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Southwater Welcome Club
almost like a hangover cure.”
As Frank Sinatra once said, “I feel sorry for people that don't drink, because when they wake up in the morning, that is the best they are going to feel all day.” It might not be much, but with the new year not starting off as well as we’d hoped, perhaps we can take Frank’s words and know we all too before too long will feel better soon. Perhaps not within a day, but hopefully not too far into 2021. For zoom or (eventually) group Sussex talks and motorised tours, please call All-Inclusive History on 07504 863867 or email info@allinclusivehistory.org. Other tours, talks and events are available including ‘Spooky Worthing, ‘Brilliant Brighton’, ‘Super Sussex’ and ‘Scrumptious Sussex’. Kevin’s next book, ‘Celebrating Brighton and Hove’ can be pre-ordered from www.waterstones.com/book/ celebrating-brighton-and-hove/kevinnewman/9781398100206 for £15.99
In lieu of not being able to meet due to the renewed current Covid regulations we keep in touch with members.
Deborah and our Committee ensured that every member received a Christmas Card containing a £20 Voucher to let them know they are not forgotten at this time of the year.
Val Roots who hadn't long moved to a Care Home last year and loved being there, sadly passed away. She was a wheelchair user and wasn't very well but always cheerful and came to meetings when she felt well enough. She will be missed.
Margaret Mepham also moved to a Care Home last year. We wait with baited breath in regard to being able to meet up again later in the year. Kris Massie, Secretary