3 minute read

Giving Denne Residents a Voice




Who are we? The unparished part of Horsham has three Neighbourhood Councils - Denne, Forest and Trafalgar - who represent our residents in local matters and liaise closely with Horsham District Council and West Sussex County Council. See the map below to check if you live in the Horsham Denne Neighbourhood Council (HDNC) area or visit our website at www.hdnc.org.uk

The HDNC area includes: the Park, the Town Centre, Highwood development, Warnham Nature Reserve, the Bus and Railway stations, The Capitol, Hospital, Drill Hall, the Cricket Club, Causeway and St. Mary’s Parish Church, and part of the Riverside Walk.

OUR INVOLVEMENT INCLUDES: Planning applications; Highways; Youth; Older People; Horsham Park; the Town Centre; the Neighbourhood Wardens.

HDNC is currently involved in: improvements to the North Street and Railway subways; the Horsham Park Management Plan; the Pirie’s Place Development; the Town Vision; and the Horsham Enterprise Park proposals.

PARKING ISSUES Horsham Hospital – HDNC has been lobbying for several years for a change to the Hospital car park entrance to prevent traffic jams in Hurst Road. We are

pleased that a trial has taken place on reversing the entrance and exit and we hope that this will lead to a permanent alteration.


This major development of over 1,000 residences east of the A24 is in the HDNC area. We have worked closely with Berkeley’s, HDC and WSCC using our local knowledge to achieve improvements at all phases of the development.

We welcomed the successful opening of the long awaited Pump Bike Track in February, and support the work of sculptor Jon Edgar who, assisted by local people, is creating a unique work of art that will be the centre piece of the Southern Site.


HDNC and the Horsham Society were involved with HDC on enhancing the Remembrance Garden and Mill Bay. Much thought went into landscaping, the non-slip path, new bridges and lighting, as well as information boards and has created an interesting and peaceful area for people to enjoy.

RAILWAY STATION AND SUBWAYS HDNC has been involved in improvements to the

railway station and forecourt. We were instrumental in ensuring the station toilets were upgraded. We also strove to get seats in the bus shelters, a shelter for the taxi queue and sufficient cycle parking facilities. Together with Forest NC we succeeded in getting the flooding problem at the back of the station resolved. The subway lighting has been improved and at long last our proposals to improve the pedestrian access into the car parks from the footpath and the replacement of the ugly wire fence are happening.

HORSHAM PARK HDNC has a longstanding agreement with HDC concerning consultation on future improvements and maintenance in the Park. We initiated the request for the outdoor gym equipment and are pleased at its popularity. We were involved in plans to landscape the area by the North Parade car park, and more recently in making the North Street entrance appear open and welcoming. HDNC is pleased to support the Friends of

Horsham Park in raising public interest and attracting volunteers.

YOU COULD MAKE A DIFFERENCE! HDNC has vacancies for volunteers who care about where they live, and who can contribute time, enthusiasm and experience. Neighbourhood Councillors must be resident in our area and of voting age. We would be pleased to hear from you if you are interested in finding out more.

CONTACT US For further information or to express interest in attending one of our monthly meetings (usually held on the third Thursday of each month) please contact the Clerk, by email at clerk@hdnc.org.uk Tel: 01403 581896 or you can visit our new website: www.hdnc.org.uk You can follow us on Twitter: @DenneNC or on Facebook: Denne Neighbourhood Council

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