Getting Involved and Giving
LETTER FROM THE ADVANCEMENT OFFICE The Advancement team is committed to making sure that all families have a positive experience at Kinkaid. We work to promote the mission of the School by fostering meaning ful relationships with our families through community engagement, fundraising and special events. With the many special events on campus, there are volunteer oppor tunities that arise. This is a great way to get engaged with the community. Our team is also charged with securing the resources necessar y to suppor t excellent teaching, programming and facilities. We know you will be active par ticipants in your child’s experience at Kinkaid. We encourage you to meaning fully suppor t our fundraising effor ts that allow us to offer the best experiences for our students in academics, ar ts and athletics. We are so grateful for your involvement in campus activities, your par ticipation in giving and your generosity in both! We hope you will be able to share your time and talents in ser vice to our school.
his guide is to help you learn about the many ways you can get involved in campus life. There are so many opportunities to give gifts of time and treasure here at the School. Thank you in advance for your support of Kinkaid.
You make a difference in the lives of our students and faculty!
Getting Involved Seas onaL
Team Parent
Buddy Family Program Holiday Class Parties
6th Grade Mentor Team Leaders Class Fundraising Chair Fall/Spring Coffee Hosts Teacher Appreciation Fund Chair
Lower School Chairs Asst. Lower School Chairs
UPPER SCHOOL Team Parent 9th Grade Mentor Team Leaders Class Fundraising Chair Fall/Spring Coffee Hosts
Grade Level Chairs (GLCs)
Grade Level Chairs (GLCs)
Room Representatives
Kayem Library
Moran Library
Class Secretary
Class Secretary
Class Treasurer
Class Treasurer
Class Treasurer
Jacomini Library
Class Social Chair
Class Social Chair
Class Cares & Concerns
Class Cares & Concerns
Class Cares & Concerns
PK/K Class Readers
6th & 7th Grade Calendar
12th Grade Calendar
Class Day of Service Chair
8th Grade End of Year Party Chair
International Fair Art Car Parade Community Service Events
5th Grade Art Night Chair
Homecoming Dance
5th Grade Culture Fest Chair
9th Grade Wacky Dress Day Breakfast
5th Grade Grandparents Day Chair
9th/10th Grade Dance
Science Night Chair
11th/12th Grade Prom
Holiday Decorating Margaret Kinkaid Holiday Reception
New Family Support Peer Parenting Scrapbook Clothing Nook Concessions Community Service Booster Club - Athletics and Fine Arts
Falcon Family Feast Book Fair Field Day Auction (every 3 years) Vision/Hearing Screening LS/MS Only
For information and full list of available opportunities click
The Giving Grid TUITION
Primary source of operating revenue for the School.
me Time Fra
Assessed Annually
n o i t a n g i Des
Each tuition dollar is allocated by a budget approved by Board. No designation can be made.
School sends notification in February.
HODS T E M T N E PAYM Payment Plans
with check, CC or auto withdrawal.
Funds the majority of the School’s operating budget.
Provides 6-7% of the operating budget that funds programs for students and faculty.
Gifts are designated to a specific purpose. This can include gifts towards a long-term building project or program.
KF kicks off in September with pledges payable by June 30.
Requests are made as needs arise.
Gifts are accepted year-round.
Unrestricted gifts. Can be designated to arts, athletics, faculty, financial aid, technology, or where the School needs it most.
Capital gifts and restricted gifts are designated for a specific purpose by the School or donor with approval by the School.
Endowment funds or planned gifts can be either unrestricted or donor designated to a specific area approved by the School.
Direct mail, phonathon, email blasts and follow up by KF Parent Volunteers
Often made through personal meetings with School leadership.
No direct solicitation. Contact the Advancement Office for more information.
One-time gifts or recurring pledge payments by check, CC or stock transfer.
One-time gifts or recurring pledge payments by check, CC or stock transfer.
Check, CC or stock transfer. For more info contact the Advancement Office.
KF directly funds the difference between tuition and the actual cost of educating a child at Kinkaid.
These gifts have a huge impact on the Kinkaid campus and community. You are investing in the future of the School.
