4 minute read
Headmaster’s Welcome
To write the introduction to the school magazine is one of the great privileges of being a Head Teacher. It has been quite a two years, in and out of Covid restrictions and having to react rapidly to remote learning and ‘bubble’ returns to school.
It would be naive to suggest that the Covid era has not had an impact on our school and our children. However, if you analyse our end-of-term data, it shows that the children have continued to make strong academic progress despite the interruption to their schooling and this has been down to three things: firstly, our staff have had to learn another way of operating and have quickly demonstrated resourcefulness and adaptability; secondly, parents have supported their children's learning as well as managing their own jobs and families; thirdly, our children have settled into a new way of working more independently, showing great resilience and determination. Finally, my management team were outstanding, adapting and reacting dynamically to a changing landscape.
So where does that leave us? There were, quite plainly, periods of tension with remote learning, school fees and Key Worker programmes, but every community or family has to work through unexpected times and events. I really feel that the teaching profession has had an injection of respect and that there is a greater appreciation of how skilful the staff at KPS are in bringing the very best out of our children.
What has been great fun has been the re-emergence of normal school life. There have been some beautiful and magical milestones: whole-school assemblies, wonderful singing, plays, musical concerts, sports events, charity walks and so much more. For the children to stand in front of large audiences after a two-year gap and perform with such poise and skill is testament to their enthusiasm and confidence. We have also had a number of residential visits and over-nighters, with Year 6 enjoying an epic week in Anglesey. Having missed out on similar experiences in Year 4 and Year 5, it was extra-special to spend time with their friends before departing to their senior schools. A highlight was the quite brilliant Summer Fair that was loved by the children and parents and superbly organised by our wonderful Friends of KPS. This group of parents go out of their way to bring people together and ensure that our community continues to thrive. Our end-of-term celebrations and services were particularly special. There was much laughter and general good fun with end-of-year parties, our traditional ‘dance off’, a quite remarkable and moving rendition of ‘Sweet Caroline’ at the Leavers’ Service, and a very well-attended Summer Ball.
We started the academic year with our new extended Nursery and administration area, further proof that we are continually striving to improve every aspect of our school. Our Pre-School experience is now second to none.

With two dedicated staff working with small groups and a diverse curriculum, the children will be brilliantly ready for Reception and their first year in the main school.
Welcoming new staff and children to our school is always a pleasure; they all settle in and feel part of the family so quickly, which says much about the warmth of the KPS community. This year we welcomed Dr. Torrance Jenkins, who has been tasked with inspiring our young scientists of the future. She is doing a magnificent job galvanising a love of practical, ‘hands on’ science. Mr Murphy has worked hard to revamp our STEAM Curriculum; our area upstairs in the Baines Learning Hub continues to focus on the technical and problemsolving skills required in a changing workplace. With Music, Sport, Art and Drama allocated equal billing, time and space in our busy days, together with our Extra Curricular Activities programme, the children have every opportunity to discover and develop the passions that they all have within. We welcomed Mr Gordon-Brown to his first year of ‘normal school’ without Covid. He has many exciting plans for the Foundation and various capital projects; we look forward to supporting these over the next few years. Our parents’ support of the new play areas known as the ‘Patch’ will mean so much to all parts of our community all year round.
Please enjoy this magazine, but remember that it can only give a flavour of our school; I would really recommend a visit and a tour as the best way to appreciate the whole KPS experience. The fact that we are currently fully subscribed is testament to our relentless desire to keep improving what we do and to maximise the benefit for our children, to value each child as the unique individual they are, and to bring out the very best in each of them in a kind and nurturing environment.

1 Headmaster’s Welcome
4 Pastoral 5 Staff News
6 English 10 Learning Support 11 Mathematics
15 Humanities 19 Science 23 STEM
26 Modern Foreign Languages 27 Art
31 Physical 33 Music
34 Drama 37 The Garden at Kingswood 40 Forest School 41 Recovering from a Global Pandemic 43 Residential Trip to Magdalen Farm 45 Goodbye to Year 6