Principal's Report 2012 - FINAL

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Principal’s Report 2012

Principal David Sylvester strolls through the King’s campus with students Janine Melo and Erika Lange.


The Catholic Intellectual Tradition Contemporary universities worldwide claim a direct connection to medieval institutions that were founded ‘from the heart of the Church’ 1 and mirror in form and function their precursors. Almost a thousand years later and still recognizable in universities are the disciplinary faculties, the role of professors, and even the types of degrees conferred upon graduating students. Not all universities, however, still celebrate a link to the canon of knowledge commonly described as the Catholic Intellectual Tradition. This rich repository of learning is rooted in writings of classical Greek and Roman thinkers, shaped by Judaic and Islamic wisdom, and characterized by a legion of philosophers, playwrights, theologians, political theorists, activists, and historians, but which includes the likes of Thomas Aquinas and Dorothy Day, the Venerable Bede and Flannery O’Connor. This Catholic Intellectual Tradition is, in reality, a two-thousand year conversation that continues today and seeks to understand the relationship between humanity and the world and that searches for meaning in our lives. It is a tradition that has been at the forefront of the great scientific discoveries in history, but which also explores and tries to answer the transcendent questions humans confront, such as ‘does God exist?’ and ‘what is the nature of good and evil?’ The Catholic Intellectual Tradition is foundational to the course of study at Catholic universities around the globe, and is alive and well here at King’s. Ex corde ecclesiae (ECE) is Latin (from the heart of the Church) and is the title of the Vatican’s Constitution on Catholic Higher Education. 1

Graham Broad, Assistant Professor of History, discusses the recently restored Graduale Romanum with students Emily Robinson, Montana Woodhouse and Philip Palmer in the Eaton Special Collections Room located in the Cardinal Carter Library.

King’s University College was established in 1954 as Christ the King College. Though much has changed over the last six decades, King’s continues to celebrate its founding mission as a Catholic university college open to all and committed to the creation of a vital academic community animated by a Christian love of learning and the pursuit of truth. The College fosters an environment based on open inquiry, Christian values and service to the larger community. Our goal is to be the finest Catholic institution of higher learning in Canada. (King’s, Vision, Values & Learning)


Keeping faith with the past with eyes (and minds) on the future What does it mean to be a Catholic university in this day and age? The Catholic university remains academically significant because it is a place that consciously cultivates an education linking the best of what we have learned in the West in conversation with the Rest (to paraphrase Niall Ferguson) with what is yet to be discovered. Far from antiquated or dated, the wisdom of the great minds of the past can speak to issues of our day and offer an invaluable point of departure for current students and future leaders. In other words, a Catholic university education does indeed look to the past, but its eyes are focused squarely on the future. Moreover, Catholic universities embrace essential principles that position students and faculty to transcend this historical content to take up the big questions of our own day and tomorrow. Let me name just three ingredients that I believe are essential to Catholic university education: TRUTH IN ALL THINGS: The very DNA of an institution like King’s requires it to be more than a place to acquire job skills and training. Ex corde ecclesiae1, says it best, “It is the honour and responsibility of a Catholic university to consecrate itself without reserve to the cause of truth.” (ECE, 4) All faculty and all students, in all disciplines, are challenged to make this their goal, to seek truth in whatever subject they choose to study. This commitment to seek the truth in all things is why Catholic universities like King’s are unreservedly committed to the principle of academic freedom; it is the cornerstone of the serious questioning that must take place on a university campus. DIGNITY OF THE HUMAN PERSON: A Catholic university begins with a foundational understanding that human beings are inherently worth something. This starting point has profound implications for how we approach research questions and the types of programs we offer – at King’s, think Social Work, Childhood and Social Institutions, and Thanatology (Grief & Bereavement), but also Philosophy, Literature, and, yes, Business. This respect for the human person is also behind an institutional commitment to diversity, to accessibility, to social justice, and to building up the common good. It is also why Catholic universities like King’s have been leaders in service learning and outreach programs, which connect the classroom with communities in greatest need. All members of the Catholic university community are continually challenged to build professional and personal relationships based on integrity and respect. 4

