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Kingswood School seeks to provide financial assistance towards the costs of fees where it is felt an individual would particularly benefit from a Kingswood education, and where there is a proven need for such financial assistance.
The School has no endowment, and the value and number of bursaries will be varied according to the strength of applications and the number of bursary holders already within the School. Bursaries are not available for pupils attending the Kingswood Preparatory School unless there are exceptional circumstances.
Bursaries normally range in value from between 10% and 50% remission from fees, but in exceptional circumstances, larger bursaries of up to 100% of the basic fees can be awarded. In some cases, the School will also work with a charity, such as the Methodist Central Bursary Fund or the Joint Educational Trust (JET), so that additional financial assistance beyond the School’s contribution is available. Charities which offer such bursarial assistance have their own criteria which must be met by parents. In addition to financial need, the School’s criteria for awarding bursaries are: • to enable very academically able pupils to benefit from the • education Kingswood has to offer; to enable pupils with a particular talent to benefit from the • education Kingswood has to offer; to widen the social spectrum benefiting from an independent education.
It is expected that families will have investigated all means of funding before requesting a bursary.
Application Process:
Eligibility is assessed via a Means Tested Declaration and an assessment of income and capital. This follows a procedure drawn up by the Independent Schools Bursars’ Association. Eligibility in principle may be confirmed separately to any offer of a place.
The decision to award (or not award) a bursary and the size of the bursary is then decided by the Principal, in consultation with key members of the Senior Management Team. It is important to note that not all who have a confirmation of financial eligibility will be offered bursaries, and in cases where a bursary is awarded, this may not be the amount originally requested.
Additional criteria are also considered:
•whether there are personal circumstances which warrant trying to enable a particular pupil to attend the School (either real need in the case of the child or obvious qualities which would • benefit the School community); whether the pupil has been given a scholarship. Some families are not dependent upon a scholarship being a monetary one. Others can only afford to send their child if the scholarship helps reduce the cost of the fees. Therefore, consideration is given as to whether a small monetary scholarship might be increased by the award of additional bursary assistance or whether the holder of an honorary scholarship should • also be offered bursarial support; whether the pupil has existing connections with the School (e.g. through the family) or strong connections and/or involvement in the Methodist Church.
Notification of any awards to be made will be sent to parents at the same time as the results of the entrance examination are released.
Duration of Awards:
A bursary, where awarded, is tenable for twelve months; normally it will be re-awarded if there has been no meaningful change in the family’s financial circumstances.
Requirements will be reviewed annually, which may lead to the bursary being renewed on the same terms or, if the financial situation has changed significantly, being decreased, or increased. As an exception, bursaries awarded for Year 10 and Year 12 will be in place for two years, to allow for the completion of GCSEs or A Levels. In these cases, families will be asked to confirm that there has been no change in the financial circumstances.
In addition, the School reserves the right to withdraw a bursary should
a pupil’s conduct or work prove unsatisfactory and where there is evidence that they are not making the most of the opportunities provided by the School.
We encourage families who feel that they may require the support of a bursary to send their child to Kingswood to discuss the matter with the Director of Admissions or Lower School Registrar well in advance of entrance assessments.
In some cases the School may recommend that a pupil be entered for consideration of a scholarship or special talent award as an alternative method of helping a family to afford the fees.
The school is unable to consider bursary applications from those who request a bursary only after their child has been offered or taken up a place.
Change in circumstances:
Families unexpectedly encountering a change in circumstances during a child’s school career may apply for a bursary. The nature of the change and the available bursary funds, will determine the response. Kingswood will try to assist if: • • the pupil is mid-way through externally examined courses there are strong pastoral reasons arising from the change in circumstances
It is important to recognise that bursaries will not be offered to parents where outstanding fees or other finances are owed to the School.
Kingswood offers a 10% discount off the basic boarding fees for boarding siblings. The school offers a discount for His Majesty's Forces and FCDO families. Further details can be found on the school website.
Kingswood Senior School Lansdown Road • Bath • BA1 5RG • UK
Admissions T: 01225 734210 • E: admissions@kingswood.bath.sch.uk www.kingswood.bath.sch.uk