2016 2017 Booster Club Team Guidelines

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BOOSTER CLUB Team Guidelines 2016-­‐2017

Thank you so much for being a Head Team Parent and supporting our student athletes. As the Booster Club Co-­‐Presidents, we are here to support you and your teams. As a Head Team Parent you will be invited to a special Team Parent Information Session Breakfast where the Booster Club Athletic Presidents will give you your Team Parent Folder and host a Question and Answer session. Invitations will be e-­‐mailed. In the meantime, below you will find all of our forms and policies and procedures to guide you to a successful season as the Head Team Parent. As Head Team Parent, you will be helping the coach with the following activities: • Team budget • Organizing team meeting to welcome all parents at beginning of season • Provide a “Team Notebook” for all parents • Periodically check in with coach or assistant coach for team’s needs of the week • Organize volunteers for Concession Stands and/or Cart • Coordinate Pre-­‐Season Snacks and Rehydration (Fall pre-­‐season only) • Set up drinks/snacks schedule for games and tournaments when needed • Communicate with parents about changes in games/practices • Enlist a team photographer to take photos and maintain a website to share • Coordinate pictures for Athletic Program, Spirit Ribbons/Buttons, and SPC Photo Wall • Coordinate locker signs to promote team spirit • Coordinate the ordering of Spirit Buttons/Ribbons, game day or travel shirt orders, team parent shirts (if desired), and car decals and yard sign orders • Plan team dinners during the season, if needed • Assist coaches with out of town travel needs for team including parent dinners, hotel blocks, etc. • Welcome new JV players and families throughout the season as they join the team • Plan “End-­‐of-­‐Season” and Senior Recognition Night celebrations • Coordinate purchase of coach’s gifts • Complete “end of year” report to be given to your coach. • Please keep notes throughout the season. • Save a “Team Parent Notebook” to be given to the next year’s team parent. We are looking forward working with you all and having a fun year. Go Falcons! Booster Club Athletics Presidents 2016-­‐2017 Cindy Hanan & Katherine Tower



Kinkaid Statement of Purpose .......................................................................................................... 5 Contact Information ............................................................................................................................ 6 Team Account Numbers ...................................................................................................................... 8 Team Account and Budget Procedures .......................................................................................... 9 Reimbursements ................................................................................................................................ 10 Guidelines – Booster Club, Team Dues, Parents ......................................................................... 10 Procedures – Varsity, Sub Varsity, Middle School ..................................................................... 11 Team Parent Notebooks .................................................................................................................. 12 Concession Duty ....................................................................................................................................... 13 Spirit Ribbons/Buttons ......................................................................................................................... 13 Falcon Yard Signs ..................................................................................................................................... 13 Balloons/Spirit ......................................................................................................................................... 14 Decals ............................................................................................................................................................ 14 Locker Spirit Signs .................................................................................................................................. 14 Senior Recognition Night ..................................................................................................................... 14 SPC ................................................................................................................................................................. 14 SPC Photo Wall ......................................................................................................................................... 15 End-­‐of-­‐Year Celebration ....................................................................................................................... 15 Team Program Directors ................................................................................................................. 16




Volunteer Policies & Procedures .................................................................................................. 17 Security ........................................................................................................................................................ 17 Business Office Procedures ................................................................................................................ 17 Communication Guidelines ................................................................................................................. 18 Copying Guidelines ................................................................................................................................. 19 Facility/Calendar Requests ................................................................................................................. 20 Social Event Policy .................................................................................................................................. 21 Logo & Graphic Standards ................................................................................................................... 21 Using WiFi on Campus ........................................................................................................................... 24 Academic Calendar ............................................................................................................................ 25 Yard Signs and Reimbursement Forms ...................................................................................... 26 Spirit “K” Yard Sign Order Form ....................................................................................................... 26 Varsity Arts-­‐Athletics Yard Sign Order Form .............................................................................. 27 Tax Exempt Form .................................................................................................................................... 28 Varsity Player Car Decal Form ........................................................................................................... 29 Reimbursement Form ........................................................................................................................... 30 Vendor List ........................................................................................................................................... 31



THANK YOU FOR VOLUNTEERING! Volunteers are of vital importance to the success of Kinkaid and are an integral part of what makes our school “family” unique. We know you have many demands on your time and thus are grateful for your commitment, contributions and hard work. Your efforts help support our community and the three pillars of Kinkaid – Academics, Art and Athletics as well as provide an environment of safety, security and love of learning. We look forward to working with you! KINKAID STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND SCOPE The school also expects volunteers to follow Kinkaid’s Statement of Purpose and Scope: Kinkaid is committed to treating all members of the school community with respect. In furtherance of this goal, the school prohibits harassment of any kind and on any basis, including but not limited to the following: gender, age, race, religion, national origin, disability or sexual orientation. This policy applies to all of Kinkaid’s employees as well as its students. KINKAID BOOSTER CLUBS’ STATEMENT OF PURPOSE The purpose of the Kinkaid Booster Club (BC) is to develop and promote school spirit, a sense of community, and enhance the student experience. The BC will assist the Directors of Athletics and Fine Arts in organizing parent involvement to help support athletic teams and fine arts programs.


BOOSTER CLUB CONTACT INFORMATION Booster Club Co-­‐Presidents Booster Club Co-­‐Vice Presidents Director of Athletics & Physical Education Assistant Athletic Directors Facilities Parent Liaison & Volunteer Coordinator

Cindy Hanan, Athletics Girls hananc@comcast.net 713.858.3479 Katherine Tower, Athletics Boys ankaadvertising@comcast.net 713.594.0881 Kellie Cravens, Athletics Girls kellicravens@comcast.net 713.628.2953 Kim Vicknair, Athletics Boys kim@vicknairfam.com 713.248.6106 Nathan Larned nathan.larned@kinkaid.org 713.243.5407 Stacey Marshall stacey.marshall@kinkaid.org 713.243.5448 Angie Shotzberger angie.shotzberger@kinkaid.org 713.243.5412 Beth Stafford, Facilities Manager Facilities Office beth.stafford@kinkaid.org 713.243.5094 Tiffany Smith Advancement Office tiffany.smith@kinkaid.org 713.243.5056



Deposits of Checks Deposits of Cash/Reimbursement SPC/HJPC Transportation Sending Team Emails Concession Purchasing Concession Purchasing Sports Concession Coordinator

Kris Marron, Accounting Asst (Student Billing) Business Office kris.marron@kinkaid.org 713.243.5037 Yvonne Evans, Accounts Payable Business Office yvonne.evans@kinkaid.org 713.243.5036 Stacey Marshall stacey.marshall@kinkaid.org 713.243.5448

Ann Hurst ann.hurst@kinkaid.org 713.243.5423 Tiffany Smith Advancement Office tiffany.smith@kinkaid.org 713.243.5056

