5 minute read
Staff Farewells
Kingswood is a wonderful place to work and a difficult place to leave.
As a sign of the times, many of our staff farewells at the end of term took place online, but it was wonderful to be able to say farewell to our longer serving members of staff in person at the end of term assembly. The following words are an adaptation of the Headmaster’s valedictions to these members of staff.
…you are our link with the past, help to keep us rooted in our values and serve as a reminder of the rich and wonderful history of our school.
Jenica Messerchmidt KS 2020 – 2021 German Irene Ponce Asensio KS 2020 – 2021 Spanish Huw Cheston KS 2020 – 2021 Music Karen Sparkes KS 2020 – 2021 Biology Debbie Longland KS 2020 – 2021 Biology Gabby Telford KS 2020 – 2021 English Katherine Jenkins KS 2020 – 2021 RPE Nina Bremont KS 2019 – 2021 French Alinka Deane KS 2019 – 2021 Drama Liz Hunter KS 2019 – 2021 Art Anya Le Monnier KS 2018 – 2021 Sport Hazel Hughes KS 2016 – 2021 French & Spanish Samantha Fountain KS 2007 – 2021 Humanities Catherine Nash KS 2005 – 2021 Drama Clare Sergeant KS 2002 – 2021 ICT Jackie Reeman KS 1990 – 2021 Mathematics
Mrs Fountain
During her 14 years of service at Kingswood School, Mrs Fountain taught many subjects in our curriculum, including: Classical Civilisation, History, Geography, Religious Studies, EPQ and PSHCE.
Mrs Fountain took responsibility for the planning and delivery of Classical Civilisation, supported by the Head of Classics. During her tenure, Classical Civilisation was a popular subject, chosen by good numbers of students at both Year 9 and at GCSE where pupils benefited from her excellent subject knowledge. Perhaps not surprising that her two eldest sons are both classics graduates.
Mrs Fountain has also been a tutor in Westwood and Middle and contributed to our games programme over the years. Mrs Fountain, thank you very much and we wish you all the best.
Mrs Nash
Mrs Nash was appointed full-time Teacher of Drama from September 2005, then Head of Drama from September 2012.
She leaves having brought great joy to countless pupils and ensuring that the School’s reputation for Drama is first rate. During her time at Kingswood, she has been involved in 43 shows, 38 under her direction, 64 GCSE/A Level assessed shows, 2 New York trips, and countless trips to London, Bristol etc. for theatre productions.
Mrs Nash was also shortlisted as a finalist for the ‘Music and Drama Education Awards’ for ‘Outstanding Drama Education Resource’ for her work on KS3 Assessment and ‘Outstanding Drama Initiative’ for the Clarenwood Project (a drama partnership with Clarendon School).
Mrs Sergeant
Mrs Sergeant has had a variety of roles in her 16 years at Kingswood: Westwood tutor, Computer Science teacher, Senior Housemistress in Fonthill from September 2012 and Assistant Head (Pastoral) for the last two years. Whatever role she has done she has done it with professionalism, kindness and a genuine desire to help and support young people. She has been a ‘go to’ member of staff for so many pupils and staff over the years.
Mrs Sergeant has always contributed to the extra-curricular programme of the School through her commitment to Team Tennis, IT activities and, more recently, boarders’ trips.
Mrs Sergeant, thank you for all you have done.
Jackie Reeman with Former Headmasters Gary Best and Simon Morris and current Head Andrew Gordon-Brown
Mrs Reeman
Mrs Reeman started at Kingswood in September 1990 as a Maths teacher and led a very full Kingswood life as deputy of the Maths Department, and resident assistant in School House, leading the “Piazza” committee which organised weekend activities for boarders. Mrs Reeman is a first class Mathematics teacher and will be sorely missed by the Department. Always meticulous in her planning and delivery of lessons, supporting students to ensure the best possible outcomes for them were always a source of great joy for her. Indeed, she would have made a fantastic Head of Department. Nevertheless, her heart was always with the girls in School House, where she created a special bond with both the students in her care and the team of House staff and matrons she worked alongside. It’s no surprise that her 16 years as Senior Housemistress in School House was a special time in Mrs Reeman’s life and she made many great memories in the School House flat, including the births of both her children Lucas and Ella.
Throughout her time at Kingswood Mrs Reeman embraced all facets of the wider Kingswood life, whether taking a netball or hockey team, running a yoga session for the staff, running aerobics for a hundred girls in the Sports Hall, working with the girls to raise money for the Breast Cancer Unit at the RUH. The common denominator always being spreading joy to those around her and making special memories. Equally, Mrs Reeman will be missed by colleagues more widely as Chair of the Common Room. She led the teaching staff through the pandemic, always supportive of the staff in her care and it was testament to her organisational skills that she mobilised staff to create rounds of questions and made sure we had a staff quiz each week to lift people’s spirits but was always gracious enough to make sure her team didn’t win each week!
Mrs Reeman is a very special part of the fabric of Kingswood and will be sorely missed by the staff and students, and will always be welcome back to see us whenever she isn’t on her travels on her bike or in her camper van!