Endowments are permanent assets that provide annual income to improve Kinkaid’s financial stability.
Income from the Endowment supports operating and restricted expenses.
What does your money
Funds from these events support important endowment needs.
Funds support library needs across all three divisions of the School.
Funds support special division and department needs that are not covered in the operating budget.
Funds support a capital or endowment priority.
Golf - Fall Sporting Clays - Spring
Early November
The luncheon is every two years in the Spring.
Golf tournament supports an endowed student scholarship. Sporting Clays supports an endowed teaching fellowship.
Proceeds are used where the libraries need them most.
Unrestricted gifts designated to where the students, faculty and staff need them most.
Gifts are designated for an important capital or endowment purpose.
Direct Mail and email solicitations begin in August for Golf and January for Sporting Clays.
Underwriting mail solicitations begin in September.
Underwriting mail solicitations begin in February.
Underwriting mail solicitations begin in early November.
One-time gifts by Check or CC.
One-time gifts by Check or CC.
One-time gifts by Check or CC.
One-time gifts by Check or CC.
These events bring together the entire school community for a day of fun and fundraising.
The community renews its love for reading while supporting our libraries.
A favorite tradition brings the community together with a little friendly competition and lots of fun!
Alumnae, parents and friends come together for an afternoon that supports our school.
NOT E: Our Auc tio n is held eve ry 3 yea rs. The nex t one wil l be in 201 9!
The Booster Club
For detailed descriptions and full list of volunteer opportunities please visit WWW.KINKAID.ORG/PARENTS
Parent Volunteer Descriptions EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE OF PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION: CO-PRESIDENTS The Co-Presidents preside at the Association Board meetings and vote only in the case of a tie. Preside at the Executive Committee meetings as voting members. Count votes for the incoming Vice Presidents. Provide fiduciary stability. Attend Upper School and Middle School Parent Council meetings. Serve on the School’s Donation Committee. Meet regularly, typically once per month, with Parent Liaison & Volunteer Coordinator. Serve as voting members of the Nominating Committee. Serve as voting members of the Finance Committee. Serve as voting members of the Capital Reserve Committee. Serve as non-voting ex-officio members at all other committee meetings. PAST CO-PRESIDENTS The Past Co-Presidents serve as non-voting ex-officio members of the Executive Committee. Provide advice as needed to the Association. CO-VICE PRESIDENTS The Co-Vice Presidents preside in the absence of both Presidents. Attend Upper School and Middle School Parent Council meetings. Appoint Board positions with input from Co-Presidents and past Chairs for upcoming year vacancies. Count votes for incoming Vice Presidents. Serve as voting members of the Executive Committee. Serve as voting members of the Nominating Committee. Serve as voting members of the Finance Committee. Serve as non-voting members of the Capital Reserve Committee. Serve as “step up” position to Presidents. SECRETARY The Secretary attends the three Parents’ Association board meetings. Takes notes and types the minutes of each meeting. Once the minutes are typed, sends them off to the presidents for their approval. After the presidents receive the notes, they send them to the entire board for review. If needed, the Secretary will make corrections to the minutes. At the next meeting, makes a motion to approve the minutes. Files hard copies of the minutes in the Recording Secretary binder. TREASURER The Treasurer sits on the Parents’ Association board for three consecutive years, with the Treasurer being the second year of service. Serves as Chair of the Finance Committee. Oversees class treasurers. Keeps records of all collections and disbursements. Provides a written financial report at each Parents’ Association Board meeting. Keeps accurate accounts of all dues paid by the members. Prepares a proposed budget for the incoming year for the May Association Board meeting to be voted on at the August Association Board meeting. Reviews requests for payment from designated accounts because the Treasurer’s signature is required for approval of payments of all expenditures of designated accounts. Disseminates information about the rotating tax-free days. ASSISTANT TREASURER The Assistant Treasurer sits on the Parents’ Association board for three consecutive years and serves as “step up” position to the Treasurer. Assists Treasurer in duties as needed. Oversees all monthly spreadsheet update of Falcon Card/Concessions purchases and fields calls regarding disputed charges CAPITAL RESERVES CHAIRMAN The Capital Reserves Chairman completes the third year of the Treasurer tenure on the Parents’ Association board. Oversees proposals and requests for expenditure of funds in the Association’s Capital Reserve. (Does not serve on the executive committee).