Kate Jones katejones22@yahoo.com 281.841.2347

Cheli Steele texascheli@gmail.com 832.317.3447

Megan D’Souza meganbuzbee@gmail.com 832.875.8672 Mary Ward mary@wardsmail.net 281.686.2543


TEAM ACCOUNT NUMBERS (Use the following account number on your Requests for Reimbursement form for all Booster Club (BC) expenses including: preseason rehydration, team spirit photo ribbons and buttons, end-­‐of-­‐ season party, and SPC photos wall display expenses.) Booster Club Athletics 02-­‐250100 TEAM ACCOUNT NUMBERS (Use these numbers on your Requests for Reimbursement form for any other team dues expense.) Football 02-­‐240200 Boys Basketball 02-­‐240201 Girls Basketball 02-­‐240202 Boys Soccer 02-­‐240203 Girls Soccer 02-­‐240204 Field Hockey 02-­‐240205 Boys Lacrosse 02-­‐240206 Girls Lacrosse 02-­‐240207 Boys Golf 02-­‐240208 Girls Golf 02-­‐240209 Boys Volleyball 02-­‐240210 Girls Volleyball 02-­‐240215 Baseball 02-­‐240216 Softball 02-­‐240217 Swimming 02-­‐240218 Wrestling 02-­‐240219 Cheerleading 02-­‐240220 Boys Tennis 02-­‐240221 Girls Tennis 02-­‐240222 Boys Track 02-­‐240223 Girls Track 02-­‐240224 Boys Cross Country 02-­‐240225 Girls Cross Country 02-­‐240230


TEAM ACCOUNT AND BUDGET PROCEDURES As soon as possible, contact Kinkaid’s Accounts Payable department to get your Team’s General Ledger Report and your Team’s Historical Report. You will need your Team’s Account Number. These reports will tell you how much money has rolled over from last year into this year’s account as well as a breakdown last year’s team’s expenditures. These reports will help you and your coach determine how much you will need for Team Dues for the upcoming season. • NOTE: REVIEW BUDGET BREAKDOWN AND GUIDELINES BELOW. The breakdown will explain exactly what Team Dues pay for, what Booster Club will reimburse, and what is the athletes’ parents’ responsibility. • Develop your season budget and determine the amount you will need for Team Dues with your coach and have it approved by the Athletic Director. • The Athletics Department will turn in the approved Team Dues amount to the Kinkaid Business Office who will then automatically bill your athlete’s KOA. The Team Dues apply to both players and managers. Depending on when players are “moved up” within the season, Team Dues can be requested from these athletes at a prorated amount. • Team Parents sign off on all team expenditures throughout the season. Periodically check in with Kinkaid’s Account Payables, to request team account balance so that you do not go over budget. • All receipts are due by 6/30. • Remaining funds in each sport specific account roll forward on 7/30.



BOOSTER CLUB (BC) will reimburse the following items: • Rehydration during Fall Varsity and JV Pre-­‐Season ONLY (Each sport has an amount based on days and players outdoors in the Fall Pre-­‐season.) o Ask coach for specific times to refuel– after workouts and during breaks o Healthy snacks (such as fruit, energy bars, etc.) for athletes. o Water and Gatorade is supplied by Athletic Department. o Each sport will be reimbursed by BC a certain amount based on the number of athletes and workouts. Notify BC Presidents of your teams’ needs. • Photo Buttons (2 photo buttons and 1 set of Varsity ribbons) o If a second set of ribbons is requested a $5/athlete charge will be made to your Team Dues Account. • End-­‐of-­‐Season Party o US Varsity and JV will be reimbursed $10 per player, manager and coach attending the end of the season party. MS will be reimbursed $5 for middle school • End-­‐of-­‐Season Photos for SPC in Trophy Hall o Booster Club will reimburse up to $100 per team TEAM DUES pay for the following items such as: • Snacks and Team Dinner for Players (Discuss with your coaches the need for drinks/snacks/meals for all games, for example when athletes will not have time to have a snack/meal on their own. Also, set dates for team dinners throughout the season with the coach. If team dinners are not a tradition in your sport, consider having one or two before special events. If expenditures exceed your budget, parents may need to supplement. Booster Club will not pay for these expenses, so be careful to manage your budget!) • Team Rosters, Decorations, Locker Signs, misc. spirit items • Senior Recognition Night (flowers to be presented to seniors) • Coaches Gifts ($100 limit per coach) PARENTS will be responsible for the following: • Travel Shirts & Parent Shirts • Hotels (Coordinate parent hotel block for out of town games. Your coaches will have suggestions of hotels used in the past.) • Varsity Yard Signs $65 each • Varsity Car Decals $13



VARSITY • Reimbursements from Team Dues and Booster Club must be approved by the Head Team Parents and requires two approval signatures. (If there is only one team parent, a Booster Club President can provide the second approval. If you (as Head Team Parent) are asking for reimbursement for yourself, the other Team Parent must approve the Request.) • Reimbursement Requests Forms are available in the Business Office or in your Team Parent Notebook. • The Request should have a specific description of what was purchased; whether it was for Team Dues Account or Booster Club Account, an original receipt attached and must have the proper Team Account Number noted on the form. (Team Account Numbers are included in your team notebook and on the Booster Club webpage.) • All Reimbursements should be turned into the Kinkaid Business Office – Accounts Payable Box for Team Dues and the Booster Club box for Booster Club Reimbursements. VARSITY, SUB VARSITY AND MIDDLE SCHOOL • All expenses/requests for reimbursement from Booster Club (JV and Varsity Preseason Rehydration and End of Season or Events Celebrations) must submitted to BC Presidents within 2 weeks of the event. • Forms can be picked up at the Business Office. • The Request should have a specific description of what was purchased and an original receipt attached. • These Requests should be placed in the Booster Club box in the Business Office. • No account number is needed for Sub Varsity or MS Requests for rehydration.



