Principal's Report 2011

Page 1





King's Connects

Student Life Centre

Sylvester on getting connected and making a difference. pg 02

Taking the student experience to the next level. pg 16

Agents for Change

Social Work students influence the community and the practice. pg 08

Going Beyond the Classroom

Going Green

Accountability and Stewardship

The King’s Difference – educating the whole student. pg 04

Six ways we’re making King’s a little greener. pg 20

Responsible to our supporters and ensuring a strong future. pg 22

Student Perspective

Words from the Wise

From Classroom to Community

Hear from King’s students about their learning experiences. pg 10

What the faculty has to say about King’s. pg 18

Students take their experiences to the world, creating change. pg 06



Principal’s Message Students feel connected to this place, to the physical environment and especially to the people.

Play There is a phrase used quite regularly by the Registrar’s Office here at King’s: Get Connected, Make a Difference. It’s an expression I have come to appreciate as it reflects a common theme that has emerged in my conversations with students, both past and present. Students feel connected to this place, to the physical environment and especially to the people. I hear of professors who continue to inspire; of classmates who remain friends; of a community that provided the opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery. To many, the King’s experience became the foundation for careers and career changes, for personal and professional relations that endure still, and for opportunities and choices made many years later. King’s made a difference in their lives and, more often than not, helped them choose to make a difference in the lives of others. This Principal’s Report celebrates many of the ways in which our faculty, staff and students connect, here on our own campus and with students and colleagues


around the globe. It profiles some of our more established and renowned programs, as well as new directions we are taking. You will read about students and faculty who embody the academic excellence and commitment to service that are the mark of a King’s education. You will see that King’s continues to honour the heritage of our campus and is taking a proactive role in preserving, protecting and enhancing our environment, ensuring that students for generations to come will enjoy a beautifully vibrant and sustainable community. You will also see that in all recent national student satisfaction surveys, and Western’s Graduating Student Survey, King’s stands out as a leader in Canada. Our students give high marks across the board to King’s, but value especially the quality of teaching at King’s and the quality of the community itself. The tremendous enrolment growth of King’s over the last decade has underscored a need to create, in a very deliberate way, spaces for the King’s community to connect. The construction of the Darryl

J. King Student Life Centre, scheduled for completion in 2013, is such a place. The King Centre will become the new social and intellectual hub of the campus, a modern day Athenaeum. Together with new appointments to our faculty, the new Student Life Centre will enhance King’s University College’s emerging reputation as one of Canada’s leading Catholic liberal arts universities. While intended to report on where we are now, it is my hope that this report will leave you with a keen sense of where we are heading in the next few years. As the King’s community forges its future, we remember the strong sense of connection that brought us to this point and explore new ways of bringing together people who want to make a difference.

David Sylvester, PhD, King’s University College Principal




01 ____________________ MOS Honors ____________________

02 ____________________ BMOS ____________________

Shelley Robson ____________________ Year 4 ____________________

Jeremy Santucci ____________________ Year 4 ____________________

Principal Sylvester chats with students about upcoming midterm exams.

Santucci and his colleagues on the King’s University College Students’ Council play a major role in the leadership and planning of the University.


King's Difference

The King’s Difference – cura personalis

01 ____________________ Sociology ____________________

We are committed to the education of the whole person; to develop the intellectual, physical and spiritual dimensions of not only our students but every member of the King’s community.

03 ____________________ Campus Ministries ____________________ Michael Bechard ____________________ Reverend ____________________

Emily Scott ____________________ Year 3 ____________________ Scott notes the teachers among the things she loves about King’s and values that they make themselves available when extra help is needed. After graduation she plans on pursuing a business degree.


02 ____________________ BMOS- Finance and Administration ____________________ Zeinab Abourawi ____________________ Year 4 ____________________ Abourawi, who hopes to become a financial consultant after graduation, enjoys the small class sizes at King’s and getting the chance to have a close studentprofessor relationship with all of her professors.


Father Michael Bechard and the team in Campus Ministry help the community to connect their relationship with God to service in the world.

