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Year One Programs

Course selection in Year One is very flexible; however, some programs may have specific course requirements. The following information will help you determine your Year One course requirements. For most degree programs the only required first-year course would be the respective introductory course (i.e. Sociology module requires Sociology 1020, 1020W/X, or 1021E). For Economics, Management and Organizational Studies, and Psychology there are additional firstyear requirements as follows: One or more of Ontario Secondary School MCV4U, Math 0110A/B or the former Ontario Secondary School MCB4U will be required for most university-level math courses. MDM4U will be sufficient preparation for statistics courses required for Psychology.

Arts and Humanities

English • 1.0 from English 1020 to English 1999 • 4.0 additional courses (10001999)

French • 1.0 from French 1900E Language and Literature 1910 or University French I or French 1999 • 4.0 additional courses (10001999)

World Reliegion & Culture • 0.5 RS course (RS 1023E is recommended) • 4.5 addiontal courses (1000 to 1999)

Catholic Studies • 0.5 RS 1027E is recommended • 4.5 additional courses (1000 to 1999) Philosophy 1900E reommended for honours Economics • 1.0 course Economics 1021A/B and 1022A/B; • 0.5 course from Math 1230A/B or Calculus 1000A/B, 1100A/B; • 0.5 course from Math 1229A/B, 1600A/B, Calculus 1301A/B or 1501A/B Economics (Honours) & Financial Economics Specialization • 1.0 course Economics 1021A/B and 1022A/B; • 0.5 course from Math 1230A/B or Calculus 1000A/B, 1100A/B; • 0.5 course from Math 1229A/B, 1600A/B, Calculus 1301A/B, Calculus 1501A/B Finance & Wealth Management - New collaborative program with Fanshawe College • 1.0 course Business 1220E; • 1.0 course Economics 1021A/B, 1022A/B; • 0.5 course Math 1230A/B • 0.5 course Math 1229A/B Disability Studies • 0.5 DS 1010A/B Sociology & Criminology • 1.0 Sociology 1020, 1020 W/X, 1021E Catholic Studies For Teachers (CST) • 0.5 RS 1027E • 1.0 Phil 1300E is recommended • 3.0 additional courses (10001999)

Foundations in Western Thought and Civilization • English 1901E, History 1901E, Philosophy 1901E • 2.0 additional courses (10001999)

Social and Political Thought • Philosophy 1120F/G or any other first-year Philosophy course is recommended • 4.5 additional courses (1000 to 1999)

Philosophy • • • 1.0 Year 1 Philsophy

Social Science

• 3.0 additional courses (1000 to 1999)

• 3.0 additional courses (1000 to 1999)

• 2.0 additional courses (1000 to 1999)

• 4.5 additional courses (1000 to 1999)

• 4.0 addonal year 1 courses • 4.0 additional courses (1000 to 1999)

Psychology • 1.0 course Psychology 1000; • 1.0 Math 1228A/B and Statistical Science 1024A/B required for the Major, Specialization and Honors Specialization • 0.5 course from Writing 1020F/G, 1022F/G, 2101F/G • 2.5 additional courses (1000 to 1999)

History • 0.5 course from History 1401E, 1404E, 1601E, 1801E, 1812F/G, 1813F/G, 1814F/G, 1820F/G, or 1901E, or the former 1403E. • 4.5 additional courses (1000 to 1999)

Human Right Studies • 0.5 course in one of the participating disciplines or a 0.5 credit in a 1000-level essay course • 4.5 additional courses (1000 to 1999)

Political Science • 0.5 Political Science 1021F/G • 0.5 Political Science 1022F/G • 4.0 additional courses (1000 to 1999)

Thanatology • 0.5 Thanatology 1025A/B • 4.5 additional courses (1000 to 1999)

1.0 Social Justice and Peace Studies 1025F/G and 1026F/G 1.0 course from: CSI 1025F/G, Disability Studies 1010A/B, Economics 1021A/B and 1022A/B, First Nations Studies 1020E, Geography 1100, 1400F/G, 1500F/G, History 1401E, 1404 E or the former 1403E, 1601E, 1801E, 1812F/G,1813F/G, 1814F/G, 1900E, Philosophy 150F/G, 1150E, 1300E, 1360F, 1900E, 1901E, Political Science 1020E, Psychology 1000, 1000W/X, Religious Studies 1022A/B, 1023E, 1027E, Social Work 1025A/B, 1026A/B of the former 1021A/B & 1022A/B, Sociology 1020, 1021E or Women’s Studies 1020E; 3.0 additional year 1 courses

Childhood & Social Institutions

CSI 1025 F/G (restricted to students registered in the program) 4.5 additional courses (1000-1999)

Management & Organizational Studies

Finance & Administration • 1.0 course: Business Administration 1220E • 0.5 course from: Calculus 1000A/B, Mathematics 1230A/B • 0.5 course from: Calculus 1301A/B, 1501A/B, Mathematics 1229A/B, 1600A/B • 1 .0 course: Economics 1021A/B and 1022A/B • 2.0* additional courses in any subject numbered 1000-1999 (MOS1033A/B is strongly recommended) *Students requiring Mathematics 0110A/B may include this course with permission from the Department.

Organizational & Human Resources • 1.0 course Business Administration 1220E. • 0.5 from: Mathematics 1230A/B; Calculus 1000A/B • 0.5 from: Calculus 1301A/B, 1501A/B; Mathematics 1229A/B, 1600A/B • 1.0 course Economics 1021A/B and 1022A/B • 2.0* additonal courses in any subject numbered 1000-1999 *Students requiring Mathematics 0110A/B may include this course with permission from the Department. Global Commerce • 1.0 course Business 1220E • 0.5 from: Mathematics 1230A/B; Calculus 1000A/B • 0.5 from: Calculus 1301A/B, 1501A/B; Mathematics 1229A/B, 1600A/B • 1.0 Economics 1021A/B and 1022A/B. • 2.0* additional courses: in any subject numbered 1000-1999 (MOS 1033A/B and Political Science 1020E or 1021F/G and 1022F/G are strongly recommended) *Students requiring Mathematics 0110A/B may include this course with permission from the Department.

Accounting • 1.0 course: Business Administration 1220E • 0.5 course from: Calculus 1000A/B, Mathematics 1230A/B • 0.5 course from: Calculus 1301A/B, 1501A/B, Mathematics 1229A/B, 1600A/B • 1.0 course: Economics 1021A/B and 1022A/B • 2.0 additional courses in any subject numbered 1000-1999 (MOS1033A/B is strongly recommended)

Math 1225a/b transfer credit will be recognized for first-year Calculus requirement.

Social Work Year 3 Entry

Entry into the Social Work program (in year 3) is highly competitive. In year one, students interested in applying to Social Work must complete Social Work 1025a/b and Social Work 1026a/b, as well as a 0.5 course in Writing course (i.e., 1002F/G, 1020F/G, 1022F/G or 2101F/G).

Possession of first year requirements does not guarantee admission - interested students should read the BSW Admissions Guide. More information can be found here: https://socialwork.kings.uwo.ca/

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