The Legend - May 2017

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Greetings From Your New Bulletin Editor! Hello Superheroes!! It is an honor to meet you all for the first time and to serve as your 2017-2018 Bulletin Editor! For those who don't know me, I am Christine Nguyen and am currently a junior here at KSJC. Can you believe that it's May already? With school wrapping up soon, it is only fair to say that the few upcoming weeks will be busy and maybe stressful. But with a new board and new term under way, there are promises for more opportunities to give back to the community and have fun while doing so. I like to add a big emphasis on fun, because I believe that there should be a drop of fun in most things we do! You see, my daily life consists of jamming out or crying to Ed Sheeran, staring at corgis, binge watching my favorite shows (currently obsessed with Jane the Virgin), and planning out my future. I like to consider myself as a quirky and freespirited person when I'm not worried about school, so if you have any questions, thoughts, opinions, or just want to make a new friend, feel free to talk to me anytime! But woah, hey! A newsletter! The Legend will be a new series for the new term, and hopefully it will continue on in the next term. Although writing isn't my cup of tea, I'm excited to take on the challenges that come with this position and to gain experience while upholding the expectations. As the bulletin editor, I hope that my work combined with others' work and experience will inspire you to participate in Key Club and enjoy the opportunities that it provides. With the many opportunities that Key Club provides, I'm excited to capture the great moments to show the satisfaction and fun that many feel when doing community service. There is so much more to come, and I hope that you will stay connected to hear more about the adventures of KSJC Key Club! Until next time, Christine Nguyen


d r o W A from Emily Hey Key Clubbers! It was great serving the term of 2016-17 with all of you. It was hard to fathom myself speaking in front of a room full of inspiring Key Clubbers like you because I always feared social interactions let alone giving presentations every week. As the year passed I found myself finally reaching the goal I had never managed to accomplish since the beginning of sixth grade. That goal was to become a confident person. I am no longer afraid of what the future holds, anxiety never gets the best of me anymore, and I am living my life the way I want it to. Thank you so much for helping me grow into a completely new, and improved person. In the past, I would often tell myself that I hated how I looked or how I acted during a social situation. I REALLY did not enjoy being the person I was because I chose to block off all the positivity and let in the negative comments. However, Key Club came along and broke through the wall I put up. As the positivity filled my heart, I had come to love myself for the way I am. I no longer feel embarrassed of my body, and I can finally be proud of my actions at school. My wish for everyone here is for them to find something that will help you love yourself, like I did with Key Club. If you have already found that something, I hope that you can share your experiences with me because I would love to hear about it. Key Club has been with me for three years, and all that I can say is that it has made my life very content ever since I had joined. If you are interested, I will be happy to tell you about my future endeavors for Key Club because I plan to join Circle K while attending my future school, UC Davis. As many may not know, UC Davis was one of my dream schools, Stanford was the ultimate dream, but I knew it was too good to be true. I hope that your journey in Key Club, as well as in school will help you get into the school you want to just like I did. It is crazy to finally know that I am graduating, and living the dream that I had imagined ever since I was a little girl. My last piece of advice to everyone is to be yourself. Being someone else does not help you achieve what you want, and it will also not make you happy. Yes, you may get that college acceptance based on your false identity that you had written about, but is that the person you are willing to be when you attend that college? If that is a yes, then I will not stop you from doing what you want, but please do not stop being yourself. If you want more advice from me about senior year or just life, please feel free to message me anytime. Thank you for being with me through this chaotic journey through senior year, and I hope that everyone will have the opportunity to feel the same way I did while I was in Key Club! Emily Ha

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2017-2018 President Intro NEW TERM, NEW GOALS