Catholic education has, at its very foundation, the principle that we are called to educate people, not simply to impart knowledge. At King’s this idea is informed by the model of cura personalis or “care of the entire person” which forms an integral part of Jesuit education. Attending to each person and their unique circumstances, insights, gifts and challenges is at the core of a King’s education. We are committed to the education of the whole person; to develop the intellectual, physical and spiritual dimensions of not


only our students but every member of the King’s community. As a liberal arts university, King’s is advantaged in this commitment to educate the whole. Our interdisciplinary curriculum is designed to understand particular issues from different perspectives. Our students explore many ideas throughout their educational journey and are exposed to different models and methods of learning, including those that go beyond the classroom and into the community. Our service learning and practicum programs

– locally and internationally – help our students to put theory into practice and to experience and learn from different people and different cultures. This integrated approach to education lends itself to an integrated understanding of not only things, but also of self. At King’s University College, we seek excellence in all things, and what sets us apart is our foundational commitment to the people who live and learn in this community.



Students in Action


CHANGE THE WORLD King’s students are change agents at all levels.

From the classroom to the community, and from textbook to practice, they facilitate positive change at individual, organizational and societal levels. (continued page 8)


____________________ Social Justice and Peace Studies and Political Science ____________________ Moses Latigo Odida ____________________ 2010 graduate ____________________ Since graduating from King’s, Odida completed his masters in Political Science at Western with a research interest in the reintegration of child soldiers. He hopes to pursue a PhD in the near future.


Students in Action

A Vision of Change Social Work students take their skills outside of the classroom shaping their communities and profession.

In their studies, students are introduced to the theories of change and the roots of advocacy. They dig to the core of change, understanding how change happens and where to influence the many systems found throughout the community. Then, they roll up their sleeves and get to work. Service is a major component of both the undergraduate and graduate-level Social Work programs. Starting in third year, King’s Social Work students make a significant time commitment to over 120 social service agencies in the London community. These practicum placements are not just a quick tour or shadowing; they engage the student in direct work with clients, in policy development, and in program evaluation and development. Third-year students commit to 240 hours of service and fourth-year to 520 hours. Graduate students spend 500 hours honing their skills in hands-on practice. Practicum placements are true “win-win” relationships. Students not only receive practical experience in the agencies and glean wisdom from their mentors, but they also impact the very institutions where they are placed and the individuals they serve.


01 ____________________ Working hard to make a difference ____________________ Collaboration and teamwork are integral elements of the social work profession and are fostered in Rick Csiernik’s MSW research class.

Giving back is at the core of the social work profession and is a major component of the learning process at the School. Placement experiences are as varied as the institutions in which they take place. They provide crisis information and referral services to families accessing the food bank, assist people in navigating government systems at constituency offices, help new immigrants at community organizations, reach out to marginalized young people at youth centres, help patients with social and emotional issues, and assist with new policy initiatives at City Hall. The influence that the School of Social Work has in the community doesn’t stop there. Students infuse placement institutions with fresh ideas and new theories brought directly from the classroom. This often acts as professional development for the mentors and social service agencies, keeping them at the forefront of new and emerging theories and methods of practice. Faculty of the School also sit on community boards, are involved in community-based research, and provide workshops to agency staff. As change agents, Social Work students are encouraged to ask questions and to challenge

02 ____________________ BSW ____________________ Kate McKeon ____________________ Year 4 ____________________ Through her placement, fourth year BSW student Kate McKeon assists families and individuals at the London Food Bank.

ideas. Graduate students participate in program evaluations throughout London. Led by professor Claude Olivier, students take a critical look at programming being offered by agencies, evaluating and providing constructive feedback. Students also take it upon themselves to develop programs and initiatives aimed at affecting change and enhancing the lives of those in the community. The Social Work Student Association is extremely active both on campus and across London contributing to food drives, organizing fund-raising and sponsoring families in need. Social Work students involved in the Association also endeavor to raise awareness of social justice issues and have participated in Take Back The Night and Clothing Exchange initiatives. The School of Social Work at King’s doesn’t just educate future practitioners - it prepares them to be future leaders, advocates engaged in shaping their field and communities.






03 ____________________ School of Social Work ____________________

04 ____________________ BSW ____________________

Barbara Decker Pierce ____________________ Director ____________________

Melissa Brideau and Monika Meyer ____________________

Director of the School of Social Work, Barbara Decker Pierce, along with her team, has built a school envied by many.

