Coast fisheries. He opposes the separate native commercial fishery, an issue that’s been hard on him personally because he’s very supportive of the aspirations of First Nations people. “I simply believe that a race-based fishery is not a good way to run the industry.” Cummins also appeared at the Somalia Inquiry, where he was one of the very few people to sympathize with the two First Nations soldiers, Trooper Kyle Brown and Corporal Clayton Matchee, who were responsible for the death of Shidane Arone. He brought to light the influence of Mefloquine, an antimalarial drug routinely given by the military. Unknown to the two soldiers, the drug often results in violent and dangerous behaviours, particularly when taken at the same time as alcohol. “Both the drug and the alcohol were given and condoned by the military, which was never called to account,” says Cummins. When asked about the best preparation for a political life, Cummins says that a teaching career helped him develop good research and communication skills. He also gives credit to King’s for starting him on the path to higher education. “If King’s hadn’t been there, I wouldn’t be where I am today,” he says. “It’s that simple.” Photography: House of Commons – Bernard Thibodeau

terrorism, and computer crime. In the late 90s she moved to the U.S., where she completed her MA in Public Policy (Telecommunications) at George Washington University, and consulted for the private sector and the U.S. government in matters of extra territorial law, cryptography, privacy and issues concerning law enforcement and national security cooperation. As a consultant to the U.S. navy, she helped introduce the first secure digital voice data system for the AEGIS fleet. After several years, she returned to Canada, working at the Treasury Board and Justice Canada.

Thinking critically Sherry Nowlan ’84 has moved widely in the world of government Sherry Nowlan remembers Professor Paul Webb writing “Gag me with a spoon” on one of her history essays. When she tells the story, she’s aware that the phrase immediately pinpoints her as a student of the early 80s. Nowlan has a keen ear for linguistic nuances, a skill that has served her well in her varied career in government and security intelligence. When Nowlan graduated from King’s in ‘84, she planned to join the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). At the time, she was a competitive rider, with her eye set on the Olympics. A serious car accident in 1985 ended her hopes, and she began training for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), which was less physically rigorous than the RCMP. She was one of the first 72 recruits to be hired by the newly formed civilian agency. Nowlan joined CSIS as an Intelligence Officer shortly after the Air India tragedy. She worked for the agency for seven years,

taking on progressively more senior assignments in counter intelligence and counter terrorism, as well as policy development and litigation. One of the skills that she found invaluable was the ability to do primary research, which she learned from King’s professors Eric Jarvis and Jacques Goutor. Doing primary research based on sources like interviews, newspapers, and speeches is a skill that very few university graduates and even post-graduates have, says Nowlan. “To understand things going on today that relate to terrorism or criminality or social justice, you need to be able to contextualize – to separate the ‘here and now’ from what happened 10, 20, or more years ago,” she says. In 1992 Nowlan joined the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada as a Deputy Director. She helped create Canada’s Global Affairs and Human Security Bureau, responsible for issues such as people and drug smuggling, organized crime,

Nowlan now brings her expertise in intelligence to the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). In the past, CIDA gave humanitarian assistance and aid primarily to areas hit by disease or natural disasters. Now it is taking on an expanding role in places of conflict like Afghanistan, Iraq, and the Sudan. As Intelligence Advisor, Nowlan helps steer the agency through the sensitivities and challenges of the security intelligence community. She also briefs Minister Josée Verner for her participation in Cabinet meetings. Nowlan also works as a personal trainer. Her interest in this area stems from her many years of physiotherapy after her car accident. She was a founding trainer of U.S.-based Fit to Survive, a breast cancer patient rehabilitation program. She focuses her practice on cancer survivors and individuals such as seniors recovering from illnesses like strokes. “Many trainers tend to avoid this kind of work, but I really enjoy it and hope to do more.” To advance in the world of security intelligence, you need the ability to think critically and communicate clearly, says Nowlan. “When you do intelligence work, it’s fundamentally important to be able to challenge the sources of information and make arguments in a constructive way. These are skills that I learned at King’s.” Fall 2007 | page 19

Choosing your own adventure Bill Maga ’73 loves the variety of a career in public policy