BOARD POSITIONS OF PARENTS’ ASSOCIATION: MIDDLE SCHOOL AND UPPER SCHOOL GRADE LEVEL CHAIRS The Grade Level Chairs (GLCs) shall coordinate all activities related to each grade level, including organizing class events and class fundraising activities. They shall select class committee chairs and Provide Class Committee Chairs with all school policies and procedures. Grade Level Chairs shall attend scheduled divisional Parent Council meetings. Work closely with the New Family Support team to help assign each new student in their grade a Mentor/Buddy and coordinate efforts to welcome them. Along with the Social Chairs, coffee/luncheon hosts, and other committee chairs (as necessary) manage the class calendar regarding grade level social events and will support and attend these and all class events. Be sure to space events throughout the year so parents are not asked to participate in too many meetings or events in a week/month. Meet with the class treasurer before school begins to review class funds and develop a budget for any social activities. Continue to coordinate with treasurer and social chairs throughout the year as funds are needed for activities of the class. Will assist class chairs in determining volunteer needs along with the PA On-Line Volunteer Website Chairs. Lead Back-to-School Class meeting in August, then approve minutes from Back-to-School grade level meeting and send to Parent Liaison and Volunteer Coordinator (PLVC) to be posted on the class web page. Approve minutes from peer parenting meetings and send to PLVC to be posted on the class web page. Will act as class communicator. Consider sending monthly email to class providing school wide and class specific events (after Parent Council meetings). Also coordinate with class chairs to include any information they need to send to parents. Attend the PA Board Meetings (May, September, February, May). Maintain a class notebook, consisting of a list of class chairs, agenda, minutes and reports from all class committee chairs, copies of all emails sent to the class and any notes received from predecessor. LOWER SCHOOL CHAIRS The Lower School Chairs shall coordinate all volunteer activities in the Lower School and shall fill Lower School room parent positions in coordination with the Lower School Principal. ASSISTANT LOWER SCHOOL CHAIRS The Lower School Chairs shall fill the Assistant Lower School Chair positions with two parents from the Lower School in coordination with the Lower School Principal. The Assistant Lower School Chairs shall serve as the Lower School New Family Support Committee assisting the New Family Support Chairs. The Assistant Lower School Chairs “step-up” to the Lower School Chair positions the following year. FUNDRAISING COMMITTEES: AUCTION The Auction is held every third year, and the Auction Chairs are appointed approximately eighteen months prior to the Auction. The Auction Chairs, representing Lower, Middle and Upper Schools, shall plan and coordinate all auction activities to raise funds to be disbursed by the Headmaster and the Board of Trustees. The Headmaster recruits the Auction Chairs after consultation with the previous Auction Chairs and the Director of Advancement. The next Auction is in 2019. BOOK FAIR Chairs for three sequential years shall fill a total term of three years in “step-up” positions and shall plan and coordinate the Book Fair to raise funds for the three libraries’ acquisitions. The current Book Fair Chairs shall select the new Book Fair Chair with the Headmaster’s approval. CLOTHING NOOK Chair(s) shall organize and sell recyclable, usable uniforms in the Clothing Nook.