Year 4 ____________________ Fourth year BSW students Melissa Brideau and Monika Meyer discuss their placement at the London Employment Help Centre with their field instructor Lucille Brennan.

05 ____________________ Nurture Nature ____________________ King’s students Stacey Case, Rachel Crawford and Robyn Glen take a break from their Social Work (BSW) classes to enjoy the campus green spaces.


Learning at King’s

____________________ Erynne Gilpin ____________________ Social Justice and Peace Studies and Modern Languages ____________________ Year 4 ____________________

This program doesn’t just happen within the classroom; it transcends the walls of the class and affects the student.

The Social Justice and Peace Studies (SJPS) program encourages critical reflection on structural injustices locally and globally, and calls for social action to transform the world in the interests of equity and the pursuit of peace. The program’s mandatory service component engages students in local issues of social justice and peace and an optional overseas or crosscultural service component engages students in hands-on learning outside of the classroom. In a global economy currently dominated by corporate capitalism and the pursuit of profit for its own sake, they will be prepared to join the struggle to elevate the common good, the survival of the planet and the pursuit of peace as more meaningful and worthy human goals.


After high school, I completed a Rotary exchange to Brazil; an experience that forced me to step out of my comfort zone of living in an affluent society. This journey sparked in me a desire to question the world around me. This drive to inquire fits well with my King’s experience. King’s offered a space to ask questions and to work through them. This community provides an avenue for self-growth and critical reflection all within a global context. Because my program specifically works to engage the world around us and to question mainstream thinking, it encourages students to engage in activities such as activism and clubs. King’s is a real hub for engaged education.

I am very active in the King’s community and have been able to participate in a number of experiential learning opportunities including the School of the Americas and a summer in Nicaragua. This type of learning environment provided self-growth and learning, and a chance to understand the theory we learn in lectures in a practical sense. This program doesn’t just happen within the classroom; it transcends the walls of the class and affects the student.

____________________ Mark Wood ____________________ Master of Social Work ____________________ Year 1 ____________________

I have learned how to think in a broader way about issues that individuals are dealing with in their everyday lives.

Established over 30 years ago, the School of Social Work has developed a reputation for graduating students with excellent academic and practice preparation. The School features programs at both the undergraduate and graduate level which have been accredited by the Canadian Association for Social Work Education. The School aims to provide a learning environment characterized by excellence in social work education directed toward developing and fostering principled and competent professional practitioners. Our graduates recognize the interrelatedness of human needs, social structures and oppressive conditions in their work with diverse populations. We strive to create a community of learners making a positive difference in the world.

I am originally from northern Ontario, and the unique perspective that I have gained as a result of my social work education at King’s will allow me to work in this underserviced area in a more creative and effective way. Learning how to work with individuals and families, as well as the broader community, will allow me to contribute to positive change at multiple levels simultaneously. While at King’s I have learned how to think in a broader way about issues that individuals are dealing with in their

everyday lives. I have developed the skills to work with individuals, groups, and how to engage in advocacy in order to move towards positive change. I have also developed the capacity to think about my own position in relation to social justice issues and how to work in a way that challenges, rather than reproduces, unjust systems and practices.


Learning at King’s

____________________ Barshan Quadry ____________________ Double Major Management and Organizational Studies and Political Science ____________________ Year 4 ____________________

There is a great focus on analysis and thinking outside traditional models of business.

A part of the Economics, Business & Math Department at King’s, Management and Organizational Studies (MOS) offers courses that follow a multidisciplinary approach. In addition to courses in business and commerce, students may also take courses in economics, mathematics, sociology, political science, history, geography, philosophy, psychology, and business ethics leading to a wellrounded educational experience. The Global Commerce stream offers a more distinctive and detailed focus on international business and opens the door to international studies at sister universities in Brazil or China.


