1 minute read
A Modern Day View of Athens, Greece
from Kiosk 61
A Modern Day View of Athens, Greece
by Brett Knepper
You lean against a pillar,
Looking out across your empty world with a smile;
Seeing things as they are --
A way in which you’ve designed.
The country over the hill was vast once,
Glowing with the golden shine of corn;
Making a stocky sea of yellow
Unlike the blue Mediterranean behind it,
Unlike the grey clouds of smog behind you.
Now it’s tight, cramped,
Scoured by the ever-growing boundaries of tar
Spreading their undulating fingers across the land,
Hoping to take up every last inch
Thus fulfilling your desire in the process.
Those who came before knew
How to let the beauty of nature shine through
Only taking the territories needed,
And in those which they did use,
Creating structures equal to the gods’ own Olympus.
But you, you have taken that
And made it a sight for the wealthy to gaze,
Keeping the few spaces left and structures
As reminders for our hearts
As your cities take over the remains.
“Tear down the trees,” you say.
The dust settles, upon which we build.
And I watch you snicker at your pillar
From what’s left of Victoria
As the clouds above rain tears for fallen earth,
And I below weep tears for fallen earth.

Liam Hogan - Untitled 2, 2018