CONCESSIONS This committee includes the following Co-Chairs: Purchasing Chair(s), Sports Concessions Volunteer Coordinator Chair, Assistant Sports Concessions Volunteer Coordinator Chair(s), Snack Shack Coordinator, and the Concession Treasurer. The Purchasing Chairs shall purchase and stock the supplies for the concession stand. The Volunteer Coordinator Chairs shall coordinate all volunteers with the Grade Level Sports Concessions Reps and team parents. The Snack Shack Coordinator shall coordinate all volunteers for the Indoor Concession Stand’s after school snacks. The Concessions Treasurer shall be responsible for all facets of the moneybag. Proceeds go to the rising 7th through 12th grade class accounts and are disbursed by the outgoing Finance Committee at the end of the fiscal year. FIELD DAY Chairs for three sequential years shall fill a total term of three years in “step-up” positions and shall plan and coordinate Field Day events to raise funds to be disbursed by the Headmaster and the Board of Trustees. The current Field Day Chairs shall select the new Field Day Chair with the Headmaster’s approval. COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE: ON-LINE VOLUNTEER COORDINATORS Chairs for two sequential years shall fill a total term of two years in “step-up” positions. Chairs shall coordinate the School’s volunteer web site for the Association. CAMPUS ACTIVITIES: BACCALAUREATE Junior class chairs shall coordinate all activities relating to the senior class Baccalaureate celebration with the faculty coordinator. Sophomore class chairs are appointed to assist in the planning and then “step-up” as Baccalaureate Chairs the following year. The Upper School Principal and the faculty coordinator (this person is appointed by the US Principal) shall approve all chairs. The School handles the budget and all financing. GRADUATION Junior class chairs shall coordinate all activities relating to Kinkaid’s Commencement with the faculty coordinator. Sophomore class chairs are appointed to assist in the planning and then “step-up” as Graduation Chairs the following year. The Upper School Principal and the faculty coordinator (this person is appointed by the US Principal) shall approve all chairs. The School handles the budget and all financing. FACULTY APPRECIATION Chairs shall plan various faculty appreciation events, including the delivery of a Thanksgiving and gift and a spring luncheon in honor of the Kinkaid faculty, administration, and staff. FALCON FAMILY FEAST Chairs, under the direction of the Advancement Office, shall coordinate all activities relating to the spirit day dinner before the annual Kinkaid v. St. John’s varsity football game. Falcon Family Feast is a school-wide event that is traditionally held in the parking lot of the Rice Stadium. The School handles the budget and all financing. FINE ARTS Chairs shall coordinate Lower, Middle and Upper School volunteers to assist in all areas of visual and performing arts. Fine Arts Chairs select the Assistant of Fine Arts Chair with the approval of the Association Vice Presidents and the Director of Fine Arts, who then “step-up” as Fine Arts Chairs the following year. Fine Arts is part of Booster Club.
FRESHMAN/SOPHOMORE DANCE Sophomore class chairs shall work with student and parent volunteers to coordinate a dance exclusively for the freshman and sophomore classes. Freshman class chairs are appointed to assist in the planning and then “step-up” as Freshman/Sophomore Dance Chairs the following year. The format of this event will be changing for 2016. HOLIDAY DECORATING Chairs shall coordinate volunteers to set up and take down holiday decorations. The School handles the budget and all financing. HOLIDAY RECEPTION Chair(s) shall coordinate volunteers and all activities relating to the Margaret Hunter Kinkaid Holiday Concert and Visual Arts Reception to take place in December. The School handles the budget and all financing. HOMECOMING DANCE Sophomore class chairs shall work with student and parent volunteers to coordinate a dance on campus for all Upper School students in association with the Homecoming football game. Freshman class chairs are appointed to assist in the planning and then “step-up” as Homecoming Dance Chairs the following year. INTERNATIONAL FAIR Chairs shall help organize and provide volunteers for Lower School multicultural event for students and parents. The current International Fair Chairs appoint the following years’ chair with approval from the Lower School Principal and Headmaster. JUNIOR/SENIOR PROM Senior class chairs shall work with student and parent volunteers to coordinate the Prom for the Junior and Senior classes. Junior class chairs are appointed to assist in the planning and then “step-up” as Junior/Senior Prom Chairs the following year. NEW FAMILY SUPPORT Chairs shall work with the Parent Liaison and Volunteer Coordinator (PLVC) and the Assistant Lower School Chairs to plan and execute activities and events for parents new to the Kinkaid community. Along with the PLVC, provide overall direction and support for New Family Support program. Will work with PLVC to develop materials for mentor program and help facilitate training of mentors. Will work with GLCs for other middle and upper school grades to welcome new families in the non-entry years. Will work with Mentor Moms throughout the spring, summer and fall to ensure contact is being made with new families. Will help plan and prepare welcome gifts for new families. Will act as a liaison with the PA Board regarding the New Family Support program and manage the PA funds allocated to New Family Support. Will attend the Newly Admitted Student Night (March), Welcome Breakfast for new MS/US families (May), New Parent Orientation & Reception (August), Parents’ Association Meetings (May, September, February, May). PEER PARENTING Chair(s) shall coordinate grade level Peer Parenting meetings with Peer Parenting Chairs for each class, grades 5 through 12. Chair(s) shall work with grade level Peer Parenting Chairs and Middle School and Upper School Counselors to plan 2-3 discussion topics and meeting dates per grade per year. SCRAPBOOK Chair(s) shall coordinate the grade level scrapbook chairs to produce the class scrapbook pages, orders and shall distribute the scrapbook covers and the reproductions of the class scrapbook pages for grades Pre-K through 12.