PARENT NOTEBOOKS Once you have met with your coach and have set the date for your team’s Parent Meeting, you will need to make “Team Notebooks” for each athlete’s family. The Team Notebooks can include the following material which is located in your Team Parent Notebook or can be downloaded/copied from the Booster Club website: • Cover “Welcome/Introduction” Letter • Contact Information o Booster Club Contact Information o Parent Contact Information (with names, addresses, e-­‐mails, phone numbers, etc.) o Team Roster (with players name, number, locker numbers, etc.) o Your Team Account Number • Season Calendar o Game Schedule o Concession Duty Sign-­‐Up o Pre-­‐Game Athlete Dinner Schedules o Away Game Snacks and Drinks and Out of Town Travel Information o Senior Recognition Night o SPC o End-­‐of-­‐Year Celebration • Team Budget and Explanation of Charges o Dues § Team Dinners § Laminated Rosters § Locker Spirit Signs § Notebooks § Senior Recognition Night an/or Senior Yearbook Ad § Breast Cancer Awareness Month § End-­‐of-­‐Year Celebration • Spirit Items o Spirit Ribbons and Buttons o Balloons/Spirit o Car Decals o Locker Signs • Volunteer Policies and Procedures • Forms o Varsity Arts and Athletics Yard Sign Order Form o Spirit “K” Yard Sign Order Form o Tax Exempt Form o Reimbursement Form o Athletic Program Ad Sales Form o Vendor List



CONCESSION DUTY Team parents are also responsible for: • Scheduling volunteers to staff their particular sports venue for ALL home games, including home and weekend tournaments. • Working with their grade level's sports concessions representatives to ensure all home tournaments are adequately staffed. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to seek parent volunteers for tournament/weekend concessions from the Kinkaid community beyond their specific teams. For more information please contact Megan D’Souza (832) 875-­‐8672 or Mary Ward (281) 686-­‐2543. (COPIES OF OPERATING PROCEDURES ARE AVAILABLE AT EACH STAND AND CART.) SPIRIT RIBBONS/BUTTONS Booster Club will provide each of your parents with two buttons and one set of ribbons. If you would like a second set of ribbons, please let us know prior to the start of the season so we can cover that in our orders and note that there will be a $5.00 charge for each of the second set of ribbons. We use 3” buttons to match our ribbons. Spirit ribbons, button materials and instructions are located in the Harrison House Dining Room. If your team decides to do Team Spirit Buttons and Ribbons, you have several options: • Select a parent to photograph each player for the button. You may even want to get creative and put parents in with the student athlete. You can go online and have your buttons made or you can use the Booster Club Button Machine and supplies located in the Harrison House Dining Room. Detailed instructions on how to operate the Button Machine are posted along side the machine in the Harrison House Dining Room. If there are not enough supplies available, contact your Booster Club Athletic Co-­‐ Presidents. Please note that Booster Club will not reimburse for buttons produced by outside vendors. That cost should be reimbursed with Team Dues. • All Varsity players will take a head shot paid for by the School. These photographs will be available on the PictureShare (see tab on BC website for log-­‐on instructions). The photographs will be formatted for button printing. Again, you can go online and have your buttons made or you can use the Booster Club Button Machine and supplies located in the Harrison House Dining Room. If there are not enough supplies available, contact your Booster Club Athletic Co-­‐Presidents. Please note that Booster Club will not reimburse for buttons produced by outside vendors. FALCON YARD SIGNS The Varsity yard sign cost is $65 and it is for Varsity athletes and APPROVED Fine Arts students only. Parents pay for the yard sign with a check and turn it in to the Team Parent. You then put the forms and checks in the business office Booster Club box. (Yard signs will be stored and distributed by the arts and athletics departments' administration.)



BALLOONS/SPIRIT For your use, there are balloons and a helium tank stored in the Booster Club closet. Please make arrangements with a BC President earlier in the day to have the room unlocked. The Booster Club closet is located next door to the Training Room down the hall from Melcher gym. Consider using them for end of the season events or specials games. VARSITY PLAYER DECALS Car decals are available for purchase through nameyourgamedecals.com. The cost of the decals should not come from team dues but is an individual expense. Let each parent go to site and order. Go to www.nameyourgamedecals.com o Select Decal Button (top middle) o Select Decal Style: (Sports, Music, etc.) o Select Graphic: (Soccer Ball, Cheer, Band, Choir, etc.) o Above Graphic: KINKAID o Below Graphic: VARSITY o Jersey Number: (if requested) o Quantity: (parents may want them for their cars too) o Decals are $12.00 plus .99 taxes and no shipping. o Add to cart o Pay with Credit Card LOCKER SPIRIT SIGNS Get parents to sign up for games to decorate lockers. Provide the volunteer with a team roster with locker numbers. The US Office will have a list of everyone’s locker number. Parents should put signs on lockers a couple of days before the game or event. You may also put a small piece of candy on the sign to wish them luck. (* Signs are optional and must be 8 1/2 x 11 or smaller and on paper only. Only Varsity players are allowed to have full locker Spirit Signs*) SENIOR RECOGNITION NIGHT Discuss with your coach how he/she would like to handle Senior Recognition Night. The Athletic Department sets the dates. Ask a junior mom to be in charge: to coordinate with your head coach; buy flowers to be presented to seniors and senior moms (cost comes from team dues); call David Shutts to take pictures if you would like photos taken. SPC Coordinate travel plans and team dinners for out of town games. DECORATING ATHLETES’ ROOMS FOR SPC IS NO LONGER PERMITTED! As a courtesy to the hotels that host us, please adhere to this new policy! Gift bags or other treats may be given to athletes on the bus.


TEAM PARENT NOTEBOOKS SPC PHOTO WALL Varsity Head Team Parents may go onto the PictureShare and download action shot photos for no charge and/or collect them from other parents for placement in the Athletic Trophy Hall during SPC week. If you would like to purchase more photos from David Shutts, please visit his website. Each varsity sport will be reimbursed by BC up to $100 for the cost of picture development. Costco is an excellent place to have your photos printed! Remember, you will be sharing that “photo wall” space with all of the other Varsity sport teams (male and female) of that season. ALL PHOTOS AND TAPE RESIDUE MUST BE REMOVED FROM THE GLASS CASES THE WEEK AFTER THE SPC TOURNAMENT! END-­‐OF-­‐SEASON CELEBRATION • Organize End of Season Team Dinner – usually at someone’s home. Try to have within one week of end of season. BC will reimburse $10 per Upper School athlete, team manager and coach. Please submit Reimbursement Request Form (with original receipts). Note on the Request Form that the expenses are for the end of season celebration and the number of athletes, managers, and coaches attending. • Coaches gifts -­‐ If your team chooses to purchase the coaches end-­‐of-­‐season gifts, the $100 per coach expense should come out of team dues or collect from parents. See Reimbursement Procedures attached. The School will not reimburse tax.



JoAnna Nicolaou

Cross Country – Boys

Ryan Gillentine

Cross Country – Girls

Cheryl Mitchell

Field Hockey

Jackie Ciconte


Nathan Larned

Volleyball – Boys

Adam Holt

Volleyball – Girls

John Leonard


Larry Wilkins, Jr.

