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school year

Our Shared Understanding of Terms

What do we mean when we use the words: diversity, equity, and inclusion?

There is much local, national, and global discourse about what DEI is and is not. It is important for us at Kinkaid to be intentional about communicating what the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion mean to us. Additionally, having a definitional foundation is necessary to create common ground as the community embarks on this important work together.

— Mujidat Shotonwa, Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


The wide range of characteristics used to identify individual and group identities. Some examples include ability, age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, neurodiversity, race, religion, sexual orientation. Diversity is often shorthand for visible and/or quantifiable statuses. There is also diversity of thought, experiences, and perspectives.


Through a balance of fairness and inclusion, ensuring that students have what they need to reach their full potential — that their circumstances do not become obstacles to their achievement. Barriers that would prevent full participation of all individuals are eliminated.


Honoring diversity by taking everyone’s experience and identity into account to create an environment where all feel accepted, safe, empowered, affirmed, and supported. An inclusive school expands its sense of community to cultivate belonging for all.



Belonging. The need to be an accepted member of a group. An emotional need, an inherent desire to be part of something greater than oneself. As Roy Baumeister, a Professor of Psychology, has stated, ‘This desire is so universal that the need to belong is found across all cultures and different types of people.’ Because it is crucial to our well-being as humans, belonging is invaluable to the health and strength of our community.

— Mujidat Shotonwa, Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

DEI in Action

DEI Council “We provide a collaborative platform where Composition and Terms all voices of our community, including of Service students, faculty, staff, parents, and alumni, The Council is comprised of Kinkaid Administrators including are actively encouraged to share their the Head of School, the Assistant perspectives and experiences.’’ Head of School, the Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion — Excerpt from DEI Council as well as representatives from Purpose Statement divisions and departments across the School. Members of the community including parents, DEI Council alumni, faculty, and staff are selected through an annual application process to ensure the Council’s mission is fulfilled. Council members serve a two-year term. The Head of School selects two of the community members to serve as chairs for a period of two years.

Student Diversity Leadership Board

Kinkaid’s Student Diversity Leadership Board (SDLB) is a student-driven organization which engages in meaningful dialogue and necessary action regarding socially relevant topics and supports such efforts by identifying, exploring, and promoting multicultural programming to create an inclusive school community.

Student Diversity Leadership Board


Living Our Core Values to Strengthen Inclusive Learning and Belonging

We commit to exemplifying diversity, equity, and inclusion through our Core Values; and nurturing and encouraging all community members as we fulfill Kinkaid’s mission.

ALUMNI, PARENT, AND COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Engage alumni, parents, and other Kinkaid community members in conversations and events to hear all voices and share multiple perspectives. INCREASE DIVERSITY AND REPRESENTATION Develop outreach strategies to increase representation for: • Students and families at all entry levels • Faculty and staff in all areas of Kinkaid FACULTY & STAFF RETENTION Set goals for retention with a special focus on underrepresented groups among our highly qualified faculty and staff. HERITAGE CLUBS & AFFINITY GROUPS Provide an environment of inclusiveness to celebrate the many cultures, traditions, and experiences of our community. Support and grow student and adult Heritage Clubs and Affinity Groups that explore topics of shared identity and ensure a sense of belonging across our community. Assess the impact of Affinity Groups on students and adults who participate through surveys, focus groups, and ongoing community conversations.

• Dedicate resources in Admission and Enrollment Management to increase diversity in the student body and integrate DEI outreach and programming into new family orientation events.

• Conduct focused outreach to invite underrepresented alumni to participate more fully in Kinkaid receptions, admission events, and student education programs.

• Establish a partnership between Advancement and Academic leadership to create alumni mentoring program.

• Create a liaison position on the Parents’ Association Board for

DEI Council.

• Ensure the purpose and impact of Kinkaid affinity groups are both understood and valued across the Kinkaid community.


Providing Knowledge, Skills, and Awareness to Deliver on Our Mission

We will develop, evaluate, engage, and maintain programs, resources, and training to provide meaningful educational experiences and initiate responsible and courageous conversations around diversity, equity, and inclusion for our community.

RESOURCES & OPPORTUNITIES Fully integrate DEI efforts into existing and new events and activities and include in the online School calendar. Further develop and publicize the online DEI resources, including links to articles and videos, and a DEI glossary with definitions of key concepts organized at ageappropriate levels. DEI SKILLS-BASED TRAINING Build on existing training to develop a goal-based, on-going training for Kinkaid administration, faculty, staff, trustees, new community members, student leaders, and parent and alumni leader volunteers. Evaluate and improve training continuously. COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS Create opportunities for students to gain exposure to diverse experiences through volunteer work, internships, and summer projects and develop skills to model exemplary practice of core values. Establish Kinkaid as a leader among peer and other Houston area schools by educating and preparing our students to model DEI through our Core Values and initiate a Community Student DEI Council across the region.

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