SERVICE AND OUTREACH: AFS Chair(s) shall serve as liaison between the host family of a visiting foreign student and the School while they attend Kinkaid. AFS is one of the largest Cultural Exchange Programs in the US with home bases in over 80 countries. Its mission is to bridge cultural differences in order to create a more peaceful world one student at a time. With this mission in mind, Kinkaid sponsors 1 AFS student a year, typically an Upper School Junior. The AFS Committee Chair oversees the match-making process between the AFS sending countries, and both, Kinkaid and the volunteering Host Family. Throughout the year the Committee Chair will check in on the AFS student and the Host Family and act as liaison, if necessary, for the AFS organization/student and the Kinkaid teachers/Principal. AFS committee volunteers offer support for the Host Family if/when needed. The student led AFS club introduces the AFS student at the opening US assembly and offers a farewell gift, and the opportunity for the AFS student to give a farewell speech to the US at the closing US assembly. COMMUNITY SERVICE Chair works with Kinkaid’s Community Service Coordinator to get parent volunteers for their community service projects. LIBRARY (JACOMINI LIBRARY, KAYEM LIBRARY AND MORAN LIBRARY) Chair(s) from the Lower School, Middle School and Upper School shall coordinate volunteers to assist in each library throughout the year. Candidates for Library Chair(s) are selected by the divisional librarians and asked by the PA Presidents and/or Librarians. VISION/HEARING SCREENING Chairs shall coordinate volunteers to assist during Vision and Hearing Screening in conjunction with the Kinkaid Health Center. The Director of Health Services shall select the Vision/Hearing Screening Chairs. BOOSTER CLUB Booster Club focuses on supporting the fine arts and athletics and promoting the spirit of Kinkaid. Supports the students at Kinkaid with functions, promotional items and service to enhance the spirit of Kinkaid across the school. Develops and promotes school spirit, a sense of community and enhance the student experience. Assists the Directors of Athletics and Fine Arts in organizing parent involvement to help support athletic teams and fine arts programs. TEAM PARENTS (MS AND US) Team parents are responsible for scheduling concessions volunteers to staff their particular venue for all home games. Team parents are also responsible for staffing their team’s home/weekend tournaments. Team parents should work with their grade level’s sports concessions representatives to ensure all home tournaments are adequately staffed. Team parents and grade level sports concessions representatives are welcome and encouraged to seek parent volunteers for tournament/weekend concessions from beyond their specific teams. LOWER SCHOOL ROOM REPRESENTATIVES The primary task of being a Room Representative is to be the liaison between the teacher and the parents of a given homeroom. Room Representatives also help coordinate the following: holiday and class parties; parent volunteers for field trips, classroom projects, special events, etc.; teacher birthday celebrations; and end-ofyear teacher gifts from the class. MIDDLE AND UPPER SCHOOL GRADE LEVEL CLASS COMMITTEES’ JOB DESCRIPTIONS 6TH AND 9TH GRADE MENTOR/TEAM LEADERS FOR NEW FAMILY SUPPORT Are responsible for mentoring approximately 5 new families. Prior to Welcome Breakfast in May, will reach out to assigned new families to welcome them and remind them of the meeting. Will lead table discussion for