Basketball – Girls

Stacey Marshall

Soccer – Boys

Curt Brooks

Soccer – Girls

Angie Shotzberger

Swimming & Diving – Coed Erica Meyer Wrestling

Bobby Eggleston


Steve Maas

Golf – Boys

Bobby Eggleston

Golf – Girls

Bobby Eggleston

Lacrosse – Boys

Michael Centra

Lacrosse – Girls

Eva Martire


Beth Rodriguez

Tennis – Boys

Stacey Marshall

Tennis – Girls

Stacey Marshall

Track & Field – Boys

John Beckwith

Track & Field – Girls

Cheryl Mitchell



SECURITY Please check in at Front Desk in the Student Life Building upon arrival on campus to volunteer. Please wear your volunteer badge or name tag at all times. Our students’ safety is our utmost priority so all on-­‐campus visitors must be identified. Please be aware of others on campus and if you see someone without a badge or nametag, please direct them to the front desk and/or alert a staff member. You can also contact the Security Kiosk at 713-­‐243-­‐5059. BUSINESS OFFICE PROCEDURES Forms: All forms for deposits and check requests are kept in the reception area of the Business Office. Deposits – Checks: When depositing checks, complete the Record of Deposit -­‐ Checks Only form, which is available in the school’s Business Office or Advancement Office. When completing the form, please include the Team Account number along with a description of the specific project or activity related to the deposit. Once completed, give the deposit form and checks to the Accounting Assistant (in charge of Student Billing) in the Business Office or place into Booster Club Box. You will be given the pink copy to retain for your records. If a problem occurs, the pink deposit copy will assist the Business Office in their research. Deposits – Cash: Cash must be deposited on a separate pre-­‐numbered Record of Deposit for Cash form that the Accounts Payable Assistant in the Business Office will provide you – it is important to call or email ahead of time to let her know you are coming. Complete the form and record the cash deposit amount. When completing the form, please include the Team Account number along with a description of the specific project or activity related to the deposit. Your deposit will be verified and you will be given the pink copy to retain for your records. If a problem occurs, the pink deposit copy will assist the Business Office in their research. Check Request: Complete the Check or Reimbursement Request form, which is available in the school’s Business Office or Advancement Office. When completing the form, please include the Team Account number along with a description of the specific project or activity related to the deposit. A request for reimbursement for items purchased for school activities requires two signatures. If there are not two Team Parents, a Booster Club President signature is required before submitting to the Business Office. An original receipt or invoice is required for all 17

VOLUNTEER POLICIES & PROCEDURES reimbursement requests. Retain the yellow copy for your records. Just a reminder that Kinkaid will not reimburse for sales tax (see below for more information. Checks are distributed on Fridays. To receive a check by 10:00 a.m. on Friday, please submit your Check or Reimbursement Request form with the proper approvals and required backup by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday. Sales Tax Exemption: Items bought for school should be purchased using Kinkaid’s Sales Tax Exemption form. A copy of the form can be found at the back of this Handbook, on the Parents’ Association section of the website, from the PLVC or from the reception area of the Business Office. Expenditures for sales tax will not be reimbursed. Outside Food Vendors and Other Service Vendors: When an outside food vendor or other service vendor (such as a D.J.) is hired for a Kinkaid Student event, all payments to the vendor should be made by Kinkaid, not by a parent. All vendors must be pre-­‐approved by Kinkaid. The parent in charge of the event should obtain a contract or invoice reflecting any deposit due to the vendor. The parent should attach that to a completed check request form (available in the Business Office) and turn in to the Accounts Payable Assistant. Checks requested by noon on Tuesday will be ready by Friday of that week. Checks can be picked up to be hand delivered to the vendor or can be mailed directly by the school. The balance due at the end of the event should be billed directly to Kinkaid. If the amount is known ahead of time, the parent in charge can request a check to be ready by the date of the event so the vendor can be paid at that time. Monetary Receipts from Parents for Social Events: For parent-­‐only social events, any money paid by parents should go directly to the parent hosts and NOT into the Team Accounts. Checks should be made payable to the parent host, NOT to Kinkaid or Team Account. For student events that parents and/or siblings also attend, money paid by parents for their meals and siblings’ meals should be deposited into the Team Account. Checks should be made payable to Kinkaid. The School will pay the vendor the total amount, and the money received from parents will offset their part of the expense in the team account.


Parent Online Directory (POLD): All school-­‐wide or grade-­‐wide email communication to parents by volunteers will go through the PLVC. In order to send an email of general interest to all parents (or a group larger than 50) in the School or grade, please email the following information to the PLVC: 18


Draft of email preferably as a Word document a. REMEMBER to double-­‐check your dates, times, places, email addresses, etc. b. Do not request for parents to “Reply All” Name for the “From” line Email address of the person who should receive the replies Title for the “Subject” line Date to distribute • In general, please allow at least 24 hours for distributions. • Unless the message is urgent, plan your distribution for Monday through Thursday. • If email traffic is especially heavy, your message may be delayed if it is not time sensitive. • If the message is urgent, please call the PLVC to schedule a quicker distribution.

Every effort should be made to combine messages so that no more than one grade-­‐wide email is sent per week. Keep in mind that personal communications are not appropriate for school-­‐wide or grade-­‐ wide email distribution. Examples of email distributions that are not appropriate include: • Non-­‐Kinkaid sponsored student parties, even if the entire class is invited. • Information on charitable, political or cultural events not sponsored by Kinkaid. • Requests for carpools • Solicitations Bulk Mailings For those Team Parents who need to organize a bulk mailing to a large group of parents, several resources are available with at least 1 week notice, including: 1. Mailing label documents 2. Kinkaid envelopes 3. Mail merged letter documents Please contact the PLVC for help to arrange a bulk mailing. See also below Copying Guidelines. COPYING GUIDELINES Small copy jobs (100 copies or less) • May be done in the Business Office mail room • School Year Hours: Monday through Friday, 7:00 – 8:30am and 3:00 – 5:00pm • Summer Hours: 9:00am – 4:00pm • Exceptions to these hours will be made for volunteers who need to copy checks. 19


• • •

May be done in the Advancement Office School Year Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00am – 4:00pm Summer Hours: 9:00am – 4:00pm

Medium copy jobs (101 -­‐ 500 copies) • May be done by the Mail Room Assistant in the Business Office Mail Room. • Allow at least a 24-­‐hour turnaround. • Jobs may be dropped off in the business office from 7:00am – 5:00pm Large copy jobs (over 500 copies) Need to go to an outside place of business such as Lincoln Printers, Office Depot, FedEx, etc. • Kinkaid has an account at Lincoln Printers, but volunteers need to be very specific regarding which event/activity/account the expense should be charged to. • There is no Kinkaid account at Office Depot or FedEx. Volunteers will need to pay and then request reimbursement. REMEMBER to bring the Tax Exempt Form. FACILITY/CALENDAR REQUESTS To put an event on the School’s calendar and to reserve a space for that event, please contact the Facilities Manager or the PLVC. You will need to provide the following information: 1. Nature of the function 2. Who is involved 3. Time 4. Number attending 5. Set-­‐up needs In general, the housekeeping staff will provide: 1. A clean meeting space 2. Coffee (including cups, cream, sugar, napkins) 3. Set up for soft drinks* and water (plastic glasses, ice) 4. Water in pitchers 5. Nametags *Kinkaid does not provide soft drinks Because often more than one function is scheduled in Kinkaid’s meeting spaces each day, you are expected to leave the room as you find it, (i.e., straighten furniture, return used cups to the kitchen, throw away trash, etc.). As you’re straightening up, please gather all your materials, such as handouts, etc., as anything left will be discarded. 20