I think that the King’s Global Commerce stream is very unique on campus and offers students like myself not only management skills and critical thinking, but the investigation of diverse perspectives needed to compete in today’s workforce. It is an interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary approach to business education with business fundamentals and a broader exposure in the liberal arts. Coming out of high school, I wanted a career in the financial sector but the international component of this program lured me to pursue an Honors Double Major in Global Commerce and Political Science. The program

flexibility gave me the opportunity to explore political science and helped me to be involved in my school and the London community. There is a great focus on analysis and thinking outside traditional models of business. Courses in cross-cultural relationships and human resources have been incredibly beneficial in my work today as President of the students’ council. I hope to put my degree into practice everyday as I strive to become a successful business leader.

___________________ Shanda Cahill ____________________ Catholic Studies for Teachers ____________________ Year 3 ____________________

King’s, to me, symbolizes social justice and peace, and a call to live in solidarity with one another.

The Catholic Studies for Teachers program provides students the opportunity to complete a BA (Honors) in Catholic Studies and another major of their choice with guaranteed admission to Western’s Faculty of Education to complete the Bachelor of Education (BEd) degree. Intended to prepare students for teaching in the Catholic school system, the program allows participants to choose either the Junior Intermediate or the Senior Intermediate streams in the BEd program.

My time at King’s has been a journey in faith. King’s, to me, symbolizes social justice and peace, and a call to live in solidarity with one another. I have been given wonderful opportunities to volunteer, take part in the celebration of mass, and share my faith with fellow students. King’s provides an atmosphere of a warm and welcoming community, and in my small classes I have been able to voice my opinion and to learn from the opinions and experiences of others. I have been able to build better relationships which have strengthened my ability to become a better leader.

In my community I have been able to lead in church-related activities such as the confirmation groups where I share in preparing the youth for confirmation. Because of my experiences and studies while at King’s, upon graduation I plan to join Teachers Beyond Borders so I might share that knowledge and attempt to help change the lives of others.


Learning at King’s

____________________ Kate Lawson ____________________ Foundations in the Humanities ____________________ Year 1 ____________________

The Foundations in the Humanities program gives us, as students, a voice in the classroom as well as a respect for the voices of others.

Foundations in the Humanities is an interdisciplinary approach to first-year studies that lets students explore the traditions of western civilization from three perspectives, all at the same time: history, literature, and philosophy. Students study the great events that have shaped the world, the great ideas that have changed how we think, and the great books that have defined the human experience.


A successful community must be able to discuss and resolve issues in a way that benefits the group as a whole. The Foundations in the Humanities program gives us, as students, a voice in the classroom as well as a respect for the voices of others. Through the guidance of our professors we are asked to look at some of the big issues and questions of western culture and to explore our thoughts on these issues. In a forum where everyone’s opinion has validity, we are given the foundation of how to critically discuss and dissect issues that will inevitably emerge in our lives. The structure of the program has linked history, philosophy and English

together, to create a foundational knowledge of western society from the Greeks to the present. The study of our culture’s foundations will enable each student to have a greater understanding of their community’s institutions, beliefs, and what is important to each individual. A broad understanding of the humanities brings a broad understanding and tolerance of people and their differences.

____________________ Julia Marie Di Gravio ____________________ Childhood and Social Institutions ____________________ Year 4 ____________________

King’s has provided me with the opportunity to become involved in and to become passionate about children’s rights.

Childhood and Social Institutions is part of the Department of Interdisciplinary Programs and is a cross-disciplinary, limited enrolment program designed to provide students with a useful academic foundation in the subject matter. The program combines new insights from recent studies of childhood and families in today’s society with the best of the more established perspectives to offer a timely, comprehensive and responsive academic experience.

King’s has prepared me to make a difference in the community by making me passionate about issues concerning children’s rights. It has opened my eyes to the concerns surrounding children in society. The guest speakers and student clubs provide opportunities to become involved in the community. By providing these opportunities, students get hands-on experience in their field of interest. The inspiration we as students receive from these experiences helps spark interest to pursue further education in our area of study. King’s has provided me with the opportunity to become involved in, and to become passionate about, children’s rights.

Participating in the Childhood and Social Institutions exchange this past summer was a learning experience that really shaped me. This program has seven CSI students and eight students from Malmo, Sweden, studying together, first here at King’s and then at the University of Malmo. It made me aware of other possibilities for early childhood education and the representation children have in society. The exchange helped foster my interest in being a child advocate and provided me with an international view of the field in which I wish to work.