assigned group of new parents during the breakout session at Welcome Breakfast and act as a resource for assigned new families throughout the year--try to anticipate when new families might be confused or need help and reach out to them. Will act as leader for a team that includes assigned new families, as well as current families who will be assigned to the team. Will plan a few simple group activities throughout the summer for parents and students (can combine with other teams for activities) and assist with BTS grade level events planned by the Social Chairs. Will work with and support Grade Level Chairs and Social Chairs with various plans throughout the year. Will attend the Welcome Breakfast for new MS/US families (May), Back-to-School events for your grade (August), New Parent Orientation & Reception (August). CLASS SECRETARY Takes minutes at Back-to-School grade level meeting and prepares and sends minutes from BTS meeting to GLC. Attends Peer Parenting meetings, prepare and send minutes to GLC. Attends other meetings as needed, prepare and send minutes to GLC. CLASS TREASURER Works with PA Treasurer and meets as needed. Meets with GLC to review class funds per Class Fund Guidelines and set budgets for class events. Checks in with class Social Chair to set budgets for social events. Provides Social Chair with a copy of the Class Fund Guidelines with relevant information highlighted. Works with Accounts Payable Clerk in the Business Office. Prepares class budget. Approves class expenditures and parent reimbursements and reports class finances at Back-to-School class meetings. After the end of the school year, prepares a budget to actual report and sends to the PA Treasurer and the Parent Liaison & Volunteer Coordinator. CLASS FUNDRAISER CHAIR Coordinates all aspects of the class fundraisers for 6th-11th grades. Attends an informational meeting with Parent Liaison and Volunteer Coordinator. Class fundraisers are the following: 6th Grade – Birthday Celebrations (will start job in the spring of 6th grade year and carry over to the following year) 7th Grade – Birthday Celebrations (will have been selected the prior year) 8th Grade – Snack Shack (work in Snack Shack after school on Mon-Thurs) 9th Grade – Poinsettia Sale 10th Grade – Kinkaid/St. John t-shirt sale 11th Grade – Field Day t-shirt sale Please note that any additional fundraising activities will need to be approved by the Donations Committee. Try to involve students when ever possible. CLASS SOCIAL CHAIR Organizes and coordinates class social events through out the year for grades 5th-11th. Social events may be just for the students or parents or a family event. Class Social Chairs must be familiar with the Class Fund Guidelines (including Social Event Policies) and works with Class Treasurer to develop budget for events. Obtains an outline from the previous Social Chair or GLC of grade specific events held during the year. Grade 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10 Social Chairs will plan their class End-of-Year Party. All of these parties are at the School, and the dates/times/locations are set before school starts. 6th and 9th grade Class Social Chairs will work with the Class Mentor/Team Leaders (NFS) to plan events during the summer and through out the year and will plan parent-only events for community building (6th grade during the Mo Ranch trip and 9th grade during interim term.) 9th - 11th may coordinate a grade level social gathering before a home football game. If assigned a home game to assist with concessions, consider using that night to have a social event. This will vary from year to year depending on the number of home football games.