All Events Team Parents need to work within their individual team budget. Team Budgets are available at any time from the Business Office. Contact Accounts Payable to get the most current balance. It is also suggested, if possible, to keep school events on or near the Kinkaid campus. Team Events End-­‐of-­‐year parties should be simple and are usually held at a team member’s home. If parents are invited to attend an end-­‐of-­‐school party, they should be charged a fee to cover their expenses. The money for the parties should come from the Team Dues. Party favors should not be extravagant. T-­‐shirt favors should be covered in Team Dues. Parent Events Team funds should never be used to pay for parent events. The school administration requests that parent events not be extravagant and that the venue hosts not completely underwrite expenses in order to prevent the expectation that future hosts must make a similar financial commitment. The expense of team parent events should be shared by a group (such as a host committee) or by charging attendees a modest fee ($5-­‐$15). Of special note: • When parents are charged a fee to attend an event, checks should be made payable to the host, who will handle expenses for the event. Checks should NOT be made payable to Kinkaid • No alcohol should be served at any function where students are present • No alcohol should be served at daytime parent functions, i.e. coffees, luncheons, etc. LOGO & GRAPHIC STANDARDS The Kinkaid School has a planned and unified style-­‐guide identification program to reinforce immediate and positive recognition for its faculty, staff, students, parents, alumni, volunteers and the general public. The guide specifies the visual standards for The Kinkaid School and demonstrates their application to a wide range of materials that are used throughout the School.


VOLUNTEER POLICIES & PROCEDURES One of the most important aspects of this program is the continuity and consistency it provides for the development of the School’s visual mark. The continued success of this communications program relies upon the understanding, cooperation and active support of all those responsible for its implementation. Name, Mascot and Signature: The Kinkaid School is the legal name of the School and should be used on official documents • All official school teams, clubs and associations, male and female, athletic, debate, band or fine arts related are to be referred as Falcons. At no point should a particular gender be associated with one team or another. We are all Falcons. • The signature of the School, The Kinkaid School, should be used as the key graphic element in identification. The signature can be incorporated with various logos including, but not limited to, The Kinkaid School seal and the Centennial logo. Logos: • A logo should be featured conspicuously on all printed school programs, fliers, posters, booklet covers, etc., to acknowledge and reinforce affiliation with The Kinkaid School. • The Kinkaid School official seal logo should be used for the return address in addition, it should/can appear on stationary, mailers, flyers, brochures, catalogs, diplomas, academic transcripts, etc. • Several alternative logos may be used for specific purposes. o The Falcon head or the Signature K (either chiseled or flat) is preferred for more casual items such as school merchandise, athletic uniforms, traveling shirts and coaches’ apparel. o The Centennial logo is used on the directory and various other publications and letterhead throughout the School, but should be limited. o Use of the Kinkaid Falcon Swoosh is allowed with the updated font type. o The Kinkaid Bookstore may use the “Baby Falcon” for children’s merchandise. o The Advancement Office may use the Tomorrow’s Promise, Zack Semander Memorial Golf Tournament, Sporting Clays Benefit, Annual Fund, McMillan Character Education Speaker Series, et al, logos as needed. o Use of the Retro Falcon is prohibited. • The logos should be printed in Kinkaid Purple and/or Kinkaid Gold, black or reversed out of a color field to white. Color Palate: The School’s colors are purple and gold. Whenever possible use them. • Kinkaid Purple is Pantone 267; CMYK – 89, 100, 0, 0; RGB – 73,47,146 • Kinkaid Gold is Pantone 123; CMYK – 0, 24, 94, 0; RGB – 255, 196, 37 22

VOLUNTEER POLICIES & PROCEDURES Typography: The font (typeface) used in the School’s primary printed logo is Trajan Pro. Whenever possible, a version of this typeface should be used when creating a project title, report cover, masthead, banner, signs, etc. Trajan Pro is also the typeface used on school letterhead and envelopes. A wide range of fonts, including Collegiate Heavy Outline, Myriad Pro and Cambria can be used. • When the School’s name is put on uniforms for athletic purposes – Collegiate Heavy Outline or Trajan Pro should be used. Policy and Process: This policy applies to faculty, staff, students, academic departments, ad hoc groups, administrative divisions/departments, alumni organizations, informal groups and student organizations. • The use of The Kinkaid School name and logos are exclusively for school-­‐related activities. All other organizations are strictly prohibited from using the Falcon and/or the School name on clothing or other printed materials without prior approval from the appropriate person. Suppliers and manufacturers of Kinkaid products must comply with their respective licensing agreements with the School. • Use of any school logo by a division or department of the School, or by a student or other campus group, or as part of a course generally does not require permission in advance as long as the trademark or name is not altered or modified. However, all groups associated with The Kinkaid School planning to print school-­‐related items, should have prospective printed pieces, athletic uniforms or school-­‐related clothing/gifts for style consistency with the Manager of Communications prior to printing or production. • Electronic copies of the school logos are available via the Advancement Office. Additional Style Guidelines: In order to standardize our style for the magazine, please note the following guidelines: • Write out numbers 1-­‐9; afterwards, use numerals. • For ordinals, spell out first through ninth. • Do not abbreviate days or months. • Do not include a comma before “and” when listing items in a series. For example: We bought five apples, four oranges and one banana. • When listing ages after names, place the age in parenthesis. For example: Sue Jones ’88 has three daughters, Molly (8), Tommy (5) and Susan (3). • Do not add a possessive to school organizations such as our sports teams. For example: girls volleyball and boys basketball AP Stylebook -­‐ AP does not use the apostrophe in this case, interpreting it as a "descriptive" and not a possessive. Grammarians, incidentally, will tell you that the word "girls" (or "boys") is what is referred to as an "adjunct noun," meaning a noun used as an adjective, and, thus, would not take an apostrophe. 23


Capitalize the names of school offices, like Middle School Office or College Counseling. AP uses Web site (two words). Capitalize school in “the School” when the word school is not followed by another noun. For example: The School raised $2000 for the shelter. The school employees are dedicated workers. The same goes for Lower School, Middle School and Upper School. For example: There are many great teachers in the Upper School. The upper school teachers are great. USING WIFI ON CAMPUS

The School now also offers access to a "Kinkaid Guest" network. This network provides web-­‐ browsing access for guests, students, faculty and staff from personally owned devices. Please note, you will have to sign up both in the fall and again after the New Year. The process you follow to connect to "Kinkaid Guest" will be familiar to anyone who has ever connected to a hotel, airport, or restaurant wireless network. Connect to the guest network from your smart phone, tablet, or other device. Enter your first name, your last name, and a brief description of your device, such as phone or iPad, into the account name field. For example, if adding an iPad to the system, enter "Jane Doe iPad". It is very important that you enter your real name when you sign up for the guest wireless network. Remember, students will have access to this network as well. NetOps will be removing access for guest users with inappropriate user names. If you don't sign up with your real name, you may be blocked from the network.