One of the greatest qualities of King’s is the nature of this community that has been built over many decades. INTEGRATION OF KNOWLEDGE: Catholic universities around the world are known for their excellent interdisciplinary programs, notably in the humanities and sciences. Such programs are informed by the two principles mentioned above. People are not the sum of their parts, but whole individuals. Truth is not the reserve of any particular subject area, but rather can be discovered through different courses of study. Put these ideas together and you have an education program – Catholic higher education – that breaks down the walls between disciplines in order to achieve a deeper, more holistic understanding. History, psychology, sociology, mathematics, and so on shed light on a subject or problem in their own way. Bring these disciplines into dialogue and together they can inform each other and, ultimately, provide greater knowledge and even wisdom. An educated

woman and man is one that can participate in this wideranging conversation, mastering a particular subject, but also appreciating how other scholars approach problems. Finally, there is a dimension to a Catholic higher education that we cannot ignore and that makes it arguably the most relevant and appropriate education available today. I don’t need to convince you that we need ethical leaders today, whether in business, politics, education, or in our neighbourhood associations. Catholic universities do not shy away from the proposal that they are called to help shape the character of their students; it is all about the formation of the whole person, after all. This education includes the intellectual, spiritual, physical and moral aspects of the young people who come to campus. It is not a doctrinal exercise where students are told how to behave, but an invitation to reflect upon the ethical and moral implication of actions and ideas, through study, reflection, action, and even

prayer. Ethics should hold a place of pride in every Catholic university, as it continues to do so here at King’s. For these reasons, King’s University College is pleased to call itself a Catholic university. We believe that it is our Catholic character that provides us with an inside advantage on educating intelligent, reflective, courageous and compassionate graduates: young women and men who are not only prepared to achieve academically and find meaningful employment, but who are not afraid to take on the difficult challenges offered up by an increasingly complex world.

Dr. David Sylvester principal king’s university college


Navigating bright futures – guided by a constellation of ideas Faculty member Robert Ventresca leads a discussion about the integrated research paper – a unique opportunity for students to research and write on a topic of their choice, but with an intentional interdisciplinary focus.

King’s Foundations in the Humanities program is creating an enthusiasm for learning and a community of scholars


Learning in the Foundations in the Humanities program unfolds like a starry night. The classroom is akin to an inky sky where ideas are presented like constellations – each providing direction for a cohort of students charting a course and exploring their studies. Launched in 2011, this first-year program is unique in that participants take an interdisciplinary approach to learning, exploring the traditions of Western Civilization from three perspectives: history, literature, and philosophy. From classical antiquity through the Twentieth Century, the cohort navigates a wide spectrum

of topics, which may even include music, theatre, and architecture. This environment fosters learning that gives a true sense of the times. This unique, alternative model of learning harkens back to a methodology used by many of the great thinkers of the past. “It is really preserving a tradition,” notes faculty member Graham Broad. “This style of learning is a true liberal arts approach that unifies and integrates many different disciplines, creating a very rich learning experience.” Students do not have to choose one particular area of focus in the program. This approach allows for

exploration and the ability to satisfy the curious nature of the typical student. This environment also allows for topics to mix and methodologies to combine. “King’s uniqueness allows for a program like this to exist,” states Robert Ventresca, a history professor in the program. “The small environment and even the physical space in which the campus is organized allows for ideas to be shared and for different subject areas to easily rub shoulders. Topics and ways of thinking are not segregated; rather they are encouraged to intermingle.” The strength of the program goes beyond methodologies and subjects, and extends to the environment it fosters. It is a connected community filled with inquiry and camaraderie where students form strong bonds with their peers and produce a great deal of knowledge in the process. “These students are keenly interested and are excited

by ideas,” says Claudia Clausius, who leads the group in the study of literature. “They are truly motivated by high standards and relish the challenges of the program. They are filled with a sense of wonder that is inspiring.” Drive and determination, along with the thrill of learning, reach their peak and are on full display in integrated research papers, a major component of the program. These budding scholars also choose their own topics, allowing the opportunity to truly explore areas of interest. “We, as faculty members, are here to help the group perform to their highest potential and to help guide them,” Clausius continues. Like the sextants or almanacs used by explorers of the past, the Foundations in the Humanities program is an important tool used as these bright scholars navigate their own learning journey. 7

92% of senior-year students would choose King’s if they were to start their university career over.

94% of senior-year students are happy with their King’s education. NSSE results as part of Maclean’s university rankings.


Warsan Amin Philosophy | Year 4 I truly believe that my program has expanded my thinking in ways I did not believe were possible. My other classes have taught me facts that broadened my horizon of understanding, but philosophy deepened it. Philosophy has allowed me to understand the foundation behind everything I was learning, observing in the media, and encountering in my daily life.