CLASS CARES AND CONCERNS CHAIR Coordinates support to Kinkaid families in times of need and those wishing to provide support. Coordinates with Parent Liaison and Volunteer Coordinator and the PA presidents when multiple grades are involved. CLASS DAY OF SERVICE CHAIR – MIDDLE SCHOOL Assists Middle School Deans with grade level/advisory Day of Service projects. CLASS END–OF-YEAR PARTY CHAIR(S) FOR 8TH AND 11TH GRADES Coordinates End-of-Year Party for 8th and 11th grades. Must be familiar with the Social Event Policies. Determines available budget with class treasurer. Works with Class Social Chairs and GLCs. CLASS CALENDAR CHAIR FOR 6TH, 7TH AND 12TH GRADES Keep a class calendar noting all grade wide events and/or events that include a large number of students from the class. 6th grade calendar chair should be considered a two year commitment. CLASS SNACK SHACK CHAIR (7TH – 10TH GRADES) Coordinates after school volunteers to work Monday through Thursday from 2:30-4pm in the Snack Shack in the indoor concession stand (before sporting events). The Snack Shack accepts both Falcon cards and cash, and Rey David helps open and close it and assists with the money. Uses the school volunteer on the web site to obtain volunteers. FALL/SPRING COFFEE HOSTS Determines date/location for the Fall/Spring Coffee with the GLCs and Social Chairs. Must be familiar with the Social Event Policies. The coffees may be held at a host’s home, but Harrison House on campus can be available if necessary. Requests volunteers to help defer costs. If needed, collect no more than $20 from those attending. Via the PLVC, sends an email or invitation inviting the entire grade. GRADE LEVEL SPORTS CONCESSIONS REPRESENTATIVE Works with the PA Sports Concessions Volunteer Coordinator. Coordinates volunteers to staff indoor and outdoor concessions for games during the first two to three weeks of each sport season, or until team parents are in place. The PA Sports Concessions Volunteer Coordinator will send a list of all concession needs at least a week in advance. Coordinates volunteers to staff concessions for one home football game that will be assigned by the PA Sports Concessions Volunteer Coordinator. This will vary from year to year depending on the number of home football games. Consider having sign-up sheets available at the BTS meeting for the first two weeks of the fall sport season if applicable. There is no 5th Grade Level Sports Concessions Rep. CLASS HOLIDAY DECORATIONS CHAIRS Works with PA Holiday Decorations Chairs. Coordinates volunteers to assist with decorations for the Holiday Concert and Visual Arts Reception. Decorations are typically installed the week after Thanksgiving and taken down prior to the winter break. CLASS PEER PARENTING CHAIRS Coordinates peer parenting meetings with the PA Peer Parenting Chair. Chairs should be a boy mom and a girl mom to provide a balanced perspective. Coordinates with respective counselor topics for two to three peer parenting meetings. Via the PLVC, sends grade wide email advising of peer parenting meeting dates and topics of discussion, request suggested for additional topics of interest to be submitted in advance. Acts as facilitator with the counselor in peer parenting meetings. Confirms that the Class Secretary takes notes at the meeting to be posted on class webpage. CLASS SCRAPBOOK CHAIRS Works with PA Scrapbook chair. One or two chairs may be selected. Attends a training session with the PA Scrapbook Chair. Assigns photographers for class events and collects photos and helps to facilitate the formation of the class scrapbook.
CHAIRS FOR SPECIFIC GRADE EVENTS: 5TH GRADE ART NIGHT CHAIR Responsible for soliciting parent volunteers to design an invitation/reminder (to be emailed by Tiffany Smith/ POLD) prior to the event. Volunteers are also needed for refreshments during the event. Contact the 5th Grade art teacher at the beginning of the school year and closer to the event to verify the number of volunteers needed and specific needs for the event. Art Night may be combined with Grandparents Day. CULTURE FEST CHAIR Supervise the 5th graders in their booth for the night of Culture Fest. The No Place for Hate committee runs the booth. Chair needs to be available at the event. Most preparation for the booth is completed by the students and teachers during school. GRANDPARENTS DAY CHAIR Assist teachers with the event by folding programs and helping with refreshments. Contact the 5th grade teacher in charge (confirm with Chelsea Collins) at the beginning of the school year and closer to the event to verify the number of volunteers needed and specific needs for the event. Grandparents Day may be combined with Art Night. SCIENCE NIGHT CHAIR Responsible for soliciting parent volunteers for Science Night in February. Contact the Science Dept. Chair at least one month prior to the event to verify the number of volunteers needed. 8TH GRADE Teacher Appreciation Fund Chair Oversees the collection of financial contribution from parents towards monetary gifts for MS faculty and staff. The Fund provides an alternative to end of year personal gift giving. 9TH GRADE Freshman/Senior Wacky Dress Day Chair Freshman girls are matched with a senior girl buddy and wear crazy outfits to school. A light breakfast is served in the Student Center.