KINKAID CALENDAR (2016-­‐2017) AUGUST 10 10-­‐12 15-­‐18 19 19 19 22 23 31


5 7 14 3 10 11 12 28


School Offices Open New Faculty Orientation Faculty Meetings

Middle School Grade 6 Fast Start, Students New to Middle School Orientation

Lower School (Grades K-­‐4) New Student Orientation Upper School (Grades 9-­‐12) Students New to Upper School Orientation Upper School -­‐ First Day of School (Monday) Lower and Middle School – First Day of School (Tuesday) Lower School Parents’ Night (Wednesday)

ALL SCHOOL HOLIDAY (Labor Day) Middle School Parents’ Night (Wednesday) Upper School Parents’ Night (Wednesday) Rosh Hashanah (begins at sundown on the 2nd) ALL SCHOOL HOLIDAY (Columbus Day) No School for Students (Faculty Professional Development Day) ALL SCHOOL HOLIDAY (Yom Kippur) St. John’s Game and Falcon Family Feast – Rice Stadium

3-­‐5 7-­‐8 11 21-­‐25

Southwest Preparatory Conference (Austin) Book Fair Lower and Middle Schools Parent/Teacher Conferences (No school for LS/MS students) ALL SCHOOL HOLIDAY (Thanksgiving)

4 16

Margaret Kinkaid Holiday Concert & Reception (Sunday) WINTER BREAK/NEW YEAR HOLIDAYS BEGIN at NOON DISMISSAL (Friday)

2 3 3-­‐20 16 9-­‐11 20 3 10 20 21 6-­‐8 14 20 27-­‐29 14 19 24 24 25 26 29

No School for Students (Faculty Professional Development Day) School Resumes (Tuesday) Interim Term (Upper School) ALL SCHOOL HOLIDAY/Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Southwest Preparatory Conference– Houston ALL SCHOOL HOLIDAY (Presidents’ Day) Lower School Parent/Teacher Conferences (No school for LS students) SPRING VACATION BEGINS AT REGULAR DISMISSAL TIME No school for students (Faculty Professional Development Day) School Resumes (Tuesday) ISAS Arts Festival (Casady – Oklahoma City) ALL SCHOOL HOLIDAY (Good Friday) Field Day (Thursday) Southwest Preparatory Conference – Location TBD

BACCALAUREATE (Sunday) GRADUATION (Friday) Final Day for LS & MS Students (LS Noon Dismissal) Last Day of US Exams Make-­‐Up Day for MS & US Exams Faculty and Staff Meetings (Friday) Memorial Day



S P I R I T “ K ” Y A R D S I G N

This yard sign is 23Wx24H and is made of both aluminum and plastic with a UV protectant laminate to last 6 to 8 years. It comes on a sturdy black metal stand. Cost per sign: $75.00 Make checks payable to: The Kinkaid School If you missed ordering through One-­‐Stop Shopping, please complete this form, attach your check and leave in the Booster Club box in the Business Office. We will contact you regarding pick up. For questions, please contact: Cindy Hanan at hananc@comcast.net Katherine Tower at ankaadvertising@comcast.net

Student’s Name:


Parent’s Name:


Parent’s Address:



Phone Number:


Email Address:



B O O S T E R C L U B - “VARSITY ARTS AND ATHLETICS ” Y A R D S I G N This yard sign is 24Wx19H and is made of both aluminum and plastic with a UV protectant laminate to last 6 to 8 years. It comes on a sturdy black metal stand. Cost per sign: $65.00 Make checks payable to: The Kinkaid School If you missed ordering through One-­‐Stop Shopping, please complete this form, attach your check and leave in the Booster Club box in the Business Office. We will contact you regarding pick up. For questions, please contact: Cindy Hanan at hananc@comcast.net Katherine Tower at ankaadvertising@comcast.net Student’s Name: _____________________________________________________________ Parent’s Name: _____________________________________________________________ Parent’s Address: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Phone Number: _____________________________________________________________ Email Address: _____________________________________________________________


Tax ID #: 76-0295523


V A R S I T Y P L A Y E R C A R D E C A L S (The cost of the decals is an individual expense.)

Purchase car decals through:

www.nameyourgamedecals.com o o o o o o o o o o

Select Decal Button (top middle) Select Decal Style: (Sports, Music, etc.) Select Graphic: (Soccer Ball, Cheer, Band, Choir, etc.) Above Graphic: KINKAID Below Graphic: VARSITY Jersey Number: (if requested) Quantity: (parents may want them for their cars too) Decals are $12.00 plus .99 taxes and no shipping. Add to cart Pay with Credit Card


The Kinkaid School


Person requesting money (please print name)

Account or Activity to be debited Amount $ Check made payable to: Name Address

'I'o be used firr: (BF] SPECIFIC)


Authorized Signature Please Mail Check


Will Pickup Check


. copied ut r o d e oad d o downl up and fille e b t o n d rm can e picke . This fo form must b siness Office l u ina aid’s B An orig RTANT bited O P at Kink M I Y de IS VER nt should be ccount! T I , m r e this fo eimbursem oster Club a t u o g n Bo he r filli When te whether t t or from the get tab d a n u indic Dues Accou the Team Bu otebook. o y t a h t nce am nt N our Te Please refere r Team Pare y m o r f ou or in y online


VENDOR LIST ATHLETIC WEAR Boathouse Sports 469-­‐230-­‐0485 (cell) nmartin@boathouse.com Nick Martin Note: Used for 2015 Varsity LAX jackets A/V & VIDEO Chance McClain 9723 Godstone Spring, TX 77379 Note: Used by Class of 2014 for Senior Video BAGS Anchor Box 3030 Chimney Rock Note: BC used them for HC 2014 t-­‐ shirts BUS/TRANSPORTATION KARR Limousine Service 2323 Voss, 77057 713-­‐780-­‐8300 www.karrlimousine.com Sam’s Limousines and Transportation 9215 Rasmus, 77063 713-­‐780-­‐7077 www.samslimousine.com First Class Tours, Inc. 281-­‐443-­‐1200 281-­‐590-­‐8800 www.firstclasstours.net AFC Transportation 15734 Aldine Westfield Rd., 77032 713-­‐988-­‐5466 www.afchouston.com