King Student Life Centre

Darryl J. King Student Life Centre

G. Emmett Cardinal Carter Library

Games Mezzanine

Student Life Plaza

Joanne and Peter Kenny Theatre

The King Centre will become the new social and intellectual hub of the campus, a modern Green Roof day Athenaeum. Joan Smith Student Leadership Suite

BMO Financial Group Students’ Council Boardroom

Andy and Helen Spriet Learning Commons (below)

Café / learning lounge

Scheduled to open fall 2013, the 40,000 sq. ft. facility will be the social and intellectual hub for the King’s community. The King Centre is designed as a space for students and faculty to gather, learn and connect, and will integrate a learning commons, student services, as well as social, spiritual and recreational spaces. Designed by Perkins + Will in cooperation with London-based Cornerstone Architecture, the facility will meet LEED certification standards, will be conveniently connected to the Cardinal Carter Library and will include the following amenities: • The Joanne and Peter Kenny Theatre will provide a permanent home for the King’s Players. This space will also allow King’s to host larger events for students and the broader community. • The Andy and Helen Spriet Learning Commons will link to the Cardinal Carter Library and will provide an informal space to meet, study and gather.


• The Joan Smith Student Leadership Suite will house the King’s University College Students’ Council (KUCSC) offices. • Many green elements and areas will connect to the environment including outdoor patios, garden areas and a green roof.

• The King’s Connection Store (formerly the ProShop) will sell King’s clothing and other promotional items. • Casual spaces will allow for students and faculty to gather, including a games mezzanine, fitness centre, breakout rooms and a café.


The King Centre is named after Darryl J. King (BA ‘97 History), President of Cambridge-based Logikor Inc., in recognition of his $1 million gift; the largest donation ever made by a King’s alum. With their $2.4 million contribution announced on September 12, 2011, the student community has played a major role in bringing this facility to reality. “The Student Life Centre has been a dream for many years,” notes Barshan Quadry, KUCSC President. “It will take our student experience to the next level and enhance all programs, services and operations tremendously. Limitless opportunities and possibilities lie ahead in the King Centre and our contribution towards the project is a great way for students present and future to leave a legacy.” The cost of the King Centre is an estimated $14.7 million, with $9 million to be raised through philanthropic support.




01 ____________________ Architectural 3D rendering ____________________

02 ____________________ Initial planning sketch ____________________

Linking to the Cardinal Carter Library will expand the areas for collaboration and learning.

King’s students have been involved in every step of the planning process in this space that is designed for their future.

Bottom image shows the cafĂŠ / learning lounge.



Sharing Ideas Faculty share their thoughts on what makes King’s unique.

01 ____________________ Department of Political Science ____________________ Dr. Erin Hannah ____________________ Global political economy and international relations ____________________

____________________ Department of Modern Languages ____________________ Dr. Ian Rae ____________________ Canadian literature ____________________ Dr. Ian Rae on the value of a liberal arts education…

“I think it’s essential that all students, regardless of whether they’re political science, history or business students, are responsible citizens. It’s important that students are aware of their role in the world and that their actions shape what’s going on around them. Politics, international politics in particular, I believe, help to build that awareness, as well as a global consciousness and a sense of self in the world.”

“The value of a liberal arts education is obviously something that is changing radically. What we are teaching now is critical thinking skills, the ability to express yourself in different formats. So, we’re really preparing students to think and write critically and to analyze for themselves, rather than giving the wisdom of the ages that’s been handed down. I hope that students love the novels and poems they read, but the truth of the situation is that the valuable things they’re learning are the ability to analyze those poems and understand the workings of language.”

An assistant professor in the Department of Political Science, Hannah’s research interests are rooted in the study of the global political economy and straddle the intersection of normative and analytic international relations theory. Her current research projects investigate the areas of global governance, global civil society and international trade.

Rae is an associate professor in the Department of Modern Languages and the Coordinator of the Canadian Studies Program at King’s. His expertise is in the areas of Canadian and English literature. He is presently writing a monograph on Anne Carson, as well as papers on Al Purdy, Alice Munro, and the creative economy in Canada.

