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How to Apply
We thank you for your interest in our Sixth Form and would be delighted to welcome you to our Sixth Form Open Day, our main school Open Day, or for a personal visit. Further details can be found here.
UK candidates looking to enter Kingswood Sixth Form will be invited to interview at Kingswood School in mid November. Offers will be extended based on the interview, predicted GCSE results and current school reports.
International students looking to enter Kingswood Sixth Form will take entrance papers in the three subjects they would like to study for A Level, and an appropriate English language paper if their first language is not English. Students can sit papers in their own country, invigilated at their current school, an agent’s office, or in a British Council Office.
Scholarships and Bursaries
Academic scholars are available as Single Subject or Overall Academic Scholarships, and require students to complete Scholarship Papers.
Sixth Form Scholarships are also available for Art, Drama, Design and Technology, Music and Sport. Full information in regards to the application process and eligibility are included in our Scholarships and Bursaries booklet.
Kingswood Senior School Lansdown Road • Bath • BA1 5RG • UK
Admissions T: 01225 734210 • E: admissions@kingswood.bath.sch.uk www.kingswood.bath.sch.uk
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