There’s a saying on Parliament Hill that a good policy analyst needs three things: judgement, judgement, judgement. It’s a lesson that Bill Maga has learned over three decades as a federal public servant. “You need the ability to look at things in a detached and purely objective way, and not get caught up in emotional issues,” he says. Maga cut his teeth on social policy issues as an economics student at King’s in the early 70s. “Trudeau was coming to power, so it was a pretty interesting time in terms of public policy,” he says. Maga modestly describes his 33year career as “just wandering into a number of good things.” After stints with Urban Affairs, the Privy Council Office, and Privatization and Regulatory Affairs, he joined External Affairs and International Trade in 1989 and worked on the implementation of the Free Trade Agreement. He focused on cross-border accreditation of professionals, such as architects, and got his first taste of international diplomacy. In 1994 the federal government dramatically reduced taxes on tobacco in order to combat smuggling from the United States. The resulting drop in consumer prices required a renewed policy effort developed by Maga and his team to discourage young people from smoking. The challenge was made more acute by the visibility of tobacco companies as promoters of prominent sporting events. For example, Rothmans sponsored the Canadian Grand Prix, and popular driver Jacques Villeneuve carried the distinctive Rothmans brand on his racing gear. Maga spearheaded legislation to ban tobacco sponsorships of sporting events, helped develop the first tobacco package health warnings, and acted as a key witness in tobacco’s constitutional challenge of the Tobacco Act.

The King’s Herald | page 20

More recently, Maga led a team of some 40 employees to steer the Assisted Human Reproduction Act through the legislative and implementation process. The issues of reproductive technology are fraught with moral and ethical questions, he says. “Some of the issues were very challenging for the legislators. It was very difficult to know where to draw the line.” An example is “pre-implantation genetic diagnosis,” a technology that detects abnormalities in the genes of an in vitro embryo. It also allows couples to predict and select the sex of a baby, a practice that is banned under the Act. Public policy analysts face many challenges in their work, but the key ones are immediacy and complexity, says Maga. “Sometimes you wish you had more time to look at an issue before you have to respond. There are so many inter-dependencies between issues, and it’s difficult to be consistent across the board.” Another personal challenge is maintaining a balance between career and family. “It’s so easy to get totally consumed by these issues and end up working all the time,” he says, “but fortunately my wife Sue always reminded me that there were other things going on in my life.” They have two daughters, Erica, 22, and Carly, 19. Maga has just finished a contract managing the transition of the national cancer strategy to a nonprofit corporation, Canadian Partnership Against Cancer Corporation. The job of the new corporation is to make sure that the best cancer care practices are known and available to health care providers across the country. “The fun in working for the federal government is the variety of issues that pop up,” he says. “I’m just starting to look around for my next adventure.”

Milestones Walter Cherwaty ’62 and his wife Diana sell golf balls to benefit charity – something which is particularly close to their hearts since the loss of their dear daughter Jacqueline in 2005. They sell balls at a range of prices from their London home. For more info on how to purchase golf balls call (519) 433-7955 or e-mail All of the proceeds are directed to the charity of the purchaser’s choice. In the last two years nearly $10,000 has been raised for various charities. Brenda Wood-Sheil ’94 and her husband moved to Mississauga in April 2007 after living in London since beginning at King’s in 1989. She married Lauren Sheil in 1998, with photos taken at Silverwood House (now Dante Lenardon Hall). Brenda ran her own small public relations business and then a home daycare. She formerly served on the Alumni Association Board of Directors. She hopes to attend teacher’s college in the future. Mark Ross ’92 married Terry O’Flynn ’92. The couple lives in Toronto with their two children; Aidan, 8, and Emma, 6.

Natalie Howe ’93 (nee Quinn) and her husband Robert are happy to announce the birth of their daughter Elizabeth Marie on July 12, 2006 in Zurich, Switzerland. Natalie’s husband was transferred to Zurich from London U.K. in November 2004 and they are enjoying their time in Switzerland.

Carolyn Jones ’94 is living in her home town, teaching and loving it. Her daughter, Maggie, is about to turn 8 years old and is the light of her life. Carolyn is involved in local theatre, as well as directing choirs and musicals at her church and school. Life is good! Peter ’94 and Colleen Buckley ’91 (nee DeAnna) celebrate their tenth wedding anniversary October 11, 2007. Peter and Colleen are blessed with two children Peter Boniface Buckley II, 5, and Adelaide Deanna Buckley, 4. They currently reside in Sarnia and are the proud franchise owner/operators of four McDonald’s restaurant locations.

Patrick Teskey ’99 graduated from print journalism at Sheridan College in Oakville in June 2006. He started his own design company, PFT Design, two months later and continued to run the business until he accepted a job in Hay River, Northwest Territories with the Hub newspaper in February of this year. Patrick is now employed as a reporter/ photographer and has been able to achieve a lifelong dream – to see the northern lights. Colin Jupp ’03 graduated from King’s College London, University of London, School of Law, in July of 2006. He obtained an LLB with Upper Second Class Honours and qualified as an AKC, an Associate of King’s College. Colin is currently pursuing a Masters in Law specializing in Banking and Finance Law at King’s College London, University of London.