Dr. Erin Hannah on why her area of teaching and research makes a difference…


02 03 ____________________ Department of Psychology ____________________ Dr. Laura Melnyk ____________________ Developmental psychology ____________________ Dr. Laura Melnyk on the facultystudent connection at King’s… “One of the unique things about King’s is the opportunity faculty members have to contribute to their students’ successes. Since I teach classes at all levels, I often see the same students throughout their years at King’s, which gives me a chance to really get to know them well. Since I know my students as individuals, I’m able to help each of them move in the direction they want to go. It’s been so rewarding for me to watch so many young people as they grow and develop their interests and specialties, and I really enjoy the opportunity to be a part of that experience.” Melnyk is an associate professor in the Department of Psychology. Her research and scholarly interests centre in the areas of forensic developmental psychology, children’s memory and suggestibility, eyewitness memory, and race recognition and line-up performance.

05 04 ____________________ Department of Philosophy & Religious Studies ____________________ Dr. Antonio Calcagno ____________________ Contemporary European Philosophy ____________________ Dr. Antonio Calcagno on the teacher/scholar model… “I would say the teacher/scholar model is the best model for a university setting. As an educator it keeps you current. You’re always aware of the latest research, and that will impact how you teach and what you teach. It also means you’re introducing your students to living ideas. They get to understand that the information and ideas are not just distant, historical facts, but belong to current, living debates, which are very exciting. It presents ideas in a way that is relevant to the students and their lives.” Calcagno, a professor in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, fo c u s e s h i s i nte re st s on 2 0 t h and 21st century continental European as well as Medieval and Renaissance thought. He works on questions of community and intersubjectivity, statehood, interiority, consciousness, humanism and post-humanism.

___________________ Department of Political Science ____________________ Dr. Ben Muller ____________________ Borders, security, biometrics and identity ____________________ Dr. Ben Muller on the best of both worlds… “One of the biggest things about King’s is that it has the best of both worlds. I really think that there is something unique about King’s in comparison to other smaller, comparable liberal arts institutions. I don’t think there’s much argument over the advantages of a small liberal arts community. It’s obvious to me how much easier it is to be able to get a read on how the students are doing, for them to feel like they can approach me. Sometimes those smaller schools lack the greater resources that King’s has due to its link with Western. That is a crucial link for me. I have access to resources and links with graduate students and all that has to offer, but am still able to walk to my classes and to run into my students regularly – I like that kind of intimate environment.” An assistant professor in the Department of Political Science, Muller’s teaching and research focus includes a combination of critical theory and contemporary global politics, influenced by questions of contemporary (in)security issues, borders and identities, and identification and surveillance technologies.

06 ____________________ School of Social Work ____________________ Dr. Dora Tam ____________________ Social work education and diversity issues in practice and research ____________________ Dr. Dora Tam on research and the classroom… “Research done by faculty not only builds upon an existing knowledge base, but provides experience that faculty can bring to the classroom. Our research also lets us know if the existing knowledge continues to be applicable. This ideology is also beneficial to our students. They start with research and move to real practice and experience and eventually on to build on their own research; often becoming published. Sometimes students will then take their published work to be presented at conferences and to groups, bringing the teacher/scholar model full circle.” Tam is an associate professor with the School of Social Work where she teaches both graduate and undergraduate courses. Tam is also a registered social worker and has practiced in the fields of family services, probation, hospital, and group home settings. Tam’s research involves violence against women issues, crosscultural practice and social work education, specifically professional suitability for social work practice.


Environmental Responsibility

The Greening of King’s Keeping the green in King’s is a priority for students, faculty and administration.

01 ____________________ The Green Team ____________________

02 ____________________ Solar panels ____________________

The King’s Green Team leads the way in green initiatives on campus.

Installed in 2010, these panels on the Wemple building are producing green energy, offsetting over 6.9 tonnes of carbon dioxide.

