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First Grade Falcons Celebrated As Super Readers

This fall, in a surprise ceremony led by Head of School

Jonathan Eades and Head of Lower School Krista Babine, first graders earned their Super Reader capes. The school leaders showed the students their own hard earned reading capes and shared with the first graders their love of reading, and how they continue to flex their reading muscles as adults – offering the students glimpses into their own favorite books. Students were then presented with their very own Super Reader capes. With wonder and total surprise, the first graders received their capes, proudly wearing them for the remainder of the day. Keep reading, Super Readers!

“Every year, Lower School students are building and flexing their reading super powers,” says Head of Lower School Krista Babine. “Strengthening strategies that readers use, such as knowledge of letter-sound correspondence, word chunking, reading pictures, and connecting to background knowledge, helps students grow into independent, thoughtful readers.”

We’ve Got Spirit! Yes We Do!

Friday Night Lights has become a community-wide spirit event where students, parents, grandparents, and alumni come together to share and celebrate the spirit and hospitality of Kinkaid. The outpouring of support from community volunteers who staffed the concession stands and welcomed friends and visitors alike for our fall sports competitions was incredible with the true spirit of Kinkaid on display. While our Falcons were playing their hardest on our fields and courts, our committed volunteers, including Monica and Gerald Jefferson, Helena Papadopoulos Johnson ’82, and Thomas Johnson, among many others, were filling sodas, grabbing popcorn, and flipping burgers. Friday Night Lights, started this year by Booster Club presidents Carmen Gomez and Lacy Price, is sure to become a new Kinkaid tradition. We hope to see you all soon under the Lights!

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