Jason Chartrand Honors Specialization in History | Year 4 My program is unique in the sense that you can literally study almost anything through the lens of history in order to deepen your understanding about the past. I have been able to study a wide range of subjects historically that have contributed towards my ability to think about many different topics in the present.

King’s has been nothing but a positive experience for me and has been a wonderful influence on my life both in and outside of school.

King’s has been nothing but a positive experience for me and has been a wonderful influence on my life both in and outside of school. I have made many new friends through extracurricular activities with the JMS Careless History Society and Campus Ministry. I have met many students from other faculties, and become more practiced in managing my time properly between these friends, my family,

Instead of simply learning about a subject, I was also learning how to learn, and learning how to think critically. King’s has showed me how to work from the ground up, so that the difference that I make does not become a fleeting moment. Making a difference means making a change that lasts.

I truly believe that my program expanded my thinking in ways I did not believe were possible.

At my high school, King’s always had a great reputation, so I knew that I was steering myself in the right direction. Now that I am graduating, I will most certainly be reinforcing the same reputation to all perspective students. At King’s, the Philosophy program is designed to introduce you to the perennial philosophical questions as well as to leading philosophical thinkers. Although the professors share many common ideas, no one specific philosophical orientation is taken in the overall program. Philosophical inquiry into the nature of the human person, freedom, and ethics can help clarify the thinking of those who contemplate a variety of careers.

and my work. King’s has prepared me to make a difference in the world around me by fostering an appreciation for the complexities of the world and by helping me to develop a critical method by which to try and resolve problems in that world. The History program at King’s has a long and proud tradition of enabling students to search the past and, in so doing, to find their future. Taught by a dedicated, award-winning faculty, students are acquainted not only with knowledge of the past, but also the fundamental skills which are essential to success in any field: historical thinking, critical analysis, research methods, as well as effective verbal and written communication skills. 9

Garett Hunter Political Science with a Minor in Philosophy | Year 4 The Political Science program at King’s offers an excellent opportunity for students to develop skills inside and outside of the classroom. The tight-knit nature of students enables anyone entering the program to feel welcomed. The academic rigor of the program ensures that students are prepared for life after King’s. Simply put, King’s has provided me with skills, both inside and outside the classroom that have given me the confidence to Simply put, achieve my goals in life.

King’s has

Sarah Mycio Specialization in English Language and Literature, Minor in Psychology | Year 4 One of the main reasons that I decided to study at King’s was the fact that it boasted smaller class sizes and a more intimate style of learning. Seeing as I am now in my fourth year and still in touch with professors from first year, I would agree that there is something very unique about the interactions that occur on King’s campus. The passion that the professors express for their areas of study is infectious. The vast English education that I have received in my undergrad has birthed in me a desire to pursue Outside of the my studies further in the years classroom, the to come.

Somewhere between Beowulf’s conquests and Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, I fell madly in love with English literature. If anything, that spark has only fanned into flame, and the more I study the development and complexities of literature, the

The small class sizes at King’s provided me with offer a unique opportunity for skills, both inside students to develop long-lasting and outside the friendships with their peers and a good working relationship with classroom that their professors. The variety have given me of extracurricular activities the confidence offered at King’s that relate to to achieve my political science ensures that your education will not be limited goals in life. to the classroom. The program encourages students to engage with a wide range of viewpoints and in so doing, has helped shape my perspective on the world.

environment and atmosphere at King’s is one that is full of life and opportunities to get involved.

more my passion grows. There is something more to my love for English literature however than the legacy and tradition that these authors have left. My education has been so remarkable because of the King’s professors that have challenged and encouraged me throughout my university career. Outside of the classroom, the environment and atmosphere at King’s is one that is full of life and opportunities to get involved. Part of the Modern Languages Department, the Specialization in English Literature program engages students in the study of the full range of authors from Old English and Medieval, through all the historical periods and genres of the discipline up to the contemporary time. Students are introduced to all the major figures of the tradition – from Beowulf, Shakespeare, Milton, Woolf, Beckett – as well as the major critical schools of thought from Plato to Derrida.


Political Science at King’s is a vibrant community of students and award-winning faculty that offers opportunities to question and debate policy choices and to examine alternative futures for our society. The Department is committed to real student engagement and active learning. Our faculty supports an active student club and a debating society where vibrant discussion, contentious, timely public lectures, and visits to major political institutions take place frequently. We aim to help students develop in all aspects of life – intellectually, socially, and personally.

