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2021-22 saw the launch of the Science Department at Kingswood Prep. What a year it has been!
There are two factors that have made this year feel so utterly brilliant: firstly, Mr Breary’s aim that the new department should “get the children excited about Science”; and secondly the enormous scientific knowledge and curiosity that the children bring with them to each lesson.
Not only do we therefore have permission to go well beyond the confines of the National Curriculum into the areas of science that the children are fascinated by, but we also have the mental drive with which to do it. For the majority of the time, we have been more ‘channellers’ of enthusiasm rather than ‘instructors’. The ‘Looking Table’ is groaning with wild bird’s egg shells, shark egg shells, crab shells, snail shells, fossils, feathers, crystals, a shark’s skull and a preserved alligator's head to name but a few. As the famous chemist Rosalind Franklin said, “Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated” and this belief is very much upheld in the Science Department. We aim to have a practical element in all lessons: whether this is a fish dissection with Year 3, an investigation into the way liver can break down hydrogen peroxide in Year 4, using pulleys and levers to lift weights (and each other) in Year 5, or dissecting hearts in Year 6, the children have learned by doing.
The next three pages contain a selection of photographs of the children in action!
Mrs Dodge trained as a Science Ambassador under a scheme called ‘every child a scientist’ and has been leading our Science provision through Pre-School.
The children have investigated planting and growing, floating and sinking, magnetism, melting and rain clouds in a whole range of fun experiments. They have also been nature detectives whilst playing outdoors.
Pre-School had a fantastic Science afternoon in the KPS Science room with the Year 5 students, who set up lots of chemical reactions for them to investigate in a potion making workshop.
Our creative curriculum has enabled the children to explore and develop their scientific skills.

In the Autumn Term we learnt about materials, light & dark, trees and seed dispersal linked to our ‘Into the Woods’ theme. We made shadow puppets and the children pretended to be seeds and simulated how seeds can be dispersed. The highlight was a visit to Westonbirt Arboretum where the children took part in a workshop called ‘Marvellous Minibeasts.’ Throughout the year, children have enjoyed learning about different habitats including nocturnal animals and sea creatures. We were able to experience these during a trip to Bristol Aquarium and a visit from Hedgehog Rescue. During the Summer Term they enjoyed building junk model boats and testing their waterproof qualities.

Year 2 have had great fun investigating different aspects of Science.
The highlights of the year have been making electrical circuits, dissecting pollinating flowers to learn about the different parts, classifying animals and birds, and learning about food chains. We asked lots of questions and performed simple tests to help answer our questions.
We made a circuit with wires and attached it to a bulb - it lit up! CLAUDIA AND FLORENCE
We closed our eyes and found out that our pupils get bigger to let the light in! JONATHON

The children in Years 3-6 have achieved a great deal in Physics, Biology and Chemistry. The department’s links to the Senior School have meant that any existing ‘step’ up to Year 7 will now be a gentle ramp; indeed there are many times when we have gone well beyond Year 8 (just ask the Year 5s to chat about escape velocities and black holes!)
As I reflect on the year, Darwin the tortoise is crawling around my desk. Thanks to the expert care from the children, his shell is oiled and his enclosure is well stocked with food and water. Nothing can replace the ‘awe and wonder’ of seeing eggs hatch, letting a tortoise climb over them, or finding the first baby brine shrimp swimming round the tank. Studies show that encouraging children to take an interest in animals has a positive effect on their motivation and interest, and this has certainly been true at KPS. The children have learned to nurture and respect life, whilst becoming responsible animal carers. Seeing their faces as they watched chicks roll out of an eggshell was one of the very best moments of last year. Other highlights have been Fig W and Ben W’s participation in the WWF Global challenge, where they competed against children from around the world in a quiz about sustainability. The competition began with a message to all competitors from Sir David Attenborough himself!

The Year 6 Science Monitors managed to extract their own DNA from cheek cells which was rather brilliant. I am delighted to be able to share your children’s scientific journey at KPS, and cannot wait to see what they invent/create/ discover in the coming decades!