CASINO COMPANIES Southwest Casino Productions 713.972.1113 www.swcasinoproductions.com Paula Ketcham swcasinohouston@cableone.net Casino Parties Unlimited www.casinopartiesunlimited.com 713.896.7779 Ron Jackson ron@casinopartiesunlimited.com CATERERS/FOOD Swift+Company 2137 W. Alabama 713.526.7600 www.swiftevents.com Elizabeth Swift Note: Used by many senior classes for Senior Dinner Pappas Catering 713.952.9782 www.pappas.com houstoncatering@pappas.com Christa Hash Note: Used by senior classes for Senior Banquet and Senior Dinner City Kitchen 713-­‐847-­‐8004 www.citykitchencatering.com Erin Halverson Note: Used for Kinkaid Auctions Stone Kitchen/silverStone Catering 2112 Waugh Dr., 77006 713-­‐521-­‐3500 www.silverstone-­‐events.com Note: Used for Baccalaureate Palazzo’s 2620 Briar Ridge Dr., 77057 713.784.8110


El Patio & Catering 713-­‐780-­‐0410 zaira@elpatio.com cell: 713-­‐478-­‐2657 (Zaira Ramirerz) Papa John's Gessner Location Jane or Chris 713-­‐978-­‐7272 Note: Per Karen Horne they give us $8 large pizzas. If you use main Kinkaid number as identifier (713) 782-­‐1640, the discount & tax exempt is already in system. They'll bring plates & napkins too if you ask Fuddruckers Fuddruckers Tidwell Location Michael Scafuri, General Manager 713-­‐462-­‐4508 mscafuri@lubys.com Note: Kinkaid parent, Peter Tripoli is also a contact; Used for Falcon Family Feast Arcodoro (Catering Division) Jessica Reynolds or Lori Farris (owner) 713-­‐621-­‐6858 Jessica@arcodoro.com Note: Used by Carol Kassab Central Market Note: Used at Saturday Family event 2014; Great breakfast tacos; will deliver early am WhichWich Bunker Hill Location Wendy Toups at wtoups@whichwich.net Note: Used by Kinkaid Athletic Team Parents and Coaches

Chick Fil A Kirkwood Location 281-­‐759-­‐5799 Jessica Peroyea at 512-­‐818-­‐5070 Note: Used by Concessions in 2014-­‐ 2015 Gulf Coast Ice Cream 281-­‐445-­‐6001 (office) Robert Gol at 281-­‐330-­‐0227 (cell) Note: Used by Concessions in 2014-­‐ 2015 Otis Roadrunner for Otis Spunkmeyer Cookies 281-­‐565-­‐2970 Chad Cohen Note: Used by Concessions in 2014-­‐ 2015 Vistar (Vending items) Note: Used by Concessions in 2014-­‐ 2015 Sam’s Club (Vending items) Note: Used by Concessions in 2014-­‐ 2015 Memorial Bakery 713-­‐467-­‐7679 Note: Used by Margaret Kinkaid Holiday Event for years; make beautiful holiday cookies AND they deliver Ashcraft Bakery 713.663.7509/281.960.1490 RWeil@AshcraftBakery.com Ronnie Weil Note: Used for 2014 Graduation; family of Kinkaid student


Creative Crepes 713.401.9036 www.creativecrepes.com Angie’s Cake (Cake Balls) 2750 W. Main, #A2, League City, 77573 832.268.2253 www.angiescake@gmail.com

A 2nd Cup PO BOX 130126, Hou, 77219 Erica Raggett 281.382.6161 Erica@a2ndcup.com www.a2ndcup.com Kona Ice of Houston (truck) 5851 W. 34th St., Hou, 77092 713.864.4747 www.kona-­‐ice.com/houston Patrick Sinclair Patrick@kona-­‐ice.com Cherie Sinclair Cherie@kona-­‐ice.com 713.870.5515 Yeti Sunshine (Ices/Snowcone Truck/Cart) 713-­‐201-­‐4403 yetisunshine.com Serena Hightower Ozarka (Water) Note: Used by Concessions in 2014-­‐ 2015

Jarro Café (truck) Gessner 1521 713.827.0373 jarrocardgessner@hotmail.com Klaudia, 832.250.8946 Note: Used by Classes 2010 & 2013 El Ultimo Taqueria (truck) Long Point @ Antoine Fred Montano, 713.859.1687 Susan Montano, 713.398.1687 Note: Used by Class of 2013 Bernie’s Burger Bus 281.386.2447 www.berniesbugerbus.com info@berniesburgerbus.com Note: Used by Class of 2013 Boomerang’s Pies www.boomerangspies.com Note: Food Truck used by Class of 2013 for Post Grad Party Amy’s Ice Cream 3816 Farnham St., 77098 713-­‐526-­‐2697 Note: Used by Class of 2012

BEVERAGES/COFFEE BARISTAS/ICED TREATS Grizzaffi Coffee Catering (coffees/pastries/smoothies/gelato) Stacy Grizzaffii 832.477.2012

DÉCOR Bergner-­‐Johnson 519 Pecore, Hou, 77009 713.662.3769 www.bergnerandjohnson.com Rebekah Johnson Rebekah@bergnerandjohnson.com The Events Company Richard Flowers 7310 Old Katy Road, Hou, 77024 713.426.5800 www.theeventsco.com ArtAttack Mary Note: Used by Auction



Almost Anything Goes Note: Used by Homecoming 2014 Mike, the Balloon Man jamesmellis@netzero.net Note: Used by Cotillion 2013 Balloonscape Duffy 832-­‐428-­‐0808 duffy@balloonscape.com Note: Used for NFS Strikefest Aramax 713-­‐946-­‐8305 www.aramaxinc.com Note: BC uses them for helium

2020 Texas St., #1313, Hou, 77003 Note: Used by Homecoming 2014 DJ London 713-­‐773-­‐2378 Note: Used by Sheri Bailey Jingles 832-­‐606-­‐3711 Note: Face Painting & Balloon shapes; Used by Sheri Bailey FLORISTS RO Plant House/Houston Flowery 5930 Westheimer 713.977.5350 An Open Petal 832.656.0965 anopenpetal@yahoo.com Charles Devers Note: Used for 2014 Graduation Plants and Petals Abraham 713-­‐840-­‐9191 www.plantsnpetals.net Note: Used by Carol Kassab Southern Floral 713-­‐880-­‐1300 Scherry Lindley, 713-­‐980-­‐1537 Note: Used by Margaret Kinkaid Holiday Event for years; Used for Baccalaureate Reception for years; do a great job AND they deliver! GIFTS/ACCESSORIES/FAVORS Epic Promotions 5327 Inker St., Hou, 77007 713-­‐789-­‐8787 Pat Frede Note: BC uses him