Leslie Gloor Duncan ’96 and her husband Steve had a baby girl in June 2005. Abigail is keeping both Leslie and Steve busy. Leslie also has just completed her M Ed. in Educational Leadership at the University of Calgary.

Adria Killian ’97 and her husband Dan Desjardins are pleased to announce the birth of their daughter Maia on June 28, 2006.

Carl O’Brien ’04 graduated in June from the University of Ottawa Law School and is articling with the Crown Attorney’s Office in North Bay. Katherine Leo ’04 married Brian Dykman on July 22, 2006 in Toronto. Blessed with beautiful summer weather they celebrated their special day surrounded by their close family and friends. Fall 2007 | page 21

Milestones Jill Zavitz ’05 is a funeral director in Strathroy and is glad to have moved back to her home town after eight years away. She finds it very exciting to serve a community that she knows on a personal level. After six years of education – a degree, a certificate and a diploma, she has finally found her calling in life. According to Jill, King’s College opened up the doors to her future and she will be forever grateful. Angela Campbell ’06 and Rob Trewartha ’06 were engaged in Ireland on May 26, 2007. They look forward to their wedding in the summer of 2009. Jeff Peter ‘06 recently announced his engagement to longtime girlfriend, Callandra Dendias. Their wedding will take place in London, on September 13, 2008.

In Memoriam The King’s University College Office of Alumni Affairs and the Alumni Association extend condolences to the family and friends of Gail Quann ’83 who passed away on May 21, 2007 after a courageous and joyous life and a lengthy illness. Gail was a cherished daughter, sister and aunt, a beloved friend and a dedicated teacher. She taught kindergarten in the York Catholic District School Board. Gail will be greatly missed by the many children, families and colleagues whose lives she touched. You can remember Gail by honouring her favourite quote, “Be the change you wish to see in the world” – Ghandi. The King’s Herald | page 22

Share Your News in the Herald! To share your news and achievements with your fellow grads, please fill out the on-line form on our website at: update.html. Email a colour photo (a minimum of 300 dpi) to and we’ll try to include it too!

Update your address by December 20, 2007 and you can win an iPod Nano! Our last winner was Natalie Coles ’05. The deadline for the next issue is December 20, 2007.

Homecoming Your guide to


Share Your News in the Herald!

Friday Saturday 28 29 Friday Night Bash Featuring RICK MCGHIE 8:00 pm Student Lounge and Lounge Extension, Wemple Building Free admission, cash bar King’s University College alumni, faculty, and staff are invited to celebrate Homecoming at this social event. Catch up with former classmates, faculty and friends. Plus, check out King’s yearbooks and photo albums! King’s clothing will be available for purchase.

Homecoming Parade 10:00 am Gather your family and friends and grab a spot on Richmond Street to take in this traditional Homecoming favourite. Cheer on the King’s float! The parade begins at Centennial Hall and arrives at Western by noon.

King’s University College Alumni Association Annual General Meeting 10:30 am King’s University College Dante Lenardon Hall Boardroom Continental breakfast will be served. All alumni are welcome Please RSVP to Kelly Schaus (address at right)

Sunday 30 King’s Alumni Tailgate Party 11:30 am Joe Kool’s, 595 Richmond Street Join your fellow alumni at Joe Kool’s before you head out to the football game to cheer on the Mustangs! Please RSVP to Kelly Schaus (address at right)

Western Football Game 1:00 pm Western Mustangs vs. Windsor Lancers For tickets contact the Mustang Ticket Office at (519) 661-4077

Homecoming Dinner 6:30 pm Elizabeth A. “Bessie” Labatt Hall $35/person, cash bar The King’s Alumni Association invites all alumni to attend the annual Homecoming Dinner. Following dinner, the King’s University College Alumni Award of Distinction will be presented to Stephen Dunn ’81. Place your bids on unique items featured in the silent auction and check out King’s yearbooks and photo albums!

Sunday Worship Service Join the Christ the King University Parish for Sunday Eucharist. Morning Eucharist – The Chapel, Windermere on The Mount, 10:30 a.m. Evening Eucharist – Elizabeth A. “Bessie” Labatt Hall, 5:00 p.m.

To register for these events or for more information, contact Kelly Schaus at (519) 433-3491 or 1-800-265-4406 or

Fall 2007 | page 23

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