3 minute read

The way to your next care environment



How do you create an attractive, functional care environment in which residents, staff and relatives can be healthy and happy? Kinnarps will always tailor a process to meet your particular needs. With our experience, we see four clear phases that involve

all stakeholders in the project, always based on the specifi c operations and with the individual at the centre.

In the fi rst phase, we recommend our analysis Next Care ® in which your vision, goals, challenges, opportunities and current and future needs are identifi ed. The results will be compiled and analysed before being converted to tangible suggestions for

an interior design solution tailored to your needs. Implementation takes place in the form of delivery, installation and review of products and the new environment with your staff to ensure that everyone is aware of the possibilities the new environment offers and how these can be harnessed. In the last phase, we will conduct a follow up to evaluate, analyse and, if needed, adjust the environment to work best for all individuals.


Our analysis Next Care ® looks at what needs to be done to create the ideal care environment for you. It lays the foundation for a supportive care environment and provides a good point of departure for drawing up your suggested interior design. An important part of the analysis is to train decision-makers in making the right demands on interior design. Another is to involve, include and prepare all individuals who will be spending time in the environment. In simple terms, it's about understanding and analysing in order to improve. How our method works:


First, we will work with management or the project group to create a joint vision for the project. We will give a lecture on care environments of the future based on research and experience and conduct a workshop to identify challenges and opportunities. Together, the group will formulate the values, vision, goals and strategy. It is vital that management has a clear, common defi nition of the operation’s goals and values.


In the next step, we will involve staff and other project stakeholders to get as many perspectives as possible. We will provide training in demands on interior design and in identifying current and future needs. Through a battery of workshops, we will test out new ideas and ways of thinking, review the different rooms and spaces and the activities that take place in them and discuss hard and soft values.


We will compile everything that comes out of the meetings, discussions and workshops into a report. Together, we will review the report and its conclusions. Based on your vision and goals, we will make recommendations for the physical environment and for what can be good to consider for the next step – drawing up the design and procuring furnishings. With this report and knowledge as the basis, the conditions are laid for designing a care environment tailored to your operations.


We will make the care environment tangible by drawing an interior design solution based on the results of the analysis. We will design a physical environment that brings the vision of your operations to life with furniture in carefully selected materials and colours. Kinnarps’ staff will deliver and install your interior and give you an introduction to your new care environment. Together with your staff, we will review the functions and opportunities, illustrate how to use the environments in an ergonomically correct way and how they should function based on the guidelines developed for your specifi c facility.

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