Precision Medical Karrie Turrentin, 281.850.2806 Randy Turrentin, 281.850.2953 Note: Used by Senior Classes and several Cotillions ENTERTAINMENT Gulf Coast Entertainment 2323 S. Shepher, #924, Hou, 77019 713.523.7004 Susie Criner, 713.899.2276 susan@gulfcoastentertainment.com Barbara Wells, Barbara@gulfcoastentertainment.com Note: Used by Cotillions and Senior Classes Best Entertainment Note: Used by Falcon Family Feast Ed Madonio (DJ) 7495 Haywood Dr., Hou, 77061 713.664.7742 emadonio@aol.com Note: Used by many Cotillions DJ Senega (Senega Iles)


Memorial Designs 9219 Katy Freeway, #162, Hou, 77024 713.365.9537 www.memorialdesignz.com Alisa and Don Hodam Memorialsigns.designs@yahoo.com Note: Used by BC in 2014 for Spirit “K” yard signs Frank Zammeron 832-­‐798-­‐3000 Note: Makes personalized dog tags, bracelets, etc.; has laser bracelets; used by Carol Kassab www. 4imprint.com 877-­‐446-­‐7746 Note: BC has ordered personalized pens and other items for FFF www.inkhead.com Note: BC ordered “funeral fans” from them

GRAPHIC DESIGN KINNEY DESIGN Cynthia Kinney 713.294.9300 www.kinneydesignfirm.com kinneydesign@mindspring.com Note: Field Day and several other Kinkaid groups have used Cynthia a lot. PH Design Shop 2414 Rice Blvd, Hou, 77005 713.522.8861 www.phdesignshop.com Rachel Rothberg, designer Rachel@phdesignshop.com Note: Used by Cotillion 2013 Spindletop Design 1304 Malone St., Hou, 77007 www.spindletopdesign.com info@spindletopdesign.com

LIGHTING Bright Star Productions 713.529.5727 Ron Tritico, 832.518.5588 Note: Used by several Cotillions PHOTOGRAPHERS/PHOTO BOOTHS David Shutts Photography 201 Vanderpool Ln, #37 WK: 713.468.2403 C: 713.899.8247 Davidshuttsphotography.com Note: Used by Kinkaid Marc Nathan Photographers, Inc. 281.549.2367 x2 Marc Nathan 281.313.8934 marc@mnathanphoto.com Note: Used by Cotillion 2013 Smile Booth Clay Robinson 713.851.4254 ShutterBooth Houston 281.881.7122 www.shutterbooth.com Andrea Gostomski (graphic designer) 248.703.9681 Duffy Leiva Balloonscape/Photobooth 832.428.0808 duffy@balloonscape.net PAPER PRODUCTS Paper Presentation www.Paperpresentation.com little whimsies (create monograms, stationery, etc.) 713.364.6137 carole@little-­‐whimsies.com Carole Pena


PRINTERS/POSTERS Accel Printers 3032 Chimney Rock 713.952.9599 Gard Printers Note: Used by Advancement Dept. Lincoln Printers West Memorial at Dairy Ashford 713.977.2456 www.lincolnprinting.net kal@lincolnprinting.net Note: Used by many Kinkaid committees, including Book Fair and Class GLC’s for large printing jobs; Will deliver to campus Maps.com www.maps.com Note: Used by International Fair for posters RENTALS Houston Party Tent & Event 1499 N. Post Oak, #102 713.231.7375 James Mosley, 832.567.0334 james@houstonpartytentandevent.co m Denisse@houstonpartytentandevent.c om Note: Used by Cotillion 2013 Aztec Party & Tents Rental 601 W. 6th St. 713.699.0088 www.aztecusa.com Melissa Reyes, mreyes@aztecusa.com Sophie Eubank, sophie.eubank@aztecusa.com Houston Party Rental Brandon and Bob Tickle/Owners 281-­‐353-­‐2254 www.houstonparty.com

Note: Field Day has used them for years for rides & Inflatables; Wonderful people! Swift+Company 1919 Edwards St., Hou, 77007 713.869.8151 www.swiftevents.com Elizabeth Swift Note: Used a lot

SECURITY 5-­‐Star Security 1801 Milby, Hou, 77063 713.400.0776 www.5starstaff.com Ron Dewoody, 832.687.6595 Note: Used by Class of 2013, Gregory W. Johnson Off-­‐duty HPD 832.276.7007 SOUND ProSound (Sound & Lighting) 471 W. 38th, Hou, 77018 713.682.6820 www.goprosound.com Big House Sound 4001 Drossett Dr., Austin 78744 www.bighousesound.com Scott Beeman, 512.922.7731 SPEAKERS Pam Thompson ptvandy@yahoo.com Note: Local mom; Used by Classes 2012 & 2013 for Senior Mom’s Luncheon Louise Parsley Note: Local mom; Used by Class of 2011 for Senior Mom’s Luncheon


T-­‐SHIRT PRINTERS Sunline Products (SPLC, Inc.) 1454 E. Summitry Circle, Katy 77449 281-­‐398-­‐6655 Note: Used by Class of 2013 for One Last Blast T’s; Used by Class of 2012 TNT T-­‐shirts 713 522 0986 2400 Taft St. @ Fairview TNTshirts@aol.com Brian Bockerman brian@tntshirts.com Note: Used by BC for 2014 HC t-­‐shirts; Used by Cathy Reynolds for Field Day, etc., t-­‐shirts for years; Screening and embroidery; So easy to work with and will deliver to school C&L Specialties & Screen Printing 12402 Rip Van Winkle, 77024 713-­‐541-­‐3130 Note: Used by Classes of 2012 & 2013 for Lifer Luncheon T’s Super Screen, Inc. 8622 Pagewood Lane, Hou, 77063 Note: Used for 6th grade t-­‐shirts in 2014 THEATRE PROPS & SET DESIGN Sets and Props of Houston Carl Russell 713-­‐822-­‐1287 www.setsandpropsofhouston.com Located at I-­‐10 and Beltway 8. 1140 Lumpkin Rd. Note: Used by International Fair; Call to schedule appt. – you need passcode to enter warehouse complex. Kinkaid Theatre Costume Dept. Jane Arnold jane.arnold@kinkaid.org Note: Used by International Fair

San Jacinto Stone www.sjstone.com 195 Yale Street Houston, Texas 77007 Phone (713) 868-­‐3466 Fax (713) 868-­‐5623 Note: Stone/Hardscape; Used by International Fair Gempler’s www.gemplers.com Note: Bulk Outdoor Materials; Used by International Fair


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