HELLO FRIENDS!!!! My name is Mindy Quach and I am so excited to serve as your president for this new term! I am currently a junior and love Key Club. Key Club has been a part of my life since 8th grade, when my brother was LTG for D12E. When I attended my first division event, I swore those people were crazy for being so dedicated to a community service club. I didn't know that I would eventually become someone that would go crazy for service. I was able to meet a lot of people through the club, home club and division wide. Although I was not as involved as I hoped to be when I first joined, I hoped that would change within the next few years. I have been a Project Coordinator and Historian in the past two terms. I was able to work with the board during the three years I've been part of Key Club. It is an amazing honor to be your president this year! I can not wait to see all of us grow, individually and club wise this term. I have been working hard with our new board to make this term the best term yet! As president, I hope that we as a club will improve as much as possible with our team work, leadership skills, service hours, and fundraisers. I have set a number of goals for this term in order to grow as much as possible. For Pediatric Trauma Program, PTP, our goal is to raise $400 by the end of the term. Maternal Neonatal Tetanus, MNT, for Eliminate Project our goal is to raise $250. I want to be able to have at least 150 hours and at least 40 members, which is a small increase from this past term. These goals might be a little high but I do believe that we are able to do it by the end of this term! To get to know me a little bit, I am totally a koreaboo. I love anything Korean. Kpop, Kdramas, beauty, style, food, anything I swear. When I'm not wishing to be in Korea, I enjoy doing service. I hope I am able to spread my joy of service to all of you guys!! Other than Key Club and Korea, I love dancing, drawing, designing, fashion, and photography. I am always down to go on adventures or take pictures of the wild. If you're sad or anything, I'll send you some pics of my dog being cute. I can not wait to see what we are going to accomplish this term! Flying into service, Mindy Quach


Goals for the Term: $400 for PTP

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150 service hours

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Dung Phung

Aaron Tran

Vice President



My name is Khoa and I'm KSJC Key Club's Vice President. It is my honor to be with Key Club for the 3rd year. I always love community service and doing it with good friends is even better. Looking forward to serving with you all! Stay active and be happy!

I love dogs and food. If you want to make me happy, just give me delicious cuisines - but give me something spicy and I'll haunt you. Key club is a really fun place to be in. Beside the community services, I have memorable moments with my friends. I'm really excited for this term! Senior year and Key club equal plethora of new experiences. Never give up until you face the fate of defeat.

I joined Key Club when I first transferred here in 10th grade mainly to just get community service hours. Over time, however, Key Club became a lot more than that; it became a place where I could really be myself and feel accepted by everyone around me. I became a historian in 11th grade, and now I’m the club’s treasurer. Sure, this job involves a lot more responsibility and looks good on applications, but at the end of the day the thing I look forward to the most is not only strengthening my connections with my peers and growing as a person, but also getting to meet and befriend many new faces.


OF 2017-2018 Tammy Pham

Xiaotong Huang

Baotran Trinh

Project Director



Hi everyone! My name’s Tammy, if you didn’t know by the way! It’s nice to virtually meet everyone! I’m currently a junior this year at KSJC. Experience wise, I volunteer a lot throughout my years here at KIPP and a lot of my contacts have small service events throughout the year! I hope to bring the opportunity to everyone in Key Club this year! I hope that from being PC, I'll benefit more from communicating with a lot of people and scheduling multiple events. As your Project Coordinator, I hope to bring a plethora of new events for everyone. I’ll try to bring in multiple types like STEM events or humanity events. (I’ll also try all throughout the term to find events including dogs and cats!)

This year is my first year as an officer for Key Club and I'm very honored to be able to serve this year on board. I've been in Key for two years now and I could say that it has been a unique experience for me. As an introverted weird person, I don't like reaching out to people and interacting with people, but through Key I learned to be more open to meeting new people and the satisfactions of helping out my community. As historian for this year, I look forward to create more valuable memories with the club and make Key more fun for everyone. I hope this year we can make lasting impressions in the history of Key. We will control all elements of Key just like Avatar controls his air.

Hi! My name is Baotran Trinh, most people call me Bao, and I am one of the new Historians. I’m looking forward to the upcoming events for new term coming up! Sophomore year, I was a new student who wanted to make friends at a new school, so I joined Key Club. I found many new friends, most of them being KC. I don't have much experience in Key Club, but that’s going to change very soon! A little about myself, I like to sing, cute things, drink boba, and anything Korean. I don’t really like talking to new people, but DON’T BE DISCOURAGE. I hold great conversations, especially if we have things in common. So, feel free to message me and I’ll respond asap!




BY IKEPREET BHELA My experience this year at March of Dimes was one of the best that I've had. It was so amazing to see so many people come out to support an amazing cause. Getting to cheer people on as they walked the trail to help babies and their mothers was really eye opening because most people would just donate money and forget about the cause but these people took time out of their day to actually come out and support not only the cause but each other as well.

My role as a photographer's assistant was to help gather people and take pictures of them. We would ask people from Regional Medical Center, Good Samaritan Hospital, and family groups who were supporting someone from their family. I also got to play with a few kids who were playing games and doing different activities. As a volunteer you also get to meet new people so it's an amazing opportunity to branch out as well. I really like going to this event every year with my friends, especially this year because we were so involved in helping people, making sure they had fun, and to show families our support as volunteers but also as someone who cares about the cause.


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