Back: Michael Dahms Sarah Morrison Todd Morrison Corey Cooke Front: Andrea Jolliffe Julie Siverns Not pictured: Chris Bishop Sandy Anderson

Since its inception in 1954, King’s has been inextricably tied to its surroundings. The Thames River and the mature trees are just as much a part of our history as the buildings, faculty and staff. We have, and continue, to make great efforts to protect and enhance our natural surroundings. It is our duty to keep the green in King’s, preserving our environment for students, staff and faculty of the future. Green team – This committee leads the charge on many of King’s green initiatives and has earned its Chair, Sarah Morrison, an Honourable Mention at the Western Green Awards (2010). “The Green Team has been a great way for me to contribute to the King’s community and engage people in caring for the environment. Our team has taken on many projects this year, and I am proud to say we achieved our fundraising goal of $2,000 to be matched by ReForest London to plant trees on campus. David Suzuki would be proud!” – Sarah Morrison, Chair, Green Team


Tree Fund – Through various campus initiatives (including water bottle sales), the Green Team collects funds to purchase more trees on campus. Since its inception, the Fund has raised over $2,000 that is matched dollar for dollar by the City of London’s ReForest London project. Campus plant sale – The King’s Green Team hosts an annual perennial plant sale to support local plant life and sustainable gardening. The initiative raised over $300 in 2010 for the Green King's Tree Fund. On-campus recycling – Numerous on-campus recycling programs have been established to help reduce our footprint on both the local and global environment These programs include: Ink & Toner Collection – New for 2011, Physical Plant collects used ink toners from on-campus photocopiers and printers, and also accepts household printer cartridges for recycling.

Cell Phones and batteries – Drop boxes on campus are used to collect used cell phones and batteries that are then appropriately recycled. Light bulb recycling – The Physical Plant department has partnered with Aevitas Inc. to provide recycling of oncampus materials such as light bulbs from classrooms, dorms and offices. Since 2008, over 2441 bulbs have been recycled accounting for 637 kg of recycled glass, metals and chemicals. Green Up – Conceived in 2006, these biannual events bring the King’s community together each fall and spring to comb the campus gathering misplaced garbage and recyclables. S o l a r – King's has invested approximately $80,000 in a solar panel system located on the roof of the Wemple building and which is now producing some of its own electricity. Since installation, it has produced 11,281 kWh of electricity. The energy cost savings will pay for the initial capital costs of the system.

01 02



02 03 ____________________ Each fill-up helps ____________________

04 ____________________ Steps from nature ____________________

With each fill-up, waste is prevented from hitting the landfill. Over 4,300 disposable water bottles have been saved since this water station was installed summer of 2011.

Nestled next to the Thames, the King’s campus is filled with serene green spaces, mature trees and gardens.


Accountability and Stewardship

King’s University College is committed to responsible fiscal management ensuring a vibrant future for students, faculty and staff. The 2012 Globe and Mail Report puts King's at the head of the class.


Categories (as published in the printed report)

Class Size A+ Campus Atmosphere A Libraries A Quality of Teaching & Learning A Student-Faculty Interaction AMost Satisfied Students A-



Other 2.3%

Employee Benefits 14.8 %

Ancillary 7.6%

Capital Fund Transfer 5.6%

Property Operations 6.5%

Total Revenue $42,778,369.00

Total Expenses $40,249,233.00 Western Service Fee 8.8%

Student Fees 54.1%


Grants 36.0%

Support Services 13.3% Ancillary 7.2%

For full details see audited financial statements at

Instructional 43.8 %

Student Awards 1,948,828.96


Support from our alumni and community helps keep our students at the head of the class. Thank you to those who continue to support our King’s community. This year, over 500 students received financial support totalling over $1.9 million.





Foundation Scholarships


Other Financial Aid Bursaries and Scholarships







what $$$ supports Student Life Campaign 52%

Foundation 4.75% Employees 3.82%

Alumni 46.02%

OTSS Scholarships 27%

Municipal 3.67% Provincial OTSS 13.51%

Giving Source $1,657,764.78

Giving Designation $1,657,764.78 Org. 6.90%

Building Faith, Building Futures 4%

Friends 13.64% Parish 7.69%

Parish 8%

Non-designated 7%


Since 1954, King's has been a place to connect, with new ideas and with people, who want to make a difference. Our students, faculty and staff make a difference throughout London and in communities around the world.

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Contact us: King’s University College at The University of Western Ontario 266 Epworth Avenue, London, Ontario Canada, N6A 2M3 Phone: 519-433-3491 Toll free:1-800-265-4406


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