Our learning space analysis finds out what is needed to create the very best learning environment for you. It gives a good basis for a supportive learning space and a starting point for sketching the interior design proposal. An important part of the analysis is also to involve, include and prepare everyone who will use the future spaces. In simple terms, it’s about understanding and analysing in order to improve. This is how our method looks:
+ Vision
+ Workshops
= Web survey
Inspiration & vision
Web survey
First, we gather the management or project group for
The mapping also includes a web survey in which the
vision and inspiration. We hold a lecture about the
participants answer questions about their current
learning spaces of the future, based on research
learning environment and how they would like to
and experience, we make study visits and conduct a
work in their future learning environment. How proud
workshop to create consensus. Together, the group
are you of your school? Do you feel secure? Are there
formulates values, vision and strategy. It is important
spaces for concentration? Are there spaces for
for the management to have a clear idea of why they
collaboration? How does the classroom work?
are carrying out the change. Data Workshops
All data gathered from the web survey and from our
In the next stage, staff and students are involved.
meetings, discussions and workshops is compiled
New ideas and ways of thinking are tried out by means
in a report. Together with you, we go through the
of concrete tools and workshops. For example,
report and its conclusions. We make recommen-
the participants are given the chance to reflect
dations about the physical environment and what
on where they want to perform different types of
is important to consider in the next stage, when a
activities and, with the help of blocks and a board,
design is drawn up. The report provides a basis for
try furnishing different learning environments.
creating the very best learning environment for you.