Rebecca Curcio Honors Double Major in Criminology & Psychology | Year 4 My experience at King’s has been excellent. I have been able to develop relationships with my teachers and receive feedback that better directs and refines my work. The courses offered are interesting, and cover current topics. My education at King’s has truly transformed my thinking. I now have a more King’s has critical view of our world that drives me to right wrongs, and inspired me to to go out into the world and be active in the “do good” for others. King’s has pursuit of justice. inspired me to be active in the pursuit of justice, rather than complacent with the current injustices being committed.

Renfang Tian Economics | Year 4 In Econ 4405, students have the opportunity to receive one-on-one instruction and benefit from the direct guidance of their supervisors. One of the most important ways in which King’s has prepared me to make a difference is by providing opportunities to learn and to put knowledge into practice. I am currently working as an RA, a role I received through the International Students Work Experience (IWE) program. I also work as a tutor for the Economics Tutoring Centre.

I truly do hope to leave some positive impact on people’s lives one day. I feel confident that my time at King’s has greatly facilitated the accomplishment of my dreams. Criminology at King’s is a part of the Department of Sociology. This Department has developed a distinctive program which provides students with a high-quality liberal arts education and encourages them to develop a sociologically sensitive understanding as well as valuing human freedom and social justice.

At King’s, people are very enthusiastic, friendly, and helpful. This atmosphere encourages me to be active, confident, and of course, driven to learn. I have met many excellent professors during my time in the program. Each leads with their knowledge, This is a place good character, and passion. I where we can have also met many Economics enrich ourselves students who really dig into in a variety of ways. their subject. These influences have made me fall in love with the discipline and have encouraged me to study intensively. King’s, and the King’s Economics program, continue to shape me into an active and confident person who has the desire for knowledge.

King’s is a community of enthusiastic people who have a passion for their studies, community activities, as well as their life here. This is a place where we can enrich ourselves in a variety of ways. The Economics program at King’s is a part of the Economics, Business & Math Department (EBM). EBM degree options can lead to successful careers in business, government, the not-for-profit field, as well as post-graduate studies in business or economics. Consistent with the goals and values at King’s, EBM class sizes aim to maximize opportunities for student-faculty interaction and keep student to instructor ratios low. Through innovative partnerships and initiatives, EBM students enjoy numerous opportunities for an enriched university experience.


Campus ministry: a tie that binds From seaport to field, from the construction of foundations, to the erection of a skyscraper, knots are used to strengthen, connect, support and to make the burden of labour a little lighter. As King’s continues to grow, Campus Ministry is one of the knots that keeps us connected to our mission, our heritage, our community, and to each other.

Father Michael Bechard leads a dedicated team serving the King’s

“We are a community because of our Catholic identity and mission. King’s would not exist without the Church’s promotion of who we are and what we represent,” states Father Michael Bechard when asked the role of Catholicism on campus. “It is more than a tie. It is the knot that holds us together and shapes all of our decisions. The person of Jesus and the values of the gospel are tied up in our mission.” This Catholic tradition is celebrated and nurtured by the dedicated team in the Office of Campus Ministry. “We desire to address and support the whole person. Our role includes bringing people together in prayer 12

and London community.

and is about so much more. It is about helping people to see the importance of the Spirit in their lives and that our vision as students, staff and faculty should always be looking outward to transformation in the community. We do this within the Catholic tradition, which by its very nature is inclusive and seeks to build bridges with members of the Church, members of other Christian churches, other people of faith and those that are seeking the good.” Through a wide variety of on-campus and outreach programs and services, Campus Ministry has created places for the community to explore its faith. They create spaces for the soul

to grow and breathe and a place for faith to come alive. Programming like the Religious Life Lecture Series, Come & Serve, monthly outreach to The Hospitality Centre and the Pine Channel Experience are all places for students and community members to explore, find hope, grow and be nourished. “We need to keep challenging ourselves to put our studies and our prayer into concrete service. It’s about faith in action,” says Bechard.

work in community with each other, that we cannot be that witness for others.” Bechard continues, “We have yet to do this well but we’re trying.” With a strong team, passion and a love for the Church and the community, Campus Ministry will continue to be a tie that binds.

Beyond providing programming and opportunities to explore faith, Campus Ministry strives to act as a model for what it means to live spiritually and creates a milieu where these issues and these priorities are kept in mind. “We meet for two hours every second week where we look at what has happened in the community and what is coming up. We begin with prayer and then a conversation about what “we bring to the table”. Though far from reaching the goal, we recognize that if we are not striving to live and 13

The Catholic tradition, by its very nature, is inclusive

14 14

Mark Yenson, PhD Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies Areas of interest: The theology of the early Church and the theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar Mark Yenson on how research impacts the classroom… “The historical aspects of my research help me to situate Christian thought and practice within cultural, political and social contexts. I also take a cue from the theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar, who wanted to retrieve aesthetic experience and symbolic modes of knowing in theology: I tend to use visual art and music a good deal in my classes to represent the Christian tradition and to raise theological questions.” As an assistant professor in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies and as a theologian, Yenson is tasked not to convince people of the rightness of Christian truth-claims, but to highlight the richness and intellectual robustness of the Christian tradition and to encourage dialogue that will transcend easy categorizations and polarization. In his research, he explores the development of understandings of Jesus in the Christian tradition.

Lynne Jackson, PhD Department of Psychology Area of interest: Social Psychology Lynne Jackson on the teacher/scholar model… “To me, the faculty-scholar model means that there is a synergy between research and teaching. As scholars, faculty members are able to share with students the living cultivation of knowledge. Through exposure to the cuttingedge scholarship of the day, students recognize the contemporary relevance of scholarship and so they are empowered to lay claim to their own emerging roles in cultivating knowledge. In turn, engagement with students energizes faculty to remain fresh and creative in their roles as researchers.” Jackson is an associate professor in the Department of Psychology and her research focuses on prejudice and intergroup relations. In particular, it examines the connections among intergroup and environmental ideologies and their roles in perpetuating or challenging various forms of inequality and injustice.


Xing Jiang, PhD Department of Economics, Business & Math Area of interest: Statistics and Actuarial Science Xing Jiang on how international students enrich the King’s community… “King’s has been very fortunate to welcome some of the greatest students from around the world to campus. This is a true testament to how good we are as an institution. Not only do visiting students receive a wonderful education at King’s, but they also enrich our community. They allow us all to share in their cultures, faiths and traditions while they in turn get to experience our Canadian traditions. This is a tremendous opportunity for all students, faculty and staff to gain valuable worldviews, to learn from each other, and to appreciate other cultures.” An associate professor of Statistics and acting chair of the Department of Economics, Business & Math, Xing’s research focuses on statistics and actuarial science. Actuarial science, the discipline that applies mathematical and statistical methods to assess risk, is often applied in the insurance and finance industries and is essential in the understanding of financial mathematics.

Jacquetta Newman, PhD Department of Political Science Areas of interest: Social movements, political agency, and identity Jacquetta Newman on how her area of teaching and research makes a difference… “I hope that this area of study will help to broaden the scope of what is considered legitimate political activity from solely participating in elections. To illustrate that the common people as a whole should be trusted and given a stake in the organization of their societies and lives, and that only when everyone is given a voice and role we will have democracy. This area also helps to ensure that we don’t lose track of gender as a significant issue in our politics.” An associate professor in the Department of Political Science, Newman is interested in why people behave the way they do politically and how people construct themselves as political actors. This is intrinsically about how the interactions between states and societies come to form individual consciousness and collective action. Recently, her published work has focused on the issue of gender and how women have defined and are defining themselves as political actors. Past work has also included peace and the women’s movements.


Robert A. Ventresca, PhD Department of History Area of interest: Modern Europe Robert Ventresca on the uniqueness of King’s and the value of a liberal arts education… “As a graduate of King’s and now as a member of this community, I believe that King’s is unique for its successful balance of continuity and change as we strive to preserve and promote a venerable Catholic liberal arts tradition that has animated university education for centuries. What makes a liberal arts education so valuable in the present-day is its appeal to certain universal principles and values, above all is the development of the whole human person through study and community. Whether in its traditional or more modern form, a liberal arts education invites a community of scholars – faculty, students and staff – to engage broadly with the many distinctive branches of knowledge; to think analytically and logically about reality; to interrogate itself and the assumptions of the world in which we live; to see commonalities in the human experience, while appreciating its rich diversity.” An associate professor in the Department of History, Ventresca’s research interests have a particular focus on the history of fascism, postwar Italian and Cold War politics, and the history of the Catholic Church in the modern era, including Jewish-Catholic relations.

Joseph Michalski, PhD Department of Sociology Areas of interest: Sociological theory, violence, law and social control, and poverty Joseph Michalski on how research impacts the classroom… “The most important thing I stress in the classroom is the unbridled joy and fascination with the intellectual journey. The extant research helps our discussions to remain grounded in reality rather than being preoccupied exclusively with the metaphysical. I try to convey to my students that I am always learning too, i.e., that I am not privy to some sort of Absolute Truth even in the fields in which I’m an alleged expert. I have a responsibility to share with our students that which we “know” from the best and latest research, while at the same time pointing out the limitations to our (and my) understanding of the substantive issues.” As associate professor and Chair of the Department of Sociology, Michalski notes that a liberal arts education ideally stimulates one’s creative impulses and inspires people to ask questions and explore issues in ways that they may not have imagined previously. If we are truly successful in our mission, then I think we both help inspire creativity and the recognition of the discipline required to help channel those creative impulses in productive ways to build knowledge. I’m of the opinion that creativity without discipline produces fleeting glimpses of artistic and intellectual genius that have little enduring value, while discipline without creativity yields to the monotony of the mundane. 17

Moving to the beat of the music and the heart

King’s University College Chamber Choir

Music has the power to move you. From the funk groove that gets your toes tapping, to the earworm jingle that has you humming all day, and the classical choral composition that waters the eye, music has the power to elevate the spirit. For the past two years, the King’s University College Chamber Choir has been filling the community with song. “This was really the idea of Principal Sylvester,” notes conductor and artistic director Janet Loo. “He saw the impact that a chamber choir could have on a community at his previous role and thought that King’s could benefit from a similar group.” While the group has only been in existence since 2010, it has quickly become an integral part of the King’s community. “Staff, faculty, departments and families have all been brought together at the concerts,” notes Loo. “The music brings the college together.”


Part of the choir’s mandate is also to reach out to the broader community. Concert proceeds are regularly donated to local charitable organizations who also benefit from awareness that the events bring to their cause. Admission is always pay what you can, which keeps the event accessible to everyone. “Beautiful music has the capacity to reveal profound truths about the human condition not found in any textbook,” says Principal David Sylvester on the importance of the group and the music. “How can we respond to the blessings this choir brings to our community, but with gratitude.”

community and from the wider Western and London communities. The choristers perform works in a variety of styles and genres throughout the ages. Through the music, the words and the spirit, the Chamber Choir is moving the community and bringing people together and that is sweet, sweet music.

Beautiful music has the capacity to reveal profound truths about the human condition not found in any textbook.

The King’s University College Chamber Choir consists of auditioned choral singers from the King’s University College 19

King’s University College is committed to responsible fiscal management ensuring a vibrant future for students, faculty and staff Sundry 1.2%

Ancillary Operations 7.3%

Gifts from Foundation 0.8%

Investment Income 0.7%

Government Grants 35.4%

Revenue $44,326,769

Tuition 54.6%

Instructional 44.1%

Fund Transfers 6.9%

Service fee to Western University 6.7%

Expenditures $43,751,684 Employee Benefits 17.0%

Operation and maintenance of properties 6.3%

Shared Services 12.4% Ancillary Operations 6.6%

For full details see audited financial statements at 20

Municipal 2% OTSS 10%

Organizations 6% Foundations 3% Employees 3%

Giving $1,584,012

Alumni 53%

Parish 8%

Friends 15%

Student Awards and Bursaries Support from our alumni and community helps keep our students at the head of the class. Thank you to those who continue to support our King’s community. This year, over 500 students received financial support totalling over $2 million. Year ended April 30, 2012, with comparative figures for 2009-2011

2500 2.5

$ millions

2000 2.0

1500 1.5

1000 1.0

500 0.5

0 0

2009 Foundation Scholarships



Other Financial Aid

2012 Bursaries and Scholarships 21

King’s at a glance


97%+ King’s students are employed in a field related to their studies within two years of graduation

Faculty on Dean’s Honor Roll of Teaching Excellence

15,460.25 registrations across 388.5 sections – undergrad

39.8 Average class size


International students (includes full-time, part-time and exchange)

3,833 Total enrolment at King’s

$400,000+ 10% Total amount received in research grants by King’s faculty


Partnership agreements with Ontario Catholic secondary school boards


Percentage of students involved in international exchange

21.3 1 TO

Student to faculty ratio

The Globe and Mail Canadian University Report King’s received top grades in a number of categories within the Very Small grouping (enrolment under 4,000)





Most satisfied students*



Student/faculty interaction



Class size*

Quality of teaching and learning


Reputation with employers*



Recreation and athletics*

Buildings and facilities



Campus atmosphere

Work-play balance

Course registration


Instructors’ teaching style

* Top grade awarded 23

ince 1954, King’s has been S a place to connect, with new ideas and with people who want to make a difference. Our students, faculty and staff make a difference throughout